View Full Version : What are the odds that V ...

2009-05-11, 03:40 PM
What are the odds that V manages to win the fight against Xykon by destroying his body, immediately teleports back to the rest of the party and releases the soul splices and is then asked "So how did you work out where his phylactory was?".

Raenir Salazar
2009-05-11, 03:52 PM
probably slim, this is looking like a case of withdrawel, start high on the drugs then its only a trip straight down.

The shapechange might be useful but I suspect rich will get Xykon will find a way to get rid of that too and then were stuck with either V dying which sucks so horribly that I wouldnt know what to do, or Xykon giving her a chance to run away.

2009-05-11, 04:56 PM
Or V being capured if Redcloak suspects she knows something about the next gate, and V is downpowered enough that she is no longer is enough of a threat to need killing immediately.

2009-05-11, 05:28 PM
While it is very unlikely that V will win this fight, the last part is very likely. IF V happens to destroy Xykon, he/she will most likely forget about the phylactery. Hopefully if this does happen, V teleports out with O-Chul.:smallsmile:

2009-05-11, 08:00 PM
While I would like to see the plot twist to change big bads, I think the actual odds of X's total destruction in lich form by V to be 0.000000001%.