View Full Version : Intruders to the Tree (4e) IC

2009-05-09, 05:54 PM
(/OOC: OOC Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6084441#post6084441
Recruitment Thread:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109701)

As you look over the branches of the open elven city, Sajorabiye, you notice a troop of goblins rushing toward the wall of trees that serves as its wall. While goblin raids are not been uncommon, and have been more frequent as of late, you realize something is wrong this time. The goblins seem desperate and tired, and some are already wounded. As you unsheathe your sword, you decide you must get to the bottom of this

(/OOC I realize that this dumps you directly into a combat situation, however, before I post up a grid, I would like all the players to post a "what I was/am doing the moment the goblins attacked" explanation)

2009-05-09, 08:07 PM
As the sun remerged from behind the passing clouds, Rom stretched out again on his rooftop perch, basking in the heat. A day like this, peaceful and unoccupied was rare at the moment. His ‘gift’ for magic took far more effort to control than the more languid powers of his fellow students, and he was used to extra work.

The sudden yells and the mournful sound of the horns raised in alarm jerked him out of his sun-drunk reverie. Sliding to the edge of the roof, he looks down onto the protective wall of the city just in time to see the first wave of attackers being repulsed by the guards. A sudden smile lights up his face, and he swings down to the landing of his room and sprints for the ground, snatching up his battered old staff as he does so.

As he passes the floor below, he calls out to his grandfather “The goblins are back! I’m heading down to aid the city guard, and see how many greenskins I can fry”. A muffled exclamation and a distant “Rom, what are you ...” follow him down the stairs as he hits ground level, and heads off towards the sound of fighting.

2009-05-09, 08:19 PM
Merelus peered out from the tree that he was hiding in. He was well acquainted with such places. He had simply been investigating a certain gentleman's possessions. Said Gentleman had choosen to come back at an unoppurtune time, and had released several large dogs after Merelus. Now, he might have been able to kill the dogs, but frankly, he had little interest in doing that. So he had been making his way from Tree Top to Tree Top. However, it appeared his cleverness was going to get him in trouble.

"Goblins. Which means a battle. Which means answering unfortunate questions if choose to stay up here."

Merelus sighed. He didn't like Goblins much anyways. There was little of beauty in them, and they destroyed what beauty they found.

"Sides, they don't look to be in the best condition..."

The Eladrin neatly flipped out of his tree, hitting the ground in a roll, and springing up immedietely, before drawing his weapons.

"...it might have been better to wait for the town guard."

2009-05-10, 02:48 AM
When the alarms started going off Fargrim was busy trying to order a beer at a small tavern he had found after first arriving in the city. In fact he was concentrating so hard on getting the bartender to pay attention to someone who didn't even show up over the top of the counter, that he didn't actually hear the alarm for a few minutes.

"Bloody elves and their bloody furniture. Why can't they build things at a proper height." Muttered Fargrim to himself.

"Eh, what's that." Stopping his futile effort to attract the bartenders attention Fargrim shoved his way outside the tavern to hear the noise that had attracted his attention better.

"By Moradin's hammer! That's the alarm bell. Well then the beer can wait, time to see what's up."

Shouldering his axe Fargrim started running to the wall. He hoped it would be a band of raiders. It had been a while since he had fought something and he needed to let off some steam.

King Tius
2009-05-10, 08:35 AM
Fafnir, the hulking, dragonborn cleric, had been dozing peacefully on a rooftop balcony. A pesky fly causes him to wake and he sees the Goblins leaving the forest before the general commotion picks up. Suddenly instantly awake, he quickly drops from the rooftop and takes off at a dead sprint towards the city gate, trying to reach the Goblin pack to assist the town guard, who will likely need his healing.

2009-05-15, 06:57 PM
As you jump into the fray, you hear the noise of an alarm going off behind you. It seems as though reinforcements are coming, though it might be some time.

(/OOC: Battle Grid: http://i379.photobucket.com/albums/oo234/gamecenterpodcast/Picture1-2.png
Your colors are based on your speech color, and locations based on your intro (Blue Rom, Orange Fargrim, Red Fafnir, and Green Merelus). Other colors are:
Black: Walls, 20ft high, 10 ft thick, scalable from inside easily, not so much from without, extend for the whole map.
Silver: Same as Walls, but friendly units can pass through.
Pink: Monster One, carrying spear, appears bloodied.
Light Blue: Monster Two, Carrying sling, appears bloodied.
Teal: Monster Three, Carrying Sling,
Dark Turquoise: Monster 4, carrying spear.
White: Boulders, 5 ft high, concealment. Please excuse my newness to mapmaking and general awfulness of the screenshot. Lord Orcus will not be included until he types his intro in)/ooc

(/ooc Initiative:
Immeral (When he gets here): [roll0]
Fafnir: 0
Merelus: [roll1]
Rom: [roll2]
Fargrim: [roll3]
Slingers: (1d20+5)[15]
Spears: (1d20+1)[13]

Lord Orcus
2009-05-15, 10:13 PM
when the alarm sounds Immeral is keeping watch on the same wall that the goblins are attacking, and he is doing target practice with his magic missile spell as nothing has happened for hours. He says ah darn, on the last day before I get to go back to Sabenea. I geuss I have to help. and runs along the wall towards the fray.

(/ooc sorry I haven't said anything for awhile, haven't had access to Internet /ooc)

2009-05-16, 06:04 AM
Merelus sighed, still annoyed by this. If the Goblins had waited a few hours, they could have gone and gotten slaughtered by the guards. But nope, they had to do it now. He just shook his head, and then took a few steps to the right, before releasing his Shuriken, putting a bit of a backspin on it, so it would sink a little just as it got to the creature, dodging his defenses.

Merelus takes three steps to the right, and uses Sly Flourish with his Shuriken on the Goblin designated Dark Turqouise.

(OOC: +5 Dex Modifier +3 Proficiency gives +8. Combat Advantage gives another +2, from first strike, giving a total of plus ten. Assuming a hit, 1d6+7 base damage, plus 2d8 from sneak attack. If a critical, ignore rolls for max damage/)



2009-05-16, 10:35 AM
The shuriken thrown by Merelus slices through the goblin's arm, as he gives out a yelp.

Hit, not yet bloodied

(OOC: New map with Immeral and Merelus's new position:http://i379.photobucket.com/albums/oo234/gamecenterpodcast/Picture1-3.png

2009-05-19, 12:43 AM
Fargim couldn't see much from where he was, but he could tell none of the goblins were within striking distance yet. He sighed. As much as he wanted to charge into the fray that would just leave him exposed and alone. He would have to wait. But at least he make his stand at the gate. They would have to come there anyway if they wanted to get in.

Fargrim moves forward 5 squares to stand at the edge of the silver area.

(OOC: I assume that the silver is the gate and that it's 5 squares wide. If not he'll stop short of 5 or use a double move to make up the difference.)

Lord Orcus
2009-05-19, 06:40 PM
Immeral jumps into action, teleporting across the gate and hiting the farthest enemy with a spell
I fey step across the gate, then hit the purple monster with a magic missile spell.
I roll to hit with my magic missile [roll0], then roll for damage [roll1]

2009-05-19, 06:49 PM
The goblin nimbly dodges the missile fired at him.

(/ooc Grey is gate, you can stand there. From now on will update map at end of every round.)

2009-05-19, 06:55 PM
The two spear holders rush towards the wall (and Merelus) screaming. The slingers in the meantime throw stones at him. One spear holder thrusts and hits Merelus squarely in the chest as the stones pelt his arms.

Pink moves 6 squares to the left and down in a diagonal line. Dark Turquoise moves to square up/right from Merelus. Slingers attack, as does Dark Turqouise.

Slinger 1: [roll0] Dmg: [roll1]
Slinger 2: [roll2] Dmg: [roll3]
Dark Turquoise Spear: [roll4] Dmg: [roll5]
All hit: 25 dmg Merelus has 4hp left (ouch, lucky rolls)

King Tius
2009-05-20, 01:22 AM
Sorry sorry sorry. I will post first thing in the morning

2009-05-20, 02:52 AM
As he reaches the gate, Rom quickly scans the placement of the defenders and oncoming attackers. He stops behind the heavily armoured dwarf at the entrance to the gate, wincing a little as a nearby eladrin is hit by a flurry of stones. “Little runts, you think you can hide?” he sends a stream of blazing motes towards one of the hiding creatures.

Move action : Behind Fargrim

Standard Action : Blazing starfall, area burst 1 in front of monster 2 (the slinger to the left)
[roll0] vs reflex
[roll1] radiant


so that gives him 5 resistance to poison

Sidenote: I don’t think it would change the results, but shouldn’t Merelus have concealment from the slingers and get the -2 benefit?

Also: I’m using http://www.editgrid.com/user/maniki/Intruders_1 this map to track movements in between updates, which others might find useful too

2009-05-20, 03:27 AM
Merelus cursed as the Goblins struck him, unhappy with himself. He supposed this is what he got for trying to be a hero. If he didn't get the hellout of harms way soon, he'd be a dead man.

"Hey, my little friend."

He said, to the Spear Thrower standing beside him.

"Watch out for that angry looking Elf with the Sword behind you."

With that Merelus flicked his Dagger out like he intended to make a desperate slash with it, before driving it home into a stab.

"Bye bye..."

The Eladrin smiled as he vanished in a twinkling of an eye, reappearing behind Fafnir with a pained smile, pausing for a sec to catch his breath, and hopefully staunch some of the blood flow.

Hokay, this is a big one.

Free Action, Bluff to the Spear Goblin beside Merelus to gain Combat Advantage. [roll0]

Sly Flourish on that same Goblin. [roll1] to hit. [roll2] for damage on hit. If Bluff worked, and he has Combat advantage [roll3].

Then Merelus Feysteps, ending up behind Fafnir, burns an Action Point and Second Wind, bringing him to 11 Health.

2009-05-20, 07:26 PM
The goblin slinger cowering behind the rock screams as he is engulfed by flames. Meanwhile the other spear goblin turns around for the split second needed for a dagger to sink into his unexposed flank. He tries to shake his fist at the teleporting rogue, but almost falls over in the process and abandons the attempt.

Goblin Sense Motive Check: [roll0]

Both goblins are very bloodied now.

2009-05-20, 09:51 PM
@Maniki: Technically they should, however it did not make a difference to the outcome of the roll. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

2009-05-21, 04:15 PM
Fargrim winced in sympathy as he saw Merelus get hit by all three goblins.

"That had to hurt a bit. Still he was just an elf. Let's see how they like the taste of dwarfish steel."

With that Fargrim sprinted up to the nearest goblin and delivered a blow with his axe.

Move action: Up and to the right to be next to the dark turquoise goblin.
Standard action: shielding smite on dark turquoise

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] normal damage

And Rom gets a +3 bonus to AC.

2009-05-21, 05:34 PM
The dwarve's blade just bounces off the goblin's armor. The goblin screams triumphantly what sounds like "buo ruo"

Fargrim's attack missed

King Tius
2009-05-21, 05:47 PM
Fafnir turns as the Eladrin appears next to him.

"Hold still, let the light of Bahmut heal you!"

Fafnir uses his Healing Word ability on Merelus and then rushes forwards 5 squares to engage the nearest Goblin

Healing Word
Divine, Healing, Minor Action, Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally
Effect: Spend healing sure +1d6 HP [roll0]

2009-05-21, 07:57 PM
(/OOC I am now using maniki's spreadsheet http://www.editgrid.com/user/maniki/Intruders_1 for faster editing. After this combat, I will upload my own in the future. Feel free to either move your own squares on the grid, or I will as soon as someone else posts their move after you.)

2009-05-26, 04:24 PM
Merelus smiled, feeling better. He could still do with a rest, but he felt well enough to get back out there.

"And finish off my little friend..."

Merelus quickly covered the ground between him and the Goblin, covering the last few feet in a deft slide to come around behind him. With that he slashed quickly at the goblin.

Merelus moves five squares North, and one square NE, then uses Deft Strike to shift two more squares, bringing him across the goblin from Fargrim.

[roll0] to hit.


2009-05-26, 05:32 PM
Merelus's dagger slips through the goblins guard, and the goblin makes a small whimper, then crumples

You have one dead goblin

2009-05-27, 07:25 PM
Fargrim scowls at the dead goblin. It hadn't even had the decency to live long enough to put up a proper fight.

After a quick look around the battlefield he moves towards the slingers. Maybe they would put up more of a fight.

Fargrim double moves 5 squares north then 3 west and finally another 2 north to get as close as possible to the nearest slinger.

edited for species error

2009-05-27, 07:54 PM
The goblin that Fargrim approached screams a surprised "gah!" and fires at Fargrim but the stone bounces off of his armor, while the other tries a potshot at Merelus, hitting him below the chin. Meanwhile the spear holder yells a battle cry and charges towards Fafnir.

Light Blue Slinger attacking Merelus: [roll0] [roll1] Hit, Merelus now has 8 health.
Teal Slinger attacking Fargrim: [roll2] [roll3] Miss
Purple Goblin double moves to get next to Fafnir.

(OOC: I assume you meant to say goblin, not dwarf Arcane Stomper. And boy, these goblins sure roll high when Merelus is concerned.:smallbiggrin:

2009-05-27, 08:27 PM
sorry for double post:

(/ooc Initiative:
Immeral: (1d20+2)[16]
Fafnir: 0
Merelus: (1d20+9)[21]
Rom: (1d20+4)[12]
Fargrim: (1d20+1)[20]
Slingers: (1d20+5)[17]
Spears: (1d20+1)[18]

2009-05-28, 03:31 AM
The air around Rom thickens and ripples for an instant, the effect disappearing as he drives his staff towards the goblin a second time. He rushes forward, stepping around the goblin attacking Fafnir and making for the gap between the barricades.

Standard: Mists of Disarray Sorcerer Attack 1
Area burst 1 next to the slinger to the left
[roll0] vs. Will
[roll1] psychic damage
Effect: push the target 1 square.
If you rolled an even number on the attack roll,you slide the target a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier instead of pushing it.

edit: if I hit, will leave him where he is (attack roll wasn't even :smallfrown:)

double edit: decided to move forward

Move: to S7 (http://www.editgrid.com/user/maniki/Intruders_1)

2009-05-28, 05:17 PM
The goblin slinger suddenly looks around in confusion and fear, then his eyes roll into the back of his head and he collapses

Hit, goblin is dead

Lord Orcus
2009-05-31, 03:55 PM
Immeral takes a shot at the closest monster. I shoot a magic missile at the purple goblin.

to hit [roll0], then roll damage [roll1]

2009-05-31, 05:38 PM
The goblin reels as the white orb smashes into his back.


King Tius
2009-05-31, 09:48 PM
Fafnir cracks a sly smile as the Goblin spearholder runs towards him. Raising his holy symbol above his head, he calls upon Bahmut to lend his next attack favor before pointing his implement at the Goblin and unleashing his divine fury. The holy magic barrages the monster while bolstering his allies.

Fafnir uses Divine Fortune (free action) followed by Divine Glow.

Divine Fortune
Free Action, Personal, Divine
+1 to next attack or saving throw before end of turn

Divine Glow
Divine, Implement, Radiant, Standard, Close Blast 3
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex [roll0]
Hit: 1d8+Wis Effect: Allies +2 attack till end next turn [roll1]

2009-06-01, 06:23 PM
The goblin nimbly dodges the barrage of attacks


2009-06-01, 07:34 PM
Merelus smiled as the Cleric missed the Goblin. He dropped easily slipped in behind the Lone Spear wiedling Goblin.

"Let me return the favor. I'll take care of this one."

He easily drove his Dagger toward the Creature, just smiling all the while.

Merelus uses his move action to circle around the Goblin, before covering the last of the ground with Deft Strike, avoiding any AOO's.

[roll0] to hit. [roll1] + [roll2] for sneak attack.

2009-06-01, 07:42 PM
The goblin makes a look of horror the dagger passes through its chest.

Hit, dead

2009-06-03, 07:07 PM
Fargrim looks at the last goblin grimly.

"So your the only one left alive eh. Well let's see if I can fix that."

In one quick motion Fargrim steps up to the goblin and swings his axe at it.

Move Action: move next to the slinger.
Standard Action: Use Enfeebling strike on the goblin.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

(/OOC Sorry it took me so long I've had a really busy week.

2009-06-03, 07:13 PM
The goblin flees from the axe slash

miss, goblin gets to slide one square back

2009-06-03, 07:20 PM
The goblin fires off his sling at point blank at Fargrim, but in his haste misses.

(Sorry for Double Post)

2009-06-07, 09:27 AM
Immeral stalls.

It is now Rom's turn.

2009-06-07, 10:05 AM
Rom slides to a halt behind Fargrim, and flings another bolt of distorted air towards the last remaining goblin

Move to S3

Standard: Chaos Bolt
[roll0] vs will
[roll1] psychic damage

2009-06-07, 10:20 AM
The goblin twitches a little, then is back to normal.

Hit, damage dealt.

King Tius
2009-06-09, 05:53 PM
Fafnir charges the nearest enemy and uses Priest's Shield

Priest's Shield
Divine, Weapon, Standard Action
Target: One Creature Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W]+Str, You and 1 ally +1 AC till end of next turn

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
+1 AC to whichever ally is closest

2009-06-09, 06:48 PM
The goblin is knocked backwards by the attack

Hit, target is bloodied.

2009-06-09, 07:17 PM
Merelus was off again, streaking across the Battlefield, coming up behind one of the Goblins, and cleanly slicing toward it with his dagger. This battle was wrapping up rather nicely, even if the start could have been improved.

Come around behind rock to face goblin, cover last two squares with Deft Strike. Attack Goblin.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] Damage

2009-06-09, 08:44 PM
The goblin whirls around in utter confusion, when he sees Merelus, doom fills his eyes


2009-06-11, 02:43 PM
Fargrim studies his axe closely. Maybe it had become unbalanced at some point or needed sharpening because it refused to go where he wanted it to. He would have to examine after this was all over.

In the mean time there was still that annoying goblin to kill. Stepping forward a few paces, Fargrim worked up a bit of momentum and swung his axe again.

Move action: To the right to get next to the goblin again.
Standard Action: Bolstering strike on the goblin.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-06-11, 08:02 PM
The goblin screams and falls to his knees. He throws down his weapon and begins yelling Bi Ren Xiang! Bi Ren Xiang. He then pauses and yells Fasal! Fasal!.

Hit, and the goblin is now helpless (not directly because of the attack). This counted as the goblin's turn

You guys recognize the first language as Goblin and the second as Elven. You can make Intelligence checks (DC hidden) to attempt to decipher them.

2009-06-11, 08:33 PM
Coming up behind Fargrim, Rom is just in time to hear the goblin's frantic protest. With a slightly disappointed look on his face he calls out "Hold your strike, I think he's trying to surrender"

Moving closer, he is nonetheless careful to keep his staff ready for any last minute surprises <<You speak elven?>> he asks, in the same language

2009-06-12, 04:51 AM
The Eladrin sighed, pullting his Dagger away. He doesn't really care what they do with the Goblin. Kill it, set it free, not his concern.

"All I can get is that it failed."

For his part, Merelus starts walking over to the Goblins who weren't moving. Again, he didn't care much if they lived or died, and just rifled through their pockets, seeing if they had anything valuable on them.

2009-06-12, 09:34 AM
The goblin shakes his head and repeats Fasal

2009-06-12, 02:03 PM
"No luck" glancing around at the massed looks of incomprehension Rom shrugs "We can take him to the guard, they should have a scroll that lets us understand goblin"

Lord Orcus
2009-06-15, 05:32 PM
I agree, the guard should understand him, and if not there must be someone within this large city that does.

2009-06-18, 03:43 PM
As you bring the goblin to the watch tower, his head drooping, a guard stops you and asks "What are you planning to do with that goblin here?"

2009-06-23, 09:57 AM
"You, Dragonborn, what are you doing with that goblin here?" he repeats, sounding a bit annoyed.

King Tius
2009-06-23, 07:29 PM
The Dragonborn sneers at the guard.

"This? This is my pet. Are you going to try and take him from me, little manling?"

2009-06-23, 09:13 PM
The guard stares thoughtfully "No, however I must inquire what you are planning to do with this threat to the city, pet or no, and respond accordingly"

King Tius
2009-06-24, 01:14 AM
The Dragonborn's smile widens. "Interrogations. Those Goblins were clearly running from something."

2009-06-24, 03:43 AM
Merelus looked over at the Dragonborn. He'd been busy trying to figure out where exactly he didn't hurt at the moment, so he had forgotten to share what he had gathered.

At least the information...

"Oh, that's all you want to know? I figured that out back there."

2009-06-29, 10:31 AM
"This is important business concerning only the utmost authority," the guard declares, "you shall follow me inside and say what you have gleaned; the rest of you shall wait here"