View Full Version : Getting way, way ahead of things, but - whither Roy?

2009-05-20, 11:28 AM
If for some reason Xykon were to be defeated in the next few strips, it very likely wouldn't be with most of the OOTS present.

What does that mean for Roy? Roy's whole purpose was to kill Xykon, for vengeance. What does he do if a) Xykon's dead and b) he's not the one who offed him?

2009-05-20, 11:41 AM
As the deva explained to Eugene back around strips 404, it was the fact that Roy pursued the oath while Eugene gave up on it that would allow Roy to continue on.

I think then Roy would be fine and for the remaining living and future Greenhilt family descended from Eugene, that the oath would be taken care of.

The main question would be what would then happen to Eugene since it was not his family. Would his actions in the afterlife tick of the Deva's enough to not let the oath stand fulfilled, and be a black mark on his permanent record that must be overcome; or would Xykon being dead be enough to acquit him of the oath?

Note that Eric had no problem getting in and never once sought out Xykon to fulfill the oath. So maybe only those that know of the oath are bound to it? :smallconfused:

2009-05-20, 11:45 AM
Eric totally pursued Xykon to the best of his ability. But...yeah.

Anyway...assuming Xykon dies, Roy'll still have a purpose, since Redcloak escaped. He'll still need to thwart The Plan. Or smite evil with Celia.

2009-05-20, 11:55 AM
Roy probably goes emo egain, because his whole (after)live led to a big anticlimax ;)

2009-05-20, 12:01 PM
The narrative is pointing toward Roy being the one that takes Xykon down.

We have:

Roy's oath
His new anti-caster technique
Revenge for being offed by Xykon
Being the best strategist in the comic (ring of jumping notwithstanding)
Xykon being optimized to take down casters.

Of course, he's unlikely to do it alone, and one thing we can be sure of is that the Giant has tricks up his sleeve we haven't even considered yet.

2009-05-20, 12:09 PM
A NPC is *not* going to win the plot. Simply notgonnahappennomatterwhat.

Even a "NPC hits down Big Bad to low HPs and an exhausted, broken SC gets in the last spell/hit" would qualify as that and therefore is not going to happen.

I leave it to you to fill in "NPC", "Big Bad", and "broken SC" in this specifc case.

Hint (before the "Belkar is not evil" and "Vaarsuvius did not say the four words" fractions show up again ;)): NPC could be MitD and/or O'Chul, Big Bad could be Xykon, SC could be Vaarsuvius.

Whatever O'Chul and MitD and Vaarsuvius do: It won't be a complete victory.

2009-05-20, 12:09 PM
We have:

Being the best strategist in the comic (ring of jumping notwithstanding)

He just forgot he doesn't own a Ring of Feather Fall is all. Geesh, anyone can make a mistake no and again.

Also I really think Redcloak beats him in the department.

Morgan Wick
2009-05-21, 03:16 AM
Eric totally pursued Xykon to the best of his ability. But...yeah.

Anyway...assuming Xykon dies, Roy'll still have a purpose, since Redcloak escaped. He'll still need to thwart The Plan. Or smite evil with Celia.

By the power vested in me, I hereby award to
The most exalted prize of
One thread

RMS Oceanic
2009-05-21, 04:47 AM
Eric totally pursued Xykon to the best of his ability. But...yeah.

Anyway...assuming Xykon dies, Roy'll still have a purpose, since Redcloak escaped. He'll still need to thwart The Plan. Or smite evil with Celia.

The proper term is...nah, I couldn't be bothered.

As for Eric, I believe the offspring inherit the oath only after the oathee has permanently expired, so Eric dodged that bullet.

Tempest Fennac
2009-05-21, 05:14 AM
I disagree about Roy being a good strategist; he split the group up during the first battle with Xykon and the Cliffport sidequest even though this left him 9and everone else) vurnerable to divide and conquer tactics, he left MoJ Belkar to dfend Elan in spite of the fact that, as Belkar pointed out, he couldn't realistically do anything, his responce to the Half Ogre Cheesemaster was to keep charging him even though it was obvous that backing off and letting someone who had enough common sense to pack a ranged weapon handle him, and he seemed to tink that keeping the higher level casters away from the first wall dueing the battle for Azure City even though they couldn't affect the outcome of the battle from the 2nd wall.

I'd say that Eric was exempt due to being unable to do anything constructive about the BOoV when he was alive.

2009-05-21, 05:38 AM
I disagree about Roy being a good strategist; he split the group up during the first battle with Xykon
what do you mean they where in the same room, not very split up.

and the Cliffport sidequest even though this left him and everone else) vurnerable to divide and conquer tactics, he left MoJ Belkar to dfend Elan in spite of the fact that, as Belkar pointed out, he couldn't realistically do anything i will give you this, except for the Belkar part i believe that was as much to keep Belkar out of the way,as to protect Elan

his response to the Half Ogre Cheesemaster was to keep charging him even though it was obvous that backing off and letting someone who had enough common sense to pack a ranged weapon handle him you forget the part where Roy could see that the Ogre would jump over a cliff, if he continued doing just that.

and he seemed to tink that keeping the higher level casters away from the first wall dueing the battle for Azure City even though they couldn't affect the outcome of the battle from the 2nd wall.
that was Hinjos idea, and the point where that they would be able to be employed where ever they would be most useful, at least i think so

Shhalahr Windrider
2009-05-21, 05:42 AM
As the deva explained to Eugene back around strips 404, it was the fact that Roy pursued the oath while Eugene gave up on it that would allow Roy to continue on.
Y'know, I think an explanation based on the wording of the Oath would have been even simpler.

Start of Darkness
The oath only says, "…I shall not rest in this life or any other until I or my heirs have enacted horrible vengance…"

The wording of the oath simply doesn't inflict the penalty to the heirs. It doesn't really seem there's anything actually binding Roy, Julia, or anyone else to Eugene's Oath. The descendants bit is just there to allow a post-mortem escape clause.

Tempest Fennac
2009-05-21, 05:57 AM
Looking at the Cheesemaster comic, I'm not sure if Roy could see the cliff initially. (Later on, he would have done, but even then, he had no way of knowing how far down it went.) Regarding the first Xykon fight, I know they were in the same room, but Roy would have still been incredibly easy to isolate. The fact that he didn't even seem willing to make use of Elan's Bardic Music suggested an inability to make use of his team mates's abilities as well. Your thory about where the casters were deployed makes sense, but I don't think any of them were deployed, and it appears as though actually moving them to where they were needed in the heat of battle would have been awkward anyway.

Regarding the BOoV's wording, someone suggested a while back that Eugene will probably be told that he could have entered Celestia when Roy threw Xykon into the gate because that covered what the oath said, but everyone forgot to tell Eugene.

Shhalahr Windrider
2009-05-22, 03:42 PM
Regarding the BOoV's wording, someone suggested a while back that Eugene will probably be told that he could have entered Celestia when Roy threw Xykon into the gate because that covered what the oath said, but everyone forgot to tell Eugene.
I like that, but then someone would have forgotten to tell the angel that did Roy's review, since she directly addressed Eugene on the "Why am I not in?" subject and should have been able to tell him then.