View Full Version : Fable II for the PC?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-17, 12:23 AM
Have there ever been any announcements of this sort? My brother and I have been waiting for more than a year for this dream to become a reality, and still we can find seemingly no word of it.

Is Fable II just going to be an Xbox 360 game forever then? Am I just being impatient and paranoid?

2009-05-17, 03:30 AM
No word about it as of yet as far as I know. I'm still hopeful, though.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-17, 11:43 AM
Damn it Molyneux! Don't forget your PC playing fans!

2009-05-17, 01:22 PM
In my experience, they always port over games like this, even when they initially say they won't. I have a hunch that Microsoft always waits a year or so to try and entice a few fans to buy an Xbox just for the game they want.

2009-05-17, 06:50 PM
In my experience, they always port over games like this, even when they initially say they won't. I have a hunch that Microsoft always waits a year or so to try and entice a few fans to buy an Xbox just for the game they want.

They haven't ported Halo 3 yet though and that's been over a year. I think they may be stopping that practice due to the fact that the 360 has very few exclusives if you don't count PC/360 games.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-17, 07:24 PM
That'll eliminate a big chunk of their players though. I, for one, refuse to buy another gaming system. That means I can't have an Xbox 360.

2009-05-17, 07:34 PM
That'll eliminate a big chunk of their players though. I, for one, refuse to buy another gaming system. That means I can't have an Xbox 360.

No, that means you choose not to have an Xbox 360. If you really want to not buy another system because of your personal beliefs or whatever, then of course you can't play its games... But for some people, not being able to play Fable 2, Halo 3, etc will entice them to buy a 360. I'm not sure that the pull is that big for Fable 2, but I wouldn't doubt it if for Halo 3, Microsoft would make a bigger profit by selling their consoles to people looking to play halo 3, rather than releasing a PC version of it.

The latter would result in more people playing the game, but I'd think the former would result in more money for the company.

But eventually, I think that the base of PC people willing to buy an Xbox for Y game will die down, and they will indeed release a PC version of Y game. Just might take awhile.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-17, 07:39 PM
Yeah, but my financial situation is tight right now:

1. The grocery store I've worked at for the past summer and holiday seasons doesn't want to hire me back, so I have to scramble to get a new summer job.

2. My family owns practically every Nintendo system worth owning, and we barely use them anymore. We only have two games for our Wii and we stopped playing those years ago, leaving our Wii unused and unloved. I strongly doubt my parents would even consider buying me an Xbox 360, because the same thing would probably just happen again, especially if I leave it at home while I'm at college.

3. I'm trying to prove to my mother that my D&D books don't need to be locked away or burned by eliminating all entertainment-related spending from my budget. If I can prove I can be responsible during school and not let my desire for gaming get in the way of getting my college degree next year, then maybe she'll get off my case about my gaming being a massive distraction for me.