View Full Version : High level arena [Mando Knight vs Draken]

2009-05-12, 10:59 AM
The arena, a massive Colliseum built in a powerful archmage's private demiplane looms around you. Thousands of people wearing the special goggles that will allow them to see the combatants even through illusions, defences or brick walls and terrain features so as not to miss a single moment of action applaud excitedly when the Archmage himself teleports you in the prearranged positions within the empty field.

Having checked you for possible illegal magics, substances or other preparations, the old man in his black robe and cowl now manipulates the arena's phantasmal terrain, making it assume one of the prearranged configurations randomly. The area around you flickers through several different environments under the seven-color gleam of an impenetrable shield that surrounds it; a hundred feet tall and ten times as wide, the barrier prevents both external interference and you from leaving until the fight is done.

In the end, the flickering terrain stabilizes into the greenish, muddy foulness of a swamp; thick mud quickly swallows up to the waist anything that isn't strong enough to free itself easily or flying. A thin, acrid mist hangs in the air, impairing visibility the farther into it you attempt to look. You are standing in small islands of solidity within the swamp, perhaps the only ones, perhaps not; you can't say. At the distance you are now, you are barely visible to eachother; anything further is too hidden by the fog to tell any details. Night falls heavy on this unwholesome terrain, not a single gust of wind disturbing the silence.

mud: In any place other than the starting island ground speed for large or medium creatures halved. Small and smaller creatures are stuck and must either fly or swim. Creatures of any size can't run unless they succeed in a DC 20 strength check. Charging is impossible.
thin mist: Anything beyond 20 ft has concealment. Anything beyond 120 ft has total concealment.
night: the usual limitations for night apply.

Describe your characters but not with many details; due to the mist (concealment) others can't see much. However, put a complete description in a spoiler. Once you get closer than 20 ft, you can look into eachother's complete descriptions.

roll initiative. Preparation rounds: 2

2009-05-12, 11:15 AM
Among the mists stands a massive shade, much like a great worm with the torso of a man.

Full description.
At the back of a mighty ashworm rides a sahuagin clad in mithril armor, with four clawed arms and vicious teeth, with a heavy shield and a massive lance in hands.

1° Round: Activate Animated Shield.
2° Round: Cast Golden Barding on mount (no real purpose, 1° level paladin spells kind of blow).

Initiative: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 11:25 AM
The gaunt, darkly cloaked figure at one end of the field murmurs a spell in a harsh voice that carries through the wind.

He then ascends slightly, and pulls out a wand from his haversack. He becomes completely invisible as soon as he finishes his malevolent whisper.

Casting Overland Flight, then using a charge from a wand of Greater Invisibility.
A lycanthropic Grey Elf Lich, the Dark Lord is currently in humanoid form. A magic cloak clasped by a magic amulet hangs around his shoulders, while a levitating shield circles him when commanded. In one hand is a powerful Staff, in the other is a Wand. His bony fingers and bone-bare arms are covered by gloves and bracers of extremely potent magic, and a ring adorns each hand. The belt around his waist improves his fighting prowess, and the circlet on his head enhances his already considerable intellect.

Its other forms are those of a bony feline humanoid or a skeletal cheetah.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 11:30 AM
Forgot my Init roll... [roll0]

2009-05-12, 11:44 AM
(Well, my turn. I will need two posts becuase I will make a roll and then make an action for my summons)

The Lord of the Sea of Sand snaps his fingers, summoning a group of Babaus.

Use spell-like ability: Summon Monster IX to summon 1d4+1 babaus.

Creatures summoned: [roll0]

2009-05-12, 11:51 AM
(Four babaus. Woot.)

Babau One casts See Invisibility on The Lord of the Sea of Sand and walks 30 to the left of him..

Babau Two casts See Invisibility on Babau Three and walks 30 feet to the right of the Lord of the Sea of Sand.

Babau Three greater teleports 120 feet forward. Towards the Dark Lord

Babau Four Walks 30 feet in front of the LotSoS and casts Darkness See Invisibility on Himself.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 11:54 AM
(Half-Fiend, eh? Nice.)

The cloaked figure rises several feet, and swaps his items.

Rise 20 feet, replace Wand with Rod of Maximize Spell.

2009-05-12, 12:22 PM
(Yes. Forgot to add the wings to the full description, my bad.)

The Lord of the Sea of Sand flies out of his saddle and into the muddy waters, enjoying his watery dominion.

Move action: Fly 30 feet, off mount into water.
Standard Action: Swim 60 feet foward in the water, no swim check needed.

Babus: 17 rounds left.

Babau One casts see invisibility on itself.

Babau Two casts See invisibility on itself.

Babau Three casts Dispel Magic (Targeted) on the Dark Lord.

I will roll 20 dispel checks here, since I don't know how much stuff you have. And this is going to target your magic gear as well as your buffs. The DM will have to determine what stuff is affected, but he should use the rolls in the order they appear I believe.


Babau Four. casts See Invisibility on itself.

2009-05-12, 12:42 PM
You can't target all the magic gear at once; you can only target them one at a time. That said, the dispels are first against the high-CL effects and then against the lower-CL effects. If many effects have the same CL, check in alphabetic order.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 12:42 PM
Magic items aren't affected by the dispel magic pointed at their owners, and since the Dark Lord only had two spells active, the Babau fails at dispelling anything.

The Dark Lord utters an eldritch phrase, and the shield on his arm detaches and begins to circle him. After he has done this, he flies 40 feet closer to the LotSoS.

Activating Animated Shield, move is exactly as proposed.

2009-05-12, 03:43 PM
(hehe. My Bad.)

Forty feet up... Probably thirty feet forward to stand above the LotSoS... Floating 40 feet above me?

Four babaus: 16 rounds remaining.

The four babaus, now properly able to see the Dark Lord, cast dispel magic at him.

Dispel One


Dispel Two


Dispel Three


Dispel Four


The LotSoS sinks as deep as possible in the mud. The large worm too enters the swamp waters, closing in with it's master.

LotSoS: I am not sure if any action really.
Worm Mount: Double move 60 feet towards the LotSoS.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 04:03 PM
His invisibility gone, the Dark Lord aims at his opponent's location, and murmurs a spell. A burst of sound envelops the Lord of the Sea of Sand as the Dark Lord hovers above the swamp.

Cast Fireball using Mastery of Elements. [roll0] sonic damage on the Lord of the Sea of Sand and anyone within 20 feet of him. Reflex 23 for half.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 04:08 PM
Oh, yeah... forgot my caster level check to bypass Spell Resistance.

2009-05-12, 05:37 PM
(ARGH Forum is being mean here)

LotSoS Reflex save: [roll0]
Worm reflex save (Improved Evasion): [roll1]

The Lord of the Sea of Sand quickly mounts (Ride check DC 20: [roll2]), and moves ten feet off to some direction.

The babaus (15 rounds left) chain dispel again.


Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 05:52 PM
The lich shimmers for a moment as he casts a spell. He descends 20 feet to get closer to his prey. (If he's within 30 feet, he can smell you...)

Casting Resist Energy: Sonic

2009-05-12, 06:11 PM
The Babaus (14 rounds left) continue their dispeling.


The Lord and his mount go underwater, heck. They go underground if the water is just not deep enough. Glub.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 06:42 PM
The Dark lord, unamused by his foe's flight, turns to the half-fiend's demonic allies, and utters a spell. Pointing at them, he hoarsely states "Resist this." A massive fog of solid sound envelops the nearest Babau as the lich rises again.

Climb 20 feet again, cast Acid Fog at the nearest Babau and using Mastery of Elements to change the damage type to Sonic. No Save, no Spell Resistance.

2009-05-12, 07:05 PM
Forgot to roll damage.

The affected babau teleports out of the fog, some 15 feet to the side.

We are all perplexed with this strategy.

The other three babaus continue their dispeling.


The worm and the rider stay down there. Circling. Underground. Like sharks.

2009-05-12, 07:07 PM
Edit: Also: babaus will last for 13 rounds.

damage totals:

Babau 1: 5
Babau 2: 0
Babau 3: 0
Babau 4: 0
Sahuagin guy: 70
Worm thing: 35

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 07:28 PM
Forgot to roll damage.

Oops. Thought it was only on successive turns for some reason. :smallredface:

Also, 15 feet isn't enough to clear the fog. It's got a 20 foot radius.

The lich continues to rise. (Cloud turns remaining: 15)

Cloud damage rolls: [roll0]

2009-05-12, 07:33 PM
Fifteen feet outside the fog. It is a teleport. The max range is measure in miles.


More dispelling. And 12 rounds.

Dispell 1

Dispell 2

Dispell 3

Dispell 4 is targeted at your animated shield

Because I just noticed you have two active spell effects now.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 07:44 PM
The lich, his existing spells dispelled, falls gently to the ground.
He points with two of his fingers on his left hand (the one holding the rod), and five silvery bolts shoot out from them, striking the already injured Babau without fail.

Magic Missile! Caster Level check against its 14 Spell Resistance (for formality): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Cloud: 14 rounds

2009-05-12, 08:09 PM
Damage totals:

Babau 1: 18
Babaus 2, 3 and 4: 0
Sahuagin: 70
Worm: 35

The four babaus keep on their vicious dispelling, this time aiming for the Dark Lord's stuff. His shield, to be precise.


Just after, the spear of the Sahuagin, wreathed in fel energies, busts form the ground.

Burrowcharge, attack with reach weapon, so I stay underground.

One use of Rebuke undead expent to use Divine Might.

In addition, I power attack for -5 attack and +10 damage.

And I am holding the weapon on four hands.

If I hit my spirited charge feat triples the damage.

Attack roll: [roll4]
Damage roll: [roll5] (this number must be tripled after being rolled.)

2009-05-12, 08:16 PM
Oops. In all the strength math I forgot to add another +9 damage due to the Divine Might, heh. Doh me.

This +9 too is tripled to 27, of course. So the total damage on a hit is...

192 damage.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 08:26 PM
Pierced by the lance, the lich counters with a strange spell cast towards his foe.

Polymorph Any Object (Affects objects)
Concentration Check: [roll0] vs DC 23 for defensive casting.
Caster Level Check vs Spell Resistance: [roll1]
Fortitude save DC 29 or be turned into a porpoise.

...Damnit. If I rolled one higher on the SR check... you've got at least 18 HD, don't you?

2009-05-12, 08:39 PM
(Yes, 18 HD.

How the hell did I write 12 there?

And bloody damn, you survived that?)

The Lord of the Sea of Sand performs another divinely inspired full attack.


Damage Rolls:


And his worm busts from the ground, attempting to Overrun the Lich and flatten him on the ground.

Overrun roll by the worm: 1d20+18.
If you fail your check, it will take a full round action to get up.
You cannot avoid the overrun, thanks to my trample feat. Your only option is to try the strength or dexterity check.

2009-05-12, 08:41 PM
Critical Threat.


In case of success, the second damage roll has the result doubled.

Edit: also slacking on my maths. Forgot to add the extra damage from power attack on that charge. this adds another 30 damage to that first 192.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 08:46 PM
(You, twelve HD.

And bloody damn, you survived that?)

Retroactive d12 HD from being a Lich and DR 15/bludgeoning & magic. IIRC, if it has the word "And" it means the target has to have both to bypass the DR.

The second strike hits true (blasted Nat. 20!), and the Lich collapses.

2009-05-12, 08:48 PM
I was going to write "yes, 18 HD", but wrote "You, 12 HD" for some reason.

Also. I am confused.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 08:57 PM
I was going to write "yes, 18 HD", but wrote "You, 12 HD" for some reason.

Also. I am confused.

On a cursory examination of the Lich template, I thought I read that a lich turns to dust when defeated. Can't find it now. Can find it in the 4E Monster Manual, though.

The natural 20 on your second attack in the last round was the only reason why you actually hit. :smallannoyed:

Well done. The battle could've gone either way, especially if my last spell went off properly. :smallamused:

2009-05-12, 09:44 PM
That much armor class and that little hit points?

But I would only fail that fortitude save on a natural one, as well. My saves are pretty humongous

Heck. That fireball? Only reason I failed that save was because of a natural one.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 09:59 PM
Yeah, my save DCs are a bit too low... blast you and your Charisma bonus to saving throws. :smalltongue:

2009-05-12, 10:12 PM
And to damage.

But seriously. What kind of armor class do you have that even after probably losing your shield to those dispels I was still unable to hit without a natural twenty?

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 10:19 PM
But seriously. What kind of armor class do you have that even after probably losing your shield to those dispels I was still unable to hit without a natural twenty?

I missed the natural 20 on the dispel check on the shield. :smallredface: (DC 26, BTW. It's got a CL 15 enhancement bonus)
In humanoid form with the shield, the lich has 50 AC. Without, he only has 44 AC. Which would've meant that either of the first two attacks would've hit. In hybrid form, he's got about 54, though, so maybe I should've changed forms...

2009-05-12, 10:53 PM
That is pretty big.

But even if I had missed, I don't suppose you can make that resisted test against the overrun can you? If you failed, that would be a full round action to get up again, after which I would overrun you again and full attack with a bonus.

Then it would be pretty much that, you on the floor, me missing attacks.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 10:59 PM
That is pretty big.

But even if I had missed, I don't suppose you can make that resisted test against the overrun can you? If you failed, that would be a full round action to get up again, after which I would overrun you again and full attack with a bonus.

I had Dimension Door prepared. Could've used it to teleport somewhere else... *facepalms*

...I'll get this right by the time we have a rematch. :smalltongue:

2009-05-12, 11:19 PM
And I will summon bone devils on the preparation round and rush in for a flying charge first thing, instead of summoning some lousy Babaus.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 11:45 PM
And I will summon bone devils on the preparation round

Don't see how that would help. Bone devils have cold-type and poison attacks. Which are on the immunity list for a Lich. Plus they don't get See Invisibility or Dispel Magic on their spell lists, making them useless for the debuff routine that you pulled this time.

2009-05-13, 01:11 AM
And 2 points to Draken

2009-05-13, 11:55 AM
True. They get fly and Invisibility (Self) for some reason I mistook Invisibility (Self) for see invisibility.

Ack. I am stranded with Babaus if the opponent turns invisible.