View Full Version : Necromancer Story (take over the world!)[IC]]

2009-05-23, 11:59 AM
Hurried footsteps in the dark. Not heavy ones, but scary nontheless - light boots are accompanied by scraching nails and footbones. The darkness in the corridor is barely banished by a few torches who never die out...

die out? that's a strange definition here.

The Necromantic circle "True Light" is concerned with academic spreading and prejudice removal of the dark arts of necromancy. It's leader, the might Lord Necromancer Charon of Acheron, teaches that necromancy is a form of self-improvement and control. Dealing with it's extreme power over life and death is the greatest way to test your true strenght. At least that's what he used to say.

Astrarok the Black and Claude Frost were reviewing some issues of 15º dimension negative energy natural flow after the dispeling of a consacreted area before the presence of altars, when their master-tutor, Crovax, bashed the library door and screamed of an invasion. The Circle has been exposed, and some sort of moralist crusaders were tring to get in and behead everyone inside, alive or not.

There was barely time to grab some essential suplies and magical gear before runing to the emergency exit, several feet away. Atrarock and Claude could see the shapes of their aprendieces in the front of the exit, waiting anxiously for their tutors.

Taking a deep breath and runing, you master Crovax is about to say his final words to you [talking very quickly, breathing heavily, eyes wide open]"We will secure our knowledge from the templars and leave as quickly as possible! Run away and do not turn back! We'll find a way to contact you!"

your aprendices Aervsaric (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127529) and Adarwi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127715) are holding continual flame torches, signaling to you. Ahalld (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127745) screams to you to hurry up while Amanclor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127710) finishes closing his backpack.

... You can hear the fait sound of a large battle, somewhere near to the dungeon's entrance, very far away. Screams and moans make company to blades and blows of friends and foes...

Jesse Drake
2009-05-23, 02:14 PM
Clause, with his short grey hair and his sunken green eyes, stumbles towards the apprentices. No, please my goddess, no. Not again. After so many years of necromancey, you'd think he'd be better when it comes to handling death, but its never easy when its your friends or loved ones falling. Clause runs as fast as he can towards Aervsaric and Amanclor, and Adrianna (his beloved skeleton) follows close behind. His other body-guard slowly paces with them, though its somewhat slower. Adrianna, however, move in sync with Clause.

[Eyes looking somewhat sickly, though nothing unusual, yet with a great deal of pain and conflict in them, scared, speaking in a somewhat weary voicer]"Is everyone okay? I can help you guys out, but we gotta be quick. This is serious." Clause slides his hand over Aervsaric's arm.

2009-05-24, 01:24 AM

Unlike Clause, the kobold had seen enough death to know better than become attached to those around him. While he still valued Clause and the apprentices for their contributions to the end goal, he would shed no tears over their death--Even if he had tears left to shed. His voice is cold and methodical. "Adarwi. Ahalld. Move quickly, leave nothing you cannot carry. Sharkbait?" He turned and gestured toward the ghoul whom he controlled. No one quite remembered where the Sharkbait moniker came from, but it stuck.

"Sharkbait, protect the apprentices first. But remember that if anyone falls behind then they're left behind." The kobold reached for the scroll case and hip bag he kept packed in the event of discovery. He was ready to leave in mere seconds. The kobold pulled up the hook of his cloak to protect his eyes, then waited for Clause to lead the way.

Quick Disguise Check: [roll0].

2009-05-24, 01:57 PM
The group quickly unites, all packed and ready. The sound of the battle keeps to rage on.

Tutor Master Crovax: [aggitated, but with a faint trace of relif in his face] "well, cary on then. I'll join the other masters and leave as soon as possible. do not turn back..." Crovax takes two scrolls from his belt and extends to astrarock and clause [smiling] "those are your graduation gifts. I guess I'll have to advace that. Our great masters made them, so they're quite powerfull"

Clause recives a scroll of fell animate fireball, caster lv 14.
Astrarock recives a scroll of fell weaken slay living, caster lv 14.

"be carefull. some of the atackers bypassed our defenses", it's all else that he says, turning his back and runing quickly to the dungeon entrance, followed by a respectable pack of bodyguards.

Your aprendices are all ready. Aelvsaric abruptly moves her shoulder as Clause try to touch her "we're FINE!" she says. she dosen't look in the mood for playing games.

The gourp enters the cave system - a natural maze complex, filled with some water, chasms and difficult paths. You are aware of some traps, and the way to bypass them...

If memory serves right.
.................................................. ...........................................

make 3 wisdom checks. They will represent the path you taking inside the maze, leading to either a smooth jorney or an endless nightmare. you may need more of those later.

Your aprendices act by themselves, but will obey any direct orders (free action), like casting a specific spell on a specific target.

Clause bodyguards are mindless. They need simple orders, and will keep doing their job until destroyed or reallocated. commanding them to a specific task is a standard action (right?) like standing in a specific location or atacking a specific foe. Astrarock's ghoul is pretty smart (for a corpse) and got the picture of his orders.

I'll get a grid soon. what's the formation you'll be taking?

Jesse Drake
2009-05-24, 02:19 PM

Clause stands in front, about five feet ahead of him and five feet to the right, Adrianna stands tough, carrying her halberd like her existance depended on it, and in many ways, it did. Clause looks at Aervsaric, but doesn't say anything. If something were to happen to his pupils, he feared the last piece of him truely alive, his heart, would die too. He thinks for a minute, then says to Astrarok [Stern, with a false sense of courage] "Come on guys, we'll be in trouble if we split up, so stay as one. If someone falls behind... Well, let's hope no one does, we'll need as much energy as possible." [roll0][roll1][roll2] Those are the three wisdom checks.
OOC: While minions are typically mindless, since Adrianna is my familiar, I'll be issuing her commands mentally. Still a standard action, but I feel it gives more of a role playing trait.

2009-05-24, 04:19 PM

Given that he was a bit hardier than his apprentices, Astrarok holds up the rear in the event that anything breaks through the defensive line and attacks them from behind. As the group travels into the cave, he stops every minute to draw an arrow in the rock pointing in the direction they're going using his Charnel Touch and his index finger. His draconic nature allows him to see three times as far in the torch light as any of the humans and as far as the elf. While his kobold nature allows him to peer into the darkness like their dwarven companion. He says nothing to either his apprentice or Clause. If any of them died, what would wasted words do but soil the dead's memory?

Looking ahead with low-light vision and looking behind with Darkvision. Like I said above, every 10 rounds I'll stop and mark an arrow pointing the way we're going using Charnel Touch.

Wisdom Checks:
#1- [roll0]
#2- [roll1]
#3- [roll2]

2009-05-24, 05:30 PM
The first part of the maze goes without any problem. no sing of crusaders or of other necromancers.

It's a hell of wet however, and slope. once or twice some of your aprendices almost fall, finding their feet more firmly on the ground just before the crash. Clause simple skeleton bodyguard falls all over, but, really, he's only dirty.

at some point you enter on a long chamber of the cave, more like a long corridor. you have a 25 feet walkable, slipery path just close to the wall. a slope goes pushing to your right, about 10 feet tall. to the right is a still body of water. you have no idea how deep it is.

yeah, I know it look like a 4-year old drawing. I'l get some other sorce and spice it up.

those with low light vision can see something to the end of the corridor... just after a curve to the left is some sorce of light, very dim, but somewhat BIG. dosen't look like a torch, at least not a usual one. beside that, there's no noise or anything, but you could try to focus and try to listen.

Wet floor: (not sure this is acording to the official rules, but boop it) you can take a doble move normally, but runing and charging will require a DC 10 balance check. if you fail, you can only move half your speed and end the turn. if you fail by 5 or more, you're tripped. a bull rush towards the water has a + 8 bonus.

you're about 90 feet from that corner where the lights came from.

can can use a standard action for a listen check.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-24, 05:49 PM
Clause steps forward each step barely seeing the ground in front of him. He's not scared, just worried. He's really stressed, and it's pretty evident. He is not gonna have any unneccesary deaths, though he knows it may inevitable. Either way, he's very vigilant, to the best of is abilities.
[roll0] Listen Check

2009-05-24, 06:21 PM

Astrarok takes a moment to cast the Spectral Hand spell, conjuring forth an incorporeal hand from. He wills the hand to move over the lake and wait at the bend while he moves beside Clause slowly. "Apprentices. Sharkbait. Make sure you do not fall into the water, for I do not know if we can fish you out."

I lose [roll0] HP due to casting Spectral Hand. My Spectral Hand has that much HP and is Incorporeal.

2009-05-24, 06:39 PM
Clause can barely listen something... as if something rubing the ground over there, like...like a... well, the sound stops. you could't figure out what it is, but something made a sound. you still cannot see the light. Alevsaric points to you, and whispers "there's was some lights over there"

At the same time, astrarok realizes that the big dim light vanishes slowly... yet there still is light, this time more yelowish and unsteady, much more like a toch. you heard nothing. make a spot check (I'm rolling for the aprendices)

Jesse Drake
2009-05-24, 06:42 PM
Clause mutters something, but no one can tell what. He's obviously not comfortable with being seperated from the circle like this. Then he fears that his group may not be the stealthiest.

[roll0] spot check

2009-05-24, 07:12 PM

"Come, Sharkbait." Both Astrarok and Sharkbait move a little bit slower than the rest of the group until they're outside the immediate area of the torches being carried by both sorcerers in the party. They then attempt to blend into the shades while looking out for anything happening.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

Hide: [roll3]
Move Silently: [roll4]
Spot: [roll5]

2009-05-24, 08:38 PM
You're pretty positive there is nothing over there, just the flame-like lights from behind the corner of the corridor are still there. no more sounds, no more cues...

you can attemp, too, to flee. turn back and try to figure another way around. It will take some time and might put you into truble, but is an option as well

OCC: things look quiet now (too quiet?). you moved just a little (20 ft), with astrarok and sharkbait in the back row (right? I'd hate to state something you have not done) so there still is about 70 feet before the big curve in the corridor. that is 3 rounds moving and casting or just two rounds moving. you can check up the aprendice's spell lists and order for a specific spell if you want.

2009-05-24, 08:54 PM

Astrarok points toward the bend. "Can someone cast a dancing lights spell at the end of that bend, shaped like a green circle?"

Jesse Drake
2009-05-24, 11:22 PM
Clause looks at Aelvsaric, then nods at her to follow Astrarok's orders. "You know Astrarok, this is far different than anything we've encountered in practice... I guess what I want to know, is what's it like to die? I don't mean to pry on your personal life, but we deal with death all the time, and I was wondering if you could give me a personal explanation." Clause looks at his partner with great interest.

2009-05-24, 11:33 PM
The elven sorcerres Aevsaric casts the required spell without second thought. the green circles forms and illuminates a good area. the reflexes in the watre would be quite beautifull, if not the danger of the situation.

nontheless, the spell had results

"damm it!" some hardy voice says, not trying to be subtle - "I told you! GET READY!". Now you can hear cangling of heavy armor, some footsteps, and the drawing of blades. The large faint light is back, and seems to be moving, althou it's no longer as outstaing as it was before, due to the ghost lights ilumination.

you can also hear the clashing of some glass. not as if a large window had broken, but as if sereval glasses were trown in the wet ground

The aprendices prepare themselves to conflict


yellow circles are bright light. all else is under shadowy iluminaiton, granting 20% miss chance (concealment)
Amanclor casts guidance
Adarwi casts false life [roll0]
Ahalld prepares his wand of lesser orb of cold (to shoot anyone who appears)
you can still cast a single spell right at this moment too, before initiative. you can move too if you want to. is everyone in the right postion?

you can roll initiative now. I'll use the mean intiative from all of you, against the mean initiative of all foes. then, you will act in "blocks" of teams (no need to wait for each other to post)

Jesse Drake
2009-05-24, 11:48 PM
Clause raises one hand up in front of his face, then mutters a few words, and his hand glows an eery blue. He casts Chill Touch, and readies himself for a a tough match. He isn't too sure if he can handle it all.

2009-05-25, 12:04 AM

The kobold looked up to his taller companion. "There is pain, then nothing. I know not what god you venerate, but upon my death the Five Fold Goddess took my soul as her own and placed me among those many chromatics whom guard her hoard. The only thing that should concern you about death for now is to avoid it." He nods, then looks toward the apprentices. "You four should stay here. Provide support from the rear. Everyone position yourselves behind Aelvsaric." He turns toward the sorceress. "Spread the lights out to illuminate the entire walkway between that bend and ourselves. Sharkbait. Forward!."

Actions: Spent talking.

Earlier I cast and then guided a Spectral Hand up to the bend earlier and the hand remains active for 6 minutes so I was wondering if it's still there. If so, where is it on the map?

2009-05-25, 12:48 AM
before you can really do anything, a thin human in light chain shirt zaps out of the bend and trows a spear, aiming at sharkbite's very heart (should there aver be one left), without standing still for a second. he's caring a toch.

atack [roll0] damage [roll1]

after him, a pack of lightly armored warriros come into play. shouting and screaming and wielding greatsorwds, they aproch with stunning speed and in mater of seconds are almost in your face.


finally, clangin heavily, a warrior in full plate tries to make his way. That strange light emanation... comes form him! not a torch or magical amulet of light, but his very self seems to bolster energy and light. "Repent, sinner!". there are some sort of white scales over him, just outside the skin.


your turn

Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 01:17 AM
[Eyes wide open, bloodshot, and mouth stiffly shut]Clause lurches forward 5ft, and summons a large undead skeleton. (Summon Undead 2) He positions it 35ft ahead, right behind the green soldier on the same row as Clause, and diagonal to the one another one.

2009-05-25, 02:07 AM

The kobold frowned. He recognized heavy armor and the choice of a bludgeoning weapon. Added to it the magical equipment and Astrarok was left believing the man a cleric. "Sharkbait. Kill them all. Keep the loud mouthed one at least intact enough to animate later."

The kobold then casts a spell causing his hand to become black as night. It transforms to the glowing blue hand far away, which then moves over to try and slap the heavily armored man.

OOC: Cast Vampiric Touch. Apply spell via Spectral Hand. I'll use the channel version of my Charnel Touch ability to attack and discharge Vampiric Touch.
Melee Touch Attack: [roll0]; +2 due to Spectral Hand.
Damage(If it hits): [roll1]; [roll2](I gain half as temporary HP)

I'll then move 5 squares to the right(just in front of Clause) and 1 square up.

2009-05-25, 08:41 AM
the ownbear skeleton takes shape from nothing, bloking the path for the warriors. (good spot you found)

the ghostly hand pierces the heavy armor easily, dealing damage and sapping life force.

Adarwi cast dessecation bubble - a shere of dry air sucking moisture from living flesh. It's also pretty scary... He aims for the swordsman to the north damage [roll0]
reflex save for half damage vs DC 17 [roll1].
foe is shaken (-2 on d20)

Aelvsaric uses a wand of shield and gets to the side of clause (she is a battle sorcerer, not a regular sorcerer)

Ahalld gets behind Aelvsaric, and readies his wand again.

Amanclor get to the ghoul, and casts stone bones on him. +3 natural armor for 40 minutes.

ooc: waiting for skeletal/ghoulish actions. sorry for the lack of dramacity and description on each action, but time is of the essence.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 10:56 AM
([roll0]Ignore this roll)
Adrianna and his other skeleton are commanded to go forward and flank the guy Clause just hit on the top and bottom. Then he commands them to attack, Adrianna swings her magical halberd (13 for 16 damage) and the small one swings his scimitar (Crit, confirm with a 15 for 4 damage, 8 crit)Then he commands the owlbear skeleton to claw at the one right above him. [roll1] for [roll2] damage.

2009-05-25, 01:45 PM
Sharkbait will charge five squares forward and attack the green light armor guy just to the northeast of him.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + Fort Save for disease.

2009-05-25, 06:50 PM
"Ignore the undead! kill the heatens!" the thundering voice from the armored man demmands. on his command, the berserkes turn their backs to your bodyguards...

the one from the left tries to past by Nameless. Nameless scores another critical hit on the AOO, dealing 16 damage. He's still alive and aiming for Aevsaric, who was up and ready for him (as well as Ahalld, who tries to hit him with an lesser orb of cold, but hits the wall). as he aproches, screaming wildly, he is hit by the elf's sword, totaling 27 damage on him so far. he's on a pretty bad shape, but still on the fight, at least for a while - he atacks the Aelvsaric: [roll0] damage [roll1]

the one that was hit by the owlbear... is hit by the owlbear. 9 points of damage from the AOO (he dosen't seem to appreciate that kind of damage). he goes right to the left of claude and strikes with fury - [roll2] for damage [roll3]

the one that was hit by both nameless and sharkbite tries to pass throught Adrianna. although sharkbite misses him, adriana does not. she hits for 15 damage, totaling 25. the swordsman was about to take a deep breath and start to rage, but he did not had the time to do so.. he's at -1 hp.

the only intact warrior turn around the bodyguards and stays at the back of his friends, wepon high in the head and looking everywhere at once, howling.

the spearman rushes with bravery, sprinting throught the green lights that fills the whole area. He is at the flank of the group, but could not atack anyone.

the heavily armored man slowly goes forward, reading up a scroll "you SHALL fell the righteous fury!". the scroll is turned to ash. the white light that comes from him seems to afect the owlbear... he takes [roll4] damage


your turn ;-) check OCC, I've edited the last post

2009-05-25, 07:14 PM

Astrarok moves forward past the injured warrior and uninjured one in order to put them within his aura of fear. Regardless of whether they fail their saves or not Astrarok continues to move toward where Sharkbait is. Once he gets close enough, he yells at Sharkbait. "Attack the spear-thrower! Hurry!" Once Astrarok gets to Sharkbait's space, he casts Death Knell on the dying soldier.

OOC: Sharkbait moves east 5 squares and north 1 square. He attacks the cleric. [roll0]; [roll1]

Astrarok moves east 2 squares, southeast 1 square, then east 3 squares to Sharkbait's old square. He takes an AoO from two Green Squares and forces them to make DC 18 Will Saves or be Shaken because they pass into his Fear Aura. He'll cast Death Knell on the -1 soldier in front of Adrianne. It requires a DC 17 Will Save or die instantly. If it fails, I get [roll2] Temporary hit points, +2 Strength and a +1 to my caster level.

2009-05-25, 07:25 PM

The halfling moves forward then casts Daze on one of the soldiers.


Adarwi uses his wand of Magic Missile on one of the soldiers.


Ahallid targets the uninjured soldier, forcing a DC 13 Will Save or dazed for a round.

Adarwi targets the -18 HP soldier. [roll0] damage.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 08:11 PM
Clause commands the owlbear to go over 10 ft and position himself under the heavy armored foe, then take the shot. [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Then he commands the Nameless Skeleton to follow suit on the other end, gaining the flank, attacking [roll2] for [roll3]. Clause smiles a wicked smile. Then he commands Adrianna to go up ten feet and towards the light armored guy diagonal of Clause 15 feet. Then he commands her to strike. [roll4] for [roll]1d10+8[roll] damage. Then he takes the strike himself, getting the one he's flanking. He does a chill touch [roll5] melee touch attack for [roll6] for 1 point of strength damage DC 15 fortitude save will negate the strength damage.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 08:18 PM
Clause commands Aelvsaric to continue as planned. "Amanclor" he begins, "Can you give me some of Nectari's protection?" (Shield of Faith)
[roll0] Adrianna's halberd damage.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 09:05 PM
Aelvsaric glares wickedly as she prepares her spell, shocking grasp, a spell Clause was all too familiar with. Touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Clause's hairs stand on edge just seeing her cast that spell.

Oh freaking sweet a critical hit. Well, by complete arcane rules, that's double damage on a confirmation...

Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 09:15 PM
SO, here it is [roll0]

Clause gives a grim chuckle. "So, all that practice and you've gotten damn good Aelvsaric."

2009-05-25, 10:16 PM
Astrarok plan both work and did not work.

both warriors became palid and in awe as the kobold passed by them (failed save, -2 on all d20)... yet, no enought fear to paralize them. The uninjuried one was just waiting for someone to get close, and strikes for 11 points of damage. injuried #-18 takes the AoO and hits, for 14 points of damage. Then Uninjuried gains his AoO and hits again, dealing 12 points of damage. luckly the kobold is not as alive as the others, and negates part of the damage, totaling 31 damage instead of 37 damage. Astrarok touches the dyeing man (they are all humans, by the way) and he immediately stops breathing and beating... he's dead.

#-18 takes the magic missile right in the head, leaving him almost dead. he's now #-25. Adarwi still moves his dessecatin bubble to the very wounded barbarian #-27... the sphere starts draining a lot of blood, and the wariror falls to the ground at -4

sharkbite get to Heavy, but barely punches the armor.

Uninjuried keeps steady until...Ahalld's magic and astrarok's fear combined to leave him actionless. he almost makes it, but is dazed.

owlbear pierces the human defences like a huge claw agains fullplate. Heavy is hit and took 4 damage

Adriane's habread makes quick work of #-25 (old #-18). she chops exactly where he had a large wound, in the side of his torso, and almost cleaves him. she surely cut throught the spine, but the wepon didin't reach the other side. anyway, he's dead.

Claude's touch atack's hits the afraid and dazed uninjiried, and now he's also wekened. not to much use, however, since Aelvsaric's aproch was quite deadly - her hand goes firmly in the HEART and cleaves the flesh like butter. lighting can be seen on the other side of the back, as the barbarian is pushed back by the immense assault. [euphoric, giving a strange smile to Claude]"humpf. may it be a lesson!".

Amanclor says "can't do tutor! got to reach Astrarok!" (he passes throught them just as the barbarian exploded). He prepares to cast a negative energy spell... he knew astrarok well enought to use a inflict wounds spell to heal him "astrarok, here!". He prepares the spell but delays. He will cast inflict moderate wounds on Astrarok as soon as the kobold comes to his reach
.................................................. .........
start of turn 3

The spear runner goes to the back of the group, and shoots Adarwi with a spear. it's amazing how fast and continuous his movements are. attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Heavy... the light from his body keep to harm undead creatures. Nameless, Owlbear and sharkbite takes [roll2], [roll3], [roll4] respectivily. the armored man takes a deep breath and SHOUTS "SACRED VENGENCE!!" his wepon turns really bright and swings towards the owlbear atack:[roll5], damage [roll6] + [roll7]

And again - "SMITE EVIL!" [roll8], damage [roll9] + [roll10]

the owlbear skeleton flies away in contact whit the energized wepon of the Paladin. Even the largerst bones shattered, and now decorete the botton of the lake.


Jesse Drake
2009-05-25, 10:36 PM
[Pure exhileration] "You know, I'm kinda sad I didn't get such a powerful shot. Oh well, there's always tommorow." He winks at Aelvsaric, then noticed his owlbear skeleton fly apart. "Blast, another time then." Clause fires repetitive missles at the armored guys chest. [roll0] to the heavy armored foe, and then he lurks back thirty feet, getting closer to the spear-guy. Then he commands Nameless to strike [roll1] for [roll2] damage, and then commands him to take a five foot sidestep behind the foe, diagonal to Sharkbait. Then, he has Adrianna charge forward. Attack [roll3] for [roll4] damage.

2009-05-25, 11:00 PM
Astrarok (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=25683)

The kobold waves off the offered healing. Though his injuries were mild, he would survive them. "If someone falls behind, they are left behind child. Remember this, and remember it well for you may need what you have to save your own skin one day."

Astrarok then waits to see how the battle will unfold before acting. "Adarwi, use your wand on the armored man. It's magic will ignore his metal. Ahallid, use your own wand against him. We do not want to risk wasting any more of our own spells tonight."

Sharkbait will take a five-foot stop northwest to benefit from flanking with Nameless

OOC: Sharkbait's Attack Roll: [roll0](-2 if he doesn't get flanking); [roll1] damage.

Astrarok will attack the Paladin through Spectral Hand and cast Inflict Light Wounds while channeling his Charnel Touch if he survives the attacks from the zombies. If not, then he'll use his Charnel Touch on himself to regain 2 HP.

If Paladin Survives Sharkbait/Nameless:
Touch Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3](1d8+5 from Inflict, 1d8+1 from Charnel, all Negative Energy).

2009-05-25, 11:52 PM
Sharkbait and Namelss misses badly. their atacks seem very inefective agains so much stell

the incorporeat touch thouches the paladin... will save for hald damage vs inflict spell: [roll0] (I will consider 9 points of damage from inflict and 7 points of damage from charnel, who has no save).

The magic missles strike him as gently as a boulder... Adarwi hits for [roll1]. also, the spear has hit adarwi, for 9 points of damage

Ahalld cannot reach the paladin yet - lesser ice orb has only shot range. he get to position on this tur.

Amanclor, knowing that he need not to help the undead, goes to the front of Ahalld to protect him from an eventual charge atack. readies attack action.

Aelvsaric does the same. if the paladin is to atack the necromancer's, then he will have to deal with all at once. readies shoking grasp if heaproches.
round 4

the runner keeps on his track, but this time he get really close to adarwi. he shots a spear right in front of him. atack on Adarwi: [roll2] for damage: [roll3]

The paladin keeps determined to kill everything in the room, confident, besides the wounds inflicted so far. "BEGONE, SPAWN OF DARKNESS! SACRED VENGANCE!"
1º atack on sharkbait: [roll4], damage [roll5] + [roll6]
2º atack on nameless: [roll7], damage [roll8] + [roll9]

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sht2rF6mtjI/AAAAAAAADSo/fPxGIBTqri4/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202652009%20015636.j pg

sharkbait is struk so had, so in the middle of the chest, it looks like he teleported to the lake, with a hole in the body. he's sleeping with the fishies

nameless is struck on the head, and the hammer goes down to the spine, breaking almost all the bones, and scaterring dust up to the roof.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-26, 12:00 AM
Clause doesn't blink as his second skeleton turns to dust at the hands of the paladin. He does concern himself with the bones of his precious. He motions her to go and attack the spear guy, moving as close to him as she can. Then Clause decides to go and help the apprentices. He joins as close to the bottom of their defense as possible, and aims his finger to shoot another magic missle. [roll0]

2009-05-26, 12:06 AM

When Sharkbait is hit he's immediately disintegrated. Astrarok frowns. "Now who will keep the sharks off me..? No matter. Adarwi, Ahallid. Ahallid, hit him with your color spray spell. If you cannot, then try your wand or Daze him. Adarwi, move your bubble to affect him with it or simply hit him with your wand if you will hit someone else with your bubble."

Astrarok then summons forth a large undead creature in front of himself.

OOC: Astrarok will five foot step to the left and be in front of Amanclor. He then casts Summon Undead III and chooses an Ogre Zombie. He'll place it directly in front of himself.

2009-05-26, 12:47 AM
as adriane turned back, she takes an AoO from the paladin "SCUM!" atack: [roll0] damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

adarwi is hit again, for 9 hp. Bubble is on the paladin, forcing a reflex save: [roll3] vs DC 17, damage [roll4]. he also shhots the MM for [roll5]

Alhhad aproches and send forth a collorful atack. will save [roll6], vs DC 15

Aelvsaric takes a sidestep and shoots a ray of enfeblement at the paladin. [roll7]

Amanclor (out of desperation or clever tatics) casts guidence on Astrarok

the foul-smeling ogre zombie can atack right now: atack [roll8] for [roll9] damage with the greatclub

2009-05-26, 12:56 AM
Paladin is stunned. +2 on atacks on him.
Aelvsaric misses ray of enfeblemnt
round 5

"SACRAD VENG-" the paladin mouth is shut by Ahalld's magic, forcing him to reconsider his actions for a moment.

he took 51 points of damage and donsen't look hapy

the runner, knowing not what kind of fate awaits him in the dark corridors ahead, rushed backward, fleeing the secne of combat. He's over 160 feet from claude before he can even react.

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/ShuFWNxR_hI/AAAAAAAADT4/_nukgyzMzlg/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202652009%20025924.j pg

2009-05-26, 01:04 AM

The kobold orders his ogre to attack again, then uses Charnel Touch on himself. "If you have any to spare, Adarwi looks injured and could use some healing."

The kobold then directs the ogre to smash the paladin.

OOC: [roll0] dealing [roll1] damage.

Also: The Stunned (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm) condition makes him drop everything he's holding so he'd have to pick up his mace again to attack(getting an AoO from the ogre in the process)

Jesse Drake
2009-05-26, 09:31 AM
Clause steps forward and commands Adrianna to stand next to Adarwi, then said "Amanclor, those two each need some fixin, start with Adwari." Then he fixed his gaze at the man then holds his action, a touch spell, for if he gets closer, and Clause creeps forward thirty feet.

2009-05-26, 09:51 PM
The zombie's club just didin't get the force it need to smash the flesh behind the armor. he misses.

[shouting]"I'm FINE!" Adarwi says, removing the spears from his body as he walks closer. "Dwarfs are stout... (he uses his wand, dealing more 2d4+2 points of damage) ... and handy. Let's take him out!". his dissecation bubble vanishes in the air.

Ahalld rushes to the paladin, poiting his wand at his knees [smiles]"Screw it! I can't miss that!"... he... goes right in front of him.... and drops his wand right next to the warmahher, and then picks the paladin heavy wepon (wich he can barely hold in his hand) [laughting]"HHHAAAHAHAHHA! try smiting zombies with that wand now, "firefly"! hahaha!"

Aelvsaric, too, gets closer to the paladin, surrounding him, and strikes with her sword [roll0], for [roll1] damage "now! go, go, GO!"

Amanclor [sigh, mutters. listen check DC10 to listen] "hell, why don't let the zombie do the work, nooooo, Ahalld has to be a hero..." he positions himself behind the paladin, flanking with the zombie and cutting all hope of scape.

2009-05-26, 10:00 PM
Astrarok (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=25683)

Astrarok gives the dwarf a stern look. "Unlike myself, your life is still quite far from being over. You should show more regard for it." As if to punctuate his point, the kobold places his hand atop his heart and gives himself a jolt of negative energy.

The ogre does as it had the round before, and attempt to smash the paladin.

OOC: Ogre attack! [roll0]+2 if he can gaining flanking; Damage! [roll1].

Astrarok heals himself for 2.

2009-05-26, 10:08 PM
round 6

The paladin takes the magic force of the wizard and the sowrd of the sorcerrer... he keeps bleeding. "you shall nev-"[looks at the wand in the ground and the mace with the halfling, who still laughts maniacly] he then draws a small curved blade from the side of his arm, generating a good chance to hit him)

Ahalld's:[roll0], [roll1] + [roll2]
Aevsaric's:[roll3], [roll4]
Amanclor's:[roll5] (uses guidance), [roll6]
Zombie's:[roll7], [roll8]

(occ: let's see those atacks result's before the paladin acts)

2009-05-26, 10:17 PM
blades, blades and iron balls... he ogre almost hit his 2º atack...
the paladin now is heavily covered in blood, stading before 80 points of damage

he looks with futy at Ahalld, sending his very last atack. at leas, the alst atack while alive... [shouting, droping a tear, even more grave and heavy voice]"SWIFT BLESS WEPON!!!SMITE EVIL!!!! "

atack(confirms any threat, using kukri): [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/ShyyWKGz2AI/AAAAAAAADUs/Q9hQInudqkI/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202752009%20002342.j pg

he misses... the look on his face is of utter failure. worth the day for all of you

2009-05-27, 12:45 AM
The aprendices unleash their wrath like a pack of wolves hunting an old, doomed bison

Adarwi shots MM: [roll0]
Aelvsaric atacks with the sword:[roll1], for [roll2]
Ahalld backstabs: [roll3], for [roll4] + [roll5]
Amanclor ties to smash him: [roll6], for [roll7]

Amanclor's blow brings the holy man to the limit. he can barely stand and is almost to his knees, but stills hold his dagger and raises his shield, ready to stab anyone who allow him to do so. he took 96 points of damage

2009-05-27, 01:04 AM

The kobold hits himself with Charnel Touch again, then orders the Ogre to smash him good.

OOC: Ogre attacks: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

Astrarok heals another 2 HP.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-27, 10:14 AM
Clause stands stiff lipped and somewhat amazed. "I can't believe we made it. Heh, guess I won't be seeing Nectari anytime soon. Amanclor, see who's injured. I too shall heal the wounded. Adrianna..." Pure black energy fills Clause's hands. He's channeling pure negative energy, and then lays his hand on Adrianna. [roll0] "So, Astrarok, does this make your... mouth, water?"

2009-05-27, 11:16 AM
the paladin is completly lost. he knows that, but even so he stilld fights to his death - aiming for the halfing

[spitting blood]"ONE...LAST....(COUGHT)TIME!!!! SMITE EVIL!!!

atack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Ahalld is struck in the soulder, but his foe dosen't have the strength even to put his wepon out.

after that blow, the aprendieces and the zombie bring the paladin to his end, slaughtering him wiht series of blades.

he's on his knees at 97 damage, and dies at 107 damage

Jesse Drake
2009-05-27, 11:31 AM
"Oh damn, was he still up. Well, apprentices, we couldn't have done it without you..." Clause looks about, and calls Ahalld to him. "Come here, you seem to have taken some drastic wounds..."
Cure Light [roll0]

2009-05-27, 01:42 PM

The kobold gives a light grin, the gaunt skin around his face twisting into a thin smile. "I am a battery of negative energy, young man. Either way, we should move on quickly before more fools show up." Astrarok motions for the ogre to carry him while he spends more time healing his injuries. When the ogre is about to disappear he orders it to set him down.

OOC: Astrarok uses the last 3 rounds of the ogre's time to carry him while he heals himself. That puts him at 26/36. If there's 5 more rounds of time before the next encounter, he'll heal himself completely.

2009-05-27, 09:53 PM
The green light still fills the room, that now goes back to it's creepy normality.

A quick look on the other side of the bend show's several smal flasks on hte ground. No doubt they were holding magical potions (spelllcraft DC 15 to identify). You make a search check to see if you find out anything else.

"It was a mess, but've done allright" Amanclor says, "too bad we lost most of our undead". He's cheking on everyone's injures.

Aelvsaric goes back to the corpse of the barbarian she killed, comparing her hand to the hole she made with her spell.

Adarwi is taking some notes, but on one of his necromancy books, not on his journal. He's likely tring to figure out undead conjuring, that made a lot of diference in this battle.

Ahalld is playing with the kukru that wounded him. but that quickly bores him "shall we go?"

so far you've walked about 20 minutes in the maze. It takes about 1 hour and a half to get out of the caves.

2009-05-27, 10:03 PM

The kobold moves over to study the paladin's holy symbol and the used potion bottles. Once he's done, he looks toward the group. "We must move forward. We must be much more careful now that we have lost a majority of our minions. Clause, can Adrianna take those spears, that hammer, shield and kukri? We'll need them for money when we're on our own. The cloak and wand are immediately useful however, and should be used by someone."

OOC: K: Religion vs Holy Symbol: [roll0]
Spellcraft vs Potions: [roll1]

Jesse Drake
2009-05-27, 11:51 PM
Clause nods and begins loading Adrianna up. Then he takes the wand and touches it to hisself a few times (3 charges) [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2009-05-28, 05:04 PM
the holy simbol....

it was quite difficult to get it actualy. It seems a mix of heironeous, St. cubert an an old, long-dead order of humans knights/paladins, focused on fighting any form of "evil" being the conception of evil very board (You can say they fought anything that didin't shared their ideals of honor, courage, glory, perfection and divinity).

It's likely something new to the present times, you could't tell exactly what organization is represented on his holy simbol.

the powions are of low-level divine spells, likely bless or aid. one of the potions you could not identify. no matter, they are trashed and will cause no more truble.

you find nothing else there. time to move on.

the next section of the labirint goes a long way down. on several spots you have to actualy stop and climb your way down. sometimes you find yourself on huge chambers, the size of a city block. sometimes you can see endless chasms leading to sure darkness. sometimes you see both at the same time.

besides the hardy path, you proced smothly. at one point of the descent, however, after a tunnel, on a plane spot at least 100 feet x 100 feet, you can see some scattered itens... arrows, chips of bones, a dagger, some blood in the ground and a severed rotting hand. you can only notice it when you're almost inside the small chamber. the room is in complete silence, and there are no lights to be seen, darkvision or not...

Jesse Drake
2009-05-28, 08:18 PM
Clause gives a weak smile at Aelvsaric, then says "Cast dancing lights, make them go around the room and shed some light."

2009-05-28, 11:21 PM

Astrarok pockets the holy symbol for later. "It would be easier to cast Light upon a stone we can carry with us. It both lasts longer and is more mobile." The kobold moves to the forefront to help lead the way with his Low-Light Vision and Darkvision.

2009-05-28, 11:55 PM
Aelvsaric casts ghost light...

the room has a low roof in the point you're in now. as it expands frontward, it goes taller and wider. the chamber has about 120x180 feet, and there's a empty, walless space in the end. likely another chasm.

in the ground you keep finding arrows, stains of blood, severed coprses and bone parts, revolverd soil, scorched soil... clear sings of a battle. and, judjing by the remains, a large one at that. there is no full corpse over there, nor a member greater than a leg, not even from a zombie.

there's no sing of danger.

You keep checking the chamber, and soon see that some of the blooddrops and undead remais are forming a half-circle, that points it's back to the chasm. The edge of the chasm ends on a huge chamber, you can see no limits at all on it. You can find one single black onyx were the gound ends and the deep darkness starts.

The path to the way out keeps going down, in the direction of the edge of the chasm. Astrarok recognizes that chamber. That abyss has an end on flat ground, about 300 feet down. He also know the way ahead is full of endless deadfalls.

The most valueble information he recalls, however, is the location os a vicious trap on a critical passing point between the maze system that leads to the circle's hideout, and the maze system that leads to the outside.
.................................................. ...................................
OCC: you can make a search check to see if you can find anything else in the battlefield

it takes about 10 minutes to go down. leaping off the cliff is the quickest way to the bottom, but, hum, it deals 30d6 damage.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-29, 12:01 AM
Clause rubs his boney, hairless chin. "Hmmm, this seems like quite a tough choice. Anyone who wants to leap down, let me know so I can prepare to animate you." Clause chokes a weak burst of laughter.

Search [roll0]

2009-05-29, 01:31 AM

The kobold relates the information he knows about said vicious trap to the other members of the party, then heads over to it. If he remembers how to bypass it, he does so. If not, then he simply waits for everyone else to finish their search and then come closer.

2009-05-29, 05:35 PM
search check: you keep finding lose bones and chips of armor and blades. no doubt a big battle happened here, with maybe half a hundread participants in total. traces in the dust suggests that a lot of stuff was trown out by the cliffside. The only secundary unusual feature is a single large golden feather dropped in the ground, as if it were part of the fight.

(the trap is way below, not in this chamber)

It's a special trap... not blades or poison or fire or rocks... in a must-be-passed point of the journey, to the side of great deadfalls, the dead falls. literaly.

several animated corpses tied and hidden in the roof are relesed from 30 feet over the transpassers, and then they start killing anything they can reach. some of the animated dead used is this trap were raised by Charon himself, and thus are much stronger than a regular zombie or skeleton.

there's nothing else to do here. down we go. (it's OK to pick up any of the itens left there)
the climb/path to the bottom of the cliff is quite dangerous, but you made it nicely in about 10 minutes. the path you're taking reaches the flat ground just under the cliffside from above. The ground there is filled with undead carcasses, slain by the sword and shattered by the fall. You can also recognize some old aquantices... you can body-count 12 disciples necromancers from the circle - half of the total non-masters of the circle. there are a few large bloodstains with no bodies over it.

the bodies have light blades cuts and massive damage from the fall. blood is scaterred everywhere. all corpese from living were all cut in half right in the spot, making them useless for re-animation.

you can see a small amount of broken itens, ghatered in a point... wands, rings, belts, cloaks, scrolls, black onixy gems - everything has been sundered and now is useless. a small pile of books, right next to it, is still intact and has a note over it, atached by a dagger.

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SiBnm_AdN8I/AAAAAAAADWQ/2LS1lO2WreQ/s640/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202952009%20195320.j pg

Jesse Drake
2009-05-29, 06:15 PM
Clause simply wanders over and picks up the golden feather, then turns to his allies. He nods for Astrarok to take over at this point.

2009-05-29, 06:21 PM

The kobold simply casts one spell: Hide from Undead. He applies a touch to himself, Clause, and each of the four apprentices. He then casts and applies it one more time to Adrianna. He then directs the party through the trap and to the only exit. If the undead that fall from the trap are unintelligent, the party simply moves forward. If they're intelligent, Astrarok tries to negotiate with them if they're not immediately hostile.

Hide from Undead automatically makes mindless undead ignore the warded creatures. Intelligent undead get a single will save(DC 16).

2009-05-29, 08:41 PM
The path towards the exit keeps on. ocasionaly, you can see small blooddrops, sometimes to the side of a small, dry pool of blood. judjing in the patterns and direction of blood, you could said several heavyly injured individual passed by there - likely the atackers of the necromancers.

after some twists and turns, you get close to the trap critical point. yet, you're not so alone. you can hear from far a loud noise of flesh-eating, some strange howling and noises of beasts arguing each other. the aprendices lower their everbright torches, and you can, due to some barely lit torches left in the ground, see a pack of creatures in the other side of the trap chamber.

The creatures looks like a bloated ovoid covered with a rocklike skin. A
vinelike stalk about 2 feet long rises from the top of the disgusting body. Its wide mouth is in the center of the mass. The creature shuffles
about on three thick, sturdy legs and has two long tentacles covered in
rough, thorny protrusions. The tentacles end in leaflike appendages
covered in more thorny growths. There are several of them in there, about 10 or 12, and at least 2 bigger ones, who are making more noise then the others.
they are seem to be feeding on something, and by the sound of rippen flesh, it's unlikely that they're feeding on rocks. they are pretty busy over there, but not blind to the surroundings

you can recognize them as otyughs, who once in a while appeares in the cave system closer to the hideout.

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SiCJhYm_XYI/AAAAAAAADWs/ayRg_0PBK8c/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202952009%20221819.j pg

the path of blood keeps straight.

To your left is some points of *mostly* flat land, wich you could try to jump on. It could be tricky. you can see the botton of the ground near those points, and it's about 50 feet, so a fall it's not sure death. farther from the main path and beyond those points, however, you can see no bottom.

The activation point of the trap is close (it's suposed to be a longer line, crossing the whole chamber. my bad).... not really very concealed (necromancers do poor trapsmiths), it's just a pice of rope a bit above the floor (as long as Astrarok can remember).

just so you know, Aelvsaric has a wand of jump:smallwink:

you cna go back, but there is no way around

2009-05-29, 08:47 PM

The kobold looks toward Clause. "I think we should summon some bait to lure those beasts over to the trap and then let the trap deal with them. We cannot get close or else they will consume one or more of us."

Jesse Drake
2009-05-29, 08:54 PM
Clause grins. "Do you have a prepared summoning? I've used mine for now, but I suggest using the most you can."

2009-05-29, 09:01 PM

The kobold smiles. "I do not require preparation to utilize my necromantic prowess."

He casts Summon Undead I, selecting a human warrior skeleton, then moves the skeleton over to the very obvious rope while ordering the skeleton to make as much noise as possible. The skeleton stands with the rope between himself and the loud creatures while stomping around and bashing it's sword against the cavern floor.

If/when the Otyughs appear within thirty feet of the skeleton, he'll sever the rope with his sword.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-29, 09:14 PM
"Astrarok, I envy your flexiblity, but True power comes from preparation and study," Clause smiled at the kobold.

2009-05-29, 09:51 PM
The skeleton makes a hell of a noise. in those caverns, eco goes way around, and with few effort he brings the Otyughs attention for himself. at first, they only howl and shirek, but as one of the large Otyughs (that just now you realized that has 4 tentacles) starts going frontward, the others follow.

You can see a little better now, that you're aproched a bit... there are at least 10 more regular Otyughs that you couldn't see before. They charge.

it's a hellish scene... the skeleton cuts off the old rope, and a moment later, several coprses fall from the empty darkness above. several corpses don't even hit the land, going directly to the end of the earth. some smash the abominations completly... Poor old Nameless II turns to dust.

it's a huge variety. trolls, ogres, ettins, orcs, gargoyles, even a ilithid. A huge slaughter - the Otyughs are completly surrounded but slashes the rotten flesh with ease. perhaps more ease than you'd like to be witnessing. Yet, the zombies have a little surprise... each time one of them is truly slain - BOOM! they explode in negative energy, healing allies and harming foes.

After a minute of a horrible battle, the last otyughs run away to anywhere else. not much of the undead forces is left - 2 gnoll zombies, around 5 orc zombies, and a towering Umber Hulk Zombie, heavily damaged. You can spot from the distance that those zombies are very special, and are much more poewrfull than an avarege zombie of the same creature. Surely Charon's work.
OCC: that's the result of a "19" in a wisdom check ;-)

you still have to bypass the zombies. it won't cost any effort due to the hide form undead spell. you also have arround 20 Otyughs corpses (HD6) and two Lifeleech Otyughs corpses (HD9), usable for re-animation.
leave this areae and we will talk about XP.

2009-05-29, 10:11 PM

The kobold looks toward Clause. "Do you wish to animate any of those creatures?" Without waiting for an answer, he turns to the group as a whole. "Do not touch or attack any of the undead. Otherwise the spell will fail for all of us. This includes attempting to control them as well."

Jesse Drake
2009-05-29, 10:30 PM
Clause laughs weakly. "No, I'm fine with the skeleton I have... zombies just aren't my thing." Clause looks ahead.

2009-05-29, 11:16 PM

Then without further ado, Astrarok leads the party past the zombies.

2009-05-30, 12:21 PM
passing by the zombies, you see the reason of the abominations feast: several human corpses. most of them has pieces of masterwork light armor still atached to the members, some of the bodies are scattered all around.

there are 31 usable corpses for re-animation (1HD). all armor is useless. you can find 10 MW greatswords (total 80 lb), 9 MW light crossbows (total 36 lb) and several MW crossbow bolts (about 150 bolts, weighting 15 lb). you can find small amulets on some of the humans, holding the same holy simbol of the paladin you found before.

as far as you could thell, those would be the atackers of the necromancers you found dead. They would be carring corpses of their fallen allies to avoid undead-raising, and would refuse to dessacrate the bodies by choping them in half. The strong small of blood atracted the otyughs, who ambushed them. this force likely had some scouts who detected and avoided Charon's trap. since there are several clear markings in the dust, that points away from the chamber, you could say some humans survived.

The way out goes up now. You're out in about 30 minutes

2009-05-30, 05:05 PM

The kobold looks toward Clause. "Can Adrianna carry some of those bolts? We might need them for disposable income later." Astrarok waits for a reply before moving to either help pick up the bolts or lead the party out. "If anyone needs a crossbow, then I suggest you take one."

Jesse Drake
2009-05-30, 05:19 PM
"Hmm, that's great. Well, lets load Adrianna up with what we can." Clause loads Adrianna up with as much as she can hold.

2009-05-31, 06:35 PM
You keep in your track for a while more - not much of a difficult walk.

however, it starts taking rather a long time, considering you should be quite close to the exit... after a while, Astrarok finds one of his markings in the wall... so yeah, you're a bit lost and walking in circles.

it's a pretty confusing part of the maze actually - several twists, sudden turns and many deadends. Caution is necessry too - there are more traps around here, but ones may more usual then the last one

It's mostly a corridor sistem, about 10 to 25 feet in wide. 20% of the time you're in a small chamber, with several exits. 25% of the time the roof simply vanishes (a more open area) and 20% of the time you find youself on a different height (20-30 feet) of another visible part of the labirint.

make spot/listen checks (for encouters). make a wisdowm check (for traps).


2009-05-31, 07:32 PM

The kobold just keeps moving forward.

OOC: Spot/Listen: [roll0]/[roll1]

2009-06-01, 06:57 PM
as you start getting a little annoyed with the labirint, Astrarok sundely raises his head, as a reflex for listeningo to something.

footsteps and conversation - no doubt about it. you can see no light sources, and the room's eco make it difficult to determine if the noise came form the front or from behind your party. as the kobold attemps to make anyt sing of warning to the others, he can clearly listen so someone saying "wait? did you hear it?"

rolling for random battleground
[roll0]:20 or less means you're in a chamber with [roll1] exits
[roll2]:25 or less means the roof is open/too far to see (even with darkvision)
[roll3]: 20 or less means you'r at the side of a 30feet fall that ends on another side of the path
[roll4]: 20 or less means you're in the middle of a big curve
[roll5]: 20 or less means it's a extra wide place

well, curse the dice. you're in a straight tunnel, 10 to 25 feet wide and just 6 feet tall (is this sparta?!).

you (and the aprendices) can still act (cast) in this round.
here they are again

Adarwi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127715)
Aelvsaric (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127529)
Ahalld (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127745)
Amanclor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127710)

Astrarock Death knell bonus is gone.
Claude's chill touch is not
everyone is in full health and apredices has several spells left

2009-06-01, 08:10 PM
Astrarok (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=25683)

The kobold motions toward his ear, then points toward the ground to indicate that he hears something and they should stop. He stands and waits, readying himself to summon forth a zombie in the event that they're attacked.

OOC: Ready an action to cast Summon Undead II and summon a Bugbear Zombie.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-06, 12:41 PM
Clause looks around. "Amanclor, give me a shielding, I don't want to be left open." Then he nods at Adrianna, commanding her to step diagonal to himself, just ahead so if anyone comes at him, he'll be ready, then he starts his hand glowing with negative energy.

2009-06-06, 04:05 PM
Amanclor casts shield of faith on clause
Aelvsaric moves and casts shield on herself, form the wand

Ahalld prepares his wand (lesser orb of cold) against incoming foes
adarwi prepares his wand (MM) gainst incoming foes

you can finaly see something - just behind you. about 70 feet away from you, in the tunnel, a magical light reveals itself, close to a torch. there are 4 humans. "what the.. LOOK! DARK ROBES!" 2 of them casts spells (you're not sure what kind of spell or caster - they are quite far), one rushes frontward carring a torch and another moves a bit and shots with a bow against the closest target (Astrarok was guarding the back..)

after casting the spells, one of the casters turn his back and shouts "ELINSAR!!!!". roll initiative.

map coming soon. ready sv aproach actions has been activated.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-06, 05:41 PM
Clause grins, darkly. He awaits the oncoming attack. (I'll roll my init elsewhere. Clause is already ready.)

2009-06-06, 06:40 PM
you can see a unarmed and unarmored (naked) man advancing at *great* speed. the bugbear zombie is right in front of him - he also is target of Ardarwi MMs...

Ahald's is still out of range...
Adarwi shhots MM for [roll0]
bugbear zombie is functional.. he acts on your turn.

a lightly armored archer is between the naked guy and the casters - he shoots Astrarok... when fireing, he somehow whistles quickly and Naked dodges the arrow just in time. they have some sort of sing for "i'm shootting from behind, so get out of the way"
atack: [roll1], damage [roll2]. bugbear zobie provieds +4ac to cover to astrarok. the arrow might hit the undead instead.

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sir9ciwq95I/AAAAAAAADYQ/hkbJguvewOU/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20662009%20203557.jp g
if a hex is more then 1/3 occupied by the cave wall, you cant' stand there.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-07, 03:51 PM
Clause lurches forward a full 60 ft, and has Adrianna stay five feet diagonal to him the whole time.

2009-06-07, 04:25 PM

The kobold is hit in the chest and drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes. His flesh is pallid and eyes dark. He seems quite dead indeed, but is merely pretending he's been slain. The bugbear smashes the nearest enemy.

OOC: Bluff to pretend to be dead, using Hat of Disguise to disguise himself as a kobold corpse: [roll0](+10 bonus from using Hat of Disguise).

Bugbear attacks the monk. Morningstar: [roll1] for [roll2] damage.

2009-06-07, 06:34 PM
Amanclor advancces 20 feet and casts divine favor. he can hurt things now, bigtime.
Ahalld advances, standing behind Clause jsut like the elf is.
Aelvsaric follows clause, 60 ft
Adarwi advances 20 ft and casts another Dessecation bublee, right over the monk.
naked (-7): sense motive vs bluff: , reflex save sv dessecation bubble: [roll1] VS DC 17. he dodges gracefully from the bugbear atack. silent, he gives a look of "I don't have time to waste with you dubby" to the bugbear, and advances toward the necromancers (tumble vs bugbear, crossing his hex: [roll2], DC 25).He gives a smile when sees the kobold down - that will be easy. - and advances toward the sedond smaller menber of the gourp. (he tries to tumble, again, to Avaid Clause's AoO. [roll3], DC 17)

When he reaches Ahalld (if he's standing) he tries to grab him - pick his wrist and toss him around (grappling - improved grapple - touch atack, to grab him: [roll4], grapple check to hold him [roll5] VS ahhald's [roll6], and moves to his square. damage in this turn is [roll7]) he fails to even touch ahhald..

green archer [happy to have killed somehting]: he moves frontward, getting a clear shot to aelvsaric... but instead, he takes an arrow, not from his quiver in the back, but one atacched in his belt, and shoots the bugbear zombie - [roll8], damage [roll]1d8+6 + 5d6, ([roll9] to self). it's surely a magical, flaming arrow, wich brusts the zombie flesh

blue heavy: Once again, he shouts - "ELINSAR!!!!", and then casts a spell on himself (spellcraft DC 16 identifies) and moves 20 feet frontward.

red light: moves frontward 60 feet.
bugbear: make an AoO vs the monk
Clause: as the monk dashes close to you (no AoO for you), small wounds in his neck can be noticed. his veins over those wounds are pretty black and foul-looking. he may have been poisoned by a trap.

round 2. it's your turn.
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SixdI30k8UI/AAAAAAAADYs/AFOrt_FGfsk/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20762009%20213627.jp g
note: adriana hits monk. he took 28 damage so far
the magical arrow hits bugbear. he takes 19 damage (I'm including DR)

Jesse Drake
2009-06-07, 07:00 PM
Clause and Adrianna move as one, getting in position to flank the monk with Adrianna. They both strike as one. Clause uses his chill touch [roll0] touch for [roll1] and 1 point strength damage, and Adrianna [roll2] for [roll3]

2009-06-08, 08:13 AM

The kobold waits a little longer, hoping that the enemies in the rear will gather up together for his next big move. The bugbear charges the bowman with it's morningstar.

OOC: Astrarok: Keep pretending to be dead.

Bugbear: Charge bow-guy. [roll0] to hit and [roll1] damage.

Monk AoO: [roll2]; [roll3]

2009-06-08, 08:15 PM
Amanclor moves more 40 feet

Ahalld atacks the monk with a dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]

Aelvsaric moves close to amanclor, and prepares a ray of enfleblement vs aproch

Adarwi moves his bubble to red lightly armored axeman, takes a 5-foot step and uses his handy wand of MM (on the monk if he is alive, or else on the archer. damage [roll2]

(well... the monk is down, the archer took -20 so far but is standing.. more post in a sec)

2009-06-08, 09:10 PM
the naked monk seems rather scared to have taken so many hit in such a small time. the second the word "retreat" echoed throught his mind, so didi Ahalld's dagger. he's down, at -5

havy blue screams "oh no!" when he sees the monk down. he casts another spell in himself (spellcraft DC 16 identifies) and moves aditional 20 feet

green archer is hit by the bugbear, and will respond in kind. he steps back 5 feet and shhots the second arrow atached in his belt, then fires a normal arrow from his quiver
[roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] ([roll3] to self)
[roll4], damage [roll5]

red light axeman dances with the bubble (reflex save [roll6] VS DC 17, damage [roll7]) and dashes throught the zombie - right to cleave up Aelvsaric. she shhots her ray of enfleblement when he is in range: (touch) [roll8], for [roll9]. when he is close, screams "powerfull charge! power atack! wraithstrike!!" he seems quite happy to shout his atacks names.

just as you start preparing you next move... a golden light fills the end of the corridor [hopefull]"Elin!! Sar!! help us!", the heavy swordsman says..

Two beautifull, fullplated large-winged humanoids fly low at high speed in your direction - a male and a female. they seem quite angry and are a bit wounded... looking angelical, they feathers are golden clean...
(knowledge: the planes could identify them)

2009-06-08, 09:19 PM
bugbear is down. second arrow goes to aelvsaric, but misses badly. archer is in a bad shape, bleeding a lot.

red light axeman is hit by the ray and loses strenght (3). still, he keep his atack: [roll0] (touch), damage [roll1] (he misses)
he dodges the bubble and takes no damage, but still is shaken (-2 all d20. I'm conting that here and now)
round 3
it's your turn
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Si3Jip5JehI/AAAAAAAADZI/ModCJEXpHWg/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20862009%20233115.jp g

Jesse Drake
2009-06-08, 10:29 PM
Clause tries to identify the spell cast [roll0] and The creatures [roll1]. Then he steps diagonally, next to the red guy, and calls Adrianna to help his strike. [roll2] touch. Damage is [roll3] plus 1 point strength damage. Adrianna strikes too [roll4] for [roll5].

2009-06-09, 01:02 AM

Seeing little reason to continue the charade, Astrarok stands up and brushes himself off. He then grasps the pendant he work around his neck. His fingers pass over the golden stone with a little scorpion hidden inside before he calls upon it's power. A great scorpion appears fifty feet ahead. It immediately turns upon the red armored man and snaps at him with it's claws.

OOC: Use Amber Amulet of Vermin: Huge Monstrous Scorpion. I'll summon it 10 squares west of Astrarok, between red guy and green/blue guys. It full attacks red guy.

Claw #1 [roll0]; [roll1]
Claw #2 [roll2]; [roll3]
Bite Sting [roll4]; [roll5]; Also requires a DC 18 Fort Save or take 1d6 points of CON damage.
If any claw attack hits, it automatically starts a grapple due to Improved Grab.
Possible Grapple #1 [roll6]
Possible Grapple #2 [roll7]
If it succeeds on a grapple, it automatically Constricts for [roll8] damage then lets go.

2009-06-09, 08:04 PM
Adarwi moves his bubble to the blue swordsman (shaking him right away) - reflex save [roll0] VS DC 17, damage [roll1]) and casts cause fear on the blue swordsman ( who is acutally using medium armor... my falt) - save vs fear effect: [roll2] VS DC 16, or firghtned (run away) for [roll3] rounds. He takes a 5 foot step closer to the fray.

Ahalld moves to the far side of the giant scorpion and uses his wand against the archer. (by the way, the archer is quite scared to see the kobold corpese rise from the gound so efortlessly) - ranged touch: [roll4] (touch), cold damage [roll5].

Aelvsaric, who know it's better to be ready then sorry, casts ghoul touch and keeps the charge.

Amanclor thinks it's better for eveyone to leg the huge scorpion fight for everyone. he does nothing and says nothing.

2009-06-09, 08:27 PM
"AAAAHHHHH!!!" the sowrdsman screams "AAAAAHHH!!!" - he was not harmed by the bublbe but runs in desperate fear...

the archer falls to the gound, hit by the cold orb...

yet the angles... one of them fly towards the acher and casts a spell on him (spellcraft DC 17), giving back some life force. that is just enought for him to stand up and... fall back behind the angel who saved him...

the other one keeps side-by-side, and casts a spell in himself (spellcraft DC 17). he says "You shall fear and obey OUR God, or else you shall perish in hell. Surrender your souls now, and you shall be spared!". both land in the ground at the end of their turn.
round 3. your turn!
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Si8N6magOoI/AAAAAAAADZk/bbQ36PTIKYU/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20962009%20223524.jp g

2009-06-10, 07:57 AM

The kobold casts Inflict Serious Wounds upon himself. He doesn't respond to either angel, or even pay attention to them. "Clause, are you and the apprentices harmed? Adarwi, could you be so kind as to hit that fellow in green with a magic missile?"

The scorpion charges the blue angel, snapping with a claw.

OOC: Regain: [roll0] HP.

Scorpion claw attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Grapple(if it hits): [roll3]
Constrict(if grapple succeeds): [roll4]

Jesse Drake
2009-06-10, 04:35 PM
Clause lunges forward 50 ft, and Adrianna follows right next to him. They get close, and shoots a ray of enfeeblement at the male archon. [roll0] touch for [roll1] strength damage.

2009-06-10, 08:27 PM
The dwraf laughts "Ha! right away!" and shoots the MM at the archer, dealing [roll0], and also sends his bubble to the archer (to make sure he'll suffer) for [roll1], unless the acher succed on an DC 17 reflex save - [roll2].

Aelvsaric shouts "Clause! no!... [surprised] fool! let the scorpion chew them up!" nevertheless, she goes and stands at his side. she also casts a ray of enfleeblement agains the same angel [roll3], dmage [roll4]

Ahalld stands behind adriana and prepares a color spray VS aproch (making sure he won't hit living friends)

amanclor moves close to adriana, creating a fearsome defensive line
(waiting for results..)

2009-06-10, 09:04 PM
The archer is badly damaged. whatever aid the angel gave, it mostly faded away by Adarwi's magic. yet he is still able to take a step back and shhot with shi bow - twice - against Clause. atacks: [roll0], [roll1], damage is [roll2], [roll3] for each shot. he dosent look happy, and feels he's knocking on heaven's doors

the angels..... as the scorpion rushes in, pincers high and ferasome, he sundely STOPS, 10 feet away form the angel. He seems to resent aproching them, and a thin layer of energy apears as if protecting the angels.... his long arm can still reach them and he tries to do so - but at the critical moment of ripping off the enemy flesh, the creature recoils again. (spellcraft DC 18 identifies this effect).

But they are not so lucky agains the rays of black energy! boht hit them hard and true...but... something is strange on the magical energies... something called spell resistence, if you can corectly identify the visual effect. (OCC: I'm roling it for you now clause. now that you know, you can do it in advance)
Clause: [roll4] (uneffective!)
Aelvsaric:[roll5] (effective!)

both take a step back, and in amazing sincrony they cast a spell - "Tele-"
mishap chance: [roll6] (golden), [roll7] (blue)
"-port!" and POOF, they apear just behind Astrarok!
(Save VS astratok's aura of fear:[roll8] (golden), [roll9] (silver)
both fail! they're shaken.)
(Astrarok: make two will saves, DC 17)
(blue)"No matter the tricks you use! you will be punished, heretic!" - they ready their greatswords.. now you should hear this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLfTkkpZnhw) while you're posting:smallsmile:
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjBoQN1NZiI/AAAAAAAADaY/7V2hY5s654Q/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201062009%20231235.j pg
your turn...

Jesse Drake
2009-06-11, 01:16 AM
Clause growls. "These guys are ridiculous." He grins and charges towards the archons, pointing his finger and shouting "Eat Force!" Adrianna paces 60 ft forwards, while Clause paces only 30 ft. [roll0] Magic Missile Damage, aiming at the weakened one. [roll1] Caster Level Check.

2009-06-11, 11:42 AM

The kobold breathes in deep as he summons forth negative energy from deep within himself. A burst of black energy sprays out in all directions and washes over the angels. He then five-foot steps southwest as the giant scorpion comes in for a long-distance charge.


The scorpion charges. [roll0] for [roll1]

Astrarok uses Negative Energy Burst, dealing [roll2] damage with a DC 18 Will Save for half. If the burst hits him, he'll heal that much damage. If it doesn't, then he won't.

2009-06-11, 11:43 AM

Possible critical hit: [roll0]; [roll1].

2009-06-11, 12:13 PM
Adarwi is REALLY surprised with the angels teleportation "NO! MASTER!" he takes a step to the side and shoots a ray of wekeness on the already weakened angel - ranged touch: [roll0], SR [roll1]. his bublle dissipates.

Ahalld almost twists his neck when he turns back to run all over the battlefield again.

"curse you!" Amanclor, well, curses. he turns back (runs) to aid astrarok as well.

Aelvsaric goes back as well, and stands just behind adrianna. She's visible anoyed with all this running.

2009-06-11, 12:32 PM
BOOM! Black, dark and mean energy drains the angels - [roll0] (golden save)[roll1], (blue save).

The weakened blue angel fells the MM energy shatters just before her, but Adarwi's ray of wekaness hits her hard "GHA!... damm you!!". she has a -4 penality on atacks and lost 7 points of strenght... that's not enoght to spot her however - she advances and strikes Astrarock
[roll2], for [roll3] slashing magical lawfull good damage
[roll4], for [roll5] slashing magical lawfull good damage

the golden anges steps ahead and also strike astrarok"Necromancer! Sinner!"
[roll6], for [roll7] slashing magical lawfull good damage
[roll8], for [roll9] slashing magical lawfull good damage
(put a -2 on that atack modifier. I forgot golden is shaken)

Their fighitng skills are fearsome to behold. All but Adarwi and clause are under both's menace aura. (W, DC 17. gives -2 to AC, atacks, and saves)
[roll10],[roll11] Amanclor
[roll12],[roll13] Aelvsaric
[roll14],[roll15] Adrianna

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjFAIloJJ1I/AAAAAAAADa0/gNoD_0DRrb4/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201162009%20143413.j pg

"AAAAAAAHHHH!! AAAAHHH!!!....wait... what?" - the fear effect on the lue swordsman has just experied
your turn!

2009-06-11, 01:11 PM

The kobold five-foot-steps west one square, then casts Scare. The scorpion follows the screaming guy and kills him.


I assume the scorpion can kill that guy since it's not been harmed and has 75 HP. It happens off map either way.

The angels need a DC 18 Will Save or be Frightened, stacking with my Fear Aura for Panicked. Or if the succeed, they become Shaken for a round which stacks with my Fear Aura for Frightened.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-11, 05:00 PM
Clause steps aside and commands Adrianna to strike the foe before her. [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2009-06-11, 06:55 PM
Adarwi casts backbitter on the golden angel
(SR ,
angel save [roll1], DC 16)

Amanclor takes a step to his side and strikes the angel with a negative energy spell, sacrificing his prepared Darkenss
(Concentration for defsensive casting: [roll]1d20+9 VS DC 19
Touch atack: [roll2]
Spell resistence: [roll3]
Angel W save: [roll4], DC 15
damage: [roll5])

Aelvsaric takes a step taking Amanclor's former position. she discharges her touch atack
(Touch atack: [roll6]
Spell resistence: [roll7]
Angel W save: [roll8], DC 15)

Ahalld attempts to tuble past the angel ([roll9], DC 15 ) and gets on his back - ready for a sneak atack (next round)

2009-06-11, 07:15 PM
The angels make no force to resiste the Scare spell from Astrarok - they are just too powerfull for that!

Adriana's wepon strike true, but even so... the strike that would tear them apart barely makes a deep cut. she deals only 7 points of damage.

the blue angel dodges both touch atacks, and attemps to strike Ahalld down as he tries to pass by her "DIE!". on the row, she attemps her 2 regular atack right at him
AoO [roll0], damage [roll1]
1ºatack [roll2], damage [roll3]
2ºatack [roll4], damage [roll5]

the golden angel presses agains atrarok, attemptiong to hit him twice "You will-" SLASH! the greatsowrd bends as he atacks, strinking himself isntead of the necromancer! (that's backbitter damage [roll6])
[angry]"-PERISH!" atack: [roll7], damage [roll8]
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjGeBATTEtI/AAAAAAAADbo/uAUE22m2tDM/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201162009%20211423.j pg
your turn!

Jesse Drake
2009-06-11, 07:40 PM
Adrianna lurches five feet diagonally, getting into position to strike the blue one. [roll0] for [roll1] and Clause lurches five feet forward and shoots the golden one, for 10 damage. (rolled on other thread, CL check over 20).

2009-06-11, 08:13 PM
Adarwi casts Bakbitten on the golden one again
SR: [roll0]
Angel save: [roll1]

Amanclor takes benefit from flanking and tries to use his touch atack he mised before. then he takes a step aside and leave the flanking for someone else
Atack: [roll2]
SR: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]

Ahalld gets in flanking, casts critical strike and stabs the angel
Atack: [roll5]
damage: [roll6] + [roll7]

Aelvsaric tries to paralize the blue one, again, with the charged ghoul touch
SR: [roll9]
Angel save: [roll10]

2009-06-11, 08:25 PM
Ahalld's critical hit confirmation: [roll0], extra [roll1]

the blue angel sudenly stops, as you see a elven hand moving away form her. everyone alive in that melee (but the elf (caster) and astrarok(to far away)) is sickened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#sickened). paralized for [roll2] rounds

Clause MM's hit the angel hard. he dosen't look very healty.

Amanclor hits the angel, but the spell is useless.

"SAR! NO!" the golden one says "YOU WITCH!" (he strikes Aelvsaric)
[roll3], damage [roll4]
[roll5], damage [roll6]
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjGuuUN_niI/AAAAAAAADbs/iOKe77npwLU/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201162009%20222559.j pg
almost there! next round!

Jesse Drake
2009-06-11, 08:33 PM
Getting into flanking position versus the golden one. Adrianna strikes with her full might, [roll0] for [roll1]. Clause makes a touch attack [roll2] and the subject dies unless it has less than [roll3] (Death Domain Power)

2009-06-11, 08:33 PM

Astrarok attempts to touch the angel in front of him again.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-06-11, 08:55 PM
(Clause and andriana misses. astrarok hits and deals 2hp damage. the angel is really, really wounded)

The air is smelling pretty foul... one of the angels is immobile, and the other one statrs shaking his fingers and feet.

Amanclor tries to touch the angel [roll0], (concentration [roll1]), and just says "die"damage [roll2]

Aelvsaric tries to slash him up too. [roll3], damage [roll4]

Adarwi shoots MM from this wand - SR[roll5], damage [roll6]

Ahalld just put his dagger on the blue angel's troath. I'ts easier when they don't move.
The blue angel is dead.

2009-06-11, 09:03 PM

What is left of the golden angel stays over the fallen body of his sister. then he unleashes all the power he has over her assassin. (all but astrarok's atacks on him have missed)

atack[roll0], damage[roll1]
atack[roll2], damage[roll3]
no need for map, right?
round NINE! start!

2009-06-11, 09:12 PM

He keeps touching.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Jesse Drake
2009-06-11, 09:13 PM
Well, Clause commands Adrianna to get into flanking position with someone, and attacks [roll0]. Well, my roll was messed up, but I rolled low, so I think it failed anyways.

2009-06-11, 09:22 PM

the final little pulse of negative energy is enought to silence the angel. he falls just over his siter corpse.

The room lays in silence once more.

looting the corpses is quite productive - all were loaded with magical itens and a too familiar black gem... (loot & xp OCC in a second)

2009-06-11, 10:52 PM

The kobold moves over to both angels, then motions Clause over. "Would you be so kind as to cast a Desecration effect across this area? I want to show these fools what it means to go against things such as ourselves."

Assuming Clause does so then Astrarok slaps the male awake. He patiently waits until the grogginess has subsided, then grabs a fist full of the angel's hair and roughly jerks him up to look at his companion. "You were a worthy opponent, and have not yet died. But you will soon live forever." He motions for either Adrianna or Aelvsaric to move over and ready themselves to kill the angel. "And so, I will give you the honor of watching us work our craft."

He moves over to the female and places two gems atop her eyes and ten in her mouth. He then opens his scroll and mutters several long strings of arcane words before standings up. He held the final word which would complete the spell, then nods toward whomever would kill the surviving angel. When the angel is dead, he simply speaks. "Rise."

2009-06-11, 11:11 PM



The flesh decays, the feathers fall, the glory and life force of both angels is gone. they're now nothing but enslaved mindless brutes.

Adarwi inspect the undead zombie-angels "They are perfetc, should hold the line nicely. [laughts] keep them helty, archons are hard to find"

Ahalld is visualy disturbed. in a situation like this he would be talking all over, but he's silent and edgy. Amanclor close his wounds and prays a little.

Aelvsaric finishes lining up the other corpeses and putting all their itens in the ground "most are magical" she says "will be worth a small fortune"

the monk had a small journal. it will take about 1 hour to fully read it.
the way out is pretty close, less than 10 minutes walking. the tension of the combat made you remind the correct path...

2009-06-11, 11:47 PM

When the deed is done, he stands then looks toward the exit. "Leave them their armor and swords. They'll need them in the time to come." Astrarok takes one of the chain shirts for himself, but has no interest in the other things and thus leaves them for others to divvy up. He motions for one of the zombies to carry him, and then instructs both to fly behind Clause.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-12, 12:55 AM
Yes, Clause abides with his desecration. "Heh, good idea. These things function both as willing warriors and instant pack mules."

2009-06-12, 11:12 AM
The end f the cave system is easy to pass on... with no more surprises. you finally get out. The sunset has just ended (you were underground for days and had no idea of what time it would be) and you have a majestic view of the valleys you're into.

http://images.orkut.com/orkut/photos/OAAAADJCakVxMQACls8E-NYjUU9CujQaAqfyTWgyTarXRqUUHWyGvxafh3Tmp_XM84_kcCo ngAa5FjnQY2rO3mgBqxUAm1T1UKUReidmqk-RSoRS_eW66wHCj0cM.jpg

you know this region a bit, and in less then 1 hour you can find a safe, hidden spot to rest. you do so without any problem.

getting there (a small hidden cave down in the valley. it's entrance is quite tight and has no marking of any user other then mices), everyone starts making up camp, lighting up a fireplace, and preparing for sleep. no need for boring guard turns, since undead dosen't sleep and dosen't rest. amanclor finishes healing up eveybody.
"thank you master" he says to astrarok, "this travel has been most rewarding. I NEVER tought of SERIOUSLY animating angels before...". he talks a little to grab one or other additional little inch of spellcraft from astrarok, then return to his books, fiercely wirting on all of them almost at once.
[ashemed]"hummm... Astrarok... you know...well... this necromancy thing just is't being very pleasent, you know? all the others fell comfortable at it, but i know I suck. hell, I could only damage the angels when they were completely helpess! So, humm... I think you can find yourself another aprendice... I'll hang around until we find a settlement, then I'll re-think my future, ok?"
"nice one bony boy", she winks at Clause "maybe nex time you may actually impress someone. I'm exausted and still stinking like a ghoul... That's it for today, good night..." she takes off her armor, staying only in a very short, simple black dress. Tossing her bedroll close to claude's, she lays down turning her back on where he will be sleeping. [eyes closed] "...I still have spells left...". she keeps her sword close just in case.
After healing up everyone, amanclor cooks the ration to the best of his hability, take away all the rats he can and try to clean a little the cave. He makes a little concelament of leaves and branches in the entrance of the cave, then spends a long time praying.

End of prologue...............................

2009-06-12, 12:21 PM

The kobold sleeps little. His nature didn't necessitate sleep, and what little sleep he got was always plagued with visions of Tiamat's consequences if he failed. He assists Amanclor in disguising the cave entrance given that he has some expertise in it. He simply sits, rests and reads the monk's journal throughout the night. The faint glow of his eye-sockets casts a poor shadow across the cave's features. When the others go to sleep, he politely informs them that he'll be staying up a little longer. He paces back and forth a little and his armor jingles a bit. If anyone wakes up and complains he simply asks them to go back to sleep.

"The greatest foe you face is not angels, men or demons my boy. It is yourself. In order to pursue our goals, we must divorce ourselves of compassion lest it become our downfall."

"I won't force you nor ask you to stay. After all, our life is not meant for everyone. None the less.." He produces a small scrap of paper, pen and ink. "I want you to write down why you don't want to stay on this and hand it to me before you go to bed and we'll talk about it again in the morning."

Fearing that his apprentice will betray them Astrarok will verify that he's written his reasons for not staying and then will wait until around midnight. He'll then go outside, cast Vampiric Touch, hold the charge then go back inside and Coup De Grace the halfling with the spell and his charnel touch.

Damage: [roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3].

Ahalld will need a DC 10+Damage Dealt Fortitude Save or die instantly.

EDIT: In this case, DC 41.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-12, 12:55 PM
Clause doesn't sleep that night, though he lays there eyes wide open, completely motionless, contemplating the events that transpired. He's lost and has no idea whats to come... and he has the sneaking suspicion that Astrarok's gonna do something bad.

To Aelvsaric
"Heh, guess that means no fun then. Bah, it's fine, besides Adrianna smells better than any of us right now. But don't worry, we'll be fine. Perhaps I wasn't at the top of my game to start off with, but I'll be fine. Besides, with this handy wand, I'll have more flexibility." In a very braggart tone "I am a master of both Arcane and Divine Powers. It's a very complicated path, so you'll understand if I am a bit out of mind for a bit."
To Amanclor
"Ahem, you did very well today. You are truly a gifted warrior of Nectari. May she watch you, and grant you quick mastery."
To Zero
Heh, That's cold, but Clause is indifferent. He'll agree if you say you had a suspicion.

2009-06-12, 01:22 PM
The monk's journal hold only the last weeks of activity...

(abstract: the monk was *taken* to a Lawfull Stupid order of knights, who started killing anything that didin't share their ideals. the first targets, to get public suport, would be clearly evil and disruptive menbers of society)
knight order

It says he entered this new order of knights, offering a revised form of the teaching of St. Cutbert and Heronious. Both Gods would actually be just one, in a single conscienceness, living twice at once. And that Unigod had a special agenda, one of ultimate truth, order, and good.

The great pinnacle of what is just and right for everyone, aware of this or not. What is above everything, deserves everything, and MUST cleanse the rest. God's chosen race.

Those would be humans of soft, white skin. yellow, shinny hair. blue, clear eyes. that is the vision of an angel, that is the form of truth. those are the mortals above the mortals - humans that looks like angels.

These chosen humans would take over all the political power of the world, by any means necessary, to the comomn good of everything that is. great laws would be made, great vigilace would be constant, and morality would last forever.

no more procastination after age 6
no more pagan rites anywhere in the planet
no more drinking besides holy water
no more food besides the most humble
no more fornication out properly authorazed mariage
no more sleeping after the dawn
no more use of black cloathing
no more hidden heretics
no more sinners
no more barbarians
no more abominaitons
Only Unigood. during life and beyond.
Humans-angels knows the only path to salvation, and will show it to the rest of the world, no matter the cost. the world would then be paradise.
And anyone that tries to stop this holy mission WILL SUFFER.

monk activity

the monks wirtes at some point that he misses his former fellows from the monastery, but that they should have surrendered and just accepted the ultimate truth instead of keeping in their dirty unholy ways.

it says that after the weekly conscription, the order would strike several bandit hideouts in the area. at a certain point, they ghatered information from a wizzard of the existence of a necromantic cult in the hills you are in right now.

this a a rather new journal. there is an extensive list of things that the monk should not do, most of them quite silly to the pratical point (do no bathe during the night, do not eat red fruits, do not play chess, do not use over 1 blanket, do not allow womans to speak in public, do not fart...)

Ahalld letter


I don't really know what to say. I just envy everyone because they're good at it, and I'm not! usually I talk this off with humor, but, I don't know, this fighting let me tense, can't just shake it away like that anymore. I don't want to be a burden for you or for the circle, but I really don't have anywere else to go! maybe if I could focus on something else? A spy maybe? scout? shooter? or a farmer?
maybe now that I'm leaving you main field of expertise, I need you most to guide me...


2009-06-12, 02:55 PM

The kobold doesn't kill the halfling in the night after reading his letter. Instead he begins thinking of ways to make him more useful to the group as a whole, and ultimately settles on using him to spy on those who had attacked them. In the meantime, Astrarok ventures outside where a small red dragon-like creature settles gently on his shoulder. He looks at it and nods without it saying anything at all. Tiamat was getting restless, and thus he gained a companion. This much he knew and it was all he needed to know.

2009-06-12, 05:16 PM
.................................................. ...................
chapter one: the path to the master(y)
.................................................. ...................

I't morning. night had no truble, everyone the living are alive, full spells, HP, etc. evryone achived new levels of power.

Aelsvaric learned the grease spell
Ahalld learned invisibility
Adarwi learned mass curse of impending blades and dispel magic
Amanclor (who just now recived its feats:smallredface:)is now a master necromancer (but still on claude's tutelage on topics like spellcraft and knowledge) "I supose we're heading for the hidden suplies?"

2009-06-12, 05:23 PM

The kobold shakes his head. "Not yet. We need to get rid of the excess things we're carrying. Then we'll go for the supplies and conquer what undead there are between us and them."

2009-06-12, 05:57 PM
the way to the town has mostly no roads - it will take a full, tiresome day to get there.

just at the end of the trip that you will be able to get in a decent road. there may be farms or inns around that road, as well as caravans. quite busy road.

you could also keep on the wildeness as long as possible, geting into civilized people sight only at the very outskirts of the town. doing so is more tiresome, and you will be fatiguated in the last part of the jorney.

either way, you will have to find a way to hide, conceal or somehow "put away" your undead guards while you're in the city

Jesse Drake
2009-06-12, 08:33 PM
Clause thinks as he walks. "Getting into town is gonna be tough. We'll have to hide our 'troops', and Astrarok... While I get you, you're a bit disturbing to behold, no offense." Clause shoots him a smile. "I'm sure you can just make yourself look like Allhad's brother right? I mean, even as a living kobold, you'd most likely be watched..."
One thing I assume would be fine, Clause sleeps maybe once a week if he's feeling fine. Instead of sleeping to regain spells, he just lays there, motionless, staring into the air. It's part of his character that he doesn't sleep.

2009-06-12, 09:37 PM

Astrarok snaps his fingers and suddenly appears to be a jovial and fat dwarf with a great white beard cascading down his chest. He doesn't change his chainmail, but he does alter his robes to appear more like the clothes of a soldier. He focuses two brilliant blue eyes on Clause. His voice appears to take on a thick dwarven accent. "Magic 'tis a wunnerfel thing my lad. A wunnerfel thing indeed. None the less, we can simply tell the angels to go back to the cave and wait for our return."

Bluff for accent: Take ten. 21.
Disguise: Take 10. +10 from using Hat of Disguise. 31.

2009-06-13, 09:09 PM
After finishing the travel's preparation, the group gets on to the wildness. It' mostly a hilly area, with some forest patches here and there. chances are of finding either wild beasts or some templar scout in the way until you can find the road. (are you using the same marching order?). the aprendices keep on their characteristic talking and acting, just Ahalld who is overactive (as is trying to DO usefull things)

when all the traveling issues are done with, make spot checks

(you only need to worry about undead allies if you enter the road or when you reach the town)

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjRVDRjC6QI/AAAAAAAADik/AQOZFKttjWA/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201362009%20224001.j pg

Jesse Drake
2009-06-13, 11:17 PM
Clause goes forward, keeping his two guards close. He smiles as he sees Amanclor bragging about his new achievements.[roll0]

2009-06-14, 01:06 PM
you keep your track for about 2 hours... sometimes you see some oversivez animal or vermin, but have no truble in just scaring him away or smsahing them with your boots. the hills are smoth, and the forest rather sparse, creating a field-forest mosaic of vegetation...

at a point, Amanclor signals to stop - "wait" he focus his atention a little, as if trying to flahs something out - "not a dear this time!" he drws his wepon and casts guidence

some bushes ahead move abruptly, and a medium to large green shape runs out of it, making some strange vocal noise "Tunak tunak tun!". you're not sure what it is, but seems biped at least.

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjU97gdOCcI/AAAAAAAADjw/gYS-x4oGFFM/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201462009%20151336.j pg
brown circles are big trees. provide cover.
dark green areas are thik undergrowth. provide concealment. difficult terrain.
green circle far ahead is the monster.

roll initiative (for angels, but not familiars, too. you can't act before initiative, since you failed spot checks for surprise round)

2009-06-14, 06:24 PM
now you can see the creature's features - It's apelike with large hands and shoulder, but the skin and head are of a usual troll - except it's much smaler.

this troll is just a bit larger then a half-orc. it hold some sort of spear in the hand and has a pack os spears atached to his back. he just run his way back, often turning his head to keep an eye on you.

(if you aproch at least 20 feet, you get a new spot check)

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjWHk2Goj1I/AAAAAAAADkk/JxkVJVIXRRo/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201462009%20202749.j pg

2009-06-14, 06:48 PM

"Lets just wait here and see if more of them appear." The imp will address Astrarok telepathically. "Want me to scout?" His only response is a nod, which sends the invisible imp forward to investigate.

OOC: Kelborn will fly 100ft forward, still under his Invisibility SLA, and look around for more of them. Spot - [roll0]; Listen - [roll1].

2009-06-14, 07:23 PM
Imp finds aditional 4 trolls, with the same features. some of them are up in the trees, about 15 feet from the ground.
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SjWUhpofvhI/AAAAAAAADko/-R4dpz-X97A/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201462009%20212258.j pg

astrarok can still speak and and act.

2009-06-14, 07:56 PM

The imp telepathically relies what he finds back to Astrarok, who in turn describes it to the apprentices and Clause. "I see no reason to fight them as it'll just waste our time. Shall we go around?"

Jesse Drake
2009-06-14, 07:59 PM
Clause agrees, and commands his 'legions' to hold on. He smiles grimly, and looks away. "So, they aren't any danger? Well, are they particularly strong?" He smiles a dark smile, and looks at the foe coming at them.

2009-06-14, 08:19 PM

"Ultimately it doesn't matter, does it? The only thing to come from the conflict will be wasted resources, so why even fight?"

2009-06-14, 09:46 PM
the imp is able to spot pieces of a flesh and meat just behind the tree 2 trolls are climbed. some tools and spears are clo to that carcass.

maybe it's just a hunting party.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-15, 09:53 AM
Clause pats the scroll on the side of his belt. (It's a fell animate fireball, and trolls happen to be allergic to fire.) "Very well. I've got no feeling either way." Recently, he had grown accustomed to the killing part of death, and didn't mind.

2009-06-15, 04:36 PM

The kobold waves for his imp to return, and it does. He then turns and starts heading south. "Lets just give them a wide berth. That way we walk away without injuries and they might harm some of those crusaders wile we're in town."

Astrarok ensures he avoids going toward the troll camp and instead walks a half-circle around their camp then continues on toward the road. When he's near the road he'll command his zombie to fly back to the cave the party came from.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-15, 04:55 PM
Clause smiles. He commands his skeletons to go near the town and 'play dead', a term that worked on many levels. When they get close to the gates, they drop down and appear as a mere pile of bones.

2009-06-15, 08:43 PM
the trip to town happens with no more truble (unless you decide to rob commun people in the roads). eitheir way is quite a big travel and you might be fatigated (Fort 15 negates). Amanclor insistis in burying the skeleton's piles of bones. you know, so dogs don't take away arms.

you get to the large town (lets call it Larton) quite late. marketplaces are closed. Inns, brothels and smugling houses are the only places for (normal) travelers to go.

you've been in this town before, so you sort of know it. it's a costal city of 5000 habitants. standard true neutral goverment, ruled by a nobility. It's a rather new town, of an integrated comunity (several races are common and live side-by-side). not the kind of place where adventures call a lot of attention.

Inn: go sleep. you may listen to major gossip from the attendets and visitors

Brothel: go get layd and go to sleep. you may listen to major and minor non-political gossip, chit-chat, and can get yourself a fight if you don't behave

smugling houses: you can immediately buy and sell (information as well). unrestricted acess to poisons and itens above 3000gp (they will be more expensive). you may get murdered, poisoned, raped, fooled and robbered.

marketplace/central plaza: you can buy and sell, get general gossip, maybe talk to influent members of the community (guard capitans, high priests, big wizzards, nobility..)

Jesse Drake
2009-06-15, 09:58 PM
Carrying the magic warhammer and the longsword, on his back and on his side, along with his gear, and walks into the restricted area. He tells Aelvsaric and Amanclor to go with him. "I guess I'm going to need help here. It could get tough."
Then he suggest once they get into the real shady part to get their spells ready, meaning all their hands glow with energies.

2009-06-16, 07:17 PM
Although all of Clause's preparation for danger, the town looks pretty much peacefull. it's surrunded by woden palisades, and in the gate entrance, the guards asks no questions or anything. one of them justs says -
[tired but prestative]"hello, travelers. pretty evenig, no? all trade is closed at this time, but you can check our inn [gives directions] or our brothel [gives directions], wich is where most travelers go. [winks] enjoy you stay and spend a lot of gold!" - and starts turning back, as if excpeting no reply.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-16, 10:29 PM
Clause grins. "The inn... I don't sleep. Then again, I could use a few winks. What say you. I'll get a bed and a hot shower."

2009-06-17, 09:57 AM
tired and heavily loaded, the necromancers hit the bed like a stone
(inn prices, meals and rations have a punny cost, you don't have to consider it)

ghatering information can wait until tomorrow. The sun comes up nut the sky is grey - a light, thin rain falls down, mixed with the ocean's spray.

now you can get youself to shoping. black onyxes are a common adornent for the mid-class, so they are readly available. Raise dead scrolls are tricker to find, but you can do it without any problem - a city with several races living in is quite liberal on several issues.

at noon, all your itens were sold, and you could get youself everything you wanted. Just from wandering from shop to shop, you could hear the town major talk - the melting of the snow in some moutains way north allow several sevage races to reach the United Kingdom (where you are now). this happens every 10 years or so, and it's one of the main reasons why the 4 local countries are united in a sigle kingdom. usualy they send a big army and manage to hold the line in a bottleneck, but this time it would be easier - a large company of knights form the continent came to aid! therefore evreyone would be safer and don't have to worry so much.

it takes a whole day to get back to you new hideout. unless you want to camp in the middle of nowehre, you will have to wait the following day and leave at morning.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-19, 12:34 AM
Clause strolls down the road and purchases a hat of disguise and 4 potions/oils of flying. He smiles and says nothing as for his intentions. Once done, he goes to his pile of bones and puts the hat on Adrianna, then commands her to take a normal guise. Then from there, he goes out and makes sure she get's cleaned by scalding water. Then from there, he'll go and get some food, smiling in his delusional state, as if he's having dinner with his wife... who Clause insists she's not eating, she wants to keep her figure.

2009-06-19, 02:06 AM

Astrarok cares little for hustle and bustle of the city. He spends his time in his inn room doing what he did at the academy. He read. Anything, everything and all things that come across his path. He orders his apprentices to go out and enjoy the city, and certainly doesn't let them bother him further. He sends out Kelborn, while invisible, to investigate shops for what he needs. When the Imp finally returns he'll go out and purchase onyxes and the amulet before going back to the inn to read some more until Clause and the apprentices are finished exploring the city.

2009-06-19, 08:14 PM
the aprendices come back, with teirs suplies and general information about town and stuff "I'll tell you in the way back" Ahalld says.

As Clause hapilly walks around town, some communears note him... walking around so happy, with his wife, for a meal... having such pleasures in simples actions are somehting to behold! Clause can actully detect some envy of some people that look at both.

Astrarok keeps on his books, undisturbied by the others...

Jesse Drake
2009-06-19, 09:05 PM
Clause grins a sick smile, knowing no one in the whole city could be happier than him. He forgets all... this is the first time since Adrianna died he's been around... normal people. After a while, he decides it's time to call it quits though.

2009-06-20, 07:51 PM
you pack your stuff and get going.

the part of the way back close to the town still has the road, busy and full of people. that part of the trip did not take long. once you leave the road and enter the wilderness, you move more quickly then before - you know the path and there were no zombies slowing you down. you keep walking a bit under the thin rain that still was falling - but since you stood so long under it, you're completly wet.

you find yourself a good spot to camp - a plato at the side of hill. it should be easy for the undead to guard you while you rest.

(OCC: still not sure what will happen, and I have to leave the PC now. anyway, roll some spot and lsiten checks in advance)

Jesse Drake
2009-06-21, 01:27 AM
Clause sets up camp close to his apprentices and skeletal minions. He's rather relaxed, won't sleep for another few days, hell, he's so comfortable he might not go to bed for a whole week.

2009-06-21, 03:17 AM

The kobold moves a short distance away from the campsite, mostly to be away from the fire of said campsite. He spends most of his time discussing with Kelborn, his imp. He hopes the imp has brought news of his goals in this world, or at very least when he can return home safely.

OOC: Since Kelborn is an Outsider, he doesn't sleep anyway. Either way, spot first and listen second.

Astrarok's checks:

Kelborn's checks:

2009-06-21, 01:15 PM
you finish seting camp and eating. the aprendices just went to their bedrolls - they are awake ,but laid down (except for Amanclor who is praying in his knells and will stay at least half an hour doing so)

over 12 on spot check: you notice a pack bushes moving a bit, to the oposite side of the cliffwall you're camping.

over 19 in spot chek: you notice several bushes moving around, surrounding you.

over 10 on listen check: you can hear someting shuffling in the vegetation, and someting being draggedn in the ground

if you (and minions) beaten any of those DCs, you can roll for initiative. it's a surprise round, so you may have a single standar action (if you win initiative)
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sj6EvMJWFyI/AAAAAAAADwM/9fIRdA4t8vk/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202162009%20160614.j pg

2009-06-22, 11:22 PM

"Rouse yourselves. There are miscreants in the mist." With that, Astrarok addresses the movement. "I do so hope you intend to show yourselves before attacking us. It is common courtesy to know the face of the man who will slay you."

OOC: Kelborn goes invisible. Astrarok does nothing.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-23, 08:46 AM
"Time for action." Clause grins wildly, summoning his 'spectral hand'. He cuts a bit of his life out with that [roll0]

2009-06-23, 05:40 PM
as you barely finish you reaction - VOOSH!

Dasing out of the bushes at great speed a pack of big, black wolves closes in and start biting you madly!

These wolves... have red shiny eyes, a malicious grim and oversized, twisted fur and teeth. they are surely not natural - they look both too cunning and cruel, only a foll yould look at them and call it "wolf". patches of the fur are missing, and reveal a thick, rugged hide. knowledge (the planes) and knowledge (arcanna) may better identify those dog-like beasts.
the aprendices almost jump while laid down with their howling (wich are almost screams) and barking (wich are almost laughter).


bite damage is piercing, slashing and bluting. magical.

charge atack on astrarok
[roll0], damage [roll1]
[roll2], damage [roll3]

charge atack on clause
[roll4], damage [roll5]
[roll6], damage [roll7]

charge atack on adrianna
[roll8], damage [roll9]
[roll10], damage [roll11]

when those creatures bite, they thist and try to drop you in the ground. if you're hit by them (trip). make a strenght or dex check (wichever is higer) to avoid being tripped (small characters take -4 on this roll). you can't try to trip the wolf in return.

wolve's trip on astrarok (if hits)

wolve's trip on clause (if hits)

wolve's trip on adrianna (if hits)

after the sudden rush is done with, a REALLY large black wolf apear... he keeps in the shady iluminaiton area [echoing, malevolent]"HA HA HA! COURTESY??". this wolf have large leatherly wings in his back, full of protusions and spikes. he moves with 4 legs, but his front legs look much more like clawed hands with huge taloons. he's the one who had just talked.

and he looks mean. bad, bad wolf!
......................... regular round one begins with your actions.............

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkFRUchuiKI/AAAAAAAAD10/ZGh55_h8pc4/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202362009%20190247.j pg
(next round I will re-scale the map)

2009-06-23, 07:17 PM

The first wolf finds only steel in it's teeth, while the second is luckier and drags Astrarok to the ground. He cares little for the inconvenience presented and instead simply rolls away. Once he's moved away, he casts Summon Undead III and summons a large and angry ogre zombie between himself and the wolves.

The imp waits, invisibly, until something enters his square before attacking. He readies an action to activate his amber amulet of vermin if the big whole moves. He'll summon his giant spider in between the wolf and the party, it will then use Web targeted on the giant wolf.

OOC: Only hit by #2. K:Arcana: [roll0]; Counter trip check, opposing with DEX: [roll1]. The wolves also enter my fear aura, requiring a will save from each at DC 18 or be shaken. I won't bother to get up. Instead I'll just five-foot step southeast behind Kelborn. I'll summon the ogre immediately north of my position so that it blocks approach without triggering AoOs.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-23, 09:27 PM
Clause makes no attempt to escape. He summons forth an large skeleton minion (via Summon Undead 2), and commands the creature to attack the wolf on him. He also commands the Archon to attack the wolf on Adrianna.
[roll0] for [roll1] for the summoned skeleton, and [roll2] for [roll3]

2009-06-23, 10:02 PM
"Master!" - all aprendices shout at once

Amanclor stands up from his knees and casts summon undead III. He decides to summun up a squad of human skeleton warriors - in flanking positions. they will at lesat hold the enemy. and make a lot of claw atacks

Aelvsaric get up from bed and casts grease behind the wolves that fight clauses major minions. ref DC 15 or trip on the wolves ([roll0], [roll1] result: none is tripped) no SR.

adarwi casts mass impending blades to hinder enemy's AC (all foes but clauses wolves are affected). no save, but SR applies [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6] (last SR check is VS bad wolf. result: bad wolf passed, all other failed)

ahalld casts invisibility. you can see his sheets droping, and he takes a few steps.

2009-06-23, 10:37 PM
the worgs get hit several times, but keep pressing on.

astrarok's worgs aproach him taking a 5-foot step. they bite again the fallen necromancer.
[roll0], damage [roll1]
[roll2], damage [roll3]

the ones that fight clauses special minions gains nothing standing in the grease effect, and try to get out (balance check DC 10: [roll4], [roll5]. if fail, reflex check [roll6][roll7])
and then try to bite the undead...
on angel: [roll8], damage [roll9]
on andrianna: [roll10], damage [roll11]

one of the wolves that fights clause attemp to flee, leaving his mate alone. owlbear skeleton makes an AoO, as well as 3 soldier skeletons
[roll12], damage [roll13] + [roll14]
[roll15], damage [roll16] + [roll17]
[roll18], damage [roll19] + [roll20]
he then strikes adrianna: [roll21], damage [roll22]

the bad wolf laughters maniacly and barks, going for the ogre zombie. he bites the zombie. he hits the ogre in the neck and deals 21 points of damage (I'm rolling Bosses rolls on a secret tread - so you can't see his modifiers and stuff. I won't cheat you. honest!). He also generates an AoO form the ogre.

Boss is red star. uses 4 squares. the missing squares are still there if you want to go for them.
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkGhnPWp9CI/AAAAAAAAD14/ExLngaLw9Pk/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202462009%20004511.j pg round 2. your turn!

2009-06-23, 11:43 PM

He uses his Amber Amulet of Vermin and summons a scorpion behind the big wolf. Kelborn then uses his own if he hasn't already, or recasts Invisibility and moves away if he has.

Jesse Drake
2009-06-24, 10:49 AM
Clause commands his forces to attack... Adrianna hits the one who's hurt the most, and standing around her. [roll0] for [roll1] Adrianna
[roll2] for [roll3] Angel
[roll4] for [roll5] Owlbear
Clause uses his spectral hand to strike down the one who's attacking him. He'll use a chill touch [roll6] touch for [roll7] and possibly 1 point strength damage, unless they make a dc 15 fort save.

2009-06-24, 10:04 PM
(OCC: salvador forgot the owlbear 2º claw and his bite, and also did not roll the 2º 6d for the critical chill touch. here they are:
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Aelvsaric moves closer to one of the worgs fighting adrianna - with a charateristic crackling of eletricity on her hand
concentration DC 16: [roll5]
touch atack: [roll6]
SR [roll7]
damage [roll8]

Ahalld moves closer to his master "Astrarok, hide!" and suddenly you can't see the necromancer anymore. he's invisible.

Amanclor shouts "get away, fiend!" and summons a owlbear skeleton just were the spider was. the skeleton atacks, flanking. 3 of his human skeletons jab the lone worg, and one of them moves and assits the elf.

[roll9], [roll10]
[roll11], [roll12]
[roll13] , [roll14]

skeletons (1º assits the elf)
[roll15], [roll16], damage [roll17]+ [roll18] , [roll19]+ [roll20]
[roll21], [roll22], damage [roll23]+ [roll24], [roll25]+ [roll26]
[roll27], [roll28], damage [roll29]+ [roll30], [roll31]+ [roll32]
[roll33], [roll34], damage [roll35]+ [roll36], [roll37]+ [roll38]

adarwi casts fell weaken dessecating bubble over the boss. that should slow him down. SR: [roll39], damage [roll40] + scared, -4 str

2009-06-24, 10:58 PM
results of your rolls:

Kelborn summuned the spider. she entagled the boss, the. kelborn is now invisible.

astrarok summuns the scorpion. while flanking, it hits the boss in all atacks, but it wins both graples checks (! - I'm stunned too). total damage is 9 (DR). poison seems not to have affected him.

clause critical hits for... 4 points of damage
his owlbear hits a claw and a bite, DR aplies. adriana and angel strike fully.

Aelvsaric is tripped, took 7 damage, but hits her foe.

adarwi didn't beat SR. boss was unharmed by his spell (this round)

ahald casted invisibility on astrarok. he is now invisible.

amanclor's owbear hits the boss 3 times for 17 damage
his skeletons are almost useless. they hit their foes over 7 times, but deal only 2 poins of damage at the lone worg.

the worgs are hit over and over, and while some start bleeding a lot, they jsut won't stop.
the ones fighitng astrarok suddenly see his target vanish. one of them, hurt by the spider's poison more then it's bite, turns to adrianna, but is sneak atacked by the halfling - he can't take carefull steps agains the invisible! he takes most of this situation and casts critical strike on his move
ahald AoO: [roll0], damage [roll1]+[roll2]
angry, the worg (both actually) turns at him -
[roll3], damage [roll4], trip [roll5] VS [roll6]
[roll7], damage [roll8], trip [roll9] VS [roll10]

the one close to the dead angel finds carapace better then bones. he atacks the spider.
[roll11], damage [roll12] (put +4 on this atack. spider was tripped due to boss bite)

both worgs in melle with aelvsaric atacks her
[roll13], damage [roll14]
[roll15], damage [roll16]

the lone one still atacks clause (is he tripped?), and tries to leave that horrible flanked position
[roll17], damage [roll18], trip [roll19]

the large winged worg, entagled or not, fully unleash it's fury, at the scorpion. it first claw atack misses, but his other hand strikes true, as does his bite. claw damage is 18, bite does 9. the scorpion can be triped - must beat trip check 23

.................... round two! your turn!
(clause and scorpion must roll for trip)
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkL8OBJpVyI/AAAAAAAAD-g/X8wUII3Zcf0/s640/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202562009%20012432.j pg

Jesse Drake
2009-06-26, 09:30 PM
[roll0] Vs. Trip,
For damage [roll1] Magic Missile vs. Wolf attacking me, [roll2] vs. Boss
Spell Resistance...[roll3]

Clause stumbles back (5 ft) and looks at his foes. With a point of his finger, he blasts at two foes at once.

2009-06-26, 11:09 PM
Amanclor keeps moving his skeleton squad. 3 of them tries to finish off the lone worg, one of them is commanded to fight alevsaric's foe and the owlbear joins the grapple against the demonic worg. he closes in and fights aelvsaric's foe, flankin with his skeleton.

atack: 120+10, damage [roll0]

[roll1], [roll2]. damage [roll3], [roll4] cold,[roll5], [roll6] cold

[roll7], [roll8]. damage [roll9], [roll10] cold,[roll11], [roll12] cold

[roll13], [roll14].damage [roll15], [roll16] cold,[roll17], [roll18] cold

(helping the elf) [roll19], [roll20].damage [roll21], [roll22] cold,[roll23], [roll24] cold

grapple: [roll25], [roll26], [roll27]
atacks: [roll28],[roll29]. damage [roll30],[roll31]

ahalld stands up (AoO:[roll32], damage [roll33])and sneak atacks his foe, casting critical strike.
[roll34], damage [roll35]+[roll36]

adarwi tries to pierce the boss SR with the bubble again ([roll37], [roll38]) and casts backbitter on him (SR [roll39])

aelvsaric stands up (AoO:[roll40], damage [roll41]) and casts shocking grasp in any worg that is left alive.
concentration: [roll42]
touch: [roll43]
SR: [roll44]
damage: [roll45]

2009-06-26, 11:35 PM
the ogre zombie smashes it's target. the worg is dead.

scorpion delt just 2 hp damage.

the archon bring his foe down. it's at -7.

adriana scores a kill.

clause's owlbear misses. if he rolled his other 2 atacks he could have slain it.

clause brings the worg to -29... I misscalculated, he's not down yet. the amanclor's skeletons gang up on him and finish it.

amanclor hits his worg, but his owlbear fails terrible to join the grapple.

ahalld sneak atack with succes. alevsaric damages the same target

adarwi fails his SR check agains the boss for the 3º and 4º time...

the last regular worg is surrunded and heavily wounded... he tries to move away but is devastaded by several AoO's. he's dead, no roll needed...

the boss starts cursing around "DAMM IT, GET OFF". he hit's the first claw atack and it's bite, dealing 25 hp damage.

....................................... next round! in you go!
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkWjvdgx5fI/AAAAAAAAD_U/c3D6O3UYvOY/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202762009%20014413.j pg

2009-06-30, 07:50 PM
the scorpion dilacerates the large worg but it's unagle to hold him in his pincers. the first claw chopped off quite large amount of internal organs.

th ogre too, takes a good hit at him. but if only it was a magical club...

both the archon and adrianna strike with power. their blades cut far more easily then the claws. so far, the boss took 85 points of damage

amanclor. [angry already] "well, then THIS should finish him!"
[roll0], [roll1]

his owlbear atack:
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]

Amanclor touches the worg with the palm of his hand - there's no visible effect on it. when he touchs the beast, it DROPS and stops moving - no howl, no flashes, no moans. the half-fiend supersized worg just dies, and the story is over. not that the owlbear didn't slashim him up a few more times before getting dismissed

Aelvsaric: [holding her bitten leg] "thats it? over? about damm time. i'm tired already, just want to sleep."

ahalld says he's going to take a look - casts invisibiblity and, well, gets out of sight....

a few seconds later, he shout's "it's clear, but we have a gest for dinner!" you can hear the sound of someting dragging on the ground, and soon you can see a corpse of a fat human being carried by the thin air, by this hand. the invisible halfling just keeps invisible as he finishes bringuing the dead body to you.

it's a very fat human... it has been bitten several times, parts of him were already eaten and several organs are missing. by what is left of his cloaths, you could them that they were expensive - this is possible a rich merchant or noble - very rich. you could say he died yet tonight. soaked in blood and imersed in his flesh, you see a huge golden necklace, filled with several types of gems. it's surely a major masterwork jewel, but detect magic show nothing special about it. from the gems alone, this iten would value about 3000 gold pieces, but the elaborated works on them and on the golden chains will surely rise up his value. the worgs must have taken him closer to the road and were bringing him for desert or something like that. it's possible that those creatures were playing with him for several hours before moving in to eat him.

2009-07-07, 07:25 PM
A new day greets you with a clear wheater and gentle breeze. it has been a rough evening, but you sleep seemed so long, so restfull... maybe it was the presence of the fiendish corpses laygin around you camp that made thing more nicely...

as you leave you bedroll, you notice Ahalld was already up - he's not in his bed. but he's also not by the campfire... as you are still awakening you mind you realize some of his stuff is gone, not where it was the night before. and so is the very expensive nobleman ring! it's nowhere to be found! but nothing else is gone - your magic itens, traveling equipment, rations, gold - all is left untouched. he should have scaped in the midle of the night, just grabing the amulet...

after a initial rage explosion, your aprendices calm down and realize that now he is just gone. he should have taken the road a long time ago, and will keep in hiding until he reaches a hideout or a sailing ship. only some sort of scrying could help you locate him.

when this incident is resolved, amanclor comes to clause "Clause, I'm afraide there has been a change of plans. Tonight, I've... he says he had a vision in his dreams. a very clear vision of a greater avatar of Nectari giving him a very exact mission to be performed on the other side of the united kingdom. he's aware that now is not a good time to leave, but he has no choice, and even if he did, he would stick to his godess. he's sure one day he will manage to see you again, and not too late.

you should reach the hidden suplies in half a day. the track is a bit wet from yesterday's rain but will not hamper you progress in any way..

Well, I think we had enought of a break away from the game, right? let's proceed with the quest itself now. I'm removing half the aprendices mostly to spice up things, leave more of the action centered on you AND because Ahalld was pretty useless and amanclor was giving me too much work to post actions.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-07, 11:04 PM
Clause looks forward and says "Well, my student, I can wish you only the best of luck. May Nectari guide your path." Clause smiles. This was a great opportunity for him. He does petition for some healing before he leaves, particularly for Aelvsaric.

2009-07-09, 09:28 PM
Amanclor finishes up his healing duties, but Adarwi has a last request for the priest. he asks for him to cast dessacration on an area.... and then the wizard uses his raise undead scroll and 16 black onyxes to raise up the half-devil worg as a zombie.... the wizzard clumsly rides on the beast, that even in a zombie form, is much faster them him.

Amanclor leaves, saying few other words, as he is used to do.

You truly hope his quest doesn't put him in the wrong side of the road. losing such a dedicated necromancer would be a pitty, and facing him with a full army could be VERY dangerous.

walking around to the suplies will be easy. it will may be troblesome to actually find the exact spot of the suplies.

(you don't have knowledge (geography) do you? then roll for inteligence checks, DC 15. roll some 5 at once, so it's sure for one to succed. to many failures might not be a good thing)