View Full Version : The As-of-yet Unnamed Campaign! (FR 3.5)

2009-05-14, 09:07 PM
Alright, this is the home of my campaign. rather than trying to do the whole recruitment page thing again to get organized, I'll have everyone just post their character sheets in their first post(just go ahead and edit if you need). Everyone in this campaign is someone I know IRL so if you're not part of this, please don't post.

out of five, I think I'm going to rank a few things...:
RP value: ****
Combat importance: **
Comedy: ***(will be serious sometimes, but many jokes are welcome)
Monsters: *(maybe **)
Fun: ***** :D

Anyways, everyone should get 1 post until everyone has posted, just so we can be sure to keep the character sheets on the first page. Right now the roster is:

Stroh(not on forum yet)

Tim(not on forum yet)
Devin(not on forum yet)
Alan(not on forum yet)
Gage(not on forum yet)

I probably forgot about someone... oh well.

Once again, the rules are:
-Forgotten Realms(nothing from other variant or setting books, unless approved)
-Tier-based point buy for stats
-No regional feats, equipment, languages
-1 Flaw
-(preferably, unless there's some good roleplay value behind it)nonevil alignment
-No multiclassing penalties, and no class changes for the first 3 or 4 lvls(just so you can't abuse the point buy tiers)
-more to come if you guys do anything stupid.

For your backstory, just remember to end in Calimport

2009-05-15, 09:44 PM
Got my character, do we want to start anything? Also, I sent a PM with it.

Rilena Duskchatter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=126403)

So, is it just me and RavKal ready right now? how about some random RP to entertain us in Calimport? I'm bored-ish.

I'll take Dark Green! Fear the foresty shades of shadowy leaves!


Rilena walks into the city of Calimport. She gazes around, trying to see what she can see... or steal, if she's lucky.

2009-05-15, 11:16 PM
Testing, Testing. I hope this post worked :smallannoyed: Character coming up soon.

2009-05-22, 08:34 PM
Irascor walks through the city of Calimport with heavy feet, cloak drawn close despite the heat. Under his cloak passerby could hear the clink of chain, but the size of the man and the way in which he moves prevents any from questioning him. His hood is drawn up, and casts most of his face in shadow. Only his mouth can be seen, a dark frown on tan skin.

After some time he finds his destination, a church. He pushes the door open and enters, lowering his hood and taking a swift glance around. He takes a seat at the nearest pew and bows his head in prayer.

DM's eyes only:
His head is bowed in prayer, he asks for the guidance of the Gods, but he hears nothing...nothing but the crackling of flames as his village burns, the screams of pain and fear as his friends and family die...

2009-05-26, 10:07 PM

Rilena begins scoping out the area. She sweeps the rooftops especially, looking for escape routes if necessary. Then, she begins to stalk the nearest "mildly" wealthy person nearby. The sort of person who wouldn't miss a purse of gold, but would at least have enough to be worth pick-pocketing.

Rolling spot for quick escape routes, and effectively taking a ready action to run along one if everything goes awry; [roll0] Rolling to stalk, a mix of hide and Move Silently. Hide: [roll1] Move Silently: [roll2] Also, a Sleight of Hand check if I find what Rilena considers a "suitable" target, and moves in. [roll3]

2009-05-27, 06:40 AM
You see a few possible targets, though you can't exactly tell how wealthy they are. You walk up to one, unseen and silently. He is wearing bright reds and whites, in what looks like a ringleader uniform. Very likely to be wealthy. You gently approach him, though he doesn't seem to notice. As you reach for his belt pouch, he grabs your hand.

"It really isn't nice to take things without permission." He looks at you, jumps a little, and says, "Well, I didn't expect that. I thought you were one of those homeless children again. You look far to wealthy to be pickpocketing. That is, unless you're trying to buy some food. You should really put some meat on those bones. Why don't you come back to the bar with me and I'll buy you some good food."

2009-05-27, 05:05 PM
Irascor leaves the church after some time, and begins to walk through the streets to burn off excess energy.

Subconscious spot to stumble into Rilena. Screw it, rolling manually. 16+2= 18

2009-05-27, 09:33 PM
Who, me? Why would I try to pick-pocket you. Tell you what, I did see a little boy running around here earlier. Thought nothing of it, of course. Maybe he's your culprit?

She glances around, as if trying to find someone. She sees a large man ambling in what appears to be her direction, and points towards him. I'm terribly sorry sir, but I must be off. One of my friends are coming now, and I must meet him for some important buisness. Perhaps I could take you up on that offer of dinner later? Farewell, good sir. May Sharess watch over you.

Rilena presses her fingers to her lips, and then gestures towards the ringleader in the traditional sign of her church. Afterwards, she heads towards the hulking bloke. <<By the gods! He's massive>> she thinks. <<Hope he's somewhat friendly. Otherwise this convenient way out of that pickle might become worse. Nah...>>

Rolling for Bluff to convince the ringleader that I didn't try to pick-pocket him, and then a Diplomacy to make him somewhat friendly again, and not suspect that she really doesn't know Ravkal. Bluff: [roll0] Diplomacy: [roll1] Eat +5 Cha bonus, suckers!

2009-05-28, 10:02 AM
Irascor narrows his eyes as Rilena approaches him.
You're a liar. In my tribe, you would be harshly punished. Lucky for you, I'm hungry. Let's find a place where you can buy me something to eat.

Taking 20 on finding a good restaurant.
Gage is gonna roll up a rogue who has a couple ranks in Gourmet Chef, wait for him to do that.

2009-05-28, 09:49 PM

Hm? What's that you say now? says Rilena as she peers closer at the ogre-sized man. Oh! I'm sorry sir, it appears I thought you were Arthen. She begins to wander in a new direction, trying to drag the Bloke along with her. Are you sure you aren't Arthen Jagrax? I could swear you looked just like what I was told he looked like... Once they are a safe distance away from the "mistake," she begins to talk to him in a low whisper. Sorry 'bout that sir. How about I buy you a drink for being my proxy? I know a good bar around here, and the chef is one of the best. Mind you, only the beer's on me. Tis' called the Ornery Clam, a few streets over. Don't ask why, I didn't name it.

2009-06-09, 12:51 PM
Hey guys
almost ready to start with you guys. still need info to make my favored soul character/soup nazi. until then, no soup for you.

2009-06-10, 11:45 AM
Alright. Sounds good, cause you haven't been missing much, do to NO ONE POSTING! Kinda funny, thats all. Hey Noah, hows your first week at LOMC?

2009-06-11, 04:54 PM
Pretty awesome. The staff is really cool, Moose and I are going to play so e 4.0 at the laundromat this weekend. Sad thing is I'm surrounded by mac-users, only windows laptops are old (one has an intel celeron processor D:)

As for lack of posts here, it is staff training and we are not yet on a break, so my internet time is limited. Another nice bit of info is that iPods last waaaaay longer when they're charged on MacBook pros.

Once Stroh and Gage are ready we can get going.

2009-06-12, 08:09 PM
Woah! You're surrounded by computers that work? Weird... (aka Macs, yes I know we'll be arguing about this all game now). So, do you come back on Fridays or saturdays? I can't remember.

And the lack of posts? Thats more directed at everyone. We don't need characters that are worked out completely to RP, do we? Just general ideas, right? Besides, our characters never seem to be done completely anyways.

2009-06-13, 03:07 PM
Actually camp macs are notorious failures.

2009-06-13, 05:21 PM
Are they the ones from the "fruity colors" generation? If so, yeah, they are always going to be failures. They were barely decent. IMO, they were the Vista of Mac, new look, same basic capabilities (of the OS) with the inevitably better hardware than previous.

2009-06-15, 03:10 PM
Nope, they're the white iMacs like the ones the school used to have.

2009-06-16, 01:21 PM
Um... I never ended up using those, and my old school (middle school, that is) ran PCs. So, not much help. For some reason or another though, the (single) elementary had mac.

@ stroh and gage: HURRY UP, DAMMIT! Sorry, not really angry, more bored. Need a jeopardy theme going here.

2009-06-20, 09:12 PM
*Whistles Jeopardy song* hurry up stroh y Gage! Can't wait forever...

2009-07-10, 10:35 AM
So, I'm just assuming that this is way way dead, right? Oh well. Whatever.