View Full Version : High Level Arena - Talic vs Woodsman

2009-05-14, 09:11 PM
The arena, a massive Colliseum built in a powerful archmage's private demiplane looms around you. Thousands of people wearing the special goggles that will allow them to see the combatants even through illusions, defences or brick walls and terrain features so as not to miss a single moment of action applaud excitedly when the Archmage himself teleports you in the prearranged positions within the empty field.

Having checked you for possible illegal magics, substances or other preparations, the old man in his black robe and cowl now manipulates the arena's phantasmal terrain, making it assume one of the prearranged configurations randomly. The area around you flickers through several different environments under the seven-color gleam of an impenetrable shield that surrounds it; a hundred feet tall and ten times as wide, the barrier prevents both external interference and you from leaving until the fight is done.

Two restricting magic circles flash around you, and you know that there are two rounds of preparation allotted. The environment settles into an open plain, clear, and free of obstructions.

2009-05-14, 09:17 PM
Per arena rules, we are 120 feet apart.

I am not immediately visible, to normal vision. If you bring up additional effects that grant special vision, I will announce anything you see as you do.

Initiative: [roll0]
My combatant: Castorr

Initial start conditions:Holding a Rod in one hand, and wearing all applicable gear.
Pre match buffs: Round 1: Cast Ironguard, Cast quickened Haste.
Round 2: Cast True seeing, cast quickened Shield.

2009-05-14, 09:18 PM
Accolon, simply standing there, begins chanting in Celestial, his hands moving in intricate gestures. Celestial triceratopses appear from a portal opening by him, ready to fight.


Accolon then removes a brazier from his back, lights it, and then begins chanting in Ignan. A Large Fire elemental appears from a different portal, also ready to fight.

Accolon looks up now, waiting to see what his opponent does.

Starting conditions:
Wearing all his gear, holding a brazier

2009-05-14, 09:20 PM
Roll initiative. I am currently not manifested, which means I'm ethereal, and benefitting from not being detectable to normal vision/hearing.

2009-05-14, 09:21 PM
Rolled already in the main thread. And I never said I could see him, did I?

2009-05-14, 09:28 PM
My turn (spoilered for being non-visible):Cast Invisibility, Superior.
Cast Quickened Protection from Evil
Move: 60 feet forward, 30 feet up.

Done. That's 6 spells warding me now.

2009-05-14, 09:35 PM
Accolon quickly moves, shadows from nowhere creeping around him, blurring his outline.

Unfortunately, as his opponent is invisible, he and his summoned creatures cannot make any attack, though Accolon moves a bit.

Move 10 ft. in any direction, now under concealment benefits.

2009-05-14, 09:45 PM
My turn: Free: Drop expended rod of quicken in ethereal plane.
Standard: Manifest.
Move: 60 feet forward. 10 feet from opponent, 30 feet up. Completely silent. Draw a rod of quicken as part of movement.

Done. Things are about to heat up.

2009-05-15, 01:45 PM
They certainly would if I could see you or hear you. Trust me.

Accolon moves again, wondering where his opponent is.

Move 10 ft., ny direction, still granted concealment benefits.

2009-05-15, 01:51 PM
My turn:

Cast Quickened true strike
Move to directly above opponent, 30 feet up.
Manifest as a standard action.

If you have True seeing or a similar effect, let me know, you'll get more information.

Edit: Done.

2009-05-18, 06:37 PM
Accolon moves 10 ft. Again.

[Gah! This is getting annoying!]

2009-05-19, 12:00 AM
Something I would recommend for your character. A way to get true seeing. You'd be seeing a lot more right now. Just about everyone I've seen has a way to go invisible or better.

Even if it's just a Scout's Headband (Magic Item Compendium), which is remarkably cheap, for either See invisibility for 10 minutes, or true seeing for 1.

As is, I will Dismiss my Superior invisibility, in the interest of fair play (standard action), until you can resolve that.

I am 30 feet above you, 10 feet to the side, a ghostly human, holding a rod.

Quickened Empowered Orb of electricity.
To Hit: (due to True strike, I ignore miss chance from concealment).
If hit: [roll1]
If Threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

In addition, if any living creature is physically within 60 feet of me and looking at me with eyes, you must make a DC 36 Fortitude save or take damage to physical attributes.
For you, if required: [roll4] Str damage, [roll5] Dex damage, [roll6] Con damage.
If you have Minions/pets under your control in range, they need to save too
For your 1st minion/pet, if required: [roll7] Str damage, [roll8] Dex damage, [roll9] Con damage.
For your 2nd minion/pet, if required: [roll10] Str damage, [roll11] Dex damage, [roll12] Con damage.
For your 3rd minion/pet, if required: [roll13] Str damage, [roll14] Dex damage, [roll15] Con damage.
For your 4th minion/pet, if required: [roll16] Str damage, [roll17] Dex damage, [roll18] Con damage.
If you successfully save versus my ability (Horrific Appearance), you are immune to it for 24 hours. Same applies to anything else that saves vs it.