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View Full Version : Detect evil detected 3.X

2009-05-19, 05:06 PM
Hi there, I'd like some advices on a situation that surely going to happen in the next session...

Simply put my players are on a rescue mission in some sort of necropolis city in the abyss. For the occasion, they've been transfered within bodies that would suit their purpose (basically work like a polymorph + su abilities while keeping their own)

Powerfull stuff (Abyss Giant, Acheron's Centaur and so on) but that's not the problem. Fact is the paladin's group is a fan of his at will Detect Evil, and ofc Evil he'll detect.

What I'd like is a simple mean to get the detection attempt detected, spells, class/race abilities but nothing fancy nor too powerfull (they're lvl 7-8 and have easily gained a few ECL from the "polymorph"). It has to be as "natural" as possible.

The city is, obviously, mostly controlled by undeads, so it would help if it comes from one those, but basically anything from the "lower planes" would fit, as long as it's not a buff as hell/class leveled balor ;)

2009-05-19, 05:08 PM
Detect Magic will spot it

2009-05-19, 05:22 PM
Mhhh no, its a 1mn/lvl spell with concentrate factor, and you have to focus. It makes no sense that someone/body/thing had it casted exactly when the paladin will make use of it.

Unless it's an at will detect magic ability (in that case I might definitly be interested)

I'd like to keep the option as a wild card, it's not like it will happen with 100% chance to the 1st detect evil attempt.

thx in advance :smallsmile:

2009-05-19, 06:49 PM
Recognizing that a creature is casting Detect Evil is a DC 16 Spellcraft check, according to the SRD. If any mage-type (even a single rank, after all, gives the creature a 25% chance of recognizing it being cast) is around when the paladin casts it, they'll know.

2009-05-19, 06:51 PM
Recognizing that a creature is casting Detect Evil is a DC 16 Spellcraft check, according to the SRD. If any mage-type (even a single rank, after all, gives the creature a 25% chance of recognizing it being cast) is around when the paladin casts it, they'll know.
Or at least they will know that something was cast.

2009-05-19, 07:05 PM
Permanent Arcane Sight will allow the creature under it's effect to see the divination aura. Other than that, Vatic Gaze is avaiable to any creature with an arcane caster level of 9 (all spell-like abilities are arcane) and allows use of Detect Magic at will.

Two levels of warlock would also work on the detect magic at will vein.

Also, Paladin Detect Evil is a spell-like ability, you can't spellcraft those. They have no components.

2009-05-19, 07:27 PM
Another alternative being that he actually can become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of evil he's detecting, maybe a will save to be shaken somehow then fort save to determine whether he becomes nauseous.

2009-05-19, 07:39 PM
Mhhh no, its a 1mn/lvl spell with concentrate factor, and you have to focus. It makes no sense that someone/body/thing had it casted exactly when the paladin will make use of it.

Unless it's an at will detect magic ability (in that case I might definitly be interested)

Detect Magic can be made permanent for 500xp by a 9th level caster.