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2009-05-26, 12:19 PM
Test Your Might: Trial II
Bracket: ECL 7-9
Fenix of Doom vs. Talic

Choose your buff time or lack thereof.

2009-05-26, 12:39 PM
Mic Check. Mic Check One, Two.

First choice is yours, sir. Select our buff time, and I'll provide a map (edited in here for ease of reference).

MAP! Welcome to the abandoned inn!

2009-05-26, 12:45 PM
I want all day long buffs active(as posted in the spoiler), any other buffs will have to be cast when we are aware of each other. I selected this option because I feel it's the most realistic one.

resistance, greater on tiger
GMF (extend w/ rod) on all natural weapons for both tiger and druid
Druid is in Dire lion form
Heart of Earth (extend w/ rod) on wizard
Heart of water (extend w/ rod) on wizard
Mage armor, Mass (extend w/ rod) on everybody

I wonder how this will go.

2009-05-26, 12:47 PM
Very good, gentlemen. Initiative rolls and map, please.

As before, spoilers marked Observers Only are reserved for the DM, spectators and the arbitrator. Players should not read these.

2009-05-26, 12:54 PM
[roll4](nerveskitter used)

I haven't used the roller in a while, I hope this works out.

2009-05-26, 12:56 PM

What do I see?

Edit better question, were do I start?

2009-05-26, 01:07 PM
Observers Only:Initiative Checks for Opfor:

ECL 7-9 Villain: [roll0] (in C6, Door at B9 open)
Minion 1: [roll1] (in U17, crouching)
Minion 2: [roll2] (in E17, crouching)
Minion 3:[roll3] (in O20)

You may position yourself to begin within 2 squares of D26 or U26. Should you choose, you may enter with some of your party at one entrance, and some at another.

2009-05-26, 01:11 PM
Initiative count will begin with Wizard, Fighter, Tiger.

Note: Light conditions are dim, but visible within 20 feet of the doors. Beyond that, the best you can make out is the glint off a tarnished piece of a silver mirror or tableware, or off a dusty cracked glass. Special vision modes may apply:

Low Light Vision: extends visibility to 40 feet.
Darkvision: Functions normally.

2009-05-26, 01:38 PM
unfortunately I'm a lazy @#%#@$!& and only the bard has light , I'm not kidding you, if it's all the same to you I'd like to switch out a cantrip for light on my wizards turn and cast it on the fighter.
edit: spell list kept as it is, positions changed because some members of my team are large(long).

Wizard u25
Fighter u24
Tiger s24-25
Bard v25
Druid t25-24

I'm cheating with the tiger, but there are only 4 squares within u26!

anyway fighter cautiously moves forwards
towards S21.

P.S. if you need a character description, just ask.

edit:start round 1

2009-05-26, 01:42 PM
I'd prefer you keep spell lists as are. If it helps, there are very old lanterns on the walls. Some appear to still have a bit of oil in them, and could likely be lit without much difficulty.

Oh. And the tiger is uncomfortable right now.

EDIT: S21? You realize that square is occupied by low cover, right? Looks to be an overturned table.

2009-05-26, 01:47 PM
I'd prefer you keep spell lists as are. If it helps, there are very old lanterns on the walls. Some appear to still have a bit of oil in them, and could likely be lit without much difficulty.

Oh. And the tiger is uncomfortable right now.

EDIT: S21? You realize that square is occupied by low cover, right? Looks to be an overturned table.

I know, I assumed it granted cover and it was thus advantageous to move there, was my assumption wrong?

edit I just noticed I only wrote this in the spoiler, but the druid is in dire lion form and is therefore larger, I'll have to move around something.

2009-05-26, 01:52 PM
Fair enough, get them as best you can.

SRD, Low Cover:Low Obstacles and Cover

A low obstacle (such as a wall no higher than half your height) provides cover, but only to creatures within 30 feet (6 squares) of it. The attacker can ignore the cover if he’s closer to the obstacle than his target.

Being on top of it actually negates it. Being on one side when your enemy's on the other helps.

2009-05-26, 02:05 PM
Fair enough, get them as best you can.

SRD, Low Cover:Low Obstacles and Cover

A low obstacle (such as a wall no higher than half your height) provides cover, but only to creatures within 30 feet (6 squares) of it. The attacker can ignore the cover if he’s closer to the obstacle than his target.

Being on top of it actually negates it. Being on one side when your enemy's on the other helps.

I see, I thought that I could stand next to the overturned table in the same square, as this is not the case I'd like to stand at s22 instead, reading a atandart action to attempt to trip anything in range

Fighter, druid, tiger have low light vision, the bard and the wizard have nothing. if darkvision is not (ex) than the druid has that as well.

the tiger tried to use scent to see if there is an unusual smell(move action to see were it's from).

2009-05-26, 02:14 PM
SRD, Darkvision:Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise—invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.

Not just the tiger can smell it. Everyone begins to catch the waft of old death. The tiger catches more, and knows it's to the north, where darkness swallows the room. How the tiger communicates that back is yours to discern. I assume it's learned the standard set of tricks for combat + attacking unnatural foes. If it knows anything else, let me know. If you didn't assign its skills, and you want to now? Go ahead.

2009-05-26, 02:25 PM
SRD, Darkvision:[spoiler]Darkvision is the
Not just the tiger can smell it. Everyone begins to catch the waft of old death. The tiger catches more, and knows it's to the north, where darkness swallows the room. How the tiger communicates that back is yours to discern. I assume it's learned the standard set of tricks for combat + attacking unnatural foes. If it knows anything else, let me know. If you didn't assign its skills, and you want to now? Go ahead.

those two would be my first priority, but I always play with the animal companion knowing bonus tricks+2*int tricks, so unless you disagree, he knows a few more tricks.

Edit: for your convenience: my tricks spoilered, decide for yourself if you wat to see them


2009-05-26, 02:37 PM
Long as they're decided. :) I'm not picky on what they are. Any other actions for tiger?

2009-05-26, 02:39 PM
animal intelligence tells it to stay close to it's master when somethings not right, it readies and actionto attack anyone seemingly hostile who comes into range

2009-05-26, 02:51 PM
Observers Only:
ECL7-9 Villain: Delay

Go ahead. Nothing visible yet.

Bard is up.

2009-05-26, 02:59 PM
Bard moves to s23 and casts light on the fighter.

2009-05-26, 03:24 PM
Fighter is now a Glowy beacon. :D

Here's where you see something... and hear something... Well, some see, at least.

Anything with Low Light vision see a pale, hunched figure in U17, its sunken black eyes tracking the entire group. It stands to its full 5'6" height, revealing half matted hair, falling out, shriveled, dry skin stretched taut over bones and atrophied muscle, and lets out a piercing shriek (think - the zombie scream from Dawn of the Dead). The shriek is immediately answered by several more, muffled, throughout the inn, at least three in the span of a couple seconds...

And it bolts, north (into the dining hall, where it leaves the view of even the low light people):

Observers only:Minion 1 (A Ghast) takes a free action to shriek, then double moves to T9.

Minion 3 (A Ghast) takes a free action to shriek as well, then moving to S11.

Minion 2 (A Ghast) takes a free action to shriek also, acting on initiative 9 and takes a double move to I-11, Opening the door at J12, then shrieking again.

ECL7-9 Villain Acts, setting his initiative count to 9. Double move to K12, and hide: [roll0]
Move silent: [roll1]
(-5 penalty for moving at over 1/2 movement but less than full)

That concludes my turn. I believe the druid is up.

2009-05-26, 03:39 PM
I wasn't planning on being stealthy anyway, I'd like to roll two untrained knowledge checks

the druid casts a spell
babau slime 48 rounds
and moves to r17-18 attempting to look inside the room.

2009-05-26, 03:48 PM
Oh, it's very, very dark in there...

You can hear them, though... Scuffling... Scrabbling in the dark.

EDIT: Wizard, Fighter, Tiger, Bard. You're up.

2009-05-26, 03:49 PM
Oh, it's very, very dark in there...

You can hear them, though... Scuffling... Scrabbling in the dark.

supernaturally dark? [roll0]

2009-05-26, 03:54 PM
Wizard delays to just after the fighter, the fighter moves up to s17, watching for threads, I'm going to wait until you tell me what I see before I move further.

Edit: it almost seems like we'll be fighting soon, is there any description you need of my characters?

edit:start round 2

2009-05-26, 04:12 PM
In answer to your skill check: no, not supernaturally dark.


2009-05-26, 04:26 PM
assuming I see no monsters fighter move to u15 giving a clear look at the room
assuming I still see nothing I move the wizard to s16, druid uses free action to handle the tiger to defend the wizard, and the tiger moves to s15-14, the bard moves to s16 and decides to make some noise, he casts a spell insperational boost as a swift action and plays inspires courage.
+3 to attack, damage, and saving throws against charms and fear effects

edit if anyone sees anything, let me now, the actions described in this post stop then.

2009-05-26, 04:29 PM

Fighter and druid see something with their Low Light vision. One of the pale-skinned creatures, just on the other side of the massive dining table in the room (in S11). The table also appears to have been dragged off center of the room, to the location shown on the map. Deep gouges lie in the floor, at the scraping path it carved into the timber.

2009-05-26, 04:39 PM
in that case the fighter moves to s13, and points the others to the location of the creature, the wizard moves to s20 and fires a crossbow bolt at the creature, [roll0][roll1].
the druid uses a free action to handle the tiger to attack and the tiger moves to T13-14
the bard moves to s16 and decides to make some noise, he casts a spell insperational boost as a swift action and plays inspires courage.
+3 to attack, damage, and saving throws against charms and fear effects

2009-05-26, 04:50 PM
I accidentally rolled a d10 instead of a d8, I'll reroll here, 20 seems like it has a chance of hitting.

2009-05-26, 05:07 PM
Indeed it does hit, and when the Fighter reached the area, you all see another one in T9.

Please, since melee range has been obtained, indulge me with the weapon in the fighter's hands.

2009-05-26, 05:09 PM
good ol spiked chain, what else do you need:smalltongue:

p.s. anything on the knowledge checks?

2009-05-26, 05:31 PM
Untrained Knowledge checks cannot reveal information with a DC higher than 10. As the DC of identifying useful information about a monster is 10+HD, and HD is always at least 1, untrained knowledge checks will never reveal information that you might find useful. Whatever they are, however, they obviously aren't mindless.

As for the creatures...

The one in T9 pushes the door open and moves through, north, then to the right and out of sight.

The one in S11 Uses a withdraw action to move north (initial square does not count as threatened). North, through the door (to T7), then closes the door.

Observers Only:The remaining ghast moves to S7.
The first ghast through the door ended movement in the closet, W7.
MS: [roll1]

Villain Stealthily advances to Q13 and then Readies an action. Fear death gaze on the first creature to enter Q12.
Hide: [roll2]
MS: [roll3]

Back to the druid.

2009-05-26, 05:48 PM
Last post for today, Druid moves to s11-12 and casts a spellbarkskin on the tiger(spell is shared)

2009-05-26, 05:54 PM
KK, back around to the top, all your PCs are acting together, due to delaying/etc on my part.

So it's Wizard, Fighter, Tiger, Bard > I act > Druid...

For now, at least.

2009-05-27, 10:54 AM
Wizard moves to s14 and casts detect magic looking at the north door.
fighter moves to t8, druid handles animal to guard him and tiger moves to t10-11, bard uses standard action for concentration, and moves to t12.

finally a mass spot check.

edit:start round 3

2009-05-27, 02:23 PM
No magic detected via detect magic.
Druid, however, has already acted. Druid remains in S11-12.

Observers Only:Villain delays.
Hide: MS:[1d20+27
Ghast 1: Remains in W7, Delays
Ghast 2: Moves from T7 to O6, Opens Door.
Ghast 3: Moves from S7 to N7, Readies an action: Attack first creature in range.

2009-05-27, 02:24 PM
Observers only 2:
Broken MS Roll: [roll0]

You're up.
Druid > Wizard > Fighter > Tiger > Bard

2009-05-27, 02:53 PM
Druid, however, has already acted. Druid remains in S11-12.

I know, the druid didn't do anything in my last post except handle it's companion, which is a free action and make a spot check, which is also a free action(at least I assume it is, I've always treated it that way)

Edit: so my fighter sees nothing in the next room?
also, can I delay in such way that the druid is after the fighter, this would do weird thing to initiative, but as long as no additional characters are brought in that shouldn't be a problem.

2009-05-27, 03:01 PM
One sec, let me reread all the actions. When I read it, I had just woken up. Missed fighter's movement.

2009-05-27, 03:04 PM
Fighter enters T8, pushing the door open easily. There's a pale creature in S7 and T7. Continue with any actions.

Oh, and Druid actions are fine.

2009-05-27, 03:19 PM
all right, I'll pick it up from there, await my edit.

The fighter attempts to back away to U9(I ought to tumble for the heck of it, a moment pleasenvm, no light armour) and the tiger charges at the creature at T7.

edit:start round 4

2009-05-27, 03:30 PM
Yes, the Druid can delay on his next action, until after the fighter.

NOTE: IF the tiger is moving into the doorway to attack, it qualifies as Squeezing, and takes a -4 attack and AC penalty, on top of the -2 AC for charging.

2009-05-27, 03:35 PM
First: Fighter must make 2 Fort saves (each is DC15).

AoO from Creature in T7.

If hit: [roll1] and Fort Save (DC 15)
If threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

2009-05-27, 03:39 PM
Yes, the Druid can delay on his next action, until after the fighter.

NOTE: IF the tiger is moving into the doorway to attack, it qualifies as Squeezing, and takes a -4 attack and AC penalty, on top of the -2 AC for charging.

I would argue it does not, after all, the tiger is only larger(long) being 10*5, if the tiger is squeezing, then so is everything in a doorway

anyway I'm proceeding
[roll=attack claw]1d20+18[\roll]
[roll=attack claw]1d20+18[\roll]
[roll=attack bite]1d20+16[\roll]
[roll=damage claw]1d8+11[\roll]
[roll=damage claw]1d8+11[\roll]
[roll=damage bite]2d6+7[\roll]

if the bite hits improve grabs activates.

2009-05-27, 03:41 PM
Let's try again
[roll=attack claw]1d20+18[\roll]
[roll=attack claw]1d20+18[\roll]
[roll=attack bite]1d20+16[\roll]
[roll=damage claw]1d8+11[\roll]
[roll=damage claw]1d8+11[\roll]
[roll=damage bite]2d6+7[\roll]

2009-05-27, 03:44 PM
Try closing it with [/roll].

And they got rid of that Long mess. Large creatures are 10x10. You're thinking 3.0.

Space/reach 10/5, means it takes up a 10x10 block, and threatens squares 5 feet away.

2009-05-27, 03:48 PM
were the hell is a fort save coming from anyway, any visible gass, or is being near these creatures deadly?

fighter has AC 21, so I guess it hits(damit)

by this time it might be useful to note the fighter is an elf, if these creatures are ghouls(descriptions mach, paralysing touch on hit attack) he is uneffected by their special attack.

I'll roll the last one anyway.

2009-05-27, 03:49 PM
They're Ghasts, so the fort save does matter. And they have a stench aura, but it's not visible. Just smelly.

2009-05-27, 03:51 PM
reminds my of an OotS comic....
anyway tiger still charges

[roll=attack claw]1d20+18[/oll]

2009-05-27, 03:54 PM
Broken roll for claw.

2009-05-27, 03:56 PM
Funny how I was just thinking that.

This match is quite interesting so far. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-27, 03:59 PM

anyway improved grab, I hope to kill this one in one turn,
if successful:

2009-05-27, 04:00 PM

For the broken roll.

You drop the one in T7.

2009-05-27, 04:02 PM
and of course I forgot one more:


For the broken roll.

You drop the one in T7.

aww, I didn't even start grappling yet, there was so much more damage to be done

2009-05-27, 04:04 PM
Any change to Bard's actions?

2009-05-27, 04:08 PM
No, he moves to t9 because t8 is occupied by the tiger, but that's it.

2009-05-27, 04:21 PM
Ghast in T7, using cover provided by doorway, moves, scrabbling down the hallway into the doorway at O5, screeching the one word, "INVADERS" repeatedly.

Observers Only:Villain Delays.
Hide:[roll0] MS: [roll1]

Ghast in Closet Delays.

Back to y'all.

Druid > Wizard > Fighter > Tiger > Bard.
If you choose to delay, instead go in order:
Wizard > Fighter > Druid > Tiger > Bard.

2009-05-27, 04:32 PM
I actually forgot to add the -4 to attack, but I don't think it'll matter, I already tested your ac.

Anyway druid goes first and moves to uv6 and attacks the closet.

edit:start round 5

wizard moves to t6, fighter moves to q7, bard moves to t7 and uses an action to concentrate and the tiger moves to rs6-7

2009-05-27, 04:41 PM
Did the tiger Delay to After the Bard?
Druid will see a ghast in the closet, at W7

2009-05-27, 04:42 PM
Did the tiger Delay to After the Bard?

no, I misplaced their moves in my post.

2009-05-27, 04:45 PM
Any attack the druid wishes to make, based on the Ghast's presence in W7?

2009-05-27, 05:07 PM
I missed that about the ghast, well anyway

2009-05-27, 05:14 PM
Hit, though the druid does need to make a Fort save vs. Stinky.

2009-05-27, 05:19 PM

there's even a small chance I'll fail:smalltongue:.

Edit: please help me remember to get that -4 from sqeeze to my attack next time.

2009-05-27, 05:19 PM
Hit, though the druid does need to make a Fort save vs. Stinky.

Is that the official term? :smallsmile:

2009-05-27, 05:47 PM
Well, there is an interruption here. After the Tiger goes through the door and completes its move.

My creatures that were delaying go.

1st: The ghast and the lion.
Full attack:
Bite: [roll0]
If hit: [roll1] And Fort save
If threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

Claw:: [roll4]
If hit: [roll5] And Fort save
If threat: [roll6]
If Crit: [roll7]

Claw:: [roll8]
If hit: [roll9] And Fort save
If threat: [roll10]
If Crit: [roll11]

2nd: The secret weapon.
Just after the tiger pushes its bulk through the door and moves down the hallway, the bard sees a cloaked figure silently strides into the room from R12. Underneath the billowing cloak, chalky white skin is visible. The hood slips back, revealing almond shaped slits for eyes, solid black..

((Bard must make a will save vs a fear effect))

It approaches the bard, (provoking an Attack of opportunity as it slips up to S9)... And then plunges the room into darkness, as he closes the door.

Observers Only:Attacking The bard, with claw.
Attack: [roll12]
If hit: [roll13]
If threat: [roll14]
If crit: [roll15]

The creature has made an attack on you, hitting AC 32. If you have darkvision, uncanny dodge, or Blindfighting, this is against your AC. Otherwise, it is against your Flat footed AC.

If that hits, you take 9 damage, and must make a Fort save, along with a concentration check to maintain the song.

2009-05-27, 06:02 PM
Observers Only
Awesome. So totally stoked for the horrendous death that approaches. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

2009-05-28, 01:06 AM
damn squeezing made my druid take a hit!
damage taken:3

about the bard, I was afraid of something like this, but I thought that as long as I moved my guys together I had little to worry about.

anyway, bard gets hit for 9, and I assume it's a dc 15 fort safe, well doesn't really matter, I'll just roll it and we'll see about the outcome later.

the bard has a ranged weapon drawn, so I think there goes my AoO.

edit: argh dammit

2009-05-28, 01:16 AM
concentration dc 19:[roll0]
I'll await the effects of the failed saves before I do anything else.

2009-05-28, 06:30 AM
Observers Only:[roll0]

Failed Will Save: Bard is Panicked (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#panicked). Condition will last for 1 minute (10 rounds).

Failed Fort Save: The wound suffered begins to lose feeling and grow numb. 1 Dexterity damage, as a numbing toxin slowly enters your system.

It is now the Bard's turn. Move him as he needs to be moved.

EDIT: For future reference. Put things designed to fight at the front and back. Establish a marching order. The villain was alerted at the screeches of the ghasts, to the presence of invaders. By the time you entered the room the bard is now cornered in? He was already in position, watching and waiting for the opportunity to strike. Had your tripper, druid, or tiger been back there? It would have been a very different tactic used.

2009-05-28, 06:48 AM
the bard drops his bow as a free action and then uses a withdraw action to move to u1.

I considered splitting up, specificly using my tiger to guard my bard and explore the kitchen, but I decided against it in the end.

2009-05-28, 06:50 AM
U1? That's a wall. Awaiting movement.

2009-05-28, 06:56 AM
U1? That's a wall. Awaiting movement.

U2 it is then.

2009-05-28, 06:59 AM
So You're opening the door?

2009-05-28, 12:11 PM
no, I'm teleporting, are these questions really necessary?

Edit: to clarify, yes I am, the creature is panicked and doesn't care about anything other then to get away as far as possible as fast as possible, so he barges through the door and only stops when he can't move because of the walls, next turn he'll probably cower.

2009-05-28, 03:48 PM
Fair enough. That makes it Wizard > Fighter >Druid >Tiger > All my critters > Bard.

Incidentally, as Light floods into the dining hall, anyone with LOS to Tsartajius (the creature in S9) should make Will Saves. They all need to make a will save.

That should be creatures in T5-T8, U1-U8, and V6. Already Panicked creatures do not have to save.

Afterwards, continue with Wizard through tiger.

2009-05-28, 04:14 PM
Should have had a V8 teleported. :smalltongue:

2009-05-28, 05:10 PM
Nah, he has to engage the character to win. He's doing it on his turn, which is good. Just Blarg that the bard is still ambulatory, lol.

2009-05-29, 10:27 AM
Note: It is currently the turn of:

Wizard > Fighter >Druid >Tiger

Will saves need to be made for any characters with LOS to the creature in the dining hall vs panic.

2009-05-29, 06:53 PM

2009-05-29, 06:58 PM
Tiger Panics. Rest are fine. Take your turn.

2009-05-29, 07:18 PM
wizard delays, fighter moves to t7, assuming he then his line of sight with the creature and can attack him.


edit:start round 6

2009-05-29, 07:25 PM
Fighter panics and moves to S2

if I can debuff this bastard however then I think I can take him.

wizard casts black tentacles on the intersection of s-t11-12 and moves to T2
also a cloud of black smoke appears at the intersection of st8-9 making any creature not immune to poison sickened and obscuring vision like fog cloud does.
Edit: so do I roll a damage for the grapple or not? I think I should but I'm never sure.

Druid full attack the ghoul

edit: if he's alive I'll grapple, but somehow I doubt that will be necessary.

edit2: tiger runs to fg10-11, unless it encounters enemies, in which case it turns around.

2009-05-29, 08:06 PM
Opposed Grapple: [roll0]
EDIT: The creature is grappled. (by tentacles)

Note: Black Tentacles attempts to grapple ALL creatures in its range. Not just enemies. Damage will be per the spell (1d6+4), as establishing a grapple entitles you to deal damage.

The druid will be subject to it as well. Further, the druid's movement may be halved in the area (unless it benefits from freedom of movement, in which case, ignore both of these statements). If, however, the druid's movement is reduced, it will be unable to make a full attack, as that only applies on a charge.

(Charge actions may not be made across difficult terrain. Still, excellent spell selection, though!)

Awaiting further information on the druid.

2009-05-29, 08:14 PM
Observers Only
Of course, we know that the clever Cloudy Conjuration can't sicken Tsartajius. The cloud itself will be a pain, though.

2009-05-29, 08:16 PM
Note: Black Tentacles attempts to grapple ALL creatures in its range. Not just enemies. Damage will be per the spell (1d6+4), as establishing a grapple entitles you to deal damage.

The druid will be subject to it as well. Further, the druid's movement may be halved in the area (unless it benefits from freedom of movement, in which case, ignore both of these statements). If, however, the druid's movement is reduced, it will be unable to make a full attack, as that only applies on a charge.

(Charge actions may not be made across difficult terrain. Still, excellent spell selection, though!)

Awaiting further information on the druid.
I know, but if I am correct then the centre of the tentacles are more then 20 ft away so the druid isn't bothered by them atm.

anyway, it's stalling time, with 3 out of 5 characters being out for a while I figured that would be best.

the druid just made a full attack which I hoped dropped the enemy, if this is not the case a grapple starts, if it is then it is your turn.

I'll also ask again, do the tentacles hurt on the first turn or not?

2009-05-29, 08:20 PM
Yes, it damages on the 1st round.
Resolve that(roll damage), and then (after I give you info on the tentacles and the druid's claws), you can decide whether your druid wishes to enter the grapple that the creature is in (subjecting himself to the tentacles).

I can guarantee you, however, that did NOT drop the enemy.

2009-05-29, 08:34 PM
Yes, it damages on the 1st round.
Resolve that(roll damage), and then (after I give you info on the tentacles and the druid's claws), you can decide whether your druid wishes to enter the grapple that the creature is in (subjecting himself to the tentacles).

I can guarantee you, however, that did NOT drop the enemy.

Just to clarify here: the druid was attacking the enemy in the closet, what I assumed was a normal ghast, I wrote ghoul, but it's all one and the same isn't it. That creature the druid is attacking is unaffected by the tentacles as they only have a radius of 20ft which ends at the door(I would have let them go up to u7, but I'm not sure how that would work out with the druid, so I went for safe side and didn't do it)

Let's just say that if you escape in one round I'm going to have a problem, give me one more round and I think I can make a stand even if I can't hold out for 10 rounds(which is likely.)


2009-05-29, 08:42 PM
Ah, not going against the big guy.

Then yes, the ghast dies.

Those watching the mysterious creature to the south gets squeezed by the tentacle, but is largely unaffected.

2009-05-29, 08:45 PM
Opposed Grapple to Escape:[roll0]
If that doesn't work: 2nd attempt: [roll1]
If that doesn't work: 3rd attempt: [roll2]

2009-05-29, 08:48 PM
now this is getting tricky, I need to win this, I have about 50% of doing so, let's just say I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


edit: lady luck smiles upon me tonight.
I'm really getting afraid of your creature by the way, three attacks means a base attack bonus of at least 12, that's four full levels above me, probably more as it probably has some racial undead HD judging from the description and allies.

2009-05-29, 08:53 PM
I'm really getting afraid of your creature by the way

So are your characters. :smallamused:

That would be the point.

2009-05-29, 09:02 PM
Continue onward, guy. Continue onward.

Bard, Tiger, Fighter are on round 2 of 10 for fear.

You're up.

2009-05-29, 09:10 PM
edit:start round 7

As it's the wizards turn now the smoke cloud disappears, the wizard casts ray of enfeeblement at your monster, this is an untyped penalty and can also be used against undead, I'm afraid a ray of exhaustion will do nothing, so I went for the next best thing.


edit:damn a 1 on a d6, just when I needed a good result.

Now the druid is going to do something fun, it's going to grapple you indirectly. By casting spirit jaws, I'm hoping denying you your dex reduces your AC a bit, because hitting won't be easy.


edit: I get another grapple check if the second attacks hits, but somehow I doubt that's the case.

also I forgot to move the druid, new position is now at TU3-4

2009-05-29, 09:17 PM
Observers Only
You know, between that last match and this one, I'm starting to think that Tsartajius' real power is that players think he's undead.

Oh, I hope he goes for cure critical like Jkoshe did. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-29, 09:59 PM
Before the Str lands, the wizard needs to roll Will save vs run in terror.

In addition, the druid needs to roll spell resistance on his Spiritjaws.

2009-05-30, 05:19 AM
Before the Str lands, the wizard needs to roll Will save vs run in terror.

In addition, the druid needs to roll spell resistance on his Spiritjaws.

Do I need to reroll the fear effect every round? that's insane.



2009-05-30, 05:38 AM
Do I need to reroll the fear effect every round? that's insane.



No, only each time you gain LOS. Cloudy Conjuration broke LOS for you.

Spiritjaws hits the creature and winks out, unable to penetrate the creature's resistance to magic.

2009-05-30, 05:42 AM
The creature. Your three in terror have been running for 2 rounds now.

Escape from Grapple: [roll0]
Escape from Grapple2(if needed): [roll1]
Escape from Grapple3(if needed): [roll2]

2009-05-30, 05:49 AM
No, only each time you gain LOS.

Spiritjaws hits the creature and winks out, unable to penetrate the creature's resistance to magic.

Ouch, I'll remember that, anyway I don't think the jaws vanish, they have duration of 1 round/level why would it disappear if it fails the spell resistance the first round? it doesn't say anywhere in the spell resistance description that it ends the spell.

I have a few questions: can a creature voluntarily fail a grapple check? and is the doorway blocked by a creature positioned at t9?

2009-05-30, 05:52 AM
The creature. Your three in terror have been running for 2 rounds now.

Escape from Grapple:

you forgot your penalty from the ray, I'm pretty sure I made that will save.


2009-05-30, 06:15 AM
Ouch, I'll remember that, anyway I don't think the jaws vanish, they have duration of 1 round/level why would it disappear if it fails the spell resistance the first round? it doesn't say anywhere in the spell resistance description that it ends the spell.Correct, though you only check spell resistance once for a creature. That casting, or more specifically, that set of jaws, cannot affect the creature.

I have a few questions: can a creature voluntarily fail a grapple check?A Creature can, provided it has the will to do so. Things which cannot include Black Tentacles, which automatically tries to grapple everything. It cannot choose to fail, because it doesn't get that option.

and is the doorway blocked by a creature positioned at t9?
I believe so. Any creature in the square immediately north or south of the door effectively blocks passage through the door, as does a creature in the doorway itself. (Due to the fact that creatures may not take diagonal movement around a solid corner. They may do so around creatures, just not solid objects, such as walls.)

2009-05-30, 06:20 AM
Fair enough, so what are you going to do now?

2009-05-30, 06:27 AM
That must wait for 30 mins. Don't have access to photobucket from here.

2009-05-30, 06:55 AM
Looks like even with the Str penalty he's out.

2009-05-30, 07:21 AM
Looks like even with the Str penalty he's out.

I know, I rolled low with my ray. Another problem is that I put my money on the jaws, if he was grappled twice then then he would need at least two attempt to break free and he wouldn't be able to move out, thus giving both the jaws and the tentacles a chance to regrapple him, this was supposed to keep him busy while I summoned a creature to block the way through the door.
without the jaws this all pretty much ends here though.

2009-05-30, 05:20 PM
The figure moves to the doorway, and just through it... T7. That is all. Sorry bout the time delay, my ISP had an outage.

As for, "it all ends here"...
Not necessarily... Though your odds go way up, if you can slow his advance...

Or stay ahead of him/Slow him down.

2009-05-31, 08:01 AM
edit:start round 8

So, to 5-ft step and full attack or not to 5ft step and full attack, that is the question.

First the wizards up though, I wonder how ridiculous you spell resistance is, for now it would seem best to avoid it. Wizard casts a spell
Bands of steel is being cast
roll a reflex save.

2009-05-31, 11:14 AM
Reflex: [roll0]

2009-05-31, 11:47 AM
+17 what the hell, anyway you are entangled, I think it's a dc 14 strength check or escape artist check to escape entanglement.(I'll check later)

This is quite insane, a high ref save, immune to most effects that use a fort save, spell resistance, a quite probably a high will save as it is a good save for undead, what am I supposed to hit you with?

I'll have to think about my next action, I'll try to post it asap.

2009-05-31, 11:55 AM
+17 what the hell, anyway you are entangled, I think it's a dc 14 strength check or escape artist check to escape entanglement.(I'll check later)

This is quite insane.

I warned you, they're built like optimized PCs.

Observers Only

a high ref save, immune to most effects that use a fort save, spell resistance, a quite probably a high will save as it is a good save for undead,

He's gonna shoot me after this battle. :smallbiggrin: I really do think Tsartajius' single greatest power is that he comes across as undead. It's protecting him from Fort challenges and apparently Will challenges.

Take that, metagaming players!!! :smallcool:

what am I supposed to hit you with?

Heavy objects? :smallsmile:

2009-05-31, 12:26 PM
I doubt it, it seems more like they're build with optimized CR abuse.
I imagine it's done something like this:
first one takes a random creature with "weak" HD let's say a mummy.
A mummy has 8 undead HD and cr 5 and some nice abilities.
Then you add non-assiociated class levels, let's say 8 levels of cleric, we now have a CR 9(yea right) creature with 8 levels of cleric casting.
Edit: as a nice bonus you also get to exchange the normal array far an elite array, and guess what will be our dumpstat!
This however is still to low, but if we add more cleric levels they will count as +1 CR, we can't have that can we?
So instead we add 4 undead HD and 4 cleric HD for only +3 to CR! we now have a CR 12 encounter with 12 cleric levels and 12 undead HD+mummy features and let's not forget the epic feats.
A level 12 party should be able to handle two of these at once and have a 50% chance at winning or not.
The druid 5 ft steps back and casts a spell
Bite of the wereboar

it has visual effects, you may roll a spot check if you like.

2009-05-31, 12:30 PM
Spot: [roll0]

And FYI, this creature has no CR abuse. It's quite a bit of homebrew, but no CR abuse with Associated/Non-associated HD.

Matter of fact? Not a single class level to its name.

2009-05-31, 12:35 PM
Lol, nice spot check.

The head of the dire lion grows tusks and his entire body becomes bulkier, on the back of the lion brown hair replaces the normal yellow fur of a lion.

Edit: the above post is quite a bit of a hint, I would assume a lot of undead HD and perhaps a homebrew template that adds BaB.(I think having at least 24 undead HD would be a bit...much)

2009-05-31, 12:43 PM
I agree. That would be. Remind me to link you the character after the match... With Afro's permission.

My go.

The creature struggles against the bonds for a second before hissing, "Enough! Your life force is powerful... Let me taste it!"

With that, it struggles its arm up, and a beam shoots toward the druid.

Touch Attack: [roll0] (-2 to the roll, -2 from dex penalty)
If this hits, the druid gains 2 negative levels.

2009-05-31, 12:45 PM
I doubt it, it seems more like they're build with optimized CR abuse.


Well, fine, one of them is, but it's not this one. Nor is it the ECL 20, oddly enough.

I imagine it's done something like this:
first one takes a random creature with "weak" HD let's say a mummy.
A mummy has 8 undead HD and cr 5 and some nice abilities.
Then you add non-assiociated class levels, let's say 8 levels of cleric, we now have a CR 9(yea right) creature with 8 levels of cleric casting.

Oh, god no. Most of these are unique creatures. The one you're facing right now is. There are... three of them that are based on existing creatures, one of which is pretty loose. Of them, the one with CR abuse actually does have nonassociated class levels; namely, thanks to my evil, vindictive voters, it's a Large creature that originated with too high a CR forced into a stealth class. So yeah; Innis suggested NA levels and I jumped on board.

Edit: as a nice bonus you also get to exchange the normal array far an elite array, and guess what will be our dumpstat!

Hehehe, oh boy are you wrong.

They use the Super Elite array. :belkar:

This however is still to low, but if we add more cleric levels they will count as +1 CR, we can't have that can we?
So instead we add 4 undead HD and 4 cleric HD for only +3 to CR! we now have a CR 12 encounter with 12 cleric levels and 12 undead HD+mummy features and let's not forget the epic feats.

Now you're just exaggerating.

A level 12 party should be able to handle two of these at once and have a 50% chance at winning or not.

A level 12 party could staple this poor fella to a tree several times over.

2009-05-31, 01:00 PM
@ talic a touch attack at 26, you don't really need to ask if it hits, anyway it's nice to know you have weapon finesse.
so 2 negative levels... I don't suppose I can get a save on that? no? what a surprise.

are you sure? these guys are clerics, so they can cast divine power/righteous might, have them up before combat, giving them a pretty good attack, they have lots of feats, level 12 NPC wealth to have fun with are you sure they are that easy?

2009-05-31, 01:01 PM
Beam shoots. It's supposed to be a Ranged touch. The melee touch would have been a +15.

EDIT: And yes, a level 12 party would likely be able to paste this thing without too much difficulty.

2009-05-31, 01:32 PM
Beam shoots. It's supposed to be a Ranged touch. The melee touch would have been a +15.

EDIT: And yes, a level 12 party would likely be able to paste this thing without too much difficulty.

I missed that, makes sense.

your edit is a bit ambiguous are you talking about: the thing I'm fighting? or about the mummies? Perhaps your right, but it seems to me that if you take one of the strongest classes out there and you add stat bonuses and monster HD to them you should get at least a formidable challenge.

anyway it's still your turn, you can take a move action.

2009-05-31, 01:39 PM
No, I'm saying that THIS creature would get pasted by a ECL 12 Party.

Not that Cleric monstrousity you brought up.

No move. He ate your 2 highest level spells, some life, and BAB. He's good.

2009-05-31, 02:03 PM
K, he didn't eat my BaB by the way, just my attack bonus.

edit:start round 9

Wizard casts a spell:

edit: roll a will save if it gets trough.

2009-05-31, 02:09 PM

That punched through.

2009-05-31, 02:21 PM
Nice you are slowed, as by the spell slow:smallsmile:.

The druid charges.

if the bite hits I get improved grab.

2009-05-31, 02:37 PM
Hit Claw, Hit Bite.

Observers Only:DR knocks that down to 18 damage.

Opposed Grapple: [roll0] (-1 slow, -3 Str penalty)

2009-05-31, 02:39 PM
Wait a sec. You said that a 5 foot step would let you full attack.

Charges must be at least 10 feet, and must stop at the first square you can attack from.

A charge is impossible, by those rules. Still the 5 foot step/full attack has the same end results, except your AC goes up 2.

2009-05-31, 02:41 PM
I sort of expected that after my low roll, anyway, you're up do you happen to know how many rounds I have to survive?(aka how many rounds is the panic lasting)

2009-05-31, 02:43 PM
Wait a sec. You said that a 5 foot step would let you full attack.

Charges must be at least 10 feet, and must stop at the first square you can attack from.

A charge is impossible, by those rules. Still the 5 foot step/full attack has the same end results, except your AC goes up 2.

no, I stepped 5 ft away from you on my last turn, assuming you'd be immobilized and I could charge you the next turn.
Charging has the advantage that when I would have gotten into a grapple with you I would have been able to rake you twice as well, with a full attack you can't do that.

2009-05-31, 02:45 PM
6 more.

The creature touches the glittering gem hanging from his neck, beneath his cloak, and it pulses with a purplish glow.

And something appears, in T6. Something that resembles a Bodak.

The Bodak then fixes a chill glare upon the Druid. Fort save, if you would, please.

2009-05-31, 02:54 PM
summoning to as a standard(or move) action, mmm not good.


2009-05-31, 02:54 PM
Activating a magic item as a standard action. And you pass. You get to live.

2009-05-31, 02:55 PM
but the "bodak" is still there?

2009-05-31, 02:56 PM
Yup. It still is.

2009-05-31, 03:02 PM
Observers Only
Ooh, we're getting serious.

When does Tsartajius get to whip out his death gaze?

2009-05-31, 03:07 PM
Observers Only:
When he has a reasonable Expectation of seeing it work.

Minions are fodder. Especially Bodaks that he hates.

2009-05-31, 03:10 PM
edit:start round 10

time to get aggressive, wizard casts force orb at the big bad boss monster.
Wizard reloads crossbow for the heck of it.

druid full attacks big bad monster

I know it won't be an easy kill, but it seems like the best bet, I already did 38+whatever the tentacles did of damage, with this I might just be able to get rid of him before his summon.

Edit: damn, bad rolls all around.

2009-05-31, 03:21 PM
All misses, except the orb.

Which gets Big bad's attention.

The big bad crouches, preparing:

Observers only:
ready an action: Partial Withdraw if the wizard tries to cast.

The Bodak Gazes at the Druid. Make a Fort save.

2009-05-31, 03:27 PM
he crouches and prepares, mmm readied actions.


2009-05-31, 03:30 PM
Pass. Again, you survive.

2009-05-31, 03:32 PM
Observers Only
Kill him!!! Woooooo! :smallcool:

2009-05-31, 03:32 PM
edit:start round 11(wrong one)

good save made, the wizard delays until after the druid, I don't know what you planning, but I'm sure I won't like it.


2009-05-31, 03:33 PM
Miss miss miss.

2009-05-31, 03:35 PM
Man I know hitting isn't easy, but this is getting ridiculous.
Edit: and I bet that if I didn't have the -2 to attack I'd hit them all.
by the way I just noticed I missed a crit up there
so to confirm:

edit2: and that 16 should have been an 18 of course, but I think that doesn't matter anyway,

2009-05-31, 03:38 PM
you know what, I'll bite.
wizard starts casting a spell, roll spellcraft if you want to know what it is.
summon monster IV

2009-05-31, 03:43 PM
I don't. It triggers his action. Partial Withdraw.

This whole maneuver wouldn't even be legal if I weren't Slowed.

Move to adjacent to the wizard, just south.

You trigger an AoO from spellcasting.

Attack (Claw):[roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] + Fort DC 25 or [roll2] Dex damage.
If threat:[roll3]
If Crit: [roll4] + Fort DC 25 or [roll5] Dex damage.

Make a Concentration check to keep the spell, if it hits.

2009-05-31, 03:57 PM
even before attempting that I do get an attack of opportunity, there is no way you can walk to the wizard without moving out of a threatened square of my druid. so first:

then you interrupt my action right? so I can still chose to cast on the defensive right? realisticly it would make sense, by raw I'm not 100% sure.

anyway, your attack hits, I'm thinking of doing something against the damage, I do not enjoy rolling dc 25 fort saves.

2009-05-31, 04:07 PM
Partial withdraw, I start west. My initial square does not count as threatened. From there, I have soft cover behind the bodak. Cover prevents AoO's. Wizard is to the Northwest, Druid is to the northeast.

EDIT: And no, you cannot. The action must be continued as announced.

2009-05-31, 04:08 PM
I won't take the fort save.
your turn IIRC.

Non-DM's only
I use heart of stone to get stoneskin, DR 10/adamantine 145, DR absorption left, I lose 16(or more like 11) points of temp hp, I think this is worth it.

2009-05-31, 04:10 PM
Bodak Aims at the Wizard this time. Make a Fort save.

Then it's druid, then Villain, then wizard.

2009-05-31, 04:18 PM
Partial withdraw, I start west. My initial square does not count as threatened. From there, I have soft cover behind the bodak. Cover prevents AoO's. Wizard is to the Northwest, Druid is to the northeast.

EDIT: And no, you cannot. The action must be continued as announced.

I threaten s7 and t4-7, there is no way your getting past me without an aoo, also where did you get the idea soft cover prevents aoo's, it isn't mentioned in the cover description nor in the aoo description.

2009-05-31, 04:20 PM
Bodak Aims at the Wizard this time. Make a Fort save.

Then it's druid, then Villain, then wizard.

K, wish me luck.

:smalleek: that was a bit too close for comfort.

2009-05-31, 04:23 PM
I threaten s7 and t4-7, there is no way your getting past me without an aoo, also where did you get the idea soft cover prevents aoo's, it isn't mentioned in the cover description nor in the aoo description.

When making a melee attack against a target that isn’t adjacent to you (such as with a reach weapon), use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks.

Creatures, even your enemies, can provide you with cover against ranged attacks, giving you a +4 bonus to AC.

Cover and Attacks of Opportunity

You can’t execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with cover relative to you.

See it now?

2009-05-31, 04:28 PM
However, to make things very precise, since for two turns now, there's been "I step back five feet" without reference to squares, announce the locations of all your characters.

2009-05-31, 04:33 PM
See it now?

You're mistake, yes, you seem to think I'm not adjacent to you, but I don't even have reach, so guess what I am adjacent to you and I can make an AoO.

for reference the druid is in TU5-6 since he charged you, before that he was in TU3-4, so yea your bodak is in an illegal position.

2009-05-31, 04:36 PM
However, to make things very precise, since for two turns now, there's been "I step back five feet" without reference to squares, announce the locations of all your characters.

I'm sorry, I thought it would be obvious that back meant away from your creature to TU3-4. I even clarified I meant away from you in a latter post, in both cases I didn't note the square, I'll make sure not to do this again in the future.

2009-05-31, 04:38 PM
Calm down, guys.

2009-05-31, 04:42 PM
However, to make things very precise, since for two turns now, there's been "I step back five feet" without reference to squares, announce the locations of all your characters.

I already did this for the druid, the wizard is in T2 and hasn't moved since page 3, fighter is in S2, bard in U2(it's nice and cosy in there) and the tiger is in fg10-11.

There has only been one unclear move action, which now that I've checked it, is illegal, the druid was already in the square I wanted him to 5ft step to(TU3-4). If this was the source of the confusion then I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it wasn't on purpose, I'm using another computer without my modified map and I must have misremembered(or I mistyped the location of the druid in my post).

2009-05-31, 04:44 PM
Calm down, guys.

there is a bit of clarity going on, I don't like it because it bogs down the game, but it is best to resolve it all right now.

2009-05-31, 04:45 PM
I'm sorry, I thought it would be obvious that back meant away from your creature to TU3-4. I even clarified I meant away from you in a latter post, in both cases I didn't note the square, I'll make sure not to do this again in the future.

Away from me can be North or east. There are multiple options. So no, despite what you THOUGHT, it is not, in fact, obvious. What would make it obvious would be if you announced the square(s) you are moving to.

One moment, while I sort this mess out.

2009-05-31, 04:57 PM
Away from me can be North or east. There are multiple options. So no, despite what you THOUGHT, it is not, in fact, obvious. What would make it obvious would be if you announced the square(s) you are moving to.

One moment, while I sort this mess out.
I'm in doubt if it's even worth it to continue this argument but if you look at the map knowing that the druid is 10*10 and in a 15 ft broad "hallway" with you being in the middle then no, there is only one direction that's away from you.

All of this however is of little matter, because you are right, anyone without the map and position known can't see this and giving the exact location is much clearer.

2009-05-31, 05:00 PM
If your druid it in T3-U4, how is he threatening any square in 7, which is 15 feet away?

I ask because several of his full attacks have come while the Primary villain was in T7.

2009-05-31, 05:07 PM
for reference the druid is in TU5-6 since he charged you, before that he was in TU3-4, so yea your bodak is in an illegal position.

Remember that charge? the 5 ft step was not the last time I moved.

2009-05-31, 05:09 PM
Let me ask one more time. So that I am perfectly clear.

Where is the CURRENT location of all of your characters?

EDIT: Further, if you were 15 feet away, and you have 10 feet of reach, then charge was an illegal action.

A charge has to follow very specific rules.

1) No difficult terrain. T3 and T4, which are elevated terrain would qualify.
2) You must move at least 10 feet.
3) You must travel in a straight line to the closest square that you can attack your target from.

That closest square is 5 feet away.
If you must travel to a square 5 feet away, and you must also travel at least 10 feet, you cannot satisfy both conditions.

2009-05-31, 05:14 PM
I already did this for the druid, the wizard is in T2 and hasn't moved since page 3, fighter is in S2, bard in U2(it's nice and cosy in there) and the tiger is in fg10-11.

for reference the druid is in TU5-6 since he charged you, before that he was in TU3-4, so yea your bodak is in an illegal position.

EDIT: Further, if you were 15 feet away, and you have 10 feet of reach, then charge was an illegal action.

1) No difficult terrain. T3 and T4, which are elevated terrain would qualify.
2) You must move at least 10 feet.
3) You must travel in a straight line to the closest square that you can attack your target from.

to your edit, I'm a dire lion, I have 5 ft reach.

2)I did
1)I assumed only yellow(/light green*) was difficult terrain.

Second, if any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement, slows movement, or contains a creature (even an ally), you can’t charge.
this is why.

*depends on which monitor I'm using apparently.

2009-05-31, 05:31 PM
Terrain that is a Low Cover (when requested for a reference earlier, I pointed you to:

Low Obstacles and Cover

A low obstacle (such as a wall no higher than half your height) provides cover, but only to creatures within 30 feet (6 squares) of it. The attacker can ignore the cover if he’s closer to the obstacle than his target.

A Low obstacle qualifies as the following:

You must have a clear path toward the opponent, and nothing can hinder your movement (such as difficult terrain or obstacles).

Since that's where all the problems occurred (or at least, where the misunderstandings started), it seems that the fairest point would be to rewind to that point, reverse all effects to that point, and resume killing each other like civilized people?

Sound good?

2009-05-31, 05:45 PM
I'll think about it, I'm going to sleep now, goodnight.

2009-06-02, 04:36 PM
The way I see it we have two choices:
1) the quick and dirty method, you give all my attacks made during the charge a -2 penalty, you redo your last action and we continue where we are.
2) The long, correct and tiring method.
We start over when my druid moved 5 ft back as that is were the confusion started.

1 has the advantage of not wasting a lot of posts and time, it doesn't lose out too much because really? what would have changed?

2 has the advantage of being the "right way" but it wastes a lot of time, apparently we are all ready slow players, how long are you planning to take?

I'm going to leave the choice up to you, I just wanted to put down my arguments(I didn't have a lot of time recently, my activity has nothing to do with this mess), I'll continue playing when I see a response(if you could also PM me at the time, it could help).

2009-06-02, 06:08 PM
1) is acceptable, though the bodak will be repositioned to the nearest legal square for its summon.

2009-06-04, 12:21 PM
mmm, I though I all ready responded to this, apparently not, well never mind.

I believe it's you turn then do you still ready an action?

PS I can tell you right away that except for maybe today I won't be able to respond at all for most of the weekend, so after today I probably won't be responding again until Sunday.

2009-06-04, 05:31 PM
Wanted a response from you on accepting/rejecting the addendum on the Bodak. Will post turn later today.

2009-06-07, 05:22 AM
Wanted a response from you on accepting/rejecting the addendum on the Bodak. Will post turn later today.

yes, of course, place it wherever you would have placed it if you knew his current position was occupied.

2009-06-07, 10:33 AM
S6 is a legal adjacent square. Bodak in S6.

Current location of all known OpFor units:
Bodak: S6
Villain: T7

Rewind to the beginning of the action that started the drama (OpFor Current Turn)

Villain: Beam of ouch on the druid.

If hit, 2 negative levels
If threat: [roll1]
If crit, 2 more negative levels.

Bodak: Death Gaze on Druid. Fort DC 15 or die.

OpFor Turn concluded.

2009-06-07, 02:11 PM
2 more negative levels for the druid
so another -2 to my fort save.

2009-06-07, 02:13 PM
You're up.

2009-06-07, 02:26 PM
edit:start round 11(the right way)

Wizard casts mirror image, the druid is fed up with the bodak and full attacks it.

2009-06-07, 02:29 PM
Hit on Bite. Didn't hurt it as badly as you'd think, though.

2009-06-07, 02:36 PM
improved grab,
[roll0](I'm checking where my bonuses are coming from, this number might increase by 2)

I assume you are hinting DR, the rules do say it should be visible somehow, so I'm guessing that's it.

2009-06-07, 02:52 PM
Opposed Roll: [roll0]

2009-06-07, 02:53 PM
you just had to roll in such a way that the +2 matters, didn't you?

no it doesn't, your summoned creature apparently has a huge grapple mod.

V I just noticed, I didn't expect such a high grapple mod from a summoned creature.

2009-06-07, 02:54 PM
Even if the +2 applies, your mod is 17, mine is 18. I win ties.

2009-06-07, 03:12 PM
I forgot one roll:

After giving it some thought, I'm starting to doubt the +16 grapple mod, are you sure you're rolling for your summoned creature and not your boss?
It's just that your boss coincidently also has a +16 mod atm and let's face it +16 is freaking high for a medium creature which is very unlikely to have improved grapple.

2009-06-07, 08:39 PM
You're right, I transposed the villain with the bodak.

Plugging in the Bodak's info, Claw 1 and bite hit, and grapple is a success. After the creature's DR (10) , you've ended up doing a total of 27 damage. Starting next round, you'll be able to use your rake attacks.

2009-06-07, 08:46 PM
Actions: Boss, sees the opening and lunges.
Full Attack:

Claw:[roll0] (17-20)
If Hit: [roll1] and Fort or [roll2] dex damage.
If threat:[roll3]
If Hit: [roll4] and [roll5] dex damage more on failed save.

Claw:[roll6] (17-20) ***Critical Threat***
If Hit: [roll7] and Fort or [roll8] dex damage.
If threat:[roll9]
If Hit: [roll10] and [roll11] dex damage more on failed save.

Bite: [roll12] (19-20) ***Critical Threat***
If If Hit: [roll13]
If threat:[roll14]
If Hit: [roll15]


The Bodak will attempt to attack in grapple:
Attack: [roll16] (-4 penalty factored in)
If hit: [roll17]
If threat: [roll18]
If crit: [roll19]


2009-06-08, 11:01 AM
How nice of you to give me the exact DR.
anyway druid gets hit 3 times a crited twice for 43(!) damage

and has to roll fort saves


if I have to roll a third one let me know

2009-06-08, 11:28 AM
Pass. That's 20 from negative levels, and 43 from actual thwacking. You're up.

2009-06-08, 12:21 PM
Pass. That's 20 from negative levels, and 43 from actual thwacking. You're up.

according to my notes I took 3 damage earlier so if you total the damage I took 66, more then half my HP. except of course your boss monster was slowed, it can't full attack, so I guess you have to give up two of your attacks.
I'm not sure how to handle this, either the the rolls will be rerolled or the the first attack will stand while the others are discarded. I'm in favour of the second one btw, less rolling=better.

it is however of no influence for my next action, so I shall proceed anyway.

edit:start round 12

Wizard casts a spell
roll a will save if it goes through.

2009-06-08, 12:41 PM
Druid attempts to attack the bodak,(-4 included)




2009-06-08, 12:43 PM
for the broken roll and the crit:



2009-06-08, 12:45 PM
I'm not sure what happenen, lets try again

for the broken roll and the crit:


also remember the druid is now in st5-6, he move into the bodak's square as a free action this round.

2009-06-08, 01:11 PM
22 Additional damage. 49 damage sustained.

2009-06-08, 01:15 PM
Villain Full Attack (versus Druid flat foot AC):

Claw: [roll0] (17-20)
If Hit: [roll1] + Fort or [roll2] dex dmg
If threat: [roll3] (17-20)
If Crit: [roll4] + [roll5] dex dmg more on failed fort

Claw: [roll6] (17-20) *** AUTO MISS ***
If Hit: [roll7] + Fort or [roll8] dex dmg
If threat: [roll9] (17-20)
If Crit: [roll10] + [roll11] dex dmg more on failed fort

Claw: [roll12] (19-20)
If Hit: [roll13]
If threat: [roll14] (19-20)
If Crit: [roll15]

Waiting on results before determining Bodak's action.

2009-06-08, 05:28 PM
22 Additional damage. 49 damage sustained.

How? I enjoy a good puzzle, so I figure out this happened:
assuming AC of 24 or less(I hit a claw attack on a 2 before so I know this to be true), I made the following hits:

attack claw(1) - (1d20+10)[30]
attack bite - (1d20+8)[24]
attack rake(1) - (1d20+14)[33]

for the following damage:
damage claw(1) - (1d6+13)[14]
damage bite - (1d8+17)[24]
damage rake(1) - (1d6+13)[14]

now assuming what you said is true then this alone is (52-30)22 damage, however I also made a crit(first claw attack)
tread claw - (1d20+10)[28]
crit claw - (1d6+13)[15]
of which I'm sure it hit so that means I did (67-30)37 damage for a total damage of 64.
Looking at these numbers I figured you probably missed missed my crit.

anyway none of your attacks hit my flat footed AC, but I must once again stress that you are slowed! you can't full-attack!

A slowed creature can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions)

2009-06-08, 05:41 PM
... We're getting into confusion again.

1) Slow was my bad.
2) Rolls were taken off hits in initial post, and did not factor in the post following.

2009-06-08, 05:44 PM
... We're getting into confusion again.

which is precisely what I'm trying to prevent, so I'm paying attention to as much as possible and noting all these right away, the quicker they're cleared the less trouble they cause.

Edit still your move, see you tomorrow.

Edit2: made a round count to clear things up and I just realised a bodak could very well be immume to crits, I'm actually unsure if it's undead and unwilling to look it up.

2009-06-09, 02:00 PM
So are you continueing this or have I annoyed you too much?

2009-06-10, 06:44 PM
I'm not annoyed, just busy, and the time it takes to sort this puts it on the back burner. I'll get to it as soon as I have a sec to redo my turn. (Action announced was illegal, need to fix)

2009-06-11, 01:09 AM
you'd need to reroll two attacks,(one in each turn) I suggest we simply keep the first attacks(one hit, one miss seams fair) and continue your action with the bodak.

2009-06-11, 01:37 AM
However, when limited to a standard action, attacks aren't the option that would be chosen. As Full attack was chosen illegally, and it was within half a round, the logical action would be to rewind the current turn to the point of the illegal action and go from there. Previous turns won't be modified, beyond dropping all attacks after the first, and applying a -1 penalty for slow to the first attack. Rewinding multiple turns won't be done, so scratch what we can, and move on.

But this turn? The idea that rewinding is a huge hassle, when it's half an action? It's a bit hollow.

The current turn is rewound, to the point of the illegal action.

Villain instead uses a gaze attack on the wizard.
Will save vs fear, and fort save vs death.

2009-06-11, 05:34 AM
I'll check if you hit me first, you have 5/6 chance of hitting an image and 1/6 chance of hitting me so I'm suggest rolliong a d6. 1 is hit, 2-6 is an image, your attack doesn't deal damage and so I'd say you wouldn't destroy an image if you hit one.


One the other issue, I'm K with this course of action but the reason I like to keep the attacks that were made is because you know your attack misses and thus it wasted your action. To ensure impartiallity in your decisions I think it would be most fair to say that actions that were already rolled for stand.
I don't mind it this time but I think it's a good idea to agree on this for the future.

2009-06-11, 05:56 AM
For benefit of the doubt, to ensure that favorites are not being played, I'll concede all attacks against the druid by the BBEG during the druid's grapple as misses, for every round that the druid has grappled the bodak. The villain has not hit him at all during the grapple. Thus, I am negating one miss I made, and one hit I made. The net result of the villain's last turn is nothing, and this turn is being redone to comply with rule legality. The gaze is being made. The mirror image roll you made is fine, and I will accept the active gaze as not successfully targeting the wizard. This is as much as I will concede on the issue. The ruling on this issue is final, unless explicitly overruled by AfroAkuma. I believe I have conceded more than enough on this issue to keep things fair, and at this point, am not willing to entertain any more arguments on the sake of balance in this one ruling.

While researching the Mirror Image versus Gaze attack, I discovered something:

Each character within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw (which can be a Fortitude or Will save) each round at the beginning of his turn.

An opponent can avert his eyes from the creature’s face, looking at the creature’s body, watching its shadow, or tracking the creature in a reflective surface. Each round, the opponent has a 50% chance of not having to make a saving throw. The creature with the gaze attack gains concealment relative to the opponent. An opponent can shut his eyes, turn his back on the creature, or wear a blindfold. In these cases, the opponent does not need to make a saving throw. The creature with the gaze attack gains total concealment relative to the opponent.

A creature with a gaze attack can actively attempt to use its gaze as an attack action. The creature simply chooses a target within range, and that opponent must attempt a saving throw. If the target has chosen to defend against the gaze as discussed above, the opponent gets a chance to avoid the saving throw (either 50% chance for averting eyes or 100% chance for shutting eyes). It is possible for an opponent to save against a creature’s gaze twice during the same round, once before its own action and once during the creature’s action.

The active Gaze is the fort.
The passive gaze is the will.
The active gaze is considered stopped by the Mirror image.
The passive gaze is not, as all creatures in Line of sight must make it. (a misreading of the gaze rules earlier led me to state that you'd only have to make saves if you lost LOS and then re-established. As the mistake was mine, previous turns will not need to be rolled for. However, from here on out, all PC forces within LOS of the villain will need to make will saves each round, every round, versus Panic. You may close eyes, or avert gaze, as laid out in the gaze rules, to provide yourself with a method of defense.

On a side note, the active gaze (an attack action) was successful against one image of the mirror image spell. One image is destroyed.

2009-06-11, 03:06 PM
I have to make a save every round? really? wow, that means I should have died rounds ago. well I'm not complaining I accept the death of my image snf the above ruling, it's fine with me really, even though I'll have to read it again to understand exactly what you siad:smallsmile:.

anyway I do think it's fair to allow me to avert my eyes for both druid and wizard, giving them more chance to survive.

[roll0]1-50 hit 51-100 averted
[roll1]1-50 hit 51-100 averted


2009-06-11, 03:24 PM
If it's my turn read the spoiler, if you want to make an action with the bodak do so, it would very probably do nothing to change my action unless it kills a character.

Edit: start round 13(technicly when the saves were rolled, but whatever)
wizard casts obscuring mist and steps into u3
edit to clarify, the mist starts from the intersection of tu2-3
will save fail: I have no idea what I should do , the easiest way to escape it to kill but I think that's not the idea of being panicked
will save made:
he attacks the bodak

2009-06-11, 03:39 PM
Bodak dies. (Druid save passed)

Edit:Villain touch attack on druid: [roll0]
If success, 2 negative levels.

Jumped the gun a bit. Wizard still has an action.

2009-06-11, 04:19 PM
No the wizard has cast obscuring mist and took a 5 ft stepactually he just moved(no need to 5 ft step) before the druid acted(as per initiative IIRC), this means the wizard won't have to roll a will save next turn(full concealment).

the druid will however, but first things first, you need to roll a 20% miss chance from the mist.

Also a question, my druid will be averting his eyes, will I need to roll a 20% concealment twice, I think so but I'd like to have it clear.

2009-06-11, 05:54 PM
Concealment Miss Chance

Concealment gives the subject of a successful attack a 20% chance that the attacker missed because of the concealment. If the attacker hits, the defender must make a miss chance percentile roll to avoid being struck. Multiple concealment conditions do not stack.

Concealment: [roll0] 1-20 misses

Edit: That's a hit.

2009-06-12, 01:22 AM
two more negative levels for the druid.
another two and he's done for it.

Edit: start round 14

Wizard casts glitterdust on the intersection of st 8-9.
roll a will save

now let's see what the druid does.
[roll0] 1-50 is hit

druid panics and withdraws to st3-4.

2009-06-12, 11:10 PM
Will Save:[roll0]

2009-06-12, 11:12 PM
Beaming the druid one more time
Touch Attack:[roll0]
If hit, 2 neg levels.

2009-06-13, 04:20 AM
you can't see the druid now because of obscuring mist, you can target a square you think he's in but then you'll need to roll a 50% miss chance.

2009-06-13, 07:03 AM
... Fair enough.

Move to T6>T5. At this point, he regains sight of the druid. His move action is done.


2009-06-14, 10:26 AM
I'm not sure yet what the wizard will do, but the druid will cast a spell that allows him to fly and to fly as high as possible and overhead of one of the cowering characters in the corner if possible(depending on how high the ceiling is).
If he can't move upwards at all, he will cower.

2009-06-14, 10:42 AM
edit: start round 15
I guess the wizard will move to U4 while averting his eyes. Assuming the wizard then sees the Boss he will roll another will save.

Assuming success he will cast cloud of bewilderment at the intersection of st5-6
so that it covers s5, s6, t5 and t6.
roll a fort save.

2009-06-14, 10:57 AM
I forgot the 50% roll
[roll0]1-50 gaze hits

2009-06-14, 06:45 PM

2009-06-14, 06:47 PM
Provided that passes:

Beam on druid: Attack:[roll0] (vs flatfooted touch AC -2)
Conceal: [roll1] 1-80 hits
If hit, 2 negative levels.

2009-06-15, 11:28 AM
assuming the druid could not fly away, he dies.

So the bard is up and he casts a spell casts a spell insperational boost as a swift action and starts another inspires courage.
he then moves to u3.

edit: start round 16

2009-06-15, 11:49 AM
I know that's a fail, wizard widraws to U2.

I skipped the tiger, I tiger moves to OP6-7
fighter is up, he moves to t3>u4>U6>t7 while keeping his eyes closed until he reaches t7 where he picks up his weapon.

roll an AoO if applicable.

2009-06-16, 12:51 AM
First, just to verify, your fighter's movement is 40?

2009-06-16, 10:36 AM
no 30, if the move was illegal the pick up action becomes void.

2009-06-17, 03:19 AM
Yeah, characters that have no sight move at half movement.

AoO on Fighter: [roll0] (vs Flat-footed AC, unless fighter has Blindfight)
If Hit: [roll1] and Fort or [roll2] Dex Damage
If Threat: [roll3]
If Crit: [roll4] and [roll5] Dex damage more on failed fort.
Concealment: [roll6] 1-80 hits

2009-06-18, 12:21 PM

2009-06-18, 01:21 PM
If I'm right then it's your turn, roll a fort save.

2009-06-18, 11:14 PM
Fort: [roll0]

Edit: Assuming that's a pass, I move to T3, which corners the wizard. Wizard is now limited to Cowering, per the SRD listing for the panicked condition. We're well within the Obscuring Mist, so no need to worry about spiked chain fighters getting a triplock from 10 feet out. Unfortunately, slow still lasts a couple more rounds, so no attacks yet.

You're up.

2009-07-03, 08:58 AM
sorry for the inactivity, I was busy.

Bard tumbles to u6 while looking away.
and casts a spell on the fighter
tiger moves to t45 where it sees the creature, but has to roll a fort save.

Round 17
fighter picks up his chain and moves to u4, when he sees the creature he moves back to u5 and attacks t3 blind
[roll2]1-50 is a miss

2009-07-03, 07:25 PM
The hit lands, though it does far less damage than you'd expect.

Wizard gets attacked.

Creature Power attacks for 10.

Attack: [roll0] vs Flat-footed AC-2 (for Cowering) ***Nat 1***
If Hit: [roll1]
If threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

2009-07-06, 03:10 PM
Tiger rolls will save while averting it's eyes.
[roll=miss]1d100[roll]1-50 is a hit
[roll=will save]1d20+10[roll]

2009-07-06, 03:11 PM
Tiger rolls will save while averting it's eyes.
[roll0]1-50 is a hit

2009-07-06, 03:22 PM
good, tiger full attacks(and rolls a fort save I forgot)


if any hit, improved grab

Bards up next

2009-07-06, 03:26 PM
ouch, void the above action and instead the tiger rumbles to st2-3.

2009-07-07, 02:34 AM
Tumble is a Trained-only skill. It may not be used untrained.

2009-07-09, 02:22 PM
Tumble is a Trained-only skill. It may not be used untrained.

I thought it was, so I checked the tumble description to make sure and I didn't see it so I though I must have been mistaken, however it was probably listed elsewhere.

anyway a simple move shall have to do.

bard starts casting a spell
summon monster 1

Round 18
fighter full attacks

[roll0]1-50 is a miss

[roll4]1-50 is a miss

[roll8]1-50 is a miss

2009-07-09, 08:49 PM
Wizard gets attacked again. Power attack for 10.

Attack: [roll0] vs Flat-footed AC-2 (for Cowering)
If Hit: [roll1]
If threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

Slow effect ends next round, I believe?

2009-07-10, 04:41 AM
I think it ends the moment it's the wizards turn, so yes, next turn you'll be able to full attack again.

Tiger rolls a will save

2009-07-10, 04:48 AM
effect on tiger(forgot to roll last time)
tiger closes his eyes, ignore above will save.

PS you forgot to roll for mirror images and miss chance.

edit: ouch

Bard moves to wherever his bow is and picks it up, the tentacles should have ended as well.

2009-07-10, 06:25 AM
OK, here's where I draw the line. We're not having Animal intelligence creatures performing knowledge based avoidance of gaze attacks. No closing eyes.

If you'd like to contest that, I'd be happy to point out that as your druid is dead, you no longer have access to its class features. The animal companion is a Druid class feature. Your call. Stop closing the tiger's eyes to have it fight totally blind while standing in harmful spell effects, or the tiger runs off, out a door, never to be seen again. (Note: The above effect is normally one that requires "Handle animal" and "Push". Neither are available to you.)

Further: "To wherever his bow is" is not a valid location. Bow is in T12. I've researched that much for you. In return, I'd appreciate a current location post for each character you have control/quasi-control over. (Tiger is quasi-control, unless you choose to lose it.)

Finally, to avoid any pretense of confusion as to what visible buffs you have, note all visible buffs for all characters. If you fail to do this, I will treat it as "I have dismissed all visible buffs". Again, your call. As an addendum to this, note in spoiler all buffs for your character, and the duration of each. Examples of Visible buffs include: Mirror Image, Invisibility, Polymorph, etc.

In other words, you are responsible for managing your own effects. I'm not going to babysit.

2009-07-14, 03:44 AM
OK, here's where I draw the line. We're not having Animal intelligence creatures performing knowledge based avoidance of gaze attacks. No closing eyes.

All ready rolled the save, so that one stands.

Wizard:U2 mirror image(4 left, 3 if your previous attack hits an image)
Tiger:ST2-3 Barkskin(visible I guess)

I've also summoned a creature, but forgot about it, I'll post it's move now
Celestial dog: appears in T6 right before the bards turn, moves to t4 and attacks with a smite evil.
[roll0](50-100 hits)

Do you want the precise locations of the mists as well?
And for the record(people watching) I could put all active spells in a spoiler, if anyone is interested that is.

2009-07-14, 05:01 AM
Active effects should be tracked in a method that is easily notable. Spoiler is fine. Mist loction is a visible effect, created by you, and should be listed and the centerpoint announced.

Mirror image chance: [roll0] 1 hits, 2-5 are images.

2009-07-15, 04:32 AM
Mists and clouds:

cloud of bewilderment at the intersection of st5-6
so that it covers s5, s6, t5 and t6.
cast in round 15(wiz), last for 8 rounds

obscuring mist cast at tu2-3
spreads 20 ft so tu2-tu6 is covered, so is s2-s5
last 8 min so pretty much for the rest of the fight

other buffs, observers only.
haste on everybody, last 8 rounds cast at round 16(bard)
Mass mage armour on everybody lasts for a day
greater magic fang for a +1 bonus on all of the tigers natural weapons, last the whole day

and of course the inspire courage for +3 is active.

not a buff, but also important, the tiger is nauseated for 5 rounds starting on round 17
I think that's it.

2009-07-15, 04:46 AM
Round 19

Fighter attacks



lol@same rolls, I hope 23 hits:smallwink:

2009-07-16, 02:01 AM
Nope. AC 23 does not hit.

Tsarj is now free from the Slow effect... So he'll full attack the mage. Power attack for 5, versus Flat footed AC -2.

Claw: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1] and [roll2] Dex Damage (Fort DC25 negates)
If threat: [roll3]
If Crit: [roll4] and [roll5] additional Dex Damage
Miss chance from Concealment (ObMist): [roll6] 1-80 hits
Images: [roll7] 1 hits ***Miss***

Claw: [roll8]
If Hit: [roll9] and [roll10] Dex Damage (Fort DC25 negates)
If threat: [roll11]
If Crit: [roll12] and [roll13] additional Dex Damage
Miss chance from Concealment (ObMist): [roll14] 1-80 hits
Images: [roll15] 1 hits or [roll16] (if previous missed) ***Miss***

Bite: [roll17]
If Hit: [roll18]
If threat: [roll19]
If Crit: [roll20]
Miss chance from Concealment (ObMist): [roll21] 1-80 hits
Images: [roll22] 1 hits or [roll23] (if 1 missed) or [roll24] (if both previous missed)

2009-07-16, 01:25 PM
Don't you just love all those mischances?

actions will be declared the next hour or so.

2009-07-16, 02:17 PM
Please declare which attacks missed due to AC, so I can determine which attacks hit.

2009-07-16, 03:33 PM
Please declare which attacks missed due to AC, so I can determine which attacks hit.

AC never got into the picture for my wizard, two hit an image, and one missed because of the mist. The images however did not have enough AC to doge your attack so they are both destroyed.

tiger rolls a will save

2009-07-16, 03:47 PM
Tiger uses a move action to partial withdraw to RQ6-7
Bard moves to T7, asks the fighter for the last know location, gets an answer and shoots at T3


edit: forgot 50% mischance, but this one won't hit anyway

2009-07-16, 03:51 PM
Round 20

Fighter once again attacks

edit: forgot 50% mischance, but this one won't hit anyway




edit: the dice do not favour me today, and electric should be acid, that'll teach me for copy and pasting.

2009-07-16, 04:00 PM

AC Does come into the picture, as the Obscuring Mist rolls are 63, 67, and 6, where I explicitly stated that 1-80 hit. Whereas you have a Total Concealment roll (Obscuring mist > 5 feet), I have a just concealment roll (Obscuring mist 5 feet). That means that while you have a 50% miss chance, mine is only 20%.

As the first and second attack hit, there was only 1 remaining image, so we must use the 1d2 result, which was a 1.

The post lists a result of 1 as a hit.

I ask again, which attacks penetrated the Wizard's AC?

2009-07-16, 05:17 PM
Right, I always assume low roll= fail, but as it is your last attack(the bite) hits the wizard.

2009-07-16, 05:43 PM
Ok, continue, All attacks missed.

Tsarj Full Attacks the wizard again. Power attack for 2.

Claw: [roll0] *** Critical Threat***
If hit: [roll1] and [roll2] Dex damage (Fort DC 25 negates)
If Threat: [roll3] ***Crit Confirm***
If Crit: [roll4] and [roll5] Additional Dex on failed save.
ObMist Miss: [roll6] 1-80 hits
Mirror Images: [roll7] 1 hits ***Miss***

Claw: [roll8]
If hit: [roll9] and [roll10] Dex damage (Fort DC 25 negates)
If Threat: [roll11]
If Crit: [roll12] and [roll13] Additional Dex on failed save.
ObMist Miss: [roll14] 1-80 hits ***Miss***
Mirror Images: [roll15] 1 hits (unless a prev attack killed it)

Bite: [roll16]
If hit: [roll17]
If Threat: [roll18]
If Crit: [roll19]
ObMist Miss: [roll20] 1-80 hits
Mirror Images: [roll21] 1 hits (unless a prev attack killed it)

2009-07-17, 04:29 AM
Ok, continue, All attacks missed.

Nonsense, I misread your post, two bite attacks have hit the wizard so far dealing 24 damage in total.

2009-07-17, 04:49 AM
Tiger stays put.

Bard full attacks with rapid shot, Fighter full attacks.




To rapid shot or not to rapid shot? I know the villans ac is at best 31 and at least 26 exactly the range in which it is unclear if I should take the -2 or not.

celestial dog

Edit dog runs away, effectively removed from the game.

Round 21:



2009-07-17, 09:40 AM
As wizard is not looking at the villain, and nobody else can see him, bard hits/misses will not be provided to the player. However, the fighter does feel his 3rd attack connect with something.