View Full Version : The Dark Lord [Chapter 4] The War

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2009-05-19, 02:42 PM
It has been a long few weeks since you saved some of the council members from certain death. You left them in a secure safe house outside the city in a small old keep. A small detachment of soldiers served as guards. You quickly returned to the prince's stronghold to start the planning of the invasion of the city...

Today, started much like any other day, with little sleep and too much to do. At the end of the morning briefing, man on horseback came galloping into the courtyard and rushed into the meeting. He looked tired from riding, his sweat and dirt stained uniform seemed hardly appropriate for the present company but none the less, personal grooming was less important than regaining the city. He spoke in gasped breaths, "A small....army...has laid....siege...to the...safe house."

You know that the safe house is well fortified for an old keep. Its strong stone walls provide cover and protection from arrows and bolts. Additionally, there are 50 men stationed inside the old keep are well armed.

The messenger continues, "I can give you the relative strength of the force. I did notice they are building a catapult." He starts to sketch out a primitive map of on some parchment giving relative positions and strengths.

Your heart sinks a little, you know the old keep's time is at the essence. The prince seems to know as well. "Throshkar, we need to solve this problem fast. I do not want to turn this into a battle but those council members lives cannot be lost. We need to strike fast and deadly without bring our full army to bare. We also do not have the time to mobilize the army to get into that position if we are to preserve our present strategy."

[Drawn Map]

..........................-------- ...........................
..........................[ Keep ]............................
.................................................. ...............
.............A .......... S S S S...... C....................
.............S S ..............................................
.................................................. ...............
.................................................. ...............
.................................................. ...............
.................................................. ...............
.................................................. ...............

A = Archers
S = soldiers
C = Catapult

[OOC] You have the following forces within a few hours of that position:
18 cavaliers (2 formed units)
36 archers (2 formed or 4 unformed units)
100 foot soldiers (4 formed units)

You think there are 50 soldiers left in the keep

It is your job to help aid in the extraction of the council members trapped in the keep.
The battle will be considered a success if either the following occur:

The council members escape the map to either the South, East, or West.
-All the enemy forces are destroyed or routed off the map
The enemies retreat after loosing a large % of their force.

The battle will be considered a failure if any of the following occur

The council members are killed
All your troops are routed or destroyed
If you loose enough forces that you feel your only option is retreat

2009-05-20, 09:22 PM
Egan Brahe

Adrenalin rushes into Egan as he hears the report and realizes that this is the first domino. We must establish our morale with a first victory here. He listens as well as he can, only asking a couple of question. Mostly about the size and make of the catapult and the positioning of some of the troops.
"Here are my suggestions. We need to take out the catapult as quickly as we can. I may be able to do this with the shock troop cavaliers that I have been working with and some support. My spells, such as a fireball, should be able to ignite it, if not destroy it. Coming in from the south with the main body and the south-east with the flanking group of soldiers and shock troops, the flanking group could reach the catapult quickly. We should leave the west open for them to retreat and hold the east as our council members best escape route if the keep is going to fall. I don't know where the archers will best stand for us, but I assume that they may be best coming in from the south to get good aim on all of these troops that are strung out in front of the keep. Maybe one of them to support the flanking group if they get charged." Egan scratches some symbols on the ad hoc map and looks at the Prince and Throshkar. "What do you think? It leaves these archers to the southwest vulnerable..."

..........................-------- ...........................
..........................[ Keep ]............................
.................................................. ...............
.............A .......... S S S S...... C....................
.............S S ..............................................
.................................................. .V.............
.................................................. .S.A...........
.............S............S S V S................... ............
............A.A...........A.A.A................... ..............
.................................................. ...............

A = Archers
S = Soldiers
C = Catapult
V = Cavaliers

2009-05-21, 02:10 PM
The prince nods, "Your plan looks good Egan, but remember that the cavaliers do move faster and can charge your enemy. You might want to think about using them to flank the enemy. Throshkar and Adrian what do you think?"

Regis shrugs and looks sternly at the prince, "You will have to forgive me your highness, but I feel my skills would be better served here healing and praying." The prince nods and Regis turns and walks out from the conference.

2009-05-21, 03:36 PM
Egan Brahe

Uncharacteristically, Egan starts to doubt his own suggestions in this small war council. "Wait, wait... something is wrong with this. Was the catapult almost finished?" He points at the map in a few locations obviously thinking to himself. "There it is. The shock troops won't work for this if they are cavaliers, I think. The spells I have prepared, as you have seen, will increase a man's speed (Haste), their strength (Bull's Strength, Mass), and their size (Enlarge Person, Mass). I can do this for a group of a dozen people, but this would crush the horses if they were mounted. It could help Pikemen or Soldiers, but it would also make them vulnerable because of their larger size, which is why I had always considered the cavaliers as the best candidates for this strategy. This could work if the cavaliers charged their horses for the initial clash, but then dismounted for the melee. I could augment them there. Would this put them at a disadvantage trying to dismount after a charge?" Egan, not familiar with battle and horses, looks to the Prince and Throsh for their opinions.

Another thought occurs to Egan while looking over the map. "If we can secure the catapult and this eastern side, Louis may be able to reach the keep and lead those soldiers out in reinforcements."

2009-05-21, 03:37 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar has learned not to be surprised when the wizard takes the lead on such intellectual matters. The man proved to be quite cunning in their rescue mission of the council members, even going so far as to guide a troop of guards away from their location when Adrian and the councilmember had been injured.

That said, the wizard's battle plan leaves a little to be desired, so he proposes his own:
"Apologies, milord, good Egan, but I think such a division of forces is not necessarily the best option. Your focus upon the catapult will leave the bulk of our forces too open to assault by our enemies' missiles. Much as I am loathe to admit it, be they good shots, such archery would be lethal to our troops -- the common soldiers, at least."

"Hence, although the catapult is indeed our primary target, engaging and largely eliminating the archers must be our first objective. I see two ways of doing this: one, attack them hard and fast on horseback, seeking to eliminate them quickly. Two: a more measured approach, using a mass of infantry and at least one grouping of bowmen, led by Sir Adrian. The latter risks our men more, but gains the potentiality of drawing their soldiers (those at the center) away from both stronghold and catapult. A delay of the horse would also allow us to better utilize their mobility."

"Once the archers' attention is grasped, I would drive one Cavalier troop 'pon the catapult, and then, as the chaos begins to descend upon our enemy, another to flank the archers, eliminating them entirely. We could alternate the entrance of these forces, which would guide the central group to the west more assuredly."

"Finally, I would hope that we might use yours or the good Bishop's abilities to speak to those of our men in the stronghold; should they observe a mass of soldiers moving to defend the catapult, I would wish that they send all their forces out -- not to aid our strike force 'pon the catapult, but rather to squash the archers and their defenders. Then, en masse, we drive east, casting off the foreign infantry and annihilating the catapult."

"Perhaps the catapult strike force would do well to be aided at a distance by a troop of archers led by you, Egan. The enemy could not strike at you effectively without abandoning their weapon to the cavaliers..."
As for such an extensive application of magic as Egan suggests, Throshkar shrugs massive shoulders. He is not entirely certain of the best use of such powers, but he has provided the best battlefield strategy he can produce at the moment.

"Whate'er we do, I believe these to be the order of our objectives:

(1) Communicate with our allies.
(2) Divide the enemy.
(3) Crush the long-range attackers.
(4) Limit the catapult's ability to attack the stronghold.
(5) Decimate the infantry.

Dost thou agree?" He sketches roughly, badly:

..(T).....................-------- ...........................
..........................[ Keep ]............................
.................................................. ...............
.............A .......... S S S S.......C....................
.............S S ...............................................
.................................................. ................
......(D)......................................... ...............
.................................................. .............
........................................(E)....... ...............
.................................................. ................

A = Archers
S = Soldiers
C = Catapult
V = Cavaliers
E = Egan's group (Egan, A, and S to protect them)
D = Adrian's group (3 S in front, A with Adrian in back)
T = Throshkar with Cavaliers

Sorry for the novel above. Hard to go over strategy in-character!

The simpler version:
1. Adrian uses his ranged powers to beef up the southwest archers. With three soldier groups in front of him, he begins the assault on the enemy archers' position.
2. Just before the soldiers engage, Throshkar leads a Cavalier group from the northwest. As they close in, they'll make a charge attack on the archers (or whatever group they can successfully flank).
3. As soon as the central force commits to moving to the west, another troop of cavalier charges in from the northeast, attacking the catapult. At the same time, Egan and a troop of formed archers and soldiers move in from the south/south-east.
4. Finally, I want the keep soldiers to strike at the western group, wherever the central force has gone, we've already effectively wiped out the western group.

Notes: I want Egan's group fairly south-central so they can adjust to the southwest if the central force does *not* commit to the east. If we cripple the archers, Throshkar's cavaliers may cross to deal with the central force, especially if they've gone eastward.

Questions: Can we attack pretty readily from so many directions? Any reason we can't come in from the North? (Especially with the cavaliers...) And can we safely communicate with the Keep? (Any reason to fear double agents?)

2009-05-21, 03:59 PM
Egan Brahe

"Sir Throshkar, this divides our forces quite thin and allows them to retreat to the catapult to protect it. If things go well we will be able to squeeze them together. But if that catapult is completed, it could be turned on our troops while those other 4 groups of soldiers stand around protecting it. I could hit the catapult with a conjured ball of fire from that range though... Another well placed fireball at these eastern troops may push the rest into you on the west as a panic as well."

2009-05-21, 07:01 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"Bah, the catapult is no threat to a man. It tears down walls -- individuals may move and avoid the cannonade. They are impossible to thus harm."

"I send you, good Egan, 'gainst the catapult for that very reason. Your arcane flames should do good work 'pon the device."

"A retreat that allows them to centralize their forces, that would be a trouble. If their forces begin to do that, let us send your force in a feint toward the west before you full engage the catapult. This will pin the archer group in its place and force the central force to protect one or the other side. Should they pursue you, the second horse troop should flank them from behind."

If the catapult can be easily used against men, then it'll be crap against the stronghold walls, and vice versa. Meantime, the archers rain hell on us while we attack something that doesn't hurt us.

Lots of "if then" situations here...

2009-05-21, 07:13 PM
The young prince seems overwhelmed. "You must forgive me, my art is in language and not movement of men over terrain. However, I know the keep well having spent many summers there growing up. Throshkar, you questioned coming in from the north. It is not an option since there is a forest that will slow your horses down. Our men are stationed at the south, you could bring them around to the east or west if you would like but it will take time.

"Egan, I am sure that the catapult has been constructed and is being used against my childhood summer home at this very moment. You must remember it took a while for our brave scout to even make it to our encampment."

2009-05-21, 07:22 PM
Egan Brahe

"I have read of siege engines, during my study of battles concerning old kingdoms, being turned on advancing troops during battles, taking a great toll and thinning out the advancement. The battle of Koran-Thar has a fascinating explanation..." Egan pauses for a moment when the Prince, now used to his teaching sprints, clears his throat. "Yes. Well, I would not say it is as effective as a the arcane abilities, but they were recorded as useful. The difference be here, of course, that this is not an advancing army with little maneuvering room. I am not a general here. Sir Throshkar, place our plan and we be off. The Prince is right. We must move now."

2009-05-22, 12:19 AM
"I agree. You must be off, we should not waste anymore moments. I am sure the battlefield has changed so you will get more information once you arrive. I have my mage Dennis ready to teleport you to our troops position. Throshkar you horse will also be joining you." You walk out from the war room and see Dennis in the courtyard with Louis nearby with Throshkar's horse. Dennis looks at you and says, "I am ready to launch you as soon as you are ready to fly."

2009-05-22, 12:10 PM


Your teleportation is fast and easy. It seems that Dennis casts the spell before you can even object. Before you know it you have left the dust grounds of the Prince's stronghold and are now standing upon a grassy field. You see a congregation of troops near you. It takes you a second to realize that they are the men you are supposed to meet. One skinny man comes forward from the mass, "General Throshkar, I sense you are here to lead us?" You spend a few moments getting your bearings and you head out in formation.

After only minutes of walking you see the old keep looming ahead. It is surrounded by three groups of men. You can see the catapult firing upon the old keep, each throw of a stone smashes against the walls sending stone and mortar flying.


{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
O27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
P27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
K28|F|Archers|18|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|18|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
K27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
L27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
M27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O08|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O06|U|Council|18|1|1 sq|10|5|+0 (5)|-|-

[Enemy Stats]

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
T13|U|Catapult|-|1|1 sq|10|90|-|+5 (20)|Range of 12 squares; slow ranged attack 1/3; 30 HP are from crew
S14|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
U13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
I11|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J12|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J11|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
J13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
N12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
O12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
P12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
Q12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

2009-05-22, 01:00 PM
Egan Brahe

As they appear on the field of battle, Egan's pulse jumps and he has to use some of his concentration methods to not run away with the task. As the commanders of this battle are still together, he grabs everyone's attention. "I am going to cast a spell on us to help. This will make us able to communicate on the field of battle by pushing your thoughts to the others. You may speak them or think them, but when you do, push them to this link, you will feel it in your mind, then all of us will know these thoughts as well. We will be able to coordinate much more when needed. It will fad in about 2 hours of our time here today." Egan pulls out some broken eggshells from his robe. Louis smiles as he remembers collecting some of these with the mage and having no idea what they could be useful for. He casts his spell and the eggshells glow different colors, and briefly these same colors appear around each of the commanders here.

Egan continues with a couple of additional preparation spells on himself.
Cast Telepathic Bond - 5 people total. Throsh, Egan, Adrian, Louis(?), and other?

Other spells cast in preparation:
Protection from Arrows (on Egan)
Mage Armor (on Egan)

Also, I think Throsh was thinking of approaching the field in a different rank organization. Meaning, I think Throsh was supposed to be on the left with cavaliers, and Egan on the right with a soldier and archer unit.

As they approach the field and see the situation a thought occurs to Egan. "We may be able to capture that catapult today rather than destroy it."

2009-05-22, 03:59 PM
Adrian pauses, he is no general, but he knows the worth of hard, fast strikes on suprised foes. The western flank Throshkar! They're out of formation. A quick charge may rout them.

2009-05-24, 05:58 PM
As you continue to talk about how exactly you will rescue the counsel members trapped inside the old keep you can see the catapult slowly firing, the massive stones smash against the old stone building. As each stone hits the keep a small rain of rocks fly from the walls. The enemy archers also fire upon the structure sending a dark wave of arrows towards the walls every few moments. After a few moments you realize that the enemy troops are trying to aim the catapult at the structures entry as if they are trying to dislodge the doors to allow them easy access to the remaining members.

2009-05-24, 10:00 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The warrior recognizes the formation as Adrian does. "They are focused on the north front! Adrian, drive the main force on them, now! Cavaliers, with me! Egan, take a party of bowmen and follow behind!"

There was no use trying to reorganize, nor would much matter. Their military might was almost equal... except for their advantage: the cavaliers. One such man was more than enough for a half-formed party of archers. The battle would go quickly...

The two cavalier groups should go north at normal pace until the main force soldiers commit one way or another, then halt for a decision. If the main force soliders do not commit, then send both cavalier groups at the archers' defending soldiers in J-13, on a charge action.

The mass of our forces should go as fast as possible toward the archers group, engaging the archers with long range attacks as soon as possible.

I want Egan and a pack of bowmen coming north at full speed behind Throshkar. Obviously, as soon as he's in range of the catapult, it's firebomb time.

Since the catapult just fired, we don't have to worry about it harming us for a few rounds, since it must rearm.

2009-05-24, 10:49 PM
Aye sir! Unit's move out. Adrian glances at Throshkar. Hell, it's my command... And stay quiet so long as they are faced to the North.

2009-05-24, 11:29 PM
Egan Brahe

((OOC - I'm not sure which square Egan is in on the map. It looks like J27.))

Egan begins moving the troops according. He pushes a thought through the link. I am in range now. Should I loose the first fireball?

If Throsh responds with an affirmative.
Fireball: [roll0]
Range: 880ft.
It may impact the soldier in front of the catapult first, but still good damage done.

2009-05-25, 10:13 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Startled by the thought-link at first, Throshkar attempts to adjust quickly... it's not easy.

'Aye, Lord Wizard. There is naught but open ground twixt us and them -- they are like to turn and see us in moments, let us utilize your powers immediately, and strike first!'

Looong range! :smallbiggrin:

I don't think we've got the opportunity for a sneak attack, so let's unload as soon as we can. If the main force comes straight south after Egan, we may have to change the strategy again.

2009-05-25, 01:26 PM

http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5530/oldkeep001.png (http://img37.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oldkeep001.png)

The cavaliers surge forward as Egan's fireball tears across the plains in search of destruction. The fireball finds a target (s14) and the fire rips into the unprepared men (35 dmg = 7 dead); however they rally and do not become shaken. Your forces surge forward as well as the enemy. One group of enemy archers fire upon the battlefield sending arrows flying into the open space as if a warning not to get close.


I moved everyone their movement forward as Throshkar commanded. Since Egan put us into tactical combat, things will progress a little slower (which is fine). Egan's fireball did (max+min)/2 damage or around average = (60+6)/2 ~ 35.

[roll0] = non-shaken force


{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
O27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
P27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
K28|F|Archers|18|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|18|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
K27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
L27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
M27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O08|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O06|U|Council|18|1|1 sq|10|5|+0 (5)|-|-

[Enemy Stats]

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
T13|U|Catapult|-|1|1 sq|10|90|-|+5 (20)|Range of 12 squares; slow ranged attack 1/3; 30 HP are from crew
S14|F|Soldiers|18|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
U13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
I11|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J12|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J11|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
J13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
N12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
O12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
P12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
Q12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

2009-05-26, 03:32 PM
Egan Brahe

'That blast took out some of those front soldiers, but didn't reach the catapult. I need to get a bit closer to loose more spells on those soldiers. I will reduce the archer threat as we approach.'

Egan sends another fireball at the unformed archers he can see (I12) as they continue to march forward.

2009-05-26, 05:10 PM
http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5530/oldkeep001.png (http://img14.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oldkeep001.png)

Egans fireball tears into the group of archer sending body parts flying from the wreckage. You can only see two of the archers still standing after the massive blast. The two remaining archers are routed and start to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible.

The enemy forces move forward along with your forces. You feel that the battle will soon be coming. Throshkar's cavaliers are almost within reach of a charge. However, you know that the catapult will be able to fire within seconds.

[roll0] = shaken force


{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
O27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
P27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
K27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
L27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
M27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O08|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O06|U|Council|18|1|1 sq|10|5|+0 (5)|-|-

[Enemy Stats]

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
T13|U|Catapult|-|1|1 sq|10|90|-|+5 (20)|Range of 12 squares; slow ranged attack 1/3; 30 HP are from crew
S14|F|Soldiers|18|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
U13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
I11|U|Archers|2|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J12|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J11|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
J13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
N12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
O12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
P12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
Q12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

2009-05-27, 02:00 PM
Egan Brahe

"Throshkar, ride down those soldiers on your right, before the catapult. I will hold these other units from surrounding you quickly with a wall." Egan reshapes their field of battle by forming a large wall of ice in front of the 4 units of soldiers advancing, and wrapping it around the far end of them.
Wall of Ice: 120ft. wall. placed from S16 wrapping around in front of the soldiers as far as it can, should be about N17.

2009-05-27, 02:47 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

'A Mighty Blow, and now, frosted walls from thin air! Egan, you are like to win us the day yourself! But lo -- see how we men of the sword shatter our foes!' Throshkar applauds the mage's impressive destructive -- and constructive! -- abilities. Though his stomach turns at the sight of battle fought at long, impersonal ranges, at least the blast harmed primarily archers and catapult engineers. Such targets were more appropriate for such a weapon, after all.

Throshkar turns to his fellow knights: "For honor! For the Good Prince! CHARGE!" His white pennon whips in the wind, almost golden in the sun.

Great strategy with the ice wall, Egan!

Both cavalier groups charge-attack S16. That totals ten attacks with +2 for the charge -- nine regular cavaliers (+7, 10 damage) and one Throshkar (+21, 20 damage). They all take -2 to AC for the next round. (I don't think they can flank, but if they can do so without taking an OppAtt, please set that up for me.)



I count four hits by the cavaliers and one by Throshkar, totaling 60 damage out of 125. Not quite half, but it took its first casualty and lost a member to a charge, so two reasons to take a morale check. Yay!

2009-05-27, 04:37 PM
http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/5530/oldkeep001.png (http://img32.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oldkeep001.png)
Throshkar's force slams into the enemy with the horses trampling some and others falling to lance wounds. A total of 14 men of the 18 left from Egan's fireball fall from his attack. The remaining four become unformed and are routed from the attack. As they begin to flee, Throshkar's men have another attack upon them (AoO).

The unit near's Throshkar's group of faithful knights unleashes an attack upon his second unit of cavaliers. However, their attack provides to be mainly useless, only one of their spears found its mark on a cavalier doing (5) a little damage.

The enemy forces must now navigate around the ice wall buying time for Egan's forces to ready themselves. You also notice the small group of archer's seems to have gathered themselves together and are slowly making their way back to the field of combat.

Throshkar's attack = [roll0][roll1]
Archer rally [roll2]

Attacking Cavaliers


{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
O27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
P27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
K27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
L27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
M27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O08|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O06|U|Council|18|1|1 sq|10|5|+0 (5)|-|-

[Enemy Stats]

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
T13|U|Catapult|-|1|1 sq|10|90|-|+5 (20)|Range of 12 squares; slow ranged attack 1/3; 30 HP are from crew
S14|F|Soldiers|4|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
U13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
I11|U|Archers|2|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J12|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J11|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
J13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
N12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
O12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
P12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
Q12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

2009-05-27, 04:49 PM
[OOC forgot something]

You hear a loud thud and before you realize it, large stones start to fly towards Egan's units (N21). Additionally, you hear the twang of bow strings and 9 arrows come flying towards the very unit Egan is in. Lucky the catapult's shot falls short and the arrows bounce harmlessly off of your troops armor.

[roll0] (20) - catapult
[roll1] - archers (5)

2009-05-27, 05:05 PM
Archers! Volley on my mark, at the closest unit! Now!
I can have them focus fire on the M-17 unit, right? I figure if we can sap their morale one at a time as they approach... I also might consider having our right side push up a little more, turn our line to better flank/avoid getting flanked now that that wall is up.

Now, let's see... I figure our archers are just outside of the no penalty area, so a -2 to all of our firing, if we're aiming for M-17, right? Soo...

1st unit.

2nd unit.

3rd unit.

4th unit.

... right?

oooo got some crits in there.

2009-05-27, 05:26 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan casts another spell quickly as the enemy soldiers decide their attack vector. A thick mist forms from nothing in the air about the troops rounding the end of the wall of ice. It drifts through the troops and toward the next troops running straight into it.
"Regis halt our advance. Concentrate on those troops to our left."
"Soldiers, halt! Stand your ground and be ready to support our knights."
"Throshkar, take out the engineers on that catapult that wasn't supposed to be able to shoot upon our troops!"
Cast Cloudkill on N17.
It should drift into the group in the M-column.
Oh, and a reminder that Egan has Protection against Arrows active.

2009-05-27, 05:26 PM
15 members of the unit fall to Adrian's volley of death raining from the sky. The unit begins to freak out from the attack and looks like it will be routed.


[ooc: JJ, you forgot to subtract the -2 on your dice. CJ, You have an AoO. It is the start of the next round so you all have an action (including JJ).]


{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
O27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
P27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
K27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
L27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
M27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O08|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O06|U|Council|18|1|1 sq|10|5|+0 (5)|-|-

[Enemy Stats]

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
T13|U|Catapult|-|1|1 sq|10|90|-|+5 (20)|Range of 12 squares; slow ranged attack 1/3; 30 HP are from crew
S14|F|Soldiers|4|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
U13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
I11|U|Archers|2|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J12|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J11|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
J13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
N12|F|Soldiers|10|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
O12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
P12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
Q12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

2009-05-27, 05:46 PM
Cast Cloudkill on N17.

[OOC: You can target four adjacent squares (20 ft diameter = 4 squares). I assume you are choosing M16, M17, N16, N17 for maximum effect.]

A large yellow cloud of gas fills an area on the battlefield, you see three units of soldiers fall dead (M16, M17, N16) including the one's Adrian routed in moments dropping their spears upon the ground and clutching their throats.

2009-05-27, 06:56 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

'The blessings of honor upon us!'...'I hope...' Watching the helpless enemy poisoned and strung through with arrows, Throshkar reflects on how this battle brings him less joy than he was wont to experience. 'I must end this carnage... if I destroy the catapult, we'll put an end to this foul mess. That mechanical monstrosity is the highest foe 'pon the field today...'

"Good men! We come to rescue our people -- give unto them thy blood, that they might live! We charge the catapult... hrraaahhh!!!" Arondight would be proud at the speed Throshkar's mount achieves as he thunders up the field.

First, AoO on the routed group (lose charge benefit, right? so +5, 5 dmg and +19, 10 damage):

Four hits, 25 damage on the AoO.

Second, seems to me both cavalier groups can charge the catapult, since they wouldn't lose any squares going around the intervening opponent. So, same thing as last round... I'll group them into Throshkar's group and the other group, just in case that assessment is wrong:



If I'm right, that's 110 dmg, more than the catapult's 90...?

2009-05-27, 07:21 PM
Throshkar's cavaliers make quick work of the retreating men leaving only bloody bodies upon the ground. His cavaliers circle the other unit and press on towards the catapult. The unit tries to attack him as his units circumvent around but only one spear fines a mark upon a cavalier (5 more damage).

The cavaliers charge the catapult smashing it to the ground as horse and lance collide into the wooden structure and the few men that power the machine. All that is left is a pile of wood and death.

[AoO against Throshkar's cavaliers]

2009-05-27, 07:49 PM
Archers, nock arrows... hold. Adrian concentrates hard and thinks at the others. (Such a weird sensation...)
Should we demand they give up?

2009-05-27, 08:04 PM
Egan Brahe

Should we demand they give up?

Egan holds at the thought for a moment, and prepares another spell.

"This be your decision today, Throshkar. I have killed many, and have spells to put more bodies on this field today. I do not know if they are unwilling men pushed by The Dark Lord or zealots, but if they press us, I will drop them. Although I do not know what we would do with the prisoners."

2009-05-27, 08:16 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The tall warrior contemplates the splintered artillery and crumpled enemies. There was no challenge here, no worthy foe.

'I agree. We allow these common men to kneel and swear fealty to our Prince and future King. They have naught remaining that may assault us. But they may yet be of use.'

I'll roll Intimidate on my next turn.

2009-05-27, 10:32 PM
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5530/oldkeep001.png (http://img34.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oldkeep001.png)

The archer's attack Egan's position again one arrow finding a target on one of Egan's men dropping him to the ground (No moral save needed since you are in that unit). The other forces move forward.



{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
O27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
P27|F|Cavaliers|9|2|2 sq|20|30|+5(5)|-|charge when mounted 2x [large]
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
K28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
L28|F|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
K27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
L27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
M27|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O08|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|19|5|+3 (5)|-|-
O06|U|Council|18|1|1 sq|10|5|+0 (5)|-|-

[Enemy Stats]

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
U13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
I11|U|Archers|2|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J12|U|Archers|9|1|1 sq|15|5|+1 (5)|+3 (5)|-
J11|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-
J13|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

{table]Square|F/U|Name|#|Level|Speed|AC|HP|Melee|Range|Special Abilities/Spells
Q12|F|Soldiers|25|1|1 sq|16|5|+2 (5)|-|-

2009-05-27, 11:11 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar steps back, allowing his fellow warriors to continue the fray while he attempts to parlay with these leaderless villains.

"Fools! You continue a futile battle! Lay your useless weapons 'pon the ground, and we may yet show you mercy! Do not force us to irrigate this field with your blood!"


If Throshkar's group can attack T15 while he falls back from the front line and does his Intimidate thing:

And the second group, attacking T15:

2009-05-27, 11:18 PM
Adrian nods. Nice work, good projection. Liked the use of irrigation.

Volley to the ground just in front of them!

19, very nice. Throwing in some more intimidation. They presumably saw us wreck that unit earlier, plus the wizard... you got anything flasy but nonlethal? Entangle might be good.

2009-05-27, 11:20 PM
Throshkar's voice booms over the battlefield sending shivers down the spines of the men left living on the battlefield. They start to thrown down their weapons and place their hands upon their helmets and put their knees to the ground. Even the ones whose Throshkar's cavaliers are brutally slaying drop their weapons and surrender. The battle field is quite for the first time in minutes. Everyone seems to be waiting for Throshkar to continue speaking...

[OOC: So I really thought that battle would last a week, if not longer. I was not really expecting it to be done in a few hours]

2009-05-27, 11:27 PM
Egan Brahe

As the enemy soldiers begin to drop their weapons Egan turns to his own men, "See to that man. Help him if you can."

2009-05-27, 11:30 PM
Adrian knows what should come next. He'd taken part in his fair share of round ups, on both sides. (it was a really complex con...)

He heels his dog forward and starts calling out authoritativly. Spread yerselves out and back away from the weapons. Helmets and gauntlets off. Quick like. You lot, he gestures to the unit of infantry nearest to him, Ropes around their hands. You lot, come with me to pick out the officers, we'll keep them seperated.

2009-05-27, 11:44 PM
The enemy troops remove their helmets and gloves and place them upon the ground. They move away from the weapons and line up in long lines as if they are awaiting inspection. They do not say a word until finally one of them, a young soldier near Throshkar pips up and says "Cavalier, will you kill us. We were just following orders from an unjust lord." Hushes come from the crowd of men as if they are trying to distance themselves from the man for a variety of reasons.

2009-05-27, 11:54 PM
Egan Brahe

"Throshkar, we should send some cavaliers of rank to check on the keep and on the council members."

At the words of the captured soldier, Egan looks somewhat mournfully at the bodies of the dead soldiers, most of which he was primarily responsible for. There will be time for mourning later, good wizard. These are regrettable losses.

2009-05-28, 10:50 AM
As the last of the enemy banners fall to the ground and your stand tall you see the gates to the battered keep open. The council members escorted by one unit of battered troops exit the keep and march straight towards Throshkar's cavaliers. The troops bow to one knee before Throshkar and one of them speaks, "Thank you for delivering us from certain death. I present to you the council members entrusted to you for their protection." The unit of troops stand up awaiting orders.

2009-05-28, 12:57 PM
Psh, no credit to the little guy? Adrian chuckles to himself. Not that I did anything. But the wizard here did. He shakes his head as he approaches the surrendered troops.

Rule number one, he says to the trooper who asked no killing except in self defense, or in defense of the Rules. Not that any of you understand where that comes from. Look, any executions done will be for crimes committed, not implied. Adrian turns to look at the officers being round up, and remembers a leveled city block. Justice will be swift. But fair. I think you'll be okay.

2009-05-28, 02:04 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar nods. "You will have your safe passage, so long as you swear fealty to the Prince, and fight in his name. He will not send you to certain death 'gainst an unstoppable foe, nor to slaughter undefended civilians, and when this war is over, you shall be heroes and free men."

"Those of you who know anything of the fell King and his Dark Knights, stand forward -- we would know all you know. The injured of you shall be seen to by our good Regis, healer and future Bishop of our land."

2009-05-28, 08:07 PM
Egan Brahe

At the end of the battle Egan casts a final two spells before dispelling his own spells upon the field. He then quietly watches the ritual of surrender and negotiation, knowing that this could take some time. He especially keeps an eye on the new 'prisoners', seeing if any of them betray themselves as enemies to the Prince.
Cast Detect Scrying.
Then cast Detect Magic and inspect the prisoners.

2009-05-28, 08:07 PM
Seventy men step forward and shout various phrases, "I will support the prince!" "For the prince, I will fight for a lawful ruler. Only a small number of men choose not to step forward you can see concern on their faces as they do not know their fate.

2009-05-28, 08:29 PM
Cast Detect Scrying.
Then cast Detect Magic and inspect the prisoners.
As you walk past the soldiers you get the sense that someone is scrying one of the men not stepping forward to join the ranks of the prince. You realize that the scryer wants you to know who he is and you get the mental picture of the dark prince staring back at you.

His voice quickly fills your head, "Join me wizard, I will give you more power than you ever will know. Kill my brother and I will place you at my right side." He gives you a second to respond before the link is broken.

2009-05-28, 10:56 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"Good. I can tell you men are of good heart, and wish to save your honor through brave deeds. Fear not! The Prince will reward those of you who stay true and fight well."

"As for the rest of you -- what do you say for yourselves, that you would stand for a blackguard such as the dark prince? I would not kill you in cold blood, truly I would not... but your abiding his indefensible cruelty? 'Tis strange currency, for men who need barter their souls and safety. Why do you do this?"

I recommend any of you with better stats on this give it a shot...
Sense Motive:
[roll0] Hey! Not bad...

2009-05-29, 11:07 AM
On man not stepping forward addresses Throshkar's question, "I worry about my family still back in the city. The king there will kill my family if i join with your cause. The men before you should be ashamed for forsaking their family to save their skin. At least if I die, my family will not be butchered and killed."

You see some of the men stepping back uncertain what they should do. Throshkar senses that these men are fearful that either choice they make will result in their death or their families.

2009-05-29, 11:59 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan looses himself in the confusion and surprise of the scrying. He has no desire of the powers attained through evil means. He had made that decision long ago when he had briefly studied the necromantic arts. The soul does not recover from such taint. It saddened him to know that this evil presence pushing his will upon him was the same boy who had seen mischievously play within Master Bernard's study. The moment passes with the offer unanswered, and the link is broken. Was his hesitation noticed by the Dark Lord or the others? He stirs from his reflection back to the negotiations of the others. Targetting the Scrying spell, he focuses his energies at dispelling the presence.

The telepathic link could serve them in these negotiations as well, if the others used it. He had used this method for kings and nobles before often. "Throshkar, the Dark Lord knows of the outcome of this battle today. I have found his magics watching us today. These words would not come well from me, but from a warrior, they respect. These soldiers names have already been marked with their failure here today. Their fates were locked when they marched onto this field. If they return to their families they can die alongside them or perhaps sulk in their ashes. Here, they may fight for freedom. They may work for saving their families and others. Here, in the service of the Prince Aseral, they may have hope."
Cast Dispell Magic on scrying

2009-05-29, 12:05 PM
The man being scryed does not seem to notice the scrying or that the link has been broken. Egan can feel the uneasiness of these men which is only intensified by his knowledge that their evil lord knows of their failure. He feels an almost relief in passing the knowledge to Throshkar that he will not have to be the bearer of worse news than failure.

2009-05-29, 01:06 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

'I will tell them.'

"My heart is heavy as I hear your words. Not from the weight of your duty to your families -- this I know well. All noblemen are born with such loyalty in their blood."

"But I am saddened that your families remain under the Dark Lord's heel, for such is his power that he knows already of your loss this day. Regardless of whether you ally with us or stand your ground, I know with certainty that his gantleted fist will soon fall 'pon your loved ones. They were doomed when you first set yourselves 'gainst my blade. If you return to him, you will surely join them in the ashes of death."

"But fall not into despair! If you would hold onto your manhood, know this: that as men, we will FIGHT! We will CRUSH this villain who takes from us our children -- who slays our wives and our mothers -- who holds our families captive and their lives valueless. We will FIGHT!"

And if you would hold onto hope, hope this: the Dark Lord may yet grant some of your families their lives, and the only way, the ONLY way to save them, is not to kowtow to his evil whims, only to have him murder you and your bride in your bed some black night -- we will FIGHT!"

"For freedom! For honor! Here, in the service of Prince Aseral, we may all have hope. We will FIGHT!"

If any remain who do not wish to join Aseral, Throshkar will order the soldiers take them into custody and imprison them without bias. He will then move on to the officers and grill them similarly, only with much more intimidation...


Let us know if we should bother with the officers.

2009-05-29, 01:44 PM
Only a few of the men do not take up Throshkar's pledge to fight the dark prince to save their families. All the unit leaders join Throshkar's cause without much hesitation. You get the sense that the ones who are not joining might have been brainwashed or have lost friends or family on the battlefield today. The officer leading the fight against the old keep was killed in the cloud of gas.

The newly recruited troops shed their uniforms and look to their new leader for orders. They seem uncertain if they should grab their weapons or if they have earned the trust of their new leader.

One of the council members approaches Throshkar, "I hate to bother you, but I feel exposed out here. Could you have your Cavaliers escort us to the rightful king?"

2009-05-29, 02:01 PM
Egan Brahe

Seeing that Throshkar needs to move on as a general in command, Egan steps in to organize further efforts. "Troop commanders, have your soldiers fall in line. Adrian, keep those prisoners secure with 2 units of soldiers, per Throshakar's orders. The rest of us have the work after a battle to take care of. The work that trains our bodies and minds in discipline." Egan organizes a scouting guard to patrol the area, and then sets about the order of finding a grave site for the souls lost on the field this day and orders the repair of the keep. The weapons of the 'new recruits' will be set aside for the moment until the new bonds of brotherhood are built between these troops, and training drills can be organized by the commanders to help their troops in the next few days.

2009-05-29, 02:35 PM
Adrian nods at the officers. I say we question them all one at a time. If we keep them seperated it's reasonable to assume anything most of them agree on is truth.

2009-05-29, 02:41 PM
You find an area that can serve as a good mass grave for the fallen. Some of the troops stationed in the Old Keep bring out some shovel. Those who lost friends and family quickly join in the burial of their fallen comrades. Within a few hours, most of the dead have been buried before the scavengers have a chance to eat their remains.

The hair on the back of your neck starts to prick up as if you are being watched. Your scouts report now enemy formations near your present location but the knowledge that the Dark Lord knows your position and this nagging feeling makes you start to notice shadows and things that upon second glance are not there.

2009-05-29, 03:11 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"Aye, good counselor. The battle is not yet won till you are safely arrived." Throshkar orders every available cavalier to join with a troop of soldiers and -- alack -- two unformed troop of bowmen, to escort the counselors.

"Master Egan, Sir Adrian... would you go with our men to ensure the counselors' arrival? I will stay here to complete the securing of our fortress, with these new men and those else that remain. I feel it to my hilt, that we have little more time in this place. The foul king has already sent his forces to face us once more. You must ride now, and ride hard."

"Adrian, if you wish to interrogate the officers, do so, but I hope Egan will not wait; depart as soon as your boots may leave the ground!

2009-05-29, 03:22 PM
I think we oughta abondon this fortification, sir, or stand and fight with our whole force here. With the Councilors evacuated we got nothing to lose if we leave.

2009-05-29, 04:49 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The cavalier purses his lips. "It is an advantageous location, Adrian. War is fought over land, and that land is controlled through such locations as these. If we retreat fully, we deliver this region to the enemy. 'Tis a hard-fought foothold I am loathe to abandon."

Throshkar furrows his brow. The mission's priority was to rescue the counselors. And with the feeling that the Dark Lord was already sending his forces upon them -- indeed, as though they were already in the very shadows -- it was easy to want to take these men back immediately, even if it meant the loss of such an important outpost. Lose one battle in the long-term interest of the war?

He tried to determine the relative value of this fortress. Was it not their closest base to the capital city, and therefore critical to any assault on the Dark Lord's castle?

2009-05-29, 04:50 PM
Egan Brahe

"I believe you are correct General Throshkar, our position may be compromised. I will ride immediately with any of our faithful troops to bring the councilors to the Prince."

2009-05-29, 05:15 PM
Adrian and Egan along with the council members are able to secure mounts in the old keep. Soon they are ready to start galloping along the plains with their cavalier guards on the way back to Aseral's stronghold.

[OOC: What is Throshkar doing?]

2009-05-29, 05:42 PM
[OOC: Throshkar was debating with Adrian and possibly Egan about whether to maintain the fortress or not. Its secret location (if ever it was secret) is compromised, so the main reason to remain is if it is militarily very important. Even if it is wise to abandon the place, Throshkar will probably remain behind with the slower-moving forces as they retreat to their closest secure location. I'd like a few more RP posts or OOC discussion with the other players to make that decision...]

2009-05-30, 12:30 AM
[ooc: i edited my post]

2009-05-30, 01:32 PM
Egan Brahe

As the final mounts are being readied for the transport, Egan asks Adrian and Throshkar to step aside for a moment to discuss their plans. "I cannot hide our movements here from the prying eyes of spies or magic. And I do not like the idea of bringing these new recruits to the Prince's camp. I would ride from here with the councilors to Malken's Farm. When we are near I will send a rider to the Prince to come meet us. The Prince may learn the councilors' mind and intentions there. You should be present for this meeting Throshkar. They may have tactical knowledge of our enemy."

2009-05-30, 04:55 PM
As you are securing the council members to return to the prince one of the eldest members turns to Egan and says, "Mage, I know you served your king well. It is time for his rightful son to take the thrown. However, for us to crown him king we need the crown. It was hidden in the city by Kilmer. I know the Dark Lord still hold him alive, for he too needs the crown. You must find Kilmer and get him to give you the location of the crown. The time of the final battle is growing near, I see it nightly in my dreams. You must act swiftly."

2009-05-31, 04:53 PM
[ooc: everyone hears the above post]

2009-05-31, 08:16 PM
Adrian nods. Count me in. Stealing the crown, huh? Can't beat that. Once we get these men back to the Prince.

2009-06-01, 12:11 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"Don't be silly, Sir Da Gra, twill not be stealing, thank God. Twill be the recovery of an important artefact of our kingdom, returning it to its rightful place. Twill be the very opposite of theft, in fact -- despite the illicit temptations of stealing from a man such as the Dark Lord, this is a much better proposition!"

"Egan, Adrian, travel forth with the counselors to the safehouse at all good speed. Our cavaliers will go with you as well. Here, I will remain with our new allies, infantry, and... archers... and we shall set to rebuilding the fort with all haste."

Barring an interruption, the cavalier immediately orders his men to tear apart the remains of the catapult and burn it.

Throshkar will tolerate the archers, but he won't rebuild the catapult. He'll remain until the scouts return and the construction is mostly complete, then travel on his pegasus, Arondight, straight to the farm.

2009-06-01, 01:55 PM
Egan and Adrian join the council members in heading toward Malken's Farm where they will meet with the Asreal. The journey is quick without any enemy encounters. You find it a bit strange there is no enemy scouts patrolling the farm. You see people waving to the banners of the prince as you pass by their farm houses. You after a few hours you arrive at Malken's Farm. The farm house is on an elevated position which is easy to defend in case of a fight. You quickly dispatch a runner to meet up with the prince at the stronghold.


Throshkar men quickly start to make repairs to the old keep. You find a place for the enemy troops that choose not to join the prince's cause. The recently acquired troops quickly transition into your ranks. The time quickly ticks as you order changes and repairs to be made quickly mount up. You soon realize that you should meet up with Egan and Adrian. They must be meeting with the prince soon. Leaving a trusted ally in charge you mount your Pegasus and take to the sky.


Throshkar sees the prince's colorguard heading toward the fort as he circles above. Soon Adrian and Egan also see the prince approaching. Within moments you are all reunited with the prince.

2009-06-02, 12:01 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The cavalier bows to his lord, and pulls him aside for a quick tet a tet betwixt himself, Adrian, and Egan. "Milord, much as I fear to question the good blood that runs in the veins of these noblemen, in these dark times, it is best to be careful. I would that you meet with each man apart, with sufficient guard that any who harbor ill will to you, e'en to the depths of his black heart, may fear and quake at his disloyalty, though it be but a whisper in the wind."

"At the conclusion of these, once you and we are satisfied with these men, they may counsel you as you see fit. Their first advice they have given already: we must recapture the Crown. General Kilmer, they say, has hidden it away -- and thus has secured his own life, for the Dark Lord needs it as much as we."

"It is my hope that we may mount a rescue of Kilmer, so that he might direct us to the Crown. What say you, Milord? Egan? Adrian?"

2009-06-02, 12:40 AM
The prince listens to Throshkar's words careful and ponders the thoughts for a few moments before replying. "Throshkar, I do agree that we use caution, but I do hope that these wise men who have risked their lives to leave the city only to crown me King would not betray they very person they are choosing to rule over the kingdom. With that said, it never hurts to meet with each individually to show my respect for their knowledge and dedication to this crown."

You spend the rest of the day speaking with each council member getting information on their escape and covertly asking background questions. All of the council members pass with flying colors. There is little doubt in your mind that these men are the ones appointed by the kingdom to appoint the king.

2009-06-02, 02:45 PM
After a night of much needed rest you awaken early to prepare for your return to town. The lead council member meets with you to give you the intelligence they have. The old man shudders with age as he gives you his information, "Be careful young men as you travel into the heart of hell. It is dangerous there for evil is not out in the open but hidden in the shadows. Kilmer was last seen in the dungeon at the Tower of Sorcery. Egan will know how to get there. Careful it is well guarded and if you can extract him with little knowledge the better. Kilmer has hidden the crown and it is the only reason he still lives. Besides the crown, we need the first book of law to hold the ceremony. You can find this in any library, at the Tower or Sorcery, in the castle, or anywhere in the city. Bring a copy of this book. I know not how you will get into the city but you should make haste. God's Speed to you."

The prince smiles at you wondering if this will be the last time he sees you alive. "It has been unfortunate that Regis was called to heal the hurt. I have an ally from the Dwarvin nation who wishes to pledge his help to our cause. He wishes to accompany you on this journey. His divine ability is known all through the Dwarvish lands."

*Enter DMTrojan's Dwarf*

Ask any other questions you need to. I need to know your plan for entering the city.

2009-06-03, 12:15 AM
Aah, Throshkar, why aren't I surprised to see you at this counsel? There are those that say that you are now a general? Baah I can remember when you were...
Grog then remembers his manners and bows low (for a dwarf) to the Prince.
... so, when is breakfast? I haven't eaten yet, and we just got in. Besides, old Grog here hasn't caught up with his old pupil.

Its GMTrojan :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-03, 02:12 AM
The prince nods to one of the attendants and before you can turn around platters heaping full of food are brought into the dinning area. You quickly realize how hungry you are and find a place at the table. The conversation continues from there.

2009-06-03, 03:00 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

At the sight of Grog, Throshkar's mouth spreads in a grin to rival the dwarf's broad beard. "GRRRROOOOG!!!" He bounds up to his old mentor and friend, wrapping him into a bear hug that would crush a lesser man and potentially bend steel.

Grog is unmoved.

Throshkar can't quite lift him in the air, so he settles on another squeeze, and then patting -- or repeatedly slamming -- the holy warrior on the back. "I thought they weren't going to let you come back, after that incident with the three barmaids and the baron's daughter!"

"Ah, but you look not a whisker older, you ancient coot. Tell me of the goings on in the Kingdom Down Below, Where All Is Fair And Good, eh?" Perhaps is his certainty that Egan and especially Adrian will identify a "way in" -- or anxiety over a probable "undercover" mission -- but Throshkar does not seem in a rush to discuss strategy. He devours breakfast meats and pastries with abandon, but relishes even more any word or even gestures from the dwarven ambassador.

I've decided that Throshkar holds Grog in ridiculously high esteem. GMT, it's up to you how Grog handles it (naturally), and also whether the schtick about the barmaids is real -- Grog the Womanizer! -- or just Throsh poking fun in front of people who don't know the dwarf. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-03, 07:33 PM
"Throsh...kar...its...good...to...see...you...too. "
coughing between each word as he is pummeled by Throshkar. After the beating has finished:
Now, those barmaids...had they just given me the ale I had ordered, they'd have had a better time, or would have that been me, oh well King Dain had me explaining that one for a loooong time to him. The lady, well that was just a minor misunderstanding between two consenting adults. Baron Stonecutter is still on my arse for that one."

Grog blushes and averts his eyes from the prince. While he consumes massive amounts of only the best breakfast meats and drink, he relates the recent times in the kingdom. Mentioning people and places that he and Throshkar met while he was underground. Also giving Throsh a "pop quiz" of sorts by reverting into Dwarvish in mid-sentence to see if he still remembers. When the business end of the meeting commences:

"...Not is all well in my kingdom, as your new 'king' up here is causing problems for us. I was called here again to be an ambassador from King Dain of the Underground. We are finding that the trade routes to and from our kingdom have been severely effected by this conflict here, and now I am here to help reinstate the rightful prince to his place of power."

Grog is embarrassed to have the two incidents mentioned in the present company. These were the reasons why he was recalled back under the ground as it is. It has taken many years for Dain to use Grog in this capacity again. It was a dwarven baron's daughter.

2009-06-03, 11:33 PM
[OOC: Egan & Adrian - you can choose if you know Grog previously]

2009-06-03, 11:48 PM
Hello, I'm Adrain Gray. Security liason and operations specialist. I also do baked goods. It'll be good to have an extra pair of hands for the upcoming work.

2009-06-03, 11:50 PM
Egan Brahe

"Well met, Sir... er..., I mean Father?.., would it be..." Egan growls at himself. "Well met, Grog." He tentatively offers his hand hoping that it will not be crushed in the courtesy. The name sounds funny coming out of Egan's mouth, as if he is trying to figure out if someone actually named their child that and what it should sound like. He is obviously awkward. He had never really spent time with any dwarves, and the only ones he had met had either ridiculed his father's handiwork as a blacksmith or reminded him of very gruff and shortened versions of his muscle-minded brothers.

"I am sorry to hear that the Dark Lord's evil has reached beyond his own kingdom. Yet I am not surprised since we are connected in common bonds. I am Egan Brahe, royal mage to our Prince. I look forward to dethroning the Dark Lord with your help."

2009-06-04, 02:44 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

When Adrian introduces himself as "Gray" instead of "Da Gra", Throshkar scratches the peak of his head, but the wizard's words soon grab more of his attention. "Egan, you two have ne'er met? I'd have thought in your time at the court in years past, your paths would have crossed. Ah, well, you lost out on some grand adventures. I was unfortunately too young for much of it, but the bards still sing of Grog's good works for our two peoples." He shrugs and smiles, quoting in Dwarven: "Our peoples are joined in the forge of victory / A common-bond weld that fore'ever shall last!"

Finally, breakfast is over, but the discussion of strategy has been avoided by all. Throshkar takes a mug of lemon-ale and, with a look of supreme distaste, asks Egan: "The eldest counselor said our General is held at this Tower of Sorcery, and you'd know of the place. What can you tell us of its defenses and powers?"

"Sir Adrian, mark his words. I am well sure that your greatest talents will come to the fore in short order here. As for me, I am not versed in the silent... ah, art, I suppose... of invasion. I am better suited to providing security, not corrupting it. Your people are naturally quiet and good at hiding, so I hope that you may guide us here."

"Ah, ah, I mean that not as an affront!" he adds hastily.


2009-06-04, 03:54 PM
"Master Gray, Master Brahe well met. It has been some time since I have been topside but I don't ever recall meeting you two. Have either of you been invited to the kingdom under the ground? We have the loveliest caves and the most magnificent halls, not just your run of the mill mining caves...

In my years, I have gone by many names: Master, Teacher, Father..."

Grog reverts into some Dwarvish names...

But just plain 'Grog', like the drink, will do for now. It is a family name, and I use it proudly!" Previous embarrassments over, Grog smiles between sips of mead, mouthfuls of pastry, and meats. He laughs a lot and blesses all those that request it.

When meeting commences:

Throsh is right. I can come into the city, as an emissary of King Dain, but I have no knowledge of the thieving skills, but I believe that you would be the best to find us a way in.

2009-06-04, 05:09 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

A furry blond eyebrow shoots up, joined by a barking laugh. "I'll not fear offense to any halfling, if you may thus presume them tarnished with thievery, my old teacher! Ha ha! 'Tis true, tis true, Adrian arrays himself in attire most darkly coloured, but 'tis no sign of his spirit. I'd no sooner call him thief than you!"

It may be obvious to Grog, but Throshkar has studiously ignored any hints that Adrian works the "wrong" side of Morality Street. :smallamused:

2009-06-04, 05:34 PM
Adrian smiles behind Throshkar's back. He'd hoped he'd made it clear that he was not all he'd claimed to be, that night outside the tavern and the trip to the ruined bakery, but then he'd mentioned that his mother was the Lady, which had just confused the big man again. Nevermind that he'd stopped affecting his highborn accent and started using his true last name.

No Throshkar, he's quite right actually. He called them theiving skills, and they are. We're taking an item from someone who thinks it's theirs. Rightful liberation or theft, the skills are the same.

2009-06-04, 09:02 PM

The tower was constructed by mages 100s of years ago. It is created as a place of knowledge and it breaks your heart to hear that it is been turned into a military prison. The place has many way to enter it. The prison they must be using is the cages used to hold magical creature that have been created and experimented upon.

Feel free to elaborate upon this.

2009-06-04, 09:19 PM
Egan Brahe

"Yes, so I have spent my time in the Tower of Sorcery. Although, I always thought it was a bit of a grand name. I had spent many years in and out of there as an apprentice to Master Bernard. He had overseen the Tower as High Mage for a time, but his duties as Royal Mage eventually consumed more of his time and he had to abdicate those resposibilities. The Dark Lord would be familiar with the tower as well. He was very interested in the arcane arts, although I don't believe his father appreciated this. It was not the expected duty of a Prince to become a wise old Magician. But, he allowed the curiosity. It has been some time since I have been there. I kept my own quarters outside of the tower, but I also had an apartment, well, a room in the tower as a courtesy. In fact, I have left personal items there when traveling away from the city for extended periods of time." Egan reminisces for a bit over the meal over his time in the tower, bringing to mind some of the resources at their disposal. "It is not a part of the main castle by mutual respect. Meaning the kings typically did not want the strange happenings that close, and the practicing mages there always wanted to advance the mystique of their arts with some seclusion. There is a long history of autonomy for the tower that was rarely violated by any of the kings. I assume the dungeon that the good councilman refers to are the holding cells below the tower. It was never intended as a prison, well, maybe for a few rogue wizards. But I believe the area was used during conjuration rituals or to keep the... pets, shall we say, or magical creations of a mage that may be experimenting with magical creation or formation arcanum. This was never a great focus of mine."

"How shall we enter? Good question. I am a man of discretion, but not a master of stealth. I have Invisibility spells at my disposal. And of course, glamour arcanum. I mean a spell to shift one's appearance. We could teleport directly to my old quarters? I would need to borrow Bernard's spellbook for a time to prepare... I do not know if they have any wards up to prevent this or to detect it."

2009-06-04, 11:02 PM
Adrian taps his teeth. A wizard tower without protection from teleportation? Perhaps... for convenience, so that wizards could travel freely. Hmm... what are the consequences of trying to teleport into a protected area?

2009-06-04, 11:46 PM
Egan Brahe

"Most magic isn't dangerous to the wielder, if you know how to use it. The danger in magic is using it without understanding what you are using. It's like... I've never really thought of a way to explain it to anyone before. Okay, it be like jumping off of a cliff without looking at it first. Sounds dangerous, no? But, if you, for instance, Adrian, knew that you were going to do this, you would tie a rope to a tree and jump with the rope, just as a precaution. If you needed it, you would wrap the rope about you to catch you. But if, when you jumped it was water at the bottom, you might let go. But I guess this is a bad example, because how deep is the water?" Egan removes his hat had scratches at his balding head. You're not sure if he is wondering about the validity of his example or how to calculate the depth of water while falling over a cliff.

Returning to the moment, "Anyway, there are protections built into the casting as well. If there is a block, we would simply not be able to complete the traveling. There would be no harm to us. The tower has many other means of entrance however. I had just not thought of them in these means before. As with any noble tower there are service entrances, merchant entrances, there are likely even hidden entrances to the king's castle or perhaps to the thieving districts. The tower is an establishment of learning and power, but it uses many of the same means as any political power to maintain it connection society."

2009-06-04, 11:51 PM
Adrian nods. Well, if there is any chance of, ah, landing in shallow water I think we might be better off just climbing down the cliff, or maybe finding another path. Probably harder, but a bit less risky.

Rule Eight, risk is fun, getting caught is not.

2009-06-05, 11:51 AM
The prince nods at Egan's thought to teleport directly into the Tower. "I think that is a wise decision to at least try to enter the tower via magic. I remember getting a tour of the tower when I was younger. Very few outsiders have been allowed to see the inside of the tower except to be tested for entry into the academy. My brother spent a few years studying there until our father decided it would be unwise to have his son become a mage. My father never thought ruling and magic should be unified, there is too much power in both. I think his fears have become a reality based upon the rumors coming out of our city...." He pauses for a moment and then continues, "Anyways, getting back to my point. I remember the tower being hard to navigate, I think it would be wise to only have a small group go, just people that can take care of themselves."


The wizards tower is actually three separate towers that are about 6 stories high. They are connected by stone bridges at different levels. Your apartment is located on the 3rd floor. It is a small room, 10' x 15' with a bed, a small table, and a chest. You also have a small closet storage. You have one of the better rooms in the tower.

2009-06-05, 12:18 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"No, Throshkar, he's quite right, actually. He called them thieving skills, and they are. We're taking an item from someone who thinks it's theirs. Rightful liberation or theft, the skills are the same."

Throshkar considers this for a time, finally nodding. The Dark Lord thinks of Kilmer as an "item" belonging to him. To rescue him -- in a secretive fashion rather than in a strong, honorable siege -- is indeed very similar to theft, although the moral authority involved certainly transforms it to something good. Corrupting the corruption, ha!

Deep down, though, Throshkar begins to wonder if he should participate in this "liberation"... is it really proper for a cavalier to be involved in such skulking about? He muses on these thoughts while the conversation about the tower goes back and forth... wait... something about what they're talking about...

"Ah, Milord, there is something we have not considered yet. I trust Masters Brahe and Da Gra to locate an entrance and manage our --ahem-- invasion. But there will come a time when the team will need to depart, and swiftly, no doubt. Will this teleportation of yours, Lord Wizard, will it be able to 'scape them at a moment's notice? Or would it be wise to have an alternative means of travel provided? We should have a small force of our fastest steeds made available at the tower soon after the mission begins."

"Indeed, should we perhaps consider a feint? An attack, either on the tower or on the capital, to draw the Dark Lord's attention while our men gain General Kilmer's freedom?"

2009-06-05, 12:39 PM
Asreal listens to Throshkars words and nods,"I agree Throshkar, I believe that we have had enough skirmishes, it is beginning to be a time for action. Grog has informed me that the Dwarves are sending over two thousand strong battle hungry dwarvin fighters. We have support from the City of Freemen who have committed a thousand other men. We have new recruits fleeing the city each day. I think our numbers range in the tens of thousands. We can lay a siege upon the city while you rescue Kilmer and secure the crown. Once you deliver us the crown we can start our assault upon the city so that I can be crowned by the council upon the stones that our forefathers placed. That should help rally our support inside the city. What do you think?"

2009-06-05, 01:05 PM
Egan Brahe

"The Teleport is quick, as quick as any spell, and the step through the Astral Plane is nearly instant. You will not notice it. But that area of the tower will almost certainly be guarded by wards. It is one of the most secretive sections. Few outside of the tower are allowed into the area, and I know of none that have been allowed there alone. We will need to find another place to retreat to before teleporting out of the tower. But after finding Kilmer, we cannot leave the city anyway. We must then get the crown. And who knows where this is. It depends on if we want to try and walk out of the tower or teleport to another location within the city. I could take us to my apartment to check the health and sanity of Kilmer. We will also likely need to respite to plan our recovery of the crown."

Egan sits thoughtfully for a moment considering how to break his next bit of news. "I guess there is no kind way of telling this, and all here should know. I had considered, sire, telling you alone so that you may consider this news, but for the safety and planning of your advisors I bring it up here. Your brother has not simply completed his training as a wielder of arcane arts, he has grown in power as your father had feared. I encountered him on the field at the rescue of the councilors. He was watching one of the soldiers there, though the soldier did not know it. He pushed through the link to address me, so I know it was him. He may have been using the powers of another wizard to do this, but I believe it was him. I do not know if his training was completed in the tower. I would hope that none there would have done this, as the king forbade it. But there were many practices there that were discrete and tolerated. Even the study of Necromancy was allowed in its forms there." Egan shudders a bit at the thought of committing one's soul to such evils.

By the way; the Detect Scrying spell is still active (24 hours). So if the Dark Lord were invading this meal, I would obviously give warning.

2009-06-05, 01:23 PM
The prince shutters as Egan speaks. "I fear that you are correct. I knew my brother had a tutor while we grew up, but I thought that was because he struggled with history. His tutor was a scary man, I always felt fearful in his presence.....Egan when will you be ready to teleport to the tower?"

2009-06-05, 01:30 PM
Egan Brahe

"I need to talk to Bernard, er, Dennis, and to rest, otherwise I doubt I will be able to concentrate well enough to prepare. I should be able to be ready by late morning."

2009-06-05, 01:33 PM
The prince nods to Egan's request.

Who is Bernard? Remember that it is the next day. You had a full nights rest

2009-06-06, 11:12 AM
Prince Asreal, my bodyguard and friend, Master Keycrusher, here will stay behind as the Lord Mage's spell will only take a few of us on this most important and dangerous mission. He looks scary, even for a dwarf, but he is a most trusted ally and will defend your body until he is dead.

Ditboe curses in Dwarvish, questioning Grog's parent's marital status, as he wants to be a part of the breakout.

Now now, Master Keycrusher, King Dain told you that if we had to break company, you were to do as I requested. I don't see any problem with this, do you? Besides, you have to look after the acolites, as they will be needed when we get back if Kilmer is not well.

No Ambassador. You just know how much I love chopping up the evil men that have been plaguing our kingdom.

2009-06-06, 12:08 PM
You spend the morning taking care of last minute details. Egan goes off with Dennis to prepare his spells. Adrian passes the time checking his equipment in anticipation of the days events. Grog and Throshkar spend the morning catching up on old stories as they wait impatiently for Egan to finish his morning rituals. After a few hours Egan returns ready to cast his spell.

You gather together in the breakfast area, Egan touches each of and then you see a flash and before you realize it you are all cramped into a small dark area.


Egan's tower quarters are cramped. A closet is to the north of the room. There is a small chest along with a small desk and bed. Egan stands near the closet with Adrian landing on top of a chest. Grog stands near the door and Throshkar standing upon Egan's bed.

The room appears to be be in a state of disarray, but you are not sure if the mage left it this way or it was done on purpose. Egan starts frantically looking for his spell book. He looks upon the desk, under the bed, and finally produces a key from under his robe and unlocks the chest. The chest creaks open; papers and spell components spill out of the chest but no spell book is present. Egans face falls as he is unable to find his book. [OOC: Egan see spoiler below]

Adrian checks the door out of the room. It does not appear to be locked but the door is stuck. You feel restless being trapped in this room with Egan frantically searching around and Grog and Throshkar trying to be helpful by noisily moving around the furniture.

[OOC: everyone took a 20 on your search of the room coming up empty on the search for the book. Additionally, the door is a good door DC 18 to break down]

[OOC: Map Movement]
Unfortunately, this map does not have a coordinate system. Please describe your movement in N, S, E, W. Thus, if Grog wanted to get to the desk he would write (S, S, E, E).

You all took a 20 on your search of the room. You remember that you allowed a young mage to copy a few spells from your spell book for his assignment. You had to leave before he finished; however, he was supposed to place the book back in your room when he completed his assignment. The next logical place would be the desk (S E S S E E) to the south east of your current position.

2009-06-06, 05:32 PM
Adrian steps away from the door and sits down on the chest. It's jammed, not locked. Alright, let's see if we can remove the hinges. That'll let us open it inwards, with out the obstruction. Unless it's barred. Worth a shot though.

2009-06-06, 11:10 PM
Egan Brahe

"Hopefully this isn't as bad as it looks. Okay, okay. Maybe Jerome has it in his room. We can look there. Let's not cause a big scene by breaking down doors just yet. Adrian, I will open this door. Please let us know if there are any other traps on it first, since someone may have taken the effort to jam it shut."

As Adrian inspects, Egan prepares a Knock spell.

2009-06-08, 12:30 AM
[OOC: Is Egan's sheet correct for his spells for today?]


You do not notice [spot] any traps upon the door. However, if you want to search it, you will have to roll (or take a 10/20) a search

2009-06-08, 11:09 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The cavalier does his best to hold still and quiet during the teleportation process, and the subsequent searching of the room. He moves furniture when asked, but is otherwise reticent to take action. When the door refuses to open, the cavalier's fingers itch, and he even lifts one foot off the ground, but places it back down carefully, almost like a horse eager to get moving, but one that knows it is expected to be patient and wait.


2009-06-08, 12:31 PM
The longer you stand in the room, the more uncomfortable you feel. At first you attribute it to being in the wizards tower. However, after a few moments you notice that even Egan seems to be on edge. Something has changed about this tower....you are just not sure what it is yet.

2009-06-08, 04:53 PM
Grog looks at the stone to see how it was made, using his Stonecunning abilities to see if there are any other ways out of the predicament that they find themselves in while helping with the others try to find the spell book and any other items of importance.

By Grungi, I am beginning to hate this place. It feel's unbalanced, as if the rock is crying all around us."

2009-06-08, 05:06 PM
As Grog looks over the walls, he notices that they are made of magically cut stone. The builders seemed to be in a bit of a rush while constructing the tower or maybe just relied too much on magic. Grog notices that magic must be playing a part in the tower holding together for the stone work makes little architectural sense. The stone at the bottom of the wall seems to be smaller than the stone at the top. He wonders if it is similar in the rest of the tower. Additionally, the door frame seems to be lopsided and the door had to be cut special to fit the size of the frame.

2009-06-08, 07:12 PM
Adrian finishes going over the door.

I think it's clear. Go ahead and open it up.

2009-06-08, 10:22 PM
Egan casts his spell upon the door slowly opening it. The light from the next room illuminates the room now more than the single window. There are now boxes in the middle of the next room that were at one time pressed up against the jammed door. You hear no sounds and see nothing move in the dimly lit tower. Egan seems rather surprised since this tower once was bustling with more people than floor to walk upon.


I figured you were going to cast the spell in the next post given your previous actions.

You are familiar with the tower (e.g., you know how to navigate the stairs system, etc). You can review the structure of the tower here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mw/20030703a). You assume that they are keeping Kilmer in the cell on the first level center northern portion.

2009-06-09, 12:24 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan moves out into the hall, not thinking that there can be any real danger yet. "This is strange. We should be quiet. I need to stop in this room over here to see about my spellbook. Then we should move down to find the lower floors." Egan moves towards Jerome's quarters.

I was planning on casting Knock. No problem.

2009-06-09, 02:04 AM
As Egan steps into the middle room, he notices the door to the study (room to the right), where Jerome was working, is ajar. He can see the desk stacked high with books and papers.

Jerome's room is in the south tower

2009-06-09, 08:22 AM
Adrian slips out of the room and heads to the room on the west side. He checks it over for traps, (take 20), and if he finds none, he'll poke jis head through the door.

2009-06-09, 09:12 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar nods at Grog's assessment of the tower's construction. He doesn't understand it to the same level, but there is clearly something wrong here. It's not a surprise, in a place built out of and by magery...

The cavalier draws his sword and fingers it as they enter the hallway. He looks around, his mind unsure whether to be bored or terrified. How important is this book? Should they not be moving to find Kilmer more quickly?

That's Throshkar's opinion, not mine. I'm sure we're going at a fine pace so far. :)

2009-06-09, 01:28 PM
[MAP]http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wizardstower001.png)

Adrian inspects the door for traps and finds none. He slowly pushes the door open wide enough to poke his head through. The old worn hinges creak with age. As his eyes adjust to the darker room lit by a solitary fire he first notices four shadows dancing in the faintly lit room. It takes him a moment to pick out what is making the shadows. He finally is able to pick out the four beings creating the shadows, they are tall, gaunt, elongated, skeleton-like humanoids.

They are tall skinny creatures and their skin is a dark brown-reddish-black in color, glossy, leather-like, and highly form fitting, hence the skeletal appearance. They have sly, sneaky, goblin-like faces, and long, thin, claw-like fingers. They always walk with a sneaky, alert posture. The most notable feature of the creatures, however, is the single, short, curved horn coming from the back/top of their head.

As Adrian looks at them for a moment he realize that their dark red eyes are glaring back at him. They seem intrigued to find another creature here in the tower and make no movement.

The party has the initiative.

[Knowledge Arcana/Planes/Religion DC: 17]
The creatures are Babau (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/demon.htm#babau)

Creatures: AC: 19/11/18; HP 66

2009-06-09, 01:48 PM
Grog starts casting protective spells for the party

2009-06-09, 02:57 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"These be not friend, I think!" Throshkar rips his lance from its straps, bringing it to bear just as he reaches the corner. A monstrosity reaches out to him, and the seasoned warrior simply places his weapon in the creature's chest... and through it!

Throshkar Charge, Quick Draw lance, and and attack the babau just around the corner, avoiding OppAtts if possible.

Charge (+2) using Power Attack (-4 to hit/+8 to dmg), wielding lance two-handed (+19). Subtract 1 for using buckler-arm with attack (total -3 = +16).

Damage (+4*2=+8 from Power Attack, +6 more for two-handed = 1d8+20):

AC -1 (lose buckler bonus) = 20.

Knowledge Arcana:[roll2]
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 110/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 | +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 18 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-09, 04:29 PM
Throshkar's mighty blow damages the creature but not like other attacks he has made. As he removes the lance from the creature he can see that the red goo covering the body of the creature is eating away at his lance ([roll0] acid damage to lance). The creature hisses and gets ready to attack.

[Adrian & Egan still have the initiative]

If your weapon hits it takes 1d8 acid damage without regard to the weapon's hardness. However, if it is magical it gets a reflex save [DC 18]. More info on weapon saving throws and your weapon's HP here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/exploration.htm#savingThrows).

2009-06-09, 05:34 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan is shocked and dismayed by the appearance of demons (Knowledge:Arcana +20) in his tower. It is bad enough that evil has befallen this kingdom, but this foulness does not belong on this plane. Seeing Throshkar's inevitable charge, Egan thinks, Position you fool. Fight from a controlled position. He sends a set of magic missile into the room at the beasts.

Cast Magic Missile at one he can see that Throsh didn't charge.
{table]Egan Brahe (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=19947) | Human | Wizard (Diviner) | LVL 11 | NG | Medium
hp: 44/44 | | Spd: 30' | AC/T/FF | 18/16/16 | Bracers (+2) & Spell
QuarterStaff (MW) | +5 | 1d6-1 | Dagger | +7 | 1d4-1
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +6 | Wil +9 | |
STR 8 | DEX 14 | CON 13 | INT 19 | WIS 12 | CHA 10
Skills | Spot +3 | Listen +3 | Concentration +15 | Spellcraft +18 |
Skills | Know: Arcana +18 | Know: Geography +12 | Know: Nobility +12 | | [/table]

2009-06-09, 06:03 PM
Egan's spell arches toward the creature, the missiles smash into the creature damaging it.

[roll0] Spell resistance DC 14
Egan - the creatures have a spell resistance of 14. You can make future rolls to see if your spell is effective towards it.

2009-06-09, 07:27 PM
Egan! Do these thing's have organs?

As Egan (presumably) responds Adrian hustles south to the staircase and the other door.

Drawing my crossbows and moving S, SW, NW. Figure I give them around to surround Throshkar and then hit them from the side.

2009-06-09, 07:46 PM
Egan Brahe

"Yes. Somewhat. These are not un-dead that feel no pain. They are demons of another plane. They are difficult to injure without cold-iron or a priests strong blessing on your weapon."

2009-06-09, 07:46 PM
[MAP]http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img395.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wizardstower001.png)

The creatures swarm Throshkar and advance towards the door (Thoshkar gets an AoO against the first one (creature 4) in less he has a feat that allow more).

The one Throshkar attacked launches a full attack against him ripping into his flesh and armor with the creatures bony claws as it finds vital spots upon the unsuspecting warrior. The other three attack as well but one misses with its claws. The two that hit also find vital spots where their claws seem to do more damage causing the warrior much pain. [53 damage total :smallfrown:]

Creature 1: [roll0] [roll1],[roll2][roll3], & [roll4] [roll5] +[roll6]
Creature 2: [roll7][roll8]+[roll9]
Creature 3: [roll10][roll11]+[roll12]
Creature 4: [roll13][roll14]+[roll15]
Creature1: AC: 19/11/18; HP 49/66
Creature2: AC: 19/11/18; HP 66
Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 66
Creature4: AC: 19/11/18; HP 47/66

2009-06-09, 07:53 PM
Egan Brahe

As the Demons line up in front of the door, Egan looses a Lightning Bolt into them.

Lightning Bolt: [roll0]
Spell Resist: [roll1] <In case needed.>
{table]Egan Brahe (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=19947) | Human | Wizard (Diviner) | LVL 11 | NG | Medium
hp: 44/44 | | Spd: 30' | AC/T/FF | 18/16/16 | Bracers (+2) & Spell
QuarterStaff (MW) | +5 | 1d6-1 | Dagger | +7 | 1d4-1
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +6 | Wil +9 | |
STR 8 | DEX 14 | CON 13 | INT 19 | WIS 12 | CHA 10
Skills | Spot +3 | Listen +3 | Concentration +15 | Spellcraft +18 |
Skills | Know: Arcana +18 | Know: Geography +12 | Know: Nobility +12 | | [/table]

2009-06-10, 12:16 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

As the horde advances, Throshkar lunges with his weapon -- "You'll not 'scape my wrath so easily!" -- and while his lance pierces the creature's side, moving in this way opens up his flank; the cavalier's white silk shirt is soon rent and marred with his own blood.

The physical pain, however, hardly compares to the sight of his weapon burning, sizzling, crumpling in his hand... what was this? Some foul curse, to cause a cavalier's weapon to sunder so!

Throshkar AoO. And ouch about the HP. Grog, maybe some help? I'm down to almost half my HP. But the others might need the boost now, and Throsh next time.

EDIT: And the Prayer adds +1 to attack and damage rolls, too!

Wielding lance two-handed (+19). Subtract 1 for using buckler-arm with attack (total -1 = +18). If I can use Power Attack, subtract three from attack and add six to damage. EDIT: Oh, looks like the PA I chose earlier in this round still applies. Whoo-hoo! -4 to the attack, +8 to the damage!
[roll0] -4 PA, +1 Prayer = 31

Damage (+6 for two-handed = 1d8+12), and add 6 if I can use Power Attack on an AoO EDIT: and add 8 from PA and +1 from Prayer:
[roll1] +8 PA, +1 Prayer = 36. Leaves him with 11 HP!

AC -1 (lose buckler bonus) = 20.
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 57/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 | +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 18 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-10, 03:10 AM
[MAP]http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img15.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wizardstower001.png)

*Midround update*

Throshkar's AoO drops cut deep into one of the creatures. Then, Egan's lightning bolt cuts through three of the creatures and then smashes into a bookshelf on the other side of the room. In the aftermath, one of the creatures (the one that took damage from the AoO) is lying on the floor dead while the other two stand. The book shelf is distroyed scatting books and pages across the room.

[OOC: Throshkar, Adrian, & Grog all have actions left this round]

Creature1: AC: 19/11/18; HP 49/66
Creature2: AC: 19/11/18; HP 26/66
Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 29 /66
Creature4: AC: 19/11/18; HP 47/66

2009-06-10, 09:34 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The cavalier resists the urge to fling his tattered weapon to the ground, dropping it carefully with one hand as the other smoothly draws his glittering bastard sword. "What have such fiends to do here? Back to your hellish grottos, or fall!" Virtually surrounded, Throshkar chops away at the strongest enemy before him, slashing into more goo -- and corroding even his magnificent magic sword!

Throshkar will drop his lance and Quick Draw his sword, then go Full Attack on the strongest nearby enemy.

EDIT: Oops, forgot Prayer again... add +1 to attacks and damages.

Full Attack (+18/13/8) using Power Attack (-3 to hit/+6 to dmg), wielding sword two-handed. Subtract 1 for using buckler-arm with attack (total -4 = +14/9/4).
[roll0] +1
[roll1] +1
[roll2] +1

Damage (1d10+9 normal, +3*2=+6 from Power Attack, +2 for two-handed = 1d10+17):
[roll3] Wrong bonus, add 3 including prayer.

AC -1 (lose buckler bonus) = 20.

Sword saves three times? Or just once? (+5, including bonus from Prayer):
Should I roll the damage?
{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 57/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 /| +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 18 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-10, 10:48 AM
Shoot, I forgot to roll multiple damage from the attack.
[roll0]+1 from Prayer
[roll1]+1 from Prayer, but this one missed...

2009-06-10, 12:17 PM
After seeing the lightning fly, Grog jumps through the Mage's door (SW) into the fray. Swinging his Heavy mace at the demon in the doorway. "Throsh... I'm coming to get you. "

including Prayer: 2 attacks/round, right?

if I hit:


{table]Grog (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6456) | Dwarf | Cleric |Lvl 12 | NG | Medium
HP:|71/71 | Spd: 20| AC/T/FF | 17/10/17 | | Chainmail +1
Adm. Hvy. Mace | +13/+8 | 1d6+1| | Magic Stone (sp) | 1d6+1
SV | Fort +8 | Ref: +4 | Will: +12 | | +2 Spell/Poison
Str: 13 | Dex: 10 | Con: 10 | Int: 14 | Wis: 18 | Cha: 10
Skills | Spot: +4 | Listen: +4 | Heal +12 | Concentration: +14 | Religion +7

2009-06-10, 01:38 PM
Throshkar's attack smashes up the creature to the north; however, his attacks do not see to be as effective as they should be. As well, Grog make a solid attack on one of the creatures but his hit seems to do little damage and bounces off harmless from the creature's slimy skin.

[Awaiting Adrian's move]

Creature1: AC: 19/11/18; HP 18/66
Creature2: AC: 19/11/18; HP 26/66
Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 29 /66
Creature4: AC: 19/11/18; HP 47/66

2009-06-10, 02:00 PM
Mace reflex save (+ prayer):


Grog is surprised that his Mace is not affected by the same problem that Throshkar's lance has befallen, and prepares for the onslaught that he will take from these demons...

2009-06-10, 08:42 PM
Doorway's covered...

Stay alive you two!

Adrian moves SW... and because opening a door is a move action, can do nothing else. :smallfrown:

2009-06-11, 01:20 AM
[MAP]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img132.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

The creatures still surround Throshkar distracting him and his defensive stance still allows for them to attack his vital area. The two creatures rip at him slashing through his armor causing the poor knight to bleed out upon the ground. A blood pool is forming underneath his body but still the knight fights on (34 damage total this round).

One creature turns toward the dwarf and slashes him deeply as its mouth bites down hard upon his forearm. However, since Grog is not surrounded he seems not to take as much damage (12 damage).

Creature 1 attack Throsh: [roll0] [roll1],[roll2] [roll3], & [roll4][roll5] + sneak attack
Creature 2 attack Throsh: [roll6] [roll7],[roll8] [roll9], & [roll10][roll11] + sneak attack
Creature 3 attack Grog: [roll12] [roll13],[roll14] [roll15], & [roll16][roll17]

Creature1: AC: 19/11/18; HP 18/66
Creature2: AC: 19/11/18; HP 26/66
Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 29 /66

2009-06-11, 01:21 AM
Sneak attacks against Throshkar [roll0]; [roll1]

2009-06-11, 10:39 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

In a flash, Throshkar splices his foe gut to sternum. His second and third swings are ineffective, as well you would expect they would be against an enemy who was dead before he hit the ground.

"Master Grog! Good to have you aboard, eh?" Throshkar jokes weakly. His face has lost much of its vigorous color.

The cavalier steps closer to his old mentor, unconsciously seeking a safe harbor. 'My head feels so woozy...'

Throshkar Full Attack on the strongest nearby enemy, followed by a 5' shift to stand next to Grog.

Full Attack (+18/13/8) using Power Attack (-3 to hit/+6 to dmg), wielding sword two-handed, plus Prayer (+1). Subtract 1 for using buckler-arm with attack (total -3 = +15/10/5).
[roll0] CRITICAL, confirmed in next post.

Damage (1d10+9 normal, +3*2=+6 from Power Attack, +2 for two-handed. +1 for Prayer = 1d10+18):
[roll3] x2 = 50 HP damage.

AC -1 (lose buckler bonus) = 20.

Sword save (+5, including bonus from Prayer):

On failure, damage (sword has already taken 8):

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 23/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 /| +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 18 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-11, 10:42 AM
Checking critical:
On hit (just need 4), double damage to 50. EDIT: Close! Got him!

2009-06-11, 12:51 PM
Grog leans onto Throsh's side and begins to speak..."Our Holy Father of the Underground..."

casting Cure critical wounds on Throsh...
Concentration check Probably needed right?

Concentration check with prayer added:

I don't know the DC I need to beat, probably around 15 - 20

if all goes well damage regained:


{table]Grog (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6456) | Dwarf | Cleric |Lvl 12 | NG | Medium
59/71 | | Spd: 20/20 | AC/T/FF | 17/10/17 | | Chainmail +1
Adm. Hvy. Mace | +1 | 1d6+1| | Magic Stone (sp) | 1d6+1
SV | Fort +8 | Ref: +4 | Will: +12 | | +2 Spell/Poison
Str: 13 | Dex: 10 | Con: 10 | Int: 14 | Wis: 18 | Cha: 10
Skills | Spot: +4 | Listen: +4 | Heal +12 | Concentration: +14 | Religion +7

2009-06-11, 01:17 PM
Warmth and healing energy flows from the portion of Grog's body that comes into contact with Throsh as Grog finishes his healing words.


Rock On!!!
Add these to Throsh's HP...


2009-06-11, 01:19 PM
The creature launches at Grog as he casts the spell its claws tearing at his flesh [7 dmg] but luckily Grog is an experienced spell caster and is not distracted by the creature's attack [Concentration DC 17]. Throshkar feels the flow of life surging into his body.


[roll0] [roll1]

2009-06-11, 01:36 PM
http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img200.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

Throshkar's sword cleaves though one of the creatures dropping it to the ground. As you continue to fight these vile creatures this round, you feel the towers begin to shake. They shake for only a few moments but it is long enough for you to become unsettled. The creatures seem to not even notice the shaking.

[Egan and Adrian still have an action]

[Egan & Grog; Spell Craft DC:20]
You notice that for a second while the building shook the magic in the tower seemed to decrease a bit as if it were being sucked away. In that moment you notice cracks in the rock walls showing as if the building were becoming much weaker. However, once the shaking finishes the magic comes back and the cracks disappear

[ooc: think of this like the dimming of the lights when you plug too much stuff in at once right before you blow the circuit. However, no circuit is blown here.]

2009-06-11, 02:13 PM
Spell Craft Check

2009-06-11, 08:55 PM
Adrian's sweaty palms slip on the handle as he tries to open the door. Curse these wizard's and their confusing handles...

Opening the door... and I'm out of move actions. :smallannoyed:

Six seconds to turn a handle...

2009-06-11, 09:07 PM
The door creaks open revealing an empty room with a staircase leading both up and down.

2009-06-12, 12:00 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan notices the structure of the magic holding the tower together flickering in the edges of his concentration, yet is more worried about the demons to consider it fully at the moment. He sends another set of magic missiles around the dwarf at the demons.
Magic Missile: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1] <-- Does Egan know how the tower was made or if the effect they saw was normal fo rthe tower?
{table]Egan Brahe (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=19947) | Human | Wizard (Diviner) | LVL 11 | NG | Medium
hp: 44/44 | | Spd: 30' | AC/T/FF | 18/16/16 | Bracers (+2) & Spell
QuarterStaff (MW) | +5 | 1d6-1 | Dagger | +7 | 1d4-1
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +6 | Wil +9 | |
STR 8 | DEX 14 | CON 13 | INT 19 | WIS 12 | CHA 10
Skills | Spot +3 | Listen +3 | Concentration +15 | Spellcraft +18 |
Skills | Know: Arcana +18 | Know: Geography +12 | Know: Nobility +12 | | [/table]

2009-06-12, 02:42 PM
[MAP]http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img14.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

As Throshkar moves so that his back is towards the wall, the rear creature moves forward to take his spot. It launches an attack at Throshkar but its claws and bite do not find his flesh.

The magic missiles rip into the flesh of the other creature but it is still standing. It attacks Grog with no mercy ripping his flesh with both claws [13 dmg total].

Attacking Throshkar
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

Attacking Grog
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]

Creature2: AC: 19/11/18; HP 26/66
Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 8 /66

2009-06-12, 03:38 PM
Does Egan know how the tower was made or if the effect they saw was normal for the tower?
This is abnormal and you start to worry about the integrity of the tower.

2009-06-12, 04:17 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar makes a half-frown at the healing powers bestowed on him, but he has learned to tolerate it. If nothing else, he has faith that he could eliminate these foes without the assistance -- to prove it to himself, he focuses on the strongest-looking of the two remaining foes. But the creature is wilely; it survives the first chop, and avoids two more powerful swings.

Throshkar Full Attack on the strongest enemy, followed by a 5' shift to flank the enemy from above.

Full Attack (+18/13/8) using Power Attack (-3 to hit/+6 to dmg), wielding sword two-handed, plus Prayer (+1). Subtract 1 for using buckler-arm with attack (total -3 = +15/10/5).

Damage (1d10+9 normal, +3*2=+6 from Power Attack, +2 for two-handed. +1 for Prayer = 1d10+18):

AC -1 (lose buckler bonus) = 20.

Sword save (+5, including bonus from Prayer):

On failure, damage (sword has already taken 8):

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 56/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 /| +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 18 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-12, 04:18 PM
Whups, messed up the attack roll format:

And sword save:
If save fails, damage:
[roll4] Sword has taken 13 damage now.

2009-06-12, 06:56 PM
Moving west, northwest.

Bloody doors.

2009-06-13, 03:43 PM
Grog Ironshield

Grog screams, so as to be heard over the rattling bookcases, and clash of metal on flesh"Master Wizard, what on Earth is going on in this place! I haven't felt an earthquake like that since the Dwarf Nation crushed the orc uprising 20 summers ago...

Grog swings at one of the demons, the first slides through the slime, but the second connects solidly on the head of his opponent, The blow crushes what could be considered its skull and splatters demon-brain matter all over the ground at his feet and the wall in the back. but it bounces off the monster.

attacking the one that is most dead

[roll0] damage [roll2]
[roll1] damage [roll3]

{table]Grog (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6456) | Dwarf | Cleric |Lvl 12 | NG | Medium
39/71 | | Spd: 20/20 | AC/T/FF | 17/10/17 | | Chainmail +1
Adm. Hvy. Mace | +1 | 1d6+1| | Magic Stone (sp) | 1d6+1
SV | Fort +8 | Ref: +4 | Will: +12 | | +2 Spell/Poison
Str: 13 | Dex: 10 | Con: 10 | Int: 14 | Wis: 18 | Cha: 10
Skills | Spot: +4 | Listen: +4 | Heal +12 | Concentration: +14 | Religion +7

2009-06-13, 04:18 PM
Grog Ironshield
After Grog connects with the head of the demon, he notices that the slime on the head of his mace is starting to cause it to smoke.

Have you ever done the acid on metal experiment in your chemistry class?
The mace now has 23 HP

2009-06-14, 04:00 PM
The creature shrugs off Grogs perfect hit without a scratch. Throshkar's blow does some damage which surprises the creature once again but still it does not fall down.

Creature2: AC: 19/11/18; HP 12/66
Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 8 /66

[OOC: they have damage reduction 10/cold iron]

2009-06-14, 04:52 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan has a deep frustration founded with these types of beasts. He has to admit to himself that pure brawn has its uses. He lets another minor spell at the demons.
Magic Missile split between the two.
4x at the stronger: [roll0]
1x at the weaker: [roll1]
{table]Egan Brahe (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=19947) | Human | Wizard (Diviner) | LVL 11 | NG | Medium
hp: 44/44 | | Spd: 30' | AC/T/FF | 18/16/16 | Bracers (+2) & Spell
QuarterStaff (MW) | +5 | 1d6-1 | Dagger | +7 | 1d4-1
SV | Fort +5 | Ref +6 | Wil +9 | |
STR 8 | DEX 14 | CON 13 | INT 19 | WIS 12 | CHA 10
Skills | Spot +3 | Listen +3 | Concentration +15 | Spellcraft +18 |
Skills | Know: Arcana +18 | Know: Geography +12 | Know: Nobility +12 | | [/table]

2009-06-14, 05:08 PM
[MAP]coming soon

The creature next to Throshkar falls to the ground as multiple magic missiles pummel its flesh. The other one still stands after taking one missile. It launches a continued attack at Grog but was only able to rake its teeth against his arm as Grog fended off the attacks (5 dmg).


Attacking Grog
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 6 /66

2009-06-15, 11:11 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Open awe marks Throshkar's handsome face. He has battled many a great warrior and terrible beast, but never has he seen creatures that could so easily shrug off the blows that he and Grog have dealt these demons. And behind that awe, a painful struggle -- even without looking at his blade, Throshkar knows his weapon may not survive another moment of this battle. If he attacks now, he may slay the beast... and destroy his sword in the process. On the other hand, if he attack not...

It has been so long since he wielded his flail in battle, Throshkar almost forgot how to use it. He turns his brain off, though, and lets instincts take over.

The precious sword clatters to the ground. Heavy spiked ball, chain, handle, all in motion... a deadly dance that ends suddenly, quickly.

A moment after the steel chain wraps around the demon's raised arm, a wicked splintering craaack sounds -- the crunch of inhuman skull. Throshkar's battle cry turns fierce, almost panicked -- even landing those three blows appears to have not finished off his enemy...?

Throshkar Full Attack on the last enemy. EDIT: Just remembered I have my flail! May I use that rather than destroy my sword like an idiot? EDIT2: I'm not totally sure how damage reduction works, is the the first 10 of each attack, or of a total attack? Either I killed him, or he survived by 1.

Full Attack (+18/13/8), no Power Attack; wielding sword two-handed flail, plus Prayer (+1). Subtract 1 for using buckler-arm with attack (total 0 = +18/13/8).
[roll0] -1
[roll1] -1
[roll2] -1

Damage (1d10+9 normal, +2 for two-handed, +1 for Prayer = 1d10+12 1d8+6, rolling in next post):

AC -1 (lose buckler bonus) = 20.

Sword Flail save (+5, including bonus from Prayer):

On failure, damage (sword has already taken 13 flail has taken no damage yet):
[roll7] Crap. I think that destroys the sword.

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 56/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 /| +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 16 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-15, 11:25 AM
Grog Ironshield

Grog swings with all of his might at the demon that is in front of him, praying that his hit kills the hellion.

[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]

mace save:
[roll4] damage [roll5]

{table]Grog (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6456) | Dwarf | Cleric |Lvl 12 | NG | Medium
31/71 | | Spd: 20/20 | AC/T/FF | 17/10/17 | | Chainmail +1
Adm. Hvy. Mace | +1 | 1d6+1| | Magic Stone (sp) | 1d6+1
SV | Fort +8 | Ref: +4 | Will: +12 | | +2 Spell/Poison
Str: 13 | Dex: 10 | Con: 10 | Int: 14 | Wis: 18 | Cha: 10
Skills | Spot: +4 | Listen: +4 | Heal +12 | Concentration: +14 | Religion +7

2009-06-15, 11:25 AM
Flail damage instead of sword damage:

2009-06-15, 11:43 AM
[MAP]http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img13.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

Two of Throshkar's blows hit the creature but it takes only slight damage from the knight's mighty blows. Grogs blows dance harmlessly off of the creature.

Creature3: AC: 19/11/18; HP 4 /66

2009-06-15, 01:58 PM
Adrian can get a sneak attack on the creature if he can while hiding, silently open the door and surprise the creature. Adrian must beat the opposing creature's spot and listen rolls [adjusted for the battle].



2009-06-15, 08:04 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan looses a final magic missile spell to dispatch the last demon.

"Clean your weapons good friends, we may need them again soon if these are any indication of the corruption that has taken this tower. Grog, I do not know why the magic of this tower has shown itself unstable. I am concerned... Care for your wounds, we must move again quickly to find Kilmer. We may have announced our presence here with this battle. I hope this not be true."

Egan contemplates the problem with a much furrowed brow as he moves to find his spellbook in the study.

Magic Missile:
Spellcraft 1d20+22[/roll]
Are there any additional insights that Egan know about the history of the construction of this tower. Was it built with magics holding it together? Was the flash an upsetting of those? If it helps, he also has a 'Legends and Lore' spell that he probably would have cast about the tower previously.

Egan, moves to the study to find the spellbook.

2009-06-15, 11:05 PM
Grog Ironshield

As the last magic missile hits its target, Grog leans hard on his mace then gruffly states, "Sir Throshkar, I know how much you hate our healing magics, but you and I are both in dire need of them. We don't have too much time to bicker, so shut up and take your medicine."

spont casting cure crit wounds on self [roll0] for spike stonesdo I get a +1 from prayer?
spont cast cure crit wounds on Throsh [roll1] for discern lies.

edit: those were crappy rolls

After the spells, Grog searches the room they are in for loot/items of use.
(take 20?)

{table]Grog (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6456) | Dwarf | Cleric |Lvl 12 | NG | Medium
54/71 | | Spd: 20/20 | AC/T/FF | 17/10/17 | | Chainmail +1
Adm. Hvy. Mace | +1 | 1d6+1| | Magic Stone (sp) | 1d6+1
SV | Fort +8 | Ref: +4 | Will: +12 | | +2 Spell/Poison
Str: 13 | Dex: 10 | Con: 10 | Int: 14 | Wis: 18 | Cha: 10
Skills | Spot: +4 | Listen: +4 | Heal +12 | Concentration: +14 | Religion +7

2009-06-16, 12:14 PM
The magical missiles slam into the creature ripping into its flesh. One of the missiles smashes into the creatures skull and exploding which sent brain matter around the room. Egan rushes to the study and starts to look around. Pushing around books on the table he finds his large spellbook. The book looks to be in fine condition with a faint layer of dust upon it.

[spell craft]The tower was constructed and formed with magic and because of this it has a magical property. The flickering of the magic is upsetting to that magic.

As the creature falls, Grog starts to search the bodies and the room as a whole. The room contains many books of magical nature spanning from A Beginners Guide to Conjuration to A Guide to Magical Creatures. None of the titles interest Grog beyond a mere fascination. However, the bodies of the creatures hold far more interest then the room itself. In searching them Grog finds some coins and other items of worth.

1,349 gold coins
azurite (royal blue)
mottled jasper (can be any combination of black, brown, gray, green, red, white, yellow)
royal plume jasper (plumed purplish shade)
royal plume jasper (plumed purplish shade)
zoiste (white)
potion of cure light wounds
acidic odor/taste
watery, phosphorescent appearance
Unknown potion
oniony odor/taste
viscous, clear appearance
Greatsword +1
1,349 gold coins (1,349 gp)
azurite (royal blue) (8.5 gp)
boakhar (36.7 gp)
mottled jasper (can be any combination of black, brown, gray, green, red, white, yellow) (96.9 gp)
royal plume jasper (plumed purplish shade) (125.1 gp)
royal plume jasper (plumed purplish shade) (68.9 gp)
zoiste (white) (100.2 gp)
potion of cure light wounds (50 gp)
acidic odor/taste
watery, phosphorescent appearance
potion of protection from arrows 10/magic (300 gp)
oniony odor/taste
viscous, clear appearance
Greatsword +1

2009-06-16, 01:34 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar stops. Are they all dead? Are there any other enemies coming? Carefully he retrieves his weapons, eying the corpses of the demons. Grog assures him the creatures will not revive -- not like that ogre mage he fought in the sorcerer's domain -- but the cavalier nevertheless remains wary, watching their still forms while the dwarf performs his necessary healing rites.

"I thank you, good Grog. I have learned to accept such ministrations in due course. For the good of the cause, of course."

"Master Brahe? Master Brahe! What were such creatures -- demons, you say? -- doing here, in your tower? If this be the Dark Lord's doing, I wonder if it mean he has tied himself to an even darker power than prior we thought!"

As Grog and Egan continue their searching, Throshkar suddenly realizes: "Sir Adrian, whence did you take yourself during the battle? I mean no offense to thine honor, nor thine size, but I fear I saw you not! Were there foes at our backs that I was unaware of? Or something worse...?"

Finally, the cavalier forces himself to look at his weapons. The harm done them by the demon's foul secretions is almost more than he can bear. In a sense, this is the worst thing that has happened to him during all these months of war.

"Master Brahe, Master Grog, please... tell me... have you within your power... to remake mine blade anew?" He chokes briefly, then calms himself. "I wouldst prefer to take them to a good Dwarven smithy, but we have not the luxury at the moment. But I cannot let mine weapon falter 'gainst the next foe. What alternatives have we?"

Throsh will take the magic greatsword for his use, but it is unfamiliar to his hands, and he doubts it will be as effective as his bastard sword or lance.

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 84/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 /| +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 16 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table][/spoiler]

2009-06-16, 02:27 PM
Grog Ironshield

"Master Brahe? Master Brahe! What were such creatures -- demons, you say? -- doing here, in your tower? If this be the Dark Lord's doing, I wonder if it mean he has tied himself to an even darker power than prior we thought!"
Yes, Master Wizard, what in Grungi's Halls is going on in here. That earthquake was not natural and I thought that I saw the tower start coming down. I assume that that was not a common occurrence. Or am I being mistaken.
"Master Brahe, Master Grog, please... tell me... have you within your power... to remake mine blade anew?" He chokes briefly, then calms himself. "I wouldst prefer to take them to a good Dwarven smithy, but we have not the luxury at the moment. But I cannot let mine weapon falter 'gainst the next foe. What alternatives have we?"

"Sir D...Throsh, let me see your sword. I already know that your lance is beyond repair from the acid. I know many a Dwarven master smith that would gladly cast you another lance twice as fancy and imbue magic into it for enough gold. Here take this sword, as you are the only one here, that can use it.

I am glad that someone has finally talked some sense into you about the use of spells for you. I am sorry that did what I did during the battle, but it is a habit. The Defenders of our kingdom do not mind that we back them up as I did to you. If you say so, it won't happen again."

Appraise (metal/stone) [roll0]
craft (metal/stone) [roll1]
I hope that they are good...

After Grog inspects the bastard sword, he peruses the gems for quality as is normal for a dwarf...before he calls the others to divvy up the spoils.

Appraise (metal/stone) [roll2]
oooh sweet, how much are they worth!?!?!?

2009-06-16, 03:31 PM
Grog inspects Throshkar's weapons. They can be repaired with time and the right tools [skill: weaponsmithing]

The greatsword is worth around 2350 gp.

2009-06-17, 01:30 AM
Adrian tosses his crossbow to the ground in frustration. The door was crowded, so I went around. Thought going around would get me here faster...

2009-06-17, 01:57 AM
Grog Ironshield

"Master Grey, that is ok by me, are you ok, do you need my services? Also, would you help me with these gems and coin."

2009-06-17, 03:19 AM

http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

The tower magic continues to flicker on and off as you examine the loot and search for the spell book. The staircase in the center goes up and down; however, from your vantage point you cannot see either level without descending or ascending.

2009-06-17, 11:36 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan returns from the study with the spellbook stored in his pack. "I do not know the origins of the weakening of this tower. It was not my casting that loosened these stones. This tower has stood for a millennium and withstood the siege of armies and the attacks of great wizards. Every place such as this has its history. But I fear that it has now been compromised.... from within. The Dark Lord studied here, but was not allowed to complete his studies here, unless it was in private. His jealousy and hatred for this icon of power likely upsets his fragile mind. I am sure that he is trying to corrupt and bring down this tower. And it looks like he may succeed." Egan pauses watching another flicker of the stonework.

"Sir Throshkar, these indeed were demons. A variety named Babau, if I remember correctly. I never liked studying the populations of the lower planes. But this was not a place these beasts should be. If they are on this plane, they should have been kept secure in the lower levels, where we should find Kilmer. We should move on. There are three towers here. We are in the center, and largest tower. We can take these stairs, but they are the most visible and open of the towers. I would recommend moving out that west door and up to the north tower. The stairs in that tower are more... seclusive. Outside that door is a walkway stretching between the towers. Stay low and try not to be seen on our move. Adrian, would you lead the way? And, please check the next door." Egan casts a sly smile a Adrian trying to calm any fears rising up about their next task.

2009-06-17, 02:27 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar's eyelids narrow. All this manipulation of nature, this mangling of thepure and good -- how can any question the corruptive influence that magic has had on the former prince? It has been bothering him more and more of late, the question of how royalty might fall to such depths. The eldest son of the good king could not have turned to evil simply by wishing it so. Something in his studying of arcanery must have done it.

But Throshkar knows better than to voice these thoughts. They would serve none of them well to dwell upon the past. The fact that their group now relies on similar magics is not lost on him. The cavalier only hopes his own honor can deflect any villainy it will bring upon them. They have little other choice but to fight fire with fire, though it scorch them badly in the end.

"Would it be well for Master Adrian to investigate ahead on his own? He may observe, in his inobservable way, and then report back to us, while we hold steady here... while, perhaps, Master Grog works to improve the health of mine blade?"

I got the impression we can't repair the weapons while we're here, but (1) I'm not sure of that, and (2) Throshkar isn't ready to give up on it. :smallamused:

Regarding strategy, I'm suggesting that Adrian take long point, and the rest of us clumsy oafs hang back, wayyy back. As in, in the other room if not the other floor. If Egan has an invisibility spell or anything that would help the rogue travel quietly (or on ceilings?), now might be a good time to go for it. What do you think?

{table] Throshkar (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=4575) | Human | Cavalier | LVL 12 | LG | Medium
hp: 84/110 | | Spd: 20/15 | AC/T/FF | 21/11/20 /| +1 Plate Mail
Masterwork Lance | +19/+14/+9 | 1d8+6 | x3 | No ranged atk
+1 Bastard Sword | +18/+13/+8 | 1d10+7 | x2 | Crit 17-20
SV | Fort +10 | Ref +5 | Wil +3||+2 v. Enchant, Sleep
STR 16 | DEX 12 | CON 14 | INT 10 | WIS 8 | CHA 14
Skills|Spot -1|Listen -1|Ride +12|Intimidate +11|Diplom. +4[/table]

2009-06-17, 04:39 PM
Egan Brahe

"I do agree, Throshkar. I had prepared another Telepathic Bond spell, like we had used on the battle field. Now seems like a good time to put this in place. Our good Adrian could then report to us without effort or disclosing himself." Egan gathers everyone a bit closer for the Telepathic Bond to be put in place.

2009-06-17, 06:48 PM
Grog Ironshield

"Would it be well for Master Adrian to investigate ahead on his own? He may observe, in his inobservable way, and then report back to us, while we hold steady here... while, perhaps, Master Grog works to improve the health of mine blade?"

"Aye, I do agree to that, Master Gray should take a look-see. His skills should be more adept at keeping this little venture more of a secret, than having us blunder around here, breaking everything in sight". Grog looks at the now destroyed bookshelf and the splattered brain goo all over the walls to help prove the point.

"Throsh, in order for me to remake your lovely lance, I would have to have a furnace, Ditboe's help, and many hours at the least for that task. As I see it, we have none of those at our disposal right now. As it looks, your blade will be ok for now. The magics that it possesses have kept it from most of the harm. I don't recommend using it for another bout with any more demons though. When we get back to the army, I will talk to Ditboe and Prince Asreal about building a small forge to repair our weapons. With the Royal Wizard's help, we could make a killing, but that is neither here nor there..."

Is there actually anything left of the lance, or did it totally dissolve into water and a metal salt? As I recall, there should be 7 HP left on the sword. and the SRD said that it works just fine until HP reach 0, where upon it becomes useless..."

2009-06-18, 12:10 AM
Adrian pops his knuckles and hops up to the wall, where he sticks. Alright, I'll scout out the lower levels, he says as he slides along the wall just above the floor, and out of the reach of any potential tripwires or pressure plates.

Well at least Thosh has a back up sword.

Steath rolls:
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Taking 20's on my search checks (+5 modifier)

2009-06-18, 01:52 AM

... as he slides along the wall just above the floor, and out of the reach of any potential tripwires or pressure plates.
Taking 20's on my search checks (+5 modifier)

Where are you moving to?

2009-06-18, 07:03 PM
Right... uh, I believe that downstairs and to the prison was the recomendation from Egan. I'll stop and let you describe the first floor I reach, of course.

Adrian follows Egan's advice and climbs to the North tower, and carefully slips inside.

2009-06-19, 12:46 PM

http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img34.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

Adrian opens the door and a rush of cold air comes rushing in. It fills the room with an icy blast. He steps out upon the stone walkway between the towers. It is a narrow stone pathway extending between the three towers with an old chain as a handrail. As he steps out upon the stones he can feel them loose under his feet. A few have given way leaving the path intact but broken. It will take careful walking to avoid falling. Even the old chain seems to be coming loose.

As Egan looks outside as Adrian starts his ascent across he notices the flickering of the magic and sees stones from the bridge falling. It is a scary sight.

Adrian starts to make his way across the bridge (DC 10 balance check to make it safely across).

[If fail balance check]
You fall off the bridge and onto the rocks surrounding the tower you take 2d6 damage ([roll0]).

[Door to northern tower]
Because of the bridge falling apart you cannot take a 20 on your search
[DC 32 search - if pass]
You find a lesser destruction trap has been placed upon this door. If you try to open the door it will try to destroy you
[Disable device DC 32]
You successfully disable the device
If fail...see opening the door
[if fail search]
You open the door, it squeaks as it opens and then you feel a crushing as you are thrown back against the walkway as it crumbles behind you.
Make fortitude save DC 15
I fail - take [roll1] damage and fall taking [roll2] damage
if pass - take [roll3] damage and make a balance check to avoid falling. If fail take falling damage above.

2009-06-19, 01:06 PM
While Adrian is attempting the far tower, and after the treasure is put away, Grog decides to take up a rear guard position so the rest of the party doesn't get surprised by any wandering creatures coming up the main staircase. (Move 5' E)

2009-06-19, 03:28 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan pushes his thoughts through the bond.
This is worse than I thought. Not to offend, but I do not know if Throshkar or Grog can navigate this walkway without a dangerous fall. Let alone my own feet. Perhaps we should reconsider our path?

Egan pulls his head back in from the doorway. And stops to think...

He leans back against the wall. Adrian, is it safe for us out there?

2009-06-19, 07:26 PM
Adrian quickly sets out across the bridge, and gives the door a quick once over before throwing it open as the bridge tosses underneath him. Moment's later he reels back as he is blasted in the face, and then rights himself, pausing for a breath.

All that Egan hears from the telepathic connection is 'bloody wizards. Look... I'm going to scout this out. If need be I can run back here with a rope and use my climbing gear.'

Balence: [roll0]
Search: [roll1] Need nat twenty (if you play that way) to succeed, sooo...
Fort save: [roll2]
2nd Balence check: [roll3]

No reflex save? That screws me right up.

Edit: Woo! Nat. twenty on the fort save.

I must now make the promised sacrifice to the dice gods.

2009-06-19, 11:45 PM
The blast knocks Adrian back but he is still standing as more rocks from the bridge fall toward the ground several stories below. You hear a metallic resetting of the trap as the door closes once again.

What does Adrian (or anyone else) do now?

2009-06-22, 12:23 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

As Throshkar begins to bandage his weapon and himself, there is a crack of thunder, and the tower surges and shudders. He throws himself toward the door, a cry on his lips... and then...

'Bloody wizards. Look... I'm going to scout this out. If need be I can run back here with a rope and use my climbing gear.' The cavalier's hand freezes on the door.

"Be safe, my friend."

Having nothing else to do but pace, Throshkar returns to his weapon.

Don't know if it applies, but if Throsh can heal himself any -- Heal roll:

And for the weapon, if there's anything to be done here -- Craft:

Otherwise Throsh sits or paces.

2009-06-22, 03:35 PM
Adrian winces, and checks the door more closely. From his bag he withdraws the black velvet bag that holds his tools and pokes around. No good, it's magical. To risky.

Alright spells, that spellbook tell you how to dispel magic? Don't cast it yet. I'll set up a rope line for the heavy feet.

Breaking out the climbers kit and the silk rope to try and help the guys out on their balence checks, like running a line across the bridge to hold onto or whatever. At very worst we can use it to pull them back up.
Then Egan casts dispel magic, which should supress the trap for a few rounds.

Use rope: [roll0] So that's my use rope with the +2 circumstance bonus for the silk rope. What do I get for the climber's kit? It's got pitons and such in it.

2009-06-22, 08:06 PM
Grog Ironshield

Grog speaks to Egan, "Master Brahe, I have the spell that Master Gray speaks of. I am not much of a climber, though, with all of this armor on. I prefer to take the back to keep the rear guard if you would have me there...or would you rather have me in the middle?"

Grog gets ready to cross the bridge, says a small prayer, and then tells Throshgar ""Throsh, it looks like you might just get to catch me doing something that I don't know just what to do. Ya know, I never gone out and done any of that climbing stuff."

2009-06-22, 11:25 PM
Throshkar! Grab that rope tight and brace yourself. Groj! Keep your shoulders low. Lower anyway... Alright, everyone ready?Would the Dwarven stability bonus apply here?

2009-06-22, 11:35 PM
[OOC: So who is lowering who where? I am a little confused]

2009-06-23, 12:08 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan prepares his dispell magic spell. I will take this one, Grog. He then steps up to take his place in the line.
Crimson, I don't think anything is being lowered anywhere. Adrian strung a line along the walkway to help everyone stabilize. We walk over, Egan casts dispell magic on the trap, then we enter the north tower. Did I get it right, JJ?

2009-06-23, 12:17 PM
Yep. The ropes also supposed to catch anyone who 'lowers' themself off the edge.

2009-06-23, 02:18 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar looks out over the edge, then throws his fears out over the gap. "Neither have I, good master! My former squire didst love to place foot o'er hand, though, and climbed many a rock and stone. Let us act as though we are young Louis, and stride forth with eagerness, eh?"

Strapped in by Adrian's rope, Throshkar takes a confident step forward, ably missing the first step and tumbling head over ass...

Balance check (DC10):[roll0] Hm, I'd call that a failure. Since I'm tied, do I take less damage, or what?

2009-06-24, 01:09 AM

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img10.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

Throshkar falls off the ledge of the stone bridge falling a short distance before the slack on the rope caught him. Everyone strains against the pulling rope to keep him up. You slowly pull him back onto the platform and ready yourselves to open the door.

2009-06-24, 11:06 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan strains under the weight of the knight. And he calls me the clumsy one. When all are safely near the door, Egan gets a nod from each to verify that everyone is ready. Considering what we just found, we should be ready for anything. Throshkar, control your charges from now on. We may need you alive to carry Kilmer out of here. Egan smiles at his joke. Although we may need one to get us beyond this door. Fighting from this vantage would be a poor choice.
Balance: [roll0]

2009-06-24, 11:13 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan casts Dispell Magic on the door and nods to Adrian.
Dispell Magic [roll0]

2009-06-24, 01:00 PM
Alright, back up a little bit and hold onto the rope.

Adrian reaches over and twists the handle.

2009-06-24, 01:49 PM
Grog, grumbles at Throsh then steps out onto the ledge. Then just like his pupil, pitches over the edge of the walkway. "Argh, help...."

Balance Check: [roll0]

2009-06-24, 01:55 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

"Hoy!!" Throshkar reaches out and grabs Grog by the beard as the dwarf slips from his perch. Egan's mental admonishment reminds him to think his words. 'A tricky path to our destiny, to be sure, masters. What sort of person maintains their residence in such haphazard fashion, eh?'

2009-06-24, 02:35 PM
The dispel magic spell seems to have worked for nothing happens when Adrian opens the door shedding light on one of the tower's libraries. You see no movement in the dark room. The room just seems to be shed in darkness.

[What do you do now?]

2009-06-24, 03:30 PM
Inside, before it resets. Adrian pulls out a sunrod and hefts it, but decides not to light himself up just yet. And try to be quiet.

2009-06-24, 06:26 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

The cavalier scrambles in, *trying* for once in his life to be quiet... of course, he fails fantastically, nearly putting his head through the low-hanging door frame, then apparently attempting to kick a hole in the floor before finally falling down with a clunking clatter.

Move Silently (-4):

2009-06-24, 06:40 PM
Adrian stifles a laugh. Between the exploding trap and the general state of the group, anyone hiding in the darkness would have to be deaf not to have noticed them already. But it was worth it just to watch Throshkar scrunch his face up in discomfort as he wrestled with his sense of honor.

Ah well, that's just cruel.

Scratch that, for now, on this level, I think we've already done enough to give ourselves away. Might as well even the odds.

And with that, he swipes the sunrod against the floor, lighting up the room.

2009-06-24, 08:38 PM
http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img205.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

After heaving the fallen Grog back to the bridge's surface, you all enter the room. As the light illuminates the room you see that it has been thoroughly searched. Books are haphazardly thrown about without much regard. It is at this point that you realized something is moving behind one of the tables. You see a badly wounded goblin attempting to hide behind one of the tables. It is almost completely naked except for a loin cloth. It clutches a dagger in one hand and stares at you as if it is hoping that you do not see it. You have the initiative.

[Goblin AC 12; HP 2/5]

2009-06-24, 08:42 PM
Adrian pauses, but his hand crossbow still comes out, pointing at the ceiling, for now. He's had to many heists blown by talkative servents to label anyone danger free. Besides, this little peashooter, unless he aims it carefully, isn't going to hurt the creeper that bad.
One peep out of you, and I shoot. Now... drop the dagger.

2009-06-24, 09:01 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar frowns. This... thing... is hardly worth drawing his sword for. He simply cracks his knuckles and glares at the goblin.

Intimidate (what, a positive bonus?? +11):
[roll0]And another crappy roll, but it should do.

2009-06-24, 09:13 PM
You hear the old dagger clatter upon the ground as the goblin stands up behind the table with his hands upon his head. He mutters in goblin, "Gu bacca, go dee me soka."

[Goblin translation if you know]

I surrender, I dropped my dagger

2009-06-24, 09:18 PM
Egan Brahe

What in the planes has happened here? Egan is astonished to find a goblin alive and in the tower. And this one looking so tribal. Maybe an intelligent one would be useful as a servant to some of the more eccentric mages that he had met here, but this made no sense.

He searches about with his eyes as he steps forward a bit. "Stand up. You look a miserable thing crawling around behind there. Are you responsible for this mess? What thing be you looking for in this tower?" He knew his question was quite absurd, but every being wants to correct a bad assumption and tell their story.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2009-06-24, 09:45 PM
"This mess?" The creature responds in common now, "I am not responsible for all of this. We came up from the dungeon after it was cleared out. A magic man came and took me and members of my tribe to the tower for experiments. They have been using us to get past traps in the tower. Most of my family was killed trying to get through that door. I played dead and they left me alone. I want out of this place but there are things that scare me above and below here. I never knew that a dwarf would seem less threatening than the demons that live here now."

2009-06-24, 10:20 PM
Egan Brahe

"Who left you alone here? When did you last see them? And what have you seen above and below us?" Egan steps forward a couple more steps giving room for everyone else to come into the room, especially the threatening dwarf that is with us. Egan also points out the door on the other side of the room that leads to the stairwell, since there are two, so the party will not be caught by surprise.

2009-06-24, 10:33 PM
The creature shakes as Egan brings up the above and below floors. "They drive with weapons pointing in the direction where we should go. There are many creatures roaming the place. I was first kept in the dungeon but then they started to drive us to different places of the tower. Many of us died then i laid down when my half-brother opened that door and made a gurgling sound. It worked and the creatures left my body. I have been here for many moons now."

2009-06-25, 01:12 PM
Grog Ironshield

"This mess?... I am not responsible for all of this. We came up from the dungeon after it was cleared out. A magic man came and took me and members of my tribe to the tower for experiments. They have been using us to get past traps in the tower. Most of my family was killed trying to get through that door. I played dead and they left me alone. I want out of this place but there are things that scare me above and below here. I never knew that a dwarf would seem less threatening than the demons that live here now."

Grog then states, "You have never seen the might of my kingdom then, you lousy piece of goblin filth." Grog then steps toward the goblin and brings his hand up to slap the miserable creature in the face. The affront that the thing just said about the Dwarven race should not be accepted...
anyone want to stop me? If not, I slap the creature. Dwarfs hate goblins, right?
"They drive with weapons pointing in the direction where we should go. There are many creatures roaming the place. I was first kept in the dungeon but then they started to drive us to different places of the tower. Many of us died then i laid down when my half-brother opened that door and made a gurgling sound. It worked and the creatures left my body. I have been here for many moons now."

What is down there that we need to know about? Do not lie, or I will send you to your doom, as only dwarves know how... The last sentence is spoken in Goblin, so it would know exactly what Grog means.

2009-06-25, 01:46 PM
Egan Brahe

Grog then steps toward the goblin and brings his hand up to slap the miserable creature in the face.

Egan, standing near, grabs Grog's shoulder. "You know not what he has seen here. And you are right, he has never seen the might of your kingdom. His fear of the things here is real, as he has seen them. His respect for your kingdom is still fierce if he even tried to make the comparison."

"What is down there that we need to know about? Do not lie, or I will send you to your doom, as only dwarves know how..." The last sentence is spoken in Goblin, so it would know exactly what Grog means.

2009-06-26, 01:37 AM
Grogs slap causes the creature to narrow its eyes and it speaks with much more pointed sentences. "Creatures from the depths of hell is what i have seen here. The creature that lives below where I was once kept is large and armor plated. He reaks of death and I became sick when I was around him."

The magic flickers for a second, it is becoming more noticeable now with the tower shaking. The goblin does not seem concerned by this flickering; quite the opposite, it seems to get a smirk on its face which it tries to conceal.

[Knowledge religion/planes: DC 21]

You guess this creature is a herzrou

2009-06-26, 11:08 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar remains silent, allowing Grog to spend his rage on the worthless goblin. The cavalier knows what happened to Grog's family at the hands of marauding goblins during the orc uprising long years back... so many civilians slaughtered mercilessly...

Finally, he breaks his silence -- mentally. 'We have yet failed to ask the question we most need answered, my friends. Where is Kilmer? All the rest are simple obstacles.'

The towering warrior puts a hand on the hilt of his sword. "And what of the rest of these towers? Know you of prisoners held within? I speak of men, not monstrosities."

2009-06-26, 12:18 PM
Grog Ironshield
DC Religion:
crosses fingers:

2009-06-26, 01:19 PM
Adrian, mildly put off by the torture, raises an eyebrow as Throshkar speaks up. Well well well, looks like he's all grown up.

2009-06-26, 01:40 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan winces as Grog's hand flies. "Answer the knight, goblin. Your life today may depend upon it. What human prisoners have you seen, and where are they?"

Knowledge: Religion/Planes [roll0]

2009-06-26, 03:17 PM
Grog Ironshield

Grog glares at Egan and the rest of the party and thinks "I can not believe that all of you want to trust this thieving piece of *&^$. You all better know what you are doing. You know that these creatures can't be trusted..."

Grog then looks at the little goblin and menacingly pulls out his mace.
can I try to intimidate w/o the skill, if so then:

2009-06-26, 03:31 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Without batting an eye -- believing he understands his old mentor's rage -- 'Of course we shan't trust its words. But e'en within the lies shall we find knowledge of some sort. It will be up to our wisdom and our honor to pare away the fictions, the twisted lies, and therein find General Kilmer.'

2009-06-26, 04:21 PM
Egan Brahe

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This goblin shares a goal with us, survival. A small amount of mercy shown here may help us greatly today. He must believe that we will let him go or help him, and we need be ready to do so. They are as self motivated a beast as any.

2009-06-26, 06:11 PM
Grog Ironshield

Grog thinks "Ok, Master Brahe, but I will not touch the creature save to crush it's skull. If it leads us asunder, be sure I will bash it's skull in with my mace as my last, dying action!

Grog then backs up just out of swinging range of his mace and says aloud in common then Goblin "Speak up, or the next time my friends might not be able to calm me down"

2009-06-27, 02:29 AM
The towering warrior puts a hand on the hilt of his sword. "And what of the rest of these towers? Know you of prisoners held within? I speak of men, not monstrosities."

The goblin stays quiet as if not wanting to reveal anything else...

Grog glares at Egan and the rest of the party and...then looks at the little goblin and menacingly pulls out his mace.

The small creatures backs up a bit as Grog starts to tower over him. He opens his mouth and then shuts it as Egan interrupts the small creature.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This goblin shares a goal with us, survival. A small amount of mercy shown here may help us greatly today. He must believe that we will let him go or help him, and we need be ready to do so. They are as self motivated a beast as any.

The goblin nods along with Egan as he speaks realizing that this man maybe the key to his survival.

Grog then backs up just out of swinging range of his mace and says aloud in common then Goblin "Speak up, or the next time my friends might not be able to calm me down"

Finally, the goblin realizing that he is over powered and outnumbered speaks, "I know that men are kept in the dungeon on the bottom level. Some are feed to the beasts as punishment, their limbs gnawed off and their wounds cauterized. Still others remain. I know little of these men but they are kept in stalled areas in the northern part of the center tower. That is all I know about the prisoners."

2009-06-27, 11:41 AM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar continues the thought discussion: 'Now we know where the dungeon is. We need not trust that the prisoners are kept in that particular area: it may be they have been moved, or the goblin guides us to a trap. Ne'ertheless, this was the area we expected the dungeon to be, as I recall.'

2009-06-29, 01:50 PM
Adrian stop fidgeting with his crossbow and speaks up. Can't let Throshkar say all the smart things. He'll coming along nicely.

Look, the most important part of any hei- er, job is the plan. The recon. Everyone remembers the scaled walls, fooled noblemen, and bypassed guards, but never the month of recon marking out the right route up the wall, the time spent learning every quirk and habit of the mark's nature, or careful study of patrol times. Aha, so... this stage is actually very difficult to disrupt when attempting to stop a theif. The... best plan is deterence, to make your defenses seems so impregnable that the theives choose easier prey.

Anyway, it'd be nice to have an informant along, but bad information is more dangerous than none at all. We can bring him along, but don't need to trust everything he says.

2009-06-29, 02:01 PM
The goblin snorts, "I will come along and help with the following conditions." He then points at the dwarf and says, "As long as that bumbling drunkard does not touch me ever again and you help me get out of the city after we get what you need and leave the tower."

2009-06-29, 02:05 PM
Adrian raises his crossbow. Yeeeeeah. You don't set conditions here. We'll do our best to keep you alive, but remember that the first task in that long list is not shooting you ourselves. We get out, you're free to go.

Remember, if he thinks he's dead anyway, he's got no reason not to lead us into a trap. Adrian adds to his friends with his thoughts. And Grog, well, do try to stay a little bit back.

2009-06-29, 02:09 PM
The goblin looks wearing at you as you exchange glances and waits for your orders.

2009-06-29, 04:01 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

It has all been too much. All that control Throshkar had shown, all that careful thought and strategy, flies from him at last.

With a swift step, he is upon the goblin before the creature can blink. One huge hand envelopes the frail neck; the other snags the ragged shirt front. It takes little exertion to bring the creature high enough so that they are face to face.

"You may have your bargain, little scum, and your freedom at the end of service duly rendered. Now hear my terms. From this moment onward, the dwarf is Master Ironshield to you. You insult him with any other name, any other false description again, and it will be with your last breath. You shall inhale, no doubt, but your screams will die in your throat, with neither mouth nor face to 'scape to."

Slowly, Throshkar lowers his prisoner back to the floor, then straightens the goblin's rumpled shirt, his fingers almost gentle, his motions refined. "If you be true, and respectful, you shall find us equally true, and courteous." At this last, he glances quickly over at Grog, and then back to the goblin, waiting his response.

"I am Throshkar delaBlanche. May I ask your name, sir goblin?"

Grapple, step one - AoO. Goblin doesn't look like he could damage and therefore stop me.

Step two - Touch attack (guaranteed, barring a 1?):

Step three - Opposed Grapple check:

Step four - Damage - I'd prefer to choose to deal no damage, but if I can't, here's the non-lethal dmg:

2009-06-29, 04:37 PM
The goblin is surprised at the speed of the large knight who sweeps him off his feet and holds him by his neck. As Throshkar lets him it takes all of his strength to keep him from falling to the floor. Swelling starts to form where the knight grabbed him. He nods along with Throshkar's words and then says, "Aye, I understand master, I will do as you say. I am Oog, Oog stone thrower. I want nothing more than to live to see the moon rise in my village."


Throshkar, since you choose not to deal damage you will not. You just got your point across.

2009-06-30, 01:44 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan pulls a wand from his robes. "You will need to walk, to take us further." He murmurs a command word and almost touches the goblin on the head. His wounds heal substantially. He then returns the wand. "We must be moving."

Pushing his thoughts forward he indicates, We move down one level using the stairs behind these doors.
Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2009-06-30, 04:09 PM
Alright, downstairs. Oog, you were down there, what can we expect?

2009-06-30, 05:42 PM
http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img3.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)
New life seems to fill the creature as the healing power of Egan's wand fills him. "Oye, I do not know what is on the next level. I have only seen the stair well, it is not scary." With the hope of his freedom on the line the creature scrambles down the stairs. You quickly follow and reach the next level. On the next level down, the stairs briefly stop in a small room. The room smells like decay which starts to turn your stomach. The stairs continue down and there is one door to the north. Oog turns to the party and asks, "Now where, down again?"

2009-06-30, 06:06 PM
Egan Brahe

The moment of decisions and loyalties has now come upon this wizard. This was a decision that he hoped would have been made for him before reaching this far. During those times when the deepest conflicts around arise the deepest conflicts of an individual, is the sacrifices that one is willing to make in the hope of a greater good, or the promises that you will not compromise upon the principle of loyalty that make a man? He hopes that his conflict is not played out upon his countenance as he struggles with his own will. The secrets of this tower were not intended for common knowledge, but by all appearances, this tower may not stand for long. In fact, it would likely need be destroyed to banish these evils. Does this excuse him?

Making a decision, Egan lets loose a deep breath that he didn't know he was holding and opens his eyes from his personal thoughts. He points at the door on the northern side of the landing. "Adrian, can you hear anything beyond that door? To find these prisoners, we would be prudent to use our most discrete path. It is a longer route, but it may reach us there safely."

Is the stink coming up the stairwell or from this level? Or is it possible to tell?

2009-06-30, 06:11 PM
The tower continues to creak and shake now more violently as you stop for a moment to ponder the next step. You cannot tell where the smell of decay is coming from, you think it is from below. However, you do notice that as your eyes adjust to the lack of windows in this small room, you notice that the stairs are covered in old blood. The goblin become more and more nervous as the shaking continues. Finally, after a few moments the tower stops shaking violently and you are left wondering where to go now.

[Adrian]You only hear the sound of your own heart pounding in your chest as you put your ear to the door.

2009-06-30, 06:32 PM
Shh now, all of you. Adrian hands his sunrod to Egan and gestures up the stairs, so that he'll be able to open the door without silhouetting himself for anything that might be waiting behind it. Then, Adrian slips off his shoe, sticks it firmly to the knob, and weaves some rope into the laces, and uses this contraption to open the door while standing several feet away, on the stairway.

2009-06-30, 07:06 PM
The door creaks open and a large stench fills the room. From the illumination of the sunrod you can make out large piles of dead bodies. The tattered robes of wizards, tower guards, and goblins tower before you. You are unsure how many dead are contained in this room but you know that it would be very hard to even navigate through the room without stepping upon the bodies of the dead.

2009-06-30, 07:30 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan moves up the stairway as Adrian commands, but wretches as he sees the bodies of so many piled to stagnate in the adjoining room. Not being able to talk, he uses the mental link. There is a door just to the left of this one. Can it be opened? If so, that is our path. If not, then we face whatever foul beast guards the bottom of these stairs. We must move quickly. This tower is decaying.

2009-06-30, 07:55 PM
The door can be opened but you will have to move a few bodies

2009-06-30, 08:09 PM
Grog Ironshield

Grog peers into the room, hoping beyond all hope that there isn't anyone in there that he recognizes (Kilmer, nobles, knights, dwarves). He makes sure not to touch Oog
knowledge: local

2009-06-30, 08:20 PM
No one recognizes anyone of the bodies. However, this might be due to the level of decomposition.

2009-06-30, 09:44 PM
Adrian puts his shoe back on slightly uncomfortable with the... disrespectful? well, insufficiently solemn nature of his trap avoidence system.

I'd like to... I don't know. Seperate the bodies... do something. Adrian hesitates, remembering a different battleground, one that had left him no corpses to mourn over, just dust. A prayer at least, Grog. But his thoughts turn over to wreck buildings and magic, and a thought distubs his mind.

Egan... the tower's collapsing, do you think it's involved in the supposed growth in the Dark Lord's magical powers? Like he's... using it's power? Because in that case... Adrian choses his words carefully can we take from him that power source?

2009-07-01, 11:58 AM
Egan Brahe

Egan... the tower's collapsing, do you think it's involved in the supposed growth in the Dark Lord's magical powers? Like he's... using it's power? Because in that case... Adrian choses his words carefully can we take from him that power source?

Egan shakes his head, even though it is likely that Adrian can't see him. I do not know. Many things are possible, and like you suggest, dark things as well, when you choose to manipulate magics in dark ways. But I do not think it to be so. The tower is weakened by its corruption and use. This is likely more of a symptom rather than the cause.

"We should move those bodies to get through that next door, and quickly."

2009-07-01, 12:37 PM
Throshkar delaBlanche

Throshkar waits for Grog to offer a prayer for the souls of the dead, then sets to work making a path through the bodies in grim silence. He has been moving quietly as it is, allowing Adrian and Egan to take the lead in this strange and upsetting place, but at the sight of so many dead -- lives taken not on the field of battle, but clearly in some kind of murderous sacrifice -- the cavalier seems to disappear into himself, moving almost without volition.

RL conditions are forcing me to stand down from D&D for a couple weeks. I'll post a little more about it in OOC.

2009-07-01, 10:46 PM
[MAP]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img513.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

As the bodies are piled away from the door it slowly creaks open without you touching it. Your torch illuminates the next room, it contains scrapes of clothing, tools, weapons, armor, and other assorted things that you would suspect to find on a person. It is piled up without a logical order. There is another door to the south that is closed.

[If you look at the stuff]

You find many mundane items but little wealth.

2009-07-02, 04:04 PM
Grog Ironshield

Grog stifles back an involuntary release of his breakfast, then gets down to business. Genuflecting, he starts praying, "May the Lord of the Underground carry these poor souls into the afterlife, as only you see fit...Amen Done with his prayer he thinks to the group Sorry, I can't do more for them now. Given enough time, I would personally oversee the burial of these honorable gentlemen and master wizards.

When the next door is opened, Grog will allow the goblin to pick up any weapon or armor that it can put on quickly/use. Then he will say, "Remember my promise to you goblin, do not lead us astray or you will be the next creature I kill and tossed in there with the rest."

2009-07-02, 05:43 PM
The goblin puts on some leather armor and takes a short spear, a short sword, and a bow with a few arrows. He looks to you to see where to go now.

2009-07-02, 09:44 PM
SImply wanting out, Adrian checks the door quickly.


2009-07-02, 11:30 PM
The door does not seem to be trapped but it is locked.

[DC 25 to open lock]

2009-07-03, 12:29 AM
Adrian whips out his roll of picks and sets to work, quickly opening the lock. Then he gives the doo r gentle push, and peers inside.


Argh, felled by the typo.

2009-07-03, 01:14 AM
The door creaks open revealing a storeroom. Various boxes line the walls and space in the room. It appears that the room has not been opened in sometime.

2009-07-03, 01:30 AM
Think there'd be anything useful in here, Egan?

2009-07-03, 01:26 PM
http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/7007/wizardstower001.png (http://img370.imageshack.us/i/wizardstower001.png/)

The room is a storeroom for spell components, alchemy equipment, and other assorted odds and ends. It appears that at some point mice have gotten into some of the boxes and you can see their turds scattered around the floor. To Adrian, the room looks like a dead end, and he starts to wonder why Egan choose this way.

2009-07-03, 01:52 PM
Adrian shoots a glance at Egan and then shuffles over to the alchemical equipment. Maybe I can find some tanglefoot bags or some acid.

2009-07-03, 01:58 PM
In searching through the boxes, Adrian finds 5 vials of acid and 3 tanglefoot bags (as described in the player's handbook).

2009-07-03, 03:36 PM
Egan Brahe

Egan follows everyone into the store room. Good. Maybe this will be our best way... Egan walks to the back wall and searches for the cache to open that door in this back wall. He pushes a couple of boxes aside. Finding the cache, he asks Adrian to come over and search the area for any traps before opening the door.

2009-07-03, 03:53 PM
[Adrain - roll then check spoiler]

you find no traps and find the area where the latch is to open a secret door

2009-07-03, 04:33 PM
Fancy. Adrian steps back. I think we're good here Egan. However... Adrian then wraps a line of rope around the latch, steps back, and pulls. isn't paranoia fun!

Just a d20? Or a search check? I got bad feeling about this.
[roll0]+5 for search.

... okay, cool.