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Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-16, 08:36 AM
A world of glass. A planet that suffered a terrible war at the dawn of time and got completely scorched as a result. The sapient races struggled to survive in this harsh environment for thousands of years, until They arrived... Gods. Beings of amazing power born from the bowels of the earth. They promised to free the mortals from their miserable lives and they did. They transformed the land, creating lush forests, fertile plains, verdant hills and crystalline streams. But the gods quickly resumed their fighting and for a time, it was thought that all was lost. Thankfully, they were banished by the Lady Dynean and, at long last, the mortals were free to live their existence as they saw fit.

This is your world. A world without higher powers, whose future is still uncertain and where mortals now control considerable power. Is your tribe ready to face the challenge? Will it rise above its condition or will it fall like many before?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-16, 09:42 AM
The Baradans

Barada the Bountiful came forth to address her people. She'd been on a long journey to speak with the Lady Dynean, and she had good news for them.

"Hear me my children!" she called, getting the entire tribe's attention.

"The Lady Dynean has agreed to an alliance with us. We will share our gifts with her and she will help protect us. No more will we have to fear the predations of the small-minded, who think us soft and weak. Now, if others wish to partake of the land's gifts, they must respect us as equals, rather than treat us like slaves!"

The assembled tribe began to cheer, and congradulated their leader for finding such a good deal. But there was much work to be done. A great deal of the land beyond their fields was not arable, but in order to hold their agreement with Lady Dynean, they needed to increase their harvest so they had enough for both themselves and their allies.

Barada comforted her people, saying that there would be plenty of time to heal the land, and with a gift the Lady Dynean had given her, it would be even easier. She chanted a strange chant, and caused before the eyes of her people a tree to grow in seconds what took years.

Barada told her people that the Lady Dynean had given her a very wonderful gift. The gift to call up the land's power to defend both itself and them. She went among the tribe and selected those men, women and children who were receptive to the gift, and began to teach them the secret ways. These people became the first druids.

With the help of these secrets, the Baradans faith became stronger. They set out into the fields and their crops grew with renewed vigor, and slowly but surely the wounds of their past began to close. They soon found animals of the land and harnessed them. To pull their carts, to till their fields, to be eaten. It wasn't long before the Baradans not only knew the ways of the plants, but of the animals too.

Creation - Abstract/Class - Druids
Technology - Animal Husbandry
Battle - Heal
Religion - Bolster

2009-05-16, 10:53 AM
Children of Uso

The Council of Lir debated behind closed doors for many hours before finally a messenger was called for an then sent away.

"Did we do the right thing? Should we be getting involved with the landdwellers? What' wrong with keeping things as they are?"

"Because its not what the Creator would have wanted. Besides, we should make sure they know we are here so they can respect our sovereignty later."

"I suppose you're right. I just hope this doesn't end badly for us."

"Lady Dynean has promised we may keep our culture and our land as we see fit. We'll at least give her a chance to prove herself."

And so it was that the Council announced to the people later that day of the tentative alliance with the Loyalists. Many were troubled, but trusted in the Council's wisdom to guide them. Many reassurances were given that their lives wouldn't dramatically change, except perhaps for the better.

And so life did continue on for the tritons and merfolk. Recently much effort was put into cultivating various seaweeds, planting them in vast fields close to home for easy collecting. And an outpost was constructed just off the southern coast, between the mainland and the Isles. It would be here that the other Loyalists' diplomatic missions to them would be able to contact and have dealings with the Children's ambassadors.

Creation - Outpost of Shusi
Religion - Bolster
Battle- Heal
Technology - Agriculture

2009-05-16, 12:07 PM
Marianne wiped the sweet from her forehead as she and her escort of White Guardians finally reach the edge of the haunted woods surrounding the SunCliff. Down her path, the Matriarch could see the peacefull community, establish 20 years ago by the Order.

She paused to admire the setting :
While the lands around were but lifeless wastes or haunted places, cursed by the magic which was once unleashed upon the world, this precise spot was a breath of both hope and beauty, with the Fudson river flowing slowly to the red stony cliff where, due to the erosion of the water, shunks of mica reflected the Sun's light whenever the storms allowed it. During these brief times of calm, Suncliff was one of the few beautiful places on this forsaken planet, or so Marianne thought.
At the cliff's base, on the eastern bank of the river, tents and hutts huddled against each other to fit behind the 9-feet tall barrier of dried mud and wood that the Order proudly called a wall and that ran along the river for a whole mile, shielding the families, cattle and what few culture grew on this arsh land.
From where she stood, Marianne could also see the large, white tents of the Order himself : the sanitarium, the school, the orphenage and the one which, fixed against a clay building still under construction, was their temple and library.

"-Suncliff Monastery, at last..."

The Matriarch had been traveling for four months, preaching Narade's way, meeting with many small tribes, nomads and merchants, offering the Order's assistance whenever she could. Then she had met with Her. The "Ice Queen", far away north. They had spoken about the future. Her projects were ambitious but benevolent and so Marianne had agreed to pledge the Order to Her cause.

All the way back, the Matriarch preached again, so that now, the little group of travelers was more of a caravan. And as she approached the camp, the sight of some new banners outside the barrier made a smile appeared on her lips, as some of these flags and totems weren't unknown to Marianne. Narade's way attracted more and more people each day...

Of course, most just wanted to get some free healing or easy supply of clean water and vegetable. But among these hordes of beggars, some would join the ranks of the faithful and spread Narade's teachings among their brothers.

"-Revered Mother ? Shall I go forward to announce us ?"
"-Yes, please."

The White Guardian nodded behind the white veil which covered his face as well as most of his limed leather armor. Seconds latter, he was running toward the "Wall". Marianne's jaw flinched as she tough about the word.

Legends spoke of cities whose walls had reached the skies and of temples whose inspiring views had droven whole crowds in holy frienzy. Could the Order trully call this muddy hole a "Holy City" ?


Creation : the Order founded SunCliff some time ago. It's a small settlement built along the bank of a river, with a large (200m) but not so high (20m) waterfall near it. A barrier of clay surrounds it and several small clay buildings are under construction. The whole place have been blessed so that water has something of a curative effect.

Religion : the Order establishes as many diplomatic contacts as possible with neighbours and travellers. To all, it speaks of Narade, of her philosophy and how it can change the world if everybody follow it. They also offer shelter, food and healing to those who need it.

Technology :
the Order starts with "Ancient Chants".
the Order is researching "Crafting"

2009-05-16, 12:25 PM

It had been a harsh winter. Several of the older members of the tribe had perished due to lack of food. Even worse, some of the children had died as well. The Council gathered and discussed the situation, and eventually came to a decision. Healthier members of the tribe went out to explore and find new resources. When they cam to the great forest to the south, they turned back. There were things that they could not fight....yet. Nonetheless, they tried.

One group exploring the hills found something interesting. While searching for food, they came across a dead animal of some sort. Near it was a litter of young. For some reason, the hunters did not kill them. Instead, they decided to nurse them to health and train them. While the pups didn't "obey" very well, they did become extremely protective of the tribe as a whole.

Creation: "Found" Tibetan Mastiffs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibetan_mastiff) and "domesticated" them. They help with guarding and hunting, but pretty much do what they want otherwise.


Battle: Fighting whatever "Things" live in the forest, plains, and hills. It's not really important if they win or lose, but it sets a precedent.


2009-05-16, 01:00 PM
Al Makim

The Al Makim were busy with their days... It had been difficult. Life had been difficult. The years ahead would be. Maybe the days ahead would be less difficult. In this dark world anything could happen.

Melchizedek basically teaches the ancient chants while he urges people to go out and discover the world. One day a little girl found the leader Melchizedek and wanted to ask him a question.
"Melchizedek, why is it we must leave our villages and seek to find others outside our own world? "

"Because we need others in order to survive this harsh world. We all need eachother."

Creation : Paths are being made to connect the tribe with eachother.
Religion: People are being encouraged to educate others about the religion more and more precisely.
Exploration Tech research

2009-05-16, 08:25 PM
The Accipitron hunter had just recently returned to the cliff villiage of Sky Home carrying several small mammals lashed together with a tendon string. The hunter had never seen so many of his own people, before. From all across the mountains and nearby cliffs, representatives of every one of the lesser villages were circling around the rocks, looking for a place to land on the already crowded meeting grounds.

After trading a rabbit for a choice spot on the cliff face, he stretched his wings and settled down. The Aeiriemaster rarely called the people together like this. Ever since they had been contacted by those strange land dwellers from the far north, goings on had certainly become more chaotic and surreal.

It was not long before there was a loud clacking sound from the circle of speachin the center of the grounds. Aeriemaster Gano had made the trip north, much to everyone's surprise, despite being clearly immesurably old and frail from years of service to his people. The bald, blind old accipitron cleared his throat and began to speak in an amazingly clear voice.

Our interaction with the landbound ones has been almost nonexistent, as of late, but that changes now. We have now become spiritual siblings with the flock of Dynean and the people of the north.

The gathered Accipitrons began muttering amongst themselves. Such a thing was only done for a choice few landbound. To swear a spiritual brotherhood to a bunch of outsiders was unthinkable. The airiemaster simply raised a clawed hand for silence and continued.

I know that you must find this sudden, but I feel that it is best for the people to do so. We have much to offer the people of the ground and they have much to offer us. It would be narrow minded to dismiss the collective knowledge of many peoples as unimportant. Also, we have been guaranteed the freedom to continue our spiritual practices as we see fit.

I will be making several trips to other flocks like our own to see what can be gained from them. Surely, the skies and the sun would not want us to be gripped by selfishness and arrogance and be blinded by it.

The aerie master spent several hours answering the questions of the gathered Accipitrons. Soon, he just simply fell asleep and wouldn't be wakened by any means.

The hunter took flight and made his way to his own humble dwelling built straight into the cliff face. As he swung in, he hung his catch on a hook and greeted the other Accipitron with an embrace.

So, Yazz, you survived another one of the buzzard's speeches?

Hah, You're lucky that you had an excuse not to go. He has a beautiful voice, but he tends to take a long time to say nothing.

Well, it is my turn to go hunting next, so you don't need to worry about wild proselytizers tomorrow.

Yazz went to the back of the single-room dwelling where there was a nest that held a single large egg which he gingerly caressed.

Naka? How...

Not for another month, ye. By the way, did you pass your suggestions onto the elders? You know, the ones that you say should be common sense toevery hunter?

That I did, but the elders are a stuffy bunch. I'm just glad Gano is there, otherwise they couldn't agree which direction the sun sets.

Creation - Midground: A villiage that will serve as a hub of interaction between the Accipitrons and other races. The villiage will be built on more or less flat ground at a considerably lesser altitude compared to the oter villiages in consideration of those who were not born with wings.

Battle - Heal, cause there really isn't that much to fight, now.

Religion - Bolster

Technology - Hunting

2009-05-16, 08:25 PM
The council was gathered around the rock where they normally met. After all, today was the first meeting day of the new year.

All of them were in the heavy clothes needed to survive the travel there. Xirisex opened the meeting Brothers, sisters, I have something wonderful to announce! MY research has born fruit! MY friends and I have a powerful solution prepared.
with that two of the ensi who accompanied him brought out a large water container and poured it onto the indent in the rock.

The water flowed into the indent and expanding it, hollowing out the rock. The water seems to ripple and form patterns and words in its depths, sowing what appear to be scenes of the research conducted on it.

When someone touches this water, they learn all the information stored in it they wish to. as well, all the information they know is left in the pool.

Think of what this means! with each clan stopping just once at this oasis each year, all the other oasis' and safe havens will be known to everyone! As well, it will allow us to develop our research many times over! think of it.

after that it developed into mostly a scientists conference and arguments over whether he needed to waste that water.

Creation - location/artifact
Technology - Mysticism
Battle - Heal
Religion - Bolster

2009-05-16, 09:29 PM
Ruined Tarathann Who Once Was High

The representatives of the tribes gathered in what had once been an amphitheater, leaning against broken marble pillars or sitting on ancient benches. Sons of Chieftains and young Sk'elep spoke in quiet voices to one another, waiting for the Scion of Calill.

As dusk lit up the western sky, Ardan ar Isath stepped onto the pedestal in the middle of the stage, staff gripped tightly in his right hand. He gazed on the Danaoi gathered before him, the ones he had summoned here over a year ago.

"Brothers. Metzyonites. I come before you as the humble vessel of Metzyon's voice, speaking to all who gather in his name. I am Ardan ar Isath, scion of Calill ar Isath, of the tribe of Machiael. Hear now the words of Metzyon.

Your cities must be rebuilt, but what good is a wild fox that digs a burrow yet does not go out and hunt for its food? Go forth, tribes of the Danaoi, go forth and see now the world as it has changed. Send only the fittest, those who see with eyes of a hawk and walk across the desert like wind. While others toil to rebuild and recreate, the sons of the desert must go forth and bring back what they find, whether it be food, women or wealth.

Now, hear the words of Metzyon, thou of the Kimmerjan. This is what you shall do in Metzyon's sight..."

It is night. Ardan ar Isath slips away, as the representatives make ready to return to their tribes. He does not feel the cold, nor stumble in the darkness. Metzyon truly spoke through him that night, commanding the tribesmen to do what was fitting and admonishing them to return at Winter's Solstice.

Cullen ac Jaskarath leaped nimbly from the summit of a wall, falling in at his master's heels. "Ardan, where to now? Perhaps Surklati, to see how the Chieftain has settled the disputes of mining? Or back to Miecha to rest?"

Ardan shook his head. "No. We must seek out those I saw in my vision. The Lords beneath the Earth. The Berserkers. The... Svartalfar, the cruel folk."

Cullen nodded, the tail between his legs flicking in time with his pace. "Thy will be done. Even if it means much more walking..."

Religion - Bolster
Technology: Exploration

Creation coming tomorrow...

2009-05-16, 10:24 PM
The Black Bastion

"It is agreed then?" asked the head figure.
"Indeed" chorused many
"I've still some reservations, but it is sound enough" spoke a single of their number, his voice muffled and unreadable as the rest, a number of the others nodded there heads. All the figures looked to one another. With their all concealing metal masks, their loose, heavy robes, and the stooped age shown by all those in attendance it was impossible to tell the living from the dead, and the men from the women. They all nodded their covered faces.

As the proclamation rang throughout the communities of the Black Bastion, the Council watched from their vantage point on the Black Bastion itself, a single tall tower of black stone. The massed citizens milled about, aware of and acting upon the news. Grey-skinned Dvergar bustled past insect-faced Ensi, a number of wolves prowled through the streets and some deers with hands danced here and there. Though they seemed just beasts, they were intelligent and as much citizens as the more humanoid members. Finally, the undead of all sorts bumped shoulders with the other townsmen.

In sight, a number of workers dragged stones from a side cavern, cut into the rock, small caravans moving back and forth. Because of their height, and the nature of the cavern, they could see the quarry and the two lines of caravans even though the quarry was a great distance away. With the rocks that were hewed from the caverns they lived near, homes and buildings were being constructed.

Battle: Heal
Technology: Masonry
Abstract: Necromancers/Necromancy/Undead

2009-05-17, 01:41 AM
Followers of the Dark Father

Within the ancient city, the council of ruling nobles convened for one of their nightly meetings. Following the ancient protocols the meeting was convened with a prayer given up to the Dark Father for his guidance and his success. The prayer to Vesper itself did not lend it its power. Vesper was banished from this world, he as far as anyone knew was unable to hear the prayers of his faithful anymore. Now, the mystical energy of the shadows which Vesper had long held domain over granted the power for these rituals. A memory imbued upon them from times gone by.

Zelil Lotti, leader of the council and by the right of his power the true leader of all the followers led the meeting. It was of crucial importance that the Drow begin expanding and the propagation of their species. It would be necessary in the coming months to come out of the dark ages following the long slumber and to return to the cultural greatness of the bygone time. The word of the Dark Father would need to be spread to keep hope high for the eventual return of Vesper

Back in the happy times, the Drow held sway over the mighty gargoyles. A race created to serve Vesper and his faithful. Forged of stone, these mighty beasts were imbued with the souls of the dead, those deemed to be unsuitable to be petitioners in death. The catastrophic magic that had rocked the world disenchanted these great constructs. Now all that remains are the empty husks of stone forged in strange and frightening forms. No longer would that be, the Council would see to it that the magic responsible for the trapping of the souls of the departed would once again be tapped, and the Drow would once again possess their shock troops.


Battle: Heal (it seems to be the in thing)
Religion: Bolster
Creation: Gargoyles
Technology agriculture

2009-05-18, 03:22 AM
Order of Narade


"-So, how's it going, Master Shern ?"
The dwarf remained mute for a while, checking the work of one of his students, who all were busy working on some kind of wooden tools.

"-Da lad ain't bad, Revered Modda !! They be working hard but da not be dwarven so... Guess with a few decades, they'll be as good as one but now, I wouldn't trust my hammers and axes to them clumsy maggots !!"

Marianne smiled politely before passing between the tables, where a good hundred children, mostly humans, learned the secrets of the old craftman. Theology was good for moral guidance but the soul wasn't the only part of a being which had to be fed. And for this, the people had to learn a trade and improve it, so to improve their welfare over time.

The teaching programs of the Order had been running for as long as the Order itself but it was only recently that the Sisters of Relief had been able to set permanent missions across the Order's influence sphere. Suncliff was in this regard a model, a sanctified ground where many tribes could trade their skills without having to fear treason or ambush, for no weapons were allowed inside the town, safe for those of the White Guardians, who used mostly blunt weapons.

Marianne stopped near a boy who was making chairs. The design was simple, academic but somewhat shambeling. However, the boy had carved numerous religious icons on the feet, giving the lifeless object a soul on itself. The Matriarch felt a warm feeling growing in her chest. This boy, in a few year, would clearly be able to feed both his spirit and his body.

"-How much for this one, young man ?"

The boy looked confused at first but then smiled.
"-That's a gift, M'am. For my father you healed !!"

Marianne smiled back.
She didn't remembered the man but with so many sick and wounded at the assilium, it wasn't surprising. She waved at one of her guardians, who quickly grabbed the chair.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-19, 07:30 PM
Baradans - Creation - Abstract/Class - Druids - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+nature) [roll0]
Baradans - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll1] - 462 /2 change to creation str = new str of 414
Baradans - Heal - [roll2]
Black Bastion - Creation - Abstract/Class - Necromancers - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower) [roll3]+[roll4] = 335 str
Black Bastion - Heal - [roll5]
Children - Creation - Location - Outpost of Shusi (no roll needed)
Children - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll6] - 508 /2 change to creation str = new str 504
Children - Heal - [roll7]
Danaoi - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll8] - 456 /2 change to creation str = new str 417
Danaoi - Heal - [roll9]
Dark Father - Creation - Race - Gargoyles (only a few awakened) - (creation+1/2 shadow+1/2 death+1/2 magic) [roll10]
Dark Father - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll11] - 318 /2 change to creation str = new str 327
Dark Father - Heal - [roll12]
Gyra - Creation - Location - Midground (no roll needed)
Gyra - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll13] - 390 /2 change to creation str = new str 512
Gyra - Heal - [roll14]
Hradani - Creation - Race - Tibetan Mastiff - (creation+1/2 Law+1/2 Combat) [roll15]
Hradani - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [591] - 287 /2 change to creation str = new str 439
Hradani - Heal - [roll16]
Narade - Creation - Location - Suncliff Monastery - (creation+1/2 Health) [roll17]
Narade - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll18] - 476 /2 change to creation str = new str 529
Narade - Heal - [roll19]+[roll20]
Saradites - Creation - Location - Paths (no roll needed)
Saradites - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll21] - 907 /2 change to creation str = new str 950
Glass Shelter - Creation - Artifact - Pools of Memories? - (creation+1/2 chaos+1/2 knowledge) [roll22]+ [roll23]
Glass Shelter - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll24] - 455 /2 change to creation str = new str 407
Glass Shelter - Heal - [roll25]


Baradans - Animal Husbandry - [roll26]
Black Bastion - Masonry - [roll27]
Children - Agriculture - [roll28]
Danaoi - Exploration - [roll29]
Dark Father - Agriculture - [roll30]
Gyra - Hunting - [roll31]
Hradani - Exploration - [roll32]
Narade - Crafting - [roll33]
Saradites - Exploration - [roll34]
Glass Shelter - Mysticism - (45d10)[228]

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-19, 09:14 PM
Barada teaches a select few who become in time very powerful druids (creation str 823). However, the word to be done to restore the land was great and some faithful began to doubt their abilities (new devotion score 414)
Barada rests after using her power of wild empathy. (loose 100 essence from fatigue, heal 56 = current essence 456)

The council of the Children orders the construction of the Shusi outpost, near the mouth of a river, where it hopes to make contact with more land-walking races. Some merfolk do disagree with the decision to ally with Dynean (new devotion score 504).

The Order of Narade recently founded a new monastery at Suncliff which received the blessing of the Matriarch (creation str 369). Many travellers to the monastery are miraculously cured and decide to turn to Marianne for guidance (new devotion 529).
(-100 + 76 = current essence 476)

The Hradani tame a race of large, powerful molossuses (creation str 526). The dogs become stronger and more intelligent than any other breed, as well as developing a special bond with their masters. They successfully battle and drive out a race of giant, carnivorous birds from their lands (battle score 514). As a result, the Hradani are even more confident in their abilities (new devotion 439).
They have great feasts to celebrate. (-100 + 47 = current essence 347)

The Al Makim seek out other tribes. Meanwhile, the sage Melchizedek teaches more students about the works of Al Saradin (new devotion 950).
(-50 = current essence 350)

The old Aeriemaster of the Accipitron, Gano, made a trip north and concluded an alliance with Dynean. He orders the construction of Midground, where his race will meet with the representatives of the other loyalist tribes. The young race is stronger than ever (new devotion 512).
(-50 + 34 = current essence 384)

The Glass Shelter is still unknown to the other civilized people of the region. They struggle to survive in the Desert of the Ensi. (new devotion 407) Xirisex create the mystical pools of memories which will allow all the clans to share information (creation str 203).
(-100 + 36 = current essence 336)

Many Danaoi leave in search of others who oppose the Lady Dynean; some die eaten by wild animals, others during violent storms (new devotion 417).
(-50 + 42 = current essence 392)

The Black Bastion plans to rebuild the Under Kingdom. A few mages have rediscovered the tomes of famous necromancers (creation str 335).

Zelil Lotti, leader of the Followers of the Dark Father, has ordered his fellow elves to research the ritual used long ago to animate gargoyles. As of now, they have only been able to recover a few sleeping creatures that are slowly awakening (creation str 378). Still, the hopes of the Council are high and the dark elves have faith (new devotion 327).
Zelil Lotti enters a trance to harvest the mystical energies of the Underworld. (-100 + 61 = current essence 361)

2009-05-19, 09:44 PM
The Saradites

Into the land of the Saradites came two fey - one with the emblem of a howling wolf upon his breast, the other with a hound's tail betwixt his legs. They picked up the language of the Saradites with alacrity, and demanded the directions to the Saradite leader.

Vanhiym of the Vanhir

"Heave, brothers! Take her up!" The Danaoi crafters lifted up the stone on their shoulders, shoving it into place among its brothers. Farryan of the Sky yelled at one of his wives, telling her to fetch his cup, before wiping the sweat from his brow.

"She's as beautiful as Haniah of Tarathann. Not what she was in the days of Nemeth, true, but beautiful all the same." He waved over Jakkor of the Sea with a grin. "How many of the great stone houses have we repaired, now?" "Near four, Farryan. We still labor on the western abode, but it will complete itself soon." "Have you found where the old palace was, yet?" Jakkor shook his head. "From the Sk'elep tales, I believe it was buried under rubble. My brothers still search the broken cliff to see if they can find it. It won't be like repairing one of these old houses to its former glory, though. It would take moons to dig out, and many more to repair it."

Farryan nodded, not quite listening, taking the wooden goblet from Saka with an absent expression. The palace was the heart of Vanhiym. When they rebuilt it, surely the spirit of the city would dwell in it once more.

Technology: Masonry.
Battle: Heal.
Religion: Bolster.

2009-05-19, 09:51 PM
The Al Makim respond emphatically. "Ah good... here is the leader of our village." Taking them to the village. "This is Al Sarad." They show them to the wisman of the village. "He is the wisest of us all."

Meanwhile, Al Makim wisemen all over the tribal area are beginning to educate the people with greater alacrity....

Religion: Bolster
Battle: Heal
Technology: Education (If I don't learn exploration already.) Or Exploration, still.

2009-05-19, 10:32 PM
Children of Uso

The triton floated on the surface in the middle of the river, studying the landdwellers curiously. "I suppose they do resemble us. Perhaps this means they won't be as bad as the stories say..." With that thought, the young man named Sellus did something no Child had done in living memory: he walked onto the land.

He kept his hands raised and approached a group of the land-dwellers slowly, speaking slowly as though to a child. "I come in peace. I will not hurt you. Take me to your leader." Hopefully the people of this place, nestled near the river next to a waterfall would share his good intentions...


Councilor Marast gazed out over the field of kelp that stretched out before him. "Good. With food less of a problem, we can devote ourselves to more important matters," he thought to himself. A shimmer in the water caught his eye, and he watched as a school of fish darted amongst the kelp. Marast frowned. "The crops won't be any good to us if the fish eat them all." After a moment the councilor smiled. Perhaps the crops would increase their food supplies more than they planned.


And so the Council did send out its fastest and most skilled hunters in search of other areas where the Children might settle and live in peace. In their wisdom, the Council knew that Aceria alone would not be able to hold them all in time. The scouts were ordered to search for areas with good soil, rock formations that might be used as shelter or defense, hopefully near the great currents that would bring many fish with it. Warnings were given to go carefully though: the deeps were dangerous places, full of predators and monsters that would see no difference between a Child and a fish.

Yes that's the suncliff monastery Sellus is at.

Creation: Abstract (rangers)
Battle: Heal
Technology: Fishing

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-19, 11:26 PM
Barada became somewhat dismayed as her people began to lose heart. She knew that if they did not have a visible sign of her power, they might lose faith in her and the land entirely. She gathered the druids she had taught and gathered the tribe.

"I know the work of restoring the land is difficult and the way is hard, but do not despair my people. Have our labors not already borne fruit? Have we not tamed the wild beasts to aid us? Take heart my people! Soon we will heal the entire world! And as a sign to the world, I will grant the world a gift."

She began to mutter a mighty spell, and the others of her circle joined in unison. Slowly but surely, a sprout stretched from the ground, growing and twisting into a massive tree. Several smaller, but no less mighty trees grew in a circle around the great tree, and soon, all the trees began to glow with some sort of mystical power.

"This grove shall stand as a symbol of the land's power, and what we are able to accomplish with our gifts. Take heart, my people. If the few of us could create this grove, surely the whole of us united, can heal all!"

The Baradans realized that they could not exist in isolation, so a few Baradans set out, armed with their druidic magic. There were rumors that Lady Dynean had gathered other allies, and that a place was being constructed for them to gather at. The Baradans would seek to make contact with whoever these allies were, for together, they would be able to heal the land even better.

Creation - Location - The Bountiful Grove
Technology - Exploration
Battle - Heal
Religion - Bolster

The Baradans are trying to reach the newly constructed Midground.

2009-05-20, 04:05 AM
Order of Narade

Suncliff Monastery

"What the...??"

Passing among the tents as she followed the screams, Marianne and her escort of holy sisters and guardians wondered what could cause such agitation. Suncliff was always a busy place, with travelers coming and going while people worked hard to find food, all of this under the caring gaze of the Order. But this was not the usual...

When the group reached the bank of the river, where some families had seeded the first experimental crops, Marianne stopped right on her steps.

There, standing up, was a...thing, a creature of legend. Though the Matriarch could clearly see some intelligence in its eyes, she couldn't tell if it was more human or more fish. But she set aside those differences : Suncliff sheltered a few non-humans and physical difference had never been a issue.

The woman advanced, trying to look confident while the guardians surrounded the place, the holy sisters cowering behind, though one dared approach Marianne to whisper a few words.

"-A man who was tending the fields says it has...spoken. Or so it seems. No agressive gesture yet. Maybe it's just lost."

Marianne nodded. Slowly, she began to pray, her voice rizing in the air as she began the ritual of the Primal Commune, a song which was mean to shake the soul and hearth of any sapient being, as it reached the imagination, appealing to it, projecting positive feelings to establish a bound, to help the listener to understand the desires and dreams of the singer while revealing those of the audiance through their body language.

Trying to communicate with the Children
Looks for me like the closest thing to what Ancient Chants are in the wiki.
Basically, it's just a song. Nothing magic, though it carries something of a primal message that any sapient being can understand through his feelings.
If you want it in words, let's say
"Peace, Love and Unity to reach Greatness"


Great Forest of Bevidia

A mythical place, the forest had always been there, or so it seemed. Tales from before the Cataclysm spoke of the endless lush ang green domain of the fairies, where all went for inspiration but where few dare to go deep, for if the Fey Folk loved new visitors, it didn't like intruders and wanted the core of the woods to remain unspoiled.

Yet, the group of young Sisters stood at the front of this massive vegetal Eden. If it wasn't for the rumors of monsters living inside, the Order would have set a outpost here long ago. But this would maybe change.

"-So, that's it ?"
"-Yep... We just have to explore the outter layers of the forest, though. the Matriarch thinks people may have settle there. Rumors from travelers speak of strange looking men, speaking with animals."
"-Clearly a myth."
"-Not so sure. Lady Dynean confirmed to the Matriach hat she had met with such people."
"-...well, the place is lovely. Let's move."

Searching for the Baradans
As we know more or less where they are, I guess searching for the Baradans isn't a Exploration Action.

2009-05-20, 01:56 PM
The Black Bastion

It had been decreed, the masons had been commissioned to restore the waypoint, Vegroddr. With the smaller tower repaired and repopulated, contact with the surface would be that much easier. For now, some Frelgr, the intelligent wolves and deer, were sent as scouts into the forest above (the Baradans forest)

Meanwhile, the quarries had struck upon metal, and the elders were busy teaching the finer points of Minecraft to the younger generations, their experience both with the act of mining itself, and with the old god Barin to whom metals had been precious and highly valued, aiding in their efforts greatly.

To aid in their mining efforts, the Black Bastion has begun to once again tame the Gridungr, bull-like animals that lived in the deep caverns. Bovine animals, they had been brought into the caverns long ago as beasts of burden and to help feed the population, they were once again being put into service hauling heavy loads.

Great Forest of Bevida

The Frelgr that had been dispatched to the forest began to search through it, in two groups, both containing the Wolf born and the Deer born. They searched for resources and signs of any tribes living in the forests.

Expansion: Attempt to rebuild Vegroddr, a way-tower to the surface, smaller than the Black Bastion itself. (it's made of stone)
Technology: Mining
Creation: "Create" (re-tame) the Gridungr
Battle: Heal

2009-05-20, 02:45 PM

The victory over the Terror Birds had been great. While some deaths and injuries had occurred, the aid of the dogs had become invaluable. The pack tactics and darting attacks proved incredibly effective, and the slain birds tasted delicious. Some of the enterprising youth started to mimic the dogs hunting styles. This turned out to be a big boon for the tribe, as more food began to come in.

The elders discussed what was happening to the tribe, and discussed the future. One tale kept coming back to mind: A warm valley, with fertile soil, lots of water, and numerous plants that were good to eat. Since abundant meat was on hand, they send a group of explorers to try and find this legendary valley.

In the meantime, the injured healed and the warriors trained. A new fighting style was developed around the idea of darting in and out, as well as running prey to the ground.

Creation-Abstract: Algai’d’siswai (http://wot213.tripod.com/supplement/utdb.pdf) (link to the PDF, class on page 10)
Expansion:Searching for a legendary valley, warmed by hotsprings and filled with olive trees in the Ogre Lands.
Religion- Bolster
Battle- Heal
Technology: Hunting

2009-05-20, 03:14 PM
Children of Uso

Sellus looked about nervously as the people screamed and backed away from him. "This isn't how it was supposed to be. Maybe the land-dwellers are as bad as the stories claim..." Just then a female appeared, surrounded by many others, many of which seemed to be carrying weapons. As they moved to surround him, Sellus pulled out his knife, ready to fight to the death. He could already hear the others rushing to aid him from where they waited in the river.

But then the woman began to sing. It was...beautiful. Sellus' hands dropped to his side and he merely listened, fascinated. The song...touched him, as nothing else ever had. He smiled and put away his knife when the song ended. He once more held his hands up in a gesture of peace. "I am called Sellus. I come in peace."

2009-05-20, 03:47 PM
Order of Narade


Marianne imitated the creature's gesture and let a single note out of her throat, dissipating the last doubts of the visitors as well as those of the human crowd.

"-Then we welcome you in peace. What help can we be to you, my dear ?"


Western Lands

Glass and dust. That were the words to describe the lands West of Suncliff. But even though it was mostly a endless waste, devoid of life except for the tainted wild beasts, these lands were still far better than those of the Far North or of the mythical Ensi Desert the travelers spoke of.

And so, while a group of Sisters spread Narade's word to the East, searching for the people of the Forest of Bevida, another one was traveling West, completely blind as what (and who) they would find.

Expansion : West from Suncliff.

2009-05-20, 04:21 PM
Children of Uso

Sellus glanced around before looking at the female. "We have come as representative of our people. The Lady Dynean said that you wouldbe here. She said you would show us that not all land-dwellers are as we feared. So we come to talk, to meet others with whom we share this world."

2009-05-20, 05:24 PM
Marianne advanced, waving at the camp around her.
"-Well, I don't know what you think the...land-dwellers are. But our purpose is one of peace and cooperation, so that one day, we might all live without worrying about tomorrow."

She invitated him to follow her.
"-My name is Marianne, Matriarch of the Ordrer of Narade. And we are taking care of the poor souls assembled here. This place is called Suncliff and no weapon is allowed inside its...herm...walls, safe those of the White Guardians. That's all I can tell you without getting into boring and unnecessary details. There'll be time for that, I'm sure."

2009-05-20, 05:34 PM
Children of Uso

Sellus nods thoughtfully. "You are land-dwellers, are you not? You do not live in the water do you? And your goal is a noble one. I represent the Children of Uso and the Council of Lir who guides us. As for your rules, I'm not sure I can do that. No offense intended, but how do I know it won't be a trap? You are land-dwellers, after all. Although you are very different from the stories."

2009-05-20, 08:12 PM
Glass Shelter

With the Memory Pool finding oasis' and safe havens during storms was becoming much easier, and some of the clans had even found some more or less permanent oasis' and began farming some types of food to trade to the still nomadic ones.

Some of the more devout ensi, with the now increased food supply, have begun searching for a great portal alluded to in the legends, as it is supposed to travel to paradise.

With all the increased travel and attempts at farming the desert some of the mystics have gained enough understanding of the sands to change them and control the storms and lesser beasts that dwell in them.

Creation Abstract: sand shaper's
Battle: Heal
Religion: pass
Tech: agriculture
Expansion: looking for the Heart (location 7)

2009-05-20, 09:31 PM
Followers of the Dark Father

The ancient city of Venta.

Plans were going well. They had awakened a small force of the extremely powerful gargoyles who would help them in their further plans but there was still much to do.

The Council has convened again, some of the faces have changed but with the long living Drow most remained the same. Zelil Lotti still reigned supreme and for the most part ruled by decree.

It was time now for the expansion of the Drow race to begin in earnest. They would continue their search for new technology and the bolstering of their ranks as they spread out through the Underworld to reclaim the rest of their ancestral homeland and find any wayward communities of Drow who may have lost their way from the Dark Father.


Battle: Heal
Religion: Bolster
Technology: Agriculture(if that is compelted then exploration)
Craft: Shadow Magic
Expansion: Found new settlement within 25 miles of Venta.

2009-05-20, 09:47 PM
Faithful of Gyra

There had never been so much food, before. The accipitrons had found how to hunt in groups, surrounding their prey, and began to make liberal use of traps. They learned the ways of the hunted so that the hunters could predict the moves of their prey. They quickly found that they had more meat than they could efficiently store, so free time was no longer dedicated to hunting, but rather for making more aeries in nearby mountain ranges.

Yazz the hunter was spending his newly free time in Midground. It was unfortunate that he would miss the hatching of his egg, but Gano had assigned him as the head of Midground. He had been one of Gano's favorites since his suggestions had made it to the ears of the elders. Right now, he was toying with a stick, feeling it snap back to it's original shape after being bent.

Yazz! We have visitors! The first!

Yazz opened his eyes and looked at the horizon. His keen eyes picked out the approaching creatures. They were larger than any accipitron, but their organization suggested that these beasts were intelligent.

Then we shall greet them.


as the Barradans reached the gate of midground after climbing up the hillside leading up to it, they saw the accipitrons perched on the modest buildings and special perching posts stuck in the ground. These birdlike creatures stared at the newcomers with piercing yellow eyes, apparently unsure what to do.

One of the bird-people landed on the rugged ground. He was wearing a turquoise head-dress and bore a stone axe that hung from a leather belt around his waist. As he straightened up, to his intimidating height of 4' 7'', he opened his beak and spoke.

<In the name of the lady Dynean, we welcome you travelers to Midground>

The sentence came through as a series of squaks, trills, and chatters. He finished the odd question with a snap of his beak, cocking his head inquisitively.

This was going to be difficult. They obviously had their own language, but the physiology of the fledgling race was so different from what was common that speech with these creatures would prove to be confusing.

Tech: Archery ((does air domain help with this?))
Battle: Heal
Religion: Bolster
Expansion: Use exploration tech and flight to find suitable mountain ranges or cliff faces to begin new aeries of Sun-home and star-home and cloud-home a good ways off from sky-home.
Creation: Abstract class (barbarian)

2009-05-21, 05:41 AM
Order of Narade


"-We are land-dwellers, yes. We need to breath and though we all enjoy a good bath, we prefer to remain away from water. As I understand it, the Children of Uso are quiet the opposite. I'm sure we would both beneficiate from a friendship. Nevertheless, I'm sorry but I can't make an exception for the weapons. All shall be treated as equal here, even ambassadors. I can only give you my word that we can be trusted. But I guess trust must be earned with time and acts rather than with words... Do you see this point ?"

The Matriarch pointed a finger down the river, toward the South, just where the barrier of mud stopped.
"-We can set a meeting point there, just outside the wall, under your control. It's dry enough for us to stand at ease but surrounded by water so that you won't feel trapped. Or I can travel with you. I'll be more than happy to meet with the Council of Lir if it can help our relationship. We seek to spread our believes, after all... So, what's your decision ?"

Great Forest of Bevida

"-What's this ?"
"-I don't know. Looks like wolves and... Is that a deer ? It seems they travel together."
"-And their aura... Those ones stink like death itself."
"-I have a bad feeling about it."

The Sisters had been searching the woods for years now. Four missions, all in vain. Never had they encountered the forest inhabitants...until now. Predators traveling along with their prey ? Without the deer trying to flee ? There was many rumors about Bevida's inhabitants. One of them was shapeshifting. So, maybe the wolven were but humans...or at least partly so ? Maybe they were the ones the Order had been searching ? One of Narade's adepts marched right into the Frelgr's direction.


Just in case the turn end without me having used all my actions :
Start Essence : 476
Start Devotion : 529
Creation (concept): Spell Singers (more on that latter)
Religion : preach, preach, talk
Expansion : A small outpost is set, 50km West from Suncliff.
Technology :
By order of priority
(If the Baradans agree to help) Agriculture
(If the Children of Uso agree to help) Seafaring
(If they don't) Exploration
End Essence: -
End Devotion: -

2009-05-21, 12:33 PM
Children of Uso

Sellus thought about it for a moment before nodding. "I"m afraid meeting the Council would be difficult, as I doubt you can survive in the ocean's depths. But meeting by the river would be acceptable. You may speak to me though, as I represent the Council. We would be happy to share with our neighbors."

2009-05-21, 06:08 PM
Order of Narade


"-It is set, then. The river it is."
The Matriarch turned toward its bodyguards. The White Guardians were there, standing still, waiting for an order, along with the rest of Suncliff's inhabitants.
"-It's ok. Return to your others duties. Faith will be more helpful than spear here. I won't go far and our visitors mean no harm."

She led the way, invating the Children to follow them. As they walked along the river, she began to talk again.
"-I can offer you only what we offer to others : access to Suncliff, with protection, healing for light injuries and minor illness, basic shelter, water and food rations and even teaching for your children, all of this for free, as long as you are inside the walls and follow some basic rules. A White Guardian shall tell them to you whenever you want to enter Suncliff."

She took a deep breath
"-You must surrender your weapons for the length of your stay.
No physical violence is allowed and verbal violence is to be avoid.
Violence is punished by exile.
Thefts and all forms of dishonesty are punished by stripping of your belongings and exile.
Murder is punished by amputation of your left hand, stripping of your belongings and exile after your recovery."

Marianne paused, then spoke again as they reached the spot.
"-As for the inhabitants and other visitors of Suncliff, they'll be more than happy to exchange goods with you. Our supply and diversity is limited but we're sheltering a small community of dwarven since a good 30 years now. They are skilled when it comes to craft tools and items with wood and stone. We've also some doctors but they are expansive and...well, faith is as much part of the treatment as skill."

Lot's of talking, here. That's just to move things forward.
Feel free to interupt and react at any time.

2009-05-21, 06:59 PM
Great Forest of Bevida

The Frelgr stopped, and stared at the adept. Some of the wolves snarled slightly and the deer pawed at the ground with their hooves. Finally, a buck stepped forward and spoke. "Who are you, who proclaim to come in peace so loudly?"

2009-05-21, 07:05 PM
Al Makim

Meanwhile the wisemen of Makim still instructed their people to meet all the tribes and peoples they could. They need to meet as many as can be met. Ever the superstitious among them, they were ready to do whatever their god-chief demanded.

Creation: None
Technology: Agriculture or Exploration (i don't think I got a roll last time, I still think this is turn 3.
Expansion: Trying to establish new villages along the coast.
Religion: Pass)

2009-05-21, 07:23 PM
Great Forest of Bevida

"-It speaks !! It speaks !! See ?! I told you we didn't have to be afraid !! Those who have faith should bever be !!"

The hysterical Sister was quickly silenced by one of her colleague as the rest of the small group advanced. Wishing to look both smart and polite, the eldest of them said these words :

"-Greetings, Ô Baradans. We've heard of the masters of this noble forest and have come to seek an alliance or, baring this, at least an agreement. When I say "We", I mean the Order of Narade and all those who follow the prophet's teachings. We work for the greater good of all living things and, recognising this, the Lady of the North told us about you and your...abilities, especially regarding animals and plants. I'm sure we can both learn from a alliance. Will you agree to lead us to your leaders ?"

Unaware of their mistake, all adepts smiled in a way that would inspire trust in others...but could only inspire either pity or laugh to the Frelgr.

2009-05-21, 07:28 PM
Great Forest of Bevida

The Frelgr were a tad put off by the hysterical Sister. They were used to being treated as equals despite their non-humanoid appearance. However, these Frelgr had been chosen for their intelligence and diplomacy, and understood that outsiders would recognize them as forest creatures at first.

The lead buck, for that is who he was, spoke up again. "I'm afraid you are mistaken. We are not the Baradans, whoever they may be. We are Frelgr, of the Black Bastion, allies to the Dvergar, first acolytes of our creator. We were sent to assess this region as a possible site for an upworld outpost and resource camp, and to locate any tribes in the area. I take it you are not natives to this area, but these... Baradans, are?"

They of course knew of the Lady of the North, Queen Dynean, and were well aware that the Council had elected to retain their autonomy from the Crystal Queen. However, they tactfully refrained from mentioning any of these points.

2009-05-21, 07:57 PM
The naive Sisters, confident in the fact that goodwill was enough to rally people, spoke freely, without even trying to conceal anything.

"-We come from the West. That direction !!"
"-A true heaven, built among the tainted lands and blessed by the Matriarch !! Name's Suncliff. We can lead you there if you..."
"-They don't, Mathilda !! Our visitors are clearly searching for the same thing as us. The Baradans are suppose to inhabit this forest but the Order has been searching the outter layers of the woods for years, now."
"-That's why we are here !! They told us they needed the best !!"

Well, in truth, as the search brough no result, Belvida Forest had become something of a retirement function for incompetent or passionate members of the Order. The actual Sisters filled both qualities.

2009-05-21, 08:08 PM
Children of Uso

Sellus nodded. "You are a peaceful people then? I am very glad to hear that. I'm afraid we do not have much to offer in exchange, except perhaps some food and our knowledge of the seas. I am sure some kind of arrangement can be reached, in time.

I would invite your people to our home as well, but as I said, I do not think you could make it there, or survive long if you did. But we do have a small community at the mouth of this river, where it meets the sea. Perhaps a more permanent meeting site could be established near there in the future."

2009-05-21, 08:13 PM
Great Forest of Bevida

The Deer waited a moment before speaking. "Actually, we are merely here as advance scouts, here to take stock of the location and resources of the area, meeting any locals is a secondary objective. We hail from that direction the deer gestured with his head in a seemingly arbitrary direction From the vast tunnels under the mountain. We would seek the Councils word on the matter, but if they agree we will send a delegation to meet you by the edge of the forest to travel to this... Suncliff."

2009-05-22, 05:54 AM
Order of Narade


"-We will send a mission down the river as soon as possible, then. This...exchange of knowledge you're speaking of is appealing. I mean, it sounds a lot better than a mere exchange of goods or services.

As I said before, the best we can offer in skill and knowledge are those Dwarven Craftsmen. If a outpost is set on dry land, some might be convinced to move there to teach your people their toolmaker skills.

Also, if some of your people accept to follow the way of Narade, they'll be able to accomplish the Spell Song. I'm not speaking of a true change of believes !! For a people who call itself "Children of Uso" must hold this Uso in high regard and we don't want to spoil this. I'm speaking of learning a philosophy, to learn more about the spirit and its primal nature.

We only have three Spell Singers so far, me included. But you've had a small sample of what it means already. As for the craftsmen, the best is Master Shern. I'll be glad to send Sister Kiara or Master Shern to teach you.

All I'll ask in exchange is for some of your people to settle in Suncliff, to tell us more about the Children, Uso and your lifestyle in general. And maybe teach some tricks to those who are interested.

Does it sound fair ?"

Great Forest of Bevida

"-Well, that's an amazing news !! New people to meet !! And you're all living underground ?! Must have been spared from the Cataclysm and full of ancient marvels !! Though I'm not sure the Baradans would agree with you planning to settle in their lands like that. You're not planning a invasion or something, right ?"
"-How come on !! Look at them !! They are harmless !! Especially the Deer. I love the Deer. He is so cute !!"
"-Well... Except for the smell. There's a stench of dead corpse around them. No...not exactly a smell."
"-Here she goes again with her whole I-had-Spell-Song-formation thing !! You failed, face it !!"

From this point, two of them kept bickering. The third Sister kept her focus.

"-So... While my Sisters go back to Suncliff to report... Would it be ok for me to go back with you to this... Black Bastion of yours ? Name isn't exactly nice but I feel like I can trust you at least."

2009-05-22, 09:05 AM
Great Forest of Bevida

The Deer looked at it's comrades, and then back. "We're not done here, but you can return with Hashir and Vex to the Black Bastion."

A pair of wolves stepped forward and inclined their heads ever so slightly. Then they turned in the direction of the Bastion and began trot slowly, so that the Sister could keep up.

2009-05-22, 12:26 PM
Children of Uso

Sellus looks at the Matriarch in surprise. "You don't know who Uso is? The great god of the waters? The Lifebringer? Without him, none of these waters would exist. We will be glad to tell you more of him. The river is deep enough, a few of my people could live there. I shall lead them myself. After all, its why I was chosen for this job."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-22, 01:55 PM
Great Forest of Bevidia

A group of people soon arrive where the sister and the talking animals are at. Two women and one man, dressed in animal skins.

"You are not of our tribe, so you must be travellers. Who are you, and what brings you to our home?"


The Baradan ambassadors approach the birdman with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"We are followers of the Barada the Bountiful, and allies of the Lady Dynean. Who are you and what is this place?"

2009-05-22, 05:15 PM
Ardan and Cullen

Cullen sniffed the desert wind with a grin. "Ah, it's good to be back in our birthlands. Long time we were gone, Prophet."

Ardan ar Isath nodded with a faint smile on his lips. "Yes. I believe we shall see the Odanyn, then the Tezacoa and the Vanhir." The Prophet of the Danaoi strode forth, across the desert he had known all his life.

The Vanhir

"Uncle, our people grow restless. I myself believe too that we have spent too much time in Vanhiym. We must rebuild the ancient cities, true, but we are wanderers and explorers by nature. I beg of you, Uncle, let us head out into the desert." "When we find the palace. We are so close, Jakkor, I can feel it!"

Jakkor and Farryan stood looking out over the sea, with seven of the Vanhir and the Sk'elep with them. It had been nearly a moon that they had stayed in Vanhiym, true - and they never spent that long in the ancient cities, unless it was the summer solstice when it was too hot to travel. Nevertheless, Farryan refused to leave until they found the ancient palace, and the Sk'elep himself was starting to rue the day he told the ancient tales to Farryan.

"Jakkor! Jakkor!" One of Jakkor's brothers was running up the cliff's trails, waving his staff and yelling at the top of his lungs. "Jakkor! We found it!"

Jakkor's jaw dropped, and several of the Vanhir froze in shock. Farryan laughed wildly, his eyes burning. "It's ours! Come, my warriors!"

The Palace of ar-Crazith, Last King of Vanhiym

Flickering torchlight, dancing across the broken walls as dusk set. Grunts of exertion, as the Vanhir shoved boulders and rubble out of the way of the sunken doors.

A great hall, its walls still holding strong after centuries of entombment - Farryan laughed in triumph to see the handiwork of his ancestors so strong - but impossible to rebuild without taking many moons.

A circle of runes, faintly glowing with ancient magic, flickering with a pile of embers in its center - the Sk'elep hissed through his teeth, recalling half-remembered rumors about Mad ar-Crazith - in the middle of the black stone floor, sitting before the cloven throne.

A rash act, fueled by Farryan's pride and lust for exploration - the blood from his cut palm fueling the circle's magic tenfold - and the embers burst into furious flame.

A young Danaoi maiden in form, with hair the color of flame and burning eyes - the Vanhir gasped in shock as fire solidified into skin - stood in the circle, a tired look on her face, fettered with chains of magic.

A new master for a servant of ancient Nemethians.

The Narjel

Some tribes traced their lineage directly from the great cities, stabling within them when tired of their constant travels. Others branched off from them, when tribes grew too large or a son grew too arrogant.

The Narjel were scions of the Jaskarath, traveling north as the reduced Jaskarath headed south to Jarjath. Kannor'jel led his people to a river heading further north, where the land was fertile and the animals were plentiful.

And while Kannor'jel and most of the Narjel camped upon the banks of the long river, Arain'jel and Raths'jel and their scions and wives wandered north...

Creation: The Firedancers. To be expanded further in a second post.
Expansion: Travel to the river, and scout up its length.

2009-05-22, 10:04 PM


This seemed to be the only common word spoken by the two groups. The bird person tilted his head and clicked his beak. He then unfastened his belt so that the axe fell to the ground with the leather band. There was a pause where everything seemed silent for a moment, then the entire outpost erupted into loud chattering and screeches.

They weren't angry, it seemed, but excited. The Aeriemaster's visions had come true. The seeds of their labors had given fruit. Dynean was quite real and faith in old Gano was restored.

The hawk thing in the headdress looked down, perplexed. He then pointed to himself, then at the surrounding Accipitrons, and gestured towards the top of the nearby mountains, at the moment covered by clouds with a loud squawk. He drew in the sand a circle and several curved lines below it. After drawing a line through the two shapes, he made a little caricature of a birdman.

With an inquisitive chirp, he pointed at the Baradans and then the forests. He repeated the sound, awaiting a response.

They did seem like animals, though intelligent nonetheless. Perhaps their druid magics or ancient chants could help breach this troublesome language barrier.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-22, 10:56 PM


This seemed to be the only common word spoken by the two groups. The bird person tilted his head and clicked his beak. He then unfastened his belt so that the axe fell to the ground with the leather band. There was a pause where everything seemed silent for a moment, then the entire outpost erupted into loud chattering and screeches.

They weren't angry, it seemed, but excited. The Aeriemaster's visions had come true. The seeds of their labors had given fruit. Dynean was quite real and faith in old Gano was restored.

The hawk thing in the headdress looked down, perplexed. He then pointed to himself, then at the surrounding Accipitrons, and gestured towards the top of the nearby mountains, at the moment covered by clouds with a loud squawk. He drew in the sand a circle and several curved lines below it. After drawing a line through the two shapes, he made a little caricature of a birdman.

With an inquisitive chirp, he pointed at the Baradans and then the forests. He repeated the sound, awaiting a response.

They did seem like animals, though intelligent nonetheless. Perhaps their druid magics or ancient chants could help breach this troublesome language barrier.

The leader of the group, a fat hirsute man with a gnarled oak staff, nods to the birdman, and mumbles a few words, before the fur of his garments turns to feathers, and before long, a hawk stands before them.

The hawk chirps a greeting, wondering if these people will understand him now.

"Hello, can you understand me now?"

The Baradans do not actually have the Ancient Chants technology yet. I'm hoping that will be their next acquisition.

2009-05-23, 03:01 AM

"-So be it, then. This Uso sounds a lot like a divinity and I'm curious to know more about His ways. Stay here as long as you need. If you trust us enough to let your weapons behind, Suncliff is open to you. If you don't, I won't be offended and will make sure food be delivered to you on a daily basis."

A few days later, the Children of Uso departed, returning to their mysterious underwater homeland. Oaths of friendship were exchange and the Order provided a few samples of what the "land-dwellers" had to offer.
It was agreed that, in two moons, Sellus and a group of Tritons would come back and settle in the river, somewhere near Suncliff. Those were to teach and learn before eventually leaving while others would come to replace them.
No true trade was yet possible but small exchange and local cooperation was.

The possibility of a few of Narade's followers going down the river was also spoken of. They would just have to be led to the coastal settlement by the Children.

The time went by, the years passed...

I'll speed this up, so that you can prepare for turn 3.

Proposal :

Some Tritons settle near Suncliff. They'll be concidered as Suncliff's inhabitants but, for biological reason, they would have to live IN the river rather than NEAR it. They'll teach Uso's believes to the Naradians while also teaching them to build boats and other basic stuff linked to Seafaring.
A group of experts will travel from Suncliff to Shusi. Among them, a Master Craftsmen and a skilled Spell Singer. Feel free to use them as "technological adviser" for Crafting and Ancient Chants (which ever you need the most).

Great Forest of Bevidia

"-Greatings !! Greatings to you !! I guess that YOU are the Baradians we've been searching for so long !! You sure know how to make an entrance !!"
"-Stop embarassing us, Mikaela !!

The second Sister turned to the newcomers and smiled.
"-We are of the Order of Narade, a spiritual movement which goals are to foster cooperation between the tribes and to improve welfare. We seek peace with all...and an alliance with you, more specifically. Lady Dynea told us of a great people who lived inside this forest and who, like us, embraced her cause."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-23, 04:03 PM
The leader of this group of Baradans, a plump young woman, who looks like she's just finished her teenage years, bows to the assembled people.

"The pleasure is all ours. The Lady told us that there were other tribes who had united with her, and we have been searching for them. If you would come with us to The Bountiful Grove, perhaps we could talk more?"

Then another of them, a man, notices the explorers from the Black Bastion.

"And here I thought only we and our lady knew the ways of the animals."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-23, 07:26 PM
Baradans - Creation - Location - Bountiful Grove - (creation+1/2 nature+1/2 fertility+1/2 plants) [roll0]
Baradans - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll1] - 414 /2 change to creation str = new str of 347
Baradans - Heal - [roll2]
Black Bastion - Creation - Race - Gridungr - (creation+1/2 earth+1/2 underground) [roll3]
Black Bastion - Heal - [roll4]
Children - Creation - Abstract/Class - Rangers - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+water) [roll5]
Children - Heal - [roll6]
Danaoi - Creation - Abstract/Class - Firedancers - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+ fire) [roll7]
Dark Father - Creation - Abstract/Magic - Shadow Magic - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+shadow+magic) [roll8]
Dark Father - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll9] - 327 /2 change to creation str = new str 353
Dark Father - Heal - [roll10]
Gyra - Creation - Abstract/Class - Barbarians - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower) [roll11]
Gyra - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll12] - 512 /2 change to creation str = new str 463
Gyra - Heal - [roll13]
Hradani - Creation - Abstract/Class - Algai’d’siswai - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+ combat+1/2 honor) [roll14] + [roll15] + bonus = 575
Hradani - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll16] - 439 /2 change to creation str = new str 466
Hradani - Heal - [roll17]
Narade - Creation - Abstract/Magic - Spell Song - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+ health) [roll18]
Narade - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll19] - 529 /2 change to creation str = new str 596
Narade - Heal - [roll20]+[roll21] = 91
Saradites - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll22] - 950 /2 change to creation str = new str 830
Saradites - Heal - [roll23]
Glass Shelter - Creation - Abstract/Class - Storm Shapers- (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+mysticism) [roll24] + [roll25] = 371
Glass Shelter - Heal - [roll26]


Baradans - Exploration - [roll27]
Black Bastion - Mining - [roll28]
Children - Fishing - [roll29]
Danaoi - Masonry - [roll30]
Dark Father - Exploration - [roll31]
Gyra - Archery (1/2 Air domain) - [roll32]
Hradani & mastiffs - Hunting - [roll33]
Narade - Exploration - (52d10)[262]
Saradites - Agriculture - [roll34]
Glass Shelter - Agriculture - [roll35]

(More tomorrow)

2009-05-24, 09:24 AM
Great Forest of Bevida

The wolves continued on their way, with the presumption that the sisters would follow.

The deer stepped forward. "We've not been animals in some time." The buck gestured to the sisters with his antlered head. "So you are the 'Baradans' they spoke of, yes?"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-24, 10:17 AM
The followers of the Prophet dig up parts of their past and reunite with blood brothers. The glorious Palace of ar-Crazith is rediscovered and the first Flamedancer is born (creation str 443). Meanwhile, the Narjel explore the coast of the Naram-Suen river. They come across another, smaller river. The fertile lands of this region are inhabited by a few scattered dwarves. They warn the adventurers of dangers lurking in the woodlands.
(-50 essence)

The wisemen of the Saradites teach the common folk how to cultivate their fields more effectively (new devotion 830). The Al Makim progressively colonize the coast along the bay.
(-50 + 88 = +38 essence)

Children of Uso
The rangers (creation str 544) of the underwater world of the Children find a few spots up to 50 kilometers away that would be perfect for their kind.
(-50 + 62 = + 12 essence)

The Bountiful Grove has brought harmony and peace to this region of the Great Forest, home to Bevidia's children (creation str 616). However, several baradans were affected by a strange rotting disease. It was only a small fraction of the population, but they all died from internal injuries in a matter of days. Even if the disease seems to have disappeared, it left the community in shock (new devotion 347). Some believe that it all started when a child touched a dead animal.
Baradans explorers reach Midground.
(-100 + 48 = -52 essence)

Order of Narade
The good-hearted Naradians invent the beautiful Spell Song (creation str 490). The word of Marianne reaches more and more people in the vicinity of Suncliff and beyond (new devotion 596).
A few brave Naradians head west into the unknown. They come across deserted villages and plains riddled with crater-like depressions, with many human remains scattered about, probably victims of the Last Great War. When they arrive at the border of the wasteland, they are surprised to find a small group of huts burning in the distance. They are too late to save the inhabitants; already their corpses are completely charred. There are signs of violence, but no traces of the aggressors. Only a few black feathers on the ground near the bodies.
(-100 + 91 = -9 essence)

Black Bastion
Vegroddr is restored. The people of the Black Bastion have also been able to tame the bull-like Gridungr (creation str 297). They noticed that each generation, a few albino specimen are born bearing a dark mark resembling Barin's holy symbol.
(-50 + 41 = -9 essence)

The Algai’d’siswai are the finest warriors of the Hradani (creation str 575).
The Hradani discover that the valley was not just a legend; it is located in ogre lands, nested between rounded, wooded hills. As far as they can tell, it is uninhabited. (new devotion 466)
(-100 + 29 = -71 essence)

Glass Shelter
Aided by the young storm shapers (creation str 371), a group of devout ensi travel the desert in hopes of finding the legendary portal opened by Sesketh ages ago. Even with their newfound magical abilities, it is extremely difficult to navigate in the region of the Heart. They also have to fight monstrous insects and other denizens of the desert empowered by the dark energies of the portal. After a month searching the waste, they come across a group of ensi. Who are they? They don't seem to belong to any of the clans known to inhabit the desert. (We will roleplay their meeting)
(-50 + 40 = -10 essence)

Followers of the Dark Father
The drow build a new settlement. More clans join the alliance (new devotion 353). The followers of Vesper continue their dark experiments, becoming increasingly knowledgeable in the field of magic. Practitioners of shadow magic are taught in Venta (creation str 542).
(-100 + 52 = -48 essence)

Faithful of Gyra
The Aeriefolk train skilled hunters and savage warriors known as berserkers (creation str 134). The faithful of Gyra become more organized and wealthier (new devotion 463). They are also expanding in the neighbouring mountain range.
(-100 + 43 = -57 essence)
(Hmm...could you tell me where Midground is on the map again?)

2009-05-24, 10:28 AM
Near the Heart

As the group of ensi approach, most of the sand shaper's begin forming small torrent of sand around themselves. The leader of the expedition, a council member of one of the more peaceful clans speaks Greetings brothers! We did not expect to meet others so close to the Heart, what brings you hear?

2009-05-24, 12:48 PM

Since the late Matriarch Marianne had died, the Order had grew larger. Suncliff, once a small camp of tents where lost souls came for a new start, was now a town, with many wooden hutts, covered with mud for thermal isolation.

The large tents which once hosted the Order's quarters were still there but the temple was now a two floor wooden church, with a spot on the roof from where a Spell Singer could spread hope and confidence to the population while also checking for incoming visitors.

Tools of increasing complexity, made from wood, bones and stones, were used to hunt, to fish or to dig up roots and vegetables. Canvas, made of vegetal fibers, had replaced the animal heeds, though the leather was still a major commodity.

Trying to emulate their ancestors who once had bound the land itself to their will, the Naradians worked the fertile dirt of the river's bank...with little success, so far. But if agriculture was still out of reach for the followers of Narade, the few grain they produced was appreciated for brewing purpose. The technique was new but appreciated, as alcool could be used for both recreative and medical purposes.

As the years passed, a second muddy wall was built to accomodate more people. At the edge of it, on the river's bank but also deep beneath the river itself, stood the Triton Enclave.

Using their progress in craftmanship, the Naradians learn how to weave and how to brew. They also learn to build a few wooden building, though they're still nowhere near Masonry.

I let Ipphli develop the part about the Triton Enclave

Forest of Bevidia : meeting the Baradans

"-Cutty Deer speaks true. He's a thinking...hu...person, not an animal !! And he can talk too !!"
"-I think they figured that out already."
"-Hey !! Don't do that !! We're suppose to look united !!"
"-And we're suppose to look smart, too."

The Sister looked back at the woman. She thought she was definitely too large for a tree-hunger.
"-You're fa..."
"-...fascinating !! Fascinating, she means !! And to finish answering your question, we have no knowledge of the Way of Animals but would love to follow you back to whatitsnameagaingrove."

Black Bastion

"-So, that's the Black Bastion ? That's impressive !! Though a bit... I can't find the word for it... It's like something's missing."

The Sister had followed her guides through the forest, the plains and the mountains. She had kept her pain and exhaustion for herself, instead questionning the wolven about their kind and about the Dvegars all the way long. When they had reached the first tunnel of the Under Kingdom, she had felt a pinch of fear inside her stomach but again, her faith and curiosity had been stronger than instinct.

Now, she stands in this large cavern, with only a few lights she couldn't guess the origin. Mushrooms ? Torches ? Sun, maybe ? To think that the bright star's light could reach such deep and forsaken place made her smile. Maybe her stay wouldn't be that hard, after all ? But as she saw the large dark feature of the Black Bastion itself, something broke inside her. And she found what was wrong in this place.

A whisper :
"-It lacks soul..."

Ready for diplomatic RP between the Order of Narade and the Black Bastion.
I intend to set a hospital inside the cavern, maybe convert a dozen dvegars or so. Some'll be taught the Spell Song but only good-hearted people can learn it right so... Your call, Lord_Asmo.


To fish was a agreable thing. A peaceful, easy and yet filling activity.
Master Shern, now old even for a dwarf, loved it. His eyesight wasn't what it once had been and if he could still appreciate the skill of his apprentices and fellow craftsmen, his days of glory were now history.

Since him and a handful of volunteers from Suncliff had moved in this small coastal settlement, they had worked together with the Children of Uso to improve it, making of Shusi a heaven for both sea-dwellers and land-dwellers.

With Matriach Marianne dead, Sister Kiara had had to go back to Suncliff to take over, letting him alone as ambassador of Suncliff. A good thing, as religion wouldn't hold such importance in the relations of the two people.

Something like 40 Naradian families, mostly dwarven, settle at Sushi.
They work tirelessly to improve the settlement with their craft.
A few scholars, mainly Holy Sisters, come here to learn more about Uso and his Children.

Western Lands

The number of burned villages and corpses necessitated an investigation. After a report reached Suncliff, additionnal expeditions were sent, following the trail of burned villages and craters along the mountain's reach. Every ten kilometers or so, an outpost, nothing but a mere wooden hutt, was set.

Exploration of the lands, going North West, following the mountain reach but not exploring it. Count as an expansion act, though there isn't active colonization. We just claim the lands.

2009-05-24, 12:59 PM
Forest of Bevida

The Frelgr merely kept silent and waited for the Baradans to speak.

The Black Bastion

One of the Wolf-kin looked back and bark-spoke, his long pointed ears twitching. "Don't let the Lifsdaudr here you say that, some don't like to think about it too much." he prowled forward. "You shall come to meet the council with us. They will wish to know of this."

In the city, the albino children with the symbol of Barin had been deemed a blessing. They were to be taught in the Black Bastion itself, by their eldest and most educated individuals. They would still live with their parents however, the Council knew what kind of uproar would come if they tried to take the blessed children, and though it would die down to logic, it seemed more prudent to keep things as they were. The Council prepared for this by gathering it's most aged former priests and spellcasters, to catalogue their knowledge for future generations.

Battle: Heal
Technology: Ancient Chants

2009-05-24, 03:27 PM
Order of Narade

Black Bastion

The Sister followed the Frelgr to the Council's meeting room. She breathed deeply as she passed the massive door. Sitting, what looked like old dwarven, all wearing metal masks and heavy robes, were staring at her.
She felt uneasy about all this attention but also about the smell...or rather the atmosphere inside the room. It was so cold and gloomy...

So different from the informal meetings of the Order, where Matriarch, Elder Sisters, Sisters and Novices alike would sit on the ground and chat, eating sweet fruits and drinking holy water while reviewing the events of the week. Personnal problems as well as joys and experiences were shared freely, all along with questions of faith, morality or more pratical problems.

It was so alive...while here, the Sister could swear some of those "dvegars" looked like mummies.

"-Hum... Hi ? I'm Sasha...from the world above. I'm human and... Do I interrupt something ? I'm kinda new at the whole ambassador job..."

2009-05-24, 03:54 PM
Al Saradin looked among the wisemen. . . The plans for the completed system would be put into place soon. Next, the Wisemen were put into place teaching the people on well . .. how to teach. Schools were put into place and the people were attempting to reach new depths of learning. Meanwhile, the borders of the Saradites would expand. At the same moment, a mysterious force gathered in a focused peninsula sticking out from the coast by a narrow isthmus.

Creation: Enchanted Island : A place where things are more fantastical. Kind of like Avalon from Arthurian myth. The Al Saradin are more powerful here and they will make this their capital.
Battle: Heal
Technology: Education
Expansion: Expand into an oasis area in the desert lands.

2009-05-24, 03:55 PM
The Black Bastion

The faceless iron masks stared down at the Sister, one of the figures spoke, but the magic of the masks that altered their voice and muddled the source, as well as the odd echoing of the council chamber made it impossible to tell which one, as none of them had made any move to indicate that they had spoken. To add to the confusion, all of the old figures looked the same, all hunched and wearing heavy, concealing robes with old wrinkled hands the only visible part of their bodies. "Do not be concerned. We have finished all our previous business. Now please, continue. What lands do you hail from, and who do you represent?"

2009-05-24, 04:27 PM
Order of Narade

Black Bastion

Sasha did her best to look dignified.
"-I hail from a place called Suncliff. It's a settlement where all tribes, of all peoples and races, are free to meet and to require assistance. It is ruled by the Order of Narade, whose I am one of the adepts.
We live according to the teachings of Narade, a holy woman who died shortly after the Cataclysm. We've survive for centuries, trying to rebuild civilization from its ashes. And today, we're about to succeed. In 10, maybe 15 human generations, we shall rise greater than even our ancestors. We shall create a kingdom of justice and peace, where there'll be no hate or misery.
To all, we offer to join us in this venture. All we ask is for them to respect Narade's teachings and those who choose to follow them."

Her long introduction speech finished, she took a break of about five seconds, then continued, bowing slightly.
"-As an adept of the Order, I request from this Council the right to settle and to teach Narade's way to the dvegars. I'll provide for my own needs through work and teaching of the Ancient Arts. I also request the right to leave and return as I please, so as to act as an ambassador between the Order and this Council."

She remain head down, waiting for the answer. Was it trully her who had just spoken ? That was so...unusually good. Still a bit shambling but yet...

2009-05-24, 04:34 PM
The Black Bastion

There was no movement, not even the rasping of breath behind metal, and then another spoke, this one different, but equally inscrutable. "We would honor your request, however we must be assured that your work would not circumvent our own beliefs by nature, and that we might send our own delegation to your lands as well."

2009-05-24, 04:50 PM
Sasha's confidence skyrocketed to the roof as she heard the Council's approval. Her voice filled the room, slightly singing but still serious, a mix of the usual joyfull tone of Naradian and of the blunt tone of the Dvegars.

"-Thank you !!
As I said, Suncliff is open to anybody who wish to enter. There are a few rules but none you shouldn't expect from civilized people. I'll guide the first of your delegation myself.
As for your believes, I know nothing of them.
Narade isn't a goddess, though many concider her like one. She teaches to love all living things and to help those in need, whenever it is possible for us to do so. It askes for compassion, generosity and cooperation. Are any of these concepts in opposition to your believes ?
If yes, then I regret, but my teaching may indeed disturb you."

2009-05-24, 05:04 PM
The Black Bastion

Another voice spoke. "We honor the ways and teachings of our old patron, Barin, the Iron King. We do not find any true fault with your teachings. However, before any of this begins we must clarify something, The Black Bastion is home to a number of Lifsdaudr. Many beings misunderstand the Lifsdaudr and the practices many of them use, but long ago they proved themselves in the eyes of our god and those of the Under Empire to be no more good or evil as any other kind of being."

2009-05-24, 05:12 PM
"-Lifsdaudr ?"

The name was unknown to Sasha but she remembered what the wolf had said. He had pointed out that these beings were responsible for the grey atmosphere of the place. She felt a shiver down her back.

"-The fact that you feel the need to warn me reveals in itself that they may be a problem. What's about them, exactly ? Evil is about acting, not being. It may sometime be linked to thinking too. But we Naradians respect the holy nature of the mind. One can bear sick thoughts but still have the strenght to restrain his actions, in the name of the Greater Good. This man is not to be condamned but congratulated, as he can resist his desires in the name of common welfare."

2009-05-24, 05:18 PM
The Black Bastion

"We warn you only so that you do not make hasty decisions. Lifsdaudr translates roughly into "living dead" or "Undead". They are the dead, raised from their sleep. Some still have their souls, some don't. Many judge them and the act of creating them as evil, but we have seen this to be untrue."

2009-05-24, 05:30 PM
Now, that was something else. Undeads... Those were seen as old demons from the Great War, remnants of an era of trouble. Today, the practionners of the Dark Arts were few, weak and hidding, as their "art" was indeed seen as unatural. And even the Naradians couldn't accept such beings inside the walls of Suncliff !! Weren't they trapping poor souls in decaying bodies, bending them to their will so as to become immortal slaves ? Or weren't they ? Sasha had only heard about it. And she knew how tales could be deformed by one's opinion of the topic.

"-I... I may not be able to give you an answer on that matter. You see, most of my superiors would probably...no, they'll SURELY not like it... not that they would go crazy and call for heads, that's not our way !! But... Oh, Narade..."

And then went her confidence. What to do ? These councelors had told her there was no evil in the practice. And maybe there wasn't. After all, some magic could animate the inanimate. And weren't bodies but inanimated flesh ? That was gruesome and kinky, true, but not evil. On the other hand, those undeads still had souls... Were they free or was their will crushed ?
She continued on a shaking tone.

"-Well... my superiors... Sorry. I guess I shouldn't judge what I don't know. And I'm but a low Sister. By the light, I was still a Novice two years from now !! Say, I'll do with the Lifsdaudr for now. I'll learn the subject, observe and then, before contacting Suncliff, I'll tell you what I think. Is that ok ?"

2009-05-24, 05:36 PM
The Black Bastion

The Council Chamber rang with their chorus of agreement. Indeed.". A moment later, a Dvergar in scholars robes came to escort the sister where she wished to go. As a Dvergar, he was shorter than she, but he was thicker set as well, and with more than a tinge of gray to his flesh, but he wasn't as stout as a dwarf. "I'm to escort you where you want to go."

2009-05-24, 05:47 PM
Black Bastion

"-Well, I don't know the place and I guess that space is something pricy around here. The cavern looks large but still, there are a lot more people down there I imagined. If you know any cheap spot with a maximum of light, I'll say to go for it."

She followed the dvegar, her gaze looking everywhere as they advanced, discovering the marvels of the Underkingdom but also its defects. Along the way, she couldn't stop herself from looking for the undeads.

Lord_Asmo :
If you're in the mood, now is a good occasion to make a extensive description of the cavern, its inhabitants and the lifestyle. I know you've already done it through your posts (especially the first one) but yet, I'll love to know more.
If you aren't in the mood, then just describe the spot where Sasha can settle.
As for Sasha's daily life :
She can completely heal most physical injuries in a matter of hours but not diseases or amputations, so she can work as a nurse I guess.
She can also teach the basics about the Ancient Arts through her religion and the few Spell Song she know. The scholars might be interested to exchange knowledge with her.
During her freetime, she'll preach Narade's way among the dvegars.

2009-05-24, 06:05 PM
The Black Bastion

The Black Bastion was a single edifice. With the newly rediscovered mastery of mining and masonry, the town had grown in just a short while. Old destroyed buildings had been replaced by new ones of stone and crude, less refined metal. The cavern was vast, with a source of fresh water accessible but somewhat distant, and a road stretching from the town to a side tunnel, constant traffic going to and fro, workers trudging toward the tunnel and Gridungr carry carts full of equipment and more workers, as weary workers trudge from it and ride in carts full of stone and ore.

There is plenty of space to expand, but the expansion belies wariness of the caverns in one direction, as the buildings are spread out so that they can make full use of the cavern areas that are far from that direction. As Sasha was escorted through the town, a number of Ensi, Dvergar and Frelgr watch as she passes, not having seen many humans since times long past. But many more merely gave her her space. Finally, she saw what she was searching for, in both ways. There was no real sunlight this deep in the cave, most of it only came in around the entrance, and it was faint there, the rest of the light came from glowing plants.

However, there were great furnaces that gave off much heat and light. Fortunately, the light extended much farther than much of the heat. Illuminated in the orange glow, was a trio of emaciated corpses. They stood, light reflecting in their glowing yellow eyes. They spoke in low tones, but this was not unusual as they were all three speaking with a trader in his stall, something that happened all over the city, and was taken as a private transaction. They bartered for some pieces of craft, small stone and metal figures, and metal implements. One of the three carried an old leather bound tome, and wore old robes, the other two seemed nothing more than citizens. The book holder and one of the others had the insect-faces of Ensi, withered by death as they were. The third, however, was tall with brownish hair robust, if decaying figure. Clearly a former human.

The guide spoke without looking over his shoulder. "This is one of the most illuminated areas in the cavern, that isn't too close to the forges or too far from the Bastion itself, and it is a center of much trade and work."

2009-05-24, 06:26 PM
Black Bastion's cavern

Sasha looked at the undead human.
"-Well, I won't complain about the neigbourhound..."

The place wasn't exactly a holy sanctum but she could easily settle here. The city was larger than Suncliff but less packed so she would have to find other adepts. Bringing them from Suncliff wasn't an option until she had asserted the situation regarding undeads. So...she was on to recruit.

"-Thank you for the tour. By the way, what's your name ? I get the feeling I might see you again and...well, that's the polite thing to do, so..."

2009-05-24, 06:31 PM
The Black Bastion

The scholar bowed slightly. "I am Svarjir. I'm sorry, I don't believe I caught your name either."

2009-05-24, 06:50 PM
"-I assumed your masters already gave it. I'm Sasha, adept of Narade. It was a pleasure to meet you, Svarjir. Say, you look like a learned dvegar. Would you be interested in learning some facts from the world above ?"

And there she had her introduction for future conversation.


In the weeks to follow, the city heard of a small mystic, a human, a living one, whose tent was near the Furnaces Quarter and who healed most injuries for free, asking nothing but what her patients were willing to give her. She was also know to wander with scholars...and for asking too much question. The opportunity for free magical healing as much as curiosity attracted the poorest of the dvegars, as well as the more openminded.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-24, 07:52 PM
Great Forest of Bevida

The wolves continued on their way, with the presumption that the sisters would follow.

The deer stepped forward. "We've not been animals in some time." The buck gestured to the sisters with his antlered head. "So you are the 'Baradans' they spoke of, yes?"
"Indeed we are. I am Alnarra, leader of this expedition. We were sent to make contact with the other friends of the Lady Dynean. We are the people of Barada the Bountiful. We are keepers and lovers of the land. Who are you, who wear the skin of the beasts like us, yet speak with the voice of men?"

2009-05-24, 09:33 PM

The Hradani had found the legendary valley, and it lived up to the legends. Trees grew all over, the temperature was mild, and no dangerous animals were noticed. The scouts went back to the tribes with the good news. Soon, part of the tribe: The elderly, the injured, the very young and their parents; all these went to the valley along with a small group of healthy adults to provide hunting and security for the colony. They quickly settled into the valley. The elders kept careful mental notes of the edible plants: When the bloomed, when the fruit ripened, where they grew. Soon, they experimented in helping the plants grow. In time, this proved viable and soon crops were being planted and harvested.

Elsewhere in the steppes, the Algai’d’siswai noticed traces of beings other than Hradani. They tried to follow the tracks (but since tracking really hadn't been developed yet, they soon lost them). After consultation, Algai’d’siswai were sent out in small bands to find these intruders and determine their intentions.


Explore the valley and surrounding area, and colonize the valley. Those who cannot keep up with the nomadic lifestyle may stay in the valley.

Religion: Bolster

Creation: None, unless I need to spend essence to "create" the valley with the plants.

Tech: Agriculture

2009-05-24, 10:13 PM
The leader of the group, a fat hirsute man with a gnarled oak staff, nods to the birdman, and mumbles a few words, before the fur of his garments turns to feathers, and before long, a hawk stands before them.

The hawk chirps a greeting, wondering if these people will understand him now.

"Hello, can you understand me now?"

The Baradans do not actually have the Ancient Chants technology yet. I'm hoping that will be their next acquisition.

Ahha! Yes, now you are making sense. This is Midground, a place where the followers of Dynean may hopefully come to meet and learn of each others ways, or so says master Gano.

The birdman picked up the hawk with a tallon and perched it on his clawed finger.

We imagined that the others would be strange, but this? This is unexpected. We are the Aeriefolk, the Accipitrons. We are the children of the sky and the sun. Are you children of the woods that lie in the lowgrounds?

2009-05-25, 09:43 AM
Great Forests of Bevida

"We are Frelgr, before the Great War, when our god Barin yet watched over the world, he saw the animals of the forest and thought they too, might need his protection. But Barin would not stand guard over those who did not desire it so, and as the beasts of the forest could not speak or understand his words, he gifted some of them, our forefathers, with intelligence and more. Some preferred to live simple lives of animals, and Barin honored their wish, taking back the gift that they did not want. But to many, intelligence was a blessing, and they came to live in the Under Empire where Barins followers lived and ruled. We are scouts of the Black Bastion, one of the only remaining beacons of that great Empire."

2009-05-25, 12:17 PM
Edit: WOOPS! Wrong thread! Post for this coming soon.

2009-05-25, 01:39 PM
Followers of the Dark Father

All was going well, more Dark Elves were quickly rallying to the cause of the Dark Father giving into their deep rooted psychological need to their now exiled creator.

They were quickly expanding and rediscovering their lost knowledge. Soon they were restore their rightful place in the world and bring about the second coming of their great lord Vesper.

For now though it was time to begin reexploring this world and to see who else survived the banishment of the gods.

Somewhere near the black bastion...

The small team of Dark Elves, handpicked by Zelil Lotti himself made their way through the winding tunnels leading to an old ancient city of the Dvegar, They had known about them in the past and wished to see if they had survived the troubled times.


Battle: Heal
Crafting: Death Magics
Technology: Crafting
Religion: Bolster
Expansion: Establish another colony.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-25, 01:49 PM
Near the Heart

As the other group of ensi approches, the people of the Glass Shelter notice two things. First, all but one of them have eyes as black as night. Second, their leader, dressed in chain mail and carrying a large scimitar, is nothing more than a walking skeleton. It is he whom answers:

"Rastulian Ensi? Hmm...I don't see much of your kind in this region. I see even less with powers over sand."

After he spoke, one of the dark-eyed ensi became increasingly agitated.

"Wretches! You are traitors, all! You have betrayed our Lord Sesketh! We shouldn't even be dealing with those abominations!"

The leader's orbits lit up as he turned around.


The ensi cowered in fear and the leader spoke in a more pleasant tone to the "ambassador" of the Glass Shelter.

"Please excuse our friend...he can be a bit nostalgic. But this is all behind us now. Since Sesketh is gone, there is no need to fight our brothers and sisters.

Let me introduce myself. I am the Knight Grigal of the Crimson Claw. We were scouting the area for monsters as usual. What are you seeking so far in the desert, if I may ask?"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-25, 02:00 PM
For Lord_Asmodeus only:

A delegation of dark-eyed ensi led by two undead priests arrive at Vegroddr. They belong to the Crimson Claw and ask to speak to the Council.

2009-05-25, 02:10 PM
Near the Heart

Several years ago we found a cache of holy texts, they mention a "heart" in this area, a portal to paradise, Now that we have enough food, several of us thought it would be a good idea to investigate.

You seems quite knowledgeable of the ancient religions, do you know what it is?


With more and more clans settling down to begin farming newly arable area's, food surpluses grow, and the remaining clans (the vast majority of them) have begun traveling farther and farther afield, seeking out new oasis' and routes.

At the same time, Annual meetings at the Pools of memory, now almost a lake from the absorbed knowledge, have begun centralizing the clans, forming a forum for discussion and cooperation

As well, with advancement into the dessert, a race of strange creatures are discovered. Large serpentine creatures and deadly monsters, a group of sand-shapers manage to steal a clutch of eggs and begin training them as attack-creatures.

Battle: Heal
Tech: exploration
Expansion: towards the "civilized" lands to the west.
Creation: A clutch of pygmy sand-worms pretty much.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-25, 02:34 PM
Ahha! Yes, now you are making sense. This is Midground, a place where the followers of Dynean may hopefully come to meet and learn of each others ways, or so says master Gano.

The birdman picked up the hawk with a tallon and perched it on his clawed finger.

We imagined that the others would be strange, but this? This is unexpected. We are the Aeriefolk, the Accipitrons. We are the children of the sky and the sun. Are you children of the woods that lie in the lowgrounds?

The transformed Baradan druid nods.

That we are. We are the Baradans, followers of our prophet, Barada the Bountiful. We live in harmony with the land and enjoy the abundant gifts it provides us. We had heard that the Lady Dynean had made allies with others, and we set out to find them. It is an honor to be welcomed by you, people of the sky and sun."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-25, 02:35 PM
Great Forests of Bevida

"We are Frelgr, before the Great War, when our god Barin yet watched over the world, he saw the animals of the forest and thought they too, might need his protection. But Barin would not stand guard over those who did not desire it so, and as the beasts of the forest could not speak or understand his words, he gifted some of them, our forefathers, with intelligence and more. Some preferred to live simple lives of animals, and Barin honored their wish, taking back the gift that they did not want. But to many, intelligence was a blessing, and they came to live in the Under Empire where Barins followers lived and ruled. We are scouts of the Black Bastion, one of the only remaining beacons of that great Empire."

"Scouting for what? Are you friends of the Lady Dynean as well?"

2009-05-25, 10:51 PM
The Black Bastion

The Council received the strange visiters in their hall, awaiting their explanation as to who they were (Omnik's group, that's you)

Great Forest of Bevida

"The usual things, land, resources, potential allies. As for the Lady Dynean... we are not her enemies, but the Black Bastion bows to no authority other than itself."

2009-05-26, 07:54 AM
The Vanhir

When the Vanhir left Vanhiym as was custom, they did not stay at the normal paths. Instead, Farryan of the Sky led his people across the Danaoi lands, speaking with every tribe he could, teaching them of firedancing. With the counsel of a firjian at his side, the first under Danaoi rule in centuries, he and the Vanhir had learned to channel the flame itself in their wild dances.

The Tezacoa greeted them with open arms; the Jaskarath greeted them with skepticism and distrust. From every tribe they gathered a different reaction; they even met the Prophet himself, who was eager to speak with the firjian.

A wave of fire was sweeping across the Domnann Tribes, both in the heart and the dance.

The River

Arain'jel was filled with fear when he heard of the dangers of the woods, but with the urging of Raths'jel and his sons, he and his family continued on as well.

They walked ever northward, Elt'jel son of Arain'jel acting as a Sk'elep for them, memorizing their route and what they saw, drawing pictures of the land in the dirt to find their way.

I'd like them to reach Midground soon - interaction with the Baradans and Black Bastion may be what I need to revitalize my posting...

Expansion: Head to the north.

The Domnann Tribes

For some strange reason, the animals of the desert were becoming more prosperous and numerous. The Danaoi had always been hunter-gatherers, but now they focused on hunting down the wild boar and the wild fox, the bird and the goat; with sling and staff they hunted down their prey, fleet as a running deer.

Technology: Hunting.
Battle: Heal.
Religion: Bolster.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-26, 09:22 AM
Near the Heart

"It is indeed a gateway to another world, one created by Sesketh himself. But even I am not allowed to go there. The holy site is protected by a guardian. You may always try to go there, I won't stop you...but I can't guarantee your survival."


The Black Bastion

One of the undead priests spoke up:

"I want to thank the Council for meeting with us. We are part of an organization called the Crimson Claw. We are the children of Sesketh. The remnants of an ancient empire, just like you. You surely remember the Simetian Ensi?

I have been sent here by the Lord of Basalt Keep and former champion of the Scorpion God, Akpe, to strike an alliance with you. As you may know, Sesketh and Barin were in good terms before the Fall. Now, our fathers are gone, but we are still strong. The Lord Akpe remembers how powerful the Under Kingdom was and he would like us to learn from you. Please consider allying with us against the so-called Queen to the North, Dynean. We shall do...great things together.

Lord Akpe told us that he once knew a lich named Gargax. Is Gargax here?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-26, 03:32 PM
Great Forest of Bevida

"The usual things, land, resources, potential allies. As for the Lady Dynean... we are not her enemies, but the Black Bastion bows to no authority other than itself."

The expedition leader appears confused.

"No authority? Lady Dynean is not our master, she is our ally."

2009-05-26, 03:35 PM
The expedition leader appears confused.

"No authority? Lady Dynean is not our master, she is our ally."

The sisters agreed.
"-He speaks true. We are but allies of the Lady. For the most part, our goals are the same : to bring a new era of prosperity to this world.

2009-05-26, 03:58 PM
The accipitrons began to spread northward along the mountainside as hunting became easier. Many lesser aeries were built around the great villiages that they had recently built.

As they grew in number, they were forced to better learn how to track their prey. This allowed many more Accipitrons to survive through the winters when food was scarce, but they lef tthe forests well alone, for those were the lands of another people, no doubt needing their own source of small mammals to eat (or so they belived)

Gano's predictions had come true, and it did much to bolster belief in him. The elders became less skeptical and the younger adults had reason to follow their ancestor's example.

Religion: Bolster
Creation: None
Battle: heal
Technology: tracking

The Baradans do not yet have anything to interest the Accipitrons and the same is probably tue in the other direction. As of the moment, I don't think joint research will accomplish much

2009-05-26, 09:09 PM
Black Bastion

A voice rang out, though obviously it could not be traced. "Yes, I remember Gargax. He was the oldest and most powerful of our kind. However, long ago when we searched for the Tomb of Sesketh, he dissappeard. We believe he went to another world, but it's impossible to tell."

Meanwhile, the blessed children were growing, and the Black Bastion was mobilizing further to teach these touched ones. The places near the mines were being settled, so the miners did not have to travel quite so far for overnight jobs. And, after much deliberation, some of the Golems of old were being brought back to life. Though limited in number, the scholars of the Black Bastion believed they could learn much from the arcane constructs.

Great Forest of Bevida

"Well, I can't really speak on policy. It is the Councils decision to make, not mine. And they have decided they would rather be independent with lighter ties. Still, we do not oppose the Lady Dynean out of hand."

Technology: Educate
Expansion: Building near the mines
Creation: Stone Golems
Battle: Heal

2009-05-27, 05:54 AM
With the turn ending, I'm going to assume the Baradans and the Naradians have establish contact. We can continue the RP of "Great Forest of Bevida" but for chronological purpose, I'm going to assume it happened years ago. (as 1 turn is suppose to be 20-50 years)


The monastery of Chelar stood at the top of a hill , its walls of wood protected from the abrasive wind by thick layers of cloth. Around it, the crater-ridden plains of the Western Lands were mostly silent. Only the voices of the craftsmen could be heard down the hill, as they worked on the new shaft. From the monastery's door, an Elder Sister observed them.

"-This progress well. Any news from the outposts ?"
"-Not a word... I mean, nothing different from the usual : they cought a few beasts, spotted new ruins, mostly ancient and already looted long ago. No clue about the featers, though."
"-Well... We're bound to find out, I guess. It's just not the time."

"-Hum...good. Let's begin. Go call the Matriarch and the rest of the sisters, will you ? I've kept them waiting for too long already."

A few minutes later, the population of Chelar watched as a circle of singing adepts of Narade began an old, ill-mastered ritual, dancing around the newly built shaft. Half of it was from the ancient oral tradition while the other half was experimental.

By sunset, as the chant began louder and louder, a dim light began to glow from inside the shaft. Soon after, under the stars, a power geyser of water surged from beneath the earth, moistering the whole place. The geyser's strength eventually lowered but the flow of water remain. The monastery of Chelar would now be know as the Oasis of Chelar.

Black Bastion

"-This, my children, is the gift of Narade to all living beings. Advance and rejoice !! For it's Her hand who's at work through mine."

And as she laid her hand on the wounded, Sasha began to sing a long and high pitched note. Invisible to most, a flow of positive energy rushed through her arm, pooring along the broken leg of the dvegar. It took her about ten minutes to heal her patient completely.

"-Rise and walk, my son. For you are now healed."

And to the awe of all those gathered in the small hutt, the dvegar rose and walked away from the "altar". Nothing but a table with a large white canvas on it, with many stains of blood from more heavily injuries which had been healed with equal ease along the years.

Sasha wasn't the young Sister with the long blond hair that she was a decade ago. The lack of sunlight, along with the fairly different diet of the dvegars and the relative misery of the first years, had made her age faster. The golden hair were now of a shiny, silky white while her skin was of a pale complexion, nearly grey as the dust from the mines covered everything.

Yet, in her eyes, the passion still burned, maybe even stronger than before. She, alone, had set a successful church. The number of adepts was rising quickly, a thing made easier by the fact that the dvegars didn't concidered Narade as a goddess but as an exceptionnally wise and benevolent human. They didn't had to abjure their old god, Barin, though some did pray to Narade.

"-Shall we proceed, Sister Sasha ?"

At her side a female dvegar stood, waiting to give the lecture of the day. Without even a notion of writing, everything had be said, repeated and memorized. Even the religious doctrine and the Spell Song. For this reason, few could become Narade's servants, as a lot of qualities were needed, both moral and intellectual. This dvegar had them and had volunteered to become the first Novice of Narade to hail from the Black Bastion.

Battle : No
Creation : Blessed of Oasis of Chelar ( at the previous outpost from turn 2)
Heal : Yes
Expansion : exploration North West. Will colonize if something interesting is found.
Religion : "corruption" of the Black Bastion
Technology : Seafaring (help from Ipphli, starting tech)

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-27, 08:45 AM
OOC: I'll post an update tonight. If Zousha and Ipphli don't post their actions by then, they'll have to skip this turn.

2009-05-27, 04:15 PM
Children of Uso

Suncliff, Triton Enclave

Sellus smiled as he spoke with the elders about the antics of the landdwellers. Although still the term used to refer to the Order and its members, it no longer had a derogatory tone to it. The tritons, especially those living in the enclave, had come to see the Order as equals. While they may not believe in Uso as they did, they did respect at least the Children's devotion to him, and that was something.

The Enclave, now a much larger place since it was first conceived, held 20 families. Tucked away in a small lagoon just south of Suncliff proper, it provided a nice, calm spot for them to build their underwater homes, yet still close enough to Suncliff, no more than an hour's walk.

Sellus had spent the day trying to teach the youngsters of the village to swim and fish. Mostly they waded about in the shallows, afraid of the strong current. Sellus couldn't blame them, he supposed; they weren't made for the water as he and his people were. But the now-elder had come to love it here; it was quiet and peaceful. And many of the people that came to Suncliff learned of Uso while they were there.

He'd also heard reports of the peaceful cohabitation near Shusi; apparently the master craftsman that had been sent had taken a liking to fishing. Yes, things were going very well for the Tritons and their new allies. And they still had so much to teach each other...


With the increases in food, many of the Children could focus on other things besides survival. For example, faster means of traveling. While the Children could travel very quickly, it could still become tiring. And there were other creatures in the deeps that could travel even faster. And so some of the Children made it their mission to tame some of these other creatures, most notably dolphins and sharks. While the two creatures were bitter enemies, the Children respected both of them for their purpose, and their shared parent Uso.

Meanwhile, some of the elders took up a special kind of farming: coral-shaping. Naturally occurring, some had taken it upon themselves to shape coral into many designs, some practical and some artistic. Which gave them an idea. Soon a new breaker was seen, safeguarding Shusi from the violent storms of the ocean. In time the breaker would rise up many feet above the ocean surface, easily seen by any traveling the waves.

Battle: Heal
Creation: Seawall of Shusi
Expansion: More territory surrounding Aceria
Religion: None
Technology: Animal Husbandry

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-27, 06:58 PM

Black Bastion - Creation - Race - Stone Golem - (creation+1/2 earth+1/2 protection) [roll0]
Black Bastion - Expansion - Building near the mines
Black Bastion - Heal - [roll1]
Children - Creation - Location - Seawall of Shusi - (creation+1/2 primary domain) [roll2]
Children - Expansion - Territory surrounding Aceria
Children - Heal - [roll3]
Danaoi - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll4] - 417 /2 change to creation str = no change
Danaoi - Expansion - Heading north
Danaoi - Heal - [roll5]
Dark Father - Creation - Abstract/Magic - Death Magic - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+death+magic) [roll6]
Dark Father - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll7] - 353 /2 change to creation str = new str 401
Dark Father - Expansion - New colony
Dark Father - Heal - [roll8]
Gyra - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll9] - 463 /2 change to creation str = new str 416
Gyra - Heal - [roll10]
Hradani - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll11] - 466 /2 change to creation str = new str 393
Hradani - Heal - [roll12]
Narade - Creation - Location - Oasis of Chelar - (creation+1/2 primary domain+1/2 water) [roll13]
Narade - Religion - Converting the Black Bastion - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll14] - 471 /2 change to creation str = new str 381
New devotion of Naradians = 686
Narade - Expansion - North West
Narade - Heal - [roll15]+[roll16] = 89
Saradites - Creation - Location - Enchanted Island - (creation+1/2 primary domain) [roll17]
Saradites - Expansion - Oasis
Saradites - Heal - [roll18]
Glass Shelter - Creation - Race - Pygmy Sand Worms - (creation+1/2 primary) [roll19] + [roll20] = 323
Glass Shelter - Expansion - West
Glass Shelter - Heal - [roll21]


Black Bastion - Ancient Chants - [roll22] (need Agriculture for Education)
Children - Animal Husbandry - [roll23]
Danaoi - Hunting - [roll24]
Dark Father - Crafting - [roll25]
Gyra - Tracking - [roll26]
Hradani - Agriculture - [roll27]
Narade - Seafaring (traded from Children) - [roll28]
Saradites - Education - [roll29]
Glass Shelter - Exploration - [roll30]

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-27, 07:55 PM

Black Bastion
Creation: Stone Golems (creation str 499) are reactivated.
Expansion: Towards the mines.
Conversion: A lot of dvergar are moved by the words of the prophet Narade as spread by Sasha (new devotion 381).
- 11 essence

Children of Uso
Creation: The Seawall of Shusi is strong (creation str 482).
Expansion: Around Aceria.
+5 essence

Religion: No effect.
Expansion: Reach Midground.
-16 essence

Followers of the Dark Father
Creation: The dark elves weave the dark energies escaping the Tunnels of Vesper into powerful spells, thus discovering Death Magic -(creation str 533).
Religion: The fanatism of the dark elves is healthy...really. (new devotion 401)
Expansion: A new colony is founded underground. The Followers discover a tribe of myconids living in a cavern complex not far from there.
-39 essence

Faithful of Gyra
Religion: The civilization of the Accipitrons is fairing well, until a plague strikes the hordes of herbivores, thus greatly limiting the food available to the growing population (new devotion 416).
+4 essence

Religion: Some of the Algai’d’siswai who left in search of other humanoids never come back to the tribe. Others find their way back; those who are changed in horrible ways. They are in a state of shock and their bodies are either deeply scarred or burned. They cannot speak of what happened in the borderlands, for they are too traumatized. The only clues are a few large black feathers. (new devotion 393)
-10 essence

Order of Narade
Creation: The Oasis of Chelar has begun to cleanse the land around it (creation str 342).
Religion: A lot of dvergar are moved by the words of the prophet Narade as spread by Sasha (new devotion 686).
Expansion: As they move northwest, the Naradians find increasingly fertile valleys. They also discover a narrow mountain pass that must lead to ogre lands. Near the pass, as they prepare to camp for the night, they come across a small village. They hear terrified screams coming from that area. (We will roleplay this right away. I will let you post first.)
-11 essence

Creation: The Enchanted Island of the Al Makim is a haven for all mages (creation str 268).
Expansion: Foundation of a new colony in the desert.
+26 essence

Glass Shelter
Creation: The ensi tame pigmy sand worms (creation str 323).
Expansion: The Glass Shelter builds an outpost 50 km west in the desert. They know from a map that they are approaching the Naram-Suen river.
-1 essence

2009-05-27, 08:23 PM
Though they were able to find some scarce food with their refined hunting techniques, the population was still unable to grow with the current plague going around. Accipitrons finally had a reason to care about the plants that their prey fed on.

In hopes of gathering the secrets of the plant world, several fliers decided to seek out the Baradans. Surely, the children of the forest would be able to help feed the dwindling foragers.

Technology: Agriculture. Hopefully with help from the Baradans

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-28, 09:31 AM
The Baradans had lain quiet for a time, Barada, their leader, communing with the spirits to see what it was that needed to be done. One day, she emerged from the Bountiful Grove with knowledge of the ancient prayers and songs that Nature had heeded in the past and would heed again. The people were astonished and overjoyed.

There was still much work to be done though. The Baradans began to realize that their efforts at exploration, while successful, were not getting them anywhere. Instead of exploring, they now proselytized, preaching the word of Barada to any who were not already allies of Dynean. They sent ambassadors to other tribes of people. Human, elf, dwarf, any who would listen.

Barada began to ponder what would be best for the people to do now, and then realized that though the druidic arts she had taught them gave them an edge, they were still not warriors. She decided a guardian would be needed for her people. She prayed alone to the spirits of the land to send a guardian for her people, and after three days and three nights, the answer to her prayers came with the dawn. A great hulking bear, made from the living rock and soil stood before her, empowered by the land itself. Barada smiled as she saw what had occured, and thanked the land for sending them protectors.

Creation: the Spirits of the Land
Battle: Heal
Religion: Convert
Technology: Ancient Chants

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-28, 09:42 AM
As a number of Baradans leave the forest to spread their message, they find a particular tribe that interests them, living north of the forest.

"Hail, people from beyond the forest. We are emissaries of Barada the Bountiful. We come in peace."

The Baradans have arrived at the home of the Hridani.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-28, 10:07 AM
Portals open in the homeland of each loyalist tribe. Crates of good are sent through, courtesy of Lady Dynean. They contain food, tools and ancient scrolls. A being also emerges from each gate to assist the tribe. This being is called an Arbiter; he appear to mortals as a mysterious veiled humanoid dressed in black and white cloaks. Arbiters are known to make up Dynean's personal guard.

Tools of the Trade: In game terms, this means that each loyalist tribe gains a bonus to their next technology roll.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-28, 10:09 AM
Followers of the Dark Father only
A delegation of dark-eyed ensi led by a death knight come to the capital of the drow kingdom asking for an audience with the council. They are part of an organization called the Crimson Claw. They are the children of Sesketh and speak of an old alliance between the ensi and the dark elves.

2009-05-28, 10:28 AM

The loss of the scouts hit hard. They were a warrior people. What could have killed or maimed so many of their finest warriors, and left the survivors so mentally scarred? The Council discussed this with the Clan Chief, and a decision was made. Warriors were to hunt down and locate whatever did this. The warriors were to travel in groups. If the enemy was located, the youngest was to hang back and report on the findings if the fight went wrong.

The exploration of the hills around the valley continues. One of the scouts came back with the news of a discovery. A ruined building had been discovered, with the remains of a great battle before it. The chief and his guard went to investigate, along with the head judge. What they saw when they arrived astounded them. Humanlike remains were scattered in front of and inside the temple, along with the remains of strange animal like creatures. They appeared to have been attacking the temple. The defenders seem to have been rather large individuals, around the size of Hradani. Even though they had been vastly outnumbered, they seemed to have fought the attackers to a stand still. Piles of enemy dead were still heaped around where each of the defenders had fallen. Inside the temple were dozens of skeletons. In front of what was left of the altar was a large body. It seems to be leaning against the altar. It looks like the defenders won a Pyrrhic Victory, the last survivor having just enough strength to realize he had won before his wounds claimed his life.

The Hradani who saw this were moved. They collected the bodies of the fallen defenders and put them to rest in the temple they had defended. Their weapons were passed to the Hradani present, for they could still be of use. The remains of the attackers were buried in a large pit.
The Judge and the storytellers investigated the temple, but were unable to read most of the writings found therein. Only the name "Aresk Moonfell" was translated. The tribes would continue to try and understand the tomes and carvings, but it would take years before any success was achieved.

While hunting, a group of Algai’d’siswai come across humans traveling in the steppes. Noting that they looked harmless, they approach. Upon nearing the travelers, they hear: "Hail, people from beyond the forest. We are emissaries of Barada the Bountiful. We come in peace."

Greeting, little ones. What purpose do you have in the Hradani lands?

Creation (relic):Twelve (ogre sized) weapons were recovered from the temple defenders, a collection of one and two handed swords, axes, spears, and maces. These are distributed to the Chief, his sons, his guards, and the greatest warriors of the tribe.

Religion: Nothing


Tribe:Expansion. They continue exploring and colonizing the hills.

Technology: Ancient Chants.

2009-05-28, 01:37 PM
Mountain Pass

On an exploration mission, not far away from the last outpost, the small group of scouts froze as they heard the screams tearing appart the silence of the night.

"-You heard that ?"

Whatever was going on there, even if they weren't warriors or adepts, the naradians were bound to help. It was just their way : since they were born, most of them had seen their parents, friends and neighbours acting in an altruistic way whenever the opportunity arose. Personnal security, reputation, wealth or power didn't matter as much as the conviction to act right, to keep his soul clean. And it was precisely to keep theirs clean that the scouts were now investigating the scary noise.

It took but a minute to the scouts to go there. Though not skilled hunters, the men were nevertheless quiet and sneaky enough to close the distance unoticed. They stopped right before entering the glow of the torches which lit the village.

2009-05-28, 09:25 PM
Followers of the Dark Father

The meeting

The Ensi emissary is led into the ancient fortress which serves as the meeting place of the Council. Zelil Lotti sits at the center of the esteemed council and speaks first to the Ambassador "Greetings to you emissary of Sesketh. I am Zelil Lotti first amongst the followers of the Dark Father. You wish to speak to us regarding the ancient alliance between the great Vesper and Warlord Sesketh?"


Myconids...the foul living mushrooms who make their home in what is rightfully Drow land. In times past they would be driven out and killed for their insolence. Now, with so much gone it would not be possible to launch such a direct and sucessful attack against such an inferior creature. There may be something to learn from these inferior beasts in these times, perhaps some hidden knowledge. Of course it would have to be refined and improved to meet with high Drow standards. But, for now they would take with the mushroom people.

A small expedition it sent to meet with the Myconids. Their orders are to establish peaceful communications and learn what they can from them.

<turn orders coming soon>

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-28, 10:46 PM
While hunting, a group of Algai’d’siswai come across humans traveling in the steppes. Noting that they looked harmless, they approach. Upon nearing the travelers, they hear: "Hail, people from beyond the forest. We are emissaries of Barada the Bountiful. We come in peace."

Greeting, little ones. What purpose do you have in the Hradani lands?

"We have come to explore the lands surrounding our home, the great forest of Bevidia to the south, and to make contact with the other tribes, in the hopes of sharing the gifts the land has given us with them. Tribes such as yours, my friends."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-28, 10:49 PM
The Baradans begin to establish stronger connections with the neighbors they have met, especially with the Order of Narade. While Lady Dynean had given the Order a great many gifts, the Baradans saw that they had difficulty working with the land, like they had once had, before Barada came to them. In the interest of promoting cooperation between the two peoples, the Baradans proposed to the Order of Narade to share their secrets of tending the land with them, if the Order was willing to do the same for the Baradans.

2009-05-28, 11:03 PM
In exchange for agricultural knowledge, the Accipitrons offered their assistance in searching out suitable "nesting grounds" for the forest children. They were eagerly waiting for the next visitors to midground and were hoping for more interaction between the many factions.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-28, 11:25 PM
In exchange for agricultural knowledge, the Accipitrons offered their assistance in searching out suitable "nesting grounds" for the forest children. They were eagerly waiting for the next visitors to midground and were hoping for more interaction between the many factions.

The Baradans heartily agreed to share their agricultural knowledge with the Accipitrons. Those scouts that had first arrived in Midground sent a message back to their leaders, and soon another party of them had arrived, bearing a message from Barada herself that they were to serve as official ambassadors to the Accipitrons, a posting they proudly accepted. They asked their feathered hosts for permission to make a more permanent residence at Midground.

2009-05-29, 12:06 AM

The forest you say? That's a mite dangerous place. You're either tougher than you look, foolish....or incrediably lucky. In any event, welcome to our lands.

Now, unless ye be packing some power that we can't be seeing, I'd suggest ye hurry back to our camp. We've been loosing patrols in this area to something, but what we don't know.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-29, 12:16 AM

The forest you say? That's a mite dangerous place. You're either tougher than you look, foolish....or incrediably lucky. In any event, welcome to our lands.

Now, unless ye be packing some power that we can't be seeing, I'd suggest ye hurry back to our camp. We've been loosing patrols in this area to something, but what we don't know.

The Baradan leader nods.

"We live in harmony with the land, and it provides for us. The forest has been our home since Barada came to us. We are not defenseless though. We Baradans can call the creatures, the plants and even the land itself to defend us."

2009-05-29, 12:32 AM
That's for the good then. The last thing we met before your merry selves were slightly larger than you, with talons, razor sharp beaks, and a taste for flesh. They hunt in packs.

Rather tasty though.

If it be trade you want, our chief is currently in the Valley. If you want to go there, we will happily escort you. It's a few days run from here.

2009-05-29, 05:20 AM
Order of Narade

Great Forest of Bevida

The Baradans begin to establish stronger connections with the neighbors they have met, especially with the Order of Narade. While Lady Dynean had given the Order a great many gifts, the Baradans saw that they had difficulty working with the land, like they had once had, before Barada came to them. In the interest of promoting cooperation between the two peoples, the Baradans proposed to the Order of Narade to share their secrets of tending the land with them, if the Order was willing to do the same for the Baradans.

As soon as the request reached Suncliff, a mission of Sisters, White Guardians travelled to the edge of the great forest of Bevida. Together with them were various craftsmen and other skilled people.

The Elder Sister in charge of the mission brought a message from the Matriarch for the druids of the Bountiful Grove.

"-The Lady brought us together so that the world may again be a Eden. In the name of this goal, we offer you peace, friendship and even more. May Narade inspire you wisdom in your choices as She inspires us generosity in ours. We wish to spread both of them to your people, along with Narade's teachings."

She then handed over a wooden staff, icons carved on it with master skill. The figures represented various beings, mainly humans, though some looked like dwarven of various shapes, tritons and mermaids, strange wolven and deers, all dancing together in a spiral going up the staff. At the top of it, a orb, probably some kind of polished mineral, reflected the light like if water was running on it.

"-This represents our commitement to the Alliance. Whatever help you may need one day, it shall be granted to you by the Order, as long as you should allow our adepts to settle in your lands."

The Order agree to help the Baradans with Ancient Chants, Crafting or Seafaring. In exchange, the Order'll get the help of the druids for Agriculture.

The staff is just a staff, though it's well crafted. Basically, it's a symbol. Neither of our peoples know writting yet so I guess a object is the best way to remind somebody of his word.

2009-05-29, 08:08 AM

Arain'jel was deeply surprised when an image of fire manifested from his cooking fire - the Narjel had learned the art of the Firedancer, and had decided to contact their missing adventurers.

When Kannor'jel heard of their exploration, he vowed to bring it to the attention of Ardan ar Isath himself, that they might harvest the bounty of the north.

Meanwhile, Hanna'jel and Trem'jel son of Raths'jel and Elt'jel son of Arain'jel took Shasa wife of Raths'jel and Kira daughter of Arain'jel and went further north, as their families camped and spoke with the Firedancer of the Narjel.

Trem'jel saw creatures like the great desert falcons, but with the body of a man; Shasa his mother spoke of people whose bodies were overgrown and unused to labor. Elt'jel suggested that they approach these strange creatures, and Hanna'jel and Trem'jel agreed heartily.

Therefore, the Danaoi came forth into the village of these creatures, Hanna'jel gripping his staff tightly lest they prove hostile, Kira hiding behind her half-brother Elt'jel, who listened to their cries and began to divine their tongue.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-29, 09:03 AM
That's for the good then. The last thing we met before your merry selves were slightly larger than you, with talons, razor sharp beaks, and a taste for flesh. They hunt in packs.

Rather tasty though.

If it be trade you want, our chief is currently in the Valley. If you want to go there, we will happily escort you. It's a few days run from here.

"We would appreciate that, yes. Thank you."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-29, 09:06 AM
Order of Narade

Great Forest of Bevida

As soon as the request reached Suncliff, a mission of Sisters, White Guardians travelled to the edge of the great forest of Bevida. Together with them were various craftsmen and other skilled people.

The Elder Sister in charge of the mission brought a message from the Matriarch for the druids of the Bountiful Grove.

"-The Lady brought us together so that the world may again be a Eden. In the name of this goal, we offer you peace, friendship and even more. May Narade inspire you wisdom in your choices as She inspires us generosity in ours. We wish to spread both of them to your people, along with Narade's teachings."

She then handed over a wooden staff, icons carved on it with master skill. The figures represented various beings, mainly humans, though some looked like dwarven of various shapes, tritons and mermaids, strange wolven and deers, all dancing together in a spiral going up the staff. At the top of it, a orb, probably some kind of polished mineral, reflected the light like if water was running on it.

"-This represents our commitement to the Alliance. Whatever help you may need one day, it shall be granted to you by the Order, as long as you should allow our adepts to settle in your lands."

The Order agree to help the Baradans with Ancient Chants, Crafting or Seafaring. In exchange, the Order'll get the help of the druids for Agriculture.

The staff is just a staff, though it's well crafted. Basically, it's a symbol. Neither of our peoples know writting yet so I guess a object is the best way to remind somebody of his word.

The druid leading the expedition accepted the staff, and nodded.

"Barada's word is her bond, and she will greatly appreciate this gift. Feel free to settle where you wish. The land belongs not to us alone, but to all."

The Baradans will give the Naradians knowledge of Agriculture in exchange for knowledge of Crafting. I've researched Ancient Chants on my own.

2009-05-29, 11:44 AM
Al Makim

The Al Makim had decided it would be best to continue working on their wisemen's quality. It would be a long time before the Al Makim could reach the heights of glory that ancient Tekea did. Melchizedek ordered the Wisemen to develop their ways and become the greatest sages in all the planet.

Meanwhile, new powers manifested in some of the Tribesmen. The Saradites also attempted to construct a temple to Magic and a temple to Life.

Tech: Research Education again
Religion: Build a couple of temples
Battle: Heal
Creation: Abstract, Wizards.)

2009-05-29, 05:19 PM
Mountain Pass

The screams didn't stopped. And so the scouts decided to break the neutrality of their mission to investigate directly into the village.

Great Forest of Bevida

"-So be it, then. I shall transmit your answer to the Matriarch. Let all know that the Order of Narade and all people it cares for swear today eternal friendship to Barada and her disciples !!"

In the following years, travellers from tribes living into the lands of the Order came to Bevida. And even if trade was still fairly limited, well crafted items were exchanged with the Baradans for animal hides, wool or simply dairy products and seeds.

The interest for the latter grew in Suncliff and the lands around it, as the experiments to grow vegetables met increasing success. Some advices from the druids helped the Order to figure how to work the land effectively.

While they learned to work the land from the Baradans, the Naradians also taught their teachers how to work the wood, the stone, the bone, the leather and many other materials in ways the Baradans had never imagined.


"-A good year, indeed, Matriarch."

The man passed his hand over the lush field of barley which, like an ocean of gold, moved under the wind, mirroring the gentle waves of the river. Such view was uncut for dozens of miles, as the peasants of Suncliff had set their fields right next to the river.

Each spring, as the ice melted up North in the mountain, the level of the river would increase, flooding the surrounding plains with a mix of water and mud. A mud which, together with the beautiful and mysterious chants of the Sisters, increased the land's fertility.

If the Order had always been generous with the people, its previous ressources had been scarced, limited to what little surplus the families would have found. The Children of Uso had taught the Naradians how to benefit from some gifts of the river but humans and tritons hadn't exactly the same abilities to fish. With the slow progress in agriculture, food was less of an issue, though it remained the primary concern.

Black Bastion

Sasha, now old and feeling her time would come soon, asked to be heard by the Council. Years, decades had passed since she had settled among the dvegars and their allies. She had witnessed a lot, learned a lot... and taught a lot. The chanting accent of Suncliff clashed with the blunt speech of the grey dwarven as the albinos priests of Baran conducted rituals, using the same words of power the Sister used for her own ceremonies. Words that uplift the souls of those who listened to them.

But Baran wasn't the only power-that-be to whom prayers went, now. The tiny, dirty and miserable hutt of Sasha was now a small chapel, its walls of stone worked by the adepts of Narade during their free time. Its paintings and artistic ornements contrasted with the raw, functionnal design of the rest of the city. Some dvegars found there a sense of purpose, higher than a mere work, yet more pratical than the "future greatness of the old empire" : They could see smiles on the faces of the people they cared for.

The altruistic ways of the "naradian" dvegars, together with the joyful religious chants, brought some soul into the dullness of the Black Bastion. This attracted more and more curious...and encouraged conversion in some cases. Already dozens of dvegars had joined Sasha's church and the number kept rising. But with her death nearing, she thought it was time to ask the Council to establish contact with Suncliff.

"-This way, my children won't just be forgotten. This way, my life will have had a purpose."

And so, she waited at the doors of the fortress...

Technology : Agriculture (help from Zousha)
give help to the Baradans for "Crafting"

2009-05-29, 06:35 PM
Therefore, the Danaoi came forth into the village of these creatures, Hanna'jel gripping his staff tightly lest they prove hostile, Kira hiding behind her half-brother Elt'jel, who listened to their cries and began to divine their tongue.

The Acipitrons scrutinized the newcomers. These were not children of the forest. These came from another direction entirely.

As was custom, a single messenger flew down to greet them. He cleared his throat with a clack of the beak, and squaked out some of the meager smatterings of the language of the Baradans that this one knew.

Ahem... We welcome you to the Midground, travelers. From where you come?

It could be seen that this greeting was rehearsed, to an extent. The accipitron bore a woven basket and a traditional hunters axe. It cocked its head and continued.

Do you come for the north, or do you come for yourselves?

The syntax of this creature's speech was stiff and unrefined, but understandable, for the most part.

2009-05-29, 06:53 PM

Elt'jel shook his head. "How curious. This one doesn't seem to speak the same language as the one I heard from them - trust me, the languages are very different." Trem'jel nodded, and stepped forward to represent the Danaoi.

"Ai... <We welcome you to Midground, travelers.> We are Danaoi. Could you speak further in your own tongue? We can hear it, and learn it." Trem'jel supplemented the quick, complex Danaoi tongue with hand motions, trying to get the bird creature to understand what he meant.

2009-05-29, 07:14 PM
<Hmm...You wish us to speak our language? Very well. Our language is that of the skies and the sun. I havbe yet to see a land-dweller re-create it. Understand, perhaps, but recreate...unlikely.

The sound came out in a multitude of chirps and warbles. The blue eyes of this particular bird-person shone in a somewhat annoyed manner, but the creature tilted it's head in a curious manner.

2009-05-29, 07:18 PM
Al Makim

The Al Makim had decided it would be best to continue working on their wisemen's quality. It would be a long time before the Al Makim could reach the heights of glory that ancient Tekea did. Melchizedek ordered the Wisemen to develop their ways and become the greatest sages in all the planet.

Meanwhile, new powers manifested in some of the Tribesmen. The Saradites also attempted to construct a temple to Magic and a temple to Life.

Tech: Research Education again
Religion: Build a couple of temples
Battle: Heal
Creation: Abstract, Wizards.)

2009-05-29, 07:48 PM

Trem'jel nodded encouragingly, motioning for the creature to go on. "<Our language is that made of fish and sun. Understand, perhaps, but aerie...>

Despite a few slip-ups, Trem'jel seems to be able to get his tongue around the language, with excellent pitch and accuracy at reproducing the chirps and warbles.

2009-05-29, 10:21 PM
OOC: sorry its taken me so long to reply, I blame Real Life and Dwarf Fortress

Near the Heart

I apologize for my ignorance, but what exactly is this great guardian?

Anyway, who exactly are you? you say you worship one of the old gods correct? Many of the travelers on this expedition, myself included, are here to learn of the old gods. Would you be adverse to enplaning you deity to us? it would probably be a rather less violent way of learning, and none of us have any particular want to travel back through the dessert with half of us dead and the rest wounded.


The outpost to the west had discovered promising result, local tribes and divination said that there was a great amount of water near-by. These was obviously something huge for the explorers, and several dozen of them have set out to find it.


With the quick advancement of the state of life in the shelter, the mystics and sand-mages have developed more and more theoretical and basic ways of altering their area' of influence.

A popular theory with some backing currently is to simply break anything in the dessert into its components. The basic elements are recognized as sand, fire and blood/water.


With the discovery of the sand worms, training and using them has become a major project for affected clans. Several individuals who spend lots of time training the worms begin to fell a connection to them, being able to speak with them through their minds and control several at once.

Expansion: towards the Naram-Suen
Tech: Knowledge of the Ether
Battle: Heal
Creation: abstract: Worm Masters

2009-05-29, 10:49 PM

Yes, well, we need to get moving. Move as fast as you can please.

The trip takes several days as promised. The Hradani scouts lope the entire way, only stopping to sleep and hunt. At then end of the journey is a fertile, green valley. As you approach, you feel eyes upon you....although you can't see the sentries, you know they are there.

You are taken through the valley into the hills. In a ruined temple, a large Hradani stands, his graying hair reveling his age. A massive two-handed sword is strapped to his back. When you are introduced, he looks at you for a moment and says:

So what's this about then? You want to trade? What can you offer, and what can we possibly have that interests you?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-30, 12:08 PM

Yes, well, we need to get moving. Move as fast as you can please.

The trip takes several days as promised. The Hradani scouts lope the entire way, only stopping to sleep and hunt. At then end of the journey is a fertile, green valley. As you approach, you feel eyes upon you....although you can't see the sentries, you know they are there.

You are taken through the valley into the hills. In a ruined temple, a large Hradani stands, his graying hair reveling his age. A massive two-handed sword is strapped to his back. When you are introduced, he looks at you for a moment and says:

So what's this about then? You want to trade? What can you offer, and what can we possibly have that interests you?

"We can offer secrets of the land that many have lost. How to plant and grow crops so there is always enough to eat. How to know what fruits of the land are safe and what are dangerous. How to tame the beasts of the land to raise for meat, milk and leather. We also offer spiritual peace, in the way of Barada and her people. As for what you have to offer in return, it matters not. We wish to help the peoples of this land, not take advantage of them.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-30, 12:18 PM
Mountain Pass

The screams didn't stopped. And so the scouts decided to break the neutrality of their mission to investigate directly into the village.

Great Forest of Bevida

"-So be it, then. I shall transmit your answer to the Matriarch. Let all know that the Order of Narade and all people it cares for swear today eternal friendship to Barada and her disciples !!"

In the following years, travellers from tribes living into the lands of the Order came to Bevida. And even if trade was still fairly limited, well crafted items were exchanged with the Baradans for animal hides, wool or simply dairy products and seeds.

The interest for the latter grew in Suncliff and the lands around it, as the experiments to grow vegetables met increasing success. Some advices from the druids helped the Order to figure how to work the land effectively.

While they learned to work the land from the Baradans, the Naradians also taught their teachers how to work the wood, the stone, the bone, the leather and many other materials in ways the Baradans had never imagined.
The Baradans accept the knowledge the Naradians have provided, making much more protective clothing and armor and stronger, more permanent homes. They use their unique knowledge of the land to ensure that these new things do not encroach upon the sacred beauty of the land.

Technology: Crafting (help from Johel)
give help to the Naradians for "Agriculture"

2009-05-30, 06:33 PM
Followers of the Father

Turn Orders:

Battle: Heal
Craft: Necromancy
Technology: Seafaring(or in this case underwate lake faring)
Religion: Bolster
Expansion: Exploration of areas surrounding new outposts

2009-05-30, 07:37 PM
<Hmm... Crude, stiff, but functional. I'll give you that much. In that case, what brings you here? Are you explorers, vassals to a master, or simply passing hunters? All of us here are hunters.>

The basket that the creature was holding shook before a tiny bald, bugeyed head peered over the rim.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-30, 10:38 PM
The leader of the Baradan ambassadors goes over to where the two are talking.

"Who are these new guests, my friend?" she asks "the creature."

2009-05-30, 10:56 PM
Black Bastion

The Council agreed to allow Sasha to leave for her homeland, and provided an escort for this purpose. They allowed her to pick those she wished to travel with her, as well as a fairly sized and mandatory armed guard. They asked whether or not she was comfortable with Undead traveling to her home, thinking it sensible to ask given her initial reaction to them.

Meanwhile, the blacksmiths and metallurgists of the Bastion had begun to refine the ore they received, relearning the old crafts of time gone by, they smelted the ores to create an alloy that was stronger, tougher, and more suitable for their purposes than the raw ore. They learned to craft Bronze.

They soon began crafting bronze into weapons, armor, crafts, buildings, some coins. They also began to create huge suits of bronze armor that gripped halberds of pure bronze, with arcane symbols daubed, chiseled, and crafted onto them. They began to use the magic that had activated the stone golems, into making these new war-machines work. Though they were costly to make, and thus less common, they succeeded in bringing them to life.

In the Bastion itself, the gifted children had grown and learned, they had been taught the basics of education, arcana, and how to use weapons and armor. They were taught how to craft, how to be blacksmiths, and any number of tasks. In fields where they excelled, they were encouraged and specialists in the area were brought in to teach them. They were as symbols to the Black Bastion, of the rebirth of the Under Empire, and the blessings of Barin.

They also began to create a new home on the overworld, making a small outpost for any further business they might have there, working with those that came to them. It was, among other things, a trading post, and it was for this that it gained it's name: Farmadrborg.

Battle: Heal
Religion: Bolster
Expansion: Begin to create Farmadrborg
Technology: Bronze Working
Creation: Bronze Golems

2009-05-30, 11:47 PM
The leader of the Baradan ambassadors goes over to where the two are talking.

"Who are these new guests, my friend?" she asks "the creature."

I not sure, forest child. They came from far place, We can give rest and meal, yes. Not sure if with North Friend or not, but we still give.

The accipitron was once again speaking, as well as it could, at any rate, in common.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 09:15 AM
(OOC: Here is the long post you were waiting for. Not the turn ender, though.)


The undead priest looked pensive.

"A shame. Gargax was said to be an exceptional spellcaster. However, our offer still stands. What do you say? Are you willing to engage in diplomatic relations and trade? We are not talking of a military alliance, yet..."


The Meeting
The Ensi emissary bowed before Zelil.
"It is a honor and privilege to meet you, Zelil Lotti. I am Athanema, advisor to Lord Akpe, current warlord of the Crimson Claw and former champion of Sesketh. I have been sent here to conclude a new alliance. Our two people have been greatly affected by the cataclysm and my Lord believes that only by working together can we assure a restoration of the old world order. He believes that we have a common foe: Dynean, Queen to the North."

The Myconids
At first, the Myconids seemed distrustful of the newcomers. They remained at a safe distance. One of them, the bigger of the group, released a cloud of spores in the direction of his fellows and of the "village" farther back.


The Mountain Pass
The screams didn't stop. Here's what the scouts saw as they arrived on the site. Piles of bodies on the ground. Huts which were just set ablaze. And at the center of it all, a small group of six individuals wielding clubs and crude swords and holding torches. At first glance, they seemed to be hulky humans, but as the fire grew brighter, the Naradians could discern lupine features on their faces. Two of them were trying to bash the door of a house made of clay. A child was crying inside.


Near the Heart
Grigal spoke again:
[B]"We do not know who or what the guardian is. If you want to learn more about our religion, you may come with us to an outpost not too far from here. We do not usually deal with outsiders, but you seem to have a...unique outlook on life. Come, and we will tell you about the Ensi Soul."

(OOC: By the way, are there any humans in the group, or only ensi?)

2009-05-31, 09:22 AM
The Black Bastion

Another voice echoed through the Meeting Hall. "He was... Diplomatic Relations would be more than welcome. If you wish, we could have a trading and diplomatic delegation be prepared as soon as this meeting is finished."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 09:27 AM
The Black Bastion

The emissary nodded.
"So be it. Lord Akpe will be pleased."

2009-05-31, 09:51 AM
Near the Heart

ooc: only Ensi, the humans have mostly become farmers at this point, the adventurous ones are going towards the River.

Thank you, we would most grateful the expedition follows them.

2009-05-31, 10:06 AM
"We can offer secrets of the land that many have lost. How to plant and grow crops so there is always enough to eat. How to know what fruits of the land are safe and what are dangerous. How to tame the beasts of the land to raise for meat, milk and leather. We also offer spiritual peace, in the way of Barada and her people. As for what you have to offer in return, it matters not. We wish to help the peoples of this land, not take advantage of them.

*Looking offended*

Let me be getting this straight then...you'd be wanting us to accept charity then? I think not. Trade is all well and good, but do we look like we be old, sick, or injured? No. We be standing on our own two feet.

*A women steps forward from behind him and whispers in his ear. He closes his eyes for a moment and visibly calms himself.*

As me wife is reminding me, I've been less than welcoming. Please, wander around the camp and see what we have. We'll not take something for nothing, but we will exchange. Now, I'll need to be calming down lest I lose control to the Rage.

2009-05-31, 10:16 AM
Sasha's return

Sister Sasha thanked the Council for its approval and help.

The undeads, as she had neither witnessed nor heard of dark ceremonies, weren't much of a problem for her. After all these years, she had come herself to see them as either mere tools (for the soulless) or as really old dvegars for the others. To have some as part of her escort would be seen by the Order as a gesture of honesty from the Black Bastion, something like a message which says "-we've nothing to hide".

The question of how the soulless undeads were animated remained unclear for her but she supposed it was the same process as the one animating golems. She had asked many about it but the few necromancers were secretive people. And she couldn't trust those who did answer. The case would need a untainted soul, a Sister maybe, to actually study necromancy to be able to judge it for what it was. But Sasha was too old for this and as the Black Bastion and the dvegars themselves weren't evil, she decided to be an ambassador rather than an inquisitor. Zombis were flesh golems, weaker and less durable than other golems but much easier to animate. That's what she would say to the Matriarch.

Just before leaving, she handed over her charge as Elder Sister of the Black Bastion to one of her adepts, a young she-dvegar of great skill at Spell Song.

If you want Black Bastion's ambassadors to travel with Sasha, I'll let you take over the thing, with the Sister coming back to Suncliff and being welcomed warmly. I don't plan for her to be of any importance anymore.

Narade's cult inside the Black Bastion is led by dvegars only now.
Their faith is stable, with few conversions but nearly no abjurations.

The mountain pass

The scouts, armed with short spears and clubs, could do nothing but advance further. Quickly, the leader muttered instructions and most of the patrol spread, searching for survivors. Meanwhile, with two of his strongest men, the leader called for the strangers.

"-Hey !! You !! What's happening here ?!!"

Even if it was clear, he had to ask. Maybe were these men just trying to rescue the child from the flames ? But still, what was it with the bodies ? They were probably bandits of some kind. Using sheer number and surprise, the leader was confident he could take them. However, they wielded strange weapons. Was it stone ?

"-We mean no harm !!"

There are 10 scouts, 3 of them facing the strangers, 7 searching for survivors while surrounding the place.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 10:18 AM
Near the Heart

The group arrived at a stone building half-buried in the sand. They came in just as a storm was rising. The outpost wasn't too comfy and it was even a bit crowded. Grigal sat at a table and offered some nuts, dates and figs to the Ensi.

"You are right in that we used to worship Sesketh. I must admit that I am a bit surprised that you don't know him better. He is the father of our race. He taught us everything. Now Sesketh is gone, like all the old gods. However, as the caretakers of his fortress, Basalt Keep, we have been able to preserve much from that era. We may share some of our discoveries with you if you decide to become our trade partner.

But there is something I am willing to tell you regardless of what you decide, as it relates to our entire race. We, the last of the Simetian Ensi, the modern Crimson Claw, have come to believe that Sesketh didn't so much create us as give us these physical bodies. Don't misunderstand me. We still hold Sesketh in great esteem. However, we think that our Father simply took the wandering spirits of the Ensi and put them here, on this world. You see...our race may be relatively young, but our spirits are not. We believe in a transcendental nature. We believe in something we call the Ensi Soul, a force to which we are all connected. And today, we aspire to become as close as possible to this force. Our destiny is extraordinary. We are unlike any other people."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 10:23 AM
The Mountain Pass

One of the Lupines turned around and let out a sort of growl. He took a fighting stance and replied with a strong commanding voice. Strangely, the Naradians understood every word perfectly.

"- You are bringers of doom, too! If you do not serve the Enemy, you are their tools! If you come close, you will burn like the sick men here!"

2009-05-31, 10:34 AM
Near the heart

That..makes sense. It certainly explains how we've manage to gain the understanding we have. Also explains why the storm shapers are all ensi.

Our understanding of the old gods is beneficent, but to be honest, we didn't know of them at all until our leaders found a cache of Sesketh's texts.

Do you have any idea where the ensi-spirit came from?

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 10:40 AM
Near the Heart

"Unfortunately, I do not. Some believe that the paradise on the other side of the portal is actually where we came from, but some of our most eminent priests think this is not the case. If our spirits do go there after death...or undeath, in my case, then they only remain there for a time before passing on and joining the Ensi Soul. We would like to one day conquer the stars...maybe then we will be able to find our answers. In the meantime, we must rely on sacred texts and divination. Me? I simply try to do what I can to further our cause. We are a proud and powerful race; fighting is part of our being. So that is what I do.

2009-05-31, 10:47 AM
Near the Heart

the expedition head looks confused Who do you fight? the only creatures we have found outside of ourselves and you are mindless beasts.

Also, as it is the main purpose of our journey, I was wondering if it would be possible for us to gain access to a full text of Sesketh's teaching, as well as that of your own priests.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 10:58 AM
Near the Heart

"You are right, there isn't much to fight in this region of the desert, although there are occasionally dangerous aberrations roaming here. We have to send patrols here sometimes. This outpost is rarely inhabited. Elsewhere, we have many enemies. Other, less enthusiastic ensi tribes, the remains of Aresk Moonfell's legions, flameborn savages...that kind of thing.

As for your request, it will depend on how much you are willing to pay. Unless you wish to join us and become part of the Crimson Claw, but I don't think that is what you are asking. We have treaties on blade magic that might interest you. There is some information on ancient ensi culture on those scrolls. We also have old tablets of laws to which we might give you access."

2009-05-31, 11:08 AM
Near the Heart

Yes the treatise on ensi culture and the tablets of laws are what we are looking for.

What would you like in return for the bald magic? Also, would it be acceptable if some of my companions come back fro our land and set up a trading outpost here t a later date?

Kaiser Omnik
2009-05-31, 11:16 AM
Near the Heart

"Tell me what you have and I will consider it. We are interested in all sort of resources and trade goods. If you have knowledge that could be of use to us, that would also be accepted.

Hmm...come back with more people and build a outpost. We should have men in the region at the time. Show them what you have and they will contact me if they think it is worth my time. Then I will bring what you seek; sacred scrolls and more."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-31, 12:05 PM
"We can offer secrets of the land that many have lost. How to plant and grow crops so there is always enough to eat. How to know what fruits of the land are safe and what are dangerous. How to tame the beasts of the land to raise for meat, milk and leather. We also offer spiritual peace, in the way of Barada and her people. As for what you have to offer in return, it matters not. We wish to help the peoples of this land, not take advantage of them.

*Looking offended*

Let me be getting this straight then...you'd be wanting us to accept charity then? I think not. Trade is all well and good, but do we look like we be old, sick, or injured? No. We be standing on our own two feet.

*A women steps forward from behind him and whispers in his ear. He closes his eyes for a moment and visibly calms himself.*

As me wife is reminding me, I've been less than welcoming. Please, wander around the camp and see what we have. We'll not take something for nothing, but we will exchange. Now, I'll need to be calming down lest I lose control to the Rage.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend you. It's just that we don't know what you have to offer in exchange. It is difficult to make a deal if you don't know what the other person is offering. Thank you for your hospitality."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-31, 12:07 PM
I not sure, forest child. They came from far place, We can give rest and meal, yes. Not sure if with North Friend or not, but we still give.

The accipitron was once again speaking, as well as it could, at any rate, in common.

"That's a good idea. Perhaps they too are allies of the Lady Dynean."

I deliberately said this to set off the Danoi misogyny. :smallwink:

2009-05-31, 12:15 PM
The Mountain Pass

One of the Lupines turned around and let out a sort of growl. He took a fighting stance and replied with a strong commanding voice. Strangely, the Naradians understood every word perfectly.

"- You are bringers of doom, too! If you do not serve the Enemy, you are their tools! If you come close, you will burn like the sick men here!"

"-Bringers of... That's none sense !!"
Gripping his spear, the leader of the scouts looked discretly around. Shadows passing from one burning hutt to another... His men would soon have been cleared the village.

"-We... We don't know this Enemy you're speaking of."
And the child who kept screaming... This was too much for the man, who forgot all caution. Better die saving a innocent than live and let evil triumph. As he walked slowly toward the hut, he just hoped at least one of the scouts would make it back home...to tell the Order about these...things ?

"-Listen, I'm going to save that child from the flames, with or without your approval !! What's next is up to you !!"

Following their leader, the two other scouts walked too, spears pointed toward the lupines, ready to block their eventual charge.

2009-05-31, 12:19 PM

Trem'jel tried to speak with the bird-creature, wishing to have the two families of Danaoi come and camp among these people. He tried to communicate with sign language and scraps of the bird language.

Meanwhile, Elt'jel came and stood by the over-large men. "Lady Dynean? Forest child? <We are Danaoi. Speak with me, that I may learn your tongue.>"

2009-05-31, 02:07 PM
Near the heart

We have plenty of extra food and other basic materials, as well as a few baubles made form magic.

Besides that, We might bring a small container of the Pools of Memory, it has all the knowledge of our people on any subject you may wish to know.

I hope you do not mind us explaining to anyone curios our philosophy and how our magic works?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-31, 02:43 PM

Trem'jel tried to speak with the bird-creature, wishing to have the two families of Danaoi come and camp among these people. He tried to communicate with sign language and scraps of the bird language.

Meanwhile, Elt'jel came and stood by the over-large men. "Lady Dynean? Forest child? <We are Danaoi. Speak with me, that I may learn your tongue.>"

The ambassador looks puzzled and then speaks in his own tongue (I'm assuming it's Common.)

"We are the Baradans, the ones our Accipitron friends call the forest children. We follow the teachings of Barada the Bountiful, living in harmony with nature and enjoying the many gifts it showers us with in return. Both the Accipitrons and we Baradans are allies of the Lady Dynean, who holds many secrets from the distant past that she has generously shared with us. We, the Accipitrons and Dynean's other allies, such as the Order of Narade, work together to restore prosperity to the world."

2009-05-31, 09:37 PM
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend you. It's just that we don't know what you have to offer in exchange. It is difficult to make a deal if you don't know what the other person is offering. Thank you for your hospitality."

*A young women comes up to you and beckons you out of the room. Once you are out of earshot of the chief, she speaks.*

I'm sorry about that. Father is under a bit of strain, what with our scouts going missing.


I'm guessing no one warned you, but you need to know: Be *very* polite to any of the menfolk. The curse still runs strong and being on edge makes it that much harder to control.

*Glancing around*

You really need to be talking to us, anyways. So....what things are you looking for? We have a few things we can trade: Crafted weapons and hides, tents, smoked meats. We also have that:

*She points at a lamp attached to the wall: Unlike the torches most people use, this seems to be burning some kind of liquid*.

We can also provide protection in your travels, if you don't mind having berserker rage prone warriors around you. They're usually pretty safe, but sometimes they lose control, especially in combat.

2009-05-31, 09:44 PM
Followers of the Dark Father


Many of the council members visibly cringe at the name of Dynead. "yes, the banisher of our Dark Father is truly an enemy to us all. We would be more than willing to join in an alliance with your forces against her so called coalition."


The younger members of the expedition were shaken by the emergence of the spores from the great mushroom man. The leader, Fanar an elder of the race from before the time of troubles steadies them with a hand. He knows this is how the strange creatures communicate and breaths deeply in of the spores.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-31, 11:07 PM
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend you. It's just that we don't know what you have to offer in exchange. It is difficult to make a deal if you don't know what the other person is offering. Thank you for your hospitality."

*A young women comes up to you and beckons you out of the room. Once you are out of earshot of the chief, she speaks.*

I'm sorry about that. Father is under a bit of strain, what with our scouts going missing.


I'm guessing no one warned you, but you need to know: Be *very* polite to any of the menfolk. The curse still runs strong and being on edge makes it that much harder to control.

*Glancing around*

You really need to be talking to us, anyways. So....what things are you looking for? We have a few things we can trade: Crafted weapons and hides, tents, smoked meats. We also have that:

*She points at a lamp attached to the wall: Unlike the torches most people use, this seems to be burning some kind of liquid*.

We can also provide protection in your travels, if you don't mind having berserker rage prone warriors around you. They're usually pretty safe, but sometimes they lose control, especially in combat.
"What is this about a curse?"

2009-06-01, 08:41 AM
"What is this about a curse?"

Clean out your ears! We've already been telling you that: The Rage.

Don't make us angry. You wouldn't like us when we're angry.

BAck before the breaking, dark wizards meddled with our ancestors, trying to make better troops. The made us bigger, stronger, tougher, and longer lived. That part worked. They also tried to give us an uncontrollable blood lust that they could turn on and off at will. That part didn't. We got the blood lust, but it can't be turned off at will. When it hits, it has to run its course.

We've learned some techniques for controlling it somewhat, and us women aren't affected by it at all, but it's still there.

2009-06-01, 03:31 PM
Children of Uso

Hmm, I could have sworn I posted already. Guess the forum ate it...


The Council decided that, with all the benefits gained by contacting the Order, the other allies of the Lady would also be contacted. Word had reached them of a new village in the mountains where both of the others could be reached. And so a group of triton rangers were gathered to go to this Midground and make contact.

And to aid them in their task, some of the Children had learned how to tame the dolphins and sharks to the point that they allowed themselves to be ridden. Devices made of strong kelp were created for use as saddles and harnesses, to make controlling the beasts easier.

But still the concern remained about how the tritons would survive away from the ocean so long. Then the Council came out of a closed session, bearing a dozen necklaces, each with a perfectly round piece of coral on it. These, they said, would allow the rangers to walk on land without harm. In time, other airbreathers would be created, but always with great difficulty and expense.

Battle: Heal
Technology: Riding
Creation: Airbreathers
Exploration: Going to Midground! :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-01, 05:16 PM

After about an hour's talk with the bird-creatures and "They that do not exercise enough" - Baradans wasn't a fun enough name for the impish Elt'jel - the Danaoi managed to pick up enough of the language to tell them that their families were encamped several miles from the city, and that they would return with their full families.

True to their word, the entire families of Raths'jel and Arain'jel came to Midground by nightfall. The two leaders of the expedition came forward with Elt'jel and Trem'jel to translate for them, and told the Midgrounders of the Domnann Tribes of the south, and how they had decided to explore the north for new land for the Narjel. They requested that they be able to stay there for a short time and rest, learning the ways of these strange northern people.

Ardan ar Isath

In the lands of the Danaoi, the Prophet and his Hound began to unearth both greater information of the firjian and several more of the maidens of fire. Firedancing was slowly becoming a talent among the Danaoi and an eminent position.

The adding of the firjian into the Danaoi religion was not all that the Prophet did - he secluded himself alone in the desert for a score of days and a score more, then came out on the fortieth night into the Ruskall tribe bearing a branch of silver, with ruby pomegranates hanging from it. And when he planted this branch in the center of their encampment, the desert around them became bountiful and lush with fruits and animals to be hunted. He took it with him as he traveled on, allowing every tribe he visited to be blessed by the branch's magic. These lush areas did not fade when the branch was removed, and oases began to appear across the desert as a result of its magic.

Creation - Artifact: The Silver Branch, a relic of bounty and nourishment. It creates wells, lush vegetation and prey animals in a quarter-mile radius wherever it is planted.
Research: Mysticism.
Religion: Bolster.
Battle: Heal.
Expansion: Continuing to expand north, as well as having each tribe's numbers grow.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-01, 08:13 PM
"What is this about a curse?"

Clean out your ears! We've already been telling you that: The Rage.

Don't make us angry. You wouldn't like us when we're angry.

BAck before the breaking, dark wizards meddled with our ancestors, trying to make better troops. The made us bigger, stronger, tougher, and longer lived. That part worked. They also tried to give us an uncontrollable blood lust that they could turn on and off at will. That part didn't. We got the blood lust, but it can't be turned off at will. When it hits, it has to run its course.

We've learned some techniques for controlling it somewhat, and us women aren't affected by it at all, but it's still there.
"I see. Meddling with the ways of nature is only asking for trouble. Best probably not to talk about it anymore then. Now, on to the matters of trade. Hides and meat we have plenty of. These lights you use are intriguing though. I think the best offer you bring to the table however is your people's prowess. As you can tell from our...bodies...we are not as adept in personal combat as your people are."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-01, 08:18 PM

After about an hour's talk with the bird-creatures and "They that do not exercise enough" - Baradans wasn't a fun enough name for the impish Elt'jel - the Danaoi managed to pick up enough of the language to tell them that their families were encamped several miles from the city, and that they would return with their full families.

True to their word, the entire families of Raths'jel and Arain'jel came to Midground by nightfall. The two leaders of the expedition came forward with Elt'jel and Trem'jel to translate for them, and told the Midgrounders of the Domnann Tribes of the south, and how they had decided to explore the north for new land for the Narjel. They requested that they be able to stay there for a short time and rest, learning the ways of these strange northern people.
The Baradan ambassadors confide in the Accipitron leaders that the Danoi don't seem too bad, but that both they and the Baradans should perhaps be wary. They seem to be interested in expanding their territory, which might lead to conflict should they decide to encroach upon lands held by the allies of Dynean.

Pardon me for saying so but these Danaoi don't seem as sexist as you made them out to be, Raz. :smalltongue:

2009-06-01, 09:35 PM
Black Bastion

It was decided. The Black Bastion sent envoys of trade and diplomacy to the mysterious faction that had come to their doors, and sent an escort with the Naradian Sister that consisted of all the assorted the Black Bastion members, from wolfen and Deerish Frelgr, to insectoid Ensi, stony Dvergar, and even the implacable undead.

2009-06-02, 12:53 AM
The Baradan ambassadors confide in the Accipitron leaders that the Danoi don't seem too bad, but that both they and the Baradans should perhaps be wary. They seem to be interested in expanding their territory, which might lead to conflict should they decide to encroach upon lands held by the allies of Dynean.

Pardon me for saying so but these Danaoi don't seem as sexist as you made them out to be, Raz. :smalltongue:

The Accipitrons were all for wariness, but Midground was meant to be a meeting ground for travelers and, even if these strangers were not allies of the lady Dynean, they would be welcomed for now until more of the allies set up a foothold in the village. The Danoi did not seem to be suited for the sheer cliff faces on which the accipitrons built their aeries, but they understood that the Baradans were also a "landbound" people. The accipitrons agreed that the Baradans should be able to protect their land as they saw fit, and the accipitrons would help them do so, but the Bird-folks' mountains would be open to exploration.

However, the accipitrons were quite interested in the Danoi and the secrets they might hold. In the night, several of the Accipitrons' aptly named "Ragers," (barbarians) Warriors able to fight with fiery emotions and pure ferocity, led by the Accipitron that greeted the travelers were sent to the Danoi encampments to glean information on this strange power they possessed. Perhaps the Danoi would also be interested in what the accipitrons had to offer.

Creation: strengthen abstract class: Barbarians

2009-06-02, 03:12 AM

The warning of the Spell Singer had been heard through the whole town. From the eastern hills, a large group approached. Some of them seemed to be dwarven but others looked like animals, even insects.

By the time they reached the short wall, a group of white guardians and sisters had gathered at the entrance, some of the best Spell Singers among them. And at their head was the new Matriarch.

"-Welcome to Suncliff, travelers. May you find peace inside our walls. But before I let you enter, I must ask : where are you from ? We've never seen dwarven like you before and..."
She saw the old lady Sister Sasha had become, the uniform from her youth thighly worn to show she was part of the Order of Narade.
"-...I think we better go inside and have a talk. Maybe around something to eat, Sister. You and your friends must be tired. Hum... No weapons inside, you should have tell them."
The guardians opened the way and the Matriarch waited for the delegation to disarm.


It was an impressive sight for all around. twelve meters long by three meters wide, the Divinus Lumen was a true marvel. Well, at least that was the opinion of the dwarven who built it. For a critical observer, it was just four canoes which hulls were linked together by a upper deck, with about 10 oars on both sides for the propulsion.

Among the many mysteries of the sea, The tritons had taught the humans and dwarven how to swim, fish and ride the coastal tide. This knowledge had allowed the naradians to improve their daily life, adding some seaproduct to their meal. But it had also allowed new spell songs to be composed. And one of them was to be used here.

"-Ok, lads !! To ya oars and get to work !! I ain't wanna see any lazy scum while the lady's doing her thing, here !!" spoke the "captain", an old dwarf, once craftman, then fisherman, and explorator now.

At the front of the Divinus Lumen, a Elder Sister began to chant, her hands holding a orb of pure cristal, a pearl of unusual size found years ago among the reefs. Since then, the delicate structure of the little thing had been slowly worked. The surface was covered with small glyphs without real meaning except for those who engraved them and for those who spent days and nights whispering spell songs until it attuned to the magic of the chants.

Now, rising her hands high, the Elder Sister called upon the primal powers of water. Answering her voice, old magic awakened and the sea seemed to boil a the boat's rear. It took a moment for it to start but soon, the Divinus Lumen advanced on its own, as waves hit its rear, pushing it forward. The oarers began to work and the speed increased quickly.

By nightfall, the Divinus Lumen beached a few miles east, its crew resting. The test had met their expectation. The Shining Pearl would no doubt change a lot of things.

Creation : the Shining Pearl
An giant pearl, about the size of tennis ball, has been worked to react to Spell Song. It somehow enhance the power of the user, allowing him to use something like a high level version of "Control Water".

2009-06-02, 08:56 AM

Ah! You need warriors. That we can provide, although numbers may be a factor. There are only a few thousand of us, so what we can supply is limited.

Hmm.....how many warriors were you looking for, and for what duties?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-02, 09:15 AM
"Primarily we would need them to defend our emmisaries to other peoples. We are currently seeking to settle more lands, but we are able to protect our own homes through the power of the land, as Barada has taught us. But that protection can only extend so far, and in places where we do not have a home-ground advantage, even the great Barada's druidic magic may not be enough to protect us."

2009-06-02, 09:38 AM

So it's guards ye be wanting then? Our Algai’d’siswa are good hunters, but they make rather good warriors as well.

*She thinks for a moment*

We can spare a hundred or so. Most will be young bucks just out of training, but one in five will be a veteran. Of course, the dog packs go with them.


It will be good training for them. So....what is their hire worth to you?

If you would, pick from spear, one handed sword, two handed sword, axe, mace, or bastard sword. That will determine which "clan" will supply the Algai’d’siswa

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 11:03 AM

Baradans - Creation - Monster - Spirit of the Land - (creation+1/2 nature+1/2 fertility) [roll0]
Baradans - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll1] - 347 /2 change to creation str = new devotion 384
Baradans - Heal - [roll2] - 100 = -51 essence
Black Bastion - Creation - Monster - Bronze Golems - (creation+1/2 earth+1/2 protection) [roll3]
Black Bastion - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll4] - 381 /2 change to creation str = new devotion 473 (reason: gained from Naradians)
Black Bastion - Expansion - Farmadrborg
Black Bastion - Heal - [roll5] - 100 = -56 essence
Children - Creation - Artifact - Airbreathers - (creation+1/2 water [roll6]
Children - Expansion - Midground
Children - Heal - [roll7] - 50 = +21 essence
Danaoi - Creation - Artifact - Silver Branch - (creation+1/2 desert) [roll8]
Danaoi - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll9] - 417 /2 change to creation str = new devotion 403
Danaoi - Expansion - Heading north
Danaoi - Heal - [roll10] - 100 = -56 essence
Dark Father - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll11] - 401 /2 change to creation str = new str new devotion 439
Dark Father - Expansion - Areas outside new outposts
Dark Father - Heal - [roll12] - 50 = -4 essence
Gyra - Creation - Class - Barbarians (strengthen) - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower) +[roll13] to creation str
Gyra - Heal - [roll14] - 50 = -20 essence
Hradani - Creation - Relics - Weapons of the Ogre Lords - (creation+1/2 law+1/2 combat) [roll15]
Hradani - Expansion - Hills
Hradani - Heal - [roll16] - 50 = -7 essence
Narade - Creation - Artifact - Shining Pearl - (creation+1/2 water+spell song bonus) [roll17]+[roll18] = 423
Narade - New devotion 638 (reason: lost to Black Bastion)
Narade - Heal - [roll19]+[roll20] = 59 - 50 = +9 essence
Saradites - Creation - Abstract/Class - Wizard - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+magic) [roll21]
Saradites - Religion - Bolster - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll22] - 907 /2 change to creation str = new devotion 1037
Saradites - Heal - [roll23] - 100 = +6 essence
Glass Shelter - Creation - Creation - Abstract/Class - Worm Masters - (1/2 creation+1/2 willpower+chaos) [roll24]+[roll25] = 425
Glass Shelter - Expansion - West
Glass Shelter - Heal - [roll26] - 50 = -17 essence

Technology (25% bonus to all loyalists)

Baradans - Crafting (traded from Naradians) - [roll27] x 125% = 433 (Just letting you know you didn't research ancient chants. You only get one tech per turn, even if you get help from another player.)
Black Bastion - Bronze Working - [roll28]
Children - Riding - [roll29] x 125% = 398
Danaoi - Mysticism - [roll30]
Dark Father - Seafaring - [roll31]
Gyra - Agriculture (traded from Baradans) - [roll32] x 125% = 435
Hradani - Ancient Chants - [roll33]
Narade - Agriculture (traded from Baradans) - [roll34] x 125% = 589
Saradites - Seafaring - [477]
Glass Shelter - Knowledge of the Ether - [roll35]

P.s.: Longvin, you have already created death magic and shadow magic. I'm not sure what you wish to do with necromancy (unless you meant to make a class, Necromancer). Still, I would prefer if you researched more techs, such as Mysticism (if you haven't already), Knowledge of the Ether and others before developing more magic.

The Black Bastion and the Naradians have attained level 2! They gain one additional domain at 1.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 11:57 AM
Actions (one thing I forgot in the last post)

Narade - Religion - Convert Black Bastion - ({willpower+primary domain-creation strength}/2) [roll0] - 425 /2 change to creation str = new devotion of Black Bastion 473

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 03:01 PM

The Burning Village
Four of the Lupines were standing still. Their long ears moved like those of a dog. Suddenly, they ran behind the huts looking for the other scouts. The other three drew their weapons and charged the group.

"We shall let none escape! They are plagued and will kill us all!"

Followers of the Dark Father

The Ensi
The emissaries from the Crimson Claw thank the Council. Before leaving, they give Lotti the location of a desert stronghold where they will be able to meet. Obviously, their main base, Basalt Keep, has no fixed location...

The Myconids
Once the elder dark elf has breathed in the cloud, he is able to understand them. The myconid asks where they came from and what they are looking for; delicious fungi, maybe?

Black Bastion

The emissaries from the Black Bastion arrive at a ruined city on the shore of the Naram-Suen. It looks like it has recently been taken by the forces of the Crimson Claw. Yet, the architecture of the ruined buildings is definitely of ensi origin.
They hear that explorers from "the Pools" have also arrived on site.

Glass Shelter

Near the Heart
Grigal accepts the deal. The Ensi of the Glass Shelter are allowed to build their advanced outpost. The Crimson Claw will trade their relics for exotic items, magical items and a few vials of water from the Pools of Memory.

Furthermore, the Naradians, the Saradite, the Baradans and the Hradani all recover 50 additional essence. This bonus comes from location and/or artifacts.

2009-06-02, 03:12 PM
Assuming my expansion worked

The Narmen-Suen

The explorers, mostly humans here, are amazed at the huge amounts of water flowing around them. The quickly begin refilling their containers of water, seeing how well their sand-worms do in the new dirt*, and so on. Then they set up a camp and act like they've just walked into heaven.

After a few days small scouting expeditions are sent along the banks, looking for anyone else.

OOC anyone want to make contact with me now? if so, just do so.

The Crimson Claw

The trade outpost is set up, and traveling clans start regularly stopping there to trade for the relics and various other oddities (which are almost worth their weight in water when sold back in the "heartland"). Occasionally a few vials of Memory water are sent from the Pools, generally containing information on oasis' locations, and similarly useful things.

travelers usually try to buy some kind of map or something similar of the Eastern and Northern dessert from the Claw.

After about a year of this, a representative from the Pools (used in the same way the "London" is used to refer to the British government at this point) arrives at the post ,asking to speak with a leader.

*answer, if its loam or fairly fine dirt, their fine, if slightly slower. Rock=no go
more actions later.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 03:24 PM
Glass Shelter; The Trading Post

The leader of the expedition at the time, a slightly deformed ensi, greets the representative of the Pools.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 03:35 PM
At the meeting of the Danaoi in Midground...at the offering of the staff on the edge of Bevidia's forest...they were there. The Arbiters. They had arrived decades before and had remained with the people of the alliance ever since. They didn't talk much and didn't seem to like to mingle with commoners. They were present at some of the councils, unless the locals really insisted that they go, in which case they were frowned upon by Dynean's most loyal servants. The Arbiters did assist in ceremonies and give advice from time to time, but nobody is really at ease in their presence.

2009-06-02, 03:42 PM
Order of Narade

The Burning Village

That was the last thought of the scout leader as the two lupins reached for his neck with their swords. So close, he could smell their breath and see their wolf-like face. One of the monsters impaled himself on the spears but the second smashed the frail weapons like mere sticks. And then the massacre began...

The adepts of Narade abored violence. Their only warriors were the White Guardians and even them were only suited for police duty. The scouts, being observers and hunters, had no formal martial training and were slaughtered. And all the while, the child kept screaming.

None would discover what dark evil had been working this night until many years...


With the "incident", an investigation was set. A few deads were to be expected when exploring the tainted Western Lands but never had a whole scout patrol disappeared like that before.

Also, with the large food supply now available and the care of the Order, the population of the Blessed Oasis increased.


The burned ruins of the cursed village were found a year after the massacre. What remains was hardly enough to make conclusion, though the pile of scrotched human skeletons hinted that something dark had happened.

Despite its dark history, the place seemed perfect for living, with fresh running water nearby, a fertile soil, some woods and even a natural quarry not far away. The site was sanctified and settled. In the following decade, the fortified village of Memorial became a major outpost, with about 50 resident families and that many travelers.

Creation : Founding of Memorial.
The "fortified" part consists of two palisades of wood covered with dried mud, circling around the village, with a 3m deep trench between each. With the dirt from the digging of the trench, a mot has been set at the center of the village, where a pile of wood serve both as a memorial to the victims and as a watch tower.

The Great Journey

On this sunny day, the crew of the Divinus Lumen left the coast of Shusi, following the coastline to the East. The Matriarch had given them a mission : to investigate the Far South, from where came rumors of wise and powerful scholars.

Some said that these mystics were ruling over cities of gold, with hutts so high that, like the marvels of before the Divine War, they reached the clouds themselves. In this land of knowledge, the land itself was bend to the will of the mages who, while they shared the profits of their secrets with the locals, also kept said secrets with jealousy and defiance.

Even if only half of this was true, the Order of Narade had to contact these learned folks, as their knowledge had to benefit to all.

Everybody :

Using the Shining Pearl and a larger-than-usual canoe, a group of explorers travel along the coastline toward the land of the Saradites. Feel free to interact as they pass by your shore (*wink* to Raz)

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 03:58 PM

A dozen men and women, all ogres, come to the village of Memorial one day in late spring. They seek refuge from the "wolf-men", who have returned in the mountains after an absence of several years.

2009-06-02, 04:06 PM
The trading post

The representative, a relatively well known Storm-Shaper, greets the expedition leader Hello, and thank you for meeting with us. Well to get straight to the point, I'm here for a few reasons. First of all,, when we first met some of your fellows, they mentioned something called "blade magic". We'd like to take up their offer to teach it to a few of us in exchange for some trade goods.

Secondly, At the last Grand Conference, there was a solid majority in favor of attempting to formalize the relationship between us and your people. So, I am entrusted with the responsibility of requesting a formal pact of cooperation and peace between our people.

Thirdly, I don't suppose you have any maps of the far West of North we could borrow?

City on the Narmen-Suen

The scouts, including two storm-shapers and a Worm-master (the worm waiting in some farm-land nearby) are slightly shocked at what they see.

They are all dressed in light armor with heavy cloths mostly designed to protect from the elements, but capable of stopping a sword-blow or two in a pinch., everything they have has water liberally applied to it.

When the Crimson Claw banners are spotted by one of the storm-shapers who had happened to be at the trading out-post a while before, he quickly starts communicating with the pidgin code he knows. Us Allies. Why kill/destroy town/city/camp/base? who other creatures? their town/city/camp/base?

2009-06-02, 04:10 PM

As with any travelers, the ogres are welcomed warmly, though the White Guardians at the gates ask for their weapons and told them the few rules that must be respected, as well as the punishements in case of transgression. The rules are the same as for Suncliff.

Free water, food and healing are provided to the ogres who need it. The ogres also receive help to build their shelters inside the walls. The Sisters wish to speak with their chiefs to know more about these "wolf-men" and about the ogres of the region.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-02, 04:58 PM
The Baradans

The Bountiful Grove

In light of the new discoveries made by bother her own scouts and those of her allies, Barada began to ponder what more could be done to improve the land. She decided that she herself would go with a party to explore the lands that had not been claimed by other peoples. She prayed to the spirits that she and her people would be kept safe, and they began their long journey. They soon left the Great Forest of Bevidia behind them, travelling southward to the Black Bastion. Barada politely requested asylum from them, noting that both the Black Bastion and the Baradans were both allies of the Naradians.


The Baradans at Midground were impressed at the power that the Accipitrons had developed, and pondered if perhaps they should consider learning the ways of battle themselves. After all, not all of nature was tame and quiet. There was the fierce. There was the savage. There was the predator. A group of Baradans spoke with their allies, asking if accepting training from the Accipitrons


The Baradans at Suncliff worked hard to gain the respect and favor of their Naradian hosts, tilling the soil and harvesting a bumper crop. One of Barada's ambassadors noticed the ancient songs and poems the Naradians used in their ceremonies, and soon the entire Baradan community at Suncliff began to wonder if they could learn this too.

Steppes of the Hradani

"Their hire is worth much. We Baradans know more about agriculture and the care of the land than anyone. If you will ally with us, and help protect us, we will share these secrets with you. You will not need to depend on the uncertainties of the herds or fear the claws of the predator just to survive. You will be able to have a steady supply of food each year, and can thus divert your energies to equally useful tasks."

Johel, would it be possible to share Ancient Chants with the Baradans as well? And I believe I remember something about a monastery nearer to Baradan lands if we learned Crafting from you.

Omnik, you mentioned that you may only learn one tech per turn, but what about abstract things like classes? Say the Baradans wanted to form a group of barbarians to serve as elite guards. Would we be able to learn the ways of the barbarian from our Accipitron allies, or would we have to develop the class ourselves?

Krrth, I pick the bastard sword as the weapon of choice for the guards.

I'm going to hold off on things like Creation and Research until these questions are answered.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 05:09 PM
Glass Shelter

The Trading Post

The ensi captain nodded.

"- We have swordmages here to train you. Be careful though. Sometimes, they don't know when to stop."

At that moment, the ensi felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground. But then he looked at the emissary and was able to maintain his composure.

"- Excuse me. It shouldn't happen again. What were we saying? Ah yes, your offer... This seems like a good time to formalize our relationship. However, only our Lord Akpe can strike such an alliance. May I organize a meeting between our Lord and your elders? Why not in the Heartland, a sacred site to our people...

As for the maps, we do have some of the ancient ensi empire. There are some desert landmarks on there, as well as the location of some outposts that belonged to the Under Kingdom."

The City on the Naram-Suen

Recognizing the storm-shaper as an ally, an officer of the Crimson Claw goes to talk to him in private.

"- This is the legendary city of Ninurta, the first ensi settlement on the river of life. It was like this when we found it and it was inhabited by vermins...some sort of berserk dwarves or halflings. Anyway, we cleaned the place. Those guys over there? Don't know about them. They just arrived."


The ogres thanked the Naradians for their generosity and began building shelters. As the men were sturdy and strong, they offered to help the humans with all sorts of physical labor. The ogres are a pretty stoic people, but they learn to get alon with the Naradians rather quickly. The leader of the refugees came to talk to the sisters. He was wearing a red mask and dark robes.

"- Greetings, sisters. You wish to know more about us and our enemies? Very well. We ogres were created by the old god Erothayce, the keeper Hel. He fought long against the Usurper...the dark lord Vesper, who wished to take all souls for himself and turn them into the Undead. And we left our isolation to fight with him, keeping the dark elves at bay. After the cataclysm, no dark elves were left in our homeland...but our god was gone, too. Fortunately, he taught us how to care for ourselves. And thus we remained in the hills. We have been busy trying to preserve the balance between the light and the darkness and keeping the borders between the worlds intact.

However, during the last century, everything changed as the Lupines, those we call wolf-men, entered our territory. We knew that the Lupines were once worshipers of the Light and the god Aresk Moonfell, so we didn't fear them. At first, they didn't attack us. They simply crossed the hills to get to the plains, around here. But then we learned of what they were really doing. They were there to purge a "plague". They were certain that an ancient evil had resurfaced and was spreading a disease to twist the minds of mortals...to turn them against the children of Aresk Moonfell and all that is good. They are surely the ones responsible for burning the village that once stood here.

Some of us fought them and they left. Now, they have returned to harass us. They are more violent than ever. When will their thirst for blood be satisfied?"

2009-06-02, 05:17 PM
The Trading Post

heh, I'll make sure to only get the guys who see how long they can ride sand-worms for fun try to get training.

Excellent, if you could tell us what time your Lord would be hear, I'll make sure that a delegation is here to take him to the Pools.

As for the map,s what would you like in return?

City on the Narmen-Suen

speaking normally now, the storm-shaper responds The River of life certainly seems like a goo description. I'm somewhat surprised to see you and your band here, we thought you only controlled sections of the desert. Anyway, now that we're here, we'll be happy to help and exchange some information once the current situation is dealt with.

2009-06-02, 05:33 PM

The Baradans at Midground were impressed at the power that the Accipitrons had developed, and pondered if perhaps they should consider learning the ways of battle themselves. After all, not all of nature was tame and quiet. There was the fierce. There was the savage. There was the predator. A group of Baradans spoke with their allies, asking if accepting training from the Accipitrons

The accipitrons agreed to offer the forest children training in their predatory ways. The Barradans had helped them with the food problem, after all.

The Accipitrons were, in turn, interested in the art of Crafting that the Baradans had developed.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-02, 06:11 PM
The Baradans admitted that the crafting techniques they had learned were not their own invention, but rather a gift from the Naradians, but they were more than willing to share it.

2009-06-02, 06:23 PM
Children of Uso


The Baradans at Suncliff were approached by an aging triton. Naming himself Sellus, he wished to speak to these strange people about who they were and where they came from. A messenger was sent to Aceria to inform them that another of their allies had been found and contacted.

Great Journey

The Divinus Lumen crew soon found themselves with company. The delegation from Aceria towards Midground, having heard of their journey, decided that a few of their number would go with the Divinus to aid them and make contact with the wise men themselves. They offered to bring the crew fresh food and be their forward scouts to keep the dangers of the ocean awa.


The small group of tritons struggled through the hills. While they knew of mountains from their home, they'd always been able to swim to whatever point they wanted to reach. Having to walk seemed to increase the difficulty substantially. They paused at the base of the mountains, deciding to set up camp there and wait to start the ascent the next day. Although there remained several hours of daylight, the leader decided it would be best if they spent the time resting.

2009-06-02, 06:29 PM
Order of Narade


The Elder Sister in charge of the village listened quietly. The oral tradition of the Ogres was probably rich in details from the past but also brought an moral ordeal to the Order.

For centuries, the naradians had always tried to remain neutral, to never involved themselves into local conflicts between tribes. It was easy back then, as the Order of Narade had held no political power. But things had changed, now. The Sisters weren't anymore this small band of fanatics which preached for deaf ears. There were thousands of people who depended upon their care. And even more who trusted the peace they brought.

But now, they had to protect people from a genocide.
"-These Lupins must indeed be talked out of their bloody ways. Or failing that, we will help all Ogres to settle elsewhere. I'll send a messenger to Suncliff about all this. Until I get an answer from the Matriarch, what do you suggest we do ? Right now, the Order has no army to fight against a determined enemy, let alone a whole people of fanatic murderers."


Suncliff had grown even larger but nobody would call it a city. Though one of the biggest community in the known world, it was still nothing but a large cluster of tents and hutts, all made of wood, bones, canvas and leather. Only the temple of Narade looked like a true building, even if it was just a big wooden house.

Humans, Dwarven, Dvegars and Tritons lived there in peace, some worshipping Narade while others just agreed with her ideal. Among the humans, the disciples of Barada showed great curiosity for the Spell Song and the rituals surrounding it. Some of their druids learn the ancient chants with relative ease. Maybe was the primal link that the Spell Song used the same as the one used by druids, with only more analyse from the naradians for what the druids had always done naturally.

Help the Baradans to discover the "Ancient Chants".

Great Forest of Bevidia

When they heard that a large people lived in the hills, just North of the forest, the local mission of Sisters investigated the rumors. They learned that they were tall warriors of short temper, barbarians who enjoyed hunting and fighting, with little respect for life and no respect for women.

They decided not to contact them. But when messengers from Suncliff talked of the Lupin threat, the Elder Sister in charge of the Bountiful Grove's naradians decided to ask an audiance with Barada.

The Order offers the Baradans to join their ressources in order to hire and equip a mercenary army.
Let's get warriors from the Hradani, bronze weapons from the Black Bastion, logistic from the Order and the Baradans.

Suncliff and the other naradians communities can pay with tools, cereals, vegetables, textile, alcool (we invented brewery a while ago...and we got dwarven !! :smallsmile:), magic from Spell Song, seafood (we don't got much of this but the Children of Uso can sure exchange a few fish for tools)

Great Journey

The tritons were met with joy. After all, what better guide to ride the waves than the sea-dwellers ? And so the journey continued, the Divinus Lumen beaching each night so that the crew could rest and supply.

Progress was slow but it was done on purpose, as the naradians, with their sphere of inflence already extending for hundreds of miles, had found the need to represent, to draw a picture of the lands. All land communities were working at it and the crew of the Divinus Lumen was doing the same.

Technology : Cartography
What about giving a expansion bonus for this technology ?
Beside the fluff, the tech is useless but I find it important for rising nations to map their surrounding. We don't know how to write yet so it's mostly drawing but still, it's better than description and memory alone...

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 06:59 PM
Glass Shelter

The Trading Post

"- Lord Akpe should be able to be here within a week. As for the map, I will let him decide. Who knows, he may give you one as a gift."

(OOC: We will continue this a bit later.)

City on the Naram-Suen

The officer grinned.

"- We are more and more powerful. This belonged to Sesketh's children in the past. It is only normal that we take it back. Let's hear what the foreigners have to say. I wouldn't trust them...yeah, obviously you are also strangers. But at least you are Ensi."



The ogre scratched his shin and then replied to the Elder Sister:
"- We ogres are adept at magic. We manipulate the shadow weave. Although it has become harder and harder to do so... Someone is interfering with our work. I fear that the dark elves have been using shadow magic again. Anyway...what this means is that we could cast a spell of protection. However, we need more ogre spellcasters and some help from you to succeed. Even if you don't know arcane magic...I am sure you faith and your willpower will be enough for the ritual.

Before I go, I would like to ask you a question. I have heard one of yours utter the name Dynean. Is this person the same Dynean who has supposedly reclaimed the world from the demons?"

2009-06-02, 07:06 PM
Naradian Delegation

The Delegation of the Black Bastion complied, but they kept their armor. By the look of the animal Frelgr, the agile Ensi, the stoic Dvergar, and the lean shifty Undead, they might not need them anyway. Those of the Black Bastion entered gladly, for even those who did not follow the ways preached by the now old sister, saw the worth in befriending such peaceful peoples.

Crimson Claw

The traders and diplomancers (:smalltongue:) of the Black Bastion arrived at the city. Their ensi members, both living and undead, chittered between themselves excitedly. The head of the delegation, an unusually tall, black haired Dvergar stepped forward to speak for the group. "We come to speak for the Black Bastion, honored of Barin. May I ask who those from the "Pool" are?"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 07:12 PM
Black Bastion, City on the Naram-Suen

An undead ensi priest approached and bowed before the head of the delegation.

"- We are pleased to have you here. The men from the Pools are actually Rastulian Ensi. They are not like the other tribes. They have much knowledge of the ancient world, control storms and ride sand worms. We are in good terms with them. As for the Pools...we will let them tell you what they are."

2009-06-02, 07:24 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

muttering thanks (revering the "ensi-spirit" as a kind of ancestor worship is a bit of a fad among storm-shapers)that the humans were wearing heavy obscuring clothes, the shaper replies Well, we'll be happy to help if you need it. Our camp is a little way down the river.


turning to the emissary from the Bastion he replied It's a meeting place of sorts, where the clans gather and all our history and memories are stored.

May I ask why you chose this place as the location for a diplomatic summit?

2009-06-02, 07:51 PM

"Their hire is worth much. We Baradans know more about agriculture and the care of the land than anyone. If you will ally with us, and help protect us, we will share these secrets with you. You will not need to depend on the uncertainties of the herds or fear the claws of the predator just to survive. You will be able to have a steady supply of food each year, and can thus divert your energies to equally useful tasks."

We have learned to grow crops you know. We're not that barbaric, despite appearances. So....let me think. Ah, I know! I've got just the group.

*She yells something, and a smallish Hradani trots over. After a quick discussion, he runs off.*

There. He'll get the people together. It might take a few days, but we'll get them here. Now, let's talk payment.....

Well, we can't trade this turn since you've already got a partner, but for now we can trade food for troops. Now, if any of the others you are in contact with want to trade, they can get the location of the valley from the Hradani that are accompanying you.

2009-06-02, 08:19 PM

The tall Dvergar nodded. "Ah, the Rastullians. We remember them. They and our kind have had a fairly neutral outlook to one another in the past." He turns to the speaker "We came here at the behest of our hosts"

Black Bastion

The Black Bastion welcomed Barada, but made it clear that the Council would wish to speak with the prophetess before any permanent plans were made. For the time being, any traveling with her were free to enjoy the hospitality of the city.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-02, 08:34 PM
Among the humans, the disciples of Barada showed great curiosity for the Spell Song and the rituals surrounding it. Some of their druids learn the ancient chants with relative ease. Maybe was the primal link that the Spell Song used the same as the one used by druids, with only more analyse from the naradians for what the druids had always done naturally.
The secrets the Baradans learned from the Naradians were welcomed, and they soon set about making their own prayers and chants to honor and invoke the spirits of the land.

When they heard that a large people lived in the hills, just North of the forest, the local mission of Sisters investigated the rumors. They learned that they were tall warriors of short temper, barbarians who enjoyed hunting and fighting, with little respect for life and no respect for women.

They decided not to contact them. But when messengers from Suncliff talked of the Lupin threat, the Elder Sister in charge of the Bountiful Grove's naradians decided to ask an audiance with Barada.
Barada's druid retainers explained to the ambassadors that Barada was not there, but had headed east to the mountains, declaring she would first meet with the Black Bastion, allies of their allies, and then continue east over the mountains. They suggested to inquire at the Black Bastion.

We have learned to grow crops you know. We're not that barbaric, despite appearances. So....let me think. Ah, I know! I've got just the group.

*She yells something, and a smallish Hradani trots over. After a quick discussion, he runs off.*

There. He'll get the people together. It might take a few days, but we'll get them here. Now, let's talk payment.....
"Forgive us for our assumption. We have grown somewhat accustomed to providing knowledge of agriculture to others. But there are other things we know. We have tamed beasts of the land, which provide for us meat, milk, skins and labor. We can teach you the same.

The Black Bastion welcomed Barada, but made it clear that the Council would wish to speak with the prophetess before any permanent plans were made. For the time being, any traveling with her were free to enjoy the hospitality of the city.
Barada humbly agrees and thanks the Black Bastion for their hospitality. She replied that she would be willing to met with their Council at any time.

While all this was going on, the Baradans in Midground began to share the crafting techniques they had learned with the Accipitrons, showing them how to use the wood of the trees and the hides and bones of animals to build and shape. They also selected the most able-bodied men and women among them to train under the Ragers. These "bear warriors" as they came to be called, underwent a startling transformation, shedding the soft round form of the traditional Baradans, and gaining a hard, sturdy muscle in its place.

The Baradans of Bevidia also considered what needed to be done while their prophetess was away, and the druid retainers of Barada went off alone into the woods to commune with the land for inspiration. They came back after more than a week, declaring that Barada herself had appeared to them in a dream, instructing them to form a home outside of the forest. The Baradans were directed from the dream to the southwest, instructed not to stop until they found a place where two rivers met the sea. A great number of Baradans embarked on this expedition, some of them forming small camps on the way to mark the path.

Battle: Heal
Expansion: They're sending an expedition to the area where the river that starts up by Suncliff splits into two rivers and flows onward to the sea near the Outpost of Shusi.
Religion: Bolster
Technology: Ancient Chants

Creation to come when I get some inspiration.

2009-06-02, 08:42 PM
Black Bastion

The Council asked that Barada meet them in their great Council Hall, where all those who were to meet the council came, from the highest chieftains to the lowliest peasants. The Council appeared as it always had, and always would. An undefined number of near-identical figures, with heavy robes and concealing iron masks. The rasp of breath behind metal was the only sound to greet anyone who entered. It was a sound many remembered the rest of their lives.

2009-06-02, 08:46 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

could one of you explain what Rastullian means?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-02, 08:49 PM
Barada maintained her composure as she entered the Council's chambers. They felt something from her as well. A sort of warmth, that those who lived felt slightly strengthened by, while those who were undead began to feel slightly uncomfortable. Barada's dedication to life and the land was so strong, that she practically radiated a very mild form of positive energy.

This doesn't actually have any in-game effects. It's purely cinematic in nature.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 09:00 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

could one of you explain what Rastullian means?

"- Long ago, there was a split...some of the Ensi, your ancestors, chose to follow Artures, old god of passion. They chose to feel and love. They became known as Rastulians, in honor of one of their heroes, Rastul. Those who remained loyal to Sesketh were referred to as Simetians. Simet was the first Champion of the Scorpion God. The Crimson Claw are Simetians."

2009-06-02, 09:04 PM

The tall Dvergar nodded. "In times past the Under Empire and the Simetians had good relations, like the gods they followed. Similarly, the Under Empire had no real opinion of the Rastullians. They did not seem to have much political interest, and in turn the Under Empire took little interest in them if they did not wish it."

Black Bastion

A voice, altered by the magical masks, echoed down to Barada. "We have been informed that you seek to stay here, as you wait to continue your journey across the land, is this true?"

(as a point, undead aren't created with negative energy, just magic and possibly by binding a soul to their own or another dead body.)

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-02, 09:10 PM
Black Bastion

A voice, altered by the magical masks, echoed down to Barada. "We have been informed that you seek to stay here, as you wait to continue your journey across the land, is this true?"

(as a point, undead aren't created with negative energy, just magic and possibly by binding a soul to their own or another dead body.)

Barada nods serenely. "That is true. I have felt the land calling me to the east, beyond your mountains. From what our mutual allies, the Order of Narade, have told my people, your lands mark the eastern edge of the settled lands. I seek to bring both life and my teachings to those lands. If it pleases you, I would also be interested in leaving a few ambassadors to ease communications between our peoples, and teach those among you who wish to learn our ways. If what the Naradians have told me are true, your hospitality is only matched by your acceptance of and respect for the beliefs of others."

I didn't know that, so I just made the assumption that things here work like they do in a vanilla D&D setting. :smallredface:

2009-06-02, 09:13 PM

Followers of the Dark Father

The Ensi
The emissaries from the Crimson Claw thank the Council. Before leaving, they give Lotti the location of a desert stronghold where they will be able to meet. Obviously, their main base, Basalt Keep, has no fixed location...

The Myconids
Once the elder dark elf has breathed in the cloud, he is able to understand them. The myconid asks where they came from and what they are looking for; delicious fungi, maybe?

The Ensi
The Council promises to send an envoy to the camp to keep communications up between the factions.

The Myconids
The Drow responds "We come from a city many miles away. We are seeking to know more of our neighbors and this region of caves. As well as conducting trade."

OOC: I'll think of something different for my craft.

2009-06-02, 10:11 PM
Al Makim
The Saradites investigate an island not far from their settlements after discovering the victims of an evil wizard performing experiments. The wizards look at the scrolls and anatomy records of the wizard performing these dastardly deeds and attempt to decipher some kind of medical meaning in order to promote the survival of the Tribe.

2009-06-02, 10:53 PM
Children of Uso

The rangers talked amongst themselves, and the clerics did the same. Although not clerics as they were in the past, the title had stuck, coming to refer to the wisemen amongst the Children. The rangers were worried and anxious about what they might find. The elders had much the same feelings.

The rangers muttered about 'chasing dreams' and the waste of it all. The elders only hoped it was so. So went the time as the two dozen tritons traveled up the Naram-Suen, not knowing where their mission would end or how, only that even the chance of recovering such a prize was worth any price.

2009-06-03, 10:17 AM

The Storm-Shaper replied Very well, it makes little difference to us. May I ask the purpose of this meeting and if me or my troops could be of use?

2009-06-03, 01:07 PM

"Forgive us for our assumption. We have grown somewhat accustomed to providing knowledge of agriculture to others. But there are other things we know. We have tamed beasts of the land, which provide for us meat, milk, skins and labor. We can teach you the same.

Well now, first we'd need to have beasts of the land. We follow the herds and pick off what we need, but we really don't have a place to raise animals like crops. If you can teach us how to do that, it's a deal.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-03, 01:47 PM
"We will be more than happy to teach you that."

The Baradans agree to teach the Hradani Animal Husbandry.

2009-06-03, 03:20 PM
Order of Narade


"-I believe she is, yes. Lady Dynean offered much to all who wished to assist her. She hasn't asked for the slighest thing, yet. But her gifts... Well, let's just say it helped us to promote cooperation between the tribes."

The Elder Sister let a single, piercing note. Her hand glowed slightly with pure positive energy.
"-As for your ritual, we will assist you. But I would like to know more about it first. You seemed to be nice people but this whole "shadow magic" sounds a bit too...well, dark for my taste. You spoke of the dark elven. I've only heard tales about the ebony devils from below but if your arts are only even close to theirs, then I'm sure it has nothing to do with protection. So...unless you tell me more, I'm afraid shelter and supply will be all your people will get from Memorial."

But despite her words, the Elder Sister sent a messenger at dawn. The world had to know about the Lupins.

Black Bastion

Years had passed since the dvegars and the Order had establish diplomatic relations. With economy still dominated by daily survival and without efficient means of transportation, exchanges were low, with only a few daring merchants to travel between the communities.

However, words came to the Council that a group of Sisters, mostly humans and dwarven, advanced through the tunnels leading to the Black Bastion. They were led by what seemed to be an important personnality, escorted by a tall and mysterious figure.

Eventually, the group reached the entrance of the cavern and ask to speak with Barada and the Council. Their leader added that she brought dire news from the West.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-03, 05:39 PM

The ogre leader sighed.

"You see, that is why we chose to isolate ourselves. Few understand our way of life. Still...since you have been so kind to us, you deserve an answer. Listen well. As I said, we were created by Erothayce, a god unconcerned by good and evil. Just like him, we act to preserve the balance and the natural order. You can afford to live under the light and preach your ideals, but we are not destined to the same things. We live in twilight. Your light can't reach us. But that doesn't mean we are evil by any means. The shadow we control needs the light to exist. They are two sides of the same coin. The dark elves, unlike us, use this magic for evil deeds. Their god Vesper twisted the realm of the Lord Erothayce to create his dark Tunnels. The undead came from there. It was not our doing. It is the same for their dark spells.

Our ritual only manipulates the shadows to create illusions. With these defenses in place, it will take some time before the wolf-men reach the gate of Memorial."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-03, 07:32 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

The ensi priest, who looked well preserved compared to most undead comprising the ranks of the Crimson Claw, invited the emissaries from the Black Bastion to the negociation table. He informs the two delegations that they can't wander alone in the city, as it is still a "war zone". Before the talks began, the priest offered a gift to the tall dvergar. It is a golden bottle decorated with wave motifs. (Image (http://www.exhibitfiles.org/dfile2/ReviewImage/167/original/Gold_Bottle.jpg)) It is a relic said to be able to purify large bodies of water. It's also a personal gift from the warlord of the Crimson Claw to the Council.

(OOC: L_A, you may reply with the demands of the Black Bastion and what they have to offer in trade.)

2009-06-03, 09:17 PM

The small group of tritons struggled through the hills. While they knew of mountains from their home, they'd always been able to swim to whatever point they wanted to reach. Having to walk seemed to increase the difficulty substantially. They paused at the base of the mountains, deciding to set up camp there and wait to start the ascent the next day. Although there remained several hours of daylight, the leader decided it would be best if they spent the time resting.

The tritons could see the town off in the distance, lit by torches and surrounded by what looked like circling birds of prey.When sunset came, three of the birds broke off from the rest and began their slow descent towards the travelers who could now see that these were far larger than any hawk.

Meanwhile, in Sky Home, many accipitrons were working to develop what they already had instead of continuing their expansion across the mountains. In the four major aeries, archers began to practice with their crude bows.

Creation: Abstract class (Sharpshooters)
Religion: Bolster
Combat: Heal
Expansion: None, rather, work on strengthening existing settlements.

2009-06-03, 09:57 PM
Children of Uso


The tritons spotted the birds. Gripping their spears tightly, they glanced amongst themselves in unease. After all, there were birds that fished in the ocean. Who knows what horrors might exist far from the ocean? They all were crouched down, ready to fight or flee.

City on the Naram-Suen

The delegation had finally spotted the city. It was indeed a ruins, but it didn't seem empty or deserted. Just as the triton who'd had the vision said: someone was there, and they had it. Not knowing their intentions, the delegates kept to the deepest part of the river, watching the strange, bug-like creatures and hoping for some sign of the relic.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-04, 09:29 AM
Al Makim

According to the scrolls, it is possible to use needles for therapeutic purposes (acupuncture). The wizards find a secret temple on the deserted island containing more scrolls on this subject, as well as some objects used for torture. The temple is dedicated to the old god Stormthorne.

Followers of the Dark Father

The Myconids
"- We know those caves better than anyone. They are our grandparents. They care for us greatly! The caves stretch long and far. Trade, heh? We give you something and you give us something in return? Our god Mycellias has many treasures. Maybe you want to meet him?"

2009-06-04, 11:03 AM

Tor Gunderson, chief of the Hradani, was upset. He was feeling the weight of his 280 years. The Hradani lived a long time, but he knew he was nearing the end of his life. He still had much to do. Whatever had killed his scouts was still out there. He had not avenged his fallen clan mates. He called in the Fili, who had finally gotten themselves organized, and had them recount the old legends.

He gathered his guard and set out on a quest. He would find and slay whatever had attacked his tribe, or die in the attempt.

Closer to home, a large cavern was found underneath the ruined temple. Craftsman decided to expand and strengthen it. Once that was done, the remains of the fallen Ogre Lords were moved to just inside the entrance where sarcophagi were carved for them.

Creation: Abstract: Fili (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fili). They keep the oral history and legends alive.
Action: Explore. An all out effort is being made to find the threat.
Action: Battle. Attempt to kill the threat.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-04, 02:51 PM

Tor Gunderson and his escort come across a great mound after a few days' travel. After investigating a bit, they find a hidden hole that leads 20 feet underground and a rope.

2009-06-04, 03:56 PM
Children of Uso

After a few days, the Children decide they must initiate contact with the strange creatures in the city. So 2 rangers and a cleric are sent to the shore. They approach slowly, hands raised to their shoulders to show they are unarmed. When within shouting distance, the cleric calls out. "We are the Children of Uso. We come in peace!"

2009-06-04, 04:31 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

Before leaving to let the two delegations have their talks in peace, the Storm-Shaper requests a meeting with the leader of the Bastion for separate talks when he is free.

[assuming yes] The scouts set up a base-camp near the river and continue scouting further along, reporting back to the main outpost once a week. When the Tritons appear out of the water, they notice them quickly. The storm-shaper accompanied by a few more martially inclined scouts quickly approach them. one of the scouts saysGreetings Life-dwellers* Who are you? why do you approach? why do you need to announce you peacefu-

The storm-shaper cuts him off I'm sorry about that, we are explorers, and he's naturally curious. May I help you?

2009-06-04, 04:41 PM
Al Makim

According to the scrolls, it is possible to use needles for therapeutic purposes (acupuncture). The wizards find a secret temple on the deserted island containing more scrolls on this subject, as well as some objects used for torture. The temple is dedicated to the old god Stormthorne.

Followers of the Dark Father

The Myconids
"- We know those caves better than anyone. They are our grandparents. They care for us greatly! The caves stretch long and far. Trade, heh? We give you something and you give us something in return? Our god Mycellias has many treasures. Maybe you want to meet him?"

The scrolls are continually investigated for more medical purposes, and the instruments of torture are also analyzed by Saradite wisemen to try and create blue prints for weapon designs. Meanwhile, the Al Saradin in the Enchanted Island are currently ordering the Al Makim to continue searching for more tribes. (NPC tribes, if not PC tribes) Meanwhile the wisemen are hurridly attempting to find ways to settle disputes without resorting to cutting body parts and generally seek peaceful means to end arguments and disagreements.

Technology: Code of Laws
Battle: Heal
Expansion: Around the Coast
Action: Investigate Stormthorne's Temple

2009-06-04, 04:50 PM
Children of Uso

City on the Naram-Suen

The cleric steps forward and bows his head respectfully. "We are representatives of the Children of Uso. We were sent here by a vision. We only declared our peaceful intentions because we did not know yours."

2009-06-04, 04:55 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

A dream you say? we are merely explorers from the dessert who happened to stumble across the city....How do you survive in the life-stream/river without coming out?

2009-06-04, 04:59 PM
Children of Uso

City on the Naram-Suen

The cleric smiles kindly. "We were created for it. Our god Uso made us so that we might live with him in the deeps of the ocean. I must admit I have seen little of this land, but it seems very...hostile to life. I'm surprised any can survive in it."

2009-06-04, 05:03 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

This land? he burst out laughing this is paradise compared to our homeland. Water/life within easy reach! how could someone complain about this.

Anyway, do you have anything you'd be interested in trading? that's really the stated purpose of the expedition, so actually fulfilling it couldn't hurt.

2009-06-04, 05:19 PM
Children of Uso

City on the Naram-Suen

The cleric glances at the ranger on either side of him, then back at the stormcaller. "We have an abundance of foodstuffs back home. But I'm afraid we did not bring anything with us on this trip. But perhaps something could be arranged in the future. Tell me, do you rule this city then?"

2009-06-04, 05:21 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

I'm sure some of the creatures that live the same way you do in the life-stream/rive would be rather valuable to those back home.

We don't own or occupy the city, there's currently a trade talk going on between the Crimson Claw and some undead.

2009-06-04, 06:11 PM
Children of Uso

City on the Naram-Suen

The cleric and rangers look amongst themselves, frowning slightly. They have a quick conversation in their own language before the cleric turns back to the stormcaller. "I see. Might you be so kind as to show us to the leaders of this city then? It is very important."

2009-06-04, 06:13 PM

Tor Gunderson and his escort come across a great mound after a few days' travel. After investigating a bit, they find a hidden hole that leads 20 feet underground and a rope.

*Looking over at the scouts, Tor Gunderson asks*

Is this it then? Where whatever beastie thats been toubaling us resides?

2009-06-04, 06:13 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

The storm-shaper shrugs Sure he gestures to a few warriors who follow him as he escorts the Tritons to where the trade delegations are meeting. here you go

2009-06-04, 06:46 PM
Children of Uso

City on the Naram-Suen

The cleric bows his head once more to the stormcaller. "I thank you. I will be sure to seek you out before we leave, so we might talk more of trade between us." Smiling, he turns towards the delegates. "Greetings! We are representatives of the Children of Uso."

2009-06-04, 06:59 PM
City on the Naram-Suen

Very well, we'll probably be leaving for the base camp soon, so seek us out in out there. he tries to draw a map of the unfamiliar area for a minute, then gives up and takes out a small vial of glowing water. Pouring a drop into his hand, he offers it to the cleric just drink this

assuming he does, he gains al the memories and knowledge that the storm-shaper gained traveling form the base-camp to the city.

2009-06-05, 12:55 PM
Followers of the Dark Father

Things were going well and according to plan. The power of the Drow was growing and allies were rallying to their cause. Soon they would be able to publically show themselves and restore their rightful place in the world.

For now they would need to continue to expand their territories and regain the lost knowledges of the ancients and of Vesper.

Expedition to the surface....

Under the cover of darkness, the small team emerges from the mountain caves. They were tasked with scouting out the surface world in the areas around what underground would be Drow land.

OOC: Anyone want to RP meeting with my expedition?

OOC@Omnik: What is happening with the Myconids


Battle: Heal
Religion: Bolster
Technology: Hunting
Craft: Divination Magic
Expansion: Establish new colony

Craft for last turn"

Craft: Evocation Magic

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-05, 01:49 PM
To Longvin:

Repost of the Myconids stuff in case you missed it:

The Myconids
"- We know those caves better than anyone. They are our grandparents. They care for us greatly! The caves stretch long and far. Trade, heh? We give you something and you give us something in return? Our god Mycellias has many treasures. Maybe you want to meet him?"

OOC: Sorry Longvin, but as I said, I would like it if you researched more magic-related tech before creating other schools of magic. Divination is an actual tech in the tree. I don't even think you have Mysticism/Knowledge of the Ether yet. Tech tree here (http://www.civfanatics.com/gallery/files/1/2/8/2/6/8/tech_tree_original.jpg)

2009-06-05, 01:59 PM
Followers of the Dark Father


"We would be very interested in meeting with your...god."

OOC: hmm....ok. Let me think of something. Might start creating artifacts then.

2009-06-05, 02:33 PM

With the discovery of the "Life-stream" as thew Narmen-Suen was called after several ad-hoc translations and bastardizations, life became substantially easier for the dessert clans. With easy supply of water, and its new healing properties(see below) life became less lethal and it was more and more common for caravans and clans to meet up accidentally well traveling. With several new settlements on the Streams banks and the area between them and the "heartland" becoming more and more populated, ventures began to set out to the Eastern and southern desserts.


With the sudden influx of water, experimentation with it became much easier and some inventive storm-shapers have managed to cure injuries simply be infusing water into the bodies of the wounded.

As well, through experiments with the omni-present sand in the desert, storm-shapers focusing on it have found that they're able to cobble together golems that last for several minutes. Along with shields and concealment powered by the element, many of the more nomadic storm-shapers have begun ignoring the other elements, focusing entirely on the sand.

Those focusing on fire meanwhile, have simply been able to isolate their element from anything. Summoning a fireball out of the burning dessert sand is fairly useful in combat, and he more strenuous task of pulling a fire-ball out of ones opponent is usually a quick way to end a fight and get a frozen corpse.

conversion? not likely, but might as well try

At the trading post with the Crimson Claw, many of the storm-shapers try the find some pupils. This is especially true with the Shapers running the post, who are very eager to find someone who they can actually carry out some research with. They very much emphasis that there philosophy is entirely computable with the worship of the gods, and include the "ensi-mind" in their mythos, not very hard as its a rather popular idea anyway.
[I'll make my creation later]

Expansion: consolidate my hold over the Southern half of the dessert, send some expeditions east.
Tech: elementalism
Religion: "corrupt" the claw

2009-06-05, 02:48 PM
Naram Suen

The Dvergar merely wanted a trade delegation, and a non-military alliance with any they could.

Black Bastion

The Council agreed to Barada's terms, and allowed the Sisters to bring them their news.

2009-06-05, 04:24 PM

The Elder Sister agreed with the ogres. In the following months, many Spell Singers from Suncliff and Chelar arrived at Memorial. As soon as there would be enough of them to carry out the ritual, it would proceed.

The inhabitants of Memorial were informed of the incoming threath and given the choice to either stay and help to fortify the village or to leave for Chelar, Suncliff or any of the various outposts in the Western Lands.

Over the hills

Meanwhile, a delegation was sent deep into the Ogre Lands, in order to contact the various tribes but also to try to negociate with the Lupins. At the head of the delegation was an Elder Sister.

Wanna talk to the Lupins first. Or at least try.

Black Bastion

When the doors of the Council's room opened, the enlighting presence of the Matriarch casted away some of the shadows. Her escort of young novices, all clad in the same bleach white veil, muttered on a low tone, their Spell Song projecting their feelings around. Mostly benevolent thoughts and pure hearted wishes, there were however stains of fear and worry.

"-Dvegars and...dead dvegars, thank you for hearing my pledge.
I stand before you today not as the religious leader of the Order but as the voice of all the poor souls of Suncliff, Chelar, Memorial and many other seeds of civilization which, up there, under the sun, are about to be wiped.

Every day, we surface-dwellers deal with the legacy of the old gods : wasted lands, tainted beasts, mystical storms,... all of this is our daily burden. But now, something much more sinister has awaken. The Lupins, followers of a ancient deity, have launched a genocide campaign to... purify the world, as they say.

We cannot stand aside as children are butchered. YOU cannot stand aside and close your doors to those in need !!! For soon or late, when all people from above will have been killed, the shadow of doom will reach the Black Bastion. Will you stand on your own tomorrow or fight at our side today ?"

All along her speech, the choral of Sisters supported the Matriarch with their Spell Song, increasing the psychological meaning of each sentence so that the message would be delivered beyond the limit of words. Through the chant, the Council (at least those members who were alive...) could feel exactly what the naradians felt.

The Great Journey : Domnann coast

On that bright day, as the sun decrease to the West, a large...thing could be seen from the coast, gliding on the waves. It eventually reached the beach, where people jumped from it to pull it on dry sand.

Quickly the small group of humans and dwarven was joined by strange, fish-like creatures. Together, they made fires with dead wood and set a few tents. They talked loudly, eating fish and drinking beer.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-05, 09:34 PM

The scouts turn to Tor:

"- It must be."

Assuming they all go down, the group follows a long tunnel that goes even deeper underground. Finally, the Hradani find what looks like a chapel carved in the rock. There is some noise coming from inside.

Children of Uso

City on the Naram-Suen

The ensi guards of the Crimson Claw drew their scimitar and stood in front of the tritons.

"- Children of Uso? Never heard from you. We don't even know what you are. Explain why you are here and how you found this city. Are you in league with gnomes and halflings? Speak!"

Followers of the Dark Father

The Meeting

The myconid guard politely asked the dark elves to wait a few minutes while he was communicating with the other circles.

"If you leave your pointy sticks and other weapons here, Mycellias will greet you. He is a god, but weapons offend him."



About a month later, the ogre leader returned to meet with the Elder Sister.

"- Greetings Sister. I have important news. You surely remember a young ogre girl who arrived a week ago, affected by a strange disease that none of your healers seemed to be able to cure? You'll be pleased to know that she has miraculously recovered. They say it is the work of an elderly man who came with the last group of refugees. I thought this would pick your interest."

Over the Hills

The Naradians met several reclusive ogre tribes on their travels, including some that had never encountered the Lupines. The wolf-men, as the ogres called them, were very much difficult to find. Either they lived in hiding or they knew humans were looking for them and made sure not to cross their path. Finally, the group discover an old watchtower that seems to be occupied by Lupines.

2009-06-05, 09:49 PM
[OOC] taking up the treaty-signing with Crimson claw again now if that's okay

The trading post

Waiting for when the Ensi Lord arrived was a delegation of twenty warriors in ceremonial and very shiny armor, along with eight Storm-Shapers and two Sand-worms with their masters. When he arrives with his delegation he is cordially greeted and they leave immediately.

When the reach the Pools, it looks as though a city has sprung up around it. Almost every nomadic clan has arrived, as well as representatives of all the farming and trading clans that have settled. almost ten thousand large tents surround the Pools, no the size of a large lake. Meeting him is the Storm-shaper authorized to sign the treaty, an old and withered Storm-Shaper who was alive when the Pools were first created, the oldest member of the clans left. greetings Lord, I trust you are well?

2009-06-05, 10:27 PM
Children of Uso

The cleric smiles and nods his head respectfully. "Of course. We are tritons, a people that live in the far distant ocean. We were sent here by a vision to discover a holy relic of our lord, Uso. And I can assure you we don't even know what a halfling or gnome is, least of all being in league with them."

2009-06-05, 10:32 PM

Tor made sure his sword was secure on his back before he turns and looks at the rest of the group. Quickly, he selected several companions to enter the room.

Tor Gunderson, with spear in hand and two handed sword on his back.

Korath Torson, with axe ready.

Dorn Torson, with long spear poised.

Terris Hrothson, master of the hounds and his pack.

Jola Torsdaughter, Fili.

Vern Yulson, he of the bastard sword.

Young Geros, orphan and servant.

The rest would stay in the corridor to guard against intruders and await the signal to enter or run.

Tor strode forward into the chapel.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-05, 11:47 PM
Children of Uso

The ensi guards looked at each other.
"- We have never heard of this Uso. Are you...pilgrims? In any case, this city is in ensi control and you may not enter it. Whatever you are looking for is probably not here anyway. When we arrived, this place was already in ruins."

The Hradani

As the Hradani walked inside, they discovered that the chapel was bigger than they imagined. The ceiling was especially high. Even if the inside was only lit by torches, Tor and his comrades could still distinguish the paintings on the walls. They depicted various scenes of torture as well as "medical experiments". Strangely, some of the people in the paintings displayed joyful expressions. The back of the chapel was a mess. The benches there were mostly broken and rubble was scattered all over. Something was definitely happening in the front, though (opposite of the entrance). A dozen people clad in black leather suits pierced with silver needles sat near an altar. Tor was shocked to recognize one Hradani who was thought lost. Three naked women with black feathered wings stood around said altar. Their bodies sported several piercings and tattoos. One of them was also holding a barbed whip. Finally, the Hradani thought that they saw large cages stored in a shadowy area of the room, not too far from the women's position.

"- Thus endeth the lesson", said the first fallen angel, Myra. "Oh, we have guests. More disciples of pain?"

"- I don't believe they are, dear Myra", said the second angel, Serena. "I know their kind. I have tasted their flesh before. I remember it clearly. They are Hradani."

"- So they are", replied the third and most beautiful of the angels, the one holding the whip. "Welcome to our sanctum. Have you come seeking vengeance? You want blood? Or are you here because you are deeply affected by your loss? Tell me...are you really in pain? Because pain is bliss. You learn so much from it...

If you are here to fight, it is hopeless. For I am Lamia, one of the Master's favored. You have never encountered someone quite like me. And I am sure that the disciples here will be happy to join me in teaching you a lesson. Only suffering and pleasure are real. You'll come to understand. If you live."

The disciples stood and drew their weapons, while the other two fallen angels, also known as erinyes, grew fangs and claws. Lamia walked behind the altar and opened the cages, freeing the monstrosities held inside, some sort of horribly scarred, vicious beast-men.

Glass Shelter

The warlord, the dreaded Akpe was an impressive man. Strangely, he didn't look decomposed like other death knights. His skin was also darker than most ensi. He grew a black beard plaited with golden threads. The warlord carried a long curved blade and wore a ceremonial scale armor as well as a royal headdress. The emissaries from the Glass Shelter noticed crackling energy in his presence; the elders of the tribe explained that according to ancient texts, this was the sign of a mortal champion, one who had held a bit of divine essence in his body.

As he arrived at the Pools, Akpe seemed pleased.

"- I am well, thank you. You know how to treat a Lord. So, those are the legendary pools? Quite impressive, I must say."

The warlord gestured toward a golden chest and a servant immediately picked it up and brought it to him. He ordered him to open it as to reveal its content to the elder: a scroll case.

"- This contains our treaty. A piece of parchment that will link our fate. Today is an important day...one to remember. Finally, we are reunited with our brothers. The will of Sesketh will be done...the Ensi Empire will rise again. Now, I know that there are humans among you. To them I say this: you are welcome to join us. You have more in common with us than with any other nation. The Desert folk are strong and bold and deadly, not weak and cowardly like the Men of the plains and hills.

Thanks to the water from the Pools, we will easily spread the knowledge of war to our allies. And we will crush any who oppose us. We will be victorious. For those empowered by the Ensi Soul cannot fail!"

2009-06-05, 11:50 PM
Followers of the Dark Father


The Drow rather reluctantly put their weapons down and glance around nervously at the Fungi creatures keeping a careful eye on them, waiting for their supposed god to arrive.


Artifact - Rod of Shadows: The rod of shadows is an onyx rod that is attuned to the shadows and the shadow world and allows the user to more easily find locations in which the connection between the two planes is weaker to allow clerics to more easily tap into the well of shadows. This is an important step in allowing for the Followers of the Dark Father to reopen gateways into the Tunnels of Vesper.

2009-06-06, 09:41 AM

"-Well, this might be interesting. Lead the way, chief. I'm right behind. Let us meet the girl and her saviour."
One nod to her guards and two faithful warriors, clad in white, wearing spears, followed the Elder Sister.

As they passed through the village, many settlers stopped their work, bowing slightly or whispering a blessing to the holy woman and her escort. While most of the population was outside the walls of Memorial, working the fields or searching for additionnal food, wood or stones, the few inhabitants who staid inside were busy with the fortification and the ritual preparations.

In the outer areas of the village, many recent tents and hutts of unusual size had been built, sheltering the ogre refugees as they came. There, two Sisters were taking care of the sick and the wounded.

"-So, where's this elder you spoke of ?"

Over the hills

"-Shall we attack, Sister ?"
The adept of Narade hesitated. Sure, their orders were to negociate but as she and her group traveled the Ogre Lands, the tales about the violence and blood frenzy of the Lupins had pushed the Sister to concider a different approach. However, her faith in Her way remained.
"-No. Let them hear us. We advance, slowly, in sight of their sentries. My children, let sing the 4th Psaum to Her grace !!"

And so, a peaceful chant announcing them, the small group of Sisters advanced, escorted by their bodyguards. They were about a dozen, 1 Elder Sister, 4 Sisters, 4 guards and 2 Ogres guides, walking fearlessly toward the watchtower.

Western Coast

It had taken time but finally, they had reached it.
While some colons had settle at Memorial, other had kept walking to the North West, through the waste land.

Nothing but dust, glass and tainted beasts, with the occasionnal poisoned wells and ruins of the past. Until today. They had reached the ocean. Or so it seems from the taste of water, though they could clearly see lands right across the few kilometers of sea.

"-That spot will do. It's a bay, protected from the wind and strong streams. The waters are calm and I bet it's full of seafood around here. I say we settle here, send a messenger back to Memorial, and do our best to improve this spot. Who's for ?"

Loads of hand were raised.
"-Then it's set. We stay here."
"-How will we call the place ?"
"-...Maybe it's a bit too soon for that, yet."

Expansion :
the Naradians settle there (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/892/naradeterritory.jpg)
8. Suncliff
19. Chelar
20. Memorial
21. "outpost which still needs a creation act but which increase the Order's sphere of influence"

This gives a good idea of how the Order expanded during the 5 first turns.

2009-06-06, 10:39 AM

Tor looks at the....thing before him.

You'll be the one we own a blood debt to, I'm thinking.

Without being called, the remaining four allies enter the room behind him. His daughter the Fili stands in the entrance observing so that win or lose, the fight would be remembered. A young scout stands at the ladder ready to run and report if the battle goes poorly.

I'll not be knowing what it is you and yours have been doing here, but I am knowing it ends now. I'm here for blood, aye and vengeance too. But what I'll be giving, and you'll be getting, is Justice.

As for what ye be, I know enough. Ye be slavers, such as controlled my people generations ago. We destroyed them then, we'll destroy you now.

I am Tor, son of Gunder, son of Troc, son of Lan, son of Gideon. Know me and despair.

With that, Tor strides forward, and suddenly throws his short spear with all his might at one of the fallen angels. His other hand reaches back and draws his massive sword. Taking a two handed grip, he charges the leader.


The remaining allies glance at each other, ready their weapons, and cry"


Korath and Dorn, the sons of Tor, immediately charge to engage one of the angels. Vern and two of the Algai’d’siswai engage the wounded one.

The two remaining Algai’d’siswai look at each other and smile. Looking back the worshipers, loosing the tight hold they had been holding on their anger, they RAGE. No longer aware of wounds, or fear, of anything beyond the need to kill the enemy they wade into the "disciples".

Terris gives a whistle, and his pack dives into the beastmen. Nipping and biting, they dart back and forth through the foe occasionally pausing to break a bone or rip a throat. Standing slightly back, Terris darts his long spear in and out of the fray, teaching the beastmen the price of not paying attention to him.

Young Geros defends himself as best he can from the beastmen.

Round one, FIGHT! Tor, Korath, Dorn, Vern, and Terris are wielding weapons taken from the temple.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-06, 11:13 AM
Followers of the Dark Father


The guards brought the elves to an immense cavern full of overgrown fungi and multicolored pools. In the far back of the cavern, a giant myconid sat upon a stone throne. He was at least twice as large as the common drow.

"- ComE fORth strANgers. You, lEAve uS."

The other myconids immediately left the room. As the drow walked to the throne, they thought they heard whispers coming from the "god"'s direction.

"- I am thE god myCEllias. State YOur BUSiness."

OOC: Mycellias kinda looks like the one in the back on this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/Monster2_gallery/48.jpg) image.



The ogre leader gladly led the Sister and her escorts to the camp. There, a white-haired man holding a twisted staff and an ogre girl of about 9 years old came forth. The girl looked a bit shy.

"- Oh, what an honour to meet you, Sister", said the elderly man. "My name is Daniel and this little lady is Vivianne."

The Watchtower

The Naradians could discern at least five archers on top of the watchtower. A lupine soldier opened the door at the base of the tower and walked outside. He was about 100 feet away from the group.

"- No further! Carry the plague, maybe... What are your intentions?"

OOC: Yes, his speech is broken.

2009-06-06, 11:32 AM
The Pools

The assembled crowds cheered when Akpe finished his speech. The Storm-Shaper, after reading through the treaty and making sure it wasn't disadvantageous to the Pools, signed the treaty. Today the peoples of the dessert are united! Together we shall recreate the Ensi Empire! Those who oppose us shall to torn away like the flesh of a fool in a sand-storm!

2009-06-06, 11:42 AM

"-Please to meet you, Master Daniel. I heard of the miracles you've been performing on our patients. If you can, I'd like you to explain your methods. Any knowledge should be shared freely, don't you think ? We will, however, provide you with what you need if you agree to assist and teach the adepts of Narade."

The Watchtower

The group stopped right on their feet and the Elder Sister spoke while the chorus kept singing.

"-We come in peace !! We've heard of the atrocities you've done and seek to understand your motives. The Ogres gave us their version of the story. We wish to heard yours. We aren't sick !!"

2009-06-06, 12:39 PM
Followers of the Dark Father


The leader of the Drow drops to his knees before the god and motions for the others to do so also. "Greetings to you great Mycelias. I am Fanar, faithful servant of the Great Lord of Shadows and his physical council here in the world below. We have sought you out for we wish to learn from you and your...people and establish trade with your lands."

2009-06-06, 04:15 PM
Children of Uso

The cleric seems taken aback, then smiles. "Could we please just speak to whoever rules this place? I heard there are trade negotiations taking place. We, too, represent a large and prosperous people. I am sure there is some way we can aid one another."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-08, 12:21 PM
Glass Shelter

OOC: Forgot something. The Warlord has also given you more treaties on blade magic and poison making. You now have the option to use a creation act to make the Warblade (Abstract/Class) and the Assassin (Abstract/Class) with a bonus to the roll. One creation act for each, of course.



"- I am so sorry", said the mystic. "I do not control this ability. It comes and goes. However, maybe I could assist your medics in hopes of learning from them? Maybe the teachings of your people will allow me to understand my powers better."

The Watchtower

The lupine looked more appeased now.

"- How can I be sure you safe? It can affect any of you. Only blessing of Aresk protects us! This a curse. Bad, bad curse! Need to find the source. And eradicate all that came in contact with it."

The creature sounded confused.

Followers of the Dark Father

The Myconids


At that moment, the drow thought they heard whispering...again.

Cut it out!...Yeah I know you want to see...

Mycellias twitched in his throne.

"It is the FIRst tiME in years that I hear ABOUt the shAdOW lord. You did GOod in cOMing to ME mortAL. My people can TEAch you druidIC MAgic and give you THE SEcreat to make new, IMproVED species of fUNgi...for a PRIce."

Children of Uso

The guard stops to think.

"- I'll see what I can do. I will go speak with our leader. He may accept to see you after he is finished with his work. You may not enter the city, however. Stay here."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-08, 12:42 PM
The Hradani

The disciples were skilled warriors in their former lives, but they were no match for the enraged Hradani.

The beastmen, despite their formidable strength, were suffering defeat at the hands of the packmaster. However, it seemed like few if any of the dogs would survive their injuries. The same fate was about to hit Young Geros when Terris impaled the creature that was charging him, just in time.

Myra, the first angel, was hit by the short spear and struggled to keep the warriors at bay with lightning powers.

Serena, the second angel, fought like a fury against Tor's two sons. Spikes emerges from her skin and he claws became sheathed in fire. Like her sisters, she was extremely agile and was able to evade many blows.

Meanwhile, Tor was battling Lamia one on one. The erinye didn't have to fly; she remained in the air as if she was affected by a spell. She sometimes swooped down, delivering painful blows of her barbed whip.

"- I know a thing or two about you and your people, Tor Gunderson. Amusing how you compare us to those who enslaved your people. Tell me. Do you even know who they were? Of course not. You simply know that they were Men, like you...well, some of them were. You see...I am aware of your history and I even found out the identity of those dark mages."

2009-06-08, 01:30 PM
Followers of the Dark Father


The warriors glance around the chamber warily searching for the source of the whispering and keeping an eye out for threats.

The group leader Fanar continues the parlay with the so called god "We would be honored if you would teach us these secrets. What do you wish for in return?"

Craft in replace of divination:

Staff of Death: Similar to the Rod of Shadows, the staff of death is attuned to the death of others and locations in the world in where great battles and a large amounts of deaths have taken place. The staff is carved from a particullary strong mushroom trunk.

2009-06-08, 02:00 PM
The fight!

The fight was brutal. The whip cut through Tor's leathers almost without slowing, and soon he was dripping blood. The pain was almost too much to bear...but Tor smiled. He had gotten a few good hits in, and Lamia was obviously injured.

The difference is Witch, we don't care. They could have been men, faeries, or purple trout for all it matters. The principle is the same. You enslave and corrupt others for your own ends. Cause needless pain and suffering for your own amusement. That is why you and yours must die.

Meanwhile, Serena was in trouble. The fire and claws had done significant damage and Dorn went down in a rain of blood. However, she took a fraction of a second too long in killing him. Korath swung his axe and removed one of her wings...and her arm. The last thing she saw was a large boot slamming her head to the ground...and the sound of an axe being driven through flesh into rock echoed throughout the battle.

Myra, even though wounded, tore through her three opponents. Within moments the three warriors were critically injured. Vern was able to hold her off, but defeat was eminent. Then, the two Algai’d’siswai jumped on her and held her down long enough for Vern to drive his sword through her chest....just before he passed out from loss of blood.

The beastmen had killed most of the pack. The few that remained alive might survive, but would no longer be able to hunt. Still, they might be able to pass on their pedigree. That was for the future, however. The two enraged Hradani, having killed or critically injured the cultists, slammed into the beastmen. None survived, Hradani or beastmen. Terris, suffering from a broken leg could no longer effectively fight. So, he dragged himself over to his pack to offer what little comfort and aid he could.

Tor smiled as Korath held up the severed head of Serena and bellowed.

Look around you Witch. Your sisters are dead, your pets destroyed. You may indeed kill us all, but we've been putting part of the debt to rest I'm thinking.

With a scream of rage, Lamia looped her whip around Tor's throat and pulled. The bards chewed through the flesh and blood sprayed out. In a broken voice, Tor gasped:

It will...Take more...that that to breakme....Witch. Pain I know...Pain does...not rule me. Let me....share..a secret....Death...is lighter than..a...feather...Duty...heavier than...a mountain.

As blood runs down his body, Tor grabs the whip. Releasing the rage he has spent many long years denying, he speaks one more word.


Unheeding of the pain or damage to his hands, Tor yanks Lamia down to him. Grabbing her in an embrace, he starts to literally crush the life out of her. Ribs crack as Lamia screams. Pulling in the last of her power, she releases a burst of energy that sends Tor flying across the room into the wall. As he slides down, she approaches him. As she opens her mouth to speak, a spear point emerges from her chest. Geros, having seen what was happening, had grabbed Dorn's spear. Coughing blood, Lamia slumps to the ground. As the light fades from her eyes, Tor speaks:

We....win...in death...or life...as...long as...you die as well.

Silence filled the chamber.

Just about everyone except the scout, Geros, and Jola are critically injured or dead.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-08, 02:19 PM
The Hradani

Moments before she died, Lamia whispered this:
"- Master...I will miss you."

For Krrth's eyes only:
She also had the opportunity to send a telepathic message to Geros:
The ones you hate so much, the people who enslaved your ancestors...were Athanasians. Dynean's people.

2009-06-08, 02:55 PM
Black Bastion, Council

The Council showed no signs of any emotion. The room was well warded against any sort of magic, it had been thus since long before the Council took it as their home, and it had been kept alive by what ancient Magicians yet lived in the Bastion. A voice echoed. "We hear your plea and are touched. We too have felt the stress of a world bereft, though it was our Gods forsight that protected us. Lord of Defense, That which Barin built, even after the fall of civilization and the shuttering of the gods from this realm, holds strong against the world. Tell us, what god do these "Lupins" Serve? The voice, distorted as it was, held something beyond mere curiosity in this last. It needed confirmation. Needless to say, none of the Council corrected the Matriarch that undead could be of any race, and indeed most were Ensi.

2009-06-08, 03:35 PM

"-Mmh... maybe, yes. This should benefit both of us if you were to learn more about your own gift. I'm just curious to know if you use plants, animals or any other medium to cure...or if it's a true miracle. By what you say, I guess it's the latter."

She waved at the room full of patients.
"-We can't afford to turn help with all the refugees coming. More are expected, should the negotiation with the Lupines fail. You're welcome. Come at the chapel and ask for Sister Mary. She'll have a room for you. Dinner's at nightfall, just after the prayer."

The Elder Sister just hoped that Daniel was really who he pretended to be. Many old songs told stories of how helpful men had spread epidemic in the past, curing a dozen patients to cover the death of hundreds.

The Watchtower

"-Well, I can only give you my word !! What can you tell me about this curse ?!! What are its effects ?!! The Order of Narade has some experience with healing. If you help us to understand, maybe we can work together to eradicate the disease without killing those people !!"

Black Bastion, Council

The Matriarch concidered the answer before formulating her own.
"-For what we know, the ogres have said that their agressors worship a primal god. Aresk or something like that. I have asked the eldest of our Order but in none of the tales and songs they knew is there any information about this god. Only the saga of the Fallen Moon tell us about werewolven but that's probably just a myth from the Dark Age."

She paused for a few seconds, bitting her lower lips. She had to know but hesitated to ask. After all, the room alone was enough to cower even the bravest hearth. To see all those serious, nameless faces staring at her, speaking with the same deep voice, implied respect...and even a bit of fear. But she was the Matriarch. She could not allow fear to block her duty.

"-If conflict there is, can we count on the Black Bastion support ? If not for troops, then at least for equipement. Word is that you've master the stone and can even create your own, melting it and shaping it as you wish. This "Bronze" of yours should be perfect for warriors."

2009-06-08, 04:37 PM
Children of Uso

The cleric smiled and nodded. "Of course. Thank you very much." After the guard had left, the cleric turned to one of the rangers and spoke quietly to him. "Go back to the others. Tell them to begin searching the river itself. Perhaps there will be some clues there."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-06-08, 11:13 PM
Black Bastion, Council

The Matriarch concidered the answer before formulating her own.
"-For what we know, the ogres have said that their agressors worship a primal god. Aresk or something like that. I have asked the eldest of our Order but in none of the tales and songs they knew is there any information about this god. Only the saga of the Fallen Moon tell us about werewolven but that's probably just a myth from the Dark Age."

She paused for a few seconds, bitting her lower lips. She had to know but hesitated to ask. After all, the room alone was enough to cower even the bravest hearth. To see all those serious, nameless faces staring at her, speaking with the same deep voice, implied respect...and even a bit of fear. But she was the Matriarch. She could not allow fear to block her duty.

"-If conflict there is, can we count on the Black Bastion support ? If not for troops, then at least for equipement. Word is that you've master the stone and can even create your own, melting it and shaping it as you wish. This "Bronze" of yours should be perfect for warriors."

Barada nods and adds "Shortly before I left, I recieved word from some of my scouts that they had made a bargain with a race of warriors called the Hradani to the north of the forests. They have offered to aid us in martial pursuits, in exchange for us teaching them some of the secrets of nature they have yet to learn. I know nothing of what lays beneath the land, but this metal you describe would allow for even greater defensive and offensive capabilities for the Hradani."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-10, 06:13 PM
Followers of the Dark Father

The Myconids

No, don't do that! Keep your hand off-


The drow were taken by surprise as a trap in the ceiling suddenly opened and three creatures fell behind the throne. Mycellias didn't seem to take notice. He simply sat there, completely silent.

"- You idiots!"

The creatures finally stepped up and revealed their identity to the dark elves. They were ratmen. Two of them were slightly smaller than dwarves. The other one was of unusual size for his species. He was almost 6 feet tall. This one wore robes and a belt with many pockets, and he carried a strange device on his back.

Image (http://www.markofchaosinn.com/img/artworks/16_large.jpg)

"- Well. Now my scheme is ruined. Next time, I will bring more competent henchmen. Who would have thought that my own nephews would be so dumb?"

The large ratmen put on his goggles and turned to the delegation. He spoke with a squeaky voice.

"No reason to lie to you now. My name's Morstar. King of the Ratmen and alchemist extraordinaire! You have already met Mycellias...my finest creation."

The king grinned.



Daniel learned first aid and herbalism from the Sisters. He became a great healer, even if his miraculous powers only manifested very rarely. He also adopted the young girl, Vivianne, as his own. The two were well liked in the community. However, as his daughter grew a bit older, Daniel realized that Suncliff would offer more opportunities to her than the frontier town that was Memorial. And so he asked the permission to leave with Vivianne and settle in or near Suncliff.

The Watchtower

The lupine didn't know what to think.

"- Wait here. Go seek the spirit talker!"

The guard went back to the tower and shouted something in a unknown language. A few minutes later, a lupine wearing heavy hides, feathers and a multitude of talismans appeared in the doorway. He was also carrying a spiked mace and a painted shield depicting the sun. The spirit talker approached carefully. The guard wasn't far behind.

"- I, Lotek. I will speak for my kind. Only one way to know if you clean. Must commune with the elements. You too. Come and sit. One of us and one of you."

"- I not think this' good idea, Lotek", barked the other lupine.

"- Now time for talking, not fighting. No blood will flow today."

Lotek sat down in the mud and placed a bowl in front of him. He then lit some inscense and pointed the Elder sister.

"- Why not you?"

Children of Uso

The rangers searched this area of the river, found some wreckage, but nothing like a relic.

2009-06-10, 08:58 PM
Followers of the Dark Father


The Dark Elves jump as the trio crash thru the ceiling. Fanar raises his hands in preparation for the casting of a spell but stops as the ratman begins speaking. Ratmen were still extremely low on the hierarchy of species but it was an improvement over sentient fungi.

"It is a very fine creation. Worthy of praise from the Lord of Shadows himself. We would be very interested in learning your great powers of alchemy."