View Full Version : Talice V.S. The Night Surgeon

2009-05-17, 12:04 AM
The two of you stand in a massive cylindar, in a mage's demi plane, the scene flickering through multiple envrions, and conditions before settling on the following.

2009-05-17, 12:11 AM
Evrion rolls:

light (doesn't matter to me, orb of deeper darkness, and permanent true seeing and all.)

Prep time

2009-05-17, 12:23 AM
No prep time, in plains at night with a chill breeze, and clear skies.

Intiative, and casting the first spell of the round!

Nerve skitter


2009-05-17, 12:29 AM
Init: [roll0]

EDIT: For information... Nothing. I'm not visible. More specifically, the arena has been previously stated to have waist high grass. I am 2.5 feet tall. Also, I have the Shadow Blend ability. Easiest location for it is the Shadow Mastiff entry in the SRD. While I'm not a shadow mastiff, the ability is identical.

2009-05-17, 12:43 AM
Kay, even to True Seeing?:smallconfused:
Ah, well will not matter, first turn for me is a doozy.
A small, chittering, pale furred, creature stands before you, a small rod in each hand, and a circlet on its forehead in addition to gloves on its hand, it chitters quitely for a second before vanishing entirely before a MASSIVE... THING... takes its Jelly like appendages droop at odd angles from a central,
amoeboid mass. It's skin ripples, blisters, and bursts, spreading
a stinking goo, but always regrows, becoming a bit larger
each time. It's form is always growing, always changing.However, One
feature remains constant: Translucent flesh in it's midsection
reveals organs, blood vessels, and sinew arranged to depict a
gigantic, dreaming face.


Created Ragnora using a heightened silent image enhanced to be 80% real with my shadow casting. She fits within the dimensions of my spell, and is a perfectly legal creation per RAW.
I used my anklets of translocation (swift action) to get withing 20 feet of ragnora.

Also, are you detcted by blindsight, true seeing, or do you have a hide check above 56?

2009-05-17, 12:46 AM
I have SU granted total concealment, Mundane granted total concealment, and Darkstalker. In addition, I beat a 56 spot check on a roll of 1.

2009-05-17, 12:47 AM
I have SU granted total concealment, Mundane granted total concealment, and Darkstalker. In addition, I beat a 56 spot check on a roll of 1.

Well no, thats the bonus.. >.>

Here's the actual roll
And for listen

2009-05-17, 01:02 AM
Well, total concealment still means no sight... Unless you can see through grass.

EDIT: True seeing likely will penetrate the Shadow Blend... but not mundane concealment...

EDIT2: Blindsight etc can see me with a standard spot check, even amidst total concealment, and I'm not hiding as yet. If you have 120ft Blindsight, you'll pick me up.

2009-05-17, 01:12 AM
Posted for your information.

2009-05-17, 01:13 AM
Then yes I do (blind sight 300ft, I'll show the stat block of what it openly if you want.)
Anyways the THING moves towards you moving a full 100 ft (run action), and now for it's aura to come into play, in addition to you now being within its reach.

Aura of positive energy:
Turn check
[roll0] (14 CL+Charisma.)

2009-05-17, 01:15 AM
So Effective Cleric level +4. What is the thing's effective cleric level?

2009-05-17, 01:18 AM
So Effective Cleric level +4. What is the thing's effective cleric level?

14 in the entry. In fact here it is for you to see (spoilered due to length)

Ragnorra CR 19
hp 576 (48 HD); fast healing 20; DR 15/epic
NE Gargantuan aberration (extraplanar)
Init +1; Senses blindsight 500 ft., true seeing; Listen +56,
Spot +56
Aura corrupt positive energy (30 ft.)
Languages telepathy 1,000 ft., tongues
AC 36, touch 7, flat-footed 35
Immune anathematic secrecy (malefi c property), impervious
to the divine (malefi c property), death effects, fi re, gaze
attacks, poison; elder evil immunities (page 6)
Resist acid 20, cold 20, electricity 20; SR 34
Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +31
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee slam +45 (3d8+19 plus 1 vile)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Base Atk +36; Grp +61
Atk Options Automatic Still Spell, Awesome Blow, Improved
Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, Quicken
Spell-Like Ability (regenerate worldskin), Quicken Spell-
Like Ability (skincasting), Widen Supernatural Ability
(positive energy aura)
Special Actions trample 4d6+19 (DC 47)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 24th):
At will—regenerate worldskin 50, skincasting
Abilities Str 36, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 26, Wis 21, Cha 26
SQ nondetection, sign (twisted life), spell to spore
Feats Awesome Blow, Epic FortitudeELH, Epic LeadershipELH,
Epic Refl exesELH, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Overrun, Leadership, Lightning Refl exes, Positive
Energy AuraELH, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability
(regenerate worldskin), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (skincasting),
Vile Natural Attack (slam), Widen Supernatural
AbilityToM (positive energy aura) (3)
Skills Concentration +55, Intimidate +59, Knowledge (arcana)
+59, Knowledge (nature) +59, Knowledge (the planes)
+59, Knowledge (religion) +59, Listen +56*, Spellcraft
+65, Spot +56*, Survival +56 (+62 aboveground and on
other planes)
*Ragnorra has a +15 bonus on Listen and Spot checks to
detect creatures in the neurotangle (see page 102).
True Seeing (Su) As the true seeing spell; continuous; caster
level 20th.

Also, make a DC 30 Will save.

2009-05-17, 01:26 AM
Then it cannot turn me. For turning purposes, I have 22 HD. Cleric 14 +4 = 18.

Further, if it's epic (as elder evils are), it can't be summoned by you, thus, it must be an illusion. Illusory magic can create physical masses, and (with shadow magic) can make that mass quasi-real.

However, that does not extend to Supernatural/Spell-Like/Epic Abilities.

Just as a polymorph assumes a form without the abilities, without explicit text stating that supernatural abilites can be copied and generated (such as the text of the Metamorphic Transfer feat), they cannot. In short, you can create the illusion of a Solar. It won't grant wishes. It can, however, fly as you deem it to, and attack, as you deem it to.

2009-05-17, 01:29 AM
Then it cannot turn me. For turning purposes, I have 22 HD. Cleric 14 +4 = 18.

Further, if it's epic, it can't be summoned by you, thus, it must be an illusion. Illusory magic can create physical masses, and (with shadow magic) can make that mass quasi-real.

However, that does not extend to Supernatural/Spell-Like/Epic Abilities.

Just as a polymorph assumes a form without the abilities, without explicit text stating that supernatural abilites can be copied and generated (such as the text of the Metamorphic Transfer feat), they cannot. In short, you can create the illusion of a Solar. It won't grant wishes. It can, however, fly as you deem it to, and attack, as you deem it to.
..Umm, This is the Shadow magic quandry Talic, It's 80% real, hence why I'm asking for the will save. It's 80% of Ragnora now, fully real, fully everything that Ragnora is. I just created a creature, no summoning, nothing. It's mine to control as well as long as I concentrate, and the creature IS the creature Talic, I'm creating it from a direct entry that I have access to from a tome that I read IC back awhile ago, the description of the spell is "How you imagine it" which I believe per RAW means I get to have it's super natural, EX, and other abilities.
And to quote more directly
"This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you.", so thus if I visualise the creature having said abilities when I make it quasi real then it should have those abilities per the statement of the spell.

2009-05-17, 01:33 AM
Wrong. It is 80% of a physical mass the same size, shape, and HD as Ragnorra.

If you polymorph into a troll, you become a Giant. You are affected by anything that affects giants.

You do not, however, gain regeneration.

In all aspects, you are REAL. 100% real. That doesn't mean you gain all of the abilities of the creature in question.

Further, if you are limited to VISUAL illusion...

Turning isn't visual.
Blindsight isn't visual.
About 95% of the abilities in that entry aren't visual.

You have a 600 hp monster with a hellacious attack bonus. But 1st level spells do not replicate effects beyond epic. Especially when there is a reasonable interpretation, as I have provided, where it does not.

2009-05-17, 01:34 AM
Wrong. It is 80% of a physical mass the same size, shape, and HD as Ragnorra.

If you polymorph into a troll, you become a Giant. You are affected by anything that affects giants.

You do not, however, gain regeneration.

In all aspects, you are REAL. 100% real. That doesn't mean you gain all of the abilities of the creature in question.

But, I'm not it, this is a replication of Ragnora... This isn't polymorph Talic... Shadow Conjuration (the closest effect I can think of to this.), creates creatures with their special abilities out of shadow in a very similar manner, albiet it's limited to the creatures that can be created by a summoning spell, they retain all of their SLA's, and resistances, and qualities made by that spell, why shouldn't a almost exact repliaction of the spell do the same?

2009-05-17, 01:42 AM
Correct. Shadow Conjuration has specific guidelines as to what it can create. It then explicitly grants the powers and abilities.

Your spell does not explicitly grant the powers and abilities.

Thus. It. Does. Not. Grant. Them.

By your logic, I can create an illusion of a scroll of wish, read it, and get the wish.


Magic does not work that way.

Creating an 80% real scroll of wish via a level 1 illusion will result in a perfectly REAL (well, 80%) scroll. It will not imbue it with the power of a 9th level spell.

Creating an 80% real elder evil will result in a perfectly REAL (well, 80%) monster. It will not imbue it with powers only attainable with epic spells and a DC 10,000,000 Spellcraft check.

2009-05-17, 01:47 AM
Correct. Shadow Conjuration has specific guidelines as to what it can create. It then explicitly grants the powers and abilities.

Your spell does not explicitly grant the powers and abilities.

Thus. It. Does. Not. Grant. Them.

By your logic, I can create an illusion of a scroll of wish, read it, and get the wish.


Magic does not work that way.

But it doesn't explcityly state that it doesn't since it's quasi real, and since I technicly auto disbelieve I would only get 80% of a wish. >.> I checked the char op boards on this Talic, it was a different case, but they have outright stated that you CAN create magic items with a shadow illusion per RAW, in fact you can even SCRIBE MAGIC TATTO'S on your skin (see: Treantmonklvl20's guide to being GOD) they work in full, but since you disbelieve you only get 80% of the effects.:smallamused:
Also, this is cast as a 8th level spell Talic, heighten spell has made this so with the stated examples I think per RAW it works.

The Glyphstone
2009-05-17, 01:48 AM
Interjecting as a spectator, if all you're doing is using the Shadowcraft Mage Shadow Illusion class feature (my assumption based on your comment of a Heightened Silent Image), this "Ragnora' can't do anything except look scary, because Shadow Illusion Does Not Work That Way(Copyright Morbo). If that's not what you are doing, I have no clue how you managed to do it beyond some sort of Ice Assassin shenanigans...

2009-05-17, 01:55 AM
Shadowcraft Mage is Faerun specific. Per the character creation guidelines, it's not allowed.

Non-campaign specific WotC 3.5 books plus any WotC web articles plus Savage Species for feats/spells only. Dragon magazine not available. Only feats, spells and items from campaign-specific stuff.
Shadowcraft mage is not a feat, spell, or item. Thus? Not allowed.

As for the rest? If I heighten a magic missile to level 8, you know what it does?


Heighten does not, in and of itself, imbue a spell with any additional power, beyond Save DC's, and resistance to dispelling.

2009-05-17, 01:58 AM
No it's not Talic. Races of Stone, non setting specific, and I was reffering to the Shadow magic ability on page 122 of the book.:smallsigh:
I don't even OWN a setting specific book, everything I get from there is copy/paste information from freinds, or from PDF's on the internets.

2009-05-17, 02:01 AM
In short, when shadowcraft magic is heightened to 10th level, and given the ability to replicate a miracle? Then it can create magic items. Because the spell says it can.

Before that? No. Just because it doesn't say you can't, doesn't mean you can.

If that's the case, I cast Nerveskitter as an immediate action, and deal 1,000,000 damage to everything other than me in the arena, no save, no resistance, raw untyped damage.

After all, it doesn't say I can't.

2009-05-17, 02:07 AM
In short, when shadowcraft magic is heightened to 10th level, and given the ability to replicate a miracle? Then it can create magic items. Because the spell says it can.

Before that? No. Just because it doesn't say you can't, doesn't mean you can.

If that's the case, I cast Nerveskitter as an immediate action, and deal 1,000,000 damage to everything other than me in the arena, no save, no resistance, raw untyped damage.

After all, it doesn't say I can't.

:smallsigh:, fine... Overreacting much, because of a faulty interpretation, onward with the match. There is now a very large, very scary Ragnora in the middle of the map, not doing much, but very REAL, and I have a wasted action for the sake of simplicity.:smallsigh:

2009-05-17, 02:11 AM
Creating a creature doesn't give it an identity. You can't create an 80% real Bob, and ask it what real Bob had for breakfast, and expect it to have an answer.

It is an 80% creature with the same race as the creature, but with none of the information, abilities or the like.

Yes. It's real. The divinely empowered abilities? No. You can argue all you want. There is no effect explicitly granting you the supernatural/spell-like abilities.

I won't agree to any interpretation you make that will give it those, while there exists a RAW-friendly interpretation that doesn't. So get Belial in here to back it up, or this ain't goin' nowhere.

As I told someone else... The main goal here is to have fun. Not whip out the biggest ego. If I was going for Ego, I'd have made the +50 initiative creature with true seeing that throws force rocks for 10,000,000 damage, reflex save half, DC 85.

But it's not about "winning at any cost, including the fun of every single person around you". It's about playing a game, and having fun.

EDIT: The ragnorra is still a 500 HP creature with a +45 to hit. It's not shabby. It couldn't turn me, and it'd have a dang hard time hurting me, even with its abilities. I just don't want that precedent set.

The Glyphstone
2009-05-17, 02:12 AM
Talic, that's not really helping - he's completely off base by RAW, but your counter logic is flawed. I'll summarize the ability of Shadow Illusion, granted at the 3rd level of Shadowcraft Mage and printed on page 122 of Races of Stone, in the spoiler.

Allows the infusion of shadow magic into figments, making them partly real. Any of the following figment spells (Silent Illusion, Minor Image, Major Image, Programmed Image, or Persistent Image) can be so altered, making it a [shadow] spell and allowing it to duplicate or mimic the effects of any sorcerer or wizard spell that is an evocation, conjuration [summoning] or conjuration [creation]. The duplicated spell must be at most one level lower than the level of the figment spell augmented in this way. Mechanically, this is identical to a combination Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration effect, except that the spell's 'reality' upon disbelief is equal to 10% times the level of the figment spell used.

What Surgeon is doing right: Using a Heightened Silent Image (8th level spell) to fuel Shadow Illusion.
What Surgeon is doing wrong: Currently, everything else. I don't have Elder Evils, but I can't imagine that it contains a Conjuration [Summoning] spell within the constraints of Shadow Illusion that permits you to summon even an aspect of an Elder Evil, let alone the Evil itself.

2009-05-17, 02:13 AM
Creating a creature doesn't give it an identity. You can't create an 80% real Bob, and ask it what real Bob had for breakfast, and expect it to have an answer.

It is an 80% creature with the same race as the creature, but with none of the information, abilities or the like.

Yes. It's real. The divinely empowered abilities? No. You can argue all you want. There is no effect explicitly granting you the supernatural/spell-like abilities.

I won't agree to any interpretation you make that will give it those, while there exists a RAW-friendly interpretation that doesn't. So get Belial in here to back it up, or this ain't goin' nowhere.

As I told someone else... The main goal here is to have fun. Not whip out the biggest ego. If I was going for Ego, I'd have made the +50 initiative creature with true seeing that throws force rocks for 10,000,000 damage, reflex save half, DC 85.

But it's not about "winning at any cost, including the fun of every single person around you". It's about playing a game, and having fun.

Well, okay then. Lets get this rolling then.

2009-05-17, 02:18 AM
It still has HP, and it still has attack methods and damage.

As for you, Glyph? Heighten does not make the spell stronger. That's another ability. But the argument that it's not a level 1 spell, it's a level 8 spell, so it can be used to create an elder evil?

That's like saying it's not a firecracker, it's a grenade, so it can blow up hiroshima.

2009-05-17, 02:19 AM
It still has HP, and it still has attack methods and damage.

As for you, Glyph? Heighten does not make the spell stronger. That's another ability. But the argument that it's not a level 1 spell, it's a level 8 spell, so it can be used to create an elder evil?

That's like saying it's not a firecracker, it's a grenade, so it can blow up hiroshima.

Can we just get this rolling? I agree to your interprentations as you are a high ref of the Arena, and obviously know more RAW fu then I do. Let's rumble.

The Glyphstone
2009-05-17, 02:26 AM
It still has HP, and it still has attack methods and damage.

As for you, Glyph? Heighten does not make the spell stronger. That's another ability. But the argument that it's not a level 1 spell, it's a level 8 spell, so it can be used to create an elder evil?

That's like saying it's not a firecracker, it's a grenade, so it can blow up hiroshima.
Spoilering to minimize thread disruption.

You don't seem to realize that I'm arguing in your favor...I explicitly said otherwise, that despite a Heightened Silent Image being an 8th level spell (which is it), and thus whatever he makes with it being 80% real via Shadow Illusion (which it will), there is no spell in existence that can [Summon] or [Create] an Elder Evil short of Epic magic, which is not 8th level or below.
- He could make a Polar Ray and it would deal 80% damage if disbelieved.
- He could create a beautifully crafted set of adamantine manacles (via imitating Major Creation) and for the 1/round caster level it existed, it would be 80% real.
-He could call up 1d4 Greater Fire Elementals via imitating Summon Monster VIII, and they would have 80% of the HP and deal 80% normal damage.

He could NOT conjure Ragnora in any manner of quasi-reality, as there is no Evocation, Conjuration[Creation] or Conjuration[Summoning] spell that lets you do so.

2009-05-17, 02:28 AM
My turn:

Tumble autosuccess for moving through a creature's square without provoking an AoO.

Move: Fly 120 feet forward, lifting 5 feet off the ground.
Free: Divine Might.
Standard: Emerald Razor.
Touch Attack: [roll0]
If hit: [roll1]

2009-05-17, 02:29 AM
You don't seem to realize that I'm arguing in your favor...I explicitly said otherwise, that despite a Heightened Silent Image being an 8th level spell (which is it), and thus whatever he makes with it being 80% real via Shadow Illusion (which it will), there is no spell in existence that can [Summon] or [Create] an Elder Evil short of Epic magic, which is not 8th level or below.
- He could make a Polar Ray and it would deal 80% damage if disbelieved.
- He could create a beautifully crafted set of adamantine manacles (via imitating Major Creation) and for the 1/round caster level it existed, it would be 80% real.
-He could call up 1d4 Greater Fire Elementals via imitating Summon Monster VIII, and they would have 80% of the HP and deal 80% normal damage.

He could NOT conjure Ragnora in any manner of quasi-reality, as there is no Evocation, Conjuration[Creation] or Conjuration[Summoning] spell that lets you do so.
Well. This seems very definitive. I did agree to a scary Ragnora that LOOKS intimidating.
EDIT: Hit, and 11 Damage after my DR.

2009-05-17, 02:31 AM
Well. This seems very definitive. I did agree to a scary Ragnora that LOOKS intimidating.

Last entry on page 1 is my 1st turn.

EDIT: Your go.

2009-05-17, 02:47 AM
Okay, on my turn.

Casting a spell (DC 25 spell craft), and BAM out of nowhere come
[roll0] copies of myself that seem to be moving in perfect union, although also ever shifting in this dance of battle and then I chitter some more a odd glow surronding me, and lastly actvating my rod of quicken a glow surronding it that spreads around all of my body. I auto make both of the concentration checks so rolling isn't even a novelty here, the image of Ragnora moves over myself, and my clones then (Go ahead, and take your imaginary AOO. =p) obsucring us with the massive shadow weave bulk.


Cast Greater Mirror Image on myself
Cast Karmic Aura on myself as a immediate action (absorbing next turns swift action)
Cast a Scintillating scales on myself quickened by the rod.

2009-05-17, 03:07 AM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

As necessary to identify any and all spells cast during the turn.

2009-05-17, 03:16 AM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

As necessary to identify any and all spells cast during the turn.

Greater Mirror Image, Karmic Aura, and Scintllating scales. >.> There's no spell craft for the big image just a beeg difficult will save.

2009-05-17, 03:18 AM
The small dessicated creature before you mutters a simple spell, one many mages learn to cast before they ever leave their master's care. The shadowy essence ripples off its withered flesh, its atrophied arms, legs, head, at the inclusion of another magic, and it lunges with row after row of glinting teeth.

Cast True Strike.
Swift: Belt of battle, 2 charges. Extra standard action.
Free: Divine Might.
Standard: Mountain Hammer.

Attack: [roll0] (ignore miss chances, provided I target the right location... Right where you were)
If Hit: [roll1] (ignore all hardness and DR)

Go ahead.

2009-05-17, 03:19 AM
Oh, and I might as well. Will save: [roll0]

EDIT: Auto 1 fails.

2009-05-17, 03:28 AM
So, yeah.. You strike into the big fleshy mass that we disapeared into, you blade sinks into it, and a ear piercing scream emits from it, before another torrent of spells shoot out this time, seemingly from the beasts tentacles.
And a uncontrollable urge possesses the creature.. The urge to dance. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un3-Hb9wF9s)
(No save, SR if you have it though.)


You failed the save, and thus couldn't discern our location from the big REAL TO YOU fleshy mass that is there, and I cast Otto's Irresitable Dance on you to make you Thriller.

2009-05-17, 03:32 AM
If that's Otto's Irresistable Dance, which I think it is, there's 2 problems with that.

1) You need a touch attack.
2) Living creatures only.

EDIT: On the bright side, your undead status is protecting you from the two diseases my bite carries, as well as the Paralyzation effect.

2009-05-17, 03:35 AM
If that's Otto's Irresistable Dance, which I think it is, there's 2 problems with that.

1) You need a touch attack.
2) Living creatures only.

1: Archmage Arcane Reach
2: Damn, forgot THAT part of the spell, so much less epic.:smallfrown:

Anyways, change of actions:

Casting a Elemental body (gaining the Outsider type, AND keeping my current type in addition to the new immunity to spell on myself, in addition to a load of other benefits.) and staying within the bastion of defense.

2009-05-17, 03:44 AM
Arcane reach makes it require a ranged touch attack instead. You still need the touch attack though. It's nice for making it a dex base, rather than a str base.

My go.

The tiny creature moves impossibly quickly, bouncing from tentacle to tentacle, one step ahead of their swings, until finally out of the illusory beast. Somehow, during the move, it managed to produce a small bottle. The glint in its eyes is gleeful, the smile cruel, as it pulls the stopper out, and thick, choking smoke billows out, obscuring everything.

Auto tumble outside the fleshy mass, drawing out a bottle as I do. Time to even the playing field.

Unstopper the Eversmoking Bottle. You can't true seeing through real smoke.
I may be half blind... But so are you.

2009-05-17, 03:50 AM
You forgot one thing with you scentless (per RAW!!!) smoke, and the rat like anemic wizard sniffs out your square quickly, and shoots a stream of glittery dust out at the creature, before holding action to cast a quickened grease upon the creatures next movement, while the images continue to rearrange themselves, as a new one pops up to join them.


Glitter dust is a bitch, your outlined clearly now, and since you auto make the fort save it doesn't matter. -40 on hide checks by the way.:smalltongue:

2009-05-17, 03:53 AM
Scent is not effective versus Darkstalker. Nor is blindsight, blindsense, or tremorsense. You must make a spot or listen check.

Further, scent picks up general direction. It does not pinpoint location unerringly. For that, you need the track feat, and a very, very steep survival DC.

2009-05-17, 03:54 AM
Scent is not effective versus Darkstalker. Nor is blindsight, blindsense, or tremorsense. You must make a spot or listen check.
GRAGH! >.< Damn dark stalker, is Detect thoughts effective? /hopeful

2009-05-17, 04:00 AM
Sure. 1 round of concentration will detect the presence in a cone.
2 will detect the number of thought sources, and the strongest one
round 3 will pinpoint location of thoughts.

Also, bear in mind, that glitterdust is completely ineffective versus 10 feet of smoke, which blocks LOS. I needed something natural, that wouldn't be bypassed by your true seeing. Everything glitter dust would do, true seeing is already defeating, except for mundane hiding.

But true seeing can't see through something that's really there. I could put a 10,000,000 candlepower krypton bulb in that smoke cloud. At a distance of 10 feet? Total concealment.

EDIT: My Bad. Detect thoughts is mind-affecting. Undead are immune.

2009-05-17, 04:01 AM
Sure. 1 round of concentration will detect the presence in a cone.
2 will detect the number of thought sources, and the strongest one
round 3 will pinpoint location of thoughts.

Also, bear in mind, that glitterdust is completely ineffective versus 10 feet of smoke, which blocks LOS. I needed something natural, that wouldn't be bypassed by your true seeing. Everything glitter dust would do, true seeing is already defeating, except for mundane hiding.

But true seeing can't see through something that's really there. I could put a 10,000,000 candlepower krypton bulb in that smoke cloud. At a distance of 10 feet? Total concealment.

Damn, well then... move action up 60 feet (8 images of me now), and cast Lord of the Sky.

2009-05-17, 04:26 AM
Just looked at detect thoughts, actually. It's mind affecting. That means a no-go on us undeads.

The smoke billows downward, like a fireball, as the tiny figure emerges from the cloud. It halts about 30 feet from you, with a cocky look in its eye. A raspy voice carries across the distance...

"How many incantations do you have remaining, mageling? What happens when your spells are exhausted, and I can sink my teeth into your flesh?"

Scout's Headband, 3 charges: True Seeing.
Drop the bottle
Fly in the general direction of the sound (with my listen modifier, I can detect a verbal component of a spellcast on a roll of 1 at 260 feet).

2009-05-17, 04:31 AM
"Oh, I have DOZENS of incantations left, but tell me... creature... what do you gain from feasting on my undead flesh? Prehaps talking at a higher vantage point...away from my creature down there will make this more suiting for civility."
The creature then raises even higher into the sky, it's talking getting fainted as it moves once more, something under lying it's words.
No looks in this one talic

Holding action to cast a Greater Dispel magic once he begins to close with me.
Moving 120 feet up.

2009-05-17, 04:54 AM
The shadowy wisps remain blurry and indistinct, as the <gremlin>? <sprite>? speaks more clearly.

"Hm. I never put that much thought into it. I suppose it's because I haven't done it yet?"

It looks down at the creature, a flicker of the smugness gone from its face as it fidgets with its hands... Shaking its head for a moment, it glances at your many forms, and heads directly towards you at a breakneck pace, stopping just short of you, licking its dried, cracked remnants of lips hungrily...

"Now, what were we discussing? Ah yes. Your terms of surrender."

Nonvisible standard actionActivate Ring of spell turning.
Move up to 120 feet towards my foe, ending 5 feet from his square.

2009-05-17, 09:02 PM
"Surrender is far out of my terms my fellow undead. Considering that we're around 240 feet up, and your about to begin falling."
(triggering my held action once you get close)
Area Greater dispel magic centered on you (it activated right as you began moving, so I'm not caught in it. Also since its mid way through your move action your currently 200 feet up in the air.)

Dispel checks against every magic effect you have on you.

I auto succeed even if your items, and spell's CL's are twenty, which is the highest non epic effect available.
Also, casting a quickened (via: normal rod of quickening...last usage. ) telekinesis on you while you fall.

2009-05-17, 09:26 PM
Area dispel only gets my spells, not my items, and is expended after dispelling 1 spell.

If you want to go for all my spell effects, you'll have to do a targeted dispel. Even then, it won't get my items.

Further, you cannot take a swift action (quickened spell), in conjunction with a readied action. Swift actions are only available on your turn, which this is not. Quickened spells are swift actions.

Please rework your readied action to be legal.

EDIT: Relevant text:

Area Dispel

When dispel magic is used in this way, the spell affects everything within a 20-foot radius.

For each creature within the area that is the subject of one or more spells, you make a dispel check against the spell with the highest caster level. If that check fails, you make dispel checks against progressively weaker spells until you dispel one spell (which discharges the dispel magic spell so far as that target is concerned) or until you fail all your checks. The creature’s magic items are not affected.

For each object within the area that is the target of one or more spells, you make dispel checks as with creatures. Magic items are not affected by an area dispel.

For each ongoing area or effect spell whose point of origin is within the area of the dispel magic spell, you can make a dispel check to dispel the spell.

For each ongoing spell whose area overlaps that of the dispel magic spell, you can make a dispel check to end the effect, but only within the overlapping area.

If an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a monster summoned by monster summoning) is in the area, you can make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured that object or creature (returning it whence it came) in addition to attempting to dispel spells targeting the creature or object.

You may choose to automatically succeed on dispel checks against any spell that you have cast.

2009-05-17, 09:52 PM
Ah, well then..
Readied action goes off with the area dispel... Any spell EFFECTS, or spells happening.. First one goes down. Any falling/anything happening?

My turn, no more diplomacy happening, I go ahead, and cast Bigby's Grasping Hand on you/ grapple check.
You get -8 on your check for being small (-4 per size catagory difference), and the hand gets a additional +8 to it's checks against you (+4 per size catagory larger) but before that can happen, my images encircle you (moving into a ring), cast a glitter dust on you, and then then let loose a telekinesis (quickened via rod) to thrust you upwards (bull rush manuever so make a STRENGTH check.) into the roof.

Strength check from telekinesis, also take a -4 on yours because your small, and the spell technicly has no "size" so there is no penalty for it.

2009-05-17, 10:09 PM
My one spell effect goes down.

Bigby's Grasping hand fails to grip me, due to a Ring of Freedom of Movement.

Part of the standard kit for anyone's 760,000, IMO.

2009-05-17, 10:10 PM
Telekinesis is opposed by a will save, in addition... When it targets a creature.


EDIT: 1 fails. I take damage per falling for hitting the roof, as if I fell 10 feet.

EDIT 2: Wait a sec... That's not a ghost SU telekinesis. It's targeted. Spell turning. It hits you, not me.

EDIT 3: Flight is a feature of my Race/Template. A disjunction won't get rid of it. Ah, you're doing a bull rush, NM on that.

2009-05-17, 10:33 PM
Dispel checks against every magic effect you have on you.
Mind explaining how you got your dispel check so high?

2009-05-17, 10:42 PM
Mind explaining how you got your dispel check so high?

It's not unheard of to receive bonuses that apply outside of the +20 Caster Level cap. Explaining his work isn't his job.

Understanding how the spells he casts affect me, and what's required of me... Is.

I shouldn't have to tell myself when I need to make a save. I'm willing to take the effort to understand my attack and defense abilities, and explain them when necessary. The only thing I ask is that you understand the abilities that you attempt to use.

If you're going to apply an effect, or cast a spell... Reference the spell, and follow the wording of it, instead of relying on memory. Same applies for unusual attack methods. It'll eliminate a lot of confusion, and make things much easier.

(On a side note, the penalties for grapple checks are +4 for every size category larger than medium or smaller than medium. You misread the bonuses for the grapple check. I just didn't bring it up because it wasn't important.)

2009-05-17, 10:54 PM
Str Check for bull rush ability.

[roll0] -4 for size modifier.

EDIT: my 13 versus your 12, I don't move.

2009-05-17, 11:21 PM
It's not unheard of to receive bonuses that apply outside of the +20 Caster Level cap. Explaining his work isn't his job.
Yes, but an extra +12? On top of +4 caster level? That stretches credibility a bit, and it's not a number that typically show up on a character sheet where the DM would likely see it in advance to check. Combining every bonus I know of that isn't limited use and would require activation or pre-buffing only gets +11, and that doesn't leave room for both Shadowcraft Mage 3+ and Archmage 1+.

2009-05-17, 11:51 PM
That will make it my turn...


Several of you, one of me. Well, there's an easy fix for that. Fly back, into the smoke, vanishing from sight. Auto tumble to avoid AoO's. After LOS is lost...
continue movement to retrieve my eversmoking bottle.

Glitterdust doesn't last too awfully long, so I think I'll stay in the smoke where it's impossible for you to effectively combat me. I mean, there's area effect, but with evasion and a +51 reflex save, I don't think you'll be getting me unless I roll a 1. What's the chances of that happening? LOL.

2009-05-17, 11:53 PM
Yes, but an extra +12? On top of +4 caster level? That stretches credibility a bit, and it's not a number that typically show up on a character sheet where the DM would likely see it in advance to check. Combining every bonus I know of that isn't limited use and would require activation or pre-buffing only gets +11, and that doesn't leave room for both Shadowcraft Mage 3+ and Archmage 1+.

+4 caster level is easy enough, and I can do it with a single feat. The others? If he's found something you haven't, then bully for him. Regardless, I prefer my matches with a minimum of outside interference... So if I'm not disputing it...

Why should you?