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View Full Version : Altering size bonuses to grapples (3.5)

2009-05-18, 04:38 PM
In one of my campaigns, in order to help prevent pure martial characters from being unable to go toe to toe with level appropriate monsters, one of the changes i was thinking of having was having a monster's size modifier only count in Resisting grapples (not when they are initiating one); This would allow smaller characters to have a chance to avoid being instagrabbed by other melee monsters, while preventing small beings from grappling larger ones.

yes, it does have some issues with grapple based monsters, but if one thinks of the characters as resisting the grapples by slipping out of their grasp rather than outwrestling them head on, it more or less is explainable. Plus it eliminates the instant rape zone alot of larger monsters have for pure martial classes.

2009-05-18, 05:33 PM
I like it.

Don't really have any constructive criticism, just... I like it.

Maybe change Clever Wrestling around so that anyone can get it and gets a bonus to grappling for every size difference of the target? Not +4, but, say, +2. This could lend your super-talented martial guy into actually pinning an ogre or even a small giant but still leaving colossal megabeasts shrugging them off.