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View Full Version : Need help building a Sorceress for a story/NWN2

Raenir Salazar
2009-05-12, 09:31 PM
I'm going to be writing a Oots styled comic strip based on the Original campaign for Neverwinter Nights 2 so far in terms of my main character I invision the following:

Sorceress so I have lots of blasty spells, I can always rely on Sand for buffs.

name: Daemonira class sorceress, the OC goes to lvl 20, MotB goes to lvl 30.

Since a large portion of the story revolves around using the Sword of Gith.

Size Medium
Damage 1d8
Damage type slashing
Critical range 19-20/x2
Proficiency Simple, Wizard, Druid, Bard, or Monk

* Base Item: Universal sword
* Charges: 3
* Material: Metal (alchemical silver)
* Enhancement Bonus: +3
* Special abilities:

Blade Storm
The blade may be reformed at a location and sent flying through its enemies, striking targets within range at amazing speed. Each time a target is hit, there is a slight chance that it will be knocked down for 6 seconds (Fortitude save prevents knockdown) after taking 6d6 points of damage. If a single target is chosen instead of a location, it will become the focus of the blade for the duration of the ability. Targets hit repeatedly take significantly less damage per blow at 1d6 points of damage. (Consumes 1 charge)
Shard Barrier
The shards may be sent swirling around the Shard-Bearer for 5 rounds, damaging all enemies that enter for 3d6 points of damage every 3 seconds. Those caught in the circle of shards run the risk of being temporarily blinded, deafened, and slowed (Reflex save negates effects). (Consumes 1 charge)
Shard Hail
With a swing of the sword, the shards may be sent flying to a single target. For every shard, a ranged-touch attack must be performed. If successful, the individual shard will deal 1d3 +1 points of magical piercing damage. Each shard will return to the Shard-Bearer after an attack and reform into the Silver Sword. (Infinite usage)
Reform Blade
While a Blade Storm or Shard Barrier is in effect, this ability may be used to end the event prematurely, reforming the silver sword in the Shard-Bearer's hands.
Meditative Restoration
When in a safe location, the Shard-Bearer may focus on the shards for a short while to reestablish a connection with them. Doing so will grant additional uses of the above abilities.

So I'm thinking of a build that while still a spellcaster can use this sword reliably well enough, to makes things simply I will give the character a few "free" feats to better utilize it without sacrificing too many feats for being a blaster.

I thinking Sorceroress/Dragon Disciple. As it gives the strength bonus, but I think I will be open to any gish combination that allows me to retain lvl 9 spell slots.

2009-05-12, 09:42 PM
I hope you'll have a few words to say to Qara.

2009-05-12, 09:58 PM
Dragon Disciple sucks if you want to be a spellcaster. I suggest Sorcerer 6/Eldritch Knight 10/Harper Agent 4 - at level 20 you have base attack bonus +16 and cast as level 18 sorcerer, so you get both the fourth attack in a round and ninth level spells. Harper Agent has Tumble, too, which boosts your AC.