View Full Version : Draken vs TheTerran

2009-05-15, 06:17 AM
The arena, a massive Colliseum built in a powerful archmage's private demiplane looms around you. Thousands of people wearing the special goggles that will allow them to see the combatants even through illusions, defences or brick walls and terrain features so as not to miss a single moment of action applaud excitedly when the Archmage himself teleports you in the prearranged positions within the empty field.

Having checked you for possible illegal magics, substances or other preparations, the old man in his black robe and cowl now manipulates the arena's phantasmal terrain, making it assume one of the prearranged configurations randomly. The area around you flickers through several different environments under the seven-color gleam of an impenetrable shield that surrounds it; a hundred feet tall and ten times as wide, the barrier prevents both external interference and you from leaving until the fight is done.

[roll0](1-2 no prep, 3-4 one round, 5 two rounds, 6 three rounds)
[roll1](1-3 day, 4-6 night)
[roll2](empty, plains, space, aquatic, forest, volcano, rural, swamp)
[roll3](1-2 still, 3-4 breeze, 5 strong, 6 hurricane)
[roll4](1-2 calm, clouds, mist, rain, frost)

2009-05-15, 06:19 AM

2009-05-15, 08:44 AM

You see a hawk perched on the ground. You can see nothing else in the prebuffed state.

((You cannot see me with normal vision...should this change, let me know))

Note: I would like to get a description of what I see from your character (like if I can even see him/her or not) before I even go into the 3 rounds of preparation.


2009-05-15, 09:47 AM
(Sorry. Swamp and Fog)

At the edge of the mists is a sight most strange, it is a large shade unlike anything else.

In the dark of the mists hides the Lord of the Sea of Sand, foul is the beast, with wings of leather and clawed arms, with bulging eyes and shark teeth, with the skin and fins of a fish and the shape of man.

And beneath him is a great beast, a worm of hellish features, great like a horse, with the plates of an arthropod.

Initiative: [roll0]

Round 1: Summon Babaus. [roll1]
Round 2: 1 Babau casts see Invisibility on the Lord. Other Babaus cast See Invisibility on themselves.
Round 3: Lord of the Sea of Sand casts Golden Barding on his Mount.

2009-05-15, 09:53 AM
It's swamp and a thin mist...I would assume that you can still see through a thin mist?


But I'm not sure...

2009-05-15, 10:02 AM
(My last fight was in this (bloody) swamp. The mist gives concealment to anyone within 20 feet and total concealmente to anyone beyond that.)

Edit: I am not opposed to changing that arena, however.

2009-05-15, 10:13 AM
Anyway...I'll go ahead and do prep


Round 1
Cast Shield on myself burning two 0 level spells and Share Spell
Round 2
Cast Spell Turning on myself and Share Spell.
[roll0] Spell Levels are effected.
Round 3
Swift Action: Cast Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon on my Familiar Turning him into a Huge Dragon taking up 15ft of space.
Standard: Cast Fist of Stone on my Familiar giving him a +6 Str Bonus

2009-05-15, 10:26 AM
Well, first round is yours.

2009-05-15, 10:27 AM
I think I'll just stick with the swamp...if that's ok...

First actions coming shortly...

2009-05-15, 10:49 AM
Round 1

Cast Persistant Image to make an exact copy of my Aspect directly next to me on my left, with my familiar "Aspect" on my right. Designate one +5 to AC, and the other +5 to Spellstrike. Firmly gripping my quarterstaff (while holding it, I have See Invisibility).
My familiar, the image, and I all fly 50ft toward the shadow in the swamp. Both the Image and my Familiar land in the swamp, with me hovering just above the swamp between them, still invisible.

My familiar will ready an action to use it's acid breath on the enemy if it becomes aware of it.

Alright, I'm done.

We still don't have visual, as we're not 20ft apart...but you can now see two huge hulking shadows in the mist.

2009-05-15, 01:25 PM
(Do note that I have see invisibility, and that to cast spells in the material plane you must be in the material plane.)

The Lord of the Sea of Sand raises his lance towards the pair in the mists, and uses his vicious Horrid WIlting spell-like ability against the beings in the mist.

Horrid Wilting: All living creatures in the area of the spell take [roll0] damage, fortitude (DC 27) half.

This is an area effect,and as such, your spell Turning has no use against it.

Babau 1 moves 30 feet to the left of the lord and casts Dispel Magic on the area where the two shapes are.

(I will roll three dispel checks now, meant for your illusion, your familiar's spell aspect thingy and your familiar's fist of stone.

[roll1] (Image)
[roll2] (Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon)
[roll3] (Fist of Stone, only valid if Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon is not dispelled)

Babau 2 teleports to the position where the you started the fight (this babau already has see invisibility active)

2009-05-15, 01:43 PM
[roll0] - Me

[roll1] - Familiar

2009-05-15, 01:46 PM
Do either of the Babau's come within 40ft of me?

I guess not...

2009-05-15, 01:53 PM
The Aspect takes aloft and moves closer toward The Lord of the Sea of Sand.

Setting down 40ft in front of him, the aspect unleashes a cone of its acidic breath.

[roll0] Reflex - DC24 Halves

Meanwhile, Mork moves left and toward The Lord of the Sea of Sand, settling 60ft, making sure to have a clear line toward his foe.

There he unleashes another breath attack of acid in a line.

[roll1] Reflex - DC33 Reflex Halves

2009-05-15, 01:58 PM
My turn is not over yet...I simply want to see if they reflex saves are made or not before I continue...

2009-05-15, 02:44 PM
(Not ethat, while your familiar uses your base saving throw, it also uses it's own ability score modifiers (likely changed due to the spell) and does not benefit from your magic items.)

(Also: I still want to know if I can, in fact, see you.)

Reflex saves: Lord of the Sea of Sand.
[roll0] - DC 24
[roll1] - DC 33

Rolls Special Mount (Improved Evasion active):
[roll2] - DC 24
[roll3] - DC 33

In addition, if my mount succeeds on a reflex saving throw, I suffer no damage from that effect.

Edit: Both me and my mount suffer 48 damage.

2009-05-15, 03:19 PM
I'm invisible, so if you have See Invisibility, then yes, you can see me.

Swift Action: Activate Belt of Battle (2 Charges) to take another Standard Action.

Standard Action: Cast Disintegrate at you.

Ranged Touch: [roll0]

And that should end my turn.

2009-05-15, 03:51 PM
Total Concealment. 50% Miss chance. High hits, low misses. [roll0]

Also. You have to roll against Spell Resistance 28 to hit that spell.

I will roll my fortitude save anyway.

Fortitude save vs Disintegrate: [roll1]. Yes. +36 friend.

Care to describe what you are anyway?

I will wait until all these variables are settled before making my action.

I still despise the swamp by the way. In spite of all it's glorious defenses.

2009-05-15, 08:18 PM
For SR


I'm a Pixie...and I think it's safe to say that I'm not going to win this...

what exactly are you? :smalleek:

2009-05-15, 08:37 PM
Why, a Half-fiend Mutant Sahuagin, of course. The kind with four arms.

And on the back of an Ashworm.


The Infernal Lord of the Sea of Sand strides toward the Pixie and her familiar, 35 feet closer, over the swampy waters. (Spur mount, auto-success on the skill check since Skill checks don't suffer failures. My mount suffers 1 point of damage).

And blasts them both with Blasphemy.

I am guessing you have no Spell Resistance. But I will roll anyway.


2009-05-15, 08:49 PM
Actually...I have SR 31...:smalltongue:

...and yes...I'm being serious...

and what book might a Mutant Sahuagin be from? (just curious..never heard of one)

2009-05-15, 09:11 PM
It's just a small variant of Sahuagin. Original Monster Manual. Also in the SRD.

And damn. You are right. Curse you.

Your turn.

2009-05-16, 09:15 PM
I believe 35ft closer to me puts you within 10ft of my familiar...if so...see spoiler below.

Familiar Full Attack:
Head 1
[roll0] - [roll1]
If Threat: (19+)
[roll2] - [roll3]

Head 2
[roll4] - [roll5]
If Threat: (19+)
[roll6] - [roll7]

Head 3
[roll8] - [roll9]
If Threat: (19+)
[roll10] - [roll11]

Head 4
[roll12] - [roll13]
If Threat: (19+)
[roll14] - [roll15]

Head 5
[roll16] - [roll17]
If Threat: (19+)
[roll18] - [roll19]

Tail (sting)
[roll20] - [roll21]
If Threat: (20)
[roll22] - [roll23]
If Tail hits: Poison DC24
Initial Con Damage [roll24]
Secondary Con [roll25]

If you're not within 10ft of my Familiar, or after he's done his thing...
Mork casts a spell and a pattern of rainbow colors envelops you and your mount.

To overcome SR - [roll26]
DC 29 Will save or be fascinated.

Depending on how this works, will determine the rest of my turn...

2009-05-17, 11:15 AM
The hail of attacks is blocked and dodged, never once hitting the Lord of the Sea of Sand.

Will save: [roll0]

Mount will save: [roll1] (Scratch this, Ashworms have no eyes).

Do note, that if this is Rainbow Pattern, as I presume it is, the lord will not have to make a save at all. He has too many hit dice.

Also, if you are not casting defensivelly, I get an attack of opportunity.

Attack of opportunity: [roll2]
In case of critical threat: [roll3] (and another [roll4] if you are good aligned)
Damage: [roll5] (x2 in case of critical)

2009-05-17, 12:37 PM
You have more than 24HD? :smalleek:

2009-05-17, 03:18 PM
Nope, but the Sauhuagin has 18 and the mount has 15. 33 total.

2009-05-18, 08:26 AM
I think I will graciously bow out of this...it's apparent that this character needs to go back to the drawing board :smallsigh:

Good Match though!

2009-05-18, 08:36 AM
This is an area effect,and as such, your spell Turning has no use against it.
Not that it seems to matter at this point, but this is incorrect.

Targets: Living creatures, no two of which can be more than 60 ft. apart (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/horridWilting.htm)

Note the bolded word. Also note the lack of an "Area:" line.

2009-05-18, 10:21 AM
I have the habit of considering this kind of thing as an area of effect.
"Two or more creatures none of which can be more than 60 feet apart."
That's a 30 feet radius area of effect as far as I usually think.

But well. If theterran bows out, I guess this duel is over. No winner, no loser.

2009-05-18, 10:24 AM
I have the habit of considering this kind of thing as an area of effect.
"Two or more creatures none of which can be more than 60 feet apart."
That's a 30 feet radius area of effect as far as I usually think.

But well. If theterran bows out, I guess this duel is over. No winner, no loser.

Oh, you win, I forfeit. So you win.

2009-05-18, 10:26 AM
Oh, you win, I forfeit. So you win.

Ehh... Doesn't feel like a victory really.

Also, I think Belial didn't notice this thread because you forgot to add "High Level Arena" to the title.

2009-05-18, 10:32 AM
Ah well...sorry about the crap character you had to fight :smallsigh:

2009-05-18, 10:35 AM
It was proving slightly troublesome.

Could be the swamp, however.

Bloody swamp doesn't let me charge.

2009-05-18, 10:36 AM
I have the habit of considering this kind of thing as an area of effect.
"Two or more creatures none of which can be more than 60 feet apart."
That's a 30 feet radius area of effect as far as I usually think.

But well. If theterran bows out, I guess this duel is over. No winner, no loser.
It may effectively be a 30' radius area that only hurts enemies for placement purposes, but it is technically a targeted spell and interacts with other spells and abilities as a targeted spell.