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2009-05-09, 09:38 AM
".... And in other news, the war between The Indian Protectorate and The Undying Kingdom has escalated beyond a mere border skirmish and armed troops began to battle in earnest in what was once Iran. New Jerusalem has stated its wish to remain neutral in the matter, but warns that they will brook no trespass into their lands from armed forces"


"The New Polish Commonwealth continues its ongoing war with the UAES, as so far negotiations have failed. That said, the conflict has seen to have scaled back for know. A spokesperson for the NPC has stated that their new defensive wall, Christened George's Wall, will be able to hold up under an-"


"What? Excuse me audience but it seems that we are getting a unknown broadcast that the network wants shown"

The broadcast shuts off and a new man appears.


"Hello, my name is Richard Tobias Creed, Arch Deacon of the Knights of the True Savior. We have sat by long enough and watched as our world collapses and panders to the so-called awakened. Abominations and demons and heretics walk the world because true believers do nothing."


"Do not worry though, we will soon take matters into our own hands. We will cleanse this world"

The camera pans around, taking in armored and robed figures.


"Our Crusade will be-"

As suddenly as it began the transmission cuts out, going back to a much paler reporter. He is sweating but musters a confident smile "It looks like that even this long after the awakening that there are still lunatics in the world. I am sure that the authorities will soon be picking up this bunch."


"This has been Jon Kelly with the Global News Network, goodnight"

Every "Protagnists" Mind

Every one of the "Main" characters get the same dream. It is broken, fragmented. It shows the world as it was before the awakening, and the sky turning red. Superimposed on the image seems to be a man, a small man, simply watching. His features are all in darkness, but the shadows seem to be part of him, constantly moving.

The Shadows would reach out and touch someone, transforming them, awakening them as the dream zooms around the world in flashes. Suddenly the man looks directly at the dreamer and smiles "Your move"

2009-05-09, 12:10 PM
Court of Magnificent Ruin, Center of York

What do you mean you don't understand it!?

I'm sorry My Lord, but the dream doesn't make any sen-

The Lord of Ravens was having a bad day, so he didn't think very much about killing his favorite dream interpreter until he was trying to replace her.

He wondered who sent the dream, it was unlikely that any of his local rivals would do something so pointless on such an omenless, unless they forgot how his mind worked over night. Perhaps the Pict? One of the pathetic mortal magicians trying to drive them out? Whoever kept thwarting his attempts to give his men wings?

Appearing on his throne he resolved to figure it out. Maybe it wasn't someone on the island? hmm, what were those mortals on the Continent calling themselves...the Templar's.?... He'd have to contact them.

Irish coast

Arriving in a dozen large rafts alongside a convenient fog (he'd have to provide compensation for that) The gentleman with the thistledown Hair arrived on the Western Isles coast accompanied by 200 levies and a dozen less sorcerers.

After the dream last night he had been a bit melancholy, even destroying the bunch of fools calling themselves the "Free City of Glasgow" hadn't improved his mood. So When the good Minister had mentioned to him that he thought he dream probably came form some Irish mortal, an expedition was immediately put together.

After looking to see if anyone is there, he seeks out some plant life and has a conversation with it about the state of the Isle


A unnaturally large Raven arrives in your capital bearing an ornate envelope addressed to "The current mortal who has control of the Continental group known as the Templars the message reads

"Greetings, as a fellow sovereign power, I believe it would be in both of our best interests to open in bilateral talks for the purpose of continental friendship trade and protection."

The Lord of Ravens, Prince of Magnificent Ruin, Duke of Southern England, and Devout Heresies, earl of forlorn rescue, Joyous Pain, Nihilist Euphoria, Eternal Dusk and Overflowing drought

Raz your move in Ireland

2009-05-09, 01:06 PM
New China Hall, California

In New China Hall, things were abnormally peaceful at the moment. The Lin Kuei were busily doing their routines; patrols, combat training, and magic instruction when a meeting was called. Rhada (and not Radha) Armin thought it was time for a strategic move.

"I've brought you all here for you to make a decision, we have ways of getting out of dangerous situations. In fact no one has found a way to destroy us. The situation is still grim, because the world is so much more violent, if that is even possible, than it was before the Change."

"Now, on one hand, we have the demons to the South of us, and those Coyote fellows in the same country. The legitimate President Harry Goldberg is in danger of Assassination from rather misunderstanding and misled Coyote operatives. If we could secure a base in China with the Enlightened Ones, and make contact with COYOTE and undergo negotations with them, perhaps we can reach some sort of clarity without any armed hostilities."

Attempting to contact Coyote and inform them of the New President's independant nation. Don't go killing anyone yet Raz, I have a compromise, trick up my sleeve if you don't like my plan.

The Lin Kuei are returning to China by walking into American trees and coming out of Chinese trees. Some more diplomatic negotations.

2009-05-09, 01:55 PM
Nation/Organization Name: Templar Europe/The Order of the Temple

Flag: A black-and-white banner with a red lion

Races: Humans; "Sanctioned Changed"-Werewolves, Hulders, Aatxe; "Unsanctioned Changed"-Vampires, Trolls, Giants, Goblins, Basajuans

Leader: Grand Master Mirus DePaul

Government Type: Combination Theocracy/Military Junta

Location: Rules Western and Northern Europe

Dogma: The Order of the Temple is notably humano-centric in its policies, and most Changed are treated with a measure of suspicion, to say the least. There are exceptions to this rule, however, as the more human-like Changed are usually given fair treatment.

Location: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, a few Mediterranean islands

Fanaticism-Through a mixture of religious zeal and a truly artful propaganda machine, the New Temple's citizens and soldiers are selflessly dedicated to the cause, ready to brave the trials of this strange new world.

Alchemical Power-
The Order of the Temple is a society that has a fascination with the medieval art of alchemy, and the Change has only increased their knowledge. Many leaders of the Temple are accomplished alchemists, and this great knowledge grants them great power.

A Sign Contradicted-Many see the Order of the Temple as either a reactionary group or a power-hungry cult. While its not hated per se, it has few real friends among the international community.

Low Population-For the past 30 years, Europe has been undergoing a steady decline in population, and the Awakening did nothing to help this. Though The Temple has been working to encourage "population growth", and the effects of the decline are leveling off, Templar Europe has a lower-than-average population.


The Order of the Temple has existed as an organization since roughly the year 2010, when it was simply a small clandestine society with the simple goal of emulating the Knights Templar in their practices and beliefs. In 2032, all that changed.

Seeing a golden opportunity to expand its influence, The Temple used its resources to begin recruiting openly. In the chaos and confusion of The Awakening, the teachings of The Temple spread like wildfire across Western Europe. It was a symbol of past glory, of power that had been, and power that could be again. Many joined it, preferring the strange rituals and practices of the Order to the chaos that was prevalent in Europe following the Awakening.

While not officially a sovereign state, The Temple began to keep its own military forces, its own currency, its own flag, and even adopted Lyon, France, as its capital. In the year 2038, all pretenses were cut loose, and The Temple formally annexed the nations of Western Europe, declaring them to be under the rule of the Order of the Temple.

Main Players:

Grand Master Mirus DePaul-The Empire's Head-of-State, Leader of The Temple. French by birth, Mirus is an accomplished alchemist, who, like nearly all alchemists, seeks the Elixer of Life. While not exactly a champion of human rights, Mirus seems genuinely popular in Templar Europe, and has the people's loyalty.

Master of Public Virtue Jean Cardinal DePaul-Grand Master Mirus' aging uncle, Master DePaul is a in charge of the Committee of Public Virtue. In addition to leading the Order's propaganda ministry, he is a Cardinal in the Church. Despite his nearly countless duties, Depaul carries out his obligations with the enthusiasm of a man in his prime.

Knight Master Horst Daimler-Commander of Templar Europe's Special Operations and Intelligence Operations, Horst Daimler was formerly a German spy before 2032. After lending his support to the Order of the Temple and acting as a mole in the German government, Daimler was made Knight Master when the Order took over.

The More Obscure Changed:

Hulders-A type of troll from Norse mythology. Akin to giants, but resemble people with the tails of cattle. The Christianized myth states that they are born without immortal souls, but gain them upon entering the Church. In the Templar government, they probably find their way into the Propaganda Ministry due to their supernatural charms.

Aatxe-A shapechanger spirit from Basque mythology. Live in caves, and avoid sunlight. In the Templar government, they're probably recruited as spies a lot.

Basajuans-A strange, brutish mountain race in Basque myth, quite similar to trolls. Within the Order's territory, they're quite mistrusted, being though of as savage brutes.

The Palace of Solomon's Temple, Lyon, France

In the lowest rooms of the Templar Palace was the Grand Master's Study, a massive room filled with all manner of arcane and ancient texts, strange jars and bottles, as well as alchemical equipment that even now fizzed and steamed and bubbled in use.

Mirus DePaul had not though much of the dream that had roused him from sleep. It could simply be from having one glass of brandy too many, as he had had a few hours before. Or it could be from having one too many wiffs of the experiment he had been conducting for the past few weeks. You see, Mirus DePaul had set out on the quest for The Philosopher's Stone, as so many had in the past. Pouring one concoction into another, chanting an invocation, mixing powders, deciphering old instructional books written in dead languages. Moreso than political power, this was Mirus' passion.

The word "alchemy" came from the Arabic al-kimia, "the art of transformation". And that, in Templar philosophy, was the message of Christ, at its core. God made you in His Image. Sin had transformed you into something lower, baser, and weaker. And just as Mirus was even now transforming substance to substance through alchemy, Christ would transform your very being into something greater, purer, and more real. But it was you who had to adhere to the process.

Mirus' thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, sharp knock at the door of his study. He rolled his eyes. Who could possibly be knocking at this ungodly hour?

Making his way over to the door, he opened it and greeted one of his aides.

"A message for you, m'Lord. From Albion."

"Very well. Thank you." Mirus took the extremely ornate letter, dismissed the aide, and sat down next to his equipment. A letter? It seemed no one used e-mail anymore.

Reading the letter, Mirus wrote a reply.

I, Grand Master Mirus DePaul of the Order of Temple, Sovereign of Europe, to The Lord of the Ravens, Prince of Magnificent Ruin, Duke of Southern England and Devout Heresies, Earl of Forlorn Rescue, Joyous Pain, Nihilist Euphoria, Eternal Dusk and Overflowing Drought (Damn, Mirus thought, I thought my titles were long)

I think it would indeed be wise for our two nations to form an alliance, especially due to our neighbor to the north who is of growing concern to us. Would you be opposed to me sending diplomats to your territory for alliance talks?

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

The next day, the Grand Master send messages (electronic, if possible) to two other nations.

To the Emperors, Lords, Kings, and Pharaohs of the Undying Kingdom

Your conflict with the Indian Protectorate has been of much interest to us in Templar Europe, and, after much deliberation with my staff, we have decided to provide supplies and equipment for your soldiers in the Middle East, along with an offer of a military and economic alliance. Should our supplies be used to effect, we will consider sending our military to Persia to aid yours in the struggle against the Indians.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

To the Draconic Council of the Polish Commonwealth

In light of the aggression of your eastern neighbor, the Order of the Temple has decided it is in the best interest of both our nations to ally against this threat. Should you agree to this proposition, we will be sending our soldiers within a week to assist in fortifying your borders.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

The Ruins of Reykjavik, Iceland

For the past six years, Iceland had been a silent island in the middle of the vast ocean. No sound but the occasional cry of a seagull and the crashing of waves along the beach. That silence was suddenly broken by the cruel shriek of fighter jets as they fly over the island, surveying it. But it doesn't end there. Soon a violent cacophony takes over the silence as landing craft hit the beaches, ships dock at the ruined piers, orders are shouted, troops march and tanks and other vehicles roll into the unpeopled cities. The Knights Templar had arrived.

((OoC: These troops are basically going to transform the ruins of Icelandic cities into military complexes, naval docks, air bases, etc. Basically, one massive fortress. Any surviving people will be taken care of and sent to Templar Europe, where they will be granted full citizenship and will be helped to get on their feet. Monsters that get in the way will be shot/burned/poisoned/whatever. Similar landings also occur on the Faroe Islands.))

2009-05-09, 02:23 PM
Somewhere in Norway

The vampire hissed, bared his fangs and then bit into the trembling virgin's neck, slowly sucking blood, until her skin turned pale and with a sigh, she fell to the ground. His black cape whirled and moved, as if it had a life of it's own and swallowed the vampire, until he was a small shadow, moving towards the window.

The screen froze.
Baldur lowered his hand with the remote.
"So. Three mistakes our dear count made in the movie. And I'm not counting some of his more unrealistic powers. Ulfgar?"
The young vampire he spoke to flinched, then stared at the kevlar plate on his chest, mumbling incoherently.
"No idea. I thought as much. Erik?"
This vampire was bearded, wearing pieces of chainmail over his body armour and had a chain of bear theeth around his neck.
"Sir! The count relied entirely on the victim opening the window for him, thereby neglecting the need for surprise and alternative plans! He gave her at least two minutes to raise alarm or grab a weapon before striking, which indicates either hypnotic powers or a superiority complex. Third, he used his teeth to draw blood, an extremely inefficient method."
"Correct. How could he have improved his approach?"
"Sir! He should have sought out a victim in the open, approached her from behind and cut her throat with a dagger or remove the entire head, to increase blood flow!"
Baldur nodded, preparing his next letter as a raven landed on his desk, dropping a message and growling. He knew the runes on the sigil. His father.
Son. Had a potentially prophetic dream. Meet me at the stones.
He sighed.
"Commence stealth training C, rules same as last week.. Erik, you are in charge of team A, Thorir, take team B. Dismissed."


2009-05-09, 02:30 PM
Casa de La Quema

In the grounds of Jokand's personal palace, Morthan was made to give his report. He was not pleased.

I have told you before, I do not know the meaning of this vison, and I care very little about what you think of it. It has no meaning, little more than a random figment. I have research to do.

Morthand's bulbous form turned and made to stride from the garden, but his master's voice held him back.

Halt. This is your specialty, is it not? This is what've been doing with those heads of cattle and cat's tongue and entrails? Predicting the future? And what have you to show for it. Tonto.

The towering figure seated on the bench derisively snorted sulfurous clouds from his nostrils.

Never the less, I have a task for you. I need you to send a message.

A severed hound's head appears before Grimnir. the mouth hangs open limply, and does not move as it's message is spoken.

"A greeting from the Rey del Fuego, and an offer of an alliance.We are both hated by the world, hated for existing. Why should exist alone? Let us band together, and banish these ignorant Asnos

2009-05-09, 02:47 PM
To Templars:

To the Emperors, Lords, Kings, and Pharaohs of the Undying Kingdom

Your conflict with the Indian Protectorate has been of much interest to us in Templar Europe, and, after much deliberation with my staff, we have decided to provide supplies and equipment for your soldiers in the Middle East, along with an offer of a military and economic alliance. Should our supplies be used to effect, we will consider sending our military to Persia to aid yours in the struggle against the Indians.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

We of the Undying Kingdom are both surprised and pleased by this offer of aid Templar. What exactly would your people gain from a alliance with the Golden Empire? If your answer pleases the council of nine then we would be happy to accept a alliance.

Speaker of the Council and Ninth memeber Cleopatra

To the Draconic Council of the Polish Commonwealth

In light of the aggression of your eastern neighbor, the Order of the Temple has decided it is in the best interest of both our nations to ally against this threat. Should you agree to this proposition, we will be sending our soldiers within a week to assist in fortifying your borders.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

To Grand Master Depaul

We will gladly accept your soldiers under one condition Grand Master. Each army group will report directly to the Polish High Command for orders on the defense. We are not so powerful as to be able to suffer a coup led by enemy soldiers.

We do not know enough about you Templar, in time this restrictyion may be lifted.

Imperis Draconis Courtus,
The Imperial Dragon Court

2009-05-09, 03:33 PM
Azure Butterfly

Instead of a less direct answer, only a night later, a vampire appears in the lands of the charred, claiming to be looking for Uttag the Sly and his master. A full seven and a half feet tall, with broad shoulders and a mane of bright, red hair, he is an imposing figure, sporting a perpetual grin.
"I am Loptr Wolf-father, and I have come to discuss an alliance."

2009-05-09, 04:16 PM
The beautiful cities of Mexico are rampant with destruction and chaos. Piles of carcasses are burned in the streets. Buildings are not much more than rubble. Amoungst this, however, are signs of reconstruction. New houses are being raised. From the torched piles of bodies rise new demons, their form representing their sins in life. Some are covered in spines, some have leathery wings. More have vicious teeth and slashing claws.

Claming to be from another country raises a hullabaloo in the demons themselves. On one side, they had not had pleasent expeirences with foreign nations before. On the other hand, he was a good deal taller than most demons, and had an ever-present grimace.

Loptr Wolf-father was quickly whisked to Uttag.

Uttag himself was not very impressive in his own right. About 6'7", with prominent, jutting horns and a long tail ending with a cruel spike. Lounging on a throne over-looking most of the city, he clicks is teeth at Loptr's approach.

Ahhh, this is the viajero who comes to our land. I hear you have come to discuss an alliance? Please, speak your mind

2009-05-09, 04:25 PM
Azure Butterfly:

Loptr manages a one-sided smile that actually appears slightly thoughtful together with his drawn-together eyebrows.
"You are direct enough. I think I can respect that.
Now, I'm told that the Rey del Fuego has Grimnir a... head. Well, the Skollvaldr has sent me in return.
As your message stated, the world does not like us very much. We are, to them, monsters. I have known more than one so called monster intimately, and I prefer them to those who think they can judge others in this way.
In any case, we fully expect half the world to move against either you or us within the next years, and we both need all the allies we can get. We propose a military alliance."

2009-05-09, 04:32 PM
Meanwhile, At The FourSide Hall
Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah

There was an odd experiment taking place. A vast circle was made one mile in area. Thousands of Seekers were currently casting a great spell. The Sun was blotted by the Moon, and a mystic force swept over the mile area... Within the mile, energy magnified itself three times over, and the magical fields of the place were one thousand times stronger.

With the full force of the ten thousand Seekers, they began to construct a mystic fortress. Sucking out all of the abnormal levels of energy to make themself a city with impregnable power. The Seekers left and returned to their designated Halls, some went into the Fortress City and began to put the place in operation.

Seekers were gaurded over by the elemental Sidhe, Kami and others in the Fortress, as the alert Seekers thought to gaurd themselves against the enigmatic Coyote first.

This is still being constructed.

2009-05-09, 04:47 PM
Agreed. Mutual defense; We come to your aid, you come to ours.

Uttag lazily picked his teeth with a claw.

At an economical stand-point, trade is entirely optional. But what I AM interested in is magic. Our own black magic is woefullly limited, despite our inherent magical nature. What I propose is an exchange program; we send over our magicians to learn of your magia de la naturaleza, and we while accept your druids to learn of our magia negra.

There is a puff of smoke; a tiny scaled creature resebling a bird hops onto Uttag's shoulder.

Speaking of which, my imp has just alerted me our enemies have sstarted preforming a massive spell on the border. This meeting must be brief, if you will.

2009-05-09, 05:30 PM
To the Undying Kingdom

We of the Undying Kingdom are both surprised and pleased by this offer of aid Templar. What exactly would your people gain from a alliance with the Golden Empire? If your answer pleases the council of nine then we would be happy to accept a alliance.

Speaker of the Council and Ninth memeber Cleopatra

To Cleopatra and other members of the Council of Nine,

We of the Order of the Temple seek an alliance for several reasons that would be advantageous to the both of us. Both of our nations border the Mediterranean, and to have to struggle with an opponent over the waters is most undesirable for both of our people. An alliance would make us the unchallenged masters of the Mediterranean sea.

We have offered supplies firstly as an act of good faith, and secondly because your victory in this Persian War does, indeed, benefit us. If you are able to claim Persian and the rest of the Middle East, your territory will be directly south of the Caucasus Mountains, which is part of the UAES. The aggression of this nation has been of growing concern to us in Templar Europe, and having strong allies to aid us in the event of war would put us greatly at ease. Likewise, we would aid you immediately should you come under attack by the UAES or any other foe.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

To the Polish Commonwealth

To Grand Master Depaul

We will gladly accept your soldiers under one condition Grand Master. Each army group will report directly to the Polish High Command for orders on the defense. We are not so powerful as to be able to suffer a coup led by enemy soldiers.

We do not know enough about you Templar, in time this restrictyion may be lifted.

Imperis Draconis Courtus,
The Imperial Dragon Court

Noble neighbors of the Imperial Dragon Court,

The fear of overthrow by our soldiers, while unfounded, is not at all unreasonable and is in fact a natural concern by any government. We of the Order of the Temple would be willing to have our men under your High Command if this would ease your concerns. However it is our generals and officers who shall be commanding our soldiers in the field. We reserve this right out of concern for the lives of our men. It is these generals who shall report to your High Command, as per your request.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

Also note: The Templar military sets to work building up the navy.

2009-05-09, 05:50 PM

To Cleopatra and other members of the Council of Nine,

We of the Order of the Temple seek an alliance for several reasons that would be advantageous to the both of us. Both of our nations border the Mediterranean, and to have to struggle with an opponent over the waters is most undesirable for both of our people. An alliance would make us the unchallenged masters of the Mediterranean sea.

We have offered supplies firstly as an act of good faith, and secondly because your victory in this Persian War does, indeed, benefit us. If you are able to claim Persian and the rest of the Middle East, your territory will be directly south of the Caucasus Mountains, which is part of the UAES. The aggression of this nation has been of growing concern to us in Templar Europe, and having strong allies to aid us in the event of war would put us greatly at ease. Likewise, we would aid you immediately should you come under attack by the UAES or any other foe.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

To Grand Master Depaul

After a brief meeting we have decided to agree to your support. Our port cities of Alexandria and New Cairo are open to your ships.

Speaker Cleopatra
Council of Nine

To Grand Master Depaul

That is acceptable, we expected no less. Any troops will be met at the border with a military escort to guide them to the lines.

We appreciate the assistance.

Imperis Draconis Courtus,
The Imperial Dragon Court

2009-05-09, 06:03 PM

As the assistant Brings the reply outside where the Raven delivered it, he finds the raven has turned into a statue, and an identical one is perched next to it, the second one takes the letter.

A few hours later, a reply arrives and the rave retakes its perch after letting the letter be taken


To: Grand Master Mirus DePaul of the Order of Temple, Sovereign of Europe,

Excellent. If it is agreeable, I will send a group of my levies across the channel within the week to ferry your diplomats across. I would strongly advise your diplomats to stay with their guides as some of our more..vicious brethren still manage to thrive in the wild.

Which northern neighbor are you referring to?

The Lord of the Ravens, Prince of Magnificent Ruin, Duke of Southern England and Devout Heresies, Earl of Forlorn Rescue, Joyous Pain, Nihilist Euphoria, Eternal Dusk and Overflowing Drought

Cardiff, Court of Noons blazing shadow

The Minister looked as the newest earls were inducted as first-circle initiates into the Society. Thank Oberon he'd found some title-happy dupe to be Master a ceremony a while ago.

Leaning back into his throne until he sat up again in its brother that he kept in his study. The Society was well and good for armies and throne, but he had to look beyond this little island, and for that, he needed information.

Looking through the Desks memories of the wafers of information that it had absorbed, he smiled, the Lord had made contact with the Templars and the Gentleman was easy to dupe as always.

Mentally sifting through the reports of the world, he focused on tow nations that the Peers wouldn't object too strongly to relations with.

Looking at a map of the world, he also found a use for that new earl.

East Coast of Greenland

His highness Earl Sir Gilbert Strange of the Society of the Henge of The Most Enlightened and Serene Federation of the Powers of Albion was a happy man, and not just because of how many new words he got to add to his title today. As soon as he was accepted into the Society the Minister had a mission for him, and one that ended up with him in the landed Peerage!.

Arriving with his small retinue of 20 minor magicians and a few hundred laborers and levies for the mission, they quickly began erecting a base camp and sending socuts out to map the island.

actions Basically claim and fortify Greenland starting on the easily supplied east coast and moving along the coast then inland.

To the Aztlan Empire

To Quetzalcoatl steward of civilization

Greetings Great One! I speak for the King of Midnight, lord of Albion. I am writing in the interest of establishing friendly relations between our two powers, as we both have much to gain from such a relationship.

With the most sincere good wishes
The Steward and Chancellor of Oberon, King of Midnight and overlord of Albion.

2009-05-09, 06:03 PM
As per their agreements with the Undying Kingdom and the Polish Commonwealth, Templar trade ships begin hauling supplies to Egyptian docks and Templar tanks and infantry march to the Polish-Elemental border.

To Albion

This is indeed agreeable to us.

And if you must know, the neighbor to which we are referring is the Vampiric Empire in Scandinavia.

2009-05-09, 06:17 PM

second Raven turns to stone, a third one arrives

"Ah thought you meant the elemental's, I will see your ambassadors two days from now

The Lord of the Ravens, Prince of Magnificent Ruin, Duke of Southern England and Devout Heresies, Earl of Forlorn Rescue, Joyous Pain, Nihilist Euphoria, Eternal Dusk and Overflowing Drought

At the arranged time, A Large leisure barge arrives at Brittany's coast to pick up the ambassadors.

2009-05-09, 06:47 PM
To Albion

The Templar diplomatic party consists of Hans Muller, Secondary Master* of Public Virtue, and aides. Also in the party are Rafael Castillo, Knight Commander* of the Templar Navy, and Bishop Esequiel Cortez, of the Catholic Church.

This group is accompanied by fifty soldiers of the elite Leonine Knights, also known as "Blackcoats" due to their uniforms. They are guards.

*Secondary Minister and Major General, respectively.

Undying Kingdom/Golden Empire

To the Undying Kingdom,

For some time our people have been curious as to the fate of Africa, which has been largely silent for the past six years. We have been hoping to send scouts over the continent in order to ascertain its fate. Would you be opposed to allowing a handful of our fighter jets to land and refuel in your territory's airbases as we scout out the rest of the continent?

2009-05-09, 06:47 PM
The Enlightened
Nation: The Enlightened Ones

Races: Mainly human, but any type of intelligent life is allowed to join.

Leader: The four Headmasters

Government Type: A council of sorts composed of the four most "enlightened" individuals in the order.

Dogma (towards the changed): They believe that it is not your physical appearance that matters, but rather the intelligence and strength of your mind. Only the more barbaric "changed" are looked upon as vermin.

Location: Large parts of China and the surrounding territories. Some so-called "temples" in Europe and America.


Incredibly adaptable: Since their teachings are mainly about "understanding everything to control everything", they are masters of adapting to new things, technologies and situations.

Discipline of Steel: Many of their teachings also say how emotions and desires are nothing but distractions from the true potential of your mind. This has resulted in a harsh mental and physical training regime to remove such "unnecessary things". They do not break easily at all.

Low reproduction rate: Since most of their time is spent either in training, or removing their emotions and desires, they really do not have time for sexual interactions. However, since they understand that it is necessary to have some kind of reproduction in their lands, they have enforced a law that all men and women must sire at the very least one child. Sadly, this does not change the fact that their population is declining.

Not trusted: Their way of life has earned them a rather chilly reputation. They are described as cold and difficult to talk to at best, and damn impossible to understand at worst. Most normal people are fairly distrusting of the Enlightened to say the least.

Background: This "cult" has been around for a long time now, but has only recently managed to come into any real power and size. It was founded by a group of Zen monks who saw potential in the teachings they were so familiar with, but also saw several flaws and points on which they thought they could improve. This little group existed primarily in the corners of society, but it was there none the less. However, with the Change they managed to take advantage of the confusion and took power over several areas, most of which used to be property of old China. They are now led by their four Headmasters toward a future which, if you ask them, is not so dark or difficult to read at all.

Main Players:
Headmaster North: The youngest by far of the Headmasters, he is considered to be a prodigy to have reached this level at his slight age. He is thin, of normal height, has blue piercing eyes and deep brown-ish hair. The most unpredictable of the four.
Headmaster South: The oldest of the Headmasters. She is the one believed to have reached the highest level of enlightenment yet, and is universally respected within the order for this. She's a small, aging woman with snow white hair and brown eyes.
Headmaster West: The one thought to have converted more people than anyone else. He is in charge of the "military". A tall, muscular man with graying black hair and stone-gray eyes.

Headmaster East is at least as important as these three, but she is the one in charge of making sure that the teachings are done properly and is also the one who educates the instructors so that they may teach others. She is usually not able to join the councils with all the work she has to take care of. Therefore, the other three are more important to the general political structure of the "nation".

The names of the Headmasters are erased the day they are chosen for the title. They are instead given the name of one of the four directions on the compass, as a kind of reminder that they are pointing the way for the rest of the members in the order to follow.

Headmaster North opened his eyes after a long session of meditation. The strange dream he had had earlier was proving difficult to deconstruct and explain. No matter. There were several other things on his agenda that had to be done before he had time to ponder about this dream.

Arriving at the Headmasters' Chamber, North noted that East was absent as usual. The others were there, though, and showed no emotion as per usual. South looked up at him and said Nice of you to join us. You are not usually this late for council. While answering, North sat down on the pillow which was his seat in this council. I was attempting to make sense of a dream I had last night. It seemed... Important, somehow. He watched as the others allowed a look of recognition reach their eyes. It would seem we all had the same dream, then, West calmly pointed out, but there really is no need to discuss this now. There are more pressing matters at hand. North merely nodded in agreement. And so the Council began.

The Seekers
The Enlightened would like to extend a hand of friendship toward the Seekers. If interested, let us begin more detailed negotiations.

The Nation of the Rising Sun
As our eastern brothers, we would like to begin talks of friendship with you. Together we could be strong.

The Enlightened begins to educate large parts of their population in some basic combat techniques and martial arts. The explanation given for this is that these are hard times, and the people must have means to defend themselves if there should be a conflict.

2009-05-09, 06:55 PM
The Enlightened would like to extend a hand of friendship toward the Seekers. If interested, let us begin more detailed negotiations.

"So, we, the Seekers would enjoy a mutual exchange of teachers and students with eachother. I understand that few exactly love the Enlightened, respectfully, but as much as the Seekers enjoy a moderately good reputation, we are surrounded by enemies."

2009-05-09, 07:04 PM
The Seekers
We would be delighted to exchange teachers and students. One of the main rules in the Teachings is that one must do all that is in one's power to spread the Teachings, so we would have no objections to send teachers to you. And we're always looking to find more knowledge, so receiving some teachers from you as well would be more than acceptable.

2009-05-09, 07:08 PM
Azure Butterfly

More than agreed. I will talk to the Stormsinger, but I expect that quite a few druids would be interested in learning some new magic, if it wasn't too unnatural. And you'll be surprised how good they are in interpreting some things as natural."
Loptr waves his hand at the demon, then disappears in a bright jet of flame.

2009-05-09, 07:13 PM
To Albion

The Templar diplomatic party consists of Hans Muller, Secondary Master* of Public Virtue, and aides. Also in the party are Rafael Castillo, Knight Commander* of the Templar Navy, and Bishop Esequiel Cortez, of the Catholic Church.

This group is accompanied by fifty soldiers of the elite Leonine Knights, also known as "Blackcoats" due to their uniforms. They are guards.

*Secondary Minister and Major General, respectively.


They are ushered on to the barge, the Fae part consists of 80 elite and disciplined Raven guard (the Lords standing army) in ceremonial armor, (though they do have assault rifles and so on in cases in the barges area)

They're lead by four minor magician (3 elven 1 human) with what appears to be a faun having overall command.

The human magician leads them to a room for the diplomats to rest and direct the guards to some quarters.

The human magician saysHello I'm Johnathan, I'm going to pretty much be your guide for the journey until we arrive at the Palace in York. The Journey will take about half an hour by sea and another two by train on the Island. I'll have to ask yo to stay with me at all times as their are several rebels and pirate groups that operate near the coast as well as the odd wild beast, so your safety can't be guaranteed when your off the path.

Any questions?

2009-05-09, 07:34 PM
Templar-Albion Relations Muller nods. "I'm quite certain all of us understand. It would be most unfortunate for both our countries if anything were to go wrong here."

Also, the Templar Navy sends a small detachment to try to make contact with old European research bases in Antarctica.

So, to establish the exact military situation.


About half the navy is patrolling the waters around Europe, a quarter is currently in and around Iceland, and the other quarter is on standby for various duties. About 10 ships are en route to Antarctica, while trade operations are mostly being carried out by civilian craft, and thus does not concern the Templar Navy. Military infrastructure is currently expanding the naval forces.


A few thousand infantry and tanks are now at the Poland-Elemental border, with the rest being in various garrisons throughout Europe, with a large concentration on the Vampire/Templar border.

Air Force

Four or five aircraft will be heading to the Undying Kingdom and the rest of Africa if the UK okays it. The rest are doing...whatever the hell it is the Air Force does in peacetime.

2009-05-09, 07:56 PM
Templar-Albion Relations

After an uneventful trip the group arrives at the palace, the guards are shown a comfortable waiting room, and the diplomats are brought into the Raven Lords study for the negotiation
The Raven lord is about seven feet tall, fairly well muscled, although still looking very thin compared to his height, and his hair is made of raven feathers and he has raven wings.

Greetings the Templar's he offers them what appear to be lazy boys with silk coverings
I am grateful to know that you arrived here safely, I trust your journey was agreeable?

2009-05-09, 08:28 PM

Muller, if he is at all bothered or surprised by the Raven Lord's appearance, doesn't show it. He nods pleasantly. "Indeed, our journey went well. I trust your excellency and his fellows are likewise well?"

OoC: Yeah, pretty much just diplomatic small talk until the Raven Lord wants to talk politics.

2009-05-09, 08:32 PM
An army and naval presence spreads to Hawaii. Like Iceland, Hawaii was presently in ruins. The Americans lived peacably, somewhat like Japan, although without the wealth, in Hawaii. The Wizards are asking for control of Hawaii from the people presently living there. They are informing them, of course, that there are few ways to better protect themselves than with the protection of the Seekers. Jerrod Wong arrives in through simply walking into the ocean, and coming up out of the waters on the Hawaiian beaches, instead of drowning. Meanwhile a small protective force arrives.

2009-05-09, 08:51 PM

After around half an hour of talking about families, culture, chit chat and so on, the talk finally become serious

well, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, lets get down to business.

Now neither of us like the idea of technophobic vampires in such a strategically useful position as Norway. The elemental's are not particularity ideal either. As such I propose a treaty of friendship between our Nations, recognizing each other as Sovereign States and guaranteeing the integrity of each other borders. As well, perhaps a trade deal and cooperation in technological projects?

Southern Tip of Greenland

Earl strange was beyond happiness, the colonization of Greenland was going quite well, with the eastern coast and some part of the interior secured, and now..this! Him, having a mortal Duchy! It was beyond his wildest dream, yet it was happening now.

A fleet of ship was refueling here to go to the Western isles of the New world, and the swore fealty to him! Forcing himself back to reality, he looked at the map, this would take some time, and the local might object but still...

A fleet of ships is moving to secure the western parts of Nunavut and Newfoundland

2009-05-09, 09:04 PM
Templar/Seeker Relations

A magical hologram is sent to the headquarters of Templar Europe, seen in all of the corneas of high officers inside their eyes. "We are currently seeking to establish cordial and friendly relations with Templar Europe. It would be most kind and mutualy beneficial if we could exchange knowledge. We here at California have powerful magic we can exchange for your alchemy.

2009-05-09, 09:43 PM
Albion-seeker relations

A letter in an envelope of red silk appears to have grown out of the wood from the desk of the seeker leader

Greetings, I represent the Federation of Albion. As the world is currently quite dangerous and violent, I would like to open up a peaceful dialogue with you.

If this is acceptable, please put your reply where you found this letter.

The Minister of the Crimson Cloak, Steward of Albion, Chancellor of the King of Midnight

2009-05-09, 09:46 PM
Coyote Dreams

Coyote sat bolt upright, breath coming fast. He released his revolver from his now-conscious grasp slowly, trying to make sense of the dream.

Most bad dreams were about what he'd seen, what he'd done in the service of his country. But this... wasn't good. Coyote had seen magic done many times, but he was still uncomfortable with it.

He sighed. Might as well get some work done. He pulled up his laptop and activated the 'Net.

It was unfortunate for everyone within hearing radius that the first report he came to was Skelkie's.


Danu closed the mortal machine, sighing. The mortals of COYOTE were heroic indeed, but it was unfortunate that her bravest children took arms with them instead of guarding their homeland. "Nathan" was abroad, as well as "Matthew" and "Morgan." She longed for them, to be able to defend their holy land once more. But she would have to send another of her daughters...

Some time later, at the Fae camp, a red-haired blacksmith came to see the Lord of the Fae, requesting to speak as an emissary of Danu, Mother of Ireland.

In the surf nearby, unnoticed, Skelkie continued to videotape the comings and goings of the camp.

Laughing Fox

The warrior that had made his way unnoticed through the "alert" mages sat in his nook, comfortably playing with one of his knives. He'd been forced to slit a few throats - not all of them demonic - and he was covered in blood. But he wasn't supposed to start killing yet, so he sat back in his well-chosen hiding spot and waited for their reaction to Coyote's well-written response.

COYOTE's official reply to the Halls of Seekers was elegant, well-written and crisp, boiling down to three points:
1. Anyone who tries to ape the position of President of the United States is going to die;
2. Turning over control of the government to COYOTE is a requirement for legally living in America;
3. Despite our harsh tone, these do not have to be enacted immediately, but keep in mind that we are watching. We don't like people who don't take us seriously; people who don't take us seriously die.

Transmission to Templar Europe, sent on secure channels

Hail, Christian brothers.
We wish to talk.
Expect a guest.

2009-05-09, 09:54 PM

As the blacksmith approaches the camp, at least a dozen of the levies focus their assault rifles on him. Quite quickly one of the mages comes up and takes his message. After a short conversation he replies Our Lord The Gentleman of Lost Hope would be glad to accompany you to your mistress for peaceful negotiations on the condition his retinue is allowed to follow

2009-05-09, 09:55 PM
COYOTE's official reply to the Halls of Seekers was elegant, well-written and crisp, boiling down to three points:
1. Anyone who tries to ape the position of President of the United States is going to die;
2. Turning over control of the government to COYOTE is a requirement for legally living in America;
3. Despite our harsh tone, these do not have to be enacted immediately, but keep in mind that we are watching. We don't like people who don't take us seriously; people who don't take us seriously die.

The return from the Seekers was equally as harsh...

1. There are worse things than dying.
2. We would have given control over to your regime if it wasn't as fascist as Nazi Germany.
3. We will forgive the murder of a few brothers of ours from your messenger if you will declare peace. Might you be interested in allowing us to set up a government in Hawaii off the mainland? If not, we will try to set up a new government in what was Taiwan.
4. Prepare to turn over your messenger if you want any cooperation from us in the future. We will not harm him.

"Yes... We will accept your invitation for negotations. Perhaps you could help us deal with the militant COYOTES. We are currently living like the Old English in fear of Viking invasions. If we could convince them that their insane paranoia is unfounded, we could secure America against the demonic invasion."

2009-05-09, 10:06 PM

Unforgettably, we have very limited contact with C.O.Y.O.T.E. That is to say, we have a vague notion of who they are and their motive and abilities, but not much more. we' be more then wiling to provide help in exchange for some trade deals and perhaps some training in your way of magic?

2009-05-09, 10:09 PM
Albion/Seeker Relations
"Of course, that would be pleasant, and if you don't mind, we would like an embassy in the Orkney Islands, if that would please you."

Intermarriage between our elementals and your elementals would be interesting. Ecspecially if an aristocracy between our two people's would develop over time.

2009-05-09, 10:16 PM
To Albion

Muller smiles. "Indeed. My government would find such agreements to be ideal. Our military is currently in the process of rebuilding and converting Iceland into a military complex, so in the event of Vampiric aggression, you can count on our help. Indeed, with your control of Greenland, perhaps we can establish dual control of the North Atlantic? I imagine the Vampires would be much more hesitant to attack either of us with such power."

"In regard to the Elementals, the Order of the Temple has been making preparations, also. We have made a series of alliances with other continental powers to protect one another against potential aggression. These other powers are the New Polish Commonwealth and the Undying Kingdom, who both seem dependable allies."

"Now in terms of trade agreements, we are a bit more reliant on you. As far as we are aware, a number of magical defenses have been set up around the channel and Britain's other waters to protect against hostile naval attack. While prudent, such protections might make large-scale trade more difficult. Perhaps there is a way our trade ships can circumvent such defenses? Or would aircraft be agreeable? Though I must warn you, air trade would be more expensive for the both of us."

@the Seekers

The Order of the Temple, while intrigued by your offer, must for a number of reasons decline. Our government is concentrated on other, highly pressing affairs at the moment, and trade with such a distant neighbor would be imprudent. Perhaps once these more politically trying times have passed.

OoC: Really, it's more because your hologram trick scared the **** out of the Templar government, than anything


Templar Alchemists set to work on a chemical to prevent such magical interference in government affairs. Said chemical will be sprayed on government premises and any other areas of great importance. Cuz really, that trick could easily be used to bring the government down.

Also, I'll write this next part out because I feel like it:

Fascinating. The alchemist thought. As he injected the solution into the dog's bloodstream, it gave an unnatural shriek vaguely resembling words. Its eyes started to glow eerily. Small jolts of arcane electricity crackled through its skin. As suddenly as the phenomenon occurred, though, it faded. But the alchemist nodded approvingly. He would have to record this: these were most interesting results. Perhaps if he added some more mercury to the solution and less powdered electrum, the effects would be longer-lasting, even permanent.

Basically, we're going into alchemical genetic engineering.:smallamused:

2009-05-09, 10:20 PM

1. "Fae" not elemental's

2. out of curiosity, why Orkney?
Very well, it may take a bit of work to get the earl to give up his land, but should be doable. Where may we establish an embassy?

2009-05-09, 10:25 PM
(I thought Orkney might be an embassy between Albion and Templar Europe. Not only that, but Orkney is a place I have plans for.)
We shall compensate the Earl. The Embassy will encompass the entire island when we are finished. We intend to exchange knowledge with you and let in our schools.

2009-05-09, 10:32 PM
To Puppy

To Quetzalcoatl steward of civilization

Greetings Great One! I speak for the King of Midnight, lord of Albion. I am writing in the interest of establishing friendly relations between our two powers, as we both have much to gain from such a relationship.

With the most sincere good wishes
The Steward and Chancellor of Oberon, King of Midnight and overlord of Albion.

We of the Civilisation need no help from outsiders, or wish it.

If any set foot on our land they will be used to appease the Sun Gods need. You have been warned Midnight-lord


The natives warn that they would like the Seekers to leave, stating that it "Is not safe"

Sure enough, people begin to disappear from both newcomers and Islanders. The people, scared and confused, demand that you fix the problem or leave.

Southern Tip of Greenland

Wolves are heard in the night, people are being attacked. The few survivors of attacks report that wolves seem to materilize at the peak of blizzards and attack, before disappearing without a trace. One man swears that he saw a young woman with blue sking before he fell unconcious in the snow.

TO Falconer

Your ships to Anartica hit more prolems than they thought. There seems to be an impenetrable bank of fog surrounding the continent and one ship has been lost without a trace.

To the Undying Kingdom,

For some time our people have been curious as to the fate of Africa, which has been largely silent for the past six years. We have been hoping to send scouts over the continent in order to ascertain its fate. Would you be opposed to allowing a handful of our fighter jets to land and refuel in your territory's airbases as we scout out the rest of the continent?

We of the Empire will allow it but you will find nothing you will like in Africa. The land has rebelled and Isis now rules nature in scorn of modern society.

2009-05-09, 10:35 PM
Jerrod Wong personally investigates the disappearances from Hawaii. His magicians are currently attempting to magically discover the cause of the disappearances. The spells cast were cast as often as possible. Currently the monks of Jerrod Wong's order, a dozen of them, accompanied him on a tour of the island, attempting to personally discover what was happening.

2009-05-09, 10:36 PM

The idea of joint control of the North Atlantic sounds excellent, and I must congratulate you on your skill at marshaling Europe. An official treaty of mutual defense as well as a full alliance against the Vampire and elemental s?

As for trade, it might be troublesome, however, if we set up four or five ports on the Continent West coast, I'm sure a few of my vassals would be willing to spend there time as ambassadors and simply act as inspectors to all the ships heading to our island. The ships have to be inspected anyway, so at most it will only add the inconvenience of an hour or so long stopover.

Seeekers Very well, stop over at Brittany and we'll barge you over. our defenses require the ship to have one of us aboard it to circumvent it and reach the Island you see.

2009-05-09, 10:38 PM
Seeekers Very well, stop over at Brittany and we'll barge you over. our defenses require the ship to have one of us aboard it to circumvent it and reach the Island you see.

"Uh, we can use the water of the ocean and rivers to simply walk into, and out of a lake in Britain. If that is good enough for you."

2009-05-09, 10:39 PM
"Uh, we can use the water of the ocean and rivers to simply walk into, and out of a lake in Britain. If that is good enough for you."

very well, what lake exactly? Albion is not entirely Pristine and appearing at the wrong place may be dangerous.

2009-05-09, 10:41 PM
"Uh, why not just walk onto Britain from the English Channel? Magic is weird like that, you know?" You hear the voice laugh.

2009-05-09, 10:42 PM
Southern Tip of Greenland

Wolves are heard in the night, people are being attacked. The few survivors of attacks report that wolves seem to materilize at the peak of blizzards and attack, before disappearing without a trace. One man swears that he saw a young woman with blue sking before he fell unconscious in the snow.

The majority fall back to the base camp on the east coast, however Earl Gilbert and a dozen mages pulled from the Nunavut-bound ships Walk inland towards the nearest blizzard. all are at least mildly supernatural races (fauns, dryads, two ice spirits) carrying modern weapons and as cold-proofed as humanly possible.

2009-05-09, 10:53 PM
Governor's Mansion, Kiev, Ukraine

Fedir Altskan rubbed his eyes as he entered his office. He had gotten less sleep than usual, but at least his nightmare wasn't as bad as they usually were. He collapsed into his chair at his desk, already overwhelmed before his day even started. He checked his newest reports. Apparently a mob had rioted in Lviv; by the time it had been dispersed, Earth enforcers had killed 57 people. Great. He needed to start his day by reading about the deaths of his countrymen at the hands of his overseers. The next was a message from his superiors. It was in their usual terse manner:

To Fedir Altskan
NPC is allied with Templars. Increasing military on border. You are first defense. Do not fail.

As always, they offered no aid, no explanation, just orders. They expected him to know what to do and how to do it. He was so lost and alone. Even the people he tried to help hated him. If there was anyway he could aid the would-be Allies, he would do it. He leaned back, trying to come up with a way to contact them. At least they hadn't found their way into his head yet.

Spire of Time, St. Petersburg

I ended its daily reflections, although almost a century had passed within its mind. It was troubled by the strange vision it had had, of the mortals changing during the Awakening. The figure it saw was surprisingly unfamiliar, I thought it had experienced nearly everything. Was there another entity manipulating events? It found it oddly difficult to see into the future; events seemed to be out of line with the supposed path of the planet. I drifted through its Spire, only visible as a vague distortion, if anyone had been present to see. Perhaps it should break its neutrality and contact the Enlightened or the Seekers. Versions of itself from alternate timelines had contacted them, and relations had proceeded nicely.

An Undisclosed Location in Siberia

Vuksssh is confused. It always feels confused (No it doesn't, it's just too dumb to understand). It had seen something (It sees lots of things out here) that made it scared (Weak! That's why they got rid of it. They hate it.) The noises were back, even after it had run away from them for so long (Why bother running? You should just listen, we can help you get better. You could be by yourself; be free.) NO! No more! It picked up the pace once more, frantically crashing and flowing to the East across the storm-swept waste.

To Seekers (I):

Telepathic Contact with Psychically Sensitive Leaders
Greetings. Do not fear. I am I. I wish to speak to you not on behalf of my nation of residence, but as a neutral entity. You are the only individuals with the proper psionic sensitivity and benevolent intentions to be accepting of me and answer my query. I pose the question to you: Have you had visions regarding the Awakening and a strange shadowed entity?
To Enlightened (I):

Telepathic Contact with Psychically Sensitive Leaders
Greetings. Do not fear. I am I. I wish to speak to you not on behalf of my nation of residence, but as a neutral entity. You are the only individuals with the proper psionic sensitivity and logical and philosophical understandings to be accepting of me and answer my query. I pose the question to you: Have you had visions regarding the Awakening and a strange shadowed entity?
((Vuksssh will probably keep running until it gets to Japan))

2009-05-09, 10:59 PM
Telepathic Contact with Psychically Sensitive Leaders
Greetings. Do not fear. I am I. I wish to speak to you not on behalf of my nation of residence, but as a neutral entity. You are the only individuals with the proper psionic sensitivity and benevolent intentions to be accepting of me and answer my query. I pose the question to you: Have you had visions regarding the Awakening and a strange shadowed entity?

"Yes... Yes we have."

2009-05-09, 11:27 PM
To Albion

Muller gave a friendly smile."Unfortunately, there is no official treaty to that effect, but we have made several bargains with the two nations that certainly involve joint defense. We're helping the Poles reinforce their border, for example. We hope to have an official alliance on paper soon."

"As for trade, your proposition sounds quite agreeable."

Alchemy Stuff

Mirus could feel a grin creeping across his face as he read the report of one of his alchemists. Surely this discovery could be put to use. While to use the concoctions on people would probably be pushing it in regards to ethics, certainly there would be no moral objections to using the poultice on animals. In fact, such supersoldiers might well be ideal...

To The Golden Empire/Undying Kingdom

To the Court of Nine,

We thank you for both your support and concern for our efforts in Africa, but I assure you that our Nameless God is far stronger than Isis. Our aircraft, of which there is only a small group, should be arriving within a few days.

Furthermore, out of courtesy, I would like to inform you that we plan to land colonists on the northwestern section of the African continent, which is, as far as we know, unclaimed by any party. This is for a number of reasons, the foremost two being that the climate there is excellent for growing crops and that the fauna of the area is ideal for certain alchemical experiments we plan on conducting.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

Other actions: upon the disappearance of one of their number, the Templar ships return to their docks in Europe.

Furthermore, Templar jets land in UK airfields, refuel, and take off to flights over central africa. They will periodically return for refueling and reporting their findings back to Lyon.

Marrakech, Morocco

Though the African civilians wouldn't have known this, the sound was much as it had been in Iceland. "The Knight's Symphony", the troops had nicknamed it. First, jets shrieked through the sky. It was soon replaced by the buzz of helicopter drop-ships as they landed in the open fields, officers shouting orders, troops marching into the streets, the Templar flag raised high. The local militia took up arms, and a brief firefight took place in streets. It was over within an hour, by which time tanks and armored vehicles were moving in from the coast. Following them were armored trucks, with megaphones and stereos playing the same message, over and over in Arabic.

"We are the Knights Templar. We claim this land for God, His Church, and His Temple. Those who resist with violence will be shot."

Similar operations occur in the rest of Morocco, and in Tunisia, Western Sahara, Algeria, Mauritania, and a northern chunk of Mali. The level of resistance varies from being enthusiastically welcomed to being viciously fought against tooth and claw (sometimes literally).

2009-05-09, 11:35 PM

Excellent, well, lets get ours down on paper as of now, save time.

The top layer of wood on his desk turned into a sheaf of paper filled with small hand writing and places for both parties to sign at the bottom.

summery of text

The Raven Lord, acting as steward and viceroy of Oberon recognizes the State of the Templar's and pledges to defend its integrity
Muller in is role as acting ambassador to Albion, does the same for Albion.
Between 3 and 5 ports are two be opened on the French side of the channel within 2 years for the movement of goods between Albion and the Templar's
Both sides pledge to aid in any conflict against the Northern elemental's or vampires if they are called upon to do so.

is this agreeable?

2009-05-09, 11:39 PM
"It is indeed." Muller signs the paper.

2009-05-09, 11:59 PM
Jacob Levi the Wizard

Jacob was busily teaching his pupil Derek London. Rhada, was also assisting at the moment. For days, weeks, months and years they were teaching Derek the finer points of magic. They needed a fifth leader of the Seekers. It was, of course, a magocratic order, but the greater leaders they had in the Halls of Seekers, the more they could concentrate on the war against both fronts.

Derek chanted. The clouds rose and fell from the ground up to the high sky in the stratosphere, and fell into the earth as a fog. He raised his hands and made stones fall from the sky. He channeled lightning from the sky and shattered stone hills. He tore up trees from the ground and remade forests in mere hours... All this he did in his instructions until he was exhausted.

Derek was put away into New China Hall in California and slept for nine hours. An Enlightened Temple was standing in New China Hall as it had been for ten years. Derek was then put into combat training. This went a little better and less strain. Derek was rapidly progressing into becoming a better warrior without his magic as much as he was learning to fight with spells.

Jacob, however, noticed that something was wrong. Derek and his girlfriend, Sharyl Gonzalez fell in love. Sharyl Gonzalez, a Seeker from Four Corner Hall, had a terminal illness uncurable by any of the Seeker's magic. Not even great scientific medicine smuggled from the Rising Sun managed to stop her impending death. As a result, she was going to kill herself right in the middle of Construction to double the power and size of the Fortress.

This was the only way to stop those insufferable Charred, and perhaps even COYOTE's from overtaking America. Seeking Hall was afraid of the COYOTE's. Not because of their ability to take out the American front, but because of the Coyote's ability to inspire and to creep the day lights out of you at the same time. Sharyl herself was kidnapped and mutilated by a rogue Coyote agent... they cut off her hands.. attempting to learn about Seeker magic.

They did not understand that Seeker magic could not be coerced. Not even if the Seeker being tortured relented and taught their spells, they could not be learned. The torture had lasted for hours. Jacob winced... Sharyl survived, and was going to succumb to her disease much faster as a result of the mistreatment. The rogue Coyote was acting against orders, but Jacob didn't know that.

Sharyl had her hands reattached. Magically, they worked as if she never lost them. But the stress to her body was enormous. She escaped from the Infirmary, nearly crawled to the casting site, and killed herself through incantation. She had exhausted herself to death in order to hasten construction.

Jacob Levi hurridly ran to his niece's dead body and cried out. . . a curse. A coughing, bleeding Coyote operative, the one who murdered Sharyl, limped into his infirmary. There was blood on his hands... and he was perpetually bleeding from his heart without dying. Unless he would confess his torture of Sharyl, he would continue to suffer. None of his comrades knew what was wrong.

2009-05-10, 08:00 AM
The Union of Allied Elemental States:
I see. Psionics, is it? No matter. Yes, some of us have experienced this "dream" you speak of. Do you have any sort of hypothesis as to what it might be?

2009-05-10, 08:08 AM
Nanook Military Base, Anchorage

Soaring Raven reviewed the Seeker reply pensively, wincing as she imagined Coyote's reaction to this. Oh, boy, it wouldn't be pretty.

"Coyote's going to go spare when he sees this. How stupid could they possibly be?" "Very stupid, apparently."

It was easy to forget, at times, that Coyote was as quiet as a shadow when he wanted to be. Raven jumped slightly at his voice, before shifting slightly to allow him to see the screen better. She braced herself for his reaction... until he laughed. It was a bitter, hard laugh, but laughter all the same.

"Nazis, are we? How cute. How naive." Coyote straightened, quiet for a moment. "Raven, send them a reply, telling them we are interested in speaking with their leader personally. I don't care how many witches he brings, but I want to talk to him face to face. And tell them I wish to meet them in New York."

Raven frowned, as she started to compose the message. "Sir, New York was obliterated in the War." Coyote grinned, a grin as savage and feral as his namesake's. "Exactly."

The Nation of the Rising Sun

Nathan waited patiently through the ceremonies of his Japanese cousins, before accepting the tea given to him and drinking deeply.
"Thank you. Now, to business. As I've told you, I come as an emissary of some American friends. They'd like to ally with you, as they need friends right now. I can vouch for their loyalty and honor personally.
If you can get me in touch with the Emperor, I will make my case to him in person. If not, I would appreciate it if you could find a way to carry my message to him."


The red-haired smith quickly agrees, and is ready to lead them inland.

After about an hour's travel, they arrive at a great city built upon a hill, antique in its design but still grand and awe-inspiring, opalescent and golden. The smith names the city Gorias the Shining.

Outside the gates of the city waits a woman, fair-haired and regal. The smith once again places a name, calling her Danu.

Mirus DePaul's Bedchambers

The Grand Master of the Order of the Temple awoke to foul cigarette smoke. Sitting on the foot of his bed was a man smoking a cigarette and reading off of some electronic device.

The man glanced over to the woken Templar and grinned. "Morning, Mirus. I believe you were told to expect me? Name's Ram. I represent the interests of COYOTE. Care for some breakfast? The Italian bread this year is especially fine." The man's thick Brooklyn accent rendered his speech almost incomprehensible, something he alleviated with multiple hand gestures and waves of his foul-smelling cigarette.


The Cartier Project was set into motion swiftly, as refugees and colonists flocked into Canada under COYOTE supervision and guard. Small towns and cities were built swiftly, using only the best construction techniques.

From Canada... then perhaps to the East Coast...

2009-05-10, 09:59 AM
I do not know. An unusual occurrence, to be sure. My 4th-dimensional senses seem to be obscured, and my powers weakened. I believe that there may be another entity observing this world besides me, which may or may not have caused or taken advantage of the Awakening. This threatens the balance I have struggled to create in the past few years; I would not have a world of chaos.

Kiev, Ukraine

Fedir received the latest reports from the NPC border. The Templars and the NPC continue to be amassing forces, possibly poised to strike. The elementals were preparing as well, but of course they hadn't told him. The first he found out was when he saw various elemental Monoliths being formed outside the city. It was unnerving to see the huge creatures there; only a few of the now two dozen had a humanoid shape. Others he recognized vaguely as animals; a scorpion roughly sculpted from ice, a bear constantly dripping lumps of magma. Some had even more outlandish shapes. As soon as one had been created it was dispatched to the border. Were the elementals making a defensive force, or planning an invasion? They had sent orders to begin human conscription, which he had done on sufferance.


Vuksssh, frantically fleeing the voices in its head, took a southeastern tack, a path that will eventually lead to Japan. Sparks and steam occasionally fly off of it from fear.

2009-05-10, 10:17 AM
Headmaster North/The Union of Allied Elemental States
I see. Chaos is never a preferred outcome. Chaos prevents understanding and control, and does thus go against our most fundamental teachings. Perhaps we should begin cooperation? There are, after all, advantages to friendship.

2009-05-10, 10:53 AM

So this is your city The gentleman mutters to himself.

Approaching Damu he says Greetings! I'm amazed that knowledge of such a gran estate as your has escaped me. If you would be so kind as to answer me, how long have you been here? And why have you been so quiet? surely you know the state of the\ world, one ca never be caught without allies.


With the possibility of troubles in Greenland, more effort is focused on the colonization of the Canadian Atlantic coast. Baffin Island and its surroundings along with the Atlantic provinces are the main goals, after that the colonizing military advances into Quebec and New England.

2009-05-10, 11:19 AM
The Grand Master's Palace, Lyon, France

"Seize him."

Blackcoats immediately burst into the room and grab the intruder. Mirus rises to inspect his visitor, before spying a COYOTE insignia.

"Ah...COYOTE. An American. I should have known."
He turns to his guards.
"Gentlemen, please escort our visitor to the sitting room. No need to keep him prisoner, but please make sure he doesn't wander about. And ask the chef to get started on breakfast. I suppose it's as decent a time as any to rise from sleep."

After about half an hour of simply sitting on a chair by the fireplace and waiting, the Templar guards finally shove escort Ram to the dining room. He is greeted by a fairly lovely Hulder attendant, who shows him to a well-stocked table on the other side of which Mirus sits.

"Now good morning, Mister Ram. I suppose we...'got off on the wrong foot', as you say? I must warn you that showing up in someone's bedchamber is not the best way to greet them. But come, now, sit! Help yourself to some breakfast.

2009-05-10, 11:32 AM

Excellent he waves his hand over it and an identical copy appears and hands it to Muller here you go.

So have you been assigned as ambassadors or just treaty negotiators?

2009-05-10, 11:37 AM
Albion-Templar Relations

"Merely as treaty negotiators, though I may in fact be made ambassador to Albion if my superiors see fit. It has happened before."

2009-05-10, 11:49 AM

Excellent! I'll have some lodgings made up for you and you companions if you wish. As well, a few of my court magicians would like to talk to you about that alchemy? your State is so interested in.

2009-05-10, 12:58 PM
"To ensure the safety of our people."
All around the Enlightened nation there is a lot of activity and construction taking place. It would seem that the Headmasters are reinforcing the defensive capability of their nation, since a lot of the new buildings seem to be either bunkers or long stretches of reinforced walls. When asked about the purpose of these latest additions to our defense, they simply answered; It is simply to ensure the safety of our people. These are dark times, after all. No matter how much we tried to get more information out of them, they said nothing. As to be expected of our leaders!

PS. This was the only way I could come up with to explain that the Enlightened have begun work on defensive structures around their nation in an IC kind of way. Sorry if it's a bit below standard in this game. :smallredface:

2009-05-10, 01:13 PM
Albion-Templar Relations

"Lodgings would be excellent, your honor. As for alchemical practice, however... such information is typically only shared with Temple Initiates, whereas I'm part of the Propaganda Ministry. I'm afraid I only know some very basic information on the subject."

2009-05-10, 01:52 PM

Really? such a shame. Well, I'll send a magician along with one of the ambassadors if that's acceptable.

A few days later 5 small flotilla's of barges and cargo ships arrive at different ports along the channnel, one of them arriving at le Have brings the magician. When the ships arrive in port the occupant wait for some Templar officials to arrive

2009-05-10, 02:01 PM
The Grand Master's Palace

Ram simply brushed himself down, smirking slightly. He didn't seem worried at all about the guards, simply pulling out another cigarette and sitting down.

"No problem, Mirus. Might not be the best way to greet someone, but it is an impressive way to show off. If I'd just shown up and told you that COYOTE was the best of the best, would you have believed me? But I just slipped through your guards like a ghost, sir; not a one of them would ever recognize me

Now, on to business. COYOTE, as you may know, is a special forces unit determined to rebuild America. We're the best in the entire business, and we're valuable allies. However, we can't bring our nation back from the brink of destruction only to find the world around us hostile. We need to make allies. Based on our evaluation of the world, you lads over here are the best - a great bunch of god-fearing folks with a strong loyalty to your brothers and, if you'll allow me to say so, a super economy. Absolutely amazing.

We'd request permission to participate in your market and establish some trade with the USA, as well as the ability to deploy within Europe openly if need be. For your part, you'd have the best military forces, information specialists and special agents in the world looking out for your best interests, as well as the everlasting friendship of America.

Now, Mirus, what do you say to that? By the way, the Sicilian wine is decidedly inferior to the Bordeaux wine this year, so I'd put the Sicilian wine back in the cellar - or give it to the guards, which would probably be the best usage you could get out of it."


Danu curtsied to the Gentleman. "We have been here since the days of Nemed son of Agnoman. And as for our silence... my children have ever loved simply the land of Eire. Some now roam the earth with those who are brothers of spirit, but many of my children remain here to protect our beloved land.
The brothers of spirit agree that allies are necessary in these dark days - for they came to us, requesting our assistance against the darkness and the demon.
But now why do you come to us, lord of the Fey? Do you require allies against your foes?"

2009-05-10, 02:32 PM


It was easy to forget, at times, that Coyote was as quiet as a shadow when he wanted to be. Raven jumped slightly at his voice, before shifting slightly to allow him to see the screen better. She braced herself for his reaction... until he laughed. It was a bitter, hard laugh, but laughter all the same.

"Nazis, are we? How cute. How naive." Coyote straightened, quiet for a moment. "Raven, send them a reply, telling them we are interested in speaking with their leader personally. I don't care how many witches he brings, but I want to talk to him face to face. And tell them I wish to meet them in New York."

Instanly Rhada was in the ruins with his magical protections set up. He had a secret location in New York in one of the old abandoned Subway stations. Strangely, he appeared to be alone. Something suspicious was about this. If any of the Coyotes knew what was going on, they would be quite surprised.

"I am there."

2009-05-10, 02:58 PM

"Blast. Doesn't anyone just use e-mail anymore?" Coyote shook his head, flicking open his phone. "Raven. If Rhada has some kind of cell phone or e-mail address, tell him I'll be in New York by morning. We don't have fancy teleportation, just helicopters."

The same method of communication was used the next morning. Simply: "Meet Coyote on the top floor of 40 Wall Street tower."

Coyote sat on a pile of rubble, looking down on the ruined skyline, looking out to sea. He sighed heavily, remembering the War. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I couldn't save you."

2009-05-10, 03:12 PM

"Blast. Doesn't anyone just use e-mail anymore?" Coyote shook his head, flicking open his phone. "Raven. If Rhada has some kind of cell phone or e-mail address, tell him I'll be in New York by morning. We don't have fancy teleportation, just helicopters."

The same method of communication was used the next morning. Simply: "Meet Coyote on the top floor of 40 Wall Street tower."

Coyote sat on a pile of rubble, looking down on the ruined skyline, looking out to sea. He sighed heavily, remembering the War. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I couldn't save you."

From the bottom floor Rhada rose like a ghost, to the top of the Wall Street Tower... Before he made it through the roof, he sent a telepathic message. "I'm coming, do not fire..." It would be a few seconds before he made it. (I"m going out for Mother's Day. I might be back in two hours.)

2009-05-10, 03:15 PM

"Annointed by the blood of a thousand! The wrath of the storm, the rage of the sky, the might of the glacier! Behold!"
The perpetual hum of the druids lowered it's pitch by two octaves as the Windcaller raised his chalice and emptied the blood in it over the iceberg before him.
It had taken him two years to find this place, but he had done it. This iceberg had stood here for millenia and never melted It contained some of the oldest ice still in existence on this planet.
Some had suggested altering it's appearance, crafting a golem out of the ice. Such talk was dangerously close to heresy in the Windcaller's cold eyes. The form of that mountain of blue ice had been perfected by the winds and wheathers of ages.
And now it moved.
"The first and the greatest! The frost giant!"
Two glowing spots, red as the spilled blood glowed in the creature's face as sheets of ice shifted, forming arms and a head.
The Windcaller smiled.

2009-05-10, 05:42 PM
Jerrod Wong continues the investigation of the major Hawaiian islands.

Rhada is with the COYOTE's attempting to negotiate with them.

Orkney Islands
The Seekers are attempting to set up an embassy in the Orkney Islands.

Still building the Hall and making it even bigger and more powerful.

Everywhere Else in Seeker Territory
Learning, teaching wizards, learning from the Enlightened and teaching them magic.

2009-05-10, 07:20 PM
The Grand Master's Palace, Lyon, France

Mirus DePaul smiles pleasantly. Some things never changed. Americans were one of those things. "Very well, Mister Ram. You have certainly captured the Order's attention. That, and your terms seem to be mostly acceptable."

"However, given that you are, as you yourself say, 'the best in the business' as well as in need of allies and funds both puts our two organizations in an interesting position. Allow me to propose a few of my terms. I hope they, like yours, are mostly agreeable and will profit the both of us."

"In return for financial and, if necessary, military aid, the COYOTE organization will agree to train the Templar armed forces in its numerous areas of expertise. Furthermore, due to the growing threat of aggression from the Vampires and from the UAES, COYOTE will agree to assist should The Temple or any of its allies come under attack from either of these powers. And lastly, should COYOTE have to for any reason deploy openly within Templar territory, you will do so only with my express permission and approval."

Several local Templar officials greet the Albion ambassadors and escort them to government offices.

2009-05-10, 07:33 PM
Rhada and Coyote
"So, Coyote, I am ready to make things go your way if you can provide proof of legitimate authority over the former United States, and set up the President over in Hawaii or Taiwan if you do."

"However, I believe we have more pressing needs we need to attend to before we mess with our own problems at the moment."

"Think about what would happen if we weakened you in a war against eachother. The demons would wipe the victor out."

"Before we really get started, I need to show you something that would be interesting to you."

2009-05-10, 09:07 PM
End of Turn One

The world seems to be awakening around you. Dangerous new creatures seem to be appearing from the woodwork across the world. Seeker investigators in Hawaii come across evidence of a presence similar to the vampire that feeds on pure life force, which appears like a winged humanoid with a mouth-full of sharp fangs. In Albion a group of wizards and magicians try to track down a elusive Ice Spirit.

The Templar Ships returning from their trip to Antarctica tell a story of dreadful fog and a evil under the waves that ate an entire vessel. Planes over Africa reveal that the continent has been transformed, it covered completely by lush rain forest. The creatures seen were grossly ill-proportionate then what they should be. Gigantic Lions and deer sized Elephant and massive reptiles and prey animals.

The war in the Middle East escalates as Templar supplies gives the Undying Kingdom an edge. The army massacres a Protectorate Force, driving them from the entirety of Iran. The Kingdom continues its bloody way, pushing into UAES territory from the South.

Several terrorist attacks on Templar Cities occur, targeting governmental buildings known to have "changed" workers. Each one got a phone call saying simply "The Lord giveth thee..." then the explosion.

Several COYOTE members disappear on seemingly routine missions. A simple red 12 is found within days at the location of their disappearance. The 12 is painted in the blood of the operative.

A plague seems to be sweeping through Vampire territory, that seems to be killing the mortal population. It hasn't become a pandemic, but the dead bodies aren't staying dead.

The Vatican petitions Grand Master DePaul so they can join the greater city of Rome into one state of God.

A strange fluctuation of power runs through the elemental defense grid of The Empire of the Rising Sun, making it unstable but more powerful. It is your choice to fix it or keep it the way it is.

Other magic users sense the creation of the gigantic fortress under Seeker control and the magic wrought in Albion to make a section of the English Channel practically impassable.

A new group known as the Lone Stars, a group of American patriots have begun to wage a guirella war against the charred using the finest weaponry. Wherever they are getting financed from the "Lonestars" are actually causing decent damage to the demons.

(Did I miss anybody?)

2009-05-10, 09:41 PM

Coyote didn't turn as Rhada arrived. He simply stood for a moment, looking out onto the ruined skyline as the wind ran its fingers through his hair.

"September 15th, AD 2032. The evacuation of New York took too long, and the demons were ripping up the East Coast. There were still four million people in the city, crowding the harbors, by the time the demons hit Staten Island.
The military burned down bridges, shot artillery, preformed aerial strikes; still they came, creating reinforcements from every human corpse. A bloodied, demoralized, broken special ops unit was called in from Washington D.C. Their job was to stop the demons from killing four million civilians.
Not a one passed, Rhada Armin, not a one. That special ops unit spat in their teeth, bleeding and watching the ones they loved torn to shreds so that their countrymen would survive. My fiancée died that day, Rhada. I shot the damned creatures that did it in the face, and mourned her as I reloaded.
And then that special ops unit moved from city to city, fighting the same damned battle again and again, watching our friends and partners fall in battle, growing tighter and tighter until all who were left knew each other by heart.

I once heard that diplomacy is best when both parties know exactly who they are speaking to. Armin, you are speaking to a man who gave everything, everything for his country. I don't give a damn about your wish for magical peace; if you disgrace my country you will fall.

Now that you know exactly how serious I am and that I would not blink an eye at having to kill you, what did you want to show me?"


Ram sat back with a thoughtful expression. "We aren't numerous, but I think a few agents could be spared to train your men. Doing things only with your approval is fine as well, though we'd appreciate it if our reports ended with you, sir.
As for aiding you against the Vamps and the UAES... I can't promise anything, but I will tell you this. Coyote, the man in charge, he hates the UAES with a passion; our current orders if Vamps are sighted near a base is "Shoot to kill."
That put your fears at ease, sir?"


Raven didn't get much time off at all. But this was important enough to spend her scant hours off in study. She pulled out the worn, dusty book from the small wooden shelf it sat upon, taking care to keep the loose pages in their proper places. The Journal of David Valentine was full of some of the most important information COYOTE had.

...They called themselves The Last Battalion, claiming both that they were the instigators of the war and that they were part of some mystical organization known as The Twelve.

Funny. They died like anyone else...

Raven pulled down another ancient journal and started taking notes.

2009-05-10, 09:59 PM

Coyote didn't turn as Rhada arrived. He simply stood for a moment, looking out onto the ruined skyline as the wind ran its fingers through his hair.

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]"September 15th, AD 2032. The evacuation of New York took too long, and the demons were ripping up the East Coast. There were still four million people in the city, crowding the harbors, by the time the demons hit Staten Island.
The military burned down bridges, shot artillery, preformed aerial strikes; still they came, creating reinforcements from every human corpse. A bloodied, demoralized, broken special ops unit was called in from Washington D.C. Their job was to stop the demons from killing four million civilians.
Not a one passed, Rhada Armin, not a one. That special ops unit spat in their teeth, bleeding and watching the ones they loved torn to shreds so that their countrymen would survive. My fiancée died that day, Rhada. I shot the damned creatures that did it in the face, and mourned her as I reloaded.
And then that special ops unit moved from city to city, fighting the same damned battle again and again, watching our friends and partners fall in battle, growing tighter and tighter until all who were left knew each other by heart.
Raven pulled down another ancient journal and started taking notes.

Now that you know exactly how serious I am and that I would not blink an eye at having to kill you, what did you want to show me?"

"Well, first I would point you towards this little problem we have of some of your operatives randomly raiding into our Halls and cutting down our students with gun fire." (OOC: Possibly Lone Stars) "To prove that I am not lying, I have a recording with audio and video of one of your men brutally torturing an 18 year old woman without mercy, for fun. Here's the recording." He levitates it to Coyote. "And thank you for your sacrifice, by the way."

Now, it was Rhada's turn to talk.. "If you can prove to me, with actual proof that Coyote is NOT a rogue agency I will definitely even consider a partnership with you, and, as keeper of the Law, command my people to accept your authority in your land."

"I will move the President to Hawaii or Taiwan, as stated, if I don't move him to the Phillipines, since you will not consider the President legitimate."

"And this is all only if you can prove to me you are who you say you are."

2009-05-10, 10:12 PM
Templar Territories, Africa

In light of how dangerous Africa has become, a vast line of electric fence has been set up on the border between Templar claims and the African wilderness. There are military patrols to keep citizens in and Changed beasts out.

Furthermore, a few particularly fit specimens of unchanged lions, hyenas, jackals, and other animals are sent to Templar alchemical workshops for experimentation.

Grand Master's Palace, Lyon, France

"Indeed," Mirus' pleasant smile turns to a wolfish grin. "I find these terms overall excellent."

The Hulder maid, who had been transcribing the entire conversation, places on the table a document containing the terms of the agreement.

"Shall we seal this, then?"

An attendant rushed over, pale-faced. Whispering a hurried message into his leader's ears, he retreats elsewhere. Mirus' smile immediately fades and the color drains from his face.

"I...I'm afraid I am going to have to bring these negotiations to a speedy end, Mister Ram. It seems...a great tragedy has occurred..."

He hurriedly scribbles his name on the document and leaves.

The hulder approaches.

"You'll have to pardon the Grand Master. There have been several...how to say it... several attacks on centers throughout the nation. Erm..." she briefly bites her lip, as if trying to think of what to say next, If you sign it in his absence, it is still legitimate. Once you've done so, I'll make a copy you can give to your superiors."

A few hours later...

All Over Europe

"An in light of this terrible tragedy," Mirus DePaul's image flickers on nearly every television screen across Europe, "I have declared a state of emergency in the territories of the Templar Republic. The police and investigative forces of this nation have been given extraordinary powers until these dark times have passed, in order that they might dispel this threat to God's Peace forever. Amen."

Other Notes:
The government has changed their nation's name to "The Templar Republic", in light of the African acquisitions, but it makes for surprisingly minor headlines with the terrorist attacks and other phenomenon.

Also, in a message from Lyon to Rome, DePaul informs the Vatican that there is no need for an official rejoining, and that the Templar Republic is loyal to the Church and to God.

2009-05-10, 10:41 PM
A carrier owl flies clear over the Channel from Orkney island and lands in Templar territory at their headquarters.
"Attempting to reastablish contact with the noble Templars, we apologize if our last proposal for cordial relations was hasty. We currently enjoy good relations and contact with the Enlightened Ones at the moment. Should you be so kind to consider contact with us we can provide powerful compliments towards your superior alchemical skill. We currently possess the power to create weaker potions than yours but at a much greater speed. Everyone has a healing drought in California and everywhere else in the Seeker Halls."

2009-05-11, 08:57 AM
Rhada is mouthing off to a veteran who sacrificed everything for his country - and who happens to be one of the world's most dangerous soldiers - with a condescending and patronizing tone, and is telling him that he needs proof before he'll do anything. Let me just point that out. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooDumbToLive)


"Proof? You sanctimonious prick, you want proof?" Some men grew loud and fiery when they grew angry. Coyote just lowered his voice, every word frigid and purposeful.

"We sacrificed everything for America. Is that not proof enough for you? No, I'm sorry, why should I assume that you know the basic history of the past six years? Why did I think that perhaps you would have, I don't know, researched COYOTE before you came up here and started patronizing us!"

Coyote pulled a small wallet out of his coat, flipping it open and holding it in front of Rhada's face. "You see this? I earned it in the year 2012, given to me and signed by the President himself. You want more proof? Go home and see if your magical libraries have anything on the Sedna Bay Crisis, or the Nimruz War, or the Daykundi Nuclear Threat, or the Chukotka Crisis, or the Yamalia insurgence, or David Valentine and the Coyote Squad at Normandy. In short, if you want more proof, get your head out of the place where the sun don't shine and actually look for some."

If Rhada has a scrap of empathy, he'll notice that Coyote is almost trembling with fury. Pushing him any further would not be a wise decision.


Ram signed the papers, smoking with a thoughtful air. He collected the copy and left, sneaking out with the same stealth he'd entered by.

Raven. There's a crisis in the Templar Republic, some terrorist threat that's hitting them hard. I've managed to sign a treaty with them - enclosed with this message - but I think getting to the bottom of this would be my best move as COYOTE's European operative. Requesting permission to act upon my own initiative in this matter.
Ram. Permission granted. Find out who's doing this, and let the Templar military know about it.
You got it. Ram out.

2009-05-11, 09:15 AM

"We should burn the sick and the dead alike. It ensures that part of the population survives."
The speaker sat down on his spot next to the large fire burning on the council clearing.
"We all know that Surtur's solutions always include fire. I say we should try and weaponize the corpses. If we freeze them, or encase them in metal, we can easily contain them."
This was the windcaller speaking.
"This plague is a gift of nature, thinning the human herds. If they develop immunity, good for them, otherwise they die."
Grimnir sat silently, staring into the fire, his eye reflecting the flames. His hand lazily moved up and down his rune-covered spear, while he listened to the council. Then he spoke:
"Cut all infected settlements off completely. If they die, let them, if they gain immunities, watch them. Order all bodies burned before they reawaken. Gather one hundred dead bodies and move them to an island far off the coast and guard them well, they could, after all, still be useful."

2009-05-11, 11:06 AM

Things progress smoothly at most of the ports as embassies are set up and ships are inspected and enchanted to go straight to Albion unharmed for one voyage.

In La Have The Fae, a fairly well proportioned and humanoid figure, if he wasn't made of minuscule crystals, is accompanied by two of his guards ,crystalline constructs, as well as a magician-Fae. The magician has vines for hair thorn for hands and in general appears to have far too much plant life on him. As they are escorted in he speaks
Ah, you are the rulers of this city? excellent! your superior has informed you As to why I'm here?

His companion cuts him off before he can continue I'm sorry, he was busy making a spell well we learning who you are. I'm the earl of Nottingham and he's the Raven Lords court sorcerer. he's here because the diplomat who signed the treaty mentioned that if he sen a magician over he should be able to learn some alchemy or something similar


The Gentleman replied fortuitously enough, we've managed to avoid any major conflicts so on. We're here because we occupy the neighboring island and its rather important for us to know there's no army waiting to invade or something similar on this one. So, you've been here since before the awakening, as in, active and able? strange, the mortals in Albion new nothing of the Fae before we arrived.....well anyway, perhaps some trade and treaties are in order?


With eastern Canada secured, the troops move into Quebec and New England. Eager and willing colonists flood the secured territories.


the troops and population retreat to the main bases on the eastern coast, and the Duke trying to interrogate the ice as to who the spirit is.

gratuitous description of an action

A beam of Red light flies up form Cardiff the top disappearing fro sight then turning and shining down on the center of Greenland. A crystal sphere sphere seems to be descending form it and translucent images that look like a shell of mirrors appear to engulf the island.

remember how you said it took a turn to broadcast...well I felt like being descriptive.

The English channel spell...its already almost impassable, that's one of my strengths, I'm enchanting the rest of Albion to be very hard to telaport into

2009-05-11, 11:16 AM
How about an OOC agreement? Rhada is just testing Coyote. If Coyote can agree to simply act with the authority of the United States instead of using threats, Rhada will move the President Overseas, accept Coyote and cooperate with them in the Halls, partnership with them, and even hand over recruits back and forth for Coyote.

I think, that as a player, as well as a character, the prospect of a country of wizards paying taxes, with all of their vast resources, will be to your advantage.

Rhada is mouthing off to a veteran who sacrificed everything for his country - and who happens to be one of the world's most dangerous soldiers - with a condescending and patronizing tone, and is telling him that he needs proof before he'll do anything. Let me just point that out. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooDumbToLive)


"Proof? You sanctimonious prick, you want proof?" Some men grew loud and fiery when they grew angry. Coyote just lowered his voice, every word frigid and purposeful.

"We sacrificed everything for America. Is that not proof enough for you? No, I'm sorry, why should I assume that you know the basic history of the past six years? Why did I think that perhaps you would have, I don't know, researched COYOTE before you came up here and started patronizing us!"

Coyote pulled a small wallet out of his coat, flipping it open and holding it in front of Rhada's face. "You see this? I earned it in the year 2012, given to me and signed by the President himself. You want more proof? Go home and see if your magical libraries have anything on the Sedna Bay Crisis, or the Nimruz War, or the Daykundi Nuclear Threat, or the Chukotka Crisis, or the Yamalia insurgence, or David Valentine and the Coyote Squad at Normandy. In short, if you want more proof, get your head out of the place where the sun don't shine and actually look for some."

If Rhada has a scrap of empathy, he'll notice that Coyote is almost trembling with fury. Pushing him any further would not be a wise decision.


Ram signed the papers, smoking with a thoughtful air. He collected the copy and left, sneaking out with the same stealth he'd entered by.

Raven. There's a crisis in the Templar Republic, some terrorist threat that's hitting them hard. I've managed to sign a treaty with them - enclosed with this message - but I think getting to the bottom of this would be my best move as COYOTE's European operative. Requesting permission to act upon my own initiative in this matter.
Ram. Permission granted. Find out who's doing this, and let the Templar military know about it.
You got it. Ram out.

Rhada is mouthing off to a veteran who sacrificed everything for his country - and who happens to be one of the world's most dangerous soldiers - with a condescending and patronizing tone, and is telling him that he needs proof before he'll do anything. Let me just point that out. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooDumbToLive)


"Proof? You sanctimonious prick, you want proof?" Some men grew loud and fiery when they grew angry. Coyote just lowered his voice, every word frigid and purposeful.

"We sacrificed everything for America. Is that not proof enough for you? No, I'm sorry, why should I assume that you know the basic history of the past six years? Why did I think that perhaps you would have, I don't know, researched COYOTE before you came up here and started patronizing us!"

Coyote pulled a small wallet out of his coat, flipping it open and holding it in front of Rhada's face. "You see this? I earned it in the year 2012, given to me and signed by the President himself. You want more proof? Go home and see if your magical libraries have anything on the Sedna Bay Crisis, or the Nimruz War, or the Daykundi Nuclear Threat, or the Chukotka Crisis, or the Yamalia insurgence, or David Valentine and the Coyote Squad at Normandy. In short, if you want more proof, get your head out of the place where the sun don't shine and actually look for some."

If Rhada has a scrap of empathy, he'll notice that Coyote is almost trembling with fury. Pushing him any further would not be a wise decision.


Ram signed the papers, smoking with a thoughtful air. He collected the copy and left, sneaking out with the same stealth he'd entered by.

Raven. There's a crisis in the Templar Republic, some terrorist threat that's hitting them hard. I've managed to sign a treaty with them - enclosed with this message - but I think getting to the bottom of this would be my best move as COYOTE's European operative. Requesting permission to act upon my own initiative in this matter.
Ram. Permission granted. Find out who's doing this, and let the Templar military know about it.
You got it. Ram out.

Rhada simply walked through Coyote, solidly on the air as if it were ground and paced around the Wall Street Building. "Coyote, of course you realize that in this age of holograms, clones, androids, and emotional appeal laced with deadly delusions of superiority," He emphasized the last point. "That not all of us are who we say we are. You, of course can do much with your technology, so I hear. We can do much with our powers to discover you are who you say you are. What I want to hear is that your Coyote organization actually has the legitimate authority it needs from the former United States to demand the right to wave their sabers in the air and pretend to be better than the rest of us.

"Would you be interested in allowing us to settle Taiwan...? It appears that there may be a war on our hands if we decide to further establish the President in the Western Hemisphere."

The Phillipines
A Seeker navy is sent to the Phillipines in order to colonize. An exploration force of over one thousand seekers are sent throughout the islands before they settle. They are talking to the islanders and asking about recent events.

Jerrod Wong is busy taking out the vampire like creatures in order that they can gain the trust of the natives.

2009-05-11, 02:12 PM
You may. But, since we're basically taking a big risk by aiding you, we would like your help with the defensive measures we have begun to undertake. A few magical enchantments on the walls and bunkers we are building perhaps?

2009-05-11, 02:29 PM

"Forget it Coyote. Just forget it. You think that all we are concerned with is power and sucking on the dry carcass of America. I won't have it. I accept your authority over the country. I just needed to hear it from yourself. I'm sorry that you lived through Hell for these years since the Change. I respect that, and may you live long for that sacrifice."

He paused, 'But all you can do is stand there huffing and puffing with your death threats and Feudalistic attitude towards the peasants."

"Forget it Coyote. Get off your high horse and we will follow you. If not, and I find out that you have been continually killing us the way that we think you are, we will just leave, if that will make you happy."

"You know what, since your just standing there, I'll leave. You can have a conversation with the hologram some more."

A few hundred Seekers are sent to the Halls.

2009-05-11, 07:22 PM

Le Havre, France

The lead officer nods his head. "Indeed. Come with me." The officers escort the Albionese (Albionish? just 'Albions'?) to a limousine. After several minutes of riding, the limousine is caught in "You'll have to excuse the traffic." one officer says. "We're coming close to a police checkpoint."

Shortly after clearing the checkpoint, the car begins driving towards the airport.
"I hope you'll excuse the inconvenience, but this journey will involve you traveling to Corsica. A monastery there, Temple Cove, is a prime center of alchemical learnings."

To the Seekers

We appreciate your continued interest in friendly relations with our government. If it pleases you, we shall send a Knight-Cleric representative to speak with you on behalf of the Templar Republic and to ensure that such dealings are in line with the beliefs and practices of our people.

Just for the giggles, I'm going to elucidate the exact organization of the Templar Order.

The Templar Order is divided into three sections: The Knight-Alchemists being at the top, Knight-Sergeants at the bottom, and Knight-Clerics somewhere in between, to the side, or overlapping both.

The Knight-Alchemists are the higher-ranking members of the Order, with more leadership-oriented positions in the government such as Mayors, Governors, Generals, Ministers, etc. They have their own hierarchy amongst themselves, led by the Grand Master. Their knight uniforms are black.

At the lower end are the Sergeants, who are bureaucrats, soldiers, officers, etc. While Knight-Alchemists give orders, Knight-Sergeants obey orders. They practice alchemy more on an apprentice level. They are usually promoted to Knight-Alchemist when they reach a certain level of proficiency or prestige. Their knight uniforms are grey.

In no particular place are the Knight-Clerics, who are priests, monks, and deacons of the Catholic Church who have been initiated into the Templar Order. They practice alchemy, both the philosophy and the actual science of it, and have their own hierarchy that answers to both the Church and Grand Master. It is based on the clerics' rank in the Church. Their knight vestments are white.

2009-05-11, 08:07 PM
Iranian Border

The UAES is drawing fire elementals (with Monolith support) in large numbers from the Polish border to amass a force to deal with the Undying Kingdom coming through Iran. Fire elementals are best acclimated to arid conditions and are capable of burning away the Kingdom's withered undead.

Polish Border

Since the fire elementals, having finally gotten their way, are leaving the border, the forces there are relegated to a entirely defensive capacity rather than a possible invasion force. The draft of humans continues.


Vuksssh is currently traveling through the north-most region of China, on a straight track to the Sea of Japan.


I seek a partnership with you, to be sure. However, I do not do this on behalf of my current allegiance; I am acting as a private interest. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement that can benefit us both. Do you have any dealings with the Seekers?


I begins teaching the Seeker Masters simple time magic; personal celerity, temporal restraints, and the like. It also explains that extratemporal senses are not the purview of mortals ((We, the players, don't know what will happen next, and I's senses are deadened.)) ((More to come with time.))

2009-05-11, 08:43 PM

Le Havre, France

The lead officer nods his head. "Indeed. Come with me." The officers escort the Albionese (Albionish? just 'Albions'?) to a limousine. After several minutes of riding, the limousine is caught in "You'll have to excuse the traffic." one officer says. "We're coming close to a police checkpoint."

Shortly after clearing the checkpoint, the car begins driving towards the airport.
"I hope you'll excuse the inconvenience, but this journey will involve you traveling to Corsica. A monastery there, Temple Cove, is a prime center of alchemical learnings."

To the Seekers

We appreciate your continued interest in friendly relations with our government. If it pleases you, we shall send a Knight-Cleric representative to speak with you on behalf of the Templar Republic and to ensure that such dealings are in line with the beliefs and practices of our people.

Just for the giggles, I'm going to elucidate the exact organization of the Templar Order.

The Templar Order is divided into three sections: The Knight-Alchemists being at the top, Knight-Sergeants at the bottom, and Knight-Clerics somewhere in between, to the side, or overlapping both.

The Knight-Alchemists are the higher-ranking members of the Order, with more leadership-oriented positions in the government such as Mayors, Governors, Generals, Ministers, etc. They have their own hierarchy amongst themselves, led by the Grand Master. Their knight uniforms are black.

At the lower end are the Sergeants, who are bureaucrats, soldiers, officers, etc. While Knight-Alchemists give orders, Knight-Sergeants obey orders. They practice alchemy more on an apprentice level. They are usually promoted to Knight-Alchemist when they reach a certain level of proficiency or prestige. Their knight uniforms are grey.

In no particular place are the Knight-Clerics, who are priests, monks, and deacons of the Catholic Church who have been initiated into the Templar Order. They practice alchemy, both the philosophy and the actual science of it, and have their own hierarchy that answers to both the Church and Grand Master. It is based on the clerics' rank in the Church. Their knight vestments are white.


"Worry not, we have located an embassy in the Orkney Islands. Please come hither, or we may meet you where you wish."

Dolorous Lowry

Dolorous is busily teaching sorcery based on Teachings on Order and Light. Sorceresses are as powerful as wizards.(and later to come, sorcerers)

Sisters of the Light serve the principles of Order. (As a philosophy, not a religion.)

Sisters of the Dark serve the principles of Chaos and anarchy. Currently, they are obedient to the Halls of Seekers.

Sisters of Light/Dark teach wizards more effectively than wizards normally teach eachother.

2009-05-11, 09:03 PM
To the Seekers

We will come to you. Within the next few days, a yacht bearing an extremely old and wizened priest (along with a crew and guards, of course) appears off the coast of the Orkney Isles. Requesting persmission to land on the Orkney Islands. This is the Templar vessel Assisi, and we bear the Templar diplomat, His Grace the Bishop Antoine Dupont.

2009-05-11, 09:06 PM
To the Seekers

We will come to you. Within the next few days, a yacht bearing an extremely old and wizened priest (along with a crew and guards, of course) appears off the coast of the Orkney Isles. Requesting persmission to land on the Orkney Islands. This is the Templar vessel Assisi, and we bear the Templar diplomat.

"You may enter the Orkney Islands."

Derek London had been spending many more long months training during his stay at the Embassy. He remembered Sharyl.... He stood on the balcony sobbing until he had been on his knees. Meanwhile, Jacob Levi was in charge of being ambassador, for the time being, with the Templar ambassador.

"Greetings sir." Jacob greeted. "There is much we can do while we are here. I understand that the Republic has a great mastery over the skill of alchemy."

2009-05-11, 09:30 PM
The Orkney Islands

As the old Bishop stepped out of the yacht (his guards had to help him down) and onto the pier, he greeted the Seeker official.

"Good day, my son." he coughed.

An awkward moment passed when Bishop Dupont held his hand out for the diplomat to kiss his ring, before withdrawing it embarrasedly upon seeing the Seeker was going to do no such thing.

The Bishop sighed. While he was sure no harm was intended, it seemed all foreigners were really ever interested in was Templar alchemy. Did they not know that alchemy was no mere parlor trick? No mere arcane gadget to be sold or shared at whimsy; it was an art, a philosophy, a science, a way of life. A path to Enlightenment.

"Truly, all of us who practice the art are merely students in the face of The Great Lord. Apparently not unlike your people, who have a well-known mastery of...er...magic, I am to understand?

2009-05-11, 09:35 PM
The Orkney Islands

an art, a philosophy, a science, a way of life. A path to Enlightenment.

"Truly, all of us who practice the art are merely students in the face of The Great Lord. Apparently not unlike your people, who have a well-known mastery of...er...[I]magic[/I, I am to understand]?

"Should it bother you to deal with wizards and witches, you may simply call us Archaeists. You see, thousands of years ago a great being more powerful than Lucifer, but weaker than God came to this dimension and gave it magical powers. The powers of wizards and such. It is confusing for non-Seekers to understand, because it is our belief that our powers are simply not magical or witchcraft at all. It is the same as your Alchemy.. a philosophy that bares supernatural fruit."

"The real Art, Archaeism is not magic. It is not witchcraft, but by the time the Archmage decided to tell us what we actually had learned we had called ourselves wizards and witches already."

"Almost all Americans in our order still have their religions, Catholic, Protestant or whatever they had."

2009-05-11, 09:53 PM
The Orkney Islands

The Bishop narrows his eyes inquisitively. "But is God, is Christ, not the Universal Truth that permeates all dimensions, all states of existance? And thus, is this 'great being' of which you speak not an entity that is linked to and subservient to God?"

Bishop Dupont smiles meekly. "I'm afraid you will have to forgive my challenging tone, but I am merely fulfilling my duty. The Templar Republic, and, by extension, the Church are hesistant to work with wizards..." his eyes narrow again, "or Archaeists, as the case may be. Theological issues are not so much an issue to the Republic as the general nature of their allies," he pauses a moment, "as well as the source and nature of their abilities."

2009-05-11, 09:57 PM
"This being is not an object of worship... sir, not even veneration as a Saint, so much as respect for a great, powerful and wise creature. His name was Saradinus. Saradinus believed he was a servant to a God.. although the First Wizard knew there was a Satan as well. Saradinus spreads respect for family, the value of life, honor and wisdom throughout the universe."

"He may be a type of Angel greater than an Archangel, equal with Mikail and the others. That is my personal hypothesis."

2009-05-11, 11:04 PM
The Orkney Islands

The Bishop looks up thoughtfully, almost as if he were trying to directly perceive the idea. "I suppose it is not impossible, though I find it far more likely that these powers, if they are as you describe them, to be merely the forces of the universe at work as God set them to be. Now," he says, beginning to walk down the pier, "I believe there are political agreements to be made. Trade and such."

OoC: Shall we assume that this conversation is followed by the typical diplomatic pleasantries? Touring facilities, talking to other officers, etc.

2009-05-11, 11:12 PM
OOC: Yes

"So... finally we come to this place.... This place is about the Nucklvee. A powerful monster... We chose the Orkney Islands for the Embassy because Orkney is famous for its Medieval legends.. Now thats the end of the tour."

"Now the best export that our fine organization has is ourselves. There are currently extreme diplomatic tensions between our people and the American COYOTES. It seems they are killing us over there because they think they are protecting America. Why they would murder Americans to protect them I'll never understand."

"But, we would love to have little reservations set aside for us in Europe in case we would have to become refugees. I hear that Switzerland is a fine place these days. We could make the mountains livable you know.."

"Now, we can teach your population how to use our powers, and since that sounds like it won't work, we also know martial arts, that the Enlightened taught us. We also possess an extreme variety of skills, and we are excellently honed in every one."

"Of course, we understand that you possess mystic powers other than alchemy through your extreme devotion. I am sure some of our more devout would love to have a somewhat long stay in Europe to learn how you have such miraculous abilities."

2009-05-12, 02:42 AM
The UAES/Enlightened:
Yes we do have some dealings with the Seekers. We have actually managed to get along quite well.

2009-05-12, 03:27 AM
"Enlightened.... We would be interested in helping you repopulate the East with our refugees, should the time come to escape the misguided Coyotes of the West."

"If such a thing happens, we would willingly intermarry... and having such allies in your native lands would be a great advantage."

2009-05-12, 03:32 AM
Of course we will help, should that happen. Not only for the benefits it gains us, but also because we never like to see the people suffer. So much potential and intelligence just snuffed out only because they happened to get caught in the crossfire...

2009-05-12, 03:35 AM
If you would like Jerrod Wong to teach you, he has developed his own martial arts through the Archaic powers. After he gets done on his mission to Hawaii, we might send him there.


Jerrod Wong is continually defeating the vampire creatures throughout the Hawaiian islands... if he gets done, and/or when, he will establish Hawaii as part of Seeker territory.

2009-05-12, 03:54 AM
Any addition to our our already extensive skills in martial arts would be welcome. I believe you will find us to be... rather quick students.

2009-05-12, 08:42 AM

"Hologram, huh?" Coyote slowly grins.

Before Armin can blink, there is a smoking revolver in Coyote's hand and the hologram is disrupted by a bullet passing through what would have been Armin's eye.

"Go to hell, Rhada, you and all your cultists. If you think of us as fascistic blowhards with delusions of grandeur, you can try doing our job yourselves. As of now, your little patch of land is no longer under COYOTE protection.

Enjoy the demons, bastard. We're not going to do a thing - we've got people that honestly deserve our help, and any shred of respect I had for you is gone. Chew on that."

Half an hour later, Coyote's helicopter was already above Canada.

Raven. I want every single COYOTE operative in the Southwest pulled back. We're going for a new offensive in the East Coast and in the Plains states. Understood?"
So, your meeting with Rhada Armin went well? They're planning to guard the Southwest for us?
No. I'm hoping the demons will do the world a favor and wipe them off the map, if we drive them west in our assault. The man's got an ego bigger than Alaska, and the self-preservation instinct of a lemming. If I ever get the chance, I'll shoot him in the face personally. ...In fact, tell Laughing Fox I don't give a damn about what happens as he leaves.
Sir? The last time we let Laughing Fox do whatever he wanted, we ended up with a national crisis. You know what happened to his mind in the war.
Exactly. It might hammer in the fact that not all COYOTE operatives are as forgiving as I am.
Sir, when you arrive I need to talk to you about the murdered operatives. I've found references to a shadow organization called "The Twelve" in the Broken Library, and I believe that they're striking at us for what we did to them during the twentieth century.
Damn. I'll take a look when I get there, but I think I just heard my next active assignment...

The Southwest; Halls of the Seekers

The COYOTE operatives are gone by the next sunrise, gone without a trace - excepting Laughing Fox, who left two dozen corpses and a mound of rubble that used to be a building. The man's ingenuity when it comes to destruction is nothing short of amazing.

But now... there is a void. The demons, who the COYOTES used to prey upon, now find that the northern warriors have left. There's nothing stopping them from rampaging into the desert lands of the Southwest, where they were forced out by COYOTE and the Halls of the Seekers.


Danu was lost in thought for a moment, before she laughed. "My friend, we have all we need in Eire. However, if you wish for some goods and trinkets, I believe we can oblige. As for treaties... prove your worth to Eire, like the brothers of spirit, and we shall see..."


Falcon looked over the new blood, recruited individually to replace their losses from the Twelve. A scout and stealth expert, who happened to be a werewolf. A skilled young Canadian pilot. A Montanan refugee, a bit loose in the brain-pan but skilled as anything with a weapon. A witch - well, "a space-time manipulation expert," officially, but everyone knew what that meant. An Irish comms expert - the bosses planned to send him to assist Black Ram in Europe. A spy - further information was classified.

Well. They'd have to learn quick how to survive. COYOTE waited for no man...

2009-05-12, 01:43 PM

There's nothing stopping them from rampaging into the desert lands of the Southwest, where they were forced out by COYOTE and the Halls of the Seekers.

Except for the Salt Wars. Rhada recalled all Dolorous Lowry and other Seekers from around the entire world (Except for the Phillipines, Taiwan and the Hawaiian islands) to rally against the demons of the South West. Coyote thinks that Seekers are one trick ponies, he was sorely mistaken.

Cybernetic soldiers were sent by the thousands to guard the Halls of California and New Mexico. (I never said we had Texas) In fact, the Seekers may not have had any Coyotes, but they had super soldiers of their own... Samurai Kami also gaurded the borders. There were also hordes of Djinn gaurding the desert lands...

In addition, the Seekers were still constructing the fortress, while the northern borders of the Seeker territory were outlined with mystical salt... an arcane, chemical mixture of rock salt, silver, and petrified elder wood. Within the fortress Dolorous Lowry stood in a secret room mixing a powerful brew, stereotypically with a pointed hat and a cauldron. Strange, ghoulish apparitions flew through the magical wards of the fortress and soared throughout all borders of American Seeker territory giving word of assault.

Meanwhile these same apparitions were protecting the Eastern borders with the same chemical mixtures that they used for the north. The conjurors were summoning water elementals to gaurd the waters and coastal areas of the West, and upon hearing the news, the Seekers, all American themselves... suddenly had a revelation... "We were right about the Coyotes."

Murmering was heard throughout the Halls of Idaho... "Cursed, be the Coyotes.... Cursed be the Coyotes...." Suddenly eldritch energy gathers in Idaho... The wizards and witches of the northern borders merely patrolled north and south through Seeker territory. They brought their tales of the Coyotes with them, teaching the Seeker children nursery rhymes. The spells were being cast throughout the entire West Coast, as the very land was being slowly warded against the Coyotes."

2009-05-12, 03:10 PM

You'll excuse me, but I need to get to the business of working the port, I trust you and one of the my manservant's will be able to conduct my friend adequately? with that the Ear land one of his guards disappeared, seeming to walk through the window which showed a picture the port for a moment.

ah well, he was interesting conversation wasn't he m'good man? well, lets be going shan't we? The Magician seemed to be attempting to recreate the Mona Lisa with the plants that made up his hair.

[OOC] so are we taking advantage of the weak position at the commonwealth border?

Colonial business

Fae troops secure up to around the middle of Quebec, and seemingly satisfied that the base camps on Baffin and in Nova Scotia (which firefox doesn't recognize...grr) are secured, More effort is put into securing the North American east coast. Large sections of troops move eastward and attempt to pacify and secure the coastal areas up to Florida.

2009-05-12, 06:21 PM
Dude, Armin, step back and chill. Where in the world did "thousands of Cybernetic soldiers" come from? Your entire post seems like an implausible one-up (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AssPull) just because you don't want to lose to me at all.
Now, I know we're still fleshing out our nations, but take another look at your post and tell me how much of that was "I want to be awesomer than COYOTE." You've already got magic and a wide variety of magical powers, and I don't want to have to pull myself up by my bootstraps to stop myself from being steamrolled by the invincible wizard host.

Fae In America

Unfortunately, the Fae in Canada have found that it is already inhabited by Americans. They'll have to force the humans out if they want to settle, and they're mostly guarded by solo COYOTE operatives.

The Fae heading to the East Coast are contacted by "Shadow Panther," a COYOTE operative in charge of "Resettlement of America." She seems rather upset that they seem to be sending soldiers, and requests that they immediately leave.

Gah, I'm so sorry about this, puppyavenger. I thought you were just colonizing Greenland, and it took me up to now that you were writing about settling areas that innocent American colonists/hardy COYOTE operatives were already in. Seriously though, I wrote about the resettlement of Canada just barely before you...

I'm hoping we can settle matters with the least amount of retcon and anger between both sides. Florida's demon-inhabited and probably isn't a good place, Canada's already settled, and the East Coast is bare for now but the next COYOTE target.

I'm fine with talks about Canada and the East Coast though.

2009-05-12, 06:23 PM
[OoC]-Okay, a lot of stuff to respond to...

The Orkney Islands
The old Bishop tilts his head inquisitively. "I'm sorry, but to what powers are you referring?" Perhaps he had simply misunderstood the question...

Armin, I'm afraid i've gotta agree with Raz, here. Where the heck DID those cyber soldiers come from? Don't get me wrong, if there's war i think you deserve to stand as good a chance as any, but where did you get the thousands of cyber soldiers?

Temple Cove, Corsica

Temple Cove was not really so much a city so much as one city-sized monastery. It was formerly known as Galeria, but had been abandoned during the Change and eventually resettled by Templar priests and monks and given its current name. It was a lovely seaside village, though it strangely lacked any sort of actual cove.

The Cove's normal tranquility is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a plane, which lands in a nearby open field. As the Albion magician steps out, they are greeted by several white-robed monks. They bow politely.

"Good afternoon, my son." one softly intones.
"I am Brother Rausis, and beside me are Brothers Mancini and Grisler."

"Good day." Grisler says. The other merely bows again.
"Please do not be offended. Brother Mancini honors God through a vow of silence. Now," Rausis continues, "I believe you are here for certain instruction in our ways?"

I suppose, but be patient-IC the Templars are trying to avoid war. If a war starts, it won't be them starting it.

Another part of Temple Cove

In the Church basement, potions and draughts bubbled and hissed. A fire roared in the corner, next to a series of tables onto which were strapped several different kinds of animals. All very lethal animals, of course. Beasts of the jungle and hunters of the air and creatures which stalked in the fields and savannas. A lone alchemist was administering potion to each one.

OoC: Talk about animal testing... basically, have any of you guys played Age of Mythology? You know how the Egyptians can use magic to control animals? Like that. I just can't figure how to write it without making it sound stupid...

2009-05-12, 06:38 PM
Dude, Armin, step back and chill. Where in the world did "thousands of Cybernetic soldiers" come from? Your entire post seems like an implausible one-up (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AssPull) just because you don't want to lose to me at all.
Now, I know we're still fleshing out our nations, but take another look at your post and tell me how much of that was "I want to be awesomer than COYOTE." You've already got magic and a wide variety of magical powers, and I don't want to have to pull myself up by my bootstraps to stop myself from being steamrolled by the invincible wizard host.

OOC: Look at my strengths in the finding players section really closely. One strength says "Powerful Magic." The other one says "Extreme variety of skills.." Thats what I mean by the cybernetic soldiers, who are actually the only implausible characters I put down in the list. My entire society isn't based on any one trait, other than the ruling council of wizards. Please, Raz, I don't want this to turn into a fight OOC, I still like you even though you can be annoying at times.


Nevermind, Bishop." Jacob smiled. "Anyway, there is a war going on in America right now I just received telepathic e-mail about. Would you be so kind as to allow us to settle here... should the time for running come?"

2009-05-12, 06:49 PM

The Magician bow, it's an...interesting sight do to apparent lack of hip joints. Do not worry, there are fair stranger mannerisms taken by those with far less enlightened goals. Yes I would very much like to see this alchemy you speak off, my patron is quite interested in its possibilities. he follows them wherever they lead him

Raz: see OOC


The gentleman replies who exactly are these brother of spirit?

2009-05-12, 07:37 PM
Temple Cove, Corsica

Brother Rausis smiles, amused. "I suppose so. Please follow me." He turns and is about to walk, and then turns around again. "By the way, may I have your name, magician?"

The trio of monks lead the magician (whatever his name in fact is) to an old church. Walking past the pews, which possess a few worshippers, they come stop at the Church's center. On the stone floor just in front of the altar is a large mosaic, an ankh made of blood-red crystal.

"Do you know what this symbol represents, magician? It is an ancient Egyptian symbol, representative of Eternal Life. This, my son, is what Mankind has pursued ever since the first ape-men looked to the heavens in awe and reverence. It is what mankind has pursued when they bowed down before idols of unfeeling stone. It is what mankind has pursued when they conquered and warred with one another. From this desire, man has learned and loved and created and killed and destroyed. It is this that one Man achieved two millennia ago, when he died upon a Cross."

The Orkney Islands
The Bishop shrugs. "I don't see why not. The Templars, at least, have no claim to these Orkney Islands. Perhaps you should take the matter up with Albion?"

2009-05-12, 07:38 PM
The Hall Seekers/Templars
"Oh, forgive me Bishop... I mean... in Europe. After all, as depopulated things are in Europe, I"m sure there's room for us."

Dolorous Lowry
Dolorous Lowry is for now returning to teaching the wizards magical powers...

2009-05-12, 07:41 PM
Temple Cove, Corsica

MY name in the Fae language is rather unpronounceable to you, and my title is either paragraphs long or nonexistent depending on whether I omit the titles that do not bear corresponding land. Call me whatever you wish, I am effectively nameless.

ah, it represents the quest for the return of life to the dead.
also, do you mind i I ahem, aid our Egyptian allies in their war on India?

2009-05-12, 07:42 PM
The Orkney Islands

"I, at least, don't see why not, though I don't believe I have the power to authorize such. But I would not advise Europe, my son. Things have gotten significantly more dangerous, what with the terrorists and all. There's something happening, something big. I can feel it in my bones."

Temple Cove, Corsica

The monk nods. "I see. May I simply call you "magician", then? But you are correct. Man's quest since the beginning of time has been to conquer death, to not just overcome, but to become greater than this mortal frame. But I do not speak of simply 'not dying'. I mean to truly transcend his mortality and become something...more. To not just see the beauty of the sunrise, but to be a part of its beauty. To be one with all things. To be Enlightened. To be Eternal. That, Magician, my son, is at the core of Christianity. The alchemical practice is a road to God's promise to humanity."

No, I don't mind you doing so. They're my allies, too, you know. I want them to do well.

2009-05-12, 07:45 PM
Orkney Islands
"Ah, well furthermore there is this matter of trade... We have lesser quality but higher quality versions of some of your lesser potions... We are willing to sell some to you for smaller numbers of higher quality potions, in addition, perhaps we could teach you some of our skills. Our people are experts in every field of study imaginable.. In return, you could, of course teach us your alchemy. You wouldn't have to touch the magic stuff at all."

2009-05-12, 08:01 PM
Temple Cove, Corsica

Certainly, the name fits me better then many.

he waits patiently for the Priest to finish his explanation and seems quite eager to learn so pretty much he waits and answers questions like a good student.
also, great as soon as The Gentleman is free

2009-05-12, 08:15 PM
Seeker/Coyote Relations Again


The visage of a strange hooded man appears infront of Coyote... "It is I, sigh... Rhada Armin... I have changed my mind about our encounter back at the Wall Street in New York City.. I have come to the conclusion that we have both made blunders that could mean the deathknell of what we both need to protect. Coyote, I suggest that we both calm down and explain to eachother our problems. I am not attempting to replace America... Coyote. I am attempting to save it."

"I have given thought to Coyote organization for a long time, and I have concluded that although we both have said things we should not have, I will establish President Harry in the former Phillipines. . . The Hall is not a Cult. Coyotee. It has land in the West Coast it set up for refugees to flee for during the demonic invasions."

"To prove to you that I am sincere, I am prepared to grant you Washington State..... please avoid Idaho for the time being. In a month, the wards against you should weaken and fall."

2009-05-13, 12:29 AM
The Orkney Islands

The Bishop sniffs indignantly. "Alchemy, my son, is a path to Enlightenment, not a capitalist venture. While we would have no problem taking in students of the Catholic faith to initiate into the Order, our alchemical secrets are simply not for sale. The fruits of those discoveries, however," he pauses, as if trying to figure out how to phrase it best, "....sometimes are, though it is the Order that decides what and to whom it is given. This decision is not made lightly."

"But as for trade in other areas, I'm certain agreements could be made. We have several projects and such that we are hoping will bear fruit."

Temple Cove,

Brother Rausis guides the Magician through the church, before giving him a brief tour of the facilities beneath it, which are surprisingly extensive. As he does so, he lectures the Magician on the philosophy and the religious belief pertaining to alchemical practice. Eventually, the Magician is shown a minor demonstration of Templar power, where he and several assistants ritually turn aluminum into purest gold.

The mystical, philosophical, religious, and practical aspects of the art are so seamlessly blended that they are impossible to separate.

((OoC: The Templars guard their secrets pretty closely, with outsiders simply being given samples of the philosophy that pertains to it and a few small nibbles of the Order's alchemical power and discoveries. The only way to really be given full instruction is to actually join the Order, and the tours and such are usually more to get prospective students to join than to share secrets with outsiders. So basically the things they're sharing are profound, but fairly useless without more extensive knowledge.))

2009-05-13, 12:40 AM
Orkney Islands
"Ah, we have some Catholics who would be interested in coming to Templar Europe.. And what are these projects you are currently undertaking?"

2009-05-14, 09:36 AM

"I'm afraid I'm a bit busy at the moment - e-mail your proposal to the Anchorage City Council, and we'll pick it up.

But Armin... thank you. Perhaps you and yours aren't as bad as I thought."


Danu shakes her head. "They are warriors of night, who asked of me the boon of silence. I will not speak their name, unless you can tell me first."


Several Indian military operations are foiled by "Kali" - a dark-haired warrior with a love for guns and blood. Far too much love of blood. Her personal emblem is a raven eating a heart, and despite only appearing four times in the war so far her actions are throwing the war against Egypt into disarray.

2009-05-14, 10:25 AM

"I'm afraid I'm a bit busy at the moment - e-mail your proposal to the Anchorage City Council, and we'll pick it up.

But Armin... thank you. Perhaps you and yours aren't as bad as I thought."

Anchorage City Council
From Rhada Armin:
Grants Permission to Coyote to establish their base in Washington State... In return for Coyote's re-establishment in the United States. Rhada Armin has a special gift for Coyote prepared in advance. This will only be between Rhada and the leader of Coyote, who has the same name as the organization.

Due to recent misunderstandings between Seeker Hall and rogue Coyote Agents thought to have been acting under orders, the diplomatic blunder of the century has been made between both leaders. We hope that Coyote kindly refrain from hostilities in the future.

2009-05-14, 10:59 AM
The nation of the rising sun:

Yukito Sama, the reports are finally in. Please remember, that we do not have any significant intelligence agency, and as such, all reports are largely preliminary.
Thank you.
The Prime Minister flipped through the reports. Japan had been disturbed by the television broadcast that apparantly shook the globe. He had then insisted to his populace that it was likely a prank, but that a follow up investigation was pending. Now it seemed that the threat was very real.
Schedule a meeting with the head of the JSDF. We need to discuss the threat these radicals present to our nation, and find the best company to begin production of war material.


We signed what?
The elven researcher sighed. We signed a military contract to create a new, semi automated ship of the line to guard convoys of ships carrying cargo. The new ship requires a military grade hull, a wartime firing capacity, and should use state of the art technology. We are also to turn as much of our R&D to war time development.
Tanaka looked a bit squeemish. We aren't a war production company. We don't know the first thing about designing things for war.
Neither do any of the other companies. However, the JSDF is using equipment from 2015, ships from the 19 hundreds, and the majority are untested. Someone had to bite the bullet and we were it. The Chairman says that it is unlikely that our efforts will be fully needed, but they needed someone making the effort. Besides, you play a lot of video games, watch a lot of cartoons. Just use those for inspiration.
Could I make a Gundam?
Aldastra rolled her eyes, but smiled a little. Yes you can, though we haven't got any gundanium alloy. And for the record, let's just keep the fact that I know about that a secret.


The diplomat had requisted an audience with the Emperor, though aparantly they hadn't known that the Prime Minister was the ultimate authority regarding foreign policy. As such, in the old castle, the Prime minister sat on a slightly higher elevation, and slightly more to the center than the Emperor.
Honoured guest. The island of Japan wishes you welcome. An alliance in these troubled times would be most beneficial in seeing us through the attacks from these radicals. We would be willing to lend our industrial might, and perhaps our military aid within our sphere of influence. However, we know little of you. What is it that you can bring to the table?

2009-05-14, 11:18 AM

ah well, thank you for your hospitality ,as long as we know you are peaceful our mission is done. I wish you good fortune in whatever battles you fight. The Gentleman and the expedition leave Ireland immediately walking straight back to their ships and barges.

When the Gentleman returned to his Palace he found a long and persuasive letter from the Minister. After Sitting there for a few days he got up and ordered every soldier he could find assembled....

Matarra Sir Lanka

A fleet of ships and troops carriers arrive in the Night and a large invasion force comes with them, thousands of troops flood into the city, and then the surrounding areas, scrying and magic are used to render any guerrilla tactics moot.

When the city is secured, the Gentleman walks from his ship to the Most important government building, and uses a spell to make his voice heard throughout the entire Island.

The Republic of Sri Lanka has singularly failed in its Stewardship of the people, As such, I, as a representative of the Successor of the United Kingdom, hereby proclaim the resurrection the Crown Colony of Ceylon. Lay down your arms now and you will be spared and given rank in the new government, resist and you will be destroyed.

The Fae army quickly spread out, using magic to influence the terrain and scrying to avoid ambushes.

2009-05-14, 09:21 PM
The Orkney Islands

"Mostly scientific projects. We hope to regain access to space, among other things."

Fort-De-Molay, Germany

Several officers of the Temple High Command tour the facilities of Fort-De-Molay, the Templar's chief R&D center. They briefed on the latest military projects and hardware. In development, among other things, are mechanical soldiers, floating infantry platforms, impenetrable alloys, and other strange devices of war. Most of these projects are mere tinkering, however.

The generals eventually come to a large pen on the outskirts of the Fort, where a large animal pen is located. They are greeted by a Knight-Sergeant, who guides them through the facility. There are hundreds of cages and kennels throughout, and animals freely roam. Most are predatory creatures such as lions and tigers and hyenas and wolves.

One of the generals speaks up. "I believe we came to see weapons, not a petting zoo."

The Sergeant nods. "Indeed, sir. A demonstration then? He closes his eyes and focuses for a moment, during which ten animals get up and immediately come to his side. They then begin walking in a circle, perfectly coordinated at all times.

A general speaks. "How is it that you do this?"

The Sergeant smiles.
"The dedicated work of our alchemists, mostly. These animals have a spiritual link to a designated "Animal Master", with whom they commune mentally. Though they do not sense it directly, their masters can accurately ascertain what the animal sees, hears, and experiences overall. Further more, they can command the creatures using that same spiritual link. Useful scouts, and, if properly equipped, perhaps the more powerful creatures would be capable of combat alongside our men in the field. Ambushers, and such."

The general looked thoughtful as he patted knelt and patted one of the lions.

"Perhaps, Sergeant. Perhaps."

((OoC: Yes, I know its a largely unrealistic thing, but hey, its a game))

Approximately 20 miles from The Fog on the coast of Antarctica

A remote-control spy plane hums high in the air, well above the fog that surrounds the antarctic coast. As it flies over the continent, it snaps photographs of the land, and flies in the direction of the abandoned research stations.

2009-05-15, 07:37 AM

The diplomat had requisted an audience with the Emperor, though aparantly they hadn't known that the Prime Minister was the ultimate authority regarding foreign policy. As such, in the old castle, the Prime minister sat on a slightly higher elevation, and slightly more to the center than the Emperor.
Honoured guest. The island of Japan wishes you welcome. An alliance in these troubled times would be most beneficial in seeing us through the attacks from these radicals. We would be willing to lend our industrial might, and perhaps our military aid within our sphere of influence. However, we know little of you. What is it that you can bring to the table?

Nathan Arnolds

The man before the Prime Minister is tall, and regal in his bearing. There is a hint of Kami about him, something a bit inhuman. Long blond hair flows down to his shoulders, while a peace-bonded sword with an ornate scabbard sits at his hip.

"Honorable sage, I represent the organization known as COYOTE - you may have heard of them already, and as a third party I can vouch for their honor and zeal. As you yourself said, your industrial majesty would be of great help to their cause, as they require much in their retaking of their barren land.
However, they know that no bargain can be one-sided, no deal without benefit to both sides. Therefore, they offer the friendship of warriors beyond peer, the information gathered by the best spies in the world, and cutting-edge technology, even more complex and advanced than that of your people. They offer access to the great oil deposits of Alaska and Canada, and all they ask is alliance with the Nation of the Rising Sun and that your almighty economy and industry help the settlers of America.
What say you, hound of the Emperor?"

The Elections Have Begun!

For the first time since the ill-fated 2032 elections, the United States of America is electing a President and a new Senate and House of Representatives! Both august houses are only going to be shadows of their former size, but nonetheless they represent the first crucial step to standing alone without the constant aid of the military organization COYOTE. Strangely enough, voting privileges have also been extended to any American citizen living in Seeker territory, despite the diplomatic fiasco last month.
William Saxon and Cullen Smith are the current popular favorites, though many leaders are taking a chance and attempting to get elected to the position. Notably, popular favorite Johnathan Valentine abstained from any attempt to become elected.

2009-05-15, 10:29 AM

The prime minister thought inwards for a moment before responding. We have less need of the oil wealth of the Americas, so much as we have need of the food supplies. Our records show that it is a land of great bounties, and of natural abundance. Our own nation must ply the globe to get even the minimum of what we need. As well, Japan has never been a nation rich in iron ore or other mineral wealths. Perhaps we could trade our industry for those resources instead? As well, if the citizenry of the Americas wish to return to their former life style, they may be interested in purchasing our consumer goods, much as they have in years past.

As well, our researchers are the best there are at upgrading technology. If you were to give us access to your more exotic items, we may be able to not only benefit from them personally, but make them superior in there function for you.

2009-05-15, 11:59 AM
Message for the Nation of the Rising Sun
Greetings. We would like to begin talks of friendship with you and your wonderful nation. We are neighbors, and as such we should work together, do you not agree?

Headmaster South of the Enlightened Ones.

2009-05-15, 01:06 PM
Nathan Arnolds

Nathan smiled slightly. "Oh, their items are certainly exotic. However, I trust you when you say that you could probably improve them. They are not adept with working magic, for the most part, and magic technology is something they haven't come up with yet.
They still struggle for the great fertile plains of America, but soon they'll be able to improve their food production. As for now, they are in much the same state as you when it comes to food - although I believe they've developed some way of making nutritious "food" quickly and cheaply. If you're not picky about identifying what you're eating, that may be a solution.
As for minerals... yes, they are booming when it comes to the iron ore production. Most of it becomes weaponry or helicopters, but there is enough surplus for trade, I believe.
Is there anything else you wish? Vehicular blueprints? Detailed information on the Americas and Europe? Military bases destroyed? I assure you they could give you these."

Wewelsburg Castle, Germany

Coyote sat beneath a tree, watching the Castle below him with an experienced eye. Lights would flicker in the windows momentarily, and the occasional flicker of movement confirmed what he already guessed.

"Fire Coyote. Ready." A man melted out of the cover of the forest, his camo suit still blending in perfectly to his surroundings. He pulled out a machete that flickered for a moment, deciding what form it was to take.

Coyote got up and stretched, before pulling out his revolvers. "The hunters have become the hunted. Let's hunt the Twelve." Beside him, Matthew Larson spun Fagarach through the air, listening to its hum with a grin.

2009-05-15, 01:14 PM
Anchorage Alaska
From: Seeker Hall

Seeker Hall is currently seeking to further repair damage between our two entities. We are ready to send you important information about our organization and to give Coyote that gift we promised you. Rhada is eager, after reading information based on Coyote, to dispel the myths that have recently been established after our diplomatic double catastrophe.

Currently, Four Side Hall is being expanded and fortified even more. Coyote is being asked to help in its construction with Coyote technology, in return for allowing Coyote members to receive magical training. Around 30,000 Seekers are working on building FourSideHall. Meanwhile, they are keeping an eye out for Laughing Fox. This time they are scrying for him(they don't know his name yet), and making sure the construction goes very uninterrupted.

2009-05-15, 02:50 PM
Edge of Seeker Territory

A horde, no, a mass of demons gather on the border. They yell and scream and leer. At their head stands a massive figure, easily eight feet tall with massive horns sweeping back, like ram's horns. His massive chest is covered in blood-red scales.

Hear me, Seekers. If you do not stop your attacks on us, we will crush you. You may cound your numbers in hundreds, or thousands. We will count ourselves in ten thousands. We will overrun any and all attempts to stop us. You have been warned.

The demons keep congregating, like a murder of crows.

2009-05-15, 03:25 PM
Southern Borders
The borders of the Southern Lands are currently being fortified wtih energy fields despite the demons' threats to stop attacking them.

Seeker training
Seekers are currently being taught in Enlightened Ways more and more frequently, combining Enlightened martial arts with Jerrod's style of fighting... These mages are also taught by the Sisters of Order and Chaos the ways of ordinary attack magic.

Rising Sun Lands
The Land of the Rising Sun has been considered for an alliance ever since the Seekers have inhabited the Phillipines. We would be so ever grateful if you would consider an exchange with us.

2009-05-15, 08:46 PM
Templar diplomats deliver a message (written in Latin) to Inferus, in the Balkans

To the Lich-Lord Quiescus, Ruler of Inferus

The Order of the Temple, along with the Polish Commonwealth, Albion, and the Undying Kingdom, are concerned regarding the power and potential aggression of two nations: the UAES to the East, and the Vampires to the North. As such, our nations have created a series of defensive alliances with one another. In this spirit we, the Republic of the Temple, extend an invitation to your government to create a defensive alliance with ours that, in the event either of our nations are attacked, the other will pledge to defend it.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Mirus DePaul, Grand Master of the Order of the Temple


-The African Legion is created, further bringing order to a once chaotic portion of the continent and working to bring it to the quality of life of the rest of the Republic. The more savage monsters that still live in Templar territory are systematically hunted down and either killed or captured for research.

-The animal control experiments (hereon known as "Project Assisi") being successful, the Templar military begins to fully integrate animal masters into the infantry.

-New projects, such as invisibility technology (Project Tarnhelm), are researched, using both scientific and alchemical techniques. Other projects include using alchemy to further enhance armor on infantry, tanks, aircraft, etc. There is also research into the possibility of robotic soldiers.

-The Military begins rearming and organizing Europe's missile systems and sites, having gone unattended since the Change. There are also naval landings on the Azores, the Canary Islands, and Cape Verde.

-Scientists are working to send a probe to the moon, to gain knowledge of how whether or not the Change affected earth's satellite, and also for the political reasons of showing the world that Europe still can.

-The police make several arrests regarding the terrorist attacks on Republic soil. Whether or not these are actually the guys, Greystone can decide for himself.

Yeah, a lot of actions, but then I haven't done much in a while.

2009-05-16, 12:16 AM
eh, some actions, too tired to do IC right now

colonial troops advance down the east coast until they hit a substantial demon presence, at whihc point contact begins.

continued professionalizing and magicing up of the military.

continued efforts to make it as dangerous as possible to port into England

set up stable telaports to Ceylon, as well as the main bases in Greenland, Baffin, and Halifax.

pacification of Ceylon, establish an earldom there, administered by local fey answering to the Gentleman.

climate-spell broadcasting

start researching a very powerful creation spell, whihc I will PM you the details of tomorrow

2009-05-16, 12:43 AM

For now, iron would be our greatest import, if food is not yet possible in great amounts. Until the plains are taken, perhaps you could lend our nation another source of assistance.

Our nation lacks information about the outside world. Certainly, we still have access to old satalites from the age prior to the awakening, but that tells only topology, not politics. We find ourselves at the dawn of a new era, where we may once again become an economic superpower not just in our own right, but in the world stage. If you could provide us with a dossier on the world powers, we would be greatly indebted to you. Lastly, the disposition and weaknesses of your enemies may aid in our R&D efforts to assist you.

As for technological innovations, if you have time, try heading to the Tohou research facility in Hokkaido. A Dr. Otoori Tanaka is our head researcher in the facility, and will need either blue prints or copies of technologies you wish improved upon. He is a man of... Questionable tastes, as is evidenced by the name of his company, but he is rather brilliant.


The secretary office in the parliament building of Tokyo had a mad scramble of officers and staff throghout the room. They didn't know which nations were which, and things began getting rather hectic with the Prime minister away in a meeting in Kyoto. The rough, outdated intelligence reports seemed to indicate trustworthiness on both accounts, at least at arms length as a trade relationship requires, and as such, messages were sent to both the seekers and the Enlightened ones that we can currently commit to a trade of information and goods with there nations, but were not currently willing to become stronger allies at this time. They then continued on to beg patience while the nation's leader was away, when a more official decision could be made.


Aldastra will create an ammunition type that fires magical effects instead of conventional bullets, creating a more devastating effect. The sizes will be a side arm, primary armament, TOW missile, large scale flak cannon, ICBM and main vehicular cannon.

Dr. Tanaka will begin the creation of a mecha, using ultra light partly magical materials to allow the behemeth walkers to exist efficiently.

The collective fey will gossip about events that they shouldn't know about.

The Kami will begin to stir, roused by the radicals that threaten them. Olaf will take this as a sign that his great forges must step up production (ancient melee dwarven rune weapons and armour.)

2009-05-16, 01:07 PM
For the lulz, here's a list of the various Fae armed force, military's, paramilitaries, and so on, along with a few lines of description.

note, I took magically integrated as a strength and I dam well plan to use it.:smallamused:

Raven Lords substantial forces

Raven Guard magically enhanced, very very well-trained troops with magically enhanced armor and equipment sublayer disciplined and all have a fairly good knowledge of tactics and some minor magic.

Wings nickname given to the force of snipers and scouts formed entirely out of lesser Fae who can turn themselves into birds. well trained as snipers and with extensive knowledge of ecology to know how to behave without arousing suspicion. their humanoid-form armor comes with a concealment enchantment and they are quite well-equipped.

War Wizards Trained by the Raven Lords court Mage and schooled in the alliances and clauses of the deals that make up Fae magic. They are expert at environmental control and battlefield altercation.

Crystalline Guardians the personal troops of the Archduke of Everlasting Noon, one of the Raven Lords most fervent supporters, they are large and lumbering constructs made of crystal. controlled mentally by their charges, they act as bodyguards for the various Fae serving as the Raven Lords vassals and servants.

Levies the official name for the regular troops that make up the vast majority of the army. They have some minor enchantments on their equipment, as well as a bit of training. They also have all the tanks, air craft, and son on used in a modern army.

Conscripts Exactly what it says on the tin. Occupation forces and skirmishers recruited from the local population, given a bit of equipment, some basic training, and sent to terrorize the populace or distract the enemy supply lines.

Notably, the Raven Lord himself doesn't do this, more out of a hatred of disorder then any moral reason, but his vassals and commanders aren't so picky.

Ministerial agents, peacekeeping "police", colonial defense forces, The Most Glorious Order Militant of the Enlightened Society of the Henge, Imperial guard, Shadow Court overt operations division, and other armed groups under the influence of the Crimson minister.

Imperial Guards Residing only in the Imperial Palace, these powerful Fae exist only to a. serve the Midnight Emperors Chancellor, and b. painfully kill any unauthorized guests to the Palace.

Ministerial Agents and the standing forces of the Chancellery One of the most modern and well-organized standing armies in Albion, the Ministerial forces are drawn from his various estates, as well s a yearly tithe of a few fit children to be sent for training that all the Fae lords must pay to the Emperor every year.

All officers know some magic, and equipment is quite good and anything the NCO's and officers wear to battle is probably enchanted.

The Most Glorious Order Militant of the Enlightened Society of the Henge Formed by all the societies members and their private levies, the Order Militant is a large disorganized and greatly-varying in quality organization that serves mainly to provide men and bind the Ministers supporters together.

Colonial defense forces Active in Greenland and the North American colonies, they are middling in quality, although recent experience has prompted a major increase in cold-climate and mountainous combat training. Not much magic or particularly stellar equipment.

Shadow Court overt operation division A few dozen very highly trained and very well armed special operation troops recruited from the Ministers spy apparatus.

the Gentleman's rag-tag band of sociopaths come latter

North American East coast

continuing their campaign, colonial Defense Forces continue to drive down the east coast, stopping only to conduct scouting operations, round up any native or demons and send them to the shelter being built behind them for colonists/kill them respectively. They don't stop until they reach an actual concentration of demon large enough to threaten them, at whihc point they try to open a dialogue.


The Gentleman, newly anointed earl of Ceylon, was quite happy, the fact that the Indians weren't responding well to the sudden opening of a second front and someone was messing up their logistic net was just icing on the cake.

With Ceylon pacified (and retaining 60% of its population) the invasion force turned its attention to the mainland. amphibious landings are conducted all along the Tamil Naou region, and any resisters are killed. anyone who doesn't resist is left unharmed..well in theory.

2009-05-16, 03:40 PM
I should have probably made this more clear, but the Charred aren't actually attacking. They are merely picking their teeth with femurs and the like.

Another severed head, this time in the form of an infant, again appears in the court of Grimnir.

We had an agreement. My master requests reinforcments. He also requests that you send as many nature mages as possible. I have an idea.

2009-05-16, 04:43 PM
Azure Butterfly OOC so, you want to start the contact scene?

2009-05-18, 06:08 PM
End of turn 2

(I am really sick atm, so if I miss anything... forgive me, and then tell me)

In Hawaii, the Vargoule threat is slowly defeated, and several men are found in an abandoned military complex. They have committed suicide, but the strangest part seems to be the fact that each is dressed as a WW2 SS officer.

The sorcerors in Greenland finally meet the Ice Witch who is actually a fifteen year old girl. As the Albionese wizards brave storm and cold and wolves they find her huddled in a ball, sobbing.

Elsewhere, things go forward surprisingly smoothly with new colonies in New England and the Phillipines going of with nary a sea serpant in sight.

The war between Egypt and India gets easier at the assistence of the unknown agents and the Indian armies bleed new life blood into the Undying Legion as they push their way into the Elemental State. The Indians have to withdraw to combat the new threat nd only leave a cursorary force to hold the undead who seem hellbent on destroying the elementals.

In that war, the undead suffered as the fire elementals hit their dry rags hard, but suddenly the battle has shifted. The undead seemed to be soaked in a substance of great alchemical worth. They catch fire much less easily and have once again began to march forward.

The demons of the charred feel a stirring as ancient power runs through the Earth. They sense that in Mexico, there may be a being or object of such unholy power they could once again smash the humans.

To Templars
My master wants only to be left alone. Leave us in peace or your blood will flow.


2009-05-18, 06:22 PM
[OOC] you forgot my daring raid to reconquer Southern India.

Greenland, actually green now!

The massive glowing sphere descend till it is only a few kilometers above Greenland. A blazing light fills the sky above the North Atlantic. On the Island it is practically blinding for those outside as it reflects off the spectral mirrors. Snow melts and boils, Ice turns to hot water, barren rock to soil, as Greenland is forced to life and the cold is thrown into the arctic.

2009-05-18, 07:41 PM
Yeah, sure.

The colonists face a pocket of resistance. Leading a group of 12 or so demons is a hunched demon wearing robes with blackened scales.

You pathetic bunch of fools. If you continue your excursions we will destroy you. Now leave.

More Charred gather on the border, massing numbers up to 50,000+
The magicians began setting up a massive spell. They also (almost literally) rip up the earth searching for the being of power they known is in their territory.

2009-05-18, 07:50 PM
Seeker Coast
Whether done or not Fort FourSide, is still continually being warded, enchanted and fortified in order to accomodate both Coyotes and Seekers.

To: Anchorage,Alaska:
From: Seeker Hall
Please come to Fort FourSide... Your gift is awaiting, dear Coyote.

Jerrod Wong leaves a small army to guard the Hawaiian islands as he leaves for the Enlightened Territory to personally tutor, and learn from the Enlightened protagonists. Jerrod Wong will also spend some time teaching genuine, non-martial arts based magic. For now Jerrod Wong is busily trying to learn all the fighting arts he can to spread to the Seekers.

The Phillipines
The Phillipines receive an establishment of Harry Golden as President of the Former American Phillipino State. (Carefully worded as to not upset the Coyotes) Harry is now trying to establish diplomatic contacts with Atlantis.

"Greetings our neighbor Atlantis, please consider a partnership or at least friendly relations between Seeker Hall and your ancient land. Legends of your wealth and power have tantalized the modern psyche for over a century, may we tantalize yours with our promise of brotherhood."

Derek London
Derek London is busily being taught by both the Order Sisters and the Chaos Sisters on how to use creative and destructive magic to a greater degree of control, scope and penetrating power. Derek London is not being risked going overseas, instead, he is being tutored directly by Jerrod Wong's apprentices, and Jacob Levi himself.

2009-05-18, 09:43 PM
OoC: I sent a drone to Antarctica to fly over the Evil Fog (tm) and photograph the continent.

The French Alps. 3:00 a.m.

Antoine was one of those vampires unfortunate enough not to have travelled to Scandinavia in time before the Templars closed the borders. Antoine spat the very name. Templars. "God's chosen men". He hated them all."Unsanctioned" Changed, they called his kind. Not good enough to fit into the Grand Master's perfect little "Christian" order.

The vampire chucked to himself. The Templars were probably scared of them. That was it. That was why, only a few months after they'd taken power, they started passing the Unsanctioned Laws. That forbid his kind from living in certain places, that forbid them from holding certain jobs. Laws passed with the express intent of keeping the "Unsanctioned" at the bottom of the social ladder. Goblins, trolls, basajuans, giants, and vampires like himself.

Antoine was not the kind of man vampire to take oppression like that sitting down. He found a local Templar. No one important, really. Just some small-time officer that no one would miss. He killed him. Than a few days later he killed another one. And then another. A few more. Eventually he heard from a few of his fellow Unsanctioned that the Templars had set a Witch Hunter to track him down.

And that was exactly why Antoine was on the run. Why he'd fled to the mountains first chance he got. He knew there was a Hunter on his tail. He hadn't actually seen him, but there was no mistaking it. Whenever he'd sit down to rest he'd get the feeling he was being watched. He'd turn around, and there wouldn't be a soul in sight. He'd see the silhouette of a man in the shadows, but on further investigation it was only an oddly shaped rock or tree. There was no sign that there was anything to fear. Which is exactly why Antoine was quite certain the hunter was getting close.

Finally, the vampire couldn't take it anymore. He spun around, shouting at the mountains around him.

"I know you're out there, hunter! I know you can hear me!" He snarled out to the cold night.

"Let me tell you this: the oppression of your masters, of your tyrants, will not be tolerated any more! We will-"

The vampire's empassioned speech came to an abrupt end as a silver bullet entered his skull.

Witch Hunter E stepped out of the shadows, a smoking revolver in hand. Just another job.

2009-05-19, 07:54 AM
Operation Wild Storm

Twenty hours ago, the information that the demons were amassing on the Seeker border had reached Raven. Without Coyote's leadership, she was in command of all American operatives, and she took action.

Twelve hours ago, Iktomi Base mobilized, Nanook Base's forces had already crossed the Canadian border, and Laughing Fox arrived at Sk'elep Base. First contact from Coyote in Germany, confirming contact with The Twelve.

Eight hours ago, Iktomi forces and Sk'elep forces had encountered resistance on the demonic border. They eliminated all resistance, sneaking past bands of demons when they could.

Four hours ago, Laughing Fox and the Sk'elep operatives had reached FourSide and deployed into favorable terrain, readying their weapons. Around the same time, Raven and the Nanook operatives landed twenty miles north of FourSide.

Ten minutes ago, Sighing Owl had confirmed that the Iktomi operatives were in position for assault.

It's now. Helicopters rip the sky open, firing air-to-ground missiles and raining down a hail of bullets on the demons. Snipers from both sides of the demons send silent death, grenades and bullets falling among them. Laughing Fox laughs his wild insanity out as he shoots another grenade down into the demons. And above, Raven attempts to establish communication with Fort FourSide.


Nathan nodded. "You will see a dossier of COYOTE intelligence on your desk within a week - and not a trace of the man who placed it there. I will head to Hokkaido to see this scientist. May your land and children prosper, hound of the Emperor."

And with that, he strode out of the hall, leaving the room a bit darker than it had been before.

Wewelsburg Castle

Greystone, did I find anything concrete on the Twelve by raiding one of their bases?

And in future, can I just decide what happens with assaults on the Twelve?

Further Actions:

- Research on the Twelve; witch-hunt among COYOTE to ensure no Twelve operatives hide among them. Any leads on Twelve bases are followed.
- Further research into Atomic power and weaponry, as well as esoteric new equipment, as well as seeking out magical artifacts: the Apples of the Hesperides, Mjolnir, The Book of Going Forth by Day, Caliburn, The Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd...
- New recruits are sought out to replace those lost in battle; COYOTE accepts anyone who is loyal and fit, whether they be monster or man.
- Reestablishing the American economy in Canada, trying to establish mines and lumber mills in the north. America must grow.
- With that in mind, encouraging population surges and increased fertility. Mostly propaganda, encouraging children and pioneering spirits.
- Colonizing Washington and Montana.

2009-05-19, 04:26 PM
Operation Wild Storm

The Charred were caught off guard. Was their enemy really this is stupid? Bullets smack dully into their skin. They wince, and continue their work. Grenades blast chunks in the earth. The demons flinch. Imps take to the sky, attacking pilots, gunners anyone they can get a hold of. Shots tear their wings. They keep flying. Devils create shimmering shields of force. Demons hurl unholy fireballs into the sky, which explode like mortars.

2009-05-19, 04:41 PM
Operation Wild Storm

Twenty hours ago, the information that the demons were amassing on the Seeker border had reached Raven. Without Coyote's leadership, she was in command of all American operatives, and she took action.

Twelve hours ago, Iktomi Base mobilized, Nanook Base's forces had already crossed the Canadian border, and Laughing Fox arrived at Sk'elep Base. First contact from Coyote in Germany, confirming contact with The Twelve.

Eight hours ago, Iktomi forces and Sk'elep forces had encountered resistance on the demonic border. They eliminated all resistance, sneaking past bands of demons when they could.

Four hours ago, Laughing Fox and the Sk'elep operatives had reached FourSide and deployed into favorable terrain, readying their weapons. Around the same time, Raven and the Nanook operatives landed twenty miles north of FourSide.

Ten minutes ago, Sighing Owl had confirmed that the Iktomi operatives were in position for assault.

It's now. Helicopters rip the sky open, firing air-to-ground missiles and raining down a hail of bullets on the demons. Snipers from both sides of the demons send silent death, grenades and bullets falling among them. Laughing Fox laughs his wild insanity out as he shoots another grenade down into the demons. And above, Raven attempts to establish communication with Fort FourSide.


Nathan nodded. "You will see a dossier of COYOTE intelligence on your desk within a week - and not a trace of the man who placed it there. I will head to Hokkaido to see this scientist. May your land and children prosper, hound of the Emperor."

And with that, he strode out of the hall, leaving the room a bit darker than it had been before.

Wewelsburg Castle

Greystone, did I find anything concrete on the Twelve by raiding one of their bases?

And in future, can I just decide what happens with assaults on the Twelve?

Further Actions:

- Research on the Twelve; witch-hunt among COYOTE to ensure no Twelve operatives hide among them. Any leads on Twelve bases are followed.
- Further research into Atomic power and weaponry, as well as esoteric new equipment, as well as seeking out magical artifacts: the Apples of the Hesperides, Mjolnir, The Book of Going Forth by Day, Caliburn, The Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd...
- New recruits are sought out to replace those lost in battle; COYOTE accepts anyone who is loyal and fit, whether they be monster or man.
- Reestablishing the American economy in Canada, trying to establish mines and lumber mills in the north. America must grow.
- With that in mind, encouraging population surges and increased fertility. Mostly propaganda, encouraging children and pioneering spirits.
- Colonizing Washington and Montana.

Four side is accepting Raven's call... "We see that the demons are busily fighting you at the border. We are prepared to send our magi to assist you, assisting us. We urge you to borrow our chemicals. . . They possess mystical properties very harmful to demons. In fact, we'll turn the mixture into a holy gas to attack the enemy with.

2009-05-19, 06:05 PM
Operation Wild Storm

The Charred were caught off guard. Was their enemy really this is stupid? Bullets thudded dully against their skin. Grenades blast chunks in the earth. The demons shrug. Imps take to the sky, attacking pilots, gunners anyone they can get a hold of. Devils create shimmering shields of force. Demons hurl unholy fireballs into the sky, which explode like mortars.

These guys are demon-hunters, and have fought them for... six years now? I would assume that they've developed weaponry that can kill magical beings - silver, blessed bullets and suchlike.

Give them a bit of credit here, AB. I don't mind if the grenades are ineffective for killing them, but they do have the advantage of being loud and distracting; as I said before weaponry has probably advanced with the times, and blessed bullets aren't that far-fetched.

Lastly, you've already got innumerable hordes and magical powers - what kind of story has one-sided battles? If COYOTE weaponry doesn't hurt demons, what chance do they have fighting them?

2009-05-19, 06:10 PM
OOC: I agree with you Raz_Fox, but I think that Azure Butterfly wants you to fight with more mystical means. COYOTE can probably use mystically laced bullets with silver or something.

2009-05-19, 06:17 PM
These guys are demon-hunters, and have fought them for... six years now? I would assume that they've developed weaponry that can kill magical beings - silver, blessed bullets and suchlike.

Give them a bit of credit here, AB. I don't mind if the grenades are ineffective for killing them, but they do have the advantage of being loud and distracting; as I said before weaponry has probably advanced with the times, and blessed bullets aren't that far-fetched.

Lastly, you've already got innumerable hordes and magical powers - what kind of story has one-sided battles? If COYOTE weaponry doesn't hurt demons, what chance do they have fighting them?

I'm sorry if I mislead you here. I'm saying they aren't falling like tissue paper, the typical imagry aroused when a gourp of highly trained warriors drop grenades on unsuspecting masses. I'll edit it though. I appreciate you telling me you dislike me telling of the story. Call me on any and all crap I come up with, kay?

2009-05-19, 06:40 PM
A Message from Mirus DePaul to Coyote--Sent on Secure Channels

Greetings, COYOTE

I'm going to cut right to the chase: ever since the Templar regime has been in power with anything resembling armed forces, Mother Church has been commanding us to launch a crusade to liberate Mexico from demonic influence. Up until now, we've never really had the opportunity. But now that guns have started firing, it allows us that option. In the interest of manners, I request permission to send a force to combat them. It will be a joint force comprised of HADES Operatives (with whom you may be familiar) and the Knights of the Lion. There will also be a separate force comprised of the elite Witch Hunters, who have been trained specifically to fight such hellish opponents, and may make the difference.

Christus Omnia Vincit,
Grand Master Mirus DePaul

2009-05-19, 06:56 PM
Operation Wild Storm

Several helicopters fell under the demonic assault, the others begin to angle their flight towards FourSide. The COYOTE agents on either side continue their barrage - it might not kill demons like men fell before it, but it would still keep them distracted and shocked. Raven was counting on that.

Raven herself was shooting imps trying to destroy the helicopter she flew in, her automatic barking again and again as she fended them off.
This is Soaring Raven, Fort FourSide. Please aid our forces in any way you can without bringing undue harm to your civilians.

Falconer, I'll get to you after Greystone lets me now what's happened at Wewelsburg. But trust me, he'll say yes. :smallwink:

2009-05-19, 07:12 PM
The Sorceress Mistress Lowry

Suddenly, the sky darkened, and hails of salt cubes fell on the demons... The weakest demons were killed instantly, stronger demons were slowly dying, while mediocre demons were hurt seriously, and powerful demons were annoyed. Surprisingly, FourSide security's advanced (but not as advanced as COYOTE) personel who were not experts in magic managed to lace their weaponry with anti-demonic magic powerful enough to hurt the majority of the enemies. The extremely well-defended Fourside Hall also sent swarms containing mostly rodents of very unusual size that infested the ruins of America after its fall. Swarms of man-eating cockroaches were charmed to be unleashed against the demons as well.

2009-05-19, 07:16 PM
Falconer you need help with the crusade? give me a cause and I'll be happy to hit their northern area's


The had of the colonial force that was stopped replied And if you would explain who you are?

2009-05-19, 07:41 PM

We are the people you have been slowly killing. I personnaly am Morthan, the king's mage. And who are you are so daring to kill us like sheep, for no reason other than we here?

Operation Wild Storm

A demon rises above the others, all rippling muscle and falring nostrils.

You would rain death upon us, rather than face us in combat? You would kill us for being alive? You hypocrites, who clam to be for knowledge and understanding would slaughter us like animals out of your own ignorance, who would tear threw our lands for your own selfish desires? I DEFY YOU!

2009-05-19, 07:57 PM
Dolorous Lowry's Face in the Clouds
"Demons... .are you not the invaders who tore out our lands to pieces. Our glorious civilization that spread enlightenment and wealth throughout the world? You kill without reason by your very natures. You are evil spirits. You would dare seek the lives of American civilians and call us hypocrites for fighting back."

2009-05-19, 08:07 PM

I'm sorry, but after a group of raiders attacked one of our supply wagons, we figured we shouldn't take any chances. The fact that the demons didn't exactly wait for us to announce our intentions helped soothe any shred of remorse as well.

2009-05-19, 08:35 PM

You made the first move. You had no right. We are merely protectng our land against people like you, the Seekers, the Coyotes, the World. If this really is a matter of raiders, why have you not gotten of our territory when it was obviously it was not us? You are no more than pilfering thieves.

Face in the Clouds

Liars. We have made no more aggresions. You call us evil spirits? You call yourself enlightened? We are beings of fire and chaos, not of death. Your "Lonestars" have done enough of that. If you you truely are beings of knowledge you will meet me here or I swear we will not stop till we have sown your lands with the tears of your children.

2009-05-19, 08:38 PM
Face in the Clouds.....
Lonestars...? Lonestars attack our settlements as well. I am not authorized to speak with you, but I can stop the storm against the little gathering you have here if you call a ceasefire.

2009-05-19, 08:47 PM
Face in the clouds

Then do so. We will wait.

2009-05-19, 09:04 PM
Operation Wild Storm

Raven activated the helicopter's speakers, turning them up to their maximum volume. While still nothing like the voices in the sky, it still made its presence heard.

There are some things that are unforgivable. I stood with Coyote during the Change... I saw the things you and your depraved kind did... We learned about you, and learned that you would not live in peace, that you killed anyone in your path.
I can't speak for the ones who lost loved ones, who watched everything they owned razed and raped beyond recognition, whose lives were destroyed by your unthinking malice. But I've seen enough of you and the effect you have to say this: Go to Hell. You're fire and chaos, true - but you bring death and suffering and evil in your wake. If we can make a world where our children can live in peace, not worried that any day a monster from their worst nightmares will destroy them and all they hold dear, then we will make it true. It might take the lives of soldiers, it might take sacrifice and pain and blood. But we have no choice, if we want to still be human.
You can talk to the Seekers. You can try to "sow our lands with the tears of our children." You can defy us all you like. But true, undeniable evil exists in this world, and I'm looking straight at it.

The helicopters strafe the demons one more time, before withdrawing to the other side of FourSide, landing and hastily refueling while they allowed the Seekers to speak with the Charred. The barrage halted, and the soldiers from Iktomi Base dug in, trapping the Charred.

2009-05-19, 09:14 PM
Meanwhile, Seeker agents are posing as Coyotes and attempting to join the fray.. They want to join the Coyotes and get revenge on the demons.

2009-05-19, 11:14 PM

Yukito Sama, we have requests for alliances from a pair of new nations. The seekers and the enlightened.
Aren't they the ones we shouldn't trust?
Neither is Coyote, frankly sir.
Fair enough. Well, now that we have got an intelligence agency that's willing to give us a bit of a hand...
You mean the ones that we can't trust sir?
Right, well it's the best we've got. Unless you want to infiltrate Europe, the mainland and North America you can stop complaining.
Yes sir.
Shoot them off a message. Tell them we'll give them a firmer answer when we get some intelligence on them. Until then, let's continue formalizing trade with them. Purely consumer goods.


Ack! Oh, sorry, we didn't see you there.[/quote]
[COLOR="Magenta"]I did.
Well the elf did. You must be Nathan. I hear you're here to see our weapons technology. Well, I can say we don't have too much in the way of military technology, or at least established ones, let me show you what we have so far. Now this, is an energy attuned battery, or an ibu. It's a crystal mixed with various metal alloys that have been engraved with dwarven runes and filled with elven magic. This one is attuned with the rune of Karosh, and loaded with electricity magic. They've pretty much replaced all forms of conventional electrical generation. 12 volts for this one, as much as a car battery and no larger than a typical micro chip. Has a 20 year theoretical life, but mine only seems to last a few days. We've taken the liberty of replacing all of the batteries in your current gear with these.
The elven scientist walked up to the secret agent, spinning a shotgun shell between her fingers. Alright, for the first item on our list, the new IS-2. I say 2 because we forgot that shotgun shells need, well, a shell. This is about a thousand shards of our ice generating chips, which we use to flash freeze imported meats. Each shard can barely penetrate into steel just enough to freeze it. She pulled a stocky, flare barrelled shotgun from a gun holster that seemed far too large for the holster. She loaded the shell into it. It was a strange 8 shot semi automatic shotgun, where the barrel flared outwared. She loaded it with a flourish and fired it at an armoured target dumby down the hall. The Shotgun blast seemed more of a loud hollow thud than a true bang, and there was no lingering smell of cordite.
The target was peppered liberaly across his body with the tiny shards, and at first there seemed to be no obvious destruction, the flak jacket taking most of the blow. However, after a few scant moments, lines of frost began creeping across the dumby's torso, and his jacket turned rock hard. In under 10 seconds, the dumby was frozen solid. Giving the target a sharp jab with the but of the gun, the Aldastra managed to shatter the target dumby into a pile of delicate looking shards. She didn't stop there though. Walking over the pieces of former human simulacrum, she gave a hefty rap on the chilled steel door behind the target dumby, shattering it as well. We're making larger scale versions to load into our ICBM missiles, to use for anti armour, and to add to Tanaka's creation. Now since each of these shells costs about as much as several thousand car batteries, we can't put them into full scale production until we can streamline our production of ibu crystals to a greater level. Until then, however, I bet someone like you can make due with something like it.
We're also working on a mecha, as she alluded to. I plan on calling them "Alloysprockets", but since I'm working with you, I think I'll stick to just calling them gundams.
Metal gear was a dumb game anyway.
You're just saying that because you can't beat liquid.
I don't see how you can punch a man that's that hawt...

The geeks leave Nathan relatively unnoticed as they bicker about geek things.

2009-05-22, 11:08 AM
(I've invited people to join this "They have establsihed nations already.)

2009-05-24, 01:37 AM

Nation/Organization Name: Jello

Races: Ooze / Jello

Leader: Purple-Ooze-Goo:

Government Type: Elective Dictatorship.

Dogma (towards the changed): The Jello people, are little known, and little cared about. They are to the effect of the greatest genius stuck as a 5 year old for all time.

They are neutral, not caring for good or evil as ideals, they care only for there own well-being and happiness.

Since they made contact with the land walking races, Jello kind as being more or less treated as a collection of monsters. Although they don't actively intend to cause undue pain and suffering they do occasionally need humans for experiments that they may not necessarily survive, or enjoy, but such is the cost of technology.

Very little is known about the change, there is a theory that it was a light that announced the coming of the Jello people. At this stage, the Jello's are not motivated to knowing any more than that.

Location: The Mariana Trench, Western North Pacific Ocean
Strengths/weakness (take two of each):

Gelatinous nature: Due to the gelatinous nature of the Jello people, they have no need for air and can survive the deep crashing depths of there home. They are very hard to kill, in fact there still trying to work out how to do it (its yet to occur to them that this might be a bad idea.) They still feel pain however, they just regenerate from it, and then generally try it again to see if they get the same result, then consider that maybe it wasn't the smartest course of action to do, but hey, third time lucky right?

Technocrats: Jello's are very intellectual. Technology as a whole is very new to them, but something they think is rather marvelous. A Jello's main method of learning is trial and error and due to there rapid recovery from otherwise deadly experiments they advance very rapidly with technology, however due to their isolation, they didn't have much technology to begin with.


Low Wisdom: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Unless your a Jello, in which case, its probably worth a try, you know, just it case it works.... or doesn't.

Low magic: Jello's don't understand how magic works. They keep cutting spell casters open, dissolving them, mushing them, skinning them, and yet still nothing. There is currently a theory that magic runs in the blood of living other creatures, and Jello's having no blood, can simply not use magic. To test this, several Jello's have tried to distill the blood of spell casters, there was some debate on weather they have to be alive or not during this process, in the end it was decided that both methods were to be tested. The tests where stopped because the Jello Technocrats kept getting headaches from all of the magic users screaming.

Background: Jello's have always being around in one form or another, some speculate that they are in fact related to jelly fish. However all attempts at interbreeding with jelly fish have failed, leading to the discovery of several excellent creams for the treatment of Jelly fish stings.
Its only recently that the Jello people have begun to surface to see what the world actually looks like. A leading Technocrat announced that since there was a down, there must be an up. This lead to the great swim, where the sky was seen by a Jello for the first time. Unfortunately, all of the Jello's part took in the great swim and no one remembered the way home, this lead to the Jello's finding there new home land at the Mariana Trench.
While searching for a new homeland, the Jello people discovered land, and with it humans. After a series of tests to learn the human language, the great diplomat, Sticky-Green-thing, attempted to make contact with a human leader. Unfortunately it seems "Run away its a monster, oh god its going to kill us all" is not a human greeting.

Since then the Jello's have being .... tender in there attempts to maintain contact with the outside world, even though they have adopted human languages now. Recently they have become interested in trying to work with metal, like the things the humans stuck inside Sticky-Green-thing as a way of greeting.

Main Players: (Three of your nations "Protagnists", not necessarily a leader:

Sticky-Green-thing: The Great Diplomat who first made contact with humans.

Blue-Burnt-Blob: One of the greatest Technocrats Jello kind has ever known. Renown for his discovery of fire, and the fact it hurts to touch it.

Purple-Ooze-Goo: The leader of the Jello people, activity involved with both the diplomats and Technocrats.

Above the Mariana Trench a sudden bubbling was all that announced one of the greatest discoveries, Jello kind has seen.

"Behold! I have worked metal!" Blue-Burnt-Blob triumphantly raised the poorly worked metal bowl into the air/sea, for all Jello kind to see.

Purple-Ooze-Goo copying land kind's behavior gave Blue-Burnt-Blob a round of light applause "Well done, Blue-Burnt-Blob, how did you manage such a feat?"

Blue-Burnt-Blob smiled smugly "It was all to easy really, I should have thought of it long ago. You simply engulf the bit of metal you wish to use, then jump into a thermal vain. Then you just ignore the horrible horrible agony, while shaping it into what ever you want!"

Purple-Ooze-Goo nodded sagely while thinking Truly, he is our greatest mind.

It took only a matter of hours before Jello kind had perfected working with metals, they had worked out that you didn't need to jump into a thermal vent, anything hot enough would do. They had learned that on land, fire made hot enough can do the job too. And one of the most important discoveries, the metal can be shaped by other means than engulfment, meaning Jello's didn't have to burn too!

Of course most Jello's still hold true to the old ways and engulf the metal to work with it, instead of merely hitting it with something, the new way just seemed so ... primitive.

Now that metal work had being thoroughly explored and understood, the Jello nation turned its interested to a new topic.

Working out a way to catch more fish to feed their increasingly hungry population.

2009-05-24, 08:38 AM
(Jello discovers a portal during his experiments. . . )

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-24, 09:01 AM
OOC:(Uh, Armin, how is this going to work? My nation is in America, and it seems pretty established already.)

2009-05-24, 09:03 AM
(Portals.. . Sorry I wasn't clear about that.)

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-24, 09:17 AM
OOC: So, is it two different worlds with portals connecting them, or are they being merged, Rath/Dominaria style?

2009-05-24, 09:18 AM
(I don't think that they are merged yet. I plan to merge them eventually. That will be the Second Change. For now there are only portals connecting them, Warcraft style.)

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-24, 09:27 AM
OOC: Gotcha. Thanks!

Nation: The New Republic of America
Races: Humans, Demons, Angels, Dragons, others.
Leader: John
Government Type: Meritocracy Military Order
Dogma: Those of chaos, those who behavior cannot be controlled, by themselves or others, must be destroyed. We who realize the need for law, the need for order, must band together, to keep our traditions alive. But at the same time, those who do not allow members of our society to have autonomy, and the freedom to live as they wish, they must also be cast aside and destroyed.
Location: Southern and Middle Eastern Seaboard, and Great Plains of N. America, plus a small part of a new landmass in the Atlantic Ocean.
Melting Pot:
The NRA is a melting pot of all those who wish a shelter outside the storm of choas that envelopes the rest of the world, those who seek to be safe, and therefore a wide variety of beings bring their talents to the NRA, giving the NRA no particular weakness in any category.
Different Organizations:
Three different organizations, the Restoration of Law, the Brotherhood of Sword and Gun, and the Institute of Progress, oversee many of the needs of the nation (Law and order; the military; and scientific and magical progress; respectively), making no central "power structure" of the nation, making it very hard to take down from any point of power, top, bottom, or middle, as well as giving it some sorts of specialization, each oraganization within itself.

No Specialization: The NRA does not particularly have any specialization, leading to it not being very strong in any area.
Trusting: The Nature of the NRA's melting pot gives it to being very trusting of individuals, making it easy for spies and the like to infiltrate.

2050: America is in ruin. Huge portals of death open in the sky, raining death and destruction, changes and dooms, on 300 million people. It seems as though all hope is lost...
Fast forward 20 years. A small, ruined hospital in New York City. A man stumbles forth. He wears ripped jeans and his face and upper body is wrapped in pristine white bandages. The only thing that is seen is his right eye- white and intense, it flashes red when his anger rouses.
A number of different organizations and miniature nations had risen up in the past few years, assimiliated into one of three different organizations: The BSG, the RoL, or the IoP. A massive clash between the three organizations played out inside of Washington DC, each side bringing in larger and more dangerous machines, until at last, they all unleashed super weapons, hoping to devastate the other two.
Until John appeared in the sky. Anger flashing in his eyes, he stopped the unleashing of the weapons, and return, burned the air and ground with the heat of his anger. He unified all the organizations that day, bringing them back into the country that he knew and loved, and then-
he dissapeared into the background, emerging only rarely.
Main Players:
John: John is an enigma. A being of great power that dies of he is pulled out of his homeland. The ultimate ruler with no ambition to rule. A god that scorns followers. He wishes to protect his flock, and that is all. But it will be harder than he thought.
Kratis the Wanderer: The half-demon head of the IoP at the moment, Kratis is a brilliant engineer and archamge who has done more than anyone else to reconstruct America after the Change. He is eccentric, and has an odd preoccupation with pudding.
Gregory Hahn: A paladin with zeal, Gregory is promiscuous and charismatic. He is the almost assured head of the RoL, with the ailing, but still powerful Gazrak Ilac leading it.

IC:2nd World, Washington, D.C., Coast of Potamac River, Jefferson Memorial
A great funeral pyre burned for the man known as Jalnes the Shapeless. A shapeshifter, he often took the form of a man with short green hair, black eyes, and wings. He smiled and laughed a lot, was laughed by all the peoples of the NRA, was a renowned diplomat, and made a killer souffle. He was also one of the greatest warriors the NRA had ever beheld.

A thousand men and women had gathered to mourn the loss of this man, the leader of the BSG. Even John, the reclusive semi-leader of the NRA, was there, his single eye formed with a pupil that beheld a slight look of sadness. He bowed his head and turned away, and began to walk, away from the funerals and speeches.

"Going somewhere?" a strong male voice called out. John turned back around, to see Gazrak and Gregory, dressed in ceremonial armor, walking toward him. John nodded at them.

"Well, yes, home, preferably. I am not a fan of funerals, you know." John's eye blanked out to its normal white, and the ceremonial clothing he was wearing morphed into a tan trench coat with sleeves ripped off just below the elbows, showing the bandages that wrapped down to his hands.

Gazrak lifted a white eyebrow. "Really? That outfit is just ridiculous, you know." Gregory tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh.

John shrugged. "Eh. Makes me more mysterious." All three of them laughed, then John turned away. "I'll see you guys later." He lifted a hand, raised two fingers and waved good-bye to the two paladins.

Screams filled the air. All three of the men whipped around, John lifting into the air, hands glowing with pulsating blue light and eye turning black, Gazrak drawing his sword, and Gregory unholstering his pistol, and unsheathing a small combat knife.

A great glowing portal had arisen in the air where the funeral pyre had been. Many in the crowd screamed and fled, but a few drew their weapons and advanced on the portal. John shouted, amplifying his voice. "Everyone away from the portal! Fall back and get reinforcements." He flew up to the portal, raised his hands, and began concentrating on it, raising a magical shield to block any from entering - or leaving - it.

OOC: I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me Armin, I just thought it would be cool.

2009-05-24, 06:26 PM

Blue-Burnt-Blob stared in awe at the portal, while Purple-Ooze-Goo stared blankly at it. All around them Jello's had come to see what had distracted Blue-Burnt-Blob.

"Its defiantly a .... thing..." Purple-Ooze-Goo said with an attempt at Technocracy.

Blue-Burnt-Blob slowly turned to face Purple-Ooze-Goo his face apparently locked in awe. "Yes.... Yes it is."

Blue-Burnt-Blob looked down deep in through then suddenly he nodded as he came to a conclusion. "We should throw something at it... see what it does." looking up with a smile on his face that began to shrink as he saw the expression on the faces of the Jello's around him.

Seconds latter as he found himself hurled towards the portal, as fast as several Jello's could throw, Blue-Burnt-Blob wondered if speaking his mind around other Jello's was entirely a good idea.

2009-05-24, 06:29 PM
The goo, or ooze, or slime, or whatever it was catapaulted into the portal, coming out into the Awakened world. It seemed as if something was just wrong. He didn't know what it was.

2009-05-24, 09:25 PM
The goo, or ooze, or slime, or whatever it was catapaulted into the portal, coming out into the Awakened world. It seemed as if something was just wrong. He didn't know what it was.

OOC: Is he still in the same area? or different area altogether?

2009-05-24, 09:52 PM
(If your both going to America just assume its in different parts.)

2009-05-24, 09:54 PM
(I meant, when Blue-Burnt-Blob traveled through the portal, did he remain in the Mariana Trench. or did he move to a different location in the new world?)

2009-05-24, 10:44 PM
(Thats what I"m trying to say. My Geographical skills are lacking, where is the Marrianna Trench?)

2009-05-24, 11:09 PM
(Around one thousand km's north of Papa new Guinea, then around 11km's below water.)

2009-05-24, 11:12 PM
(Can goo's survive under water? ;) )

2009-05-24, 11:27 PM
(Can goo's survive under water? ;) )

(Yup, specially noted in there advantages

Gelatinous nature: Due to the gelatinous nature of the Jello people, they have no need for air and can survive the deep crashing depths of there home. They are very hard to kill, in fact there still trying to work out how to do it (its yet to occur to them that this might be a bad idea.).)

2009-05-25, 08:25 AM
Nation/Organization Name: Second Britannic Empire
Races: Human.
Leader: King William V, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Duke of Normandy, Lord of Mann, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Paramount Chief of Fiji, Emperor of India, Head of the Commonwealth.
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Dogma (towards the changed): The Second Britannic Empire is above all an imperialist power. Espousing the ideals of taming “savages” and bringing the light of civilization to the far reaches of the earth, they have enthusiastically begun to reassemble an empire.
Location: British Isles; small colonies in India, New England, Atlantic Canada, the Caribbean, southeast Asia.
Strengths/weakness (take two of each):
Naval Power
The Second Britannic Empire has melded magic and the remaining technology to fashion a formidable fleet of warships. While they do not yet “rule the waves,” the Empire has been making great strides in that direction.
The scattered colonies provide the home isles with invaluable resources, both in terms of natural wealth and man power.
The Second Empire often strikes outsiders as terribly arrogant – and they’re right. The Empire tends to be thoroughly unlikable due to their unwavering belief in their own superiority.
Nationalist Movements
While the English were enthusiastic about the Second Empire, some extreme groups in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland see it as a return to 20th century oppression. Small scale terrorist operations in some regions, particularly Ireland.
Background: The Second Britannic Empire sees itself as the successor to the British Empire, unofficially dissolved a century ago. With the destruction of the international order, the citizens of the United Kingdom elected the Reconstructionist Party to power. The new empire used the post-cataclysmic confusion to seize small territories in the Americas, Asia, and Africa.
Main Players: (Three of your nations "Protagonists", not necessarily a leader):
King William V: Born to King Charles III and Princess Diana of Wales, William assumed the throne upon the death of his father in 2029. Educated at Eton and Sandhurst, William eagerly assumed the duties of the imperial monarch.
Liam, Prince of Wales: The teenage son of King William V and Queen Kate I, Prince Liam is the heir to the throne. He is alternately enthusiastic about his future reign and apprehensive of the possibility of failure.
Prime Minister Alastair Palmerston, The Earl of Derby: The third Reconstructionist Prime Minister since the rebirth of the Empire, Palmerston is perhaps the most ambitious Prime Minister yet. Fueled by early colonial success, the Earl of Derby plans increased colonialism.

Whitehall, London, England

The Prime Minister sat at his desk, his eyes not really taking in the towering stacks of paperwork. Outside the sky was slate grey, with thin clouds of rain and smog hanging over the Imperial Capital. The Prime Minister pulled another piece of paper from the stacks and signed it hastily, not even bothering to read it. He was too indignant for that. How dare they presume to know better than His Majesty's government? Reports had come in that morning – another attack in Belfast, again by the Irish Resistance. Entirely bothersome, those Irish. Beyond bothersome. Not even the successes at Johor could cheer the Prime Minister that morning.

Unfortunately, his day was about to get worse.

"Sir," the voice of his Secretary, Aldridge, spoke from the door. The Prime Minister looked up. "Mr. Palmerston, so sorry to be interrupting. But there's been an..." He paused, unsure. "An incident." The Prime Minister mentally groaned. Blast it all, another incident?

"You see, Prime Minister, we're not yet sure the extent to which it is serious. Scotland Yard has been dispatched – and the army."

"The army! Aldridge, what has happened?"

"Well, as I said, we're not exactly sure. Something involving a portal near Oxford. Whole county's being cordoned off, apparently, until we can find out where it goes."

This was the last thing the Prime Minister wanted to deal with now. I mysterious portal – good lord! "Has His Majesty been informed?" the Prime Minister asked tiredly. "Please do so."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-28, 02:37 PM
In Palmerston's chamber, a large pair of semi-transparent lips appeared. "You have a message from Gregory Hahn of the Restoration of Law of the New Republic of America. Would you like to accept?"

2009-05-31, 11:23 AM
The Prime Minister tried to conceal his irritation at the latest interruption. Leave it to the Americans to send a pair of disembodied lips when a simple spell would have done the trick. Nevertheless, he supposed it would be necessary to take the message.

"Yes, I'll take the message immediately."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-01, 08:30 PM
The lips vanished, replaced by an illusion of the handsome young man that was Gregory Hahn. He smiled. "I hope the, uh, lip thingy wasn't too weird. Something the techies insisted we do. I called to ask you about something. We in the Republic have a rather delicate situation. A rather large portal appeared in our capital. We were wondering if anything of the like happened to you."