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View Full Version : UA, Incantations and Waybread

2009-05-12, 12:18 PM

It's a while I started a gestalt campaing, after a "Fiendslaying Worldsaving Uberepic" one, and I wanted a different feel.


The campaign mainly turns around PCs skills . They are a trade company, and they travel a lot to build alliances, enter in contractual agreements, dispatch competition, discover ancient secrets, and rescue reagents they can use to craft things (I use DMG optional rule for rare reagents in place of XP cost)

Each one heavily invested in skills and feats to fit his role in the guild. They spent their time killing things and taking their stuff, but since the campaing has less magic, they craft things they need from the fangs of the dragons they kill and thougen them in the blood of fiends or in the tears of the angels or the like (magical reagents).

The party:

Elven Knight//Fighter: Animal Trainer and Armorsmith;

Spellscale Bard//Hexblade: Entartainer, Jewelcrafter and Woundous Items maker;

Elven Ranger//Beguiler: Herbalist, Leatherworker, charts expert, and Bowmaker

Human Shugenja//Shadowcaster: Alchemist, Weaponsmith, Weapon Enchanter and excellent Cook.

Spirit Folk Dragonfire Adept//Dragon Shaman: Miner and Geologist, as well as Glazier.

Human Rogue//Psywarrior/Avenger, Engineer, Trapsmith and Poisoncrafter.

They are 11th level.

The point: Reading SRD's incantantionhttp://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/incantations.htm, I noticed a thing:

To cast the the incantation, the checks involved are generally about skills linked to magic more than others (Knowledge Arcana is, IMHO, more than Profession: Taxidermist) but the thing is not mandatory: an example Incantation in Unearthed Arcana involves the perform skill.

My idea: build incantation involving the skills above. An example, if you cook in full moon in a certain place elven wheat (so you accomplish several profession-cook checks), you obtain a bread similar to waybread of LoTR (remove fatigue effect?).

Notice that this can be very useful to the party, because party spellcasters are not the "big ones" like cleric wizard druid and so.

Barring the fact that I would adjudicate case by case my players suggestion, I ask to the playgrounders:

1) I am right? Incantations can involve theoretically any skill?

2) Have you suggestion about some effect, similar to a spell? My main purpose is about making more interesting the Profession (Cook) skill, whit boosting effect mainly. Fluff suggestions about Dwarven Pizza or Orcish Crepes Noisettes are welcome, too

Thanks in advance, K.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 12:49 PM
Barring the fact that I would adjudicate case by case my players suggestion, I ask to the playgrounders:

1) I am right? Incantations can involve theoretically any skill?

2) Have you suggestion about some effect, similar to a spell? My main purpose is about making more interesting the Profession (Cook) skill, whit boosting effect mainly. Fluff suggestions about Dwarven Pizza or Orcish Crepes Noisettes are welcome, too

1) That's what I would rule, since that's what the rules imply.
2) Dwarven Pizza: The crust is made with Dwarven ale, and doesn't usually get bits stuck in facial hair except if it's done on purpose.

2009-05-12, 02:29 PM
Looks good and flavorfull. Pursuing new incantations can add a new goal for the players. As for the elven bread: they were just extremly nourishing - one of those was enough for many days. Other kinds of extrordinary food could be obvoiusly devised. It is also nice, that various incantations can promote combining different PC's skills. For example an incantation for making a specific sword-sheath could not only require letherwork but also jewelcrafting or such. :smallsmile:

2009-05-13, 01:54 AM
For example an incantation for making a specific sword-sheath could not only require letherwork but also jewelcrafting or such. :smallsmile:

Interesting idea, i could take a look to weapon-buffing spells, or maybe on sorcerer/wizards spells about conjuring a sword (black blade of disaster or such), and "translate" the effect..

Thank you!