View Full Version : [Arena, unofficial] Gauntlet // Niezck

2009-05-24, 12:23 PM
'kay then.


Finn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127199), ready when you are.

2009-05-24, 12:30 PM
Notrigal (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=128124)


Initiative [roll0]

2009-05-24, 12:32 PM


you win.

2009-05-24, 12:40 PM
Notrigal Round 1

A slender elf stands before you, quarterstaff in hand, looking almost calm. But not quite.

You ready to die, fool?

A few words are spoken, before Notrigal stands once more, staring you down.

True Strike, cast using Sudden Still.

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 13 (+4 Dexterity, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 10
Touch: 14
True Strike active.

2009-05-24, 12:47 PM
A heavyset warforged holding a spear stares back at you with contempt, holding his weapon loosely in one hand. He walks forward a few yards and casts a spell of his own.

Move: walk forwards 25 yards (square R10)
Standard: cast True Strike


HP 12/12
In hand: Guisarme
AC: 17 (5 armor, 1 shield, 1 Dex), FF 16, touch 11
True Strike active.

2009-05-24, 12:51 PM
Notrigal Round 2

As the sanctuary is lifted, and the voice above booms, Notrigal moves five feet backwards, and goes deep into concentration, casting a spell.

(Attempting to cast my Precocious Apprentice spell, if that check makes 8 or more, read the spoiler)

Scorching Ray, using Sudden Maximize
Ranged Touch Attack - [roll1]
If that hits - 24 fire damage.

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 13 (+4 Dex, -1 Aggressive)
Touch: 10
FF: 14
No spells in effect.

2009-05-24, 12:53 PM
You hit- but isn't Scorching Ray a Close range spell? Because you're more than 30 yards from me :smallconfused:

2009-05-24, 12:54 PM
This, this is true.
I'm a fool.
Would you be terribly opposed to me, perhaps, retaking that turn?

EDIT: I also got the Precocious Apprentice check wrong, it's a Caster Level check, rather than a Spellcraft check.

2009-05-24, 12:55 PM
Go for it.

2009-05-24, 12:58 PM
Right, so each square is 5ft^2, and we get to choose which of the 4 we start in? If that's correct (as is usual with me, it probably isn't), where are you standing, as your round 1 mentioned you walked forwards a few yards ?

2009-05-24, 12:59 PM
I want forwards 25 yards, I'm in R10. And yes, AFAIK you can pick which of the 4 squards you're in.

2009-05-24, 01:12 PM
Righty then.

Notrigal Round 2

As the sanctuary is lifted, and the voice above booms, Notrigal moves fourty feet forwards, with unexpected speed, and falls into deep concentration, casting a spell.
(Start on D10, should end on L10, exactly 30' from you.)

(Attempting to cast my Precocious Apprentice spell, if that check makes 8 or more, read the spoiler)

Scorching Ray, Suddenly Maximized
Ranged Touch Attack - [roll1]
If that hits, take 24 points of damage.

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 13 (+4 Dex, -1 Aggressive)
Touch: 10
FF: 14
No spells in effect.

2009-05-24, 01:13 PM
Buggery, damn you preview!

For Precocious Apprentice - [roll0]
If above 8, see below.

Scorching Ray, Suddenly Maximized (Range of 35')
Ranged Touch Attack - [roll1]
If that hits, 24 fire damage.

EDIT: Hmm, methinks I've lost this one. Natural 1 FTL.

2009-05-24, 01:21 PM
Since y'didn't make 8, that'll be my go, then.

Swift: cast Blade of Blood
Full-round: Charge + Trip
Free with trip: Melee attack

Finn hefts his guisarme and snaps off another fast spell before making a charge at Notrigal.

If that hits:

If I win, you are prone, and:

Activating Blade of Blood on a hit- taking 5 damage.

Hmph. Well, considering I just got two natural ones in a row as well, seems it's your go again. :smallamused:

HP 12/12
AC 17 (touch 11, FF 16)
No active spells.

2009-05-24, 01:35 PM
Right, I think I'm about to die, so here goes nothing.

Notrigal Round 3

5 foot step backwards, cast a spell.

Mage Armour

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, -1 Aggressive)
Touch: 14
FF: 14
Spells Active:
Mage Armour, 1 hour

2009-05-24, 01:40 PM
Step forwards and snap off another fast spell, swing Guisarme for another trip.

Swift: Blade of Blood
Free: 5-foot step
Standard: Trip attack.



[roll2] (vs. prone AC)

2009-05-24, 01:44 PM
Opposed Trip Check - [roll0]

You don't hit on the melee. (Prone is AC -4, right?)

2009-05-24, 01:52 PM
Okay, so you're tripped but I missed you. Just prone, yes- AC -4.

2009-05-24, 02:53 PM
I can cast defensively while prone, yes? If so ...

Notrigal Round 4

Casting Defensively:
Concentration Check - [roll0] (DC 11)
If that works ...


I then move 40ft backwards, provoking an AoO from you. I end up on D10.

Your turn. (After the AoO)


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 17 (+4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
Touch: 13 (+4 Dex, -1 Aggressive)
Spells in Effect:
Mage Armour: 1 hour
Shield: 9 rounds remaining

AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 13 (+4 MA, -1 Aggressive)
Touch: 13 (+4 Dex, -1 Aggressive)
Spells in Effect:
Mage Armour: 1 hour

2009-05-24, 03:03 PM
AoO: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Edit: BTW, I don't think you can crawl 40' in a move action.

2009-05-24, 03:04 PM
Yep, that's me down. Good fight :)

(Damn you failing to cast Scorching Ray & Shield!)

EDIT: Ah, you're right, as usual I forgot something. Didn't realise I was on the floor. My move would've been to stand up then, still giving you an AoO.

2009-05-24, 03:06 PM
Good fight, myes.

Damn you failing to melee touch and trip! :smallwink:

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:06 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

Winner is Gauntlet by virtue of beating his opponent senseless.

All expended items replenished.

2009-05-24, 03:06 PM
Perhaps another? :P
I wanna see what happens if the mighty dice gods actually like my character.

2009-05-24, 03:07 PM
Up for another shot?

2009-05-24, 03:07 PM
Heh, ninja'd :)

Conbar, care to set it up?

2009-05-24, 03:08 PM
Heh, I'll take that as a yes.


2009-05-24, 03:11 PM
I presume that was initiative?
In which case, I'll also assume we're going with the same arena & whatnot ...

Initiative - [roll0]

2009-05-24, 03:14 PM
It was, but then I thought things were going to be set up, so I waited >.>

you win initiative- no way I can beat you :smallmad:

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:14 PM
Im happy to reff. Roll Initiative. The Arena Cleirc and wizard have healed you and replenished any spell slots. Please list your alloted spells ASAP.

EDIT: Sorry, do you want a new thread, arena, etc.?

2009-05-24, 03:18 PM

Spells available: 3/3
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Tanglefoot bag
Off hand: Guisarme (Carried, needs 2 hands to wield)
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 12/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

Edit: Well, I don't know about Nizeck, but a different arena might make me less likely to get destroyed by a Scorching Ray on round two :smallamused:

2009-05-24, 03:19 PM
Right, I'll take my first round then (under the sanctuary of course) and list my stats for Conbar. Also, are you OK with me switching out Magic Missile for Burning Hands? I've honestly no idea why I took it in the first place.

EDIT: I don't mind, might aswell stay here while we're at it. But if Gauntlet wants a new one (Scorching Ray FTW), I won't say no.

Notrigal Round 1

You got lucky last time, now you suffer!

Notrigal starts at D10, and moves 40ft forwards to L10. At that point, he speaks a few arcane words and stands, ready to begin.

True Strike, using Sudden Silent

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 13 (+4 Dex, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 10 (-)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells in Effect:
True Strike
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost *2
Acid Splash
Mage Armour
Burning Hands
Scorching Ray

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:20 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

Thats fine Niezck.


Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:22 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar




River Arena
http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z123/TheChilliGod/Giantitp/Arena2i.gifThe Arena walls for this map are 30 ft high, with a Climb DC of 30.

2009-05-24, 03:25 PM
Finn grins back at Notrigal (if Warforged can grin?)and turns, sprinting down the pathway to his right.

Ups, new arena. You go before me, start again.

Spells available: 3/3
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Tanglefoot bag
Off hand: Guisarme (Carried, needs 2 hands to wield)
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 12/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

2009-05-24, 03:31 PM
Hmm, interesting. New tactic methinks.

Notrigal Round 1

You got lucky last time, now you suffer!

Notrigal starts at B13, and moves to G11, behind the pillar.

(Ref only)

I cast Mage Armour

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 17 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 14 (+4 MA)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells in Effect:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost *2
Acid Splash
True Strike
Burning Hands
Scorching Ray

2009-05-24, 03:36 PM
Since there's no LoS now...

Walk forwards into the river, then to T14. Assuming riverbed counts as difficult terrain.

Spells available: 3/3
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Tanglefoot bag
Off hand: Guisarme (Carried, needs 2 hands to wield)
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 12/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

Your turn.

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:39 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar
Nietzc, You can't start there, and the place you moved does not cut LoS. You can take that turn again,as it was a simple mistake.

Also, Where did you start Gauntlet and You need a swim check to cross water

2009-05-24, 03:40 PM
I think you can solve that by swapping the 11 and 13.

2009-05-24, 03:41 PM
Sorry, got my numbers mixed up. Start at B11, move to G13.

EDIT: My turn now?

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:43 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

Okay, Gauntlet please solve your own things, look back a bit.

There is indeed no LoS.

2009-05-24, 03:44 PM
Yup. Or a LoS check, but your turn anyway.

Started in Y11. I'm not swimming- I'm walking along the bottom of the river. Warforged.

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:47 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

Yup. Or a LoS check, but your turn anyway.

Started in Y11. I'm not swimming- I'm walking along the bottom of the river. Warforged.

Gauntlet Only
Ah okay. Sorry bout that.

Nietzch's turn

2009-05-24, 03:49 PM
Notrigal Turn 2

Cast Shield

5ft step to G12 and look around.

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 9 rounds left
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost *2
Acid Splash
True Strike
Burning Hands
Scorching Ray

2009-05-24, 03:50 PM
LoS Check, again?

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 03:52 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

Please Spoiler ALL actions unless I or another Reff confirms LoS

You see nothing but an empty place

2009-05-24, 03:55 PM
double move to M14.

Spells available: 3/3
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Tanglefoot bag
Off hand: Guisarme (Carried, needs 2 hands to wield)
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 12/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

your turn.

2009-05-24, 03:58 PM
Notrigal Round 3

Ready an action to cast True Strike as soon as Finn comes within 60ft of me.

Move to J8, and look around.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 8 rounds left
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost *2
Acid Splash
True Strike
Burning Hands
Scorching Ray

You're up.

2009-05-24, 04:02 PM
'nother LoS check?

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 04:04 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

There is LoS


You see Nietzch cast something at J8. You hear "True Strike" Across the bridge.


You see Gauntlet standing at M11

2009-05-24, 04:07 PM
Move to K11

Throw Tanglefoot Bag at Notrigal

If I hit, you're entangled. But I didn't, so never mind.

Spells available: 3/3
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Tanglefoot bag
Off hand: Guisarme (Carried, needs 2 hands to wield)
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 12/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

2009-05-24, 04:09 PM
Doesn't hit.
My turn? If so ...

Caster level check for Precocious Apprentice (Come on baby, don't fail me now!)
If that gets 8 or more, read the spoiler.

Ranged Touch Attack - [roll1]
If it hits, take 24 fire damage

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 7 rounds left
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost *2
Acid Splash
Burning Hands

EDIT: I swear, I might just cry.
I get my caster level check, yay! I fail my ranged touch attack ... with another nat 1! *curls up in a corner*

2009-05-24, 04:13 PM
Now to fail my fun stuff.

Move forwards Blade of Blood as a Swift action, Trip attack.

If I hit:
If I win:

Well, that was terrible. Your turn. This is just getting ridiculous :smallamused:

2009-05-24, 04:16 PM
We should fight more often, this is hilarious :P

Move 5ft backwards and cast burning hands.

You're up.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 6 rounds left
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost *2
Acid Splash

EDIT: By 'move forwards', where did you end up? Because, basically, I'm 5ft back from you right now.

2009-05-24, 04:19 PM
I was in J10. 10' reach weapon, and you were in J8.

Reflex save for half damage:

5' step forwards, another trip try.

Melee touch.

2009-05-24, 04:22 PM
I believe that's a hit...

If I win:
[roll1] vs. prone.

2009-05-24, 04:23 PM
Right, in that case I'll have moved to I8, so you're in J9 now?

That's a fail on the save.

Trip attempt, or touch attack?
If trip ...


If touch, it failed.

Right, my turn then?

2009-05-24, 04:38 PM
Yup, your turn.

Spells available: 3/3
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Guisarme
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 8/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

2009-05-24, 04:42 PM
5' step to H9.

Cast Ray of Frost
Ranged Touch Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 5 rounds left
Spells Prepared:
Ray of Frost
Acid Splash

2009-05-24, 04:44 PM
Move to J9, cast Blade of Blood, Swing.

Melee: [roll0]

2009-05-24, 04:46 PM
Assuming a 15 hits:

Damage: [roll0]

Taking 5 damage from Blade of Blood: [roll1]

2009-05-24, 04:49 PM
No hit.

Move to J15 (H9-H10-H11-H12-I12-J12-J13-J14-J15) and cast Ray of Frost again.

Ranged Touch Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 4 rounds left
Spells Prepared:
Acid Splash

2009-05-24, 04:55 PM
Drop Guisarme. Draw Heavy Crossbow (move), fire.


2009-05-24, 04:56 PM
On a hit:

[roll0] damage.

2009-05-24, 04:57 PM
Still no hit.

I feel it would have been better to take some form of ranged weapon ...

Cast Acid Splash
Ranged Touch Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 3 rounds left
Spells Prepared:

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 04:58 PM
No hit, please keep updating stats in spoiler at bottom.

2009-05-24, 05:00 PM


2009-05-24, 05:02 PM
Ack, sorry.

Reload crossbow, 5ft step to J8.

Spells available: 3/1
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: Heavy Crossbow
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 1/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

2009-05-24, 05:02 PM
You didn't hit btw. It's your turn.

Nothing to see here.

2009-05-24, 05:03 PM
Just took it.

2009-05-24, 05:05 PM
Right, my spells are depleted, I've no ranged weapons ... what to do now ...

Moving in a direct line, I end up at J9.

To Hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

I might aswell :P

Your turn.


HP: 3
AC: 19 (+4 Dex, +4 MA, +4 Shield, -1 Aggressive, -2 Charge)
FF: 18 (+4 MA, +4 Shield)
Touch: 14 (+4 Dex)
Spells Active:
Mage Armour - 1 hour
Shield - 2 rounds left
Spells Prepared:

EDIT: I'm a fool. I should've had 1 more 0 level spell for being an evoker <_<
Well, I didn't put it on my sheet, and this is more fun, so nevermind :)

2009-05-24, 05:09 PM
Miss. Drop Crossbow, Blade of Blood as a swift action, Slam.


on hit:

2009-05-24, 05:10 PM
Woot, crit. Confirm:



Blade of Blood damage: [roll2]

Spells available: 3/0
0: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1: Blade of Blood, True Strike

Main hand: none
Offhand arm: Buckler

HP: 1/12
AC: 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)

Hmm, are we playing with any special rules for 2 nat 20s in a row?

Connor Darkdart
2009-05-24, 05:12 PM
Initiate Reff Conbar

That, I believe, is game good sir.

The winner is Gauntlet,by virue of having 1 HP left when the other person did not.

2009-05-24, 05:13 PM
Either way, that's me gone.

There really was nothing else for it :P
Incidently, how much HP were you on?
*Goes to write his evoker 0 level spell on sheet*

2009-05-24, 05:29 PM
I was on 1. >.>

2009-05-24, 05:34 PM
If I'd have had that extra Ray of Frost ...

Mind if I just see what would've happened?

Ranged Touch Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

EDIT: Ha, wouldn't have got you anyway!
Good fight dude :)

2009-05-24, 05:46 PM
and you =)