View Full Version : Peeking out from under my rock

2009-05-21, 09:42 PM
While I generally fear all conversation, along with the entirety of human beings, this board is the only location where I feel some form of connection to my own species. Therefore, in what has become as of late a rare event, I am cautiously making my presence known by saying "hi". Hi to whom, you ask? Well, I wish to greet the individuals who have supplied me with a semi-valid replacement for human interaction, thus making me feel like a person most of the time. That probably doesn't sound like much, but it certainly beats the alternative.

As frightening as it is to me to address anyone, I try to make the attempt every so often, usually out of desperation. This isn't really one of those times, but I guess maybe it's a little easier to talk to people I feel like I know pretty well.

If my manner of communication seems at all strange, you can picture it without error as the product of a guy who reads the dictionary for fun, but ever so rarely makes use of words in actual discussion. I guess just ask for clarification if I'm not making sense.

Again, to summarize: hi, thank you, bye. Hopefully that will fulfill my nascent desire for human contact.

2009-05-21, 09:44 PM
Hi. I'd like to direct you here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49101). Don't worry about talking to people.

2009-05-21, 09:49 PM
I'm not actually new; I've posted before, but it was some time ago, and things have gotten more difficult for me in the interim. These days it just takes an effort of will to do the things I used to do all the time.

2009-05-21, 09:50 PM
Hi. I'd like to direct you here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49101). Don't worry about talking to people.

JeffreyToTheMax: Why are things difficult?

Mr. Mud
2009-05-21, 10:20 PM
Don't worry about it JttM, GitP is like one big dysfunctional and estranged family. You're part of it :smallwink:.

And I like your avatar... Little pixel-y around some of the borders but it looks pretty cool :smallamused:.

2009-05-21, 10:27 PM
JeffreyToTheMax: Why are things difficult?

I don't think there's any real reason behind it. I've just always been bad at talking to people, and lately this has developed into a visceral fear of it. I'm usually okay; it's rarely extremely upsetting. It just means I occasionally really want to talk to someone, but I don't know anyone.

I like your avatar... Little pixel-y around some of the borders but it looks pretty cool :smallamused:.

My avatar was finely crafted by a user by the name of ChubsMcGee, who doesn't seem to have been here in a couple years. The pixellation you reference is no doubt the result of my own modifications.

Mr. Mud
2009-05-21, 10:32 PM
I don't think there's any real reason behind it. I've just always been bad at talking to people, and lately this has developed into a visceral fear of it. I'm usually okay; it's rarely extremely upsetting. It just means I occasionally really want to talk to someone, but I don't know anyone.

We don't really know each other (yet), bud, but If you ever need to vent/babble to someone, I will always lend and ear. My AIM is in my Profile, and if PM me I'll give you my MSN :smallbiggrin:.

My avatar was finely crafted by a user by the name of ChubsMcGee, who doesn't seem to have been here in a couple years. The pixellation you reference is no doubt the result of my own modifications.

Meh, I mean it's not a bad thing I'm just saying. If you'd like I could probably smooth it out a tad :smallbiggrin:.

2009-05-21, 10:32 PM
I don't think there's any real reason behind it. I've just always been bad at talking to people, and lately this has developed into a visceral fear of it. I'm usually okay; it's rarely extremely upsetting. It just means I occasionally really want to talk to someone, but I don't know anyone.

I know the feeling. I kindof wish it were possible to walk up to a random person on the street and say "Hi! Got time for a coffee? My interests are X, Y, Z. Share any of these?"