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2009-05-18, 12:36 PM
http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/138/9/f/Ozymandias_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/138/6/c/Comedian_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/138/3/9/Silk_Spectre_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/138/0/4/Nite_Owl_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/138/d/0/Rorschach_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/138/2/f/Kirby_Manhattan_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/138/3/f/Green_Lantern_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/138/a/e/Blue_Beetle_Kirby__Ted_Kord_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/138/a/2/Blue_Beetle_Kirby__Jaime_Reyes_by_alchemyprime.jpg

Kirbys done so far:
Silk Spectre II
Nite Owl II
Dr. Manhattan
Green Lantern (generic)
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)

Anyone else want to post some Superkirby pics?

2009-05-18, 12:54 PM
Might I suggest you use a other art program the Paint?
Such as Inkscape, Fireworks or some other?

Only a few are truly talented with Paint, and even then they also use other programs for resizing and potentially the background.

This looks nice....But a bit on the pixely side.

2009-05-18, 03:58 PM
I tried other programs and they just bug me to no end what with their vectors and such. Paint is my safety blanket.

http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/138/3/f/Green_Lantern_Kirby_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/138/a/e/Blue_Beetle_Kirby__Ted_Kord_by_alchemyprime.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/138/a/2/Blue_Beetle_Kirby__Jaime_Reyes_by_alchemyprime.jpg

In other news, I like second tier heroes over more popular ones so expect guys like Blue Beetle and Green Lantern (above) more than say... Superman or Batman.

2009-05-18, 04:33 PM
I tried other programs and they just bug me to no end what with their vectors and such. Paint is my safety blanket.

Thing is, vectors can give a much cleaner look overall. Additionally, you can keep the same template and add different features to it each time, so your Kirbies will look consistent, while at the moment they vary greatly in, say, feet size.

I'd highly recommend downloading Inkscape, it's free and you have almost the entire population of A&C to ask for help if you get stuck.

Here's a tutorial for creating OotS style figures, but it covers the basics of the program as well, so it should suit Kirbies as well:

2009-05-18, 04:43 PM
But, don't you think it's gonna make the man go crazy?
I mean, that guide is made for OotS.

Anyway, yes, man, it would improve your art GREATLY if you started trying something fresh and new.

Why, as one good book says, "A rock that doesn't move breeds mold".

Rae Artemi
2009-05-18, 04:50 PM
I too recommend getting inkscape, heck if you do I'll let you use some of my Kirby templates to help get you started.

2009-05-18, 04:52 PM
Dont listen to them, paint is a great tool. Its just a little harder to use than people think.

Draw whatever you have in a 400x400 canvas, with lines 3 pixels large. Then, use something like irfanview to shrink them down to around 150x150. Perfectly done, and there is no need to go to vectors.

That said, I do use inkscape myself. However, that is mainly due to the fact I can save templates in it, as that makes it alot faster to draw a webcomic.


2009-05-18, 05:50 PM
Well... sadly my OS won't allow me install Inkscape. but I will try to make a Kirby Template of sorts to use so they will be uniform.

And my web browsers can't download IrFanView... >< Life sucks...

2009-05-18, 09:06 PM
So... anyone want to help me with that Irfanview or a Vista-compatable Inkscape type program.

2009-05-19, 02:51 AM
So... anyone want to help me with that Irfanview or a Vista-compatable Inkscape type program.

Um, Inkscape is Vista compatible.
Here (http://www.inkscape.org/download/?lang=en) is where you can find Inkscape, just click where it says ".exe installer" and you'll be good to go, and this (http://download.cnet.com/IrfanView/3000-2192-10021962.html?part=dl-IrfanView&subj=dl&tag=button) is a download link for IrfanView. (Main site is here (http://www.irfanview.com).)

2009-05-20, 11:56 AM
Yeah... for some reason my computer won't download IrfanView and won't install Inkscape at all. It'll get there till 98 percent when it dies.