View Full Version : Crafts!

2009-05-20, 02:59 PM
What has Ava been up to? Where did she go?

Well, the short of it is that when I was making avatars it was on a Vista computer with the Vista version of MS Paint, and then that contract job ended and I was back to XP for a while... but now I am back to Vista again! However, in the meantime, I have picked up the hobby of CRAFTING!

So I started a blog to show off the stuff I've been making...


And I have also been playing a lot of World of Warcraft and raiding Ulduar... I paint pictures while waiting for loot to be passed out and boss fights to be explained.

Oh and I also got married last Fall. O_o

Anyway... hi! Now I need to catch up on the 124 OOTS comics I missed.

P.S. Since I am unable to follow up with all of the PMs I added a note to my Avatar Adoption thread post (near the bottom of the first page) so check it out if you want to adopt one of my avatars.

2009-05-20, 03:02 PM
Awesome! Nice work! :smallsmile:

2009-05-20, 03:03 PM
Thank you Nameless!

Yay, someone I remember who is still around! :)

2009-05-20, 03:05 PM
Thank you Nameless!

Yay, someone I remember who is still around! :)

Indeed. Long time no speak, where have you been? :smallsmile:

2009-05-20, 03:07 PM
New husband, new job, new condo... yeah, lots of changes have been going on and I've been busy! Lol.

2009-05-20, 03:11 PM
Well, here's a new face for me...

I've seen your avatar adoption C, but nothing more.

That blog is awesome, BTW!!!

2009-05-20, 04:01 PM
Hey, I remember you! I don't know if you know me, but I remember seeing your stuff and thinking it was really good. :smalltongue:

In any case, I've looked through your blog. And I must say, you are extremely talented. I'm particularly fond of your tree paintings.

This one (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qEx5biESpBs/Sfk71Be1fTI/AAAAAAAAANk/9xUsQL_7BKQ/s1600-h/treeongrass008.jpg) is really unique and cool looking, and this one (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qEx5biESpBs/ScpneUXJYLI/AAAAAAAAACE/x7tFOzDkJw8/s1600-h/greentreepainting1.jpg) is just gorgeous.

I also really liked this one, (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qEx5biESpBs/SgE1QrwHWUI/AAAAAAAAAOE/puiXBHMNjv8/s1600-h/orangetree20090505004.jpg) mainly because of the whimsical, "children's book" feel to it.

Keep up the good work. :)

2009-05-20, 04:08 PM
Hi Sneak! You look familiar. :)

The "Tree on Grass" painting is now with my friend in her new condo in Victoria, BC. After she saw my other paintings she told me what she liked best and her color preferences and that's what I came up with for her housewarming/moving gift. ^_^

The green tree painting is in my bedroom - I created it to go in there and coordinate with our bedding, but I haven't hung it up yet. I hate to mar the walls, lol.

I find it amusing that you think the orange tree painting looks like it's from a children's book... because I styled it after the art of Mary Blair, who did a lot of children's art including concept art for Disney like the design of "It's a Small World". I want to do some more Mary Blair-esque paintings, maybe a series of three small tree, leaf, and bird paintings.

Painting nature is timeless and goes with a lot of things!

Dr. Bath
2009-05-20, 04:36 PM
I say pretty much the same thing as Sneak. I remember you, but you probably don't remember me, nonetheless you were neat.

The silhouette style of some of those trees really reminds me of Jan Pieńkowski's non-Meg and Mog work. Probably just the slightly spooky silhouettes talking though.

Thanks for sharing!

2009-05-20, 06:50 PM
Of course I remember Dr. Bath! I liked your old avatar better though...

I'm not familiar with Jan Penwhatsits but after Googling it I can see what you mean about the spooky silhouettes! I think I like going a little more whimsical rather than Halloween-ish though.