View Full Version : facial hair!

2009-05-25, 01:15 AM
i wish to know how many of my fellow playgrounder's sport facial hair. beards, mustaches, the like.

also, why?
also, also, how old were you when you started growing it? has it created any conflicts with your employer/significant other/lifestyle choices.
edit: pics are appreciated.

Innis Cabal
2009-05-25, 01:17 AM
8th grade....grew my first full mustache.

I sport a soul patch now. Why? Because it looks good and the ladies around these parts love it.

2009-05-25, 01:23 AM
I have a mustache and goatee. Why? Because, as a villain, I'm contractually obligated to do so.

In the past, either the mustache or goatee came and went but now they're both constant features.

2009-05-25, 01:24 AM
I grew a mustache in jr. high, mostly to see if I could.

Since then I've had a goatee at various points, but it's frustrating to grow (looks terrible until it fills in) and you see so many of them around that I feel like a trend whore just wearing one. So for now I'm clean shaven.

I've never had any problems with employers, but during my brief (but not brief enough) career in fast food the manager had a strict policy against facial hair. God forbid any human hair gets mixed with the rat hair in the burgers.

2009-05-25, 01:25 AM
Last year I grew a goatee for my halloween costume. I kept it for a few months until my girl friend made me shave it off. I have now decided to regrow it, though she wants me to trim it every couple weeks to keep it ruly. I am not sure I want to try.

2009-05-25, 01:32 AM
I, uh, obviously do not sport facial hair. But I would like to mention that the World Championship Beard and Mustache competition was just held in my city this weekend.

Talk about creepy.

2009-05-25, 01:49 AM
I have a mustache and goatee. Why? Because, as a villain, I'm contractually obligated to do so.

In the past, either the mustache or goatee came and went but now they're both constant features.

for a weird three month period when i stayed sober last year, i stopped wearing black, stopped swearing, stopped joking about terrible stuff, started wearing jeans, and shaved my goatee. these factors combined with the fact that i abruptly stopped responding to my name, preferring the moniker "isaiah freeman" lead to several accusations that i was my own evil doppelganger.

2009-05-25, 01:52 AM
I used to have a full beard, but I had to shave it all off for a theatre performance... :smallfrown:

2009-05-25, 01:54 AM
I have a full beard and a mustache to go with it. Thus far it hasn't caused me any problems, and I think it greatly improves my appearance.


I also have a sweet hat.

2009-05-25, 02:14 AM
3-day beard here. 'Cause it looks better on me than if I shave. I look like I'm 18 if I shave, so I'll keep this look for now. Of course...it's a chore to keep it this way, so I often go a week or more without doing anything, making me look more like a lazy slob. =)

2009-05-25, 02:30 AM
I have a full beard and a mustache to go with it. Thus far it hasn't caused me any problems, and I think it greatly improves my appearance.


I also have a sweet hat.

That really is one sweet hat! :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-25, 02:44 AM
I have a goatee that was grown in the last few months.
Why? Because I wanted to :smallbiggrin:
Affects nothing but my appearance. Makes my face look less round, as does my long hair. This is the desired effect and I enjoy it.

2009-05-25, 02:48 AM
When I was about fourteen, I started growing some facial hair, and made token efforts at shaving every few days.

When I was about fifteen or so, I decided to try and grow it out a little.

However, at seventeen, I got interested in participating in a play, a veritable high-school musical (grumbles angrily at Disney for having ruined that combination of words), and decided my character would be better off without a beard, so I started shaving again.

...then it got cancelled. :smallannoyed:

These days, I keep it trimmed a little, so that I don't unintentionally rip out parts of my moustache while eating (very painful, by the way, and doesn't taste good at all), but that's about it.

2009-05-25, 02:49 AM
I have it and shave it. Primarily because I'm pretty sure I'd look horrible if I didn't. Wish I could grow a beard though, but I'm only 17 I shouldn't be too jealous of my best friend and cousin, both who had full bears when they were my age.

2009-05-25, 07:18 AM
I have a full beard. I like it. Without it, I look like I'm 14 (I'm 27). Plus, my wife thinks it's hot ;-)

2009-05-25, 07:26 AM
I shave whenever I remember to and look rather disreputable.:smalltongue:

2009-05-25, 07:33 AM
I used to shave when I was younger, now I just trim.
I'm in control of the beardage, there are no jobs in my state.

As a bonus I included a picture of it. Ok, a drawing of me, by me.
<---- Over there

2009-05-25, 07:35 AM
I used to shave when I was younger, now I just trim.
I'm in control of the beardage, there are no jobs in my state.

As a bonus I included a picture of it. Ok, a drawing of me, by me.
<---- Over there

I see a box with a little red X in the corner...:smallconfused:

2009-05-25, 07:51 AM
I had to fix it.
Site I had used didn't play well.
Always hogged all the dump trucks, pickups, and sandbox Elvis's.
It now works fine.

2009-05-25, 08:29 AM
i wish to know how many of my fellow playgrounder's sport facial hair. beards, mustaches, the like.

also, why?
also, also, how old were you when you started growing it? has it created any conflicts with your employer/significant other/lifestyle choices.
edit: pics are appreciated.

Yes, I currently sport a three-day growth in the form of a patchy throatbeard, thickish sideburns and a small mustache. The reason? I couldn't be bothered to shave over the bank holiday.

It looks really stupid.

Midnight Son
2009-05-25, 08:31 AM
i wish to know how many of my fellow playgrounder's sport facial hair. beards, mustaches, the like.

also, why?
also, also, how old were you when you started growing it? has it created any conflicts with your employer/significant other/lifestyle choices.
edit: pics are appreciated.

In my current style (or similar), I started growing it in 2002, though I have had facial hair at various other times throughout my adult life. It has never caused me any problems with the mentioned possibilities. In fact, my SO likes to stroke it from time to time. As for why; it looks good and gives me a distinct look.

For a decent pic of it, see below:

For an indecent pic of it, go here:

2009-05-25, 08:43 AM
I have a fairly short beard and moustache. I've never actually shaved it since it started growing (when I was 14), just trimmed. No pics, sorry.

Why'd I grow it? Because it's facial hair dammit! It's what men are meant to have. Besides, it gives you something to stroke while laughing quietly in a sinisterly thoughtful manner:smalltongue:

Not much in the way of conflict. My family teased for a while, but have gotten used to it.

2009-05-25, 08:43 AM
I stopped shaving the day after high school graduation. I would have stopped sooner, but my high school's dress code forbade facial hair.

I spent most of college with a scraggly unkempt beard.
(I still can't believe I thought that looked good)

Towards the end of my last year of college, when I started looking for jobs, I started trimming it.

I spent a few months this year clean shaven as an experiment; two weeks ago I ran out of shaving cream and decided that shaving was just too much of a hassle. My beard's not 100% grown in again yet, but it's getting there.

2009-05-25, 08:47 AM
Why'd I grow it? Because it's facial hair dammit! It's what men are meant to have. Besides, it gives you something to stroke while laughing quietly in a sinisterly thoughtful manner:smalltongue:

It's bloody itchy, that's what it is. Ach, I shouldn't be so lazy.

2009-05-25, 08:59 AM
I only shave about once every week, when the itching becomes too annoying. Why? Because after every time I shave, I look like I stuck my face in a blender. I can't figure out how to do it without two dozen small wounds as a result.

2009-05-25, 09:03 AM
I only shave about once every week, when the itching becomes too annoying. Why? Because after every time I shave, I look like I stuck my face in a blender. I can't figure out how to do it without two dozen small wounds as a result.


How are you shaving? With a kitchen knife?

Ninja Chocobo
2009-05-25, 09:14 AM
both who had full bears when they were my age.

Full bears?! And they're still alive?!

I can't grow facial hair past the shadow of a moustache that doesn't look good on anyone and some soft white fuzz that I don't bother shaving because it's practically invisible unless back-lit. Also, it's soft and fuzzy.

2009-05-25, 09:20 AM
How to Shave

1. Open up your pores by soaking a flannel under the hot tap until it is steaming, and then hold it against your face for a minute.
2. Use a shaving cream or soap. It is simply not possible to get as good a shave with a shaving gel. If you have sensitive skin, use an aqueous moisturiser instead.
3. Using small circular motions, apply the soap to your skin with a brush. This causes the stubble to stand on end, making the shave easier and closer.
4. Use a decent razor. A good multiblade razor work extremely well if kept clean and dry when not in use. Avoid cheap disposables.
5. Check which way the hair grows on your face. Shave in the direction that the hair grows in smooth, straight strokes, especially if you are prone to bleeding. The growth direction changes on different parts of the face, especially the throat and neck.
6. For a close shave, put another hot flannel over your face to reopen your pores.
7. Reapply shaving soap with your brush, and then shave in the opposite direction to that which your hair grows. Smooth, straight strokes.
8. Once finished, run your flannel under a cold tap then hold it to your face to close your pores and help seal the skin.
9. As soon as possible, apply a moisturiser, shaving balm or aftershave gel.
10. Applying cologne or eau de toilette onto freshy shaven skin will sting due to the high alcohol content. Don't be a wuss.

I know some people will find this guide patronising. However, I find that a lot of people never learn how to shave properly, as nobody ever shows them - rather, when they start to grow facial hair they're given a razor and told to get on with it. I've had to teach several friends how to shave properly.

Jack Squat
2009-05-25, 09:23 AM
I only shave about once every week, when the itching becomes too annoying. Why? Because after every time I shave, I look like I stuck my face in a blender. I can't figure out how to do it without two dozen small wounds as a result.

You could by a norelco (http://www.consumer.philips.com/consumer/consumer_landing_page.jsp?country=US&language=en&catalogType=NORELCO) razor, or the like, it's pretty much impossible to get cut with one. I normally use one of these because I find it faster than a normal razor, and it keeps me clean shaven enough for work.

However, after the first couple times using a disposable razor and water (yep, I'm too cheap to use shaving cream) I only nick myself every once in awhile, normally at the bottom of the jaw, where you can't see anyways.

2009-05-25, 09:25 AM

How are you shaving? With a kitchen knife?
Done that. Not as hard as you might think really. I've also shaved with a straight blade razor (the old style ones that true barbers use), a pocket knife, a sword, and a very very VERY sharp piece of obsidian. No, don't ask why.

That's why I look like when I trim it. Currently, it's rather scraggly. I need to shave.

Also, I have a bitchin' hat.

2009-05-25, 09:30 AM
I've been looking for a good-quality straight blade razor for AGES. Where did you get one?

And yes, a razor-sharp kitchen knife is possible, just not advisable for people without VERY steady hands.

2009-05-25, 09:32 AM
I've been looking for a good-quality straight blade razor for AGES. Where did you get one?

And yes, a razor-sharp kitchen knife is possible, just not advisable for people without VERY steady hands.
I got that one from my barber back home in Ohio. He let me buy one for $20.

As for the other knives/objects, I don't really recommend using anything but a razor. Trust me, shaving with a sword isn't something you want to actually have to try. I only did it cause someone payed me $100 to do it. Totally worth it. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-25, 09:38 AM
I wear a full beard and moustache. Because I am a working professional, I have to make sure every day that it is neatly groomed and the edges are straight. I've had it for about seven and a half years (the last time I was clean-shaven was my 18th birthday). The reason I grew it is simple: I like the way I look with it better than the way I look without it.

In truth, it has given me some trouble in the past when I was looking for jobs, but I figure any job that won't take me because of how I look isn't a job I want. It has probably limited my romantic options somewhat too, but the girlfriends I have had loved it, and have argued vehemently against the suggestion that I should shave it.

In a way, it has become my defining feature. A while back, I left my hometown to attend grad school, and the going-away party that was thrown for me featured balloons with beards, and a big cake with a beard. Of course, now I live in Boston, where young men don't grow full beards. It's kind of eerie, being the only man under forty in the entire state of Massachusetts who has a beard and a ponytail. I might wind up having to lose the 'tail, but they'll have to shave this beard from my cold dead face.

2009-05-25, 09:49 AM
I had some peach fuzz, but my parents/school dress code/will of the people made me shave it. I do have some random chin hairs, but it's nowhere near a goatee, but it's there, and has been threatened/attacked by camp counselors and (ex-)girlfriends with tweezers.

Mando Knight
2009-05-25, 11:00 AM
How to Shave

1. Open up your pores by soaking a flannel under the hot tap until it is steaming, and then hold it against your face for a minute.
2. Use a shaving cream or soap. It is simply not possible to get as good a shave with a shaving gel. If you have sensitive skin, use an aqueous moisturiser instead.
3. Using small circular motions, apply the soap to your skin with a brush. This causes the stubble to stand on end, making the shave easier and closer.
4. Use a decent razor. A good multiblade razor work extremely well if kept clean and dry when not in use. Avoid cheap disposables.
5. Check which way the hair grows on your face. Shave in the direction that the hair grows in smooth, straight strokes, especially if you are prone to bleeding. The growth direction changes on different parts of the face, especially the throat and neck.
6. For a close shave, put another hot flannel over your face to reopen your pores.
7. Reapply shaving soap with your brush, and then shave in the opposite direction to that which your hair grows. Smooth, straight strokes.
8. Once finished, run your flannel under a cold tap then hold it to your face to close your pores and help seal the skin.
9. As soon as possible, apply a moisturiser, shaving balm or aftershave gel.
10. Applying cologne or eau de toilette onto freshy shaven skin will sting due to the high alcohol content. Don't be a wuss.

I know some people will find this guide patronising. However, I find that a lot of people never learn how to shave properly, as nobody ever shows them - rather, when they start to grow facial hair they're given a razor and told to get on with it. I've had to teach several friends how to shave properly.

...And I never realized that there was so much involved in proper shaving.

...Mostly because I can't really grow much facial hair other than a few inordinate patches, a goatee, and a mustache...

2009-05-25, 11:07 AM
I'm currently in the process of growing facial hair again as my girlfriend likes it. I like it too because I don't have to shave :smalltongue: and because when its grown right it frames me face rather nicely.

2009-05-25, 11:14 AM
My facial hair depends on the day you happen to catch me. On the weekend I am clean shaven. Over the course of the week, I have progressively more stubble, right up till Friday when I shave for work.

Berserk Monk
2009-05-25, 11:16 AM
Yeah, I used to have a full beard like a week ago, but I shaved it off for the summer. I thought it be nice to go a few months without it. Boy was I wrong. I liked it because it made me look like a bad ass barbarian warrior (as well as silent Bob and Alan Moore). I miss my beard. It didn't really create any problems other that sometimes getting caught on my necklace chain and getting in my mouth when I eat (none of which that big a deal).

2009-05-25, 11:34 AM
I'm anti facial hair. Very anti facial hair on women.

It seems to me the ratio of insane people is heavily in favor of people with facial hair. While not all people with facial hair are nuts or deviant... I've never seen a clean shaven crazy homeless person male or female.

It's kind of like wearing a fanny pack is a sign of being mentally handicapped. The more handicapped the person is the more stuff is inside and clipped onto the pack. I'm not saying everyone who wears a fanny pack is mentally handicapped.

The same with beards and other facial hair. The more there is and the more squirrels living in it the more crazy the person is. Criminals tend to have lots of facial hair. When they put pictures of the people they busted on TV on in the paper they almost always have facial hair.


So do out of control cops that like to beat people. They always have the combination of a "cop stache" and mirrored sunglasses.

2009-05-25, 11:46 AM
...And I never realized that there was so much involved in proper shaving.

If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing right.

2009-05-25, 11:47 AM
If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing right.
Very much so. It's also usually worth butchering a few times, just for kicks. :smallwink:

2009-05-25, 11:51 AM
Very much so. It's also usually worth butchering a few times, just for kicks. :smallwink:

I've helped butcher lambs on my great-uncles farm. It's a slightly smelly and vaguely unpleasant job (with much unwanted stickiness and generally messiness). I don't see the kicks.

2009-05-25, 12:09 PM
I've helped butcher lambs on my great-uncles farm. It's a slightly smelly and vaguely unpleasant job (with much unwanted stickiness and generally messiness). I don't see the kicks.
Done that too. Not much fun. You also missed the joke. Silly Irishman, jokes are for- *gets dragged away for bad joke*

2009-05-25, 12:15 PM
I've got a moustache, and I'm trying to grow a beard. First, it was going to be a goatee, although it didn't seem to want to grow beyond my chin. But one day, I went on a two-weeks-long trip and forgot my razor, but I liked how I looked with a beard covering my entire face. So now I'm growing a proper beard, but again without much luck.

2009-05-25, 12:18 PM
My chin is as bald as my uncles head! :smallbiggrin:

Berserk Monk
2009-05-25, 12:19 PM
My chin is as bald as my uncled head! :smallbiggrin:

Your head's been uncled? Ouch! Did it hurt?

2009-05-25, 12:20 PM
Your head's been uncled? Ouch! Did it hurt?


2009-05-25, 03:13 PM
I spent ages going clean shaven, then grew a moustache and goatee, later shaved off the moustache and later still the goatee. I was clean shaven a few days ago but now I'm a stage after 'stubbley'.

2009-05-25, 03:33 PM
Grew my goatee at about 14/15, and had it ever since (in varying lengths and shapes, longest being about 13cm). It might be accompanied by something ranging from a simple unshaven face to a tree-day beard to a mighty full beard, depending on how long I am to lazy to shave and can take the itch.

As for the why: At the time I grew it, it was because I could and thought it looked great. At the time being, because I have grown accustomed to it.

It has so far never caused me any trouble with any kind of employer or other in any other given situation.

So long, Arokh.

2009-05-25, 04:33 PM
*Is jealous* :smallannoyed:

I WISH I had the ability to grow facial hair. My dad SORTA can (mostly a mustache) and my brother can a little, but all I can grow is a patchy neck-beard and little bit of a ratty 'stache (but mostly on the sides - kinda like a reverse Hitler mustache).

I usually shave every week or so - mostly whenever I look in the mirror and look like I have the mange. :smallwink:

Question: I've heard differing opinions on this. The old wives' tale that shaving more often makes facial hair grow faster - true or not? If so, I'm gonna start shaving parts of my face/neck every day so it at least looks EVEN.

2009-05-25, 04:38 PM
I'm starting to get quite a beard. Mostly because I don't care and thus only ever shave when I have to, which is almost never. I have the same policy with cutting my hair, so that used to be down to my waist until I had to cut a dm or two this easter.

2009-05-25, 04:45 PM
Question: I've heard differing opinions on this. The old wives' tale that shaving more often makes facial hair grow faster - true or not? If so, I'm gonna start shaving parts of my face/neck every day so it at least looks EVEN.

I think that it's true, although I'm not sure how much of it is simply "everyone says so". But I think I noticed that the more often I shave, the quicker and thickier the beard grows.

2009-05-25, 05:20 PM
I used to have a reverse soul patch (soulless patch?), which I shaved a while back. I now have general facial hair in the stage after stubble, which I plan to shape back into the reverse soul patch, because I loved that. If you're finding it hard to picture what I mean, imagine a normal beard, except with a gap in the middle.

Jack Squat
2009-05-25, 05:25 PM
Question: I've heard differing opinions on this. The old wives' tale that shaving more often makes facial hair grow faster - true or not? If so, I'm gonna start shaving parts of my face/neck every day so it at least looks EVEN.

I don't really think that cutting is enough to change your genetic code. From what I gather, this is told to get us to shave those fuzzball mustaches we have at 14 years old. Sure enough, over time, the full beard comes in.

2009-05-25, 05:33 PM
I don't really think that cutting is enough to change your genetic code. From what I gather, this is told to get us to shave those fuzzball mustaches we have at 14 years old. Sure enough, over time, the full beard comes in.

There's a point to it in that your first couple of shaves (depending on person of course) will be pretty uneven and light, and so shaving that away to make way for a more coherent and even beard will make your beard look like it's growing better with each shave (up until a point).

2009-05-25, 06:12 PM
Don't really grow facial hair myself, don't have much issue shaving it.
But legs? Yikes. Every time, I've cut myself at the knee. I really must get better at that. Because body hair is disgusting and it feels better!

2009-05-25, 06:54 PM
i occasionally grow a beard (its tres ginger) but then i get bored at 4am sometimes and shave... then regret it.

im in the process of growing my handlebar tasche back in

2009-05-25, 07:08 PM
Every time, I've cut myself at the knee. I really must get better at that.

See shaving guide at the bottom of page one. Doesn't just apply to faces.

2009-05-25, 07:17 PM
See shaving guide at the bottom of page one. Doesn't just apply to faces.

Already duly noted.
It's just hard to angle sometimes, I suppose. That part will take more than just technique.

2009-05-25, 07:27 PM
I shave with a cheap safety razor run under cold water. My face is dry. I have yet to do more than scrape myself.

Of course, this is simply a reflection on what I can grow, which is not nearly enough to bother with proper shaving. Eventually I'll be able to grow a respectable mustache, but I can't yet. I might be able to grow a scraggly and pathetic goatee. Maybe. It looks and feels terrible when I don't shave for a little while. Pathetic whispy hairs that are barely noticeable.

2009-05-25, 07:28 PM
Already duly noted.
It's just hard to angle sometimes, I suppose. That part will take more than just technique.

Do you try to do it with the knee straightened or bent? I would suggest you did it with a bent knee lying on your back, as it taughtens the skin on the knee and also allows easier reach. Generally in the bath.

2009-05-25, 07:30 PM
Do you try to do it with the knee straightened or bent? I would suggest you did it with a bent knee lying on your back, as it taughtens the skin on the knee and also allows easier reach. Generally in the bath.

Yeah, I try and get maximum tension, but it seems nigh impossible to get that kind of tension on the side of the knee, where it's sort of turning around to the back of the leg, and that's where it always gets me. It's my own fault for having hairy legs.

2009-05-25, 07:36 PM
Yeah, I try and get maximum tension, but it seems nigh impossible to get that kind of tension on the side of the knee, where it's sort of turning around to the back of the leg, and that's where it always gets me. It's my own fault for having hairy legs.

And thus the subject turns from facial hair to body hair in general...

You should straighten the leg for that bit. Bent knee for the top of the knee, straight for the back and sides.

You might also consider investing in a multi-bladed razor if you're not using one - doesn't have to be an expensive brand, there's little difference I only mention because most girls I know use a one- or two-bladed disposable.

2009-05-25, 07:41 PM
And thus the subject turns from facial hair to body hair in general...

You should straighten the leg for that bit. Bent knee for the top of the knee, straight for the back and sides.

You might also consider investing in a multi-bladed razor if you're not using one - doesn't have to be an expensive brand, there's little difference I only mention because most girls I know use a one- or two-bladed disposable.

Hey, I expand topics. it's what I do!

And yeah, I use a two-bladed disposable razor for it, and it generally works well.

2009-05-25, 07:51 PM
Multi-bladed razors seem expensive comparitively, but if you rinse them carefully after use and leave them in a dry place then you can get many, many shaves out of them.

2009-05-25, 07:52 PM
if you're having problems shaving any areas, then take time. Rather than lathering up your whole leg, do it in sections

i have problems with my chin area (getting a close enough shave), so slowing down, and foaming up as needed, then using a free hand to pull the skin as taught as possible helps

just my 2p's worth

BUT: i have a question

shaving oils? opinions on them please as opposed to using foam/soap?

2009-05-25, 10:54 PM
Here's an amusing article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1187350/Pictured-Bearded-wonders-gather-hairiest-contest-world.htm) on facial hair. :smalltongue:

Shades of Gray
2009-05-25, 10:56 PM
I am currently sporting something known as "the horrendous teen-stache". I got an electric razor for my birthday. Joy.

2009-05-25, 11:44 PM
I am currently sporting something known as "the horrendous teen-stache". I got an electric razor for my birthday. Joy.

keep yourself well groomed - unless you can grow a proper tasche i'd advise staying clean shaven

that extra bit of daily care an attention to your skin will DEFINATELY be a plus during your teen years to avoid any skin problems. And lets face it - the lasses love a guy who pays his appearance some attention

Shades of Gray
2009-05-25, 11:48 PM
Given that their is literally (LITERALLY!) 6 girls at my High School, I don't think I'll need to worry about "the lasses" :smalltongue:.

It's not growing fast enough to warrant shaving every day, so I think I'll do it once a week.

2009-05-25, 11:55 PM
I've got some scruff on my chin, not much, but I like the look of it. Cookie dusters do not fit me, though, so I end up shaving over my upper lip more often than my neck/chin.

2009-05-27, 02:11 PM
I haven't got a beard or a moustache (can't seem to grow them) but I have got, as my friends call them, Epic Sideburns (or Mutton Chops).

Mr. Mud
2009-05-27, 02:22 PM
I have a bit of a stubble, but thats not because I can't grow a beard; the oppisite actually. See I usually shower at NIGHT, and then shave, so over night I I have 5 o'clock shadow... 5AM Shadow. I looks tamed though, and fairly badass if I do say so myself. Ah, and the ladies dig it :smalltongue:.

I had to start shaving when I turn thirteen... In january of 7th grade :smallbiggrin::smallamused:.

2009-05-27, 02:32 PM
I can't grow facial hair to save my life... I wish I could, and have contemplated a rogaine derivative to remedy this. :smalltongue:

If I do, I want this:


2009-05-27, 03:20 PM
Question: I've heard differing opinions on this. The old wives' tale that shaving more often makes facial hair grow faster - true or not? If so, I'm gonna start shaving parts of my face/neck every day so it at least looks EVEN.

No, shaving doesn't affect facial hair growth.

What the tale probably comes from is:

1) Teenagers shaving their peach fuzz for the first couple of times. When they first shave it, the hair is narrower at the end. After the shave, the stubble that first grows out is the thicker middle of the hair.

2) Facial hair growing faster results in people shaving more not the other way around. A 15 year old could shave every day and not develop a beard. The faster your facial hair grows, the more often you have to shave if you want a clean shaven look.

Outside of the couple of days growth resulting when I'm too lazy to shave during vacations or long weekends, I've never had facial hair.

2009-05-27, 03:48 PM
I've done beards, goatees, mustache and soul patch combo, just the 'stache and seeing as it's summer and it makes my gf happy i'm clean shaven. First mustache at 14. Didn't shave it until about 4 months ago. That was a very sad day for me.

2009-05-27, 04:24 PM
I've been able to grow a beard since I was 16 or 17, but I can't really grow a moustache for some reason.
Currently I shave my neck regularly and trim the rest. I like how it frames my face, and I love stroking it speculatively while contemplating something. :smalltongue:

2009-05-27, 04:49 PM
Originally I wanted to grow out a Snidely K Whiplash (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snidely_Whiplash) style handle bar moustache, so I could stroke it and cackle like a madman. Unfortunately I can’t find any proper moustache wax to form the handlebars in this town.
So instead I keep it short, it makes me look dashing and roguish. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Aside from that I’ve also got stubble going on and the beginnings of a goatee, mostly due to laziness.
I’ve also sported goatees before in the past but I eventually shave them.

Unfortunately I’m not a very harry guy. So it takes a while to grow anything.

2009-05-28, 02:55 AM
I'm supposed to be clean shaven for work, I haven't shaved in two weeks and no one has said a thing - this should be some commentary on how fast my facial hair grows :smallconfused:

I'd grow a beard if I had a chance, though. And some mutton-chops.

Zeb The Troll
2009-05-28, 05:02 AM
I go round and round with mine, but usually keep it as full stubble. Meaning that I have it from jaw to jaw but I use a beard trimmer to keep it short. When I feel I need to "clean up" for something, I typically trim it down to mustache and goatee, though to my frustration the two never actually meet. I have mustache above the mouth and chin beard below, but to the sides stays bald.

I keep the beard and 'stache for several reasons. First and foremost is that I don't like shaving. Especially above the lip. It just gets raw and no matter how much hot water, soap, or shaving cream I use, I still end up with a Homer Simpson. Which leads to reason two. Even when I shave I look like I have a hairy upper lip, so why be miserable about it? Then there's the fact that I have a hard enough time looking my age with the facial hair. When I shave it off I also lose 15 years. Though it's a gas to get carded at the liquor store at 37. And besides, the wife thinks I look better with it than without, normally.

Interesting note on getting the girls... I read that the vast majority of women like facial hair on potential mates, but dislike it on actual mates. Not sure where I read that though... Maybe Alarra knows.

*shouts over his shoulder*


2009-05-28, 05:21 AM
I can't grow proper facial hair, it's almost as if I have a lower follicle density than other people. If I stop shaving, all I get is a very poor neck-beard and a scraggly moustache, and I'm sure someone could count every hair there. So, for the sake of looking good, I have to shave.

If I had a choice though, I would certainly have proper, thick sideburns. Full-on, Regency-gentleman look.

2009-05-28, 07:07 AM
I do not let mine grow, my beard comes through in ginger patches.

However, I used to have lame teenage sideburns. I shaved them off when I realised they were lame.

I now go clean shaven, as an Officer Cadet. If I ever make Captain, I might consider growing a proper, officer tache.

2009-05-28, 07:09 AM
I don't shave ever, I trim my moustache when it starts to grow over my lips though.

For some reason my beard only grows on my chin, so I have a natural goatee.

2009-05-28, 08:10 AM
I grew a beard from late August of 2006 until December 31st 2006. It was originally to give people something to look at besides the huge thyroidectomy scar on my neck, but eventually I got a lot of compliments on it. I shaved it on New Years Eve as a gift to my wife, who thought it made me look old. :smallbiggrin:


2009-05-28, 09:31 AM
I grew a beard from late August of 2006 until December 31st 2006. It was originally to give people something to look at besides the huge thyroidectomy scar on my neck, but eventually I got a lot of compliments on it. I shaved it on New Years Eve as a gift to my wife, who thought it made me look old. :smallbiggrin:


Typically that’s what I noticed about people with beards.

If you’re rather young, they tend to make you look older than you are. But if you’re a bit older, they tend to make you look younger than you are.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-06-09, 04:11 PM
I haven't got a beard or a moustache (can't seem to grow them) but I have got, as my friends call them, Epic Sideburns (or Mutton Chops).

I know someone like that :smallwink:.

2009-06-09, 05:17 PM

i need grooming equipment advice - at the moment im quite liking my stuble, and im slowly coming round to the idea of growing my handle bar tasche back in

sadly all i have is razor blades and scissors (the razor is the rather excellent Azor by king of shaves, and the scissors are comfortable to use) - what i lack is the patience it requires to do regularly (ever 2-4 days to keep the stubble down at an acceptable length)

so - what sort of electric razors/trimmers/clippers could you recommend for trimming facial hair that can handle multiple length settings and preferably won't cost too much

2009-06-09, 05:19 PM
I grow facial hair [or any hair for that matter] really, really fast.

I shave a lot, but all in all, I don't mind a little facial hair, so sometimes I usually just let it grow till I feel it annoys me enough, then I shave it.

2009-06-09, 11:08 PM
Interesting note on getting the girls... I read that the vast majority of women like facial hair on potential mates, but dislike it on actual mates. Not sure where I read that though...

The most recent study I read concluded that women tend to prefer a facial hair configuration similar to whatever their fathers sported during their formative years. A bit icky, I thought, but there you go.


I sport a close-cropped full beard and mustache. Partly it's due to laziness: I can get by with going a couple of days between trimmings, whereas when I try to maintain a clean-shaven appearance I need at least two shaves a day. (Some guys can do the "five o'clock shadow" look; on me it's a disaster.) Also, I fail utterly at keeping my sideburns level, to the point that it's easier to just let them grow... all the way down to my chin. Also also, I like the way I look with the beard better than the way I look without it, as not only is my face on the round side, but the beard is the only thing making it look like I have a jawline at all. I don't have any pictures at the moment, but some will almost certainly be forthcoming at the end of this month.

I first experimented with beard-growing during my first semester at college, just because I could. This was a factor in some of my classmates thinking I was either a transfer or a non-traditional student, which led to people asking me if I'd go down to the liquor store and buy booze for them. I continued to flirt with the idea throughout my college years, growing it out for a couple of weeks or months at a time* before shaving it off again. Upon graduating from college, the beard became a more-or-less permanent fixture. I've shaved it all off a few times in the years since then, usually when I was looking for a job**, but within a few weeks I always remember how much I hate trying to keep up a clean-shaven look (and also how badly I suck at it), and a week or so after that I'm back in full swing.

* Including once at the urging of my then-girlfriend, who liked the way it felt.

** Plus once by accident after I set the trimmer to the wrong length. I also worked briefly for a company where facial hair was a violation of the dress code.

Zeb The Troll
2009-06-09, 11:54 PM
The most recent study I read concluded that women tend to prefer a facial hair configuration similar to whatever their fathers sported during their formative years. A bit icky, I thought, but there you go.This actually kind of makes sense if you think about it more along the lines of "my tastes are similar to mom's" than "I'm hawt for my dad".

Anywho... about the searching vs. dating thing...

Alarra has confirmed that it was in an issue of Psychology Today. Seems the reasoning behind it is that facial hair is a masculine marker, and therefore attractive on a potential mate. However it's often uncomfortable to kiss and nuzzle, therefore making it less attractive on an actual mate.

And now you know...

2009-06-10, 12:54 AM
I usually have either a full beard or I clean my cheeks off completely and leave the jawline, chin, and mustache alone.

Can't grow a goatee yet/at all. :smallfrown: Just don't have the connecting lines.

Right now I've basically got stubble from not shaving for a week and a half (takes me about 2 weeks to reach the point where I'll call it a beard), after I messed up shaving and decided to go cleanshaven for a week or so, just to remind myself how to do so.

I'm currently contemplating whether I should go cleanshaven indefinitely or if I should just clean the stuff that's been growing on my neck off.

Neck hair sucks as I experience physical pain as a reminder of when I need to shave. Haven't quite reached the stage where shaving every day is necessary for my neck thank god. Or I'd be in nigh constant pain or have a neckbeard. :smallannoyed:

...I've been growing facial hair since I was in ninth grade, possibly a bit sooner than that. But my parents decided that after that year they'd finally buy me a razor to deal with the problem. Never was taught to shave by my dad, which has lead to some feelings of resentment there, due to some misplaced notion that it's some sort of bonding experience that's supposed to happen.

mostly just shaved it once a month or so when my whiskers got to the point where I noticed 'em again until about my junior year where I'd let my beard grow on my face but not on my neck except for special occasions and then my senior year of high school I believe is when I started keeping my cheeks and neck clean save for the jawline.

Edit: welp, I just shaved off my cheeks and my neck leaving only the jawline, chin, and mustache again...

2009-06-10, 01:24 AM
I've got a full beard going right now.

Started not too long ago, about 2 months. The rest of the time I always shaved within 3 days max. I keep my moustache, neckbeard and cheeks fairly clean-shaven but I've gotten lazy lately and haven't bothered with beard-maintenance for about two weeks.

I turn 21 soon, so yeah. My first beard experience is pretty good because I waited a fairly long while to go for it.

As to why? Easy. I'm balding, and my long hair just had to go. I live in a fairly redneck town and did NOT want to look like a skinhead, so I waited until I had something that could be mistaken for a beard before I shaved the head.

It's hilarious how many people don't recognize me now. But hey, if you're going to go with a change, might as well make it drastic, right?

2009-06-10, 01:26 AM
Facial hair is an endless source of itchiness-based rage for me. I struggle in vain to be rid of it.

2009-06-10, 01:29 AM
Facial hair is an endless source of itchiness-based rage for me. I struggle in vain to be rid of it.

Embrace it. It doesn't itch as much once it's grown out a bit :smalltongue:

2009-06-10, 01:36 AM
Embrace it. It doesn't itch as much once it's grown out a bit :smalltongue:It doesn't itch at first, but when it starts to fill out the itchiness increases exponentially! To one such as myself with a sensitive sense of touch, it's more maddening than Cthulhu in a speedo.

The Extinguisher
2009-06-10, 01:39 AM
I don't grow hair that well. I've have really thick hair, but that's about it.

So naturally, I have a lambtee. And while I'm indifferent of it, my significant other loves it, so I can't do much.

2009-06-10, 11:25 PM
I tend to have a problem with facial hair. I really would like a tuft on the chin and sort of did for a little bit. Sort of. I'm 16 by the way. For whatever reason there's a line on my chin that refuses to grow hair. Like about an inch wide. It's really obnoxious. Also I have blond facial hair which is far less intimidating than it's darker counterpart. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Complaining is fun.

2009-06-11, 01:24 AM
I love my facial hair. It is in my sig:smallbiggrin:

Berserk Monk
2009-06-11, 01:34 AM
My facial hair is growing back nicely. I shaved it a month ago and I'm starting to see/feel the small hairs come back. No way it will be back to my normal length by the time school starts though. Wonder how all my friends back at college will react.

2009-06-11, 01:38 AM
i have a full blown lumberjack beard. it started to qualify as an actual beard around senior year. it remains attached to my face almost exclusively because my hair grows like a weed and i got tired of shaving it, along with a lack of incentive to be clean shaven.

2009-06-11, 01:51 AM
I have a beard and mo at the moment. In the past I've had a goatee and mo instead of beard or just the goatee. Sometimes I go a couple weeks without shaving, not because I don't have heavy growth (I do), but because I simply cannot be bothered to shave.

Nobody has ever called me up on it in a job, and they better not. I'm a damn IT nerd, I'm not meeting heads of state or trying to negotiate high powered corporate take-overs.

Why'd I grow the beard? 1) It looks damn cool 2) I'm lazy. The end.

2009-06-11, 02:19 AM
I'm currently sporting a full beard, as I stopped shaving for the NHL playoffs. When the Wings win on Friday I'll trim it down to my usual goatee and mustache.

As for when I first grew it, I started the day I graduated from high school, so that would be when I was 17. My reason for growing it at the time was that I was also growing my hair out, and I thought I would look better with the beard. I don't have long hair anymore, but I still think I look better with the beard than without it.

2009-06-12, 01:20 PM
Just thought I'd give one female's opinion on facial hair. When I met my husband, he had muttonchops -- HUGE muttonchops. He could stick an afro pick in them and they would support its weight. You could hear the wind whistling through them. He went from that to a full, bushy, crazed prophet beard - but now he keeps it at a nice, all-over 1/2 inch, which is my favorite. (Even though it can be very prickly.)

I sort of envy men's ability to change their look so dramatically. When he was in crazed prophet mode my husband could have robbed a bank, shaved and been completely unrecognizeable. (I still consider that plan "Career Option B.")

2009-06-12, 06:47 PM
I have a mustache and goatee
I grew it because shaving the chin is annoying
Started growing it in my Freshman year of college, my high school required one to be clean shaven
I already had it when I got my current job so it wasn't an issue and I'm single so again no issue, unless its the reason I'm single :smallconfused:
As for a picture

It looks like that only I'm not a cartoon, or am I :smallwink:

2009-06-12, 09:47 PM
All these people are mentioning the beard-itch.

I have to ask how that happens. I have never experienced such a sensation, and yet everyone talks about it.

Any one have theories as to why this is?

2009-06-14, 02:16 AM
im 13 now and have a little facial hair but its not really noticable.
some kids at school have got ridiculous looking beards. its actually quite funny.

2009-06-14, 03:52 AM
my facial hair grows way too fast for my liking.
2 weeks of no shaving and I've got about 3/16 of an inch of beard... it's like holy shiz...

or I'm just dumb.