View Full Version : Elizabeth the Red Lady vs. Kirite the Samurai

2009-05-20, 04:13 PM
Elizabeth the Red Lady vs. Kirite the Samurai

Stand either side of the bridge Elizabeth of the Bloody Mist and Kirite the Samurai stare each other down. The heavy roar of the waterfall crashing a hundred feet down in a terrible din. The heavy wooden bridge stretching across held in place by two huge stone pillars either side of the river, and two pillars in the middle.

Elizabeth as she tried to understand what was happening began to hear voices, whispering, and chattering in her ears. The voices of her comrades, Zabuza, Kisame, and Raiga to name just three, and then bursting out above those voices was the voice of her husband. "Save me!" The voice cried from behind this lone samurai. "Kill him and save me!" The voices of her comrades and her husbands pleas were all she needed to obliterate this man.

Kirite experienced a similar but distinct experience himself. Staring at this lone woman wearing the sword and armour of a swordsmen he heard voices. A raspy metal voice that he would liken to the sound of a sword swinging through flesh, blood, and bone. "She is Elizabeth, Shinobi Swordsmen of the Bloody Mist. She is strong, kill her." The swords spoke in unity, a dual sound that appealed to his blood soaked mind.


Light Blue; the lower section of the river. One hundred feet lower.
Dark Blue; the upper section of the river, just before the waterfall.
Dark Grey; six massive stone pillars each ten feet thick and old.
Light Grey; rocks, pebbles, and whatever, all of it very slick. DC 5 to remain standing.
Brown; old, thick, and strong wooden bridge. Unmoving, stable, and long.
Grey/Green; an overhanging bit of rock. DC 10 balance to not fall off and stay standing.

Red: Kirite
Green: Elizabeth

2009-05-20, 04:36 PM
Elizabeth the Red Lady

The sounds of the world fell as her husband cried for help. Anger bubbled within her as she griped Blood Nail in her tight grip. Murder. Her mind said. Her anger bled into the world and the world bled back into her as her senses sharpened, and her fighting spirit, the spirit of a proud Shinobi Swordsmen, rose.

Hit Points: 84/84
Chakra Pool: 92/92
Armour Class: 25
Ongoing Effects:
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-05-20, 05:12 PM

Glazed over and bored eyes glance to and fro across the would-be battle. The dull roar of the waterfall drew his attention slightly, but here in the Wave Country it was common to see this much water in one place. The samurai was older now. He had already worked hard to track down and claim the lives of Four of the Seven, and one more might finally draw the ire of the Village Hidden in the Mist. As soon as he laid eyes on the woman across the bridge he felt her intense bloodthirst and for a second it winded him. "Heh." The slight laugh was all it took for the swordsman to re-catch his breath. "Hey! You from Kirigakure?! I need to know so I don't have to feel bad later about murdering an innocent!"

Hit Points: 111/111
Chakra Pool: 71/71
Armour Class: 28
Ongoing Effects: None
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-05-20, 05:29 PM

While waiting for a response the samurai-garbed fellow begins moving forward along the bridge. His pace is leisurely and he doesn't seem to be in any rush just yet.

Hit Points: 111/111
Chakra Pool: 71/71
Armour Class: 28
Ongoing Effects: None
Movement: 30ft to (32, 20)
Readied Action: Shundou forward to (24, 20) if Elizabeth attacks with either a technique or weapon.

2009-05-20, 05:47 PM

Griping the sheath Blood Nail resided in she drew it out in a single long motion. A gentle steam wafted for a moment for the outstretched blade. "You will be dead soon, so it will not matter." She replied, a seething murderous intent that through sheer force of will seemed to be trying to claw it's way into reality.

She mimicked his leisurely walk herself, the sharp edge of her blade facing him, looking at him.

Hit Points: 84/84
Chakra Pool: 92/92
Armour Class: 25
Ongoing Effects: None



2009-05-20, 05:56 PM

The samurai seems taken aback by the hatred directed toward him. "Tsk-tsk. I didn't do anything to you, did I? I mean; it's not like I actually deserve this kind of hate, right?" The samurai continues to advance slowly as he forms questioning gestures with his hands. Neither weapon is on or near his sword hilt, but that didn't mean his guard was down.

Hit Points: 111/111
Chakra Pool: 71/71
Armour Class: 28
Ongoing Effects: None
Movement: 30ft to (26, 20)
Readied Action: Shundou forward to (18, 20) if Elizabeth attacks with either a technique or weapon.

2009-05-20, 06:14 PM

Letting the sword slip from her grasp and stab into the wood her hands began to form seals and before the sword have come to a stop, she had finished them.

Hit Points: 84/84 (4)
Chakra Pool: 92/92
Armour Class: 25
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (0/900),
Concealing Mist!
Perform (DC17): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 4
Convert (DC13): [roll1]



2009-05-20, 06:31 PM

The samurai sighs as the mist rolls in. He saw this before. The idiot with the giant sword tried it, and it was just as effective then as it would be now. He just shrugged, then disappeared. No warning of movement, no blur of speed and no puff of smoke that accompany many shunjutsu. Nothing. He was simply there one second and gone the next. The samurai appears fifteen feet behind Elizabeth with his weapon drawn.

Hit Points: 111/111
Chakra Pool: 63/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5 (1 chakra/round)
Movement: Hiryuusen to (5, 20)
Attack: Death Attack Shiden v Elizabeth.
Attack Roll: [roll0](+2 due to charging) vs Flat-footed Defense
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2] sneak attack.
Special: If it hits, Elizabeth needs to make a DC 17 Fort Save or be paralyzed for [roll3] rounds.

Hide Check to appear to have not moved: [roll4].
Invisible during movement of Hiryuusen.

EDIT: Mistake on my part. This is the 3rd round, not 4th.

2009-05-20, 07:11 PM

The mist finally rolled in and engulfed them both but not before Elizabeth took stock of where he stood. Grasping her side she held back pants and grunts to maintain herself in this sound overloaded environment. She stepped aside to further increase the chance of him losing her in the mist pulling up Blood Nail with her, keeping a mental picture of where the edge of the bridge sat.

Within a second she made the characteristic seals of Shuriken Hidden in the Mist, and threw the unerringly accurate kunai.

Hit Points: 47/84 (6)
Chakra Pool: 92/92
Armour Class: 25
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (1/900),
Shuriken Hidden in the Mist!
Perform (DC19): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 2
Convert (DC18): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] sneak attack



2009-05-21, 04:21 AM

The samurai couldn't see through the mist, but he didn't need to. The unerringly accurate shuriken strike told him that she was still in the same general direction. The samurai fades into the mist like his opponent and begins stalking toward her with the dangerous intent of a murder.

Hit Points: 102/111
Chakra Pool: 62/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5 (1/1)
Move Action: Move ten feet forward to (8,20), hiding in the mist's shadow.
Standard: Ready an action to move into Elizabeth's square if she moves away.
Swift: Activate Battoujutsu Stance.

Hide Check: [roll0].
Move Silently Check: [roll1] with probably some penalty on listen checks due to the waterfall.

Spot/Listen to see/hear Elizabeth: [roll2]; [roll3].

2009-05-21, 04:57 AM

Releasing the heavy restraints placed on her body's sinew Elizabeth sped up enormously. A soft pat as she performed a technique and the nothing. Truth, she had performed Body Substitution and now prepared to hear the slosh of whoever it was attacking it. Another slight light smacks saw her create a clone. Her terrible fighting spirit receded. Crashing and smashing inside her bringing to mind rapids.

Hit Points: 47/84 (6)
Chakra Pool: 83/92
Armour Class: 25
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (2/900), Body Substitution (1/3), Speed Rank 3 (1/5), Clones (1/900)
Body Substitution!
Perform (DC12): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 1
Move: (14, 20)
Perform (DC11): [roll1]
Chakra Cost: 5


Dark Green; Clones/Diversion (9, 21)

2009-05-21, 05:05 AM

Kirite swings out at where he saw Elizabeth. The blade cleaves straight through the watery mess and alerts the samurai that she had replicated. He swiftly and quietly hopped away, but his position was already compromised and he knew it.

Hit Points: 102/111
Chakra Pool: 57/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5 (1/1); Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Standard: Attack Clone #1; Attack roll: [roll0]; Damage roll: [roll1]. Kawarimi Defense 3.
Move Action: Five-foot step to (7,20)
Swift: None.

Hide/MS: Hide: [roll2]; MS: [roll3]

2009-05-21, 05:25 AM

Splash. He eyes closed, a mental three dimensioned image of the battle field appeared in her mind as she began her seal work. She planned to attack with full force, and tip the power into the middle of the bridge. Hopefully, she thought, he would be caught right in the middle of a maelstrom of water.

Two dragons rose on the opposite side of the waterfall. Dragging draconic forms up from the intense water. Not a sound but that of water, one that is easily lost in the din of the falls.

Hit Points: 47/84 (6)
Chakra Pool: 70/92
Armour Class: 28
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (2/900), Speed Rank 3 (2/5), Clones (2/900)

Double-headed Water Dragon Blast!
Perform (DC30): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 13
Save DC: 28
Dragon 1; 7, 21/ 8, 20
Dragon 2; 8, 20/ 9, 19
Dragon 1; [roll1]
Dragon 2; [roll2]


Dark Green; Clones

2009-05-21, 05:33 AM

Hit Points: 102/111
Chakra Pool: 56/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5 (1/1); Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Reflex Save: [roll0]. Expend a point of chakra to use Empowered Resilience for +4 enhancement to Reflex Save. Speed Rank 5 gives a +5 speed bonus to Reflex Saves. Base +10 = +19 total. If it succeeds, he takes no damage due to Improved Evasion. If it fails, he takes half due to Improved Evasion.

2009-05-21, 05:50 AM

Something screamed in the back of the samurai's mind. A primal instinct of fear that told him to jump and jump right now. Kirite had gotten through his life by listening to that instinct and as soon as he leaps away the bridge is crushed by a torrent of water. Kirite recognizes the clone behind him as performing no hand-signs, and thus a fake. He doesn't see any clones nearby, so his first thought was to vacate the mist. He disappears again and reappears outside the mist looking in.

Hit Points: 99/111 (3 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 55/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5 (1/1); Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Swift: Hiryuusen to (20,21). Invisible while moving, hide in shadow of tower.
Move Action: Ready an action to Shundou to (20,19) if attacked.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2009-05-21, 06:05 AM

A deviant smile crossed and flicked upon the small features of the woman as she slunk back into the mist. Underestimating her was a mistake. Within the confines of the mist she created a wall of clones to distract him and block his path. She could be any of them. She set them in the same pattern, and began to imitate them herself.

Hit Points: 47/84 (6)
Chakra Pool: 64/92
Armour Class: 28
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (3/900), Speed Rank 3 (3/5), Duplication set 1 (3/900), Duplication set 2 (1/900)

Move: 10, 20

Perform (DC11): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 6


Dark Green; Clones

2009-05-21, 06:10 AM

The samurai suppresses his speed again and simply waits.

Hit Points: 99/111 (3 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 54/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5(1/0); Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Full Round Action: Suppress speed ranks.
Five-foot step: To (19,22)

Move Silently: [roll0]

2009-05-21, 06:32 PM

Elizabeth stood in the cool mist, she knew her reserves of a chakra were not infinite, she would have to find some way of trapping him and obliterating him. From within the confines of the shadows she began to perform her technique, they would appear too late for him to do anything to stop her plans.

Hit Points: 36/84 (13 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 60/92
Armour Class: 28
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (4/900), Speed Rank 3 (4/5), Duplication set 1 (4/900), Duplication set 2 (2/900)

Shadow Replication!
Perform (DC20): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 4
Stamina Cost: [roll1]


Dark Green; Clone
Yellow; Shadow Clone

2009-05-21, 06:36 PM

The samurai simply sits and waits. Time was on his side after all.

Hit Points: 99/111 (3 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 54/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Actions: Continue Hiding and Moving Silently. Ready move action to Shundou 10ft north if attacked.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2009-05-22, 07:23 PM

The two shadow replications step out of the mist and to the edge of the bridge. A distraction intended to confuse. The real Elizabeth stood within the middle and performed one of her most unrestrained techniques and bloody techniques. The clones however performed yet another of her secret techniques, just to confuse the swordsman as to which of her was the real one; Red Lady Secret Technique - Man-Slaying Water Slash.

Hit Points: 36/84 (13 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 41/92
Armour Class: 25
Ongoing Effects: Concealing Mist (5/900), Speed Rank 3 (5/5), Duplication set 1 (4/900), Duplication set 2 (3/900), Shadow Duplication (1/900)

Red Lady Secret Technique - Grudge Born from a Dog's Death!
Perform (DC21): [roll0]
Chakra Cost: 2
Save DC: 24

Red Lady Secret Technique - Man-Slaying Water Slash!
Perform (DC21): [roll1]
Chakra Cost: 7
Save DC: 22
Target: Burst targeted at 18, 22
Damage: [roll2]

Red Lady Secret Technique - Man-Slaying Water Slash!
Perform (DC21): [roll3]
Chakra Cost: 7
Save DC: 22
Target: Burst targeted at 18, 19
Damage: [roll4]

2009-05-22, 07:39 PM

Hit Points: 99/111 (3 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 51/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5(1/1); Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Reflex Save #1: Spend a point of chakra for +4; [roll0]
Reflex Save #2: Spend a point of chakra for +4; [roll1]

2009-05-22, 08:05 PM

Hit Points: 99/111 (3 stamina)
Chakra Pool: 51/71
Armour Class: 33
Ongoing Effects: Speed Rank 5(1/1); Battoujutsu(0/Until Cancelled)
Swift Action: Hiryuusen to (12,21). Hide in Elizabeth #[roll0]'s shadow.
Full Round: Mikazuki no Mai

Starting (12,22) then to (12,21), (11,22), (10,21) and finally (10,22)

Attack Roll #1: [roll1]
Damage Roll #1: [roll2]

If it hits:

Attack Roll #2: [roll3]
Damage Roll #2: [roll4]

If it hits:

Attack Roll #3: [roll5]
Damage Roll #3: [roll6]

If it hits:

Attack Roll #4: [roll7]
Damage Roll #4: [roll8]

If it hits:

Attack Roll #5: [roll9]
Damage Roll #5: [roll10]

2009-05-22, 08:14 PM

The Samurai disappears again as he moves past the first Elizabeth's he saw to get into the mist. Unfortunately his chosen location saw yet another Elizabeth in his way, so he moved on past those two and into a crowd of five. Rapidly hiding in one's shadow, he sheathed his sword. Mikazuki no Mai! His sword snakes out in a blur as he cleaves through four clones and finally catches one who bleeds. He unleashes another three cuts at the one survivor. "Got'cha this time!"


Confirm Roll: [roll0]
Extra Damage: [roll1]

Full Attack #2 vs Elizabeth: [roll2]
Damage #2 vs Elizabeth: [roll3]

Full Attack #3 vs Elizabeth: [roll4]
Damage #3 vs Elizabeth: [roll5]

Full Attack #4 vs Elizabeth: [roll6]
Damage #4 vs Elizabeth: [roll7]

2009-05-22, 08:24 PM

Elizabeth lay dead on the floor, the remaining clones, and the mist disappear. The final voices in her head were pleasant. Maybe I'll be a butterfly next. I think, I think I would like that.


Winner: Kirite the Samurai!