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2009-05-17, 01:11 PM
Toshi comes home from a long day of work. He is loosening his tie and getting out his keys. When he opens the door he sees something unexpected. He closes the door and checks the apartment number and then opens it again.

"Is this some kind of joke? Did someone sign me up for weird callers of the month? This won't be good for my reputation. Could all of you please leave this is my home."

Toshi steps in and points towards the door.

2009-05-17, 02:41 PM
Teri was just as suprised as he was. She had crawled in the first open window she had found, just wanting a place to hide, but she'd found all these strange other women (using the term loosely, of course) in here. And now a man had opened the door, and was telling them to leave.

"Please don't make me leave! I can't go back!"

Teri looked about, trying to think of someway she could stop the fellow from sending her back to the hospital.

"I can help around the house! I'm good with stuff like that."

A lie, but he didn't know that.

2009-05-17, 03:35 PM

"I just followed this fairy in here and saw all these other people and assumed it was some kind of party."

The girl is sitting casually on the couch with her luggage at her feet, swinging a parasol.

"You should lock your windows."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-17, 03:36 PM

Toshi can see some small feet poking out from underneath the couch.

He hasn't noticed me yet... I can do this...

She whispers quite audibly.

2009-05-17, 03:50 PM

Who as been mostly unnoticed since she is about 15 inches high and is very busy trying to get Toshi attention by delicatly clawing his pants.
"Hi ! You smell nice ! I'm Chie ! Hi ! "

2009-05-17, 06:11 PM

"So that's your name, Chie!"

"Can you please start teaching me magic now?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-17, 06:24 PM

Kiri begins humming the pink panther theme. It should be obvious where she is hiding, underneath the couch, because of the humming combined with the feet sticking out.

Mando Knight
2009-05-17, 06:59 PM
The elegant fairy-girl (though she's really over 400) speaks up.
"I'm sorry, Toshi. I should have contacted you some other way first. I won't be a disturbance, but I must stay here for now."

2009-05-17, 07:02 PM

"Hey, another fairy!"

"Please teach me magic!"

Mando Knight
2009-05-17, 07:14 PM
Aelassa looks around the room for a moment.
"Another fairy? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here. The catgirl is just a catgirl. There's a difference."

2009-05-17, 07:18 PM


"What's a catgirl?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-17, 07:21 PM

A part girl part cat person. Kiri says, sticking her head out from under the couch. She puts her hands over her mouth, looking embarrassed, and pulls her head back under. She coughs.

2009-05-17, 07:23 PM

"So, can you teach me some magic? I only know three spells."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-17, 07:27 PM

Erm... Kiri is not here right now... Please leave a message after the beep...



2009-05-17, 07:28 PM
Teri sighs. She doesn't think that it really matters who is what exactly, at least at the moment.

"Can the lot of you settle down? I hardly think it matters. Can all of those who don't have a compelling reason to be here please leave?"

Teri knew that was hardly her place, but she needed to get some of these people out of here. There was obviously far to many of them for Toshi to accept easily.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-17, 07:31 PM

I'm not here, so don't *cough* worry about me being here. 'cause I'm not. Kiri says, once again poking her head out, realizing what she has done, then pulling her head back under the couch.

2009-05-17, 10:01 PM

Meanwhile, inside the suspiciously large cardboard box, Blue finishes up another game of Minesweeper, and has a brief crisis of confidence. She's pretty sure she's supposed to stay put until her Master opens the box, but he seems... distracted.

"Um... Hello?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-17, 10:14 PM
Aelassa shakes her head at Anya.

"I'm sorry, but my magic doesn't work as well here in the human world. I'm afraid all I can use here are some basic offensive spells and fairy charms. I don't think I can teach you much.

...I haven't even tried flying here yet."

At that, a few pairs of gossamer dragonfly-like wings, which previously blended in with her outfit, flip up and out to emphasize her last statement.

2009-05-17, 10:17 PM


"But all I know are overblown offensive spells. I still have lots of room to learn."

2009-05-17, 10:38 PM

"Girls I am so glad you are all getting along...could you please do it outside my apartment. I don't care how you got in here, just get out."

Toshi walks over to the box and opens it.

"What there is one in here too?"

Toshi starts to slowly push the box towards the door.

2009-05-17, 10:49 PM

"Oh dear- I wasn't supposed to do that, was I? I'm sorry, I..."

"Wait, where are we going?"

2009-05-17, 11:30 PM

Nikki unknowingly began checking out the master's apartment building looking for an easy way to break into a room so she could make some easy money and coincidentally saw his window open. She cautiously climbed up and peered inside. Nikki was momentarily shocked by the strange assortment of people inside the room but then she saw him. The guy who ratted her out and ruined a perfect getaway recently.

"Darn, the room wasn't empty after all... Hey! You're the guy that almost got me put in jail!"

2009-05-17, 11:36 PM

"You are going out of my apartment."

The girl in the window starts yelling.

"What another girl...why do you all want into my horrible two room apartment? Isn't there some rich person's house you can break into? Also aren't you the girl who was stealing a purse? You can definitely leave."

2009-05-17, 11:38 PM

"I'll rent out the other room, if you'd like."

Anya reaches into her wallet and pulls out a few hundred Euros for the screaming man.

2009-05-18, 01:33 AM

The cardboard box pouts as pitifully as it can.

"But it's... it's really dark in here..."

2009-05-18, 01:36 AM
Teri looks around frantically.

"I'll do housework, like I said. Please Mr. Toshi! I don't have any money to pay with!"

2009-05-18, 06:40 AM

Runs away from Toshi to Anya once she sees the money in her hand.
Oh, hi ! You smell nice too ! I like you ! I'm lonely and hungry and cold ! Do you want a pet ? I promess i'll be nice ! Pleeeaaase !

2009-05-18, 07:43 AM

Toshi starts trying to calm down.

"Why are you all here?"

2009-05-18, 09:53 AM
Nikki casually takes another puff of her cigarette.

"Well I'm here because I was planning to steal some stuff but it looks like the rest of them just want a place to stay. I wouldn't mind living here too, I need a place to crash. You wouldn't really turn away a bunch of cute innocent girls like us now would you?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 01:37 PM
Aelassa looks at Toshi with pleading eyes, her wings falling back to her sides.

"Please, Toshi. You have to let me stay. I'm on orders to help you. I can't really tell you with too many people around, though..."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 05:28 PM

Kiri coughs. I don't have to leave, right? 'Cause I'm not here, right?

2009-05-18, 05:51 PM
Teri looks over at Toshi seriously.

"I'm here because I can't bear going back. Please don't try to force me to."

2009-05-18, 05:53 PM

She just looks at Toshi, eyes wide open, a tear in the corner.


Kitten eyes:

2009-05-18, 05:59 PM

"So you all want to crash here. Well then where would you stay? This apartment only has this living room/ kitchen/ bathroom and my bedroom. You are not all staying in my bed with me. Also who would explain what is going on to my fiancee? This is all assuming I let you stay."

Toshi thinks that maybe he would let the kitten stay no matter what. It was small and cute. Some of the others were scary.

2009-05-18, 06:07 PM
Teri shrugged, and pointed to the couch the Ninja was hiding under, while not being here.

"I'll sleep on that. I've spent a lot of time in uncomfortable beds. it'll be fine."

Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 06:36 PM
Aelassa looks at Toshi with sad eyes. "Please, Toshi, sir, I won't take up much room..." She shrinks down to about an inch high and flies up to about to where her head was before. "See? My fairy power lets me shrink. I could sleep just about anywhere."

She grows back to her previous five foot-ish height and folds her hands and looks at him adorably. "Pleeaase? I can clear everything up with your fiancee."

Affection [roll0]

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 06:43 PM

I'm not here. Kiri protests again. But if I were, which I'm not, then I'd sleep under the couch, where I am not.

2009-05-18, 07:32 PM

Toshi gives up. How was he going to get all these girls out of his house anyway? He was only one guy.

"You can stay tonight. Tomorrow we will discuss this again. So who is cooking dinner? Someone will have to go shopping for more food first, I know I don't have enough for all of you."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 07:40 PM

I am not here. But do remember to put food under the couch for... ummm... good luck.

2009-05-18, 07:43 PM
Teri nodded.

"I'd prefer to not go outside, but I can cook!"

I hope...

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 07:46 PM

If I were here I could totally cook...


But I'm not here, so I can't. Kiri says, confident that everyone believes that she is not underneath the couch.

2009-05-18, 07:48 PM

Toshi looks under the couch.

"Everyone knows you are under there. You can come out now."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 07:52 PM

You... You can see me? But I'm a ninja, ninjas are invisible!

2009-05-18, 07:52 PM

"Er, getting food . I can hunt ! Do you like mice ?"
No I guess not.
There's a grocery shop, next block otherwise but i'm not sure they will be happy to see me."

2009-05-18, 08:41 PM

"I can't really cook so I volunteer to go get the groceries. I'll even pay for them all myself." Nikki begins counting the money from a wallet she recently stole and then abruptly stops. "But first..." She quickly turns to face Chie and lunges at her. "Awww! You're so cute! We're going to be best friends aren't we?" Nikki hugs Chie and then begins rubbing her behind her ears and under her chin.

2009-05-18, 09:03 PM

"Well things are starting to go better now. You girls are useful for something. Of course I can see you little ninja girl there is no invisibility. Someone is fooling you."

OOC: Yes you can seduce her. Shades, man your ninja reminds me of the girl from Ninja Nonsense.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 09:08 PM



Well then that's embarassing...

2009-05-18, 09:20 PM

"Are you the only girl at your ninja school? Are you here to steal my underwear? I ask because I think I saw a show about this once."

Toshi laughs and gives her hand to get out.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-18, 09:22 PM

No silly, there aren't any ninja schools. That would be silly. Kiri says as she is helped out. She's very short. Why would I want to steal your underwear? It'd probably be too big...

2009-05-18, 09:30 PM

"It isn't any sillier than a girl who thinks people can't see her. So what are you going to do little ninja?"

2009-05-18, 09:53 PM
Nikki ignores the ongoing conversation and continues to pet Chie. "I've always wanted a little kitty!"
Seduction Affection[roll0]

2009-05-18, 10:00 PM

Anya follows the others to get groceries. She is new in town, so she repeatedly asks locals where she should go to get what as well as for directions.


Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 10:13 PM
Aelassa helps with the grocery shopping. By folding her wings and shrinking, she makes it look like she's a little cosplayer of a magical girl character tagging along with her daddy. :smalltongue:

Cunning: [roll0]

2009-05-19, 01:36 AM

"I could help cook! If... um. Someone would let me out of here?"

"... Please?"

Sad girl in snow sad girl in box sad... uh.

2009-05-19, 07:41 AM

"I don't understand why you are in a box, but I will let you out."

Toshi finishes opening the box and lets her out.

"Oh now I understand."

2009-05-19, 09:34 AM
Blue takes Toshi's hand in her mechanical equivalent, and climbs out of the box with a dainty pair of 'clonk's when her feet hit the floor. She takes a look around the cluttered apartment- before she remembers herself, and quickly digs through the styrofoam packing peanuts for her giant pair of moviestar-traveling-incognito sunglasses.

"Thank you, Master!" she says, smiling brightly. "Do you have a... a spare wall socket somewhere?"

2009-05-19, 12:15 PM
"I'll be back soon little kitty. Don't worry."
Nikki finishes petting Chie and joins the other girls to go shopping.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-19, 03:53 PM

... I don't know. I don't have a family to go back to, my sensei said they died in a totally not ninja related fire. She coughs.

2009-05-19, 04:38 PM
Teri, the threat of being kicked out having passed, just sat down on the couch, forcing herself to relax.

That's the most excitement I've had in a long time...

2009-05-19, 06:06 PM
The shopping group does very well. They get a lot of food for good prices. No one had talked about what they were making though so they got a variety of food. They all brought it back and laid it out for the cooking people.

"Well girls get to work. I am no good with anything more complicated than instant ramen. There is a wall socket over there."

Toshi points to the wall near the cushions.

2009-05-20, 12:02 AM
Blue looks at the accumulated clutter between her and the wall socket, and adds 'cleaning up' to her to do list for later. But now it's cooking time!

Blue heads to the 'kitchen' area, and takes a thorough inventory of what her Master has available in terms of pots and pans and things, and then sits down and carefully reads the labels of the fruits of the shopping trip. Surely one of them has to come with a recipe or 'serving suggestion' somewhere, right?


2009-05-20, 12:04 AM

Cooking Skill + Hard Work: [roll0] + 3

2009-05-20, 12:37 AM
Teri walked into the Kitchen as well, pulling things out of the grocery bags with a kind of quiet assurance. She liked cooking, though she got to do it little enough.

Hmmm... Beef and Broccoli Stirfry, I suppose. Quick, and I can make quite a bit of it.

She began preparing things, while moving aside to allow Blue and any others to get at the bags they needed.

2009-05-20, 12:50 AM
Nikki laid down on the couch, rolled over onto her stomach, leaned over the edge and peered underneath it. "Hi, my name is Nikki. How is it down there?" she said to the strange ninja girl.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 12:51 AM

Pretty cramped. How is it up there?

2009-05-20, 01:00 AM

"It feels great up here. There's plenty of room to stretch out. Want to join me?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 01:01 AM

*cough* Sure. Kiri says, scrambling out from underneath to sit on the couch. Wow, it is nice out here.

2009-05-20, 01:08 AM

"Well this is a relief. It seemed like you were pretty determined to stay under there before. It's nice to see you directly like this."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 01:10 AM

Well there's more shadows to hide in under there. But now I'm not hiding from anyone. She looks around at the apartment for the first time. It's kind of small...

2009-05-20, 01:16 AM

"Well at least it's better than sleeping outside. I've had to do that more times than I'd prefer to."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 01:18 AM

Kiri coughs. Awww, that's terrible. Doesn't your back hurt?

2009-05-20, 01:21 AM

"Nah, I always find a comfortable spot. I'm never as cramped as you were under that couch. Anyways, I wonder what they're making for dinner."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 01:25 AM

I wonder too. Kiri says, standing up on the couch to get stretch out the pains that come with being cramped under a couch. Did I hear you say that you stole stuff?

2009-05-20, 01:28 AM

"Yep, lots of things. I'm pretty good at it too. That's how I get by."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 01:29 AM

Why? Kiri asks, sitting down again. What's wrong with having a *cough* regular job?

2009-05-20, 01:31 AM

"It's regular to me. I'm like a self-employed ninja." Nikki chuckled.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 04:31 PM

Kiri looks up at her, tugging slightly on her pant leg/bottom of her skirt (whichever applies)

Will you be my new sensei?

2009-05-20, 05:05 PM

"Sure, why not? I could always use a disciple." Nikki smiled thinking of how unlikely it was and yet she had just befriended a ninja and a catgirl in the same day.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 05:07 PM

Cool! What am I learning *cough* first?

2009-05-20, 05:19 PM

From under the couch :
"You could learn to rub heads like she do. That would be nice. I can be your practice target, if you want."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 06:00 PM

I'm not sure if that's actually ninjitsu...

Mando Knight
2009-05-20, 06:03 PM
Aelassa, having returned from shopping, hears this and shrinks down enough to fit under the couch (slightly larger than Chie).

"Head-rubbing? Like this?"
She begins rubbing Chie's head between her ears.

2009-05-20, 06:04 PM

"Aren't you guys supposed to be cooking or something? If you don't want to cook then you could help me get together bedding for everyone."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 06:12 PM

Oooh I'm good at that sort of stuff? What should I do? Kiri asks, stepping closer to Toshi.

2009-05-20, 06:19 PM
"Head-rubbing? Like this?"

*Purs louly*

"Aren't you guys supposed to be cooking or something? If you don't want to cook then you could help me get together bedding for everyone."

Two head rubs and no one kicked me yet. This house is heaven ! Anything to stay !

"Okay I'll help. What do I do ?"

2009-05-20, 07:43 PM

"I am guessing you guys are volunteering to get the bedding. We need to get all the bedding of any kind out of the closet and start making up beds all over the place. Oh and I guess I can have one volunteer to sleep in the bed with me. No funny stuff though."

Mando Knight
2009-05-20, 07:52 PM
Aelassa gives Chie a good head-rubbing, then crawls out from under the couch and grows back up to about five feet tall. "I can sleep just about anywhere..." She looks around to see if there are any flowers in or near the apartment.

2009-05-20, 08:26 PM

"Where is the bedding? Oh, there."

Anya goes into the closet and plops down the bedding in various places throughout the apartment.


Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 08:27 PM

Kiri tugs at Toshi's pant leg. Can I sleep with Nikki-Sensei?

2009-05-20, 08:29 PM
Blue is still making her way through the groceries, holding them up to eye-level and then beeping quietly as she scans the barcodes.

"I just need some space by the socket," she calls out from the kitchen- and then discovers soup! With instructions!

2009-05-20, 08:32 PM

"I'll help as well setting things up. I can share your bed so they'll have a bit more space to themselves." Nikki takes some bedding and motions for Chie to join her in arranging it.


2009-05-20, 08:40 PM

"I think that depends on what Nikki wants."

Toshi pats the little ninja on the head.

"We probably have enough beds by now. This is so crazy. Oh you guys are all going to have to go to the public baths. I don't have a shower."

OOC: Whose bed is Nikki referring to?

2009-05-20, 09:32 PM
"Well since Kiri wants to, we'll sleep together. Hey Chie, why don't all three of us set up one big bed for ourselves?"

OOC: To Toshi's but now that I noticed the other post I'll change my mind.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-20, 09:57 PM

That would *cough* be awesome! Kiri says, nodding.

2009-05-21, 12:11 PM

Who is trying to help with the beding as best as she can.

"Sure !"
"Why do you alway cough like that, Kiri ? Are you sick ?"

OOc: forgot to put my skill roll. It's in the dice roll thread.

Mando Knight
2009-05-22, 03:18 PM
Aelassa looks at the bedding that's being prepared. "I don't really need that... If you've got some nice flowers here, Toshi, I'm perfectly comfortable with those." She continues looking for any flowers, and upon finding any, will compare them.

...Skill [roll0]

2009-05-22, 06:12 PM
The beds are all made up and dinner is ready. The fairy could not find any flowers in the apartment. It is a guy's apartment after all.

"Are you all ready to eat?"

Toshi sits down with his plate about to eat.

2009-05-22, 07:51 PM

"Oh Lord, we thank you for this food we are about to..."

Anya finishes her prayer before beginning to eat, not bothering to see if anyone else is joining in.

Mando Knight
2009-05-22, 10:11 PM
Aelassa takes her food and eats.

2009-05-22, 10:27 PM
Blue serves everybody, and then goes to sit by the corner, discretely plugging herself into the wall socket.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-22, 10:30 PM

Kiri smiles, taking two plates of food. She goes and sits next to blue, putting a plate in front of her, smiling.

2009-05-22, 11:04 PM
Nikki sits down and eats with everyone else.

2009-05-23, 12:41 AM
Toshi finishes his dinner and leans back.

"So do you guys want to do anything or should we all get to sleep?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-23, 11:45 AM
Aelassa finishes eating as well, and falls into an even more relaxed position than Toshi. "Eh, I can't really think of anything to do right now."

2009-05-23, 04:30 PM
Teri had eaten quietly, placing the few pills she needed to eat with food inside her dinner. At the question she looked over.

"I could do with some sleep."

2009-05-23, 06:15 PM
"I'm ready to sleep as well."

2009-05-23, 06:18 PM

"I call a bed! I don't care whose bed, just that I call one."

2009-05-23, 06:33 PM
Toshi walks towards his room.

"Well one person can join me after I go take my bath at the public baths."

Toshi comes back out with the stuff he needs for a bath.

"I will be back soon. If any of you want a bath I can show you where the baths are."

Toshi leaves the apartment.

OOC; You can go to bed, go to the baths or whatever you want. Someone might want to clean up dinner.

2009-05-23, 06:46 PM
"Well I guess I'll have a nice relaxing bath first. Lead the way." Nikki follows Toshi out the door.

2009-05-23, 06:57 PM
Teri silently stands up, picking up the plates from the table and collecting them in her arms carefully. She walks over to the sink, and starts washing them.

Need to wait a few days before going outside.

OOC: Skill Roll [roll0]

Shades of Gray
2009-05-23, 06:58 PM

Kiri holds on to Nikki's pant leg/bottom of skirt, whichever applies. She smiles, following her sensei.

Mando Knight
2009-05-23, 08:01 PM
"Uh, I think I'll just take my bath in the restroom sink. I really shouldn't be going to the public baths, since I'm not supposed to draw attention to the presence of fairies in this world..."

2009-05-23, 08:25 PM

Anya has already stolen the bed in the second room and is sleeping in it after brushing her teeth in the kitchen sink.

She has been suffering from a good deal of jet lag recently.

2009-05-23, 11:54 PM
Toshi leaves with whoever wants to go for the baths. Toshi pays the lady at the desk in front the money and goes towards the men's side.

"I have to part with you ladies here. I will see you in an hour."

OOC: Insert yourself wherever you want if you haven't posted what you are doing yet. While I am gone you can interact in the bath, go to bed, clean or whatever you want that doesn't require me to resolve anything or speak for any NPCs.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-24, 12:29 AM

Goodbye *cough* Toshi-Sempai. Kiri says, taking a towel. I love the baths, don't you Nikki-Sensei?

Mando Knight
2009-05-24, 12:36 PM
Aelassa waits until the restroom is empty, then shrinks down to about nine inches tall and bathes herself in the sink. After that, she grows back to her normal five foot-ish height, changes into more pajama-type clothes, and picks a bed to sleep on.

2009-05-24, 07:58 PM

"Of course, who doesn't?" Nikki walked over and began to settle down in the warm water.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-24, 08:10 PM

Kiri gets in the water, breathing in the nice, warm, humid air. It was good for the sinuses, helped with the coughing. Ahhh... Are there any important secret bathing techniques for me to learn, Nikki-sensei?

2009-05-24, 08:58 PM

Nikki pretends to be lost in deep though for a moment. "None that I know of."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-24, 10:20 PM

Awww... So when's our first lesson?

2009-05-25, 04:28 AM
Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Blue looks rather forlornly at the tiny space in the corner by the wall socket. There's room for her, but... it's kind of a mess.

"Do you think anyone would mind if I... cleaned up a little?"

2009-05-25, 11:21 AM
Toshi finishes taking his bath, gets dressed and waits outside for the others. He gets a milk to drink while he waits. In the girls bath a stranger gets close to Nikki and Kiri.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-25, 09:20 PM

Ummm... Who are you? Kiri asks to stranger danger.

2009-05-25, 09:24 PM
In the Ladie's Bath

"I am Nina. Can I touch you?"

Nina moves even closer.

2009-05-26, 05:05 PM

"Sure! It's not every day someone gets to admire a work of art as well sculpted as me!" Nikki strikes the most confident pose she can make while still in the water and gestures for Nina to come closer and bask in her greatness. "This is your first lesson as a ninja Kiri! Never turn down any positive attention that comes your way!"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-26, 05:21 PM

Wha-what? Kiri asks, doing a doubletake before turning her eyes away from Nikki's pose.

2009-05-26, 06:03 PM
Ladies' Bath

Nina quickly scoots over right next to Nikki and puts her hands up. Then she gently squeezes Nikki's breasts.

"Oooo these are real nice. You can touch mine if you want."

Nina is not very well endowed. She looks a bit young too.

2009-05-26, 09:51 PM

"Thanks, I'll do that." Nikki gives Nina's chest a casual reciprocal groping. While doing so she turns to Kiri and asks, "Would you like to join us?" nonchalantly.

2009-05-26, 09:53 PM
Teri looked up from the dishes at the little Robot's request, and shrugged. Wasn't her home, but she didn't think Toshi would mind.

"Go right ahead. Don't break anything or throw it away though."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-26, 10:00 PM

I, err... I'm fine Sensei. I don't think groping falls under ninjitsu...

2009-05-26, 10:06 PM

"Oh really? Are you sure it doesn't? As a ninja you need to be able to keenly assess all the attributes of the people around you regardless of the circumstances. Your reservation could become a serious liability in the future." Nikki says all this while continuing to thoroughly fondle Nina.

2009-05-26, 10:10 PM
Ladies' Bath

"Ooo you have such soft ninja hands."

Toshi grows tried of waiting for the girls. They were all such a bother mostly. When he sees no one looking he tiptoes over and yells in.

"All the girls crashing at Toshi's need to get out now!"

2009-05-26, 10:32 PM

"Thanks. So Nina, why did you want to touch us in particular? Any specific reason?" Nikki continues kneading her chest like dough.

2009-05-26, 10:49 PM
Toshi leaves the bath house and goes back to his apartment.

"Stupid girls. I told them to meet me. Hope they can make it back on their own."

Toshi opens the door.

"Hi girls I am home."

Ladies' Bath

"You guys are so pretty. I have never seen ladies as pretty as you guys."

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 10:54 PM
"Where are the others?"

2009-05-26, 11:02 PM
"They refused to leave the bath, so I left. For all I know, they are groping girls breasts in there."

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 11:13 PM
"...I see. Well, I guess if they don't wanna come back, that just means you don't have as much a strain on your budget." Aelassa seems pretty calm about all of this, and hasn't moved from her relaxed position on the couch.

2009-05-26, 11:15 PM
Blue looks up from arranging Toshi's junk in alphabetical order, and experiences a moment of cognitive dissonance.

"Why would they be doing that?"

Also, Skill: [roll0]+3

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 11:19 PM
Aelassa doesn't even bat an eye at the robot. "'Cuz they could be total pervs. I mean, we just met them a couple'a hours ago. Who knows what they're into."

2009-05-26, 11:19 PM
Teri looked up from the washing, and smiled faintly, before just continuing. At Blue's question, Teri chuckled.

"There are plenty of reasons, but I don't think they bear discussing."

2009-05-26, 11:21 PM
"I just brought that up because I like to think that is what they are doing."

Toshi smiles.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-26, 11:22 PM
Shouldn't we be going? Kiri asks, tugging at Niki's arm. Of course, she has all the strength of a pile of wet kittens.

2009-05-26, 11:23 PM
"Again, for reasons that don't bear discussing."

2009-05-26, 11:24 PM
"... Okay?"

2009-05-26, 11:24 PM

Suddenly remembering that Toshi had probably waited and already left by now without her or Kiri she decided to end her exploration of the stranger and released her. "Sorry, I just remembered I had to be somewhere and I'm late. It was nice meeting you. I hope we meet again sometime."

2009-05-26, 11:26 PM
Ladies' Bath

"Can't I come with you? How will I meet you again?"

2009-05-26, 11:29 PM

"Oh sure you can come along with us. You could meet my friends. They're very interesting." This was great, Nikki thought. I was going to lie and say someone tried to molest me but instead I can get her to come with me and diffuse the situation.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-26, 11:33 PM

Should we really be taking strange girls we meet in the bath home? Kiri whispers to her sensei.

2009-05-26, 11:38 PM

"I feel my ninja instincts firmly telling me we should. Trust me, I got a good feel from her." Nikki whispers back.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-26, 11:40 PM

Oh, okay. I though that the only firm thing that you were feeling was her- Nevermind... Kiri says, wrapping a towel around herself. As long as it's ninja sense it's fine by me, Nikki-Sensei.

2009-05-26, 11:40 PM
Ladies' Bath

"Thank you so much. I ran away from home today. I didn't know where to stay."

Nina bows. Then she grabs Nikki again.

Toshi's Apartment

"I am a man with a man's needs you girls are going to have to get used to hearing about them. Or you could always leave..."

2009-05-26, 11:42 PM
Teri finished washing, and started drying off the pots and pans.

"Wouldn't those be your fiancee's to deal with?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 11:43 PM
"Oh, come on. You've never had a party at Queen Titania's palace before. If you let me stay, I could get you into one..." Aelassa says this with a rather mischievous smile.

2009-05-26, 11:46 PM
Toshi looks uncomfortable for a minute.

"Uh yeah totally my fiancee's problem....I can't wait to see her again."

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 11:49 PM
Aelassa completely missed the point of Teri's question. "Psssh. Your fiancee would have just as much fun there as you would."

2009-05-26, 11:49 PM

"Well then, come with us. I was in a similar situation until today actually. This guy named Toshi has let me and a bunch of other homeless girls stay with him tonight." Nikki dried herself off, got dressed and headed back to Toshi's house with her new friend and Kiri. When she arrived she opened the door, stopped at the entrance and waited to see what Toshi's reaction would be while positioning herself right beside Nina.

2009-05-26, 11:56 PM
Blue beams happily. "Oh- when are we going to get to meet her, by the way?"

2009-05-26, 11:57 PM

Nina dressed in a cute pink outfit with a set of bunny ears and a tail. She walked behind Nikki on the way to the apartment. She stood beside Nikki and looked up at the guy they were meeting. She jumped up onto him.

"Toshi, my fiance, I am an adult now. Will you marry me today?"

"Nina what are you doing here? You should be with your parents."

2009-05-26, 11:58 PM
Teri laughed a little at that, still smiling, looking out from the kitchen.

"Oh my, so this is the Fiancee? Pleasure to meet you."

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 12:03 AM
Aelassa poorly stifles a laugh. "She's your fiancee? she looks like she could be your niece!"

2009-05-27, 12:05 AM

"As you can clearly see Toshi, Kiri and I had a perfectly good reason for coming back late." Nikki smiled proudly. "By the way, your fiance has a pretty nice rack."

2009-05-27, 12:09 AM
Toshi makes some faces while everyone comments on his fiancee.

"Our parents arranged the marriage. This is not my idea. I am not marrying you right now, Nina. Also, Nikki, what were you doing with my fiancee that took so long?"

"Why not?"

Nina makes puppy eyes and clings to Toshi's legs.

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 12:11 AM
Aelassa looks at Nina's chest for a short moment. "Yeah, and this apartment is an amazing skyscraper." She also winks at Toshi with a grin.

2009-05-27, 12:14 AM
Teri smiled, finally settling the washing aside, pretty sure all that was left was to let it dry. She came out into the main room.

"Toshi, don't wait around when life brings you oppurtunities. Doors close all the time, and before you know it, that last one shuts, and your dead."

Teri said this in a completely matter-of-fact manner, before going over to sit down on the Couch. She pulled a few bottles of pills out of gown, and began counting them out carefully, setting a glass of Water in front of her.

2009-05-27, 12:16 AM

"Well while Kiri and I were bathing she suddenly came up to us and asked if she could feel us because she thought we were really pretty. I, being a mature woman, secure in my sexuality and proud of my physique, gladly let her do so. She then offered to let me feel her as well and after spending quite a while groping each other's breasts I lost track of time and forgot you were waiting. Eventually I remembered and headed back home with her after she said she was homeless. Being the generous saint you are, I didn't think you'd be able to turn her down. I am being a hundred percent honest. She is my witness."

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 12:18 AM
Aelassa just grins at this news, delighting in the antics of these amusing humans. Even hundred-year-old trickster-beings love the wackiness that is humanity.

2009-05-27, 12:19 AM
Toshi stands there with his mouth open.

"You really were groping a girl in the bath...wait you were groping my fiance. I don't know what to think of that."

2009-05-27, 12:24 AM

Nikki slides over to Toshi and whispers in his ear seductively.
"You don't have to think much about what I did. You said yourself that you weren't going to marry her yet. You're a smart guy. You've got a lot of options here. A fairy, a catgirl, an anemic ninja, a robot, another anemic girl, some others I probably forgot... and of course, me."

2009-05-27, 12:24 AM
Teri swallowed down a set of pills, glad enough for the distraction, taking a glass of water before counting out the next set.

"Nobodies perfect. Get married, and then you can grope her. That'll fix that."

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 12:25 AM
Aelassa switches to a half-bored, half-critical look as her voice changes key. "Yer actually serious about her bein' yer fiancee, Toshi? Titania's toenails, yer weird."

2009-05-27, 12:50 AM
"I am not marrying her yet because she is just a kid. Why were you groping a 15-year-old? She hasn't even finished puberty. Yes she is my fiancee, I just said it was arranged for us. I am not weird."

Toshi starts prying the girl off his leg.

2009-05-27, 01:13 AM
"Oh, it's not weird at all," says the crossdressing robot as she lends a hand extracting the prepubescent girl from her betrothed's leg. "But if you're not old enough and you're not married than you're not supposed to be touching him like that."

2009-05-27, 03:26 AM
Teri finished gulping down the last of the pills, and walked over, trying to push apart Blue and Fiancee.

"Times limited Toshi. 15, 18, 21, what's the difference. If you are going to do it, do it!"

OOC: [roll0] Athletics Roll to push Blue off

2009-05-27, 07:00 AM
OOC: Know what? I'm contesting that. :P Blue is covered in electronics and has several poky metallic bits. I'm rolling Luck to see if Teri accidentally puts her hand on one of those and pinches herself. [roll0]

2009-05-27, 09:58 AM

"I only groped her because she was groping me. I figured she might take offense if I didn't reciprocate. It just seemed like the polite thing to do. Who am I to turn down a cute girl's offer?"

2009-05-27, 06:03 PM
Blue succeeds in getting Toshi's fiancee off of his leg. Nina sits on the floor arms folded pouting.

"She has plenty of time later to marry me. She is so young she should be out playing or something. Not here trying to get me to marry her already."

"But I told you I am a woman. I can take care of you."

"Oh and Nikki you could have been a decent person and not taken advantage of a little girl's innocence. She probably didn't understand what she was doing."

2009-05-27, 06:12 PM

"I was being decent. I was worried that if I didn't go along with what she asked I might give her a complex. As you pointed out just now she's at a delicate age."

2009-05-27, 06:14 PM
"Don't touch her again."

"Its ok I liked it. She is my friend."

2009-05-27, 06:27 PM

"We were just bonding. Girls touching each other in a bath is a common Japanese female anime stereotype anyways. With a name like Toshi, I thought you'd think nothing of it."

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 06:28 PM
Normally, Aelassa would taunt and tease Toshi for being such a spoilsport and prude, and also for his acceptance of a little girl's claim of engagement. However, she needed to get on Toshi's good side at least until she completed her assignment, so she shut up.

2009-05-27, 06:31 PM
"I don't see what my name has to do with this situation."

Nina yawns.

"I am sleeping in your bed tonight, Toshi."

Nina walks towards his room.

2009-05-27, 06:32 PM

"Well geez, I'm sorry, ok? I won't touch your fiancee."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 06:33 PM

A bunch of people already called dibs, Nina. She coughs.

2009-05-27, 06:34 PM
"I am glad you see it my way now."

Nina motions for Kiri to follow her.

"Come here we need to talk."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 06:35 PM

Kiri follows Nina, keeping her hand on her ridiculously small tanto.

OOC: Well, her old sensei said it was a tanto. It's really just a stylish butter knife.

2009-05-27, 06:38 PM

Nikki stares at the two intently as they move away to their own private corner. This looks like serious business, she thought.

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 06:40 PM
Aelassa, curious as to what the shrimpy bride-to-be would want with the silly kunoichi wannabe, shrinks down to an inch and flies over to the corner.

2009-05-27, 06:42 PM
Nina leads her back into Toshi's bedroom. Nina starts spinning around and singing to herself. During this she grows taller and more womanly. Her hair color changes to pink. She finishes it off by announcing her name.

"Magical Girl Pretty Busty."

Nina is still wearing her same outfit, but it is ridiculously tiny. Nina leans close to Kiri.

"Don't tell me I can't sleep with my man."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 06:44 PM

Kiri looks at Nina. Woah. She then looks away. I wasn't one of the people who called dibs, I think it was Nikki. She then looks down at her own figure. *cough* Could you do that transformationy thing to me?

2009-05-27, 06:46 PM

Teri waved her hand wildly as she caught her hand on Blue. Seeing that things seemed to have worked out for the best, she laid down on the couch.

"Either way, It's time for sleep. Have fun Toshi. And don't be to loud."

2009-05-27, 06:46 PM

"You might want to check in on them Toshi. I think there might be some serious drama about to unfold behind that door.

2009-05-27, 06:48 PM
Nina shrinks back down to normal size.

"I can't do it to anyone else. Just me. Can I touch you?"

"Nina wouldn't hurt a fly. She is a sweet girl."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 06:48 PM

There's not really much to touch... Kiri admits.

2009-05-27, 06:50 PM
"That's fine. Small is beautiful too."

Nina reaches out and touches Kiri's chest if she doesn't stop her.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 06:52 PM

So are you a 15 year old girl that turns into a woman, or a woman that turns into a 15 year old girl? Kiri asks, trying to change the subjects, while lightly pushing Nina's hands away.

2009-05-27, 06:55 PM

"I'll check just to be sure."
Nikki attempts to sneak over to the door and look in behind a corner without being noticed.
OOC: messed up roll here and got an error, it's in the OOC thread. I got 18.

2009-05-27, 06:57 PM


Anya is still sleeping in the other room, snoring softly.

2009-05-27, 07:04 PM
Nina is smart and keeps an eye on the door. She sees Nikki creep up.

"Hi Nikki what are you doing?"

She pops out of the doorway.

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 07:20 PM
Aelassa is amused. She's a fitting bride for Toshi after all. And she looks like fun. Could do away with most of that silly magical girl stuff, though.

2009-05-27, 07:23 PM

"Oh nothing much. I was just wondering what was going on."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 07:57 PM
OOC: Pssst. She changed back.


Hey Nikki-Sensei!

2009-05-27, 08:34 PM
"I was just trying to touch her. Can I touch you?"

2009-05-27, 08:41 PM

"I guess... but haven't we touched each other enough already? Does Toshi know you do this sort of thing?"

2009-05-27, 09:02 PM
"Toshi doesn't know me very well. Oh well."

Nina walks over to the bed and curls up into a ball.


Nina closes her eyes.

2009-05-27, 09:09 PM

Nikki motions for Kiri to leave the room to get out of hearing distance of the sleeping girl and whispers, "So what happened before I got here?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 09:13 PM

Kiri bows to her sensei and LEAPS INTO ACTION! Her shoelaces get caught together, she hits the ground, takes off her shoes, and leaves, grumbling.

2009-05-27, 09:27 PM

"Uh... what was that about? Did Nina do something to you?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 09:28 PM

She tried to touch me. Kiri says, fixing her shoes. I don't know how my shoes got like this.

2009-05-27, 09:35 PM

"Oh is that all? Well I guess we should get to sleep." Nikki begins to walk over to her bed expecting Kiri to follow her. She stops in front of Toshi for a second before continuing on. "Good night Toshi. Thanks for letting us stay here. You're a really nice guy." She then crawls into her makeshift bed and relaxes. Secretly she tries to sleep lightly for a while in case any crazy antics ensue.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 09:39 PM

Kiri lies down next to her Sensei, going to sleep almost immediately.

2009-05-27, 10:01 PM
"Goodnight all."

Toshi walks back into his room and moves Nina over. Then he covers her up. He lies down and stares at the ceiling thinking about the mess he was in now.

OOC: Ready for day 2?

2009-05-27, 10:06 PM
OOC: Ready normal People?
Ready! Ready! Ready!
Let me hear it!

Teri was out like a light, curled up on the couch, dreaming her unpleasant dreams.

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 10:15 PM
Aelassa slips out of the room, and grows back to her normal size where no one can see her, then goes to sleep on her selected "bed."

2009-05-27, 10:25 PM

Blue plugs herself into the wall, sets her alarm, and goes into power-conserve mode for a while.

2009-05-27, 10:29 PM
Anya is still asleep in the bed, waiting for the dawn.

I think everyone is asleep. Let us go.

2009-05-27, 10:40 PM
Nikki is sleeping soundly dreaming of tomorrow. (OOC: I'm ready.)

2009-05-27, 10:43 PM
The music cuts on from Toshi's alarm.

"Why is that on? Isn't today the weekend?"

Toshi rubs his eyes and sees Nina in his bed. He remembers what happened last night.

"No, I must have been drunk. But...Nina is here. I had better look outside the room."

Toshi tiptoes out into the living room to find there are in fact girls everywhere. It is like a dream...or a nightmare.

2009-05-27, 10:46 PM

"Please, Miss fairy? Can't you teach me more spells?"

Anya has been up since 4 am and after having a light breakfast of cake and more cake, decided to beg the fairy for more magical abilities.

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 10:46 PM
Aelassa wakes up as Toshi tiptoes in. "Hey, Toshi. Nope, you're not drunk, and you aren't dreaming, either."
She pauses, and if Toshi looks surprised, she replies, "No, I don't know exactly what you're thinking, it's just that I've done stuff like this a couple dozen times already."

2009-05-27, 10:48 PM

Nikki gets up and looks at Toshi with her face beaming. "Good morning Toshi, did you sleep well?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 10:48 PM

Kiri crawls out from under Toshi's bed. Oh darn, I must have been sleep-stalking again.

2009-05-27, 10:54 PM

Right on schedule, Blue beeps quietly, then plays her startup chime, then makes the hard drive grinding noises for a minute or two while she wakes up.

2009-05-27, 11:11 PM
"You have broken into people's homes before? You are a bad girl Miss Fairy."

Nina walks in rubbing her eyes.

"Where is Mr. Fluffernutter?"

"I don't know. You didn't bring him with you did you? Oh and I slept fine, Nikki."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-27, 11:14 PM

Who's Mr. Fluffernutter?

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 11:18 PM
"A few times. Used to get invited in, but that was in the paranormal crazes of a few decades ago.

Oh, yeah. The name's Aelassa."

She turns over and looks at Anya. "And what's your name, Pinky?"

2009-05-27, 11:20 PM

"I'm Anya and I'd love to be your apprentice, little fairy."

"You're so cute, too."

2009-05-27, 11:20 PM
Teri was in the Bathroom, taking her morning regimen of Pills, which was distinct from her nightly regimen by several drugs and dosage levels. She poked her head out as she brushed her teeth.

"Morning Toshi, Morning Nina."

2009-05-27, 11:23 PM

"Mr. Fluffernutter? Ohmygodyouaresocute!" Nikki exclaims.

2009-05-27, 11:27 PM
"Mr. Fluffernutter is my stuffed bunny. I can't believe I left him behind. Toshi, I need a new bunny, please."

Nina makes big eyes at Toshi. He seems used to it though.

"Morning all. I need a strong cup of coffee to think about what we need to do today."

"My bunny."

2009-05-27, 11:34 PM

Nikki moves over to Toshi and says in a low voice. "So yesterday she told me she ran away from home. Is that ok with you? Does she normally do this?"

2009-05-27, 11:40 PM
Teri popped her head out of the Bathroom again.

"Already a pot being made. Used to do it all the time at the... well, where I used to live."

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 11:49 PM
"Apprentice, huh? Well, I'm not much of a teacher, but I'll see what I can do.

By the way, Toshi, once you get your cup of coffee, can I talk to you in private for a bit?"

2009-05-27, 11:52 PM
"Oh every once in a while she runs away from home. But she doesn't bring her stuff with her and ends up going home crying for it. Like the bunny."

Toshi grabs a cup of coffee and downs it quickly.

"We can talk right now."

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 11:57 PM
Aelassa puts on a playful mockery of a pout. "Well, fine!" She immediately becomes far more serious. "What do you know about magic?"

2009-05-28, 12:08 AM

"I can only really do three spells, and I can't do two of them indoors."

"Yelena, I call you to this mortal plane to do my bidding! Appear before us now!"

A portal of swirling fog appears in the ceiling and a red-winged harpy descends from it.

"Umm... I don't need you to attack anything right now. You can go home." The portal and the harpy disappear just as quickly as they were summoned, leaving only a memory.

"I can't summon anything for longer than a few seconds, so I can't do anything more than attack people with them. And my other two spells are also for attacking people."

Mando Knight
2009-05-28, 12:27 AM
Aelassa takes note of her newly-acquired apprentice's abilities. A summoner... interesting. I really don't know if I can teach her anything now...

Taking this into account, she turns back to Toshi again, her golden fey eyes staring right into his human ones. "Well, Toshi? What do you know? And how much do you want to know?"

2009-05-28, 12:34 AM

Can be heard outside, hamering and clawing on one of the windows.
"Hey, open ! Can someone hear me ?
Please ?"

"Drat ! Next time I'll make sure to stuck the window open before going for a walk."

2009-05-28, 12:49 AM
"I don't really believe in this magic business. So nothing I guess. That was fast. Now I should get some breakfast."

Mando Knight
2009-05-28, 12:58 AM
"You don't want to know? You don't believe?" She shrinks down to about a half-foot tall and alights on his shoulder. "And you say that to someone who can fly with her own set of wings.

...Well, I guess it'll just be harder for me to go to Titania and tell her that the man with the most magic potential in centuries doesn't want to learn. But if you don't want to be the next Merlin, I guess I can't help that." She flutters off of his shoulder and grows back up to her normal height.

2009-05-28, 01:00 AM
"Then show me something magical that doesn't have to do with your body."

2009-05-28, 01:06 AM
Blue boots up, and slowly clambers to her metal feet. Not really a morning person, but she tries to be cheery all the same. "Good morning, Master!" she chirps- then realizes she's interrupting a conversation in progress. So she lets the cat in instead.

Mando Knight
2009-05-28, 01:10 AM
"With my body? Well... how about what Anya there just conjured up?

...Well, I'm not the best magician myself, but I do know a few tricks that I know that I could teach you..."

She picks up the coffee pot and pours herself a cup. Then she sets it down in front of Toshi. "Taste it." After he does so, she stands back a few meters and points. A small ray of golden sparks erupts from her finger and strikes the brew, which flashes blue and then returns to a brown color. "Now try again." The coffee in the cup should now taste like a strawberry smoothie.

2009-05-28, 01:13 AM
"Ok I see the difference. Is there something magic can do besides make sugary drinks?"

Nina finds some cookies and digs in.

2009-05-28, 01:17 AM
Teri emerges from the Bathroom, yawning.

"Toshi, do you have any cereal?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-28, 01:19 AM
"Well... if there were something that would be alright to destroy... other than a few parlor tricks and some offensive magic, I'm not sure if I can use much of my magic here. I've got a portal spell, but we'd need to travel a bit in order to get to where I know I can use it."

2009-05-28, 01:20 AM
Blue closes the door behind Chie and goes to fuss over Nina. "You're not supposed to eat cookies for breakfast!"

2009-05-28, 02:24 AM

"Thanks Blue. good morning everybody"
Jump on Blue shoulder and use it as an obsevation point to determine who is she gonna bug for breakfeast.
Oh, cookies.
She jumps from Blue shoulder near Nina
"Hey Miss ! Hi, I'm Chie. You mind if i take a cookie ?"

2009-05-28, 02:56 AM
Blue folds her arms over her chest and gives Chie a stern look from behind her mirrored sunglasses. "What did I just say?"


2009-05-28, 05:56 AM
Will [roll0]

IC: Chie

"Eeeeep" .
"All right , all right." there's no need to get angry, I wasn't interested anyway."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-28, 05:59 AM

Oooh. I want cookies!

Kiri goes behind Blue.

Secret ninja technique #23, Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar!

And she leaps into actions for cookies!
