View Full Version : Covenant vs Enterprise

An Enemy Spy
2009-05-18, 09:50 PM
I've always had an unhealthy obsession with Halo and while I never paid much attention to Star Trek, I enjoy it when I see it (I personally loved Nemesis. I don't get what was so bad about it.). So consider this scenario. Captain Picard is on a diplomatic mission to the Romulan border or someplace like that (btw he's in the Enterprise E). On the way there, they are met by a strange alien ship. It sends them a message in perfect english reading, "Your destruction is the will of the gods and we are their instruments." The ship (which is a Covenant assault carrier) immediately opens fire ands sends boarding craft full of Elite and Grunt warriors and even an Osoona. So who wins? I would say Covenant but I don't actually know what the Enterprise is capable of.

Innis Cabal
2009-05-18, 10:54 PM
The enterprise is going down hard. They have no personal shields, no ultimatly powerful weapons...maybe a phaser takes a single shiled down....but they won't live long enough as plasma grenades are lopped at their soft fleshy bodies

2009-05-18, 11:06 PM
I think that The Covenant vs. The Borg would probably be more fair.

An Enemy Spy
2009-05-18, 11:09 PM
Covenant vs Borg with a small Flood infestation thrown in. Place your bets.
Can the borg adapt to needlers?

Innis Cabal
2009-05-18, 11:12 PM
Ya they could....but the flood would win....we've seen how the Borg do with fully organic entities

2009-05-18, 11:35 PM
Meh. Covvies win unless Picard manages one of his once a season big shot speeches.

Now, if we're talking James T Motherfracking KIRK, this goes different. As in the Sangheili learn to fear the double hammer fist to the back of the noggin and any survivors hurt so bad there one tap would kill them forever.

Of course, they'd still rack up a nice bodycount. Redshirts are there for a reason.

Now, throw in some Civil Protection, this gets fun.

2009-05-18, 11:40 PM
This depends.

Can the Enterprise shoot down the boarding ship before it comes to them? Would they be able to retreat and go to warp?

2009-05-19, 05:57 AM
Ya they could....but the flood would win....we've seen how the Borg do with fully organic entities
Um... humans aren't "fully organic entities"? Species 8472 just had a hyper-active immune system that destroyed their nanoprobes.

Mad Mask
2009-05-19, 06:52 AM
Meh. Covvies win unless Picard manages one of his once a season big shot speeches.

Now, if we're talking James T Motherfracking KIRK, this goes different. As in the Sangheili learn to fear the double hammer fist to the back of the noggin and any survivors hurt so bad there one tap would kill them forever.

Of course, they'd still rack up a nice bodycount. Redshirts are there for a reason.

Now, throw in some Civil Protection, this gets fun.

Actually, the Enterprise E more powerful than Kirk's ship, which is a century older.

EDIT: Although Kirk might beat the covenant with his LARGE HAM.

2009-05-19, 07:31 AM
Covenant troops are far superior to Federation ones... but I think by the time that it got to that, the Federation ship would be pretty doomed.

In ship to ship combat, I'm not sure what would win a one on one fight. The enterprise is much more manoeuvrable since it can hop in and out of warp speed in combat, while the covenant need to go through a more arduous process. In fact Jean Luc could probably just do the ferengi trick, where he hops around faster than light, and the slower than light sensors of his enemy can't get a lock on.

Weapons and shield strength is debatable. I'm inclined to favour Trek over Halo on the shields... and maybe give a slight edge to the Covenant on weapons(Since they can glass planets).

In order for boarding parties to have any effect, you need to cripple the enterprise. In Trek boarding parties definitely aren't sent by assault boat, but rather teleported on. Covenant boarding forces are going to be pretty ineffective, unless by some miracle they manage to board the ship. If covenant forces get on board.. it's probably over for the Enterprise.

2009-05-19, 07:41 AM
how big are these ships in relation to one another? i know the covi chips look big, but they are shot specifically to look intimidating in the game.

i would say, if they are comparable in size, the enterprise would win. a single torpedo can shred things of greater size and density than the ship.

perhaps most importantly, the covenant lack personal teleporters, and presumably a defense against them, which means the enterprise could just go "here, have a bomb" and/or kidnap any commanders they wanted. same tactic works against boarding parties (why don't trekies do that in universe???)

as for flood v borg, i would say the flood. the flood overmind seems to be able to bludgeon its way into the minds of humans and even machines, it could probably just go for the queen. 1 infected borg could spell doom for the collective, but i don't get the impression that it works that way with the flood.

2009-05-19, 07:55 AM
same tactic works against boarding parties (why don't trekies do that in universe???)

Because in the Trek universe you can't transport through raised shields, and generally in a combat situation the shields are going to be raised. In "The Way of the Warrior" (DS9 season 4 opener) then Klingons manage to get the shields of the station down and immediately transport boarders onto it, so it DOES happen in the Trekniverse, just not very often.

(We're ignoring the recent film, incidentally, where people seem to be able to transport aboard other ships without the slightest problem, even when their shields are still up...).

2009-05-19, 07:58 AM
Because in the Trek universe you can't transport through raised shields, and generally in a combat situation the shields are going to be raised. In "The Way of the Warrior" (DS9 season 4 opener) then Klingons manage to get the shields of the station down and immediately transport boarders onto it, so it DOES happen in the Trekniverse, just not very often.

(We're ignoring the recent film, incidentally, where people seem to be able to transport aboard other ships without the slightest problem, even when their shields are still up...).

i know trek shields stop transports, i was referring to booting intruders out of your ship, where you could easily put them into the empty space between your shields and your ship.
or into your ships exhaust...

An Enemy Spy
2009-05-19, 08:42 AM
i know trek shields stop transports, i was referring to booting intruders out of your ship, where you could easily put them into the empty space between your shields and your ship.
or into your ships exhaust...

Don't you have to be wearing a little devive for the ship to transport you around. I saw a TNG episode where Riker gives his little metal thing to a Klingon captain and then the Enterprise beamed him aboard. I wouldn't imagine that the Covenant would have any of those on them.

And about ship size, an Assault Carrier is much larger than the Enterprise. Remember in Halo 2 when the In Amber Clad follwed the ship into Slipspace? That thing was effing massive! I'm not sure, but I think the enterprise is only a little bigger than a UNSC frigate.

2009-05-19, 08:44 AM
i know trek shields stop transports, i was referring to booting intruders out of your ship, where you could easily put them into the empty space between your shields and your ship.
or into your ships exhaust...

Hard to get a lock on them? Don't you need a transponder signal to lock onto, or something like that?

2009-05-19, 08:46 AM
UNSC Frigate is 478m long, according to Halopedia, which puts it squarely in between the original Enterprise (305m) and the Enterprise-D (600-odd). Same source lists a Covenant Assault Carrier as 5,346m, which is indeed massive.

2009-05-19, 09:07 AM
Hard to get a lock on them? Don't you need a transponder signal to lock onto, or something like that?

they help, but they aren't necessary. they can establish locks regardless, or they can transport everything in an area, both of which they have done.
and it's not like they have to be nice about it either, an unstable transport, or one that fails to grab their ankles would be a good thing.

anyhow, in light of the covi ship being close to 9 times the size of the enterprise, i would say the only way the enterprise could win is through one of my before mentioned transporter stunts. but even in a head to head the enterprise would leave some nasty scars.