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View Full Version : Homebrew Shuffle Chat Thread [Contest Discussion]

2009-05-20, 09:52 PM
Let's open discussion on the first Homebrew Shuffle Contest: Against All Odds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6127412#post6127412). Knock yourselves out, guys!

2009-05-20, 10:41 PM
Err, April's a long way from now. Perhaps you meant June?

2009-05-20, 10:42 PM
Err, April's a long way from now. Perhaps you meant June?

Gah...what a mistake to make! Thanks for catching that...I don't know what I was thinking...

The Tygre
2009-05-20, 11:46 PM
This really looks like a lot of fun. I just hope it can outlast some of the other contests on this board; occasionally, someone starts a contest for something specific, and it fails. But I've got a good feeling here. This seems like it's going to be great to participate in. I've been wrong before though; I used to work with Ryu Hayabusha... (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/02/20/)

2009-05-21, 01:53 AM
Might want to throw in a link to Fax's Guide to Homebrewing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10313). It's already stickied, but it contains most of the formats, I think, and some people might not have seen it already.

On another note, I'm sad it's 3.5-only since I already a few cool 4E ideas, but I guess I can deal. I'm just pretty rusty on 3.5.

2009-05-21, 08:50 AM
Thanks for the link. That helps neaten up that first post a good amount.

And Tygre? That's why I went with such a themed contest rather than a specific mechanic contest. Often I've looked at the other contests and gotten a great idea for a feat, artifact, villian, spell, or even adventure idea that I then couldn't enter. So I just let the contest slip by. Here I'm trying to do two things: first, give anyone with a good idea a chance to get in on the action, and secondly to try to get more people (specifically those not confident with their monster/class design) inspired to do homebrew. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-21, 02:26 PM
Hey Djinn, would a set of items be an acceptable entry?

2009-05-21, 02:29 PM
Hey Djinn, would a set of items be an acceptable entry?

Yep. I'll take absolutely anything that relates to 3.5 D&D, from a single spell or item to an entire feat chain, Martial Discipline, Domain of entirely homebrewed spells, or set of items.

Basically, go wild. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-21, 10:53 PM
Well, I'm almost done with my own three-item set like the ones in MIC. I don't know how to figure out all the prices just yet, or how to figure out the caster level and aura, but I'll get to them and post the set tomorrow after I get back from working.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-21, 11:02 PM
May I nominate someone else's previous homebrew?

2009-05-21, 11:31 PM
May I nominate someone else's previous homebrew?

All entries must be a new creation, not one already posted.

"Just the place for a Snark!" the Bellman cried,
As he landed his crew with care;
Supporting each man on the top of the tide
By a finger entwined in his hair.

"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true."

2009-05-25, 12:28 AM
Hell, if no one else is gonna post anything, I might as well. :smalltongue:

HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6150492)'s my entry, an item set called the Raiment of Resolve. I don't have the fluff, Lore, and some of the minor mechanical bits done (creation, aura, etc.), but it's good enough to post, I guess.

Questions? Comments? Wild screams of protest?

2009-05-25, 05:54 AM
I've got the crunch of an entry that I'm working on: you're not the only person working on something.

When the thread sinks again, I'll put it up and fiddle with it in edits.

EDIT: Hey rtg, I saw you hadn't filled in CL and Spellcraft DCs for your items. I have on mine, but I just based them off of existing items pretty arbitrarily. Is there a formula (based on prereqs or something) that I'm missing?

2009-05-25, 12:53 PM
EDIT: Hey rtg, I saw you hadn't filled in CL and Spellcraft DCs for your items. I have on mine, but I just based them off of existing items pretty arbitrarily. Is there a formula (based on prereqs or something) that I'm missing?

I'm sure there're rules for it SOMEWHERE, but I haven't looked for them yet. Magic Item Compendium is probably the place, or maybe somewhere in the DMG/SRD.

I basically did my prices the way you did the DCs and stuff though - I figured out about what level they should be given to players, and then figured out a price based on that.

EDIT: Actually, I DO know how to do the Caster Level part. You just figure out what spells are used to make the item and what Craft feat is needed, and go from there. If you were making a wondrous item that required haste, for instance, you'd see that Craft Wondrous Items require CL 3, but that haste is a 3rd-level spell. Since the minimum caster level you need to cast haste is CL 5, that's what the item would require.

EDIT 2: The aura and DC to detect stuff are actually just in the detect magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm) spell description.

2009-05-27, 02:04 AM
And there it is. A rather content-heavy bump.