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View Full Version : D&D v3.75 [Mechanics]

Vorpal word
2009-05-09, 04:50 PM
After some time to revise things, I came to a few conclusions about my v3.75 homebrew plan. The first of which is the fact that it should be posted in several different threads for different topics. There are now five threads, for races, classes, mechanics, skills, and feats. Please post comments on appropriate threads only.

This thread is for game mechanics, such as the combat sequences and character making. I've decided to keep the v4 minor, move, and standard actions for simplicity's sake. The current problem I'm looking at is which of the special combat actions (bull rush, charge, grapple, feint, etc) should be kept and how they should work optimally).

2009-05-09, 11:11 PM
I've decided to keep the v4 minor, move, and standard actions for simplicity's sake.That's probably for the best. It's pretty much how 3.5 ended up working out anyways (but with Swift actions)

I wish you luck when tangling with the Grapple rules *shudder*

As far is Charge is concerned, I don't think it's complex enough to warrant a change (unless you need to increase the power)

2009-05-10, 02:23 AM
I'm keep the special combat actions and make them as simple as possible. Their more advanced uses should be divided between the classes and feats that would use them most often.

Book Wyrm
2009-05-10, 03:44 AM
I don't know if your familiar with Pathfinder, but its a free download from Paizo and I think they handle this decently well. Basically you get a Combat Maneuver Bonus equal to your BAB+Strength+Size Modifier. You then must make a DC of 15+the targets CMB to use the maneuver. Usually failing the check by 10 or more results in a consequence. They list bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun, and trip as combat maneuvers.

I would amend this to allow either Dexterity or Strength, and consider lowering the DC. Or, you could eliminate the DC check and leave it as opposed rolls. They say these maneuvers still provoke AoO's, but I'm not sure whether to change that.

Feint is a standard action Bluff check versus either a DC= 10+BAB+Wis, or if the opponent is trained in Sense Motive, 10+Sense Motive modifier. Charge remains the same.

Vorpal word
2009-05-10, 07:43 AM
I have downloaded Pathfinder, though I haven't looked at it very much as of yet. I kinda like the 3.5 AoO vs Reflex Save approach, but it is a little too complex. One thing I'm definitely doing is changing the Feint to a move action with one feint per opponent per round (and Improved Feint makes it a minor action). From what I've seen in 3.5, Improved Feint is semi-useless because nobody will spend their attacks on feinting anyway when they could just 5-foot step and flank. Feinting should also be completely separate from Bluff checks, it should be a Dex/Int plus BAB roll opposed by a Wisdom/Insight/Sense Motive check.

2009-05-19, 02:03 PM
I'd love getting rid of multiple attacks per round, unless through some feat that works only for specific (group of) weapons, and it's usable as a standard action.

This way fighting classes can find a use for their move action.

2009-05-19, 05:46 PM
I'd keep multiple attacks per round as it allows warriors to do more damage. It may be a bit more complicated, but maybe have standard attack become -10 intervals.

So Fighters at 20th level would have Full attack 20/15/10/5/0
And normal attack would be 20/10/0. That way they can still have the use of movement and be useful in dealing straight damage.

2009-05-20, 04:59 AM
More damage can be achieved through +1/2 level (or BAB) to damage.

2009-05-20, 09:03 AM
For my houserule project, I'm replacing iterative attacks with "roll X number of d20s, take the best result". I was pleasantly surprised to find that, for level-appropriate opponents, the average number of hits per attack sequence is almost exactly the same. It also happens to be a lot faster in play.