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2009-05-09, 02:03 PM
(Despite not expecting an Elf to crop up at all...)

Torrential rain ripped down through the chilled air, the sea below raging with massive white capped waves and the crackle of thunder echoed fearsomely with the bright flash of blinding lightning. In the midst of this hellion weather, a pair of helicopters made thier way, the steady thock-thock-thock of thier blades drowned out by the noise of the storm, and the creaking metal of the frieghter.

The broad, grey, ship they approached tipped wildly from side to side, it's deck slick with the water that had crested over the gunwales and the pounding rain. The thick leather soles of combat boots having no trouble gripping the rusted metal. There was no responce visible through the tinted glass of the nearest windows as the helicopters drew away.

"Somewhere on board should be cases of of nuclear material, and possibly a warhead, now under the control of an ultranationalist Russian group. All local governments are denying any responsibility of it's loss, or ownership of it. Get in there, eliminate the hostiles, and confirm the source if possible. Good luck."

2009-05-09, 05:16 PM
Mack locks and load his beowulf, murmung ""I can't wait to put some holes in somthing." He then takes a couple condoms out of his pack, unrolling them on the end of his weapons barrels. "Better safe then sorry."

2009-05-09, 09:30 PM
Johnathan Phoenix

John checks all of his equipment very carefully on the trip over, making sure that everything is where it should be and that all is working properly. He places his magnum into its holster last, with an almost reverent care for the bulky, powerful weapon. He locks and loads his HK, staring down the barrel for a second as if checking to make sure it wasn't bent.

He sets foot onto the deck and sits still for a few seconds to allow himself to adjust to the rocking motion of the deck and to get his bearing. Once he feels solidly connected to the "ground" beneath him, he does a quick sweep of the deck for any signs of life. Finding none, he speaks just loudly enough to be heard over the storm.

"Clear. Lets move out for the primary objective."

2009-05-09, 10:08 PM

John cocked his shotgun and grinned to himself. He loved the rain, it reminded him of home. But they told him he wasn't supposed to talk about home anymore. "Well.... Time to see what this puppy can do.

2009-05-11, 03:56 PM

2009-05-14, 12:02 PM
Grannus Voltaire

As the helicopter slowly sets down on the deck of the thrashing ship, Grannus lets out a deep sigh. I still don't get why I'm called on for these missions. Brutus or Antigone would love to be out here shooting up a ship of Russians. Do they really not trust the rest of you to stay out of trouble? Getting off the helicopter, Grannus checks his hip holster for his gun and quickly assures himself of the presence of ammo. Ah well, I'll just have to make sure that nobody here manages to screw up the mission too bad. We enter by the second door on the right! Move!