View Full Version : New debate!

2009-05-20, 10:41 PM
So, could the spliced V have taken out xykon one on with?

I don't know. V went after X but X had aid from his minions, including the trap RC set, which X would have never bothered with.

So we didn't really see V take on X one on one, so we don't know if it could have defeated X in a straight up fight.

Also, by the time V reached X it had already lost one of its spliced souls, so could V have taken on X if it had all 3 original splices? Great question, I'm sure it will start another long running debate here.

Soul splices.... You don't suppose someone could splice Miko's soul into a good fighter somehow, sometime...

BTW, how lon g does V have to stay in hell now? 20 minutes?

2009-05-20, 10:58 PM
So, could the spliced V have taken out xykon one on with?

I don't know. V went after X but X had aid from his minions, including the trap RC set, which X would have never bothered with.

So we didn't really see V take on X one on one, so we don't know if it could have defeated X in a straight up fight.

Also, by the time V reached X it had already lost one of its spliced souls, so could V have taken on X if it had all 3 original splices? Great question, I'm sure it will start another long running debate here.

Soul splices.... You don't suppose someone could splice Miko's soul into a good fighter somehow, sometime...

BTW, how lon g does V have to stay in hell now? 20 minutes?

as far as i can tell, if he had hung on to huerta, as far as i can tell, he would of wiped the floor with xykon. empowered, maximized sunburst. quickened, empowered sunburst. over in one round, even if xykon made both saves. 2 if you count the surprise round, because huerta's presence still wouldn't of helped v make his concentration check when he tried to cast time stop

2009-05-20, 10:58 PM
Like most of these "1v1" debates, it just doesn't represent the conflict very well. V lost predominantly because of the situation, which X is pretty good at twisting to his advantage. The traps, his minions, his armies, cloister, etc. Not to mention, he seems unusually talented at taking down superior spellcasters.

So i don't think a pure "magic muscle" comparison does it justice.

But in my opinion? No environment, no situation, one versus one?
V would win.

2009-05-20, 11:23 PM
Had V taken even a few minutes to think before teleporting in, V could have won. V could have considered traps and wards and how to avoid them. V could have cast a few more buffing up spells. V could have listened to the subcontractors and planned offensive spells out ahead of time, as we know at least one of them could have said "hmmm... a lich, eh? don't use chain lightning then..." Some negative enery protection or death warding would have worked wonders. Hell, V could have even burned a Wish or two for some sort of superior buffing, as long as it didn't emulate a divine spell. V could have gated in an army of powerful outsiders and then epic teleported an entire invasion force instead of going solo. Just having two astral devas (or the equivalent evil outsiders) from a pair of non-epic Monster Summoning IX spells on the way in would have completely changed the outcome, as they could have kept RC and Pigtail Chick from getting into the fight (and could probably have killed them while they were at it).

But no. V lost because V was stupid and rash.

As such, it is possible V even immediately after the splice, with Haerta and all spell slots still fresh, would have lost - not because Xykon is more powerful but because Xykon was prepared to fight and win but V was not.

2009-05-20, 11:31 PM
BTW, how lon g does V have to stay in hell now? 20 minutes?

This could be up for debate, but from what I remember of the Fiends wording was that V's time was the time for each soul, not the souls as a collective entity. Which, if you put Haerta's exit time at about 10 min (IMO it's hard to say exactly when she got out), it puts V closer to about 50 minutes, rather than 20.

Also, I thought the terms weren't that V would be in hell, just that they would use V as a source of power for an equivalent time (as a soul-splice or a sort of dominated person, perhaps?)... Maybe I should re-read that one..