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Frog Dragon
2009-05-10, 12:06 PM
You have all found your way to the merchants ward of Sigil, The Cage. Your reasons are all different. Or maybe you do not have a reason and you are here by accident. Even as the flash of powerful arcane powers light the dim streets, few give it but a passing look.
Like a contrast to the apparent night of this place, the crowds shift and you quickly notice the mass of merchant's stalls that litter the plaza and the sounds of barter in more languages than you knew existed. The racket even extends to the side streets littered with crooked buildings of black iron which seem to have been built upwards when horizontal space has run out. Merachants leave and come each minute and you find yourself wondering how can anyone living around here get a minute of sleep. The amount of people in the plaza is mind numbing and even though the place is of almost perpetual night due to the mass of streets build above them, it does nothing to inhibit the amount of people that come here each night and day. The Cage seems to house someone of virtually every race, particularry evident in the Great Bazaar as your eyes register beings from dozens of races just in the plaza. Faces and individual sounds become indistinguishable from the sheer mass of people. The trade in the plaze never shows sings of slowing down.

Looking for work, you find yourself in the crowded Great Bazaar, trying to read a note on a pole while dozens of people continuosly shove you accidentally. Even though it is hard to concentrate on the poster with all the noise which some would consider more fiendish than yourself, you manage to read..
To all those with with skill, whether with the blade or the arts of the arcane. We look for all who will advance our cause for gold. The portal of the hive is to be closed. If you wish to know more, find the owner of the Wandering Welcome located in the great bazaar. The place will seem, but a door though a tavern is to be found behind. He will direct you to our contacts.
The poster is left unsigned for some reason. Next to you, you see an Illithid that seems... odd somehow. Like it was not fully one.


You see the note after the lady and come to look at it even with the difficulty of reading anything in all the racker noting that people do not dare to shove you around nearly as much as the lady who, you note does not seem quite human to the educated eye. Leaving your musings, you read the note
To all those with with skill, whether with the blade or the arts of the arcane. We look for all who will advance our cause for gold. The portal of the hive is to be closed. If you wish to know more, find the owner of the Wandering Welcome located in the great bazaar. The place will seem, but a door though a tavern is to be found behind. He will direct you to our contacts.
The note is left unsigned.

The portal you stepped out of disappears and you find yourself in a large plaza with barely enough room to fit your goliath frame between the masses of various creatures. It takes you a few seconds to realize the amount of noise you hear. As you breathe, you find yourself coughing as if the air was somehow bad and the first coherent thing you hear is the enthusiastic, low strung voice, like that of a dwarf merchandising "Hello, good sir. Can I interest you in some merchandise? By all means have a look around my stall. Everything on the table is for sale. I carry tindertwigs from the City of Brass itself! They always strike spark, no matter where you are." As you look at the large fiery dwarf, he takes two sticks from behind the stall and strikes them both together to a charred piece of wood which immediatly lights up. He wears a white shirt, pants and gloves that for some reason do not burn even though the large dwarf is on fire in many places and his hair seemed to be made of flames. He seems to be in no pain because of it though and smiles charmingly at you. As the crowd opens up for something like a millisecond, you manage to catch a glimpse of what seems like a poster on a pole.

You had been temporarily taken in by a man named Bern Silverford after playing the lute in various taverns and inn's around Sigil and finally gaining a regular job for a week after the singer in the Wandering Welcome had been mauled by a drunken ogre in a bar fight. Bern had told you earlier in the morning Elyza would be back in shape tommorrow and you would have to find another way to get money. To this end he had told you "You're a good singer and all, but it's just that... Elyza has been here for ten years and I can't just replace her. But if you need some money, I know who might have a job for you. Cyrus Korovair. You know about the new portal in the hive, right? Well he's got his hands in the portal business. I hear the fella he's working for want's the gate closed. Don't know why though. It might be worth good money. You told me you can handle yourself, I recommend you check it out. He can usually be found in the hive. In a drinking den known as the Bottle and Jug" With that he had sent you to work. Today was a relatively quiet day in the Wandering Welcome. You had played a few old elven tunes to the tavern patrons who seemed to like your songs. As you played you had time to gather your experiences from the city. For one it had abysmal air. You remember coughing your lungs out the day you got here and you still weren't quite used to it. It was also crowded. Very crowded. The Great Bazaar where the door to the Wandering Welcome currently resided particularly so. Thugs were also not rare there. You knew if you went to the hive you'd best be careful.

Going to the bazaar is always a double-edged sword. On the other hand all the best jobs were to be found there and on the other hand every friggin merchant was trying to sell you something from slippers to pet hell-hounds.
No merchant seems to take notice of you as you traverse the crowds. You see a poster on a pole in front of a crooked iron house descending nine stories high, but only being the size of a small room per floor. The racket dulls the ears, though you are somewhat used to it by now. Standing in the center of the plaza, you try to stay out of the way of the various cagers who come to the bazaar. Trying to deafen your ears to the cacophony of barter as you decide where to next.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-10, 02:15 PM
This halfling woman stands at exactly 3' tall with her dark hair tied back into a ponytail. She walks with an easy gait, hands resting on the two swords at her sides.

Misha walks over to the poster, glancing at any interesting stalls and ducking through the crowd.

Hmmm, Whats this?

2009-05-10, 08:26 PM
Celestica is a very beautiful elven woman with curly black hair to her shoulders and the deep green eyes common to her race. She has a delicate look to her, but the fact that she carries a short sword, and walks with the grace of warrior would give anyone pause.

Celestica packed up her elven lute, and gathered up the cup that was placed at the front of the stage for tips. The Wandering Welcome had been a good place to work, but at heart, Celestica was a warrior, not a musician. The offer from Bern sounded like just the sort of thing she was itching for. And perhaps even a way back to her homeland. Asking for a few directions to the Jug and Bottle, she set through the city, seeking the bar and Cyrus. As always, her hand never strayed too far from her blade as she walked, her eyes taking in everything as she watched for threats that could materialize at a moments notice.

Keld Denar
2009-05-10, 10:01 PM
One hand on Dwarfriend, Azgen blinks in wonder, taking several steps back from the flaming dwarf. By the spirits of the ancestors, where am I? What manner of dwarf are you? How are you not burning? Even the hardies dwarves I knew scalded under the heat of the forge, yet you have set yourself on fire?

Backing away from the Dwarf, Azgen takes account of the poster on the pole. Assuming its writen in a common language, he will read it.



Frog Dragon
2009-05-11, 07:48 AM
"Well this is Sigil, good man. And I am an Azer, not a dwarf on fire. " The flaming dwarf responds to you in his normal overenthusiastic tone of a merchant and as you leave to read the poster he begins merchandising to someone else "Hello, Madam. Can I interest you in some...."

As you reach the hive, the amount of suspicious people seems to skyrocket and numerous people seem to be watching your purse as if waiting to snatch it. As you pass through one of the side streets, two men jump from the iron houses in the street. A dwarf who seems to be quite agile for his frame and a human. The human directly in front of you and the dwarf behind with a clear line of sight to you. They both have weapons drawn. The human has punching daggers and the dwarf has a crossbow. The hooded human tells you in a rough voice "Your money, or your life."

You pass by a fruit stall, a liquor stall, a stall which seems to have a variety of unassorted items, a vegetable stall, a trinket stall and a (leather) clothing stall until you finally reach the poster and read it

The Poster (Misha&Azgen)
To all those with with skill, whether with the blade or the arts of the arcane. We look for all who will advance our cause for gold. The portal of the hive is to be closed. If you wish to know more, find the owner of the Wandering Welcome located in the great bazaar. The place will seem, but a door though a tavern is to be found behind. He will direct you to our contacts.
The note is left unsigned

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-11, 08:25 AM
It would be nice to have some actual work, for once. Now where is that tavern again...?

Misha heads for the Wandering Welcome.

2009-05-11, 09:31 AM

Celestica quickly draws her own weapon as she turns sideways, placing her back to the wall so that she can see them both.

I have no wish to harm you, but neither will I surrender my purse. Know that you are not facing some simple elven singer, but a paladin in service of Hanali Celanil. Find honest work so that you may find peace and safety, or at least let me pass on my way. I am more than capable of defending myself.

Keld Denar
2009-05-11, 12:59 PM
Azgen looks around bewildered. This place is...unlike anything he could have ever dreamed about, even in nightmares. Feeling the croud push in on him and the smog choke his lungs, he feels a slight bit of panic rise in his chest. He just needs to find a place where he can get fresh air and think. Hand still on Dwarfriend, he starts pushing his way though the croud, not really knowing where to go, or what to do. If possible, he'll head in whatever direction the Great Bazaar seems to be.

2009-05-11, 04:59 PM
Allara stands in quiet contemplation before the poster hanging in the Grand Bazaar. The form she has currently adopted could pass for an attractive human female - save for the long, sinuous tail extending behind her - in her early-twenties, with shoulder-length dark brown hair, a slightly tanned complexion, and brilliant green eyes. She wore a well-worn suit of leather armor over plain traveler's tunic and breeches with a pair of knee-high leather boots, a short sword sheathed at her left hip - one hand resting atop the hilt - and a coin pouch tied securely to her belt just behind it, but otherwise carried nothing, having left most of her supplies locked safely within her room at a nearby inn.

The alu-fiend had been without work for more than two weeks and, though her last job had paid extremely well and she still had more than enough to live on for some time, Allara was beginning to get bored.

One can only drink in taverns for so many nights before it gets old...

Trying her best to both ignore and keep an eye on the strange illithid-thing nearby, Allara mutters, "So someone wants that new portal in the Hive closed down, eh? Aren't the portals in the Cage supposed to be Her Serenity's domain?"

Turning away, she walks off into the controlled chaos of the Grand Bazaar.

Still, it can't hurt to see what they have to say... They have to be paying extremely well if they want people to encroach on The Lady's territory.

Adjusting her route to bring her near the tavern, Allara makes her way toward the Wandering Welcome.

2009-05-11, 06:30 PM
Althid silently reads the post, not seeming to notice the other female doing the same. His tentacles bristle slightly when he finishes and he begins making his way to the tavern. Interesting

Frog Dragon
2009-05-11, 11:25 PM
Pushing through the crowd and background noise you manage to make it to a Wooden door, fit for a human. It seems to be standing on the ground, but isn't attached to anything. Just a lone door. You open it..

You have a relatively easy time getting through the masses of people and numerous stalls in the way. As you reach the door you see it does not hang on hinges or even be a door to anything apparent. It just seems to be standing on the ground. You open the door..

You realize that you see dozens, perhaps hundreds of stalls. Several regural traders, and probably the largest amount of people you have ever seeen in one place. Perhaps this is the great bazaar

"HA! Paladin? Well we ain't afraid of no stinkin' paladin." The human thug readies his daggers and tells the black bearded dwarf "Carac. Let's kill this idiot." the dwarf aims his crossbow "Now yer talkin'!"

Human thug: [roll0]
Dwarf thug: [roll1]

After some ducking through the crowd you see the door with the sing "Wandering Welcome" on it. It isn't attached to anything, but seems to be just standing on the ground. Just a door, and a sign on top of it. Nothing else. You open it...

The Wandering Welcome
As you open the door, you notice many things. The air has changed and it's not like the smog in sigil. The tavern is fairly large, having about a dozen bar tables that can each fit four people. It also has some larger tables, made by setting two square tables together, by the left wall. Directly forward from the door is the bardesk, with an aged man tending it. His hair is graying and he wears mossy green cothes under an apron. He seems to have some authority as he tells on of the serving girls "Hey! Riza! " one of the serving girls turns towards the aged man "Yes?" "Were out of tankards again. I need you to fetch some more from the cellars. " The girl walks behind the stairs up on the right from the door and disappears behind them. As you walk deeper into the bar, looking at the patrons, mostly humans, a few elves and a dwarf. Two orcs, a halfling and an ogre. There's still around three round tables left and both the large tables as well. As you walk deeper into the tavern the bartender asks each of you "What can I get you?"

2009-05-12, 12:51 AM
...water. Althid sits down and surveys the room. The glass of water remains untouched.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-12, 08:21 AM
Wine. And can I speak to whoever Im supposed to speak with about a job?

Misha sips her wine and views the area around her, looking, as is her custom, for anything unusual.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-12, 11:00 AM
The Tavern
The bartender goes to gets your drinks and mutters, crossing his arms "A job eh... Well if you're talking about the portal business, then I'm the man you're looking for. I'm Bern Silverford and I own The Wandering Welcome. Don't really know much about it. Someone wants the portal in the hive closed and they gave me some gold to be their first contact. The guy you're lookin for after me is Cyrus Korovair. He actually knows what's going on. He's usually in the Bottle and Jug tavern in the Hive district. " He finally remarks "Oh and the wine does one silver."

2009-05-12, 11:25 AM
After hearing this Althid simply turns and leaves the Tavern. He now changes his course for the hive district. Once there, Althid will locate the Bottle and Jug tavern and enter. He walks to the bartender. I'm looking for Cyrus Korovair. It's about a job posted in the bazaar.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-12, 01:43 PM
Thanks, here ya go!

Misha flicks him a silver piece, takes the wine, and heads out to the Bottle and Jug.

Keld Denar
2009-05-12, 02:01 PM
Azgen, thoroughly confused and boardering on panic, looks around for anything that might indicate what hes doing here. Looking around, does he see any building labeled as The Wandering Welcome?


I don't even know why I want to go there? My character is totally confused. Just a lost Prime in a strange land!

Gah, I hope I don't get brained by a basher.

2009-05-12, 04:19 PM

Celestica sees no way to resolve this peacefully and uses her unarmed monk attack on the human thug, also attempting to knock him out in the process, in an attempt to avoid killing him.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-12, 11:50 PM
You, having been in Sigil for some time, know how to avoid trouble, even in a place such as the Hive. You manage to avoid confrontations, though you witness some. Your appearance seems to keep most pickpocketing boys at bay though. Few dare risk angering an Illithid. After about half an hour, you reach the tavern. The bartender seems briefly shocked at the telepathic speech, until he realizes what's going on.

Looking around you see no building labeled the wandering welcome. Just a door with a sing on top. You push your way through it. You see an Illithid open the door and come out, with a halfling following soon after. If you choose to enter...

The human thug launches into a flurry with his daggers. Striking twice and missing both. As he overreaches his last strike, you strike him in the neck, incapacitating the human thug. As his partner falls down, Carac takes a quick shot with his crossbow, no longer having any obstruction. Though you manage to avoid the worst of the shot, it still grazes into your shoulder and is kept hanging by your shirt.

You follow the illithid into the Bottle and Jug seeing many sorts of mischief along the way, including some people looking to snatch your money, but never finding the window to do so. You open the door shortly after the Illithid and hear the exhange, now knwing who is Cyrus Korovair.

Bottle and Jug (Althid&Misha)
He mutters "Oh.. a mind flayer..." The bartender ceases his muttering and now speaks in a calm tone, loud enough to hear decently "Cyrus is here" He points at a table where a large minotaur is sitting, eating steak and drinking mead. On closer look, actually a half-minotaur as his legs are mostly normal for a human and he doesn't have near as much body hair, though his head is still that of a minotaur with only slightly more human features. He wears leather armor and normal brown pants. He is also wearing a valuable looking amulet and large metal bracers covering his forearms. In his back resides a very large axe, seemingly of quite good make. "What??" Having heard his name, the half-minotaur stands up, an imposing figure, almost nine feet tall. "an Illithid is here to see you." the bartender says still calmly, as if speaking to an old friend. "Why?" Cyrus invariably looks down on you.

The Wandering Welcome (Azgen)
As you open the door, you notice many things. The air has changed and it's not like the smog in sigil. The tavern is fairly large, having about a dozen bar tables that can each fit four people. It also has some larger tables, made by setting two square tables together, by the left wall. Directly forward from the door is the bardesk, with an aged man tending it. His hair is graying and he wears mossy green cothes under an apron. s you walk deeper into the bar, looking at the patrons, mostly humans, a few elves and a dwarf. Two orcs, a halfling and an ogre Standing in front of the bardesk is a beatiful, tailed woman. There's still around three round tables left and both the large tables as well. When you reach the bardesk, the bartender asks you "What can I get ya?"

2009-05-13, 02:35 AM
Althid slowely approaches the large creature and speaks aloud. His voice sounds wet and bubbly. "I'm here about a job posted in the bazaar. I was sent by Bern Silverford from The Wandering Welcome. Am I talking to right person?"

diplomacy check [roll0] (make a good impression and improve Cyrus's attitude if anything)

2009-05-13, 08:57 AM

Celestica turns to face the dwarven thug. Once again, she attacks using her unarmed strike capabilities, and attempts to use her nervestrike to incapacitate him.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-13, 11:10 AM
And you are Cyrus? Nice to meet you, my name is Misha.

Misha stretches up to reach his hand to shake it.

Diplomancy (1d20+8)

EDIT: Can someone show me how to work the dice roller again :thog:

Frog Dragon
2009-05-15, 03:10 AM
"So mercenaries, you are. " He lowers to his knee to shake Misha's hand "We could use some of those types. " Cyrus flings some coins to the barkeep "Oh. And forgot to ask ya, Korl. Where are the trolls?" He comments turning to the barkeep and met with a quick response "Well the you-know-who went batcrap bananas last week and has been trashing the room ever since. Barn's still at the cleric's because of that The trolls are more needed there to keep him in some kind of line." The half minotaur turns back to you. "The portal is at the gatehouse, though I recommend you watch your back. Lots of critters have already come through" Cyrus gestures you to follow.
Near the gatehouse, the streets are mostly empty with few people. And the area is guarded by numerous soldiers of various races. Near the center of the gatehouse square there is a large stone wall. completely straight from the edges and with a flawless surface Ahh. Rylayvie has set her spell Cyrus notes. As you look around you see a woman with a part-red , part silver hair though silver is in the minority. She is wearing multicoloured robes, mostly of reed, but with numerous markings sewn in. She is about five and a half feet tall though you can't make anything else out from this far. "The portal is currently blocked by the wall she set. It's behind there" Cyrus briefs you. Looking around you see soldiers of various races keeping wolves at bay with halberds. A blonde elf, dressed for wilderness and wielding a sword is being cornered by soldiers. The elf is shouting words you do not recognise. As you look back at the wall, a slight movement is apparent and a form begins to push out, roughly of human size, only slightly bigger, but spiked and smoother. And incorporeal. Immediatly after exiting the stone, the creature turns corporeal, lets out a wolfish snarl and fires a spike from it's hand at Rylayvie who lets out a dampened scream as the spike gets her by the shoulder.

You miss your blow as the dwarf jumps away from it, quickly sets another bolt to his crossbow and fires, but his shot goes wild and ricochet's of the iron buildings instead of even going near you.

2009-05-15, 05:58 AM

Celestica continues to use her monk unarmed attacks on the dwarf, still seeking to knock him out via use of her nervestrike.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-15, 08:36 AM
Misha leaps forward and attempts to stab the monster.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (Its a charge)
Damage: [roll2] and, if I can flank it with anyone,
+Sneak Attack: [roll3]

EDIT: or 28 to hit then with Cyrus's attack, and deleted the extraneous stuff

Frog Dragon
2009-05-15, 09:55 AM
Map of the scene



Keld Denar
2009-05-15, 01:41 PM
Azgen sits down at the bar in the Wandering Welcome.

Aloud to the barkeep: Man, what a headache I have. This place is a nightmare! I don't know what I'm doing here, how I got here, how I get home, or what I'm supposed to do here. I think I need a drink. Something strong if you've got it.

Azgen puts his head into his hands for a moment, then looks up before the barkeep can pour anything. I would assume gold is a valid currency here?

2009-05-15, 04:02 PM
Althid moves 10 ft towards the monster drawing his crossbow and lets a bolt loose at the spiked creature.

Initiative 1d20+5
Ranged attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
EDIT: forgot the / on the init roll

Frog Dragon
2009-05-15, 05:19 PM
Gatehouse Battle (Misha&Althid)
As Cyrus lets out a warcry, Misha charges in, piercing the creature by the side of it's lower torso. It lets out a snarl and blood begins to drip from the creature. A second later, Cyrus attacks, leaping at the creature and trying to slam it against the conjured wall with his axe. This time though, the creature manages to sidestep and the axe hardly even scrapes the creature's carapace as the elf in the corner sets to a defensive position. The monster quickly returns your favor by attacking with it's spikes, some detaching for a moment, turning ethereal and then material to strike, Though both Misha and Cyrus manage to avoid a part of the flurrry some hit, leaving them both with a few slashing wounds.
Several guards fire arrows at the creature, while others are occupied with the elf and the wolves. Most of the arrows bounce and break harmlessly of the carapace, but a few manage to find weak points.
The multi-color-haired wizard concentrates and her robes glow for a second before the light dissipates.
Fianlly Althid sets his bold and fires, the missile finding unprotected flesh in the creature and sinking in. The creature groans as the bolt is stuck in it and spits blood, but is not dead yet though many of the wounds are clearly somewhat severe.

The dwarf, feeling the weight of your blow. An unarmed blow not meant to kill, the dwarf suddenly acts very undwarfishly and first takes a step back and then speeds to a full run out of the alley as fast as his stubby legs can take him.

"Sure we do have some strong ones here. " He says looking around his shelf, picking three bottles."The strong ones in the shelf are Ignus brew, really fiery and but a lot of bashers like it. Then there's the Greenpeak Brandy. Comes from the prime. Doesn't taste as bitter as most brews. And then there's the really fine stuff. Elysium Wine. Made in a celestial realm. And yeah, gold is valid currency. It is everywhere. " As you pick your drink and start sipping it the barkeep comments "I'm guessin you ran into a one way portal here. And personally, I don't think you can get out. This place is warded. Few people can get out of here and The Lady controls the gates. A lot of people here have been whisked in by accident and finally just accepted it and built a new life here. Sorry fella." 'He takes some dishes under the counter starts wiping them clean of dust.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-15, 05:28 PM
Ha, take that spiky thing! Ouch!

Misha rolls around to the opposite side from Cyrus, toughing out her wounds. She slashes at it twice, attempting to find an opening.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-15, 05:32 PM
And apparently the damage did not take, so...

Damage 1: [roll0]
Sneak Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage 2: [roll2]
Sneak Attack 2: [roll3]

2009-05-15, 05:57 PM
Althid loads another bolt as he moves to within 15 ft of the creature and fires again.

light crossbow: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2009-05-15, 06:04 PM

Celestica ties up the human she knocked out, and drags him out of the alley. Once out, she calls for a guard and waits for one to arrive

This man assualted me in attempt to steal my purse. He had a dwarven accomplice, however, he fled when I fought back against them. Please take him and try him for his crimes. If you need me to come to his trial, my name is Celestica Sunstar, former singer at the Wandering Welcome.

She finishes up with the guard, and then resumes her journey to the Bottle and Jug.

Keld Denar
2009-05-15, 09:54 PM
Azgen selects the Brandy from the Prime. Hes not quite comfortable branching out into extra-planar liquers right now. Leaving a coin on the table, he asks the bartender:

Since I seem to be stuck here then, I saw a sign indicating that someone here was looking for some help. Do you know anything about it? I remember something about a hive and a portal.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-16, 03:22 AM
"You mean the hive portal? Yeah, Cyrus Korovair is the man you want. He's usually at the bottle and jug tavern in the hive though if you think the market's a nightmare then I recommend you get yourself blinded before you go barmy! Because the hive is the ultimate slum."
The barkeep keeps on wiping dishes as he speaks. One of the serving girls comes behind the counter to fill a mug then goes to serve it. Apparently to an ogre.

You wait and wait, but no guard seems to be anywhere in sight. The local slummers look at you like you're insane and you notice that a lot of the locals seem to be very badly off and the amount of beggars, thieves and street urchins is massive. And worst of all. You've heard this isn't a bad area on hive standards.

Gatehouse Battle (Misha&Althid)
Misha rolls to the side of the monster and attacks, the creature unable to defend itself properly from assault from two sides of it. You manage to puncture the creature's hide through a seam in the carapace, near the spine. The creature falls down as you pull your blades out from it's back, dead. Cyrus lowers his axe as the elf tumbles past the guard's feeble attempts to trip him and sprints towards the dead creature. The fight between the wolves and the guards heats up as the guards wound two of the wolves getting two wounded of their own in return as the wolves bite back. Rylayvie lowers her spell and orders the guards who were guarding the elf to reinforce the ones fighting the wolves, thinking the elf cannot go past the archers.
Start of round two map.


2009-05-16, 07:46 AM

Celestica sighs, and pulls the man back into the alley. She unties him, and revives him, after taking his weapons and tossing them away.

You were lucky this time. You only lost your partner, and perhaps some of your pride. The next person you try to attack might not be as forgiving as me. I pray that you see this as a wakeup call regarding your life. Find an honest job, or if the only thing you can do is fight, at least join the guards and do it for the betterment of the city. I will be watching as I leave, do not seek to attack me once my back is turned.

Celestica stands up and moves away from the man, taking care that if he moves to attack her, she will be ready for it. She resumes her trip to the Jug and Bottle. Once she is several blocks away from him, she uses 3 points of her lay on hands ability to cure the damage she took in battle.

2009-05-16, 11:41 AM
Should we stop the elf? Althid ask in his cold and alien voice in your head.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-16, 12:33 PM
Yeah, good question. Hey Cyrus! Whadda we do now?

In the lull from fighting, Misha picks up one of her wands and concentrates on it, attmepting to heal her wounds.

UMD vs 20 on Wand of lesser vigor: [roll0]
Casting Check 1 Vs DC 4: [roll1]
Casting Check 2 Vs DC 8: [roll2]

Frog Dragon
2009-05-17, 10:07 AM
"No. We don't need to stop the elf. The guards can keep him contained until we can find out who he is. He speaks no language we understand and we are still waiting for one our members to come identify the speech." He pulls a runestone of some kind out of his chest pocket. "Get us back." The world swirls and suddenly you are no longer in the gatehouse square. You feel dizzy for a second and as your vision clears you see you are in a well lit room with pure white stone walls. There is a decorated archway in about 20 ft left from you and another one about 30 ft in front of you. Directly in front of you is a stone table and behind it in a chair you see a widely smiling halfling, about 3'1 feet tall and dressed in regal looking red and yellow robes and holding a runestone that looks the same as the one Cyrus has. The halfling has a blond hair of mild color. He jumps off the chair and walks around the table to you. "Greetings, My name is Karava" He introduces himself shaking Misha's hand first and then Althid's. "This is a Krimm base. What should I call you?" Cyrus walks off through the left archway, perhaps to receive healing for his wounds.

The man looks at you, expecting death and then confused when you do not deal it. He responds to your words "Guards? There are none" He speaks as if it were a fact of life The berks who shouldn't have come here, die. There is not a shred of pity in his voice and he speaks as if he was grown into it "Your 'Noble' words will do no good here. The hivers have no choice." He starts drawing himself up "But you are not weak. You won't die." With that the thug scuttles away from the alley.
After about an hour of searching you finally reach the Bottle and Jug. The place is dirty and large and you notice the amount of broken furniture. For now none of the drunks seem to have noticed you. The place seems to be serving creatures of many races, most drunk.

2009-05-17, 10:20 AM

Celestica walks up to the bar and signals for the bartender.

I am looking for a man named Cyrus Korovair. I was sent by Bern, of the Wandering Welcome, after my signing engagement ended there.

She turns and surveys the scene of wreckage, and turns back.

You wouldnt happen to have any elven wine, would you?

2009-05-17, 11:35 AM
I am Althid... What is a krimm base?* And exactly what services are you looking for?

I personally have never heard the term but if this would be something my character would know from his time in Sigil then obviously he wouldn't ask. My guess is it has something to do with the factions...

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-17, 01:43 PM
My name is Misha, how do you do?

Keld Denar
2009-05-18, 09:20 AM
After getting directions and finishing his drink, Azgen wanders out of the Wandering Welcome in search of the Bottle and Jug. Upon arriving, he surveys the place, and then heads over to the bar.

I'm looking for Cyrus. Know where I can find him?

Frog Dragon
2009-05-19, 10:55 AM
Celestica enters first and surveying the tavern and his question is met with a "No, We don't" as Azgen enters the large tavern that constantly seems to have something in need of replacing. The place is also in dire need of cleaning up as the drink spills seem to be doing the job of a mat in this tavern. The barkeep answers your collective question with a "He went 'that' way" He points outside and looking out the window an imposing double building can be seen in that direction. "Probly the gate'ouse with some halfling and a mind flayer or whatever. Now unless ye've got an order then leave. I'm busy."

Bottle and Jug map

Each square is 10ft

"No wonder you have never heard of us" he answers Althid's question "We don't advertise ourselves too much. Second hand mercenary squad's rough business.
" He points his hand leading you through one of the archways to a corridor."Suffice to say. We are one of those squads. And a big one at that. We find a deal, in this case we need to get behinf the portal and then make it happen with third parties like you, supplementing with our own men." He leads you through numerous corridors and a few larger halls until after about four minutes of walking at halfling pace he stops and says "These are the mercenary quarters. Make yourselves comfortable. Any questions. Ask Yol at the desk over there" He points to a decently sized office room with a dark haired man sitting behind the desk. With that, he takes a runestone and his form turns into an ever shrinking spiral which after a few seconds vanishes into it's center. You see you are left in a corridor with numbered wooden doors at your left and a large hall and the office Karava pointed at in the left. You hear laughter and other sounds generally associated with a tavern. The clink of mugs, loud chatter. And singing. Looking into the hall, you clearly see that is their source. A large tavern with the drinking hall right in front of you, filled with armed fighters tough the occasional wizard seems to be there as well, enyoying the drink Several comfy looking chairs line the drinking area along the wall accomoanied by round tables with chairs all around the drinking area of about 100x80 ft. And that is only the drinking area. nect to it there is an area with all kinds of board games taking place. Looking in front of you in about 60 ft from you there is a long bardesk and behind a female halfling with soft features a fair skin and black hair. On the stage to the left of the bardesk there are two elves singing. A male and a female.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-19, 11:15 AM
Misha goes over to meet the other halfling woman.

Hi, Im Misha. Do you serve drinks here? I dropped my last one.

2009-05-19, 04:19 PM

Thank you for your information, barkeep. May the blessings of Hanali be on your establishment today.

Celestica heads out, looking for the gatehouse, looking for a human, a halfling and a mind flayer. Even in the unusual nature of Sigil, that should be a pretty rare combination, especially if the mind flayer isnt trying to eat their brains.

Keld Denar
2009-05-20, 10:50 AM
Azgen follows the curious woman out of the bar, since she seems to know where she is going, and how to get to this Cyrus fellow.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-20, 01:43 PM
While the amount of obivous cutpurses contemplating attack is once again great, you are spared any further difficulty though you could swear you saw a demon lurching in the alleys somewhere. It takes you quite a while to find the way to the 'gatehouse' which is a large two pronged building with a massive gate in the back of the 'prongs'. One of the squares nearby is guarded and there is rubble in front of a swirling portal. In front of it are three bodies of white spiked and carapaced creatures. In frint if the portal are two seasoned looking guards with spears and an elf shouting at them in a foreign language. Nearby there is a woman with a silver and red hair and wearing a red robe. The square also has some dead wolves and a dead bear in it. There's over 20 guards. As you try to enter the square, two archers step in front of you, hands ready to pull arrows and fire "Beat it missy. This a restricted area. And you too" She points at Azgen.

"Yeah we do. Look around the place. Its full of drunkards!" The halfling woman laughs. A man, slightly drunk appears next to you "Hey! Another one of the Ignus Brew!"

Having been escorted to the simple, but nice room for a short nap you woke up in the plain bed. The walls were solid grey stone and a table was to the left of you where you had left some of your belongings. And they were still there. You remembered what Yol had told you. Arms Training hall to the left then a short walk and then to the left again and the Entertainment Hall had numerous doors leading to it across the hallway. Said you couldn't miss it.

2009-05-20, 02:08 PM

I am looking for a man named Cyrus Korovair. I was sent by Bren, of the Wandering Welcome, to the Bottle and Jug. From there, I was redirected here. I was told that Cyrus might have a job that my talents would be suited for.

2009-05-20, 03:36 PM

After glancing around the room, Maj tilts over and lies back down. Even if it was rather spartan, the bed was pretty comfortable. He only lasts a few seconds before a low cawing ends the calm. “Get up, the man’s probably here by now.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” With no hurry, he sits back up and runs his hands through his face and hair, wincing. The raven follows him with its gaze, standing at the foot of the bed. He walks to the table and promptly starts getting his things together. A finely crafted chain shirt, a pair of black fingerless gloves, a well packed haversack, a necklace with a small shriveled hand… He places a dagger for easy access at his side, two more hidden among his clothes. Lastly, he puts on a long black cloak and a pair of polarized goggles on his forehead, above his eyes. The bird wastes no time and with a few flaps of its wings lands on his right shoulder. Looking into the mirror, he sees a mostly grey skinned male with pointed ears, black unkempt hair with a scarlet tint and crimson, bloodshot eyes. The right side of his face is covered in leathery hide that looks like some kind of disease or skin condition. It runs down his neck and blending seamlessly with his skin. He nods.

“Lets see if the rest of our ‘colleagues’ are here then.” He exits the room and makes his way to the Entertainment Hall. He finds a spot near the bar and takes a seat, listening to the singers. The raven gives him an almost reproachful look and flies to the tallest place in the chamber, keeping an eye out for Cyrus.

Keld Denar
2009-05-20, 06:36 PM
What is this place? And what are you? Azgen points over to the spiky silver creatures. And what are they? Do you know Cyrus?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-20, 09:19 PM
Yeah, could I take one? Not too potent though...I dont feel like ending up as drunk as some of these guys. How much is it?

Misha tries to befriend the halfling.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2009-05-21, 08:00 PM
Althid will eventually make his way to this Yol creature at the desk. Is there some kind of contract I could look over? I have been brought here with no explanation of what I am expected to do, how I am to be compensated, or even if I accept employment. All this is said in an emotionless telepathic voice in the creatures head. Althid looks down at Yol with his black and alien eyes, displaying no sense of irritation or frustration.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-21, 10:33 PM
"So more mercenaries you are" She steps away, letting you two through as does the other guard. she gives meaningful look to Azgen "How friggin clueless can you be?! Suffice to say this is the Hive and Cyrus is one of my superiors.""Lady! We have more mercenaries" She shouts to the red and silver haired woman at the gate. The woman, dressed in an intricate robe comes over to you, She has a faint, almost celestial glow to her and silver eyes. You notice tht her robe is ripped from her left shoulder though there is no visible injury there. She hands Celestica a strange palm-sized runestone Grab a hold of your companion there and say 'take us the the base'" She speaks in a rather casual tone And please direct any questions to Karava or Yol at the base. Were the ones who need mercenaries.

Yeah, Sure. Which one? She responds in a fairly routine and casual manner. The slightly drunk man flings a few coind to the bardesk as the halfling woman pours him another mug of the bubbling reddish orange concotion. The man walks away to drink it.

The raven flies onto an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling and looks around. After a short while it flies back, messaging that he did not find the half-minotaur who took you here. The singers seem to be rather talented and they're singing some ironic stories of sigil's berks. They have just finished one and are are just starting another.

Yol looks up from his paperwork "Ah yes the contract. Karava has marked you in. For now you can still back off, but not after agreeing to the contract. Everyone is taken to see it shortly after they arrive here and I imagine your turn in the list is soon." Yol continues signing and arranging papers.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-22, 08:31 AM
Here, what can this get me? And what am I supposed to be doing here, do you know?

Misha puts down 3 silver pieces and taps her foot along with the bards' song, looking questioningly at the woman.

2009-05-22, 10:48 AM

Celestica takes the stone and holds out her hand to the dwarf.

My name is Celestica, and yours is? We might as well get to know one another, as we seem to be responding to the same deal She waits for him to take her hand, when he does so Take us to the base

When they arrive, she looks around for someone to report to.

2009-05-22, 10:50 AM

"Still not here? Great..." He slides into his seat, one leg crossed over the other and propping his head up with his arm. "You know, I could still be..." A threatening beak and talon cut off the thought. No point in getting new scratches tonight. "Come on, lets get a drink."

He takes a seat next to a halfling woman with a ponytail, twiddling with a single piece of platinum before placing it on the counter. "A bottle of wine and two glasses, the best this'll get me."

Keld Denar
2009-05-22, 11:43 AM
Azgen chuckles. My name is Azgen, and I'm no dwarf! I outgrew my diminuative bretheren when I was very young. Azgen is my given dwarven name. I do not know of my Goliath name. And really, I'm not really sure where "here" is. I was trapped in a cave by an earthquake, and exploring it, I've found an old book and some kind of crystal. The crystal must have triggered some magic, and now I'm where ever here is. How did you get here?

2009-05-22, 05:54 PM
I was fighting poachers in my elven homelands of Corsada. I think they learned of my squad's reputation for dealing with so many poachers and prepared a trap for me. They had a mage ready for our attack and he used some sort of plane shift on me. When the spell went off, I found myself here.

OOC: I didnt actually 'say' dwarf to him, I just thought it

2009-05-23, 11:11 AM

Althid leaves the man at the desk without a word of thanks. He makes his way to the commons area and takes a seat in one of the comfortable chairs, alone. Assuming everyone here is a hired mercenary like he will soon be, he watches how they interact and tries to glean some bit of information as to how they are organized. (such as someone deferring to another as a superior or higher ranked individual) 'People watching' will help him pass the time until he is summoned to review his contract.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-23, 03:10 PM
Looking at the groups in the tavern you notice little apparent hierarchy. Most people seem to either independent mercenaries or roughly democratic mercenary bands and any honorary names seem to have been lost in the cups

Celestica speaks the words and the world begins to swirl at a rapid speed. Suddenly the direction of the swirl reverses itself and after clearing you vision you find yourself in a room with pure white walls. There is an ornamental archway behind a desk in front of you and the the right from you. In a chair behind the desk is a blond haired halfling, about 3'1ft tall an wearing regal red and yellow robes. He greets you raising his hand "Hello. I just teleported you to the Krimm base. I am Karava. Something of a reception desk manager in this place" He smiles What Should I call you?

The halfling woman hands you two finely crafted glasses and a bottle, filled with about 1/6 gallons of hazy dark brown liquid This particular wine is made of Astral Haze Berries. Gathering them is quite a feat. It's very valued among Sigil's nobles. The halfling puts the coin into a box.
The wine tastes tastes a little sweet and it foams up a bit in your mouth. For some reason it also shifts in a variety of tastes marking a very exotic berry. As you enjoy the wine a gruff shout is heard "Maj! Who 'ere is Maj" A dwarf comes up to you, dressed in a dark vest and pants. He is somewhat wrinkled and has a dark brown braided beard. He thinks for a moment and say "You Maj? If ye are then come look at tha contract" He takes a lon glook at your bottle of wine "Unless yer too much in yer cups to do that."

The halfling serves another person, apparently a tiefling and then turns to you "Wait for someone to get you to look at the contract I think. Karava marks you all in and there's a lot of people who's job is to get people from here to negotiate the contracts."

2009-05-23, 03:49 PM

"Tch, I was just sitting down, gimme a second." He finishes takes one more sip before placing the glass on the counter and filling it a bit further. The raven doesn't waste a second and hopes onto the counter, practically snickering and taking a drink from the glass. Maj corks the bottle and puts it into his haversack. "It's good stuff, enjoy it for me Garm. I'll go see what Cyrus wants us to do." The bird nods, its beak already tipped with the brown fluid, and promptly goes back to the glass.

He stands up and turns to the dwarf, "Alright, lets see the fine print."

2009-05-23, 09:22 PM

My name is Celestica Sunstar, I am a paladin of Hanali Celanil. In the course of my time in Sigil, I meet the owner of the Wandering Welcome, a man named Bren. After my singing engagement was done there, he told me to seek out Cyrus Korovair, who might be able to make use of my non-singing talents. From the Bottle and Jug, I went to the guardhouse, and they gave me the stone to come here. I would be interested in hearing about any sort of offer you have.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-23, 10:35 PM
Misha attempts to find her own comftorable chair.

Realizing that she never really met the mind flayer that helped her, she walks over to him.

Hello, we didnt really meet. My name is Misha. Would you tell me yours?

Keld Denar
2009-05-24, 02:11 PM
I am Azgen Thorya. What is "this place"?

Azgen listens to the reply, then goes to take a seat near Celestica.

2009-05-24, 06:29 PM
My name is Althid. What brings you to this place?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-24, 08:24 PM
Ive lived in Sigil all my life, but my guild got destroyed and Ive been looking for some work. How 'bout you?

Misha reaches out to shake Althid's hand.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-25, 08:08 AM
"Well this place could best be described as our headquarters" He says to Azgen, then continuing We are looking for mercenary teams to investigate behind the portal. The specific contract will be detailed at You hear a loud rumble and a powerful boom, like an explosion and you're having trouble staying in your chairs. Karava, who was standing is knocked down. He picks himself up and suddenly his eyes widen and the image of a jolly halfling disappearing behind the serious man in between the rock and a hard place "WHAT?! The Harmonium? Why would they...?" He listens for a moment and then speaks again "The contract? What? Rashdar?! That bastard! Cyrus better rend him one for me too!" He almost yells. Then he takes a deep breath and clenches his fist "Things are not going exactly as planned here. The dark is, we've been swindled bad. and now we have the law on us... For enroaching on The Lady's territory! Harmonium is going to kill all with us even if you haven't signed anything. " He runs behind his desk and rummages through it Our only chance is the portal. You have a stone. Grab hold of the other I'll teleport you there. Quickly! He then grabs a runestone and shouts All of you with stones! Grab hold of as many people as you can so I can port you out! If you value your life!

As you are talking a loud rumble and a boom sounds from behind you, knocking you out of your seats and as you look, you see a large hole in the wall covered with smoke and men in the uniforms of the Harmonium swarm in through the hole. In the middle of them is an armored form, floating and with a horned helmet. A Dabus. People pick themselves up from the floor and draw blades. The voice of Karava suddenly sounds, clear to all All of you with stones! Grab hold of as many people as you can so I can port you out! If you value your life!
A human comes next to you and grabs both of you by the arm. He is holding a runestone.

The dwarf leads you to a room with a stone door. It is simple and it has a table with a chair on both sides. On it is a paper. The dwarf signals you to sit but as you try a large boom sounds through the base, along with a rumble and you are knocked off your feet. The voice of the halfling Karava sounds All of you with stones! Grab hold of as many people as you can so I can port you out! If you value your life! The dwarf extends you his hand, the other holding a stone "This be bad."

2009-05-25, 08:45 AM

"What the hell!?" In shock, Maj glances at the dwarf, but doesn't take the hand. He scrambles to his feet. "I'm not leaving without the bird." After a second's thought, he lunges for the contract and stuffs it into his pocket. "Damnit..."

He runs through the door and hollers out into the Entertainment Hall, "Garm! Get your beak over here, NOW!"

2009-05-25, 09:02 AM

May Hanali protect us, watch over us, and guide us safely out of harms way

She pulls out her runestone at the same time as she extends her other hand to Azgen.

I do hope someone is going to explain what is going on at some point in time

2009-05-25, 12:23 PM
Althid takes the humans arm in a firm grasp. "Time to leave." he says in a wet raspy voice.

Keld Denar
2009-05-25, 01:19 PM
Azgen gently takes Celestica's hand and waits for his insides to be turned upside down AGAIN!

Man, all this teleporting is making me sea sick...

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-25, 01:36 PM
Allright, lets go!

Misha grabs onto the human's arm as well.

Lets get out of here!

Frog Dragon
2009-05-25, 11:41 PM
"Time to leave!" Karava shouts and somehow activates the runestone. It glows, and the world spirals again and as it reverses, you see numerous armed men women and what some would consider monsters. More are appearing from nothingness spiralling into the gatehouse square. In the middle is the portal and the soldiers are running into it. In the sidelines of your visiion you see a large half-minotaur breaking the door to a shack and barging in.

"Time to leave!" The voice sounds and people begin to spiral into their center, disappearing. Suddenly your world spirals as well, reversing and shunting you in the gatehouse square, next to Cyrus, who is breaking a door to a shack. You are at the sidelines of the square. In the square is the portal and the mercenaries are barging in. Cyrus demolishes the door, shouting"Rashdaaar!!!!" and running in, in a speed to rival some cat predators.

"Dammit boy! Leave now or die here!"the dwarf shouts grabbing you just as Garm lands on you. In the doorway there is a large armored form with a falchion. The voice sounds "Time to leave!" and you world spirals, your last visage being that of the armored man trying to hit your disappearing spiral of a form. You are shunted into the gatehouse square, right at the portal. The dwarf runs through and you notice the amount of mercenaries heading for the portal too. Garm, at your shoulder seems to be feeling a bit dizzy.

2009-05-25, 11:56 PM
Althid looks to Misha. Care to find out where that portal will take us?

2009-05-26, 06:18 AM

Celestica follows wherever the halfling is going, if he runs into the portal, she will as well.

Hanali protect us and guide us

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-26, 08:16 AM
Sure, why not? Do ya think we should wait for them or not? And what the heck is Cyrus doing? What does "Radashaaar" or whatever mean?

Misha looks around, slightly confused about her surroundings.

2009-05-26, 12:54 PM

Maj takes a moment to steady himself. A hand goes to his side, half expecting to feel the warm flow of blood. It comes back dry. "So... what did we learn?" He turns to Garm, who looks back with a gently bobbing head. It seems to shrug. "Don't piss off the Hardheads? Yeah, didn't know that either. Still, what are they..." He reaches into his pocket and takes out the crumbled contract.

Maj takes a few steps towards the portal, but doesn't enter it. As long as there are other mercenaries nearby, he'll stay where his is and look over the contract, trying to sort the mess out. If everyone else seems to leave, he'll just follow them through the portal.

Keld Denar
2009-05-26, 01:20 PM
Azgen places his hand on Dwarfriend, preparing to draw it if needed. Keeping his head low, he runs toward Celestica.

No point in getting seperated now...don't know anyone else in this gods forsaken place!

Frog Dragon
2009-05-26, 02:21 PM
The contracts ink seems to have detoriated supernaturally considering it was in more or less perfect shape before the crash. All you can make out is seemingly random letters throughout the contract. The dwarf remarks from behond you "This be one o' our many safety measures. Tha contract reacts like this to any harsh handlin and stuffin it like that cert'nly qualifies. It's ta make sure it's not gotten with nae violence. Karava could restore it."

"Everyone to the portal!" the halfling shouts in an enhanced voice and starts himself running toward it. Going after him, you reach the portal through the masses of mercenaries. The portal feels like a mass of stagnant water, but not flowing down from it's upright position, nor wetting you. Behind the portal you see you are in a green valley surrounded by a mountain range. And fresh air, quite unlike the smog in Sigil. The near environment is and elaborate rock formation and the portal itself is in a red circle elaborately marked with runes. One of the large rocks gives shade and it's rather cool in your new environment. You see some other mercenaries, in the dozens, have already went through and looking circling the hills, swords drawn.

In a few seconds, you see a man cowering in front of the window, then a large hairy fist hitting him in the chin, apparently demolishing his face. There is a flash of metal and blood begins to spray out of the window. Finally the hairy hand violently sweeps the man out of the window into the square, at your feet. Looking at him, he hardly even has a face anymore and he has numerous wounds all around him which are still giving blood. Judging from his position he has broken a lot of vital bones, including his spine and it is safe to say he is no longer alive. Not bothering to make a clearer exit the hairy being plows through the shack into the square. He is Cyrus, his axe wet with blood and his fist bloodstained. Noticing you he says bluntly."This man was Rashdar, responsible for this mess." He then begins to make his way toward the portal.

2009-05-26, 03:58 PM

That sounds like good advice to me and she dashes to the portal and jumps through, taking a last look to make sure Azgen is following her.
Once in the new area, she takes a deep breath Fresh air again, its been so long since I havent had to choke down my breath She stays near to Azgen, but does not draw her weapons just yet, however her hands seem to hover at the ready

2009-05-26, 04:32 PM
Althids tentacles ripple as he stares at the lifeless form for a few moments, then he nudges Misha and heads toward the portal.

2009-05-26, 05:56 PM

"Wow... You know, now I really want to know what you're planning." He tries to stretch out the sheet and flatten it as best he can. "Really, to go through all that trouble and get Harmonium bashers on 'kill on sight' terms..." The sheet only marginally better, he shrugs. "Karava then, alright."

As he heads towards the portal, he turns back to the Dwarf. "Hey... thanks for the save back there. What's you name anyway?"

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-26, 07:26 PM
Misha follows Althid in silence.

2009-05-27, 08:54 AM

Celestica, a former squadron leader in her past, cant help but start to revert to that role.
Azgen, youre with me. Lets see what we have here.
She then starts collecting name of the other mercenaries, and organizing them into teams if they dont appear to have allegiances already. She starts to set up defense perimeters around the portal itself, and get the searches into the hills to be in an organized fashion. If someone appears to be in command, she will defer to them, respecting the chain of command, but in the absence of such a person, she will try to make sure some sort of organization gets put in place.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-27, 09:11 AM
"I be Karkta" The dwarf pushes into the portal. Running after him, the protal feels watery, but it's not wetting you. Behind it is a green valley of hills surreounded by tall mountain ranges. The portal itself is in an arcane circle in a rock formation. A large stone gives you shade. The hills are being circled by armed mercenaries and next to you is a Goliath and an elven woman.
Sudenly a halfling and an Illithid come through the portal. It takes you a few seconds to notice, having been used to Sigil smog, that this place has clean air

Stepping through the flowing watery portal, you do not get wet and the first thing you notice is that you're standing a circle, most likely arcane, in a rock formation.
The air is clean here and you are standing in a hilly valley, surrounded by high mountain ranges. The mercenaries are exploring the area around you. Next to you stands a tiefling and elven warrion and a goliath. Cyrus and Karava are there as well and a dwarf.

Behind the Portal (All)
Looking through the surroundings Maj and Althid see movement and elfin forms in the bushes. So does a goblin mercenary near you apparently shouting "Who are those??!" Hearing that, a tall muscular brown haired elf raises up and gives some kind signal as at least a hundred armed elves raise from the bushes. The mercenaries all retreat to the standing stones and you realize you're outnumbered at least 2 to 1. The elves are all aiming with their bows at you. The elf who first stood up shouts "Elek urt kyrinmer! Aurta kyrinmer tae ! Ervul Morovilta Avorin!"

2009-05-27, 09:20 AM

Celestica steps forward, so that they can see she is elven, as they are. In elven, she replies

We are not here to invade your lands, on that you have my word as a follower of Hanali Celanil. We are fleeing our enemies from Sigil. Who among you is the leader, that we may parlay?

OOC, does Celestica recognize what the elf is saying, as she speaks elven?

Frog Dragon
2009-05-27, 09:22 AM
No she doesn't. It only slightly resembles the elven language Celestica knows.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-27, 11:00 AM
Misha raises her hands up into the air.

Uh...I surrender. I dont feel like being made into a pincusion today...

2009-05-27, 12:28 PM

"The Hardheads and a bunch of Primes, we're on a roll aren't we?" Maj steps back carefully, making no sudden movements. He prefers to take Garm in his arms rather then giving another target. "I could translate if I could touch one of them, but I'd rather stay whole a bit longer... You people with the stones prepared for this too?"

2009-05-27, 06:50 PM

Celestica makes sure that she is not touching any of her weapons, or making any threatening moves. She smiles again at the elves,
I am sorry, I do not understand your language. It sounds like a form of elvish, but not one I am familiar with. Do you have anyone amongst you that can translate, so that this does not have to descend into violence?

Frog Dragon
2009-05-28, 02:22 PM
Behind the Portal (All)
The commander looks puzzled. For a few seconds he seems to be conversing with another elf. The other elf comes forth from the bushes. He has a short cut brown hair and soft features. He is in similar leather armor as the others. Along with him comes an armed blond haired elf that Misha and Althid recognize from the gatehouse. He stops in front of the armed group of mercenaries, the other elf next to him. He sings some sort of incantations and speaks the surrounding elf bows aimed at the mercenaries "It seems you do not understand the tongue of this place. Very well. Our demands are simple. We want those two goblins" He points at the goblin who first noticed the elves and another deeper in the crowd "I do not wish for bloodshed to occur here, but we are at war. Surrender the goblins and go free. Or die. "

2009-05-28, 04:25 PM

Celestica steps back from the elves, this is not a situation she can deal with, as she has no idea of who the goblins are or what they may or may not have done. She looks around for someone who appears to be in charge of the rest of the mercenaries to see what he has to say about the situation.

2009-05-28, 06:36 PM

"Wait, what?" Maj crouches and lets Garm go, then he takes a step forward, one of his hands at his head as he tries to sort this out. "Well, if you're at war with these berks then sure, take them. You sure you got the right ones though? I'm just saying, if these two are cagers, I don't really see how they could've started a fight with you bloods. Hell, this might just be a misunderstanding, you could say we took a wrong turn."

2009-05-28, 07:06 PM
Althid takes a step away from the goblin that was next to him. "I'm sure it won't be that bad" he says to the nervous creature with a shrug.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-28, 08:26 PM
Im not really sure...but Kavra, Cyrus, Elf lady person, you seem like the leaders so...whatever you say goes.

Keld Denar
2009-05-28, 08:51 PM
Oh goody. Lost in a strange place, and now stuck between two sides at war. Whats next? Mind Flayer attack?

I never should have gone hiking in the mountains alone...

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-29, 08:29 AM
Hearing Azquen's comment, Misha grins.

A Mind Flayer attack? Hey, look behind you!

Frog Dragon
2009-05-29, 04:00 PM
Behind the Gate (All)
You suddenly hear Karava's whispered voice "It is best we are not as a uniform force here since we are obviously outnumbered. War prisoners are generally not treated well and letting the others leave was likely a lie. To them we could be spies or a distraction. We need Polara for cover and then escape. The group of mercenaries gets tenser. It is obvious all of the mercenaries heard the message adn the link seems to be still on "Is this a good idea? We don't know what they have. Maybe they can dispel" "I doubt it these are just some wild elves" "You never know. Only an idiot underestimates an enemy. That elf in the front has to be a mage of some kind" "Polara cant cover us all. We're surrounded" "So what's it gonna be?"

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-30, 12:39 AM
Misha trys to blend into the crowd. Shes not much of a decision maker, and resolves to pretty much go along with Althid, as long as he doesnt do anything suicidal.

Hide: (to blend in) [roll0]

2009-05-30, 10:49 AM
Althid directs his thoughts to Misha. Think we should try and slip away if this ends up being a fight? If these mercenaries win then we alienate valuable alies in a land we know nothing about. If we fight however, we risk death... I'll try speaking to them first.

2009-05-30, 10:56 AM
((Had to double post to roll))

Althid will address the commander. "I really think you should consider letting us pass unmolested. We are in a strange land fleeing enemies from another realm. We mean you no harm and we want no quarrel... You outnumber us but we are still a fairly large band of skilled warriors. A fight amongst us would not end favorable for either side."

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2009-05-30, 11:42 AM

Maj takes a step back, eyes closed. He hated being ignored. He wonders just what effect the Mindflayer's words will have on the crowd, and just what Polara could do. He simply walks into the crowd again and picks up Garm.

2009-05-30, 07:22 PM

Celestica watches the other elves and waits for orders. While she is a captain in her own right, she has not been designated in any way by whoever commands the mercenaries and does not want to break the chain of command without just cause. She watches the elves as Althid speaks, seeing if his words are causing them to relax or tense up.

Frog Dragon
2009-05-31, 04:11 PM
"Another realm?? That's rich.." The elf laughs, then tenses up "Listen. Cut the crap. Any berk knows you can't go to other realms! And if you could, you wouldn't be listening to our demands. So this is the last time I'm going to say this. The goblins! "
"This is going less than well." you hear Karava's whisper again. "I could quickly port us and then scatter, but they might have more war parties around."

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-31, 06:56 PM
Misha goes along with the group...she is still confused about what is happening.

2009-05-31, 08:16 PM
"Another realm?? That's rich.." The elf laughs, then tenses up "Listen. Cut the crap. Any berk knows you can't go to other realms! And if you could, you wouldn't be listening to our demands. So this is the last time I'm going to say this. The goblins! "
"This is going less than well." you hear Karava's whisper again. "I could quickly port us and then scatter, but they might have more war parties around."

Celestica whispers under her breath...Do it.

2009-06-01, 03:31 PM
Althid finds Karava's mind among the group, Do that, and quickly.

2009-06-01, 06:34 PM

Maj just nods. Anywhere else looked better then here. Well, maybe not the tavern. He takes a small lump of wax out of his side pouch and readies it, waiting for the teleport.

Maj will cast a Ghost Sound as soon as he feels the teleport coming. After three seconds of silence a loud and firm voice will say the following:

"Listen you clueless primes, believe what you want, but we'll defend ourselves if we have to. You want to attack us? Fine, just know that the troops that'll die to get us won't have accomplished anything in that war you're supposed to be fighting. We don't know about it, we don't care about it. We're a neutral party here."

Frog Dragon
2009-06-02, 09:17 AM
"We go then." You hear the whisper again and as soon as the mercenaries ready themselves to teleport. The world spirals again and you see a weird distorted image of a sky of arrows. Apparently the elves didn't like your leave.
The spirals shunt you in front of a cave, behind the elves' circle of archers. Cyrus looks inside "Seems safe enough. " he grunts and Karava signals everyone to go in. They follow.
Walking inside the cave, you see that it is rather large and appears to have another entrance nearby. Numerous passageways twist downwards and darkness overcomes them barring your sight."Now the stones please." Karava says and is immediatly thrown with one. Karava dodges and picks it up. "Here's yer stone ya berk! You almost showed us to the blinds! Ya got the hardheads on us all!" One angry man shouts. Cyrus steps forward, loosening his axe. "Shut up. This is Rashdar's fault and I killed him." "You wanna get into a fight with that?" A woman steps in front of him. The mercenaries chuck the stones to Karava leaving the cave from the other entrance leaving the five of you, Karava, Cyrus, A dwarf, and two humans. and the wizardess Rylayvie in the cave. "Yours too" Karava says to Celestica.

Keld Denar
2009-06-02, 10:19 AM
Where....where are we exactly? I'm no expert, but it doesn't look like Sigil. And...are you leaving us here?

2009-06-02, 10:49 AM

"Nah, the air's too clean for Sigil. It's probably some primitive material plane." He nods to Garm, who takes its spot on his shoulder again. He also picks up one of the stones and hands it to Karava. "Some of those imbeciles probably belong here though..."

"Hey Cyrus, how lost are we?" He takes the contract out of his pocket. "This still gonna come into play?"

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-02, 02:21 PM
To Althid: Im really confused...do you get what is happening?

OOCCan I talk to you using your telepathy?

2009-06-02, 02:39 PM

Celestica salutes Cyrus, not recognizing him by name, but respecting his obvious rank.

Celestica Sunstar, captain of Hanali's Company #4, at your service sir. May I inquire as to who you are. And, if you would be so kind, a brief explanation of what we have gotten ourselves into? I was sent to the Jug and Bottle by Bren, to meet a man named Cyrus, who had the possibility of a job for someone of my skills. Are you, in fact, that Cyrus?

For the moment, she continues to hold onto her stone, not closing her hand on it, but not quite ready to hand it over, her only bargaining chip at the moment.

2009-06-02, 09:21 PM
To Misha: We basically had to decide between certain annihilation in Sigil and jumping into a portal leading to an unknown location... Generally a bad idea but our options were limited. I don't know where we are at the moment but I'm willing to bet this Cyrus character has an idea.

Althid will attempt to read the minds of Cyrus and anyone in range around him. Detect thoughts will save DC: 16.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-02, 11:46 PM
Yeah, thanks, it all makes sense now...so, what is that Cyrus dude thinking? What should we do now?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-03, 05:20 AM
You read Cyrus' thoughts as he converses with the elf and the tiefling. His thoughts are along the lines of "It doesn't mattter. The Krimm is gone" (Int 8)
You prove unable to probe Rylayvie's mind (Int 22)
Karava is less resisting, his thoughts going along the line of "Where in the blazes are we anyway? Beyond the outer even...? This can't be any known plane. Rashdar couldn't have arranged that much." (Int 18)
The humans (Ints 10, 11) The smarter one resists your probes and the other seems to be thinking along the lines of "What the hell should we do now?"
The dwarf is thinking about the same thoughts as the human. (Int 10)
There are no more sentient creatures in your range of scan.

"You can go back to Sigil if you wish. It's right past the angry elves at the irate-law-enforcement-wanting-our-heads." Karava remarks sarcastically in response to Azgen
"Yes. I am Cyrus and the ranks have no meaning anymore. Our organization is broken and the job was pure scam" He says in response to both This man Rashdar, used to be in a merc company like the Krimm. And a higher up too. But they didn't like rivals so they secretly attacked us in our base. We won and their company was smashed. Now this Rashdar guy managed to fake someone with the rights to decide about these things to us. Needless to say it wasn't a real jurisdiction or whatever you call it and the hardheads were soon on us. He ruined us with the ruling bloods of Sigil using this fake job to get us into Harmonium's blackist. As the Half-Minotaur finishes Karava abruptly continues
"Nothing to do now but survive. What is left of the Krimm will look for civilization. Now would you hands us the stone?" He finishes to Celestica.

2009-06-03, 06:27 AM

Celestica hands the stone back to Karava, she just wanted to know what was going on and where she stood.

So we are all together in this? We find a way back to Sigil, and clear your name? Or just find a way back?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-03, 10:37 AM
Are we even going to Sigil? Like you said, the Krimm is gone. I vote that we try and find out some clue as to where the heck we are.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-03, 11:17 AM
"Were not going back." Karava says "This place has sentient beings more or less like us. That's a good enough start. I figure it's livable enough. I hope Sigil's bloods don't try to seek us out here. " Karava takes a step toward the other exit "Goodbye. I don't know if we'll meet again." The six of them walk out of the cave through the other exit.

Keld Denar
2009-06-03, 01:19 PM
So...ah...now what? You guys aren't leavin too, are you? I think it would be best if we stuck together. Might be useful in case we have to ward off any more elves...or worse. What do you say?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-03, 01:23 PM
Karava stops and signals the others to stop as well "Depends on what you are planning to do."

Keld Denar
2009-06-03, 01:25 PM
Survive? Explore? Profit? What else can a body do?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-03, 05:20 PM
Eat and Drink. Im thirsty and starting to get annoyed...wherever I get a drink, a fight seems to break out.

Misha looks around. Anyone got half an idea where we are? I never studied the planes that much.

2009-06-03, 06:13 PM

"You've got to be kidding me..." Maj runs a hand through his hair while looking at the ceiling. "Survive? Yeah its a good start. I'd have something planned if I had known I was gonna get hipped on a prime today." He shrugs. "12 berks might last longer then 6 though, that much is true."

"Don't know where we are, but try some of this." He takes out the bottle he'd gotten a few minutes ago, and takes a drink before handing it over. "Astral Gaze or something. Appreciate it though, might be the last decent drink we can get for a while."

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-03, 10:46 PM
Wow, thanks. My name is Misha, by the way. Who are you?

Misha reaches out to shake Maj's hand after taking a swig of the bottle.

Ahh, thats the stuff. Here's it back now...dont want to have too much at one time of that potent drink. Of course, now that I have taken a sip...counting down...10...9...I bet you a gold piece a fights gonna start real soon.

2009-06-04, 07:03 AM

Celestica turns to face the group. Okay, we’re strangers, in a strange land. In order to survive, we’re going to have trust each other, help each other, and know each others strengths and weaknesses. And, in the spirit of building trust, I’ll go first. My name is Celestica Sunstar, and I am a devoted follower of Hanali Celanil, the elvish goddess of love. I suppose some would call me a paladin, but I doubt Im much like any paladin you may have met. Im also trained in unarmed attack methods. In my homelands of Crystalia, I was a captain of my own squadron, not that that will carry any weight here.

Celestica ends her little speech, and looks to the rest.

2009-06-04, 08:56 AM

My name is Althid. I too am adept at hand to hand combat... I also possess a few psychic abilities.

Keld Denar
2009-06-04, 01:53 PM
I am Azgen Thorya. I have extensive training in dwarven military tactics. My blade is keen and my reflexes sharp. While I am not familiar with the surounding area, you will find few who fight with more ferocity than I.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-04, 02:32 PM
Im Misha. Im a street rat and proud of it, and can steal anything not nailed down...including someone's magical abilites. Im also a fair fighter. Fair as in good that is, not fair as in I let the other person figure out what is happening.

2009-06-04, 04:05 PM

"Well, I'm Maj and I've been a cagger since birth. Lets just say I'm glad you guys can fight. I'm..." He pauses for a sec, but in the end decides that there's no point in keeping it a secret right now, Celestica was right. "I'm an illusionist and an enchanter. Through in a bit of wit and that's all a cutter needs."

"Oh, and this is Garm, my asociate..." He takes a look at his bird trying to think of what else to say. "He's currently covered in feathers... Yeah."

Frog Dragon
2009-06-04, 07:46 PM
"I am a fighter of considerable skill myself and I believe I have already introduced myself." Cyrus says followed by the dwarf " I'm Karkta and those two are Reven and Tyrel. The three of us be warriors as well, though not as good as Cyrus." The robed red and silver haired woman speaks out next "I am Rylayvie, a mage. I focus on all types of arcane magic equally." "I am also something like a mage" Karava continues "But my talents are mostly geared towards making items. The teleport stones are of my make as are many other magic items in the Krimm."

2009-06-06, 08:55 AM

(To the "NPC" mercs)Okay, we seem to have two balanced groups. If we split up, we might be able to cover more ground and either make a mark in this world or find a way back to Sigil. I dont know if thats in your plans or not, I guess it depends on what we can make for ourselves here, or find a way to clear your names. Do we have some sort of way to keep in contact so that we can plan our actions?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-06, 04:51 PM
"I have such means. " Rylayvie says But they are not as reliable as they could be though Karava could probably do something about that.
From where you came, Althid hears a slight rustle and sees a humanoid silhouette trying to enter the cave, Rylayvie looks as well "Did the elves send scouts" she whispers. Karava and Cyrus turn to look as well.

2009-06-06, 10:03 PM

Celestica pivots to face the new potential threat, drawing her blades as she does so.

2009-06-06, 10:42 PM
Althid slips into the nearby shadows if the creature hasn't seen him yet, otherwise he will just be prepared to act if it's an enemy.

Hide [roll0]
Move silently [roll1]

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-07, 10:17 AM
Misha follows Althid's lead, hiding off to the side if possible.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

Keld Denar
2009-06-07, 07:50 PM
Azgen looses his massive Greatsword, Dwarfriend, and holds it one handed extending before him, point down, yet quivering with readied power.

Who goes there?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-08, 06:34 AM
Rylayvie takes acrion as the figure tries to sneak away from the cave, grabbing a hold of both Cyrus and Karava and gating them all in front of the cave entrance to block the figure "Make sure the elf doesn't escape through the other opening!" Rylayvie shouts

Rylayvie [roll0]
Cyrus [roll1]
Karava [roll2]
Elf [roll3]
Warriors [roll4]

2009-06-08, 06:39 AM

Celestica rushes to cut off the other opening, with her short sword in hand.
Hanali, forgive me for cutting down a elven brother if I must, but they have raised hand against us first

2009-06-08, 09:01 AM

Maj sighs, no avoiding him now. "Check the corners, make sure there aren't any other exits..." Garm nods and jumps off his shoulder, heading towards the walls. He, on the other hand, heads towards Azgen's position. "Lets try to leave the poor sod out cold, longer we can go without killing the primes, the less excuses they have to be out for our heads, no?" Looking over his companions sword, he shrugs. "Just a suggestion of course."

Initiative: 22 (rolled in OoC thread)

2009-06-08, 11:05 AM
Althid will move to block the entrance, using his reach to cover as much area as possible.

EDIT: Initiative 20, rolled in OOC thread as well.

Keld Denar
2009-06-08, 11:23 AM
Can Azgen see him from where he's standing? It kinda dictates my action.

Got an 18 init, rolled in OOC.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-08, 12:13 PM
Yeah though only barely if you have no Low-Light vision. The only light comes from two entrances.

Keld Denar
2009-06-08, 12:27 PM
What kinda range am I lookin at? I have 30' movement, is it single move? Charge range? I also have a +14 jump mod, so I could jump at least 15', if not 30' additional feet with Sudden Leap and then charge.

Keld Denar
2009-06-08, 03:52 PM
Azgen leaps forward, bringing Dwarfriend about and gripping it tightly in both hands. Advancing on the elf, he winds up a massive blow, turning the blade slightly at the last moment.


Moving up, Power Attack for 2, strike to subdue, initiating Emerald Razor Strike to attack Touch AC.

[roll1] [roll2]

2009-06-08, 04:11 PM

Celestica comes forward as well, striking out once with her monk attacks, also activating Nervestrike to hopefully knock him out, instead of killing

to hit
[roll]1d8=1 damage + nervestrike

2009-06-08, 04:13 PM
(Stupid computer)

[roll0] damage + nervestrike

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-08, 05:17 PM
Misha circles up as well, trying to get into a flanking position with one of her teammates. She distracts the enemy with a whirl of her blades before striking.

OOC Initiative [roll0]
Attack [roll1] Add 2 if flanking and 2 more if charging
Damage [roll2]
Feint (if nessecary) [roll3]
Sneak Attack [roll4]

2009-06-08, 11:34 PM

Maj steps closer, getting within 30ft of the elf. "Damn, you know, I can't help but feel like the bad guy here." After the quip, he just watches on, his hands ready to do a few quick signs in his pockets.

He'll ready an action to cast a concealed Whelm (1st level, Enchantment: Mind Affecting, [compulsion], 3d6 Nonlethal with DC 16-17 Will to negate) if the elf tries draws a weapon.

Caster Level Check: Take 10 for 15
Damage: [roll0] Nonlethal

2009-06-09, 12:03 AM
"Surrender and you will be unharmed." Althid then projects his thoughts to the others. We can take him captive and I could interrogate him. The more we know of the surrounding enemy the higher our chances of survival

Frog Dragon
2009-06-09, 01:03 PM
Celestica tries to knock the elf out but is unsuccesful even though she hits him.
Rylayvie chants and makes arcane signals, then pulls a dagger as Misha attacks, but even with the added momentum of a charge, is unable to score a hit on the elf. Then azgen attacks botching the strike as well.
The elf takes a move-on tumbling behind celestica and attempting to draw a longsword, but is interrupted by Maj's spell. However he wills the attack out and continues with his maneuver. He strikes, but seems to be strictly in a defensive mode. He still hits though and doesn't seem to understand what Maj and Althid are saying.
Cyrus charges and manages to score a hit, crashing the haft of his axe on the elf. The force of the blow knocks the elf a few feet backwards and he falls down unconscious

"I don't think it's wise to stay here much longer." Cyrus says

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-09, 02:43 PM
Good idea, lets move out. Are we splitting up or staying together? We should probably decide quickly. I kinda think that we should split. Smaller groups are much harder to find in the wilderness.

OOCDiplomacy [roll0]

Frog Dragon
2009-06-09, 03:00 PM
"There is the option of going downwards as well" Rylayvie points at one of the entrances going downwards.

2009-06-10, 11:35 AM

Wow, that berk did pretty well... or we're all pretty damn blind. He steps closer to the third entrance, looking into it through a black and white filter. He shrugs. "We don't know where anything leads, so really, any way's as good as any other. Won't some of you need a light or something?"

This might be a bit late, but could Maj try a spellcraft check to figure out just what spell Rylayvie used to get Cyrus and Karava over there?

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2009-06-10, 12:38 PM

I think going underground is a better option then wandering around a forest full of angry elves. Althid looks to the underground entrance. Light tends to draw attention and we don't know whats down there. I could lead us and telepathically communicate with everyone so we don't have to speak. Have someone else with keen eyesight in the back as well, so nothing sneaks up on us.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-10, 01:05 PM

She used ye olde dimensione doore

Keld Denar
2009-06-10, 02:07 PM
I guess its settled. As much as I'd rather NOT go back underground, the choices seem pretty slim.

Azgen picks the elf up in one hand by the back of his armor, disarms him of any weapons he sees, throws him over his shoulder, and holding Dwarfriend in the other hand, starts toward the cave.

If we're gonna go, we might as well get goin!

2009-06-10, 03:48 PM
I should eat this elf's brain and see if I can't get some useful information... The last thing I want though is a clan of elves hunting me down as a monster. I could burn the body but there are still divinations that would give me away. Althid abandons his musings and addresses the group. Someone that can see in darkness lead the way with me, another in the back, and anyone else in the middle. Everyone else get a light source ready, in case we are attacked.

Just so it's clear the first italicized text is Althids personal thoughts, not heard by anyone.

2009-06-10, 04:02 PM

I will travel in the middle then. While I can see very well in even low light conditions, I do require at least some light. And being in the middle will allow me to respond to threats quickly.

2009-06-10, 04:13 PM

Telepathy huh... pretty useful. He watches as his bird flies back to himI wonder... Grandma Albel could probably do it too... Could I? Could he? The Garm takes it's place on his shoulder. "We'll sacrifice ourselves and take the back then. We've got pretty good eyes and ears."

Frog Dragon
2009-06-12, 12:39 AM
As you proceed, the cavern darkens quickly and soon nothing is to be seen to those who cannot see in the lightless halls.
Sounds are scarce as well, except for the 'clops' of your own shoes and the occasional squinting of vermin and bats.
For those who see, the steep slope down seem to gradually grow larger and your feet start to get wet. Apparently water flows from numerous crevices and even some larger ones into the cavern.
After several miles of travel, the cavern opens up immensely revealing an underground lake encompassing most of the cavern, it's water flowing from numerous similar hallways and a larger underground river.

Keld Denar
2009-06-12, 01:10 AM
Oh goodie. More underground caverns. With any luck, maybe we'll have a cave-in, find some long buried ruins, and get transported back to Sigil. Then again, if I never see that gods forsaken city again, I'll be a happy man. Azgen says as he leads the way down the passage.

2009-06-12, 02:02 AM

We're at a lake in what seems to be a very large cavern. Anyone have a way for all of us to cross said body of water? There are usually things better left undisturbed in underground lakes, so I don't recommend swimming...

2009-06-12, 06:21 AM

Is there a way around the lake, or does it take up all of the cavern? Or are there other hallways out of the cavern that we can get to, without crossing it?

2009-06-12, 01:31 PM

"Haha, so you're a prime big guy? You got pretty damn lucky, usually any clueless that end up in Sigil never get out. How long were you stranded for?"

He considers Althid's words and his eyes turn to the walls. "I've got a little trick for scaling walls, but I don't have enough for everyone." He shrugs. "Unless someone wants to carry the rest of us one at a time."

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-12, 07:02 PM
Yeah, I really hope that we can find another way across, I kinda stink at swimming... how far across is it, anyway? I have a rope and might be able to work something up...

Keld Denar
2009-06-12, 11:47 PM
Believe it or not, but I was only in Sigil for a few hours. Showed up, wandered around lost for a bit, started teleporting like a madman with the rest of you, and now I'm here. Wherever here is.

And I would be willing to carry anyone who needs it. Working at the dwarven forges have hardened my muscles. I don't know if I can fight under a load, but I can definitely move around.


Azgen has a light load of 133 lbs. He's only carrying about 30 lbs of gear. Anyone that light?

Actually, doesn't powerful build affect your carrying capacity too? You count as large, and large creatures use a multiplier for their table.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-13, 01:26 AM
And a 100 pounds in elf. Just calculated.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-13, 09:22 PM
Ooh, pick me! I weigh about 60 pounds with my gear. (56.3 lbs) I really stink at climbing, do you think you could carry me...Azquen, is it?

2009-06-14, 01:18 PM

Maj seems awestruck for a second. He's not sure what got him more, the fact that the giant had gotten into and out of Sigil without even knowing or that fact that he was actually considering carrying them over the walls. "You must be one of the luckiest berks I've ever met... If you really want to do it, take this."

He grabs two small vials from his side. One contains a thick liquid, the other a small hoard of tiny spiders. He yoinks one out and lets a drop of the liquid bath it. A after a small chant, a false spark flies from his fingers. He keeps chanting, but anyone who knows infernal can understands a long series of curses and swears rather then arcane words. After the second attempt, the spider starts to glow. He smiles. "There..., now eat up."

Caster Check [roll0] vs DC 7

Keld Denar
2009-06-14, 04:53 PM
You've got to be kidding me...this day just keeps getting better and better...

Before he actually eats the spider, Azgen looks around the cavern to determine if there is actually a way to walk on the walls or ceiling across the water, and if indeed there is an "other" side to cross to.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-15, 12:38 AM
You see one downwards passage slightly left from the opposite side. You do not apparently see all of the lake and the cavern walls prevent you from seeing what is in the left without climbing the ceiling.

Keld Denar
2009-06-15, 03:27 PM
Well, guess we should check out that passage there on the left. With that, Azgen crinkles his face up slightly and swallows the spider. Blech! Hold on dear. He then sets down the captured elf, scoops up Celestica and sets her on his shoulders, and gingerly starts walking straight up the wall, looking for a better vantage point. He'll even hang from the ceiling if needed to see if he can see the whole body of water as well as anything down the path to the left.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-15, 03:48 PM
Scooping the area whom the ceiling, you see, of all things, a boat on the previously unseen area, sitting in the water next to the shoreline. In the actual dry area behind the boat, there are three passages, but none bear any distinguishing features evident from this distance.
The boat itself seems to be large enough to accommodate for several passengers+ some cargo or any other variation of this.

Keld Denar
2009-06-15, 04:37 PM
Are there any people around the boat? Does it look like there may have been people around the boat recently? Does it look like the boat could be easily piloted by 2 people?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-16, 06:20 AM
No people there at least for now, but you're too far to look for any marks of people who may have been there. You could probably row it across with two people, yes.

Keld Denar
2009-06-16, 12:19 PM
Hey Celestica, want to go for a boat ride? Might make it easier for us to cross the water. Should we go back and consult with the others?

2009-06-16, 03:37 PM

I was just about to say the same thing. It will make it much easier to cross, especially for you. And that way, we wont be leaving people alone on one side or the other.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-16, 08:37 PM
Ahh, thats a much better idea... quick question though, are we sure the boat is stable, sturdy and that kinda stuff. I dont want to be halfway across the lake when it breaks...

Keld Denar
2009-06-16, 11:21 PM
Is there any way we could walk down, tie a rope to the boat, and then walk across the walls or ceiling and pull the boat behind me? That way we wouldn't have to ride in it until after someone else has time to check it out.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-17, 05:46 AM
Yeah you could do that. You have spider climb on afterall. You can just scale the walls to there. Drop down tie rope and pull it while scaling.

Keld Denar
2009-06-17, 04:40 PM
Make is so. When we get the boat back, who ever has the relevant skill (Disable Device?) make sure that the boat hasn't been tampered with and is sound for transit.

We could probably load a couple into the boat, and then I could pull it across while carrying another so that we don't have to leave anyone behind.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-17, 08:26 PM
Good idea. Ill examine the boat to determine that it hasnt been tampered with or whatnot.

Not sure what the appropriate skill is...
Search [roll0]
Disable Device [roll1]

Frog Dragon
2009-06-18, 04:39 AM
The boat seems to be sound. And large enough to carry you all inside. Still rovable by two of you.

2009-06-18, 06:16 AM

Celestica positions herself in the boat.
If you need help in rowing, I can take an oar.

Keld Denar
2009-06-18, 03:15 PM

After ferrying the party across to the path to the left, Azgen will return the boat to where it was when he found it. No need to alert anyone to our presence.

Now, where are we?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-21, 03:53 PM
After you return the boat, you hear several steps. Apparently from a large group of creatures from the caves. They are coming your way.

Keld Denar
2009-06-21, 04:57 PM

From where? From where we got the boat from? Or from where we are going?

Someone's coming...

2009-06-21, 08:13 PM

Celestica turns to face the same direction that Azgen is, drawing her swords in preparation, but waiting for now.

Hanali, please bless this meeting with your love, that we may avoid bloodshed if at all possible.

2009-06-21, 10:40 PM

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Garm's Listen (no Darkvision) [roll2]

I'm not quite sure where we are, to be honest

Frog Dragon
2009-06-22, 05:12 AM
You are at the other side of the lake you just crossed. The side you couldn't see from your starting position due to walls being in the way. There are three caverns from there and Azgen has left the boat behind you since you apparently went to the same side you got the boat from.
You also hear that the steps are coming from the cavern at the right looking from the position of the boat.

2009-06-22, 08:50 AM

I suggest we move as quietly as we can to another cavern.

Keld Denar
2009-06-22, 10:54 AM

Anywhere around where we could reliably hide quick? If not, Azgen will draw Dwarfriend and lean non-chalauntly against it, since there is no way he can possible sneak away.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-22, 01:24 PM
You know the steps are coming from the righternmost path so you could just sneak into one of the two other paths and hope whatever's coming doesn't hear you.
Plus. It's pitch black anyway.

Keld Denar
2009-06-22, 01:30 PM
I thought our party had light sources with. I know I have Darkvision, but I didn't think everyone else did...

Frog Dragon
2009-06-22, 02:21 PM
Well everyone else didn't, but does anyone have a light source?

Keld Denar
2009-06-22, 03:03 PM
Oh lordy...well, in any case, Azgen doesn't hide. Anything that's gonna see him is gonna see him regardless. I stand by my previous action.

2009-06-22, 04:29 PM

Celestica needs a light source

Celestica stands beside Azgen, she has her blades in her hands, but she only holds them casually, not threateningly.

2009-06-22, 07:32 PM
Althid will transform into a Trodgolyte and blend in with the nearest rock wall.

Alter self from ring. Hide: [roll0] Move silently: [roll1]

2009-06-22, 07:48 PM

Maj simply stands back, keeping his distance from the exit where the noise is coming from and watching it with care.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-23, 03:10 AM
Or more accurately: Alter. Since Alter Self doesn't exist since Giant's Polymorph has been in effect from the start.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-23, 03:50 PM
The sounds grow louder. Then suddenly, six dwarves emerge from the righternmost cave. Two of them are pulling a cart decked out with lots of sacks and boxes. All are armoured and the four not pulling the cart have hammers at ready though not wielded. All have a crossbow across their back. They walk about halfway to the boat, then taking note of Azgen and Celestica just standing there. The dwarves converse for a few seconds, then walk to the boat, beginning to unload the contents of the cart into it taking a look at you every once in a while.

Keld Denar
2009-06-23, 05:13 PM

Azgen observes them himself. Do they appear to be standard mountain dwarves, of which he named as family? Or do they appear to be "other" dwarves?

If they are mountain dwarves, Azgen will hail them. In dwarven.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-23, 09:51 PM
Misha noiselessly draws her blades and examines the dwarves, trying to discover if she can remember anything about them.

Know (local) [roll0]

So, assuming they are humanoid and have 5 or less HD, Misha can determine one fact about them, as well as what they are called.

2009-06-23, 11:05 PM

Maj smiles. "And here I thought we'd have to mess with some nasty cave thing..." He looks over them from afar as they work, before turning back to the other exits. He notices Azgen. "Think you can extend the olive branch big guy? You'd probably do best as our emissary to the primes, haha."

Frog Dragon
2009-06-24, 04:45 AM
Assuming you had a lightsource then you can determine (If you hadn't you can't see them and there's nothing to determine from) that

These kind creatures are normally called Deep Dwarves in the prime and they live underground having even more efficient sensory equipment in the dark than the hill dwarves.

They do not seem to be mountain dwarves.

2009-06-24, 09:08 AM

Celestica waits for Azgen to hail them, she knows from experience that dwarves are rarely interested in dealing with elves, and would probably be put off by that fact right from the start.

Keld Denar
2009-06-24, 01:27 PM

Well, mountain or not, as long as they are not Dreuger, Azgen is ok with them. In Dwarven: We met, travelers. I am Azgen Thorya. (clearly dwarven name) We have been on quite an adventure lately, and were wondering if you wanted to share food and drink a moment with my companions to share tales? What say you? Azgen is still leaning on Dwarfriend, but I don't know if the dwarves are close enough to notice the dwarven worksmanship that Azgen imparted into the sword when he forged it.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-24, 06:37 PM
(whispering to Azgen) They are Deep Dwarves, I think. Dont remember much about them...but...you are the dwarf expert.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-25, 09:33 AM
One of the dwarves turns to look and says "A do adastra yur da'alact. Ma speck caamon" The language sounds a somewhat like the common of the prime, but with a clearly dwarfish accent.

Keld Denar
2009-06-25, 12:30 PM

Azgen repeats the last statement he made in common.

Well met, travelers. I am Azgen Thorya. (clearly dwarven name) We have been on quite an adventure lately, and were wondering if you wanted to share food and drink a moment with my companions to share tales? What say you?

Frog Dragon
2009-06-25, 12:35 PM
The dwarf looks baffled "Ved ees tad? E kheens uf girpish?"

2009-06-25, 01:20 PM

Somewhat stumped, Maj steps forward, palms open wide before him to show he's unarmed. He takes a moment to think, before nodding to himself. He points at the dwarf with his right hand and moves his left to his mouth, moving it forward and backwords as if something was coming out. Then he points to his ear and shakes his head. his left hand goes to his side pocket and draws a pinch of sand and soot. After a soft chant in infernal the dust seems to evaporate and his left hand glowls gently. Once again, he points to the dwarf and motions as if something was coming out of his mouth. Then he points to his own ear and nods.

If the dwarf is following all this or he's at least still standing there, he'll step forward and tap him on the shoulder.

Casting comprehend language.

Caster Check [roll0] vs DC 4 IIRC

Olo Demonsbane
2009-06-25, 02:47 PM
Misha sheathes her swords, though she keeps her hands on the hilts.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-26, 08:33 AM
"Hei! Vad de yu.. think your doing?" The dwarf exclaims as the words become clear to you

2009-06-27, 04:50 PM

Maj nods. "Well, I can understand you now... You probably can't understand me though." He looks down, a hand on his face as he thinks. "Perhaps we share another tongue? How about infernal? Perhaps Abyssal? Or possibly Terran? Ignan maybe? May be a stretch but how about Celestial?" He goes through each language without trouble, switching between them with little pause.

Frog Dragon
2009-06-29, 06:04 AM
The dwarves look baffled. It appears they understand none of thos planar languages

2009-06-29, 12:35 PM

Perhaps this will help our communication problem. Althid will use his telepathy to act as a translator between the dwarves and the rest of the group.

2009-07-01, 12:36 AM

As Althid's words appear in his mind, Maj snaps his fingers. "Alright, we might be getting somwhere then. Tell em... I dunno, that we're weary travelers looking for a place to rest or something. You know, that stuff that the luckiest prime I know," He nods over to Azgen "said a while back."

The illusion will be our contingency then.

2009-07-01, 10:17 AM
Well met, travelers. I am Azgen Thorya. We have been on quite an adventure lately, and were wondering if you wanted to share food and drink a moment with my companions to share tales? What say you?

Althid will send this message to all the dwarves, along with the thought that these words are coming from Azgen.

2009-07-04, 07:21 AM

Celestica addresses the group for a moment...
If this does not work, I think we try a different path. Clearly, they do not seem to be hostile, so perhaps we should just back away from them and continue down one of the other tunnels. Presumably the one that Althid is currently hiding in, since we do not want to have the dwarves going crazy at the sight of an illithid. Keeping a watch backwards until they are out of sight, of course.

Frog Dragon
2009-07-04, 09:09 AM
The dwarf looks around as if trying to find the source of the voice in his head, but gives up and answers still speaking in his own weird variation of common, but Maj understands the meaning "adventure..?" The dwarf looks oddly relieved for some reason "We won't turn down a potential friend in these times, but we have a lot of problems of our own, starting with those idiots in the surface and ending with the dread monster of the deep." the dwarf seems to shake a little when he mentions the "dread monster" "But after our business is done we can take you to our town."

2009-07-04, 03:37 PM
A dread monster of the deep? Is it evil and causing trouble for you? As a paladin of Hanali, I am duty bound to deal with such abominations. Lead on

Celestica suddenly realizes that they cant understand her, hopes that Althid is providing a quick telepathic translation.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-07-04, 09:08 PM
A monster of the deep...great. Ah well, got nothing better to be doing right now...what is it? Althid, could you ask them what the heck we are going to fight? Wait, they didnt actually mention that we were going to fight it, did they? Im confused now.

Keld Denar
2009-07-05, 09:27 AM

At this point, I'd welcome a battle. This day has been so unusual that I need some time to just break away and beat something till it stops moving! Azgen flexes his considerable forgehardened muscles slightly.

2009-07-05, 12:38 PM
A dread monster of the deep? Is it evil and causing trouble for you? As a paladin of Hanali, I am duty bound to deal with such abominations. Lead on

Althid projects this to the dwarves as she speaks. He also asks what type of 'monster' is causing them trouble.

Frog Dragon
2009-07-07, 02:39 AM
"Oh, I'm no expert, but it's a huge serpent with two tails that lives in the lake." The dwarf points to the lake you recently crossed "It's smart and downright evil, that bastard. It inflicts curses upon us and there are many who have defied the monster. Then their hair fell out and they began rotting like corpses. Then they died. The thing leaves acid sometimes when it breathes, and it demands tribute."

Keld Denar
2009-07-07, 11:08 AM

Sounds lovely. How do we kill it? Anyone got any ideas?

2009-07-07, 11:32 AM

Telepathically to everyone but the dwarves: Why would we kill it? Unless we plan on doing it for a bargaining chip to form an alliance with these dwarves, I fail to see the point. If all we need is information, I'm sure the dwarves will share it with us even if we don't slay the lake monster.

2009-07-07, 11:48 AM
(out loud and in our language, since the dwarves dont need to hear everything)

Destroying a dread monster of the deep is service enough in and of itself.
Celestica has a twinkle in her eye.
Besides, dread monsters of the deep often have a huge hoard of treasure, especially if they have been demanding tribute, like this one has been.

Keld Denar
2009-07-07, 12:45 PM

Azgen drapes a massive arm over Celestica's slight shoulder. Now there's an idea I can get behind. Glorious battle against evil for glorious battle's sake! If you fall in battle, trust that I shall sing the tail in the halls of my Dwarven brethren should I ever find myself in their company again! To BATTLE! Azgen pumps his other arm, still holding his massive sword Dwarfriend, into the air in salute.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-07-07, 04:34 PM

Misha grins.

2009-07-09, 07:11 PM

I may be stuck with more primes then I thought... Maj considers the odds here, a two headed acid spitting snake versus a group of misplaced gloryhounds. ...Geesh

"I'll cover you're back then, don't worry, any of you fall you can be sure I'll 'sing' the tale around a good drink."

Frog Dragon
2009-07-11, 01:28 PM
The dwarves finish loading the boat and row to the center of it. Then they fling all their cargo overboard. They row back and one of the dwarves says (in his tongue, but the Maj's spell translates) "Now that we've taken care of that, well be going back to town. You people can follow us if you want."

2009-07-11, 02:10 PM
Trusting that Althid will "translate"

Yes. We shall come with you. If you wish, you can fill us in on the way about this monster, or leave the telling to your leaders. I take it that what you just dumped in the lake was the latest 'tribute' to the beast? If you dont mind me asking, what sort of tribute does the beast demand? Gold, jewels, food? And will your people welcome being freed of its evil clutches? Or demand that we do not anger it further?

Keld Denar
2009-07-12, 12:07 PM

Yes, let us go on and meet with the dwarven leader. I am very interested in meeting with them. At some point along the trip, Azgen pulls out the ancient book of dwarven runes he found before being transported to Sigil and shows it to the dwarf who seems to be leading the expedition. Does this make any sense to you?

Olo Demonsbane
2009-07-12, 11:53 PM
Sure, whatever, fine with me...

Misha relaxes her guard slightly, now that she is with a party of armed dwarves in their own territory.

Frog Dragon
2009-07-17, 03:19 PM
The dwarf in front looks at Celestica and responds "Oh it wants anything that's valuable. Those crates were packed with the finest of gems. Yes, we'd do anything to get what's ours, back. Our kobold friends are no help either. They said a queen had come to them and they had no choice, but to obey." He takes a short break and looks at the runic text Azgen pulled out "Sorry, no. Looks like a warped version of the ancient texts of Khezgin. Cholber would love that book of yours though. He's a linguist." He takes a long look at the elf as he awakens and immediatly begins trashing on Azgen's shoulder, trying to get free. "Hahaha. Appears this elf is not one of your companions on nap time" He says in his version of dwarven, confident that the elf won't understand then taking a more serious look "if you have an elven prisoner, we don't want word to leak out. We have enough problems already without the elves of Telvir on our tail specifically." The elf recognises the dwarf's tone and exclaims in common (their common) "Listen you idiot. These people are with the sacriligers! Don't side with them or it'll end badly!" The dwarf responds angrily in their common "Why? Force of arms?! Well you don't have that here." The elf does not respond, but continues wriggling.

2009-07-18, 04:53 AM

Allied with sacriligers? Im afraid you have been misinformed. We are not allied with anyone, we have only recently come to this area, having traveled through some sort of temporal gate out of Sigil. Although we are happy to help you deal with this monster. As for the elf, we arent really sure what we are doing with him, we just sort of stumbled over him.

Keld Denar
2009-07-18, 11:05 AM

Yea. We kinda just came across the elf. He was going to give away our position to a much larger armed force. Having no desire for that scale of a conflict, we knocked out the elf and fled underground. Not wanting to haphazardly leave him behind for any old monster to devour, we had no choice but to bring him with us. Do you know what we could do with him? Maybe a spot where we could turn him back over to the rest of the elves as a good faith exchange? He is...mostly unharmed, and will continue to be such unless he squirms about too much. Azgen states as he gives the elf an extra squeeze.

Frog Dragon
2009-07-20, 02:18 PM
The elf gives up and, seeing himself outmatched. The dwarf then speaks in his maternal tongue "There's a bit of a problem. If you give him to the elves, then it's our ass. Whose account are they going to listen? Yours? Ours?" He points at the elf "Or that elf's? I'm betting the last one. Still, you could try to approach the elves with him and avoid retribution, but I doubt the elders will support you, not in these circumstances. " He finishes, all the while leading the group down the caverns.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-07-24, 12:44 AM
I say that we give him up. I dont like the idea of holding someone prisioner, Ive had that happen to me a couple of times. But Im willing to go with whatever.

Frog Dragon
2009-07-26, 07:27 AM
"There's a safe trade route to the surface from the town. You could use that. It's still guarded by our men, even though we haven't been trading to the surface much lately"

Frog Dragon
2009-08-02, 12:09 PM
About fifteen minutes of walking later, the cavern opens up to a kilometer high clearing full of huts made of black stone. "This is our town, Aurhoos" (he seems to spell it Aurh-oos) "Or Goldriver in common." The huts are round and between the masses of them seems to be streets of some kind. Things seem to glow slightly green and as you focus your eyes, you see the sources of the weird light are streetlights, set into the streets and the entrances to the large cavern. Along the left side of the city (from you POV) is a wide underground river. Looking up, you see several caverns to which the only apparent point of entry is through several ladder systems and platforms. On each of the cavern entrance, there is a winch. Apparently used to ferry minerals down to the city below.
Midst the stone huts are several more elongated houses made of the same material, apparently the homes of the wealthy class in town. Finally, in the middle of the cavern floor is the largest house in sight, slightly resembling two differently sized huts stacked together, possibly the town hall.