View Full Version : So what would it take to actually develop Familicide?

2009-05-09, 12:32 PM
How would you actually go about doing that?

2009-05-09, 12:47 PM
a) there were threads about that.

b) My opinion: Not at all. If you have a character that is that powerful (permanently or due to some temporary thing)... just go for it and describe something cool. No need for rules on that stage. Rules destroy the story in cases like that.

2009-05-09, 02:28 PM
There was a massive thread on this already. The overall conclusion was that the effective casting level of Familicide using a reasonable interpretation of the Epic casting rules would give it a spellcraft DC which is simply too high for any character to achieve without some major cheese.

2009-05-09, 03:03 PM
Do you know which topic? (I can't seem to find it)

2009-05-09, 07:20 PM
There was a massive thread on this already. The overall conclusion was that the effective casting level of Familicide using a reasonable interpretation of the Epic casting rules would give it a spellcraft DC which is simply too high for any character to achieve without some major cheese.
I saw a version using the contact seed that had a reasonable (below 100) DC.

2009-05-10, 01:17 AM
Do you know which topic? (I can't seem to find it)

I think it probably got removed when they did the great forum purge a few weeks ago...can't find it myself now.

2009-05-10, 05:14 PM
Your DM would need to be drunk/stoned and you'd probably have to be sleeping with them before they'd even consider it.

2009-05-10, 05:39 PM
Your DM would need to be drunk/stoned and you'd probably have to be sleeping with them before they'd even consider it.

I am the DM, and I want it for a NPC. however I really hate the whole "lol, my NPC has super powers that you can't get!"

[TS] Shadow
2009-05-10, 07:20 PM
I am the DM, and I want it for a NPC. however I really hate the whole "lol, my NPC has super powers that you can't get!"

Yeah, but then your players will actually listen to what your NPC has to say then. And even I (who has limited experience with D&D) know that they seldom do so.

Anyway, it all depends on what side of the alignment fence they are. If they're evil, well then do what Haerta did: have them sell their soul for an ability that powerful.

2009-05-10, 07:39 PM
Your DM would need to be drunk/stoned and you'd probably have to be sleeping with them before they'd even consider it.

I'd allow it, actually, without being intoxicated or slept with (though that last one could only help...). I mean, seriously, there are epic spells that do worse things. Hell, there's a spell in BoVD that is Familicide Jr., Love's Pain, and it's only third. I'm not sure what the final Spellcheck DC would be for Familicide, but I'd certainly allow it.

2009-05-12, 01:42 PM
Your DM would need to be drunk/stoned and you'd probably have to be sleeping with them before they'd even consider it.

Sweet! My girlfriend DMs our game... and we are always drinking while playing!

What do I do next?

2009-05-12, 02:07 PM
It might be an idea to just give it to your NPC. If the players want it themselves, let them figure out how to do it. That's the point of epic magic, right?

2009-05-12, 02:47 PM
Your best bet to transform it into a lengthy ritual then, sir. Preferably with a few helpers.

2009-05-13, 04:36 AM
The problem with Epic Spellcasting rules in D&D is that it is extremely uninventive and doesn't reward the developer of a spell with a very satisfactory spell. Try crafting a 10d6 fireball using the epic spellcrafting rules. It'd require a level of 20 to be able to cast.

What Familicide has, that Epic Spells don't, is inventiveness. That makes it a much more valuable tool than any guide Wizards of the Coast has done.

Give it a DC and cost you deem fair in your own setting.

Work on other details first, *then* work on Familicide.

2009-05-13, 05:37 AM
Give it a DC and cost you deem fair in your own setting.

it no save killed a large amount of the world's black dragon POPULATION. There's really no fair way to do that really.

If it only killed the dragons descendants it'd be one thing; there's tons of prescedents for hacking away at the "root" so to speak. but the spell seemingly targets anyone with a genetic link, which is even beyond the level of most gods.

2009-05-13, 09:06 AM
I'd actually allow it. Granted the player would have to be around level 27, but I fell if a player has gotten to that point it would be right to allow them ridiculously powerful magic.

And if they kill a quarter of the black dragon population with it I'd just send a couple dozen Maruts on them and call it a day.

2009-05-13, 12:08 PM
Why exactly would maruts be after the caster? More to the point, a couple dozen? The caster isn't cheating death, and even liches only get a single marut sent after them, and then replacements if they defeat the first.