View Full Version : Anyone else over O-Chul?

2009-05-27, 04:30 AM
As the title.

Yes, he's a decent character with some depth.
Yes, he's a paragon of being good and stubborn and all that other boring nonsense.
Yes, he's got his own small miny arc thingy.

But seriously, how do people get so....obsessed with the character?

I'm aware that this thread adds to the already proliferous amount of threads devoted to the particular character at hand, but hey, I had to vent SOMEWHERE.

2009-05-27, 04:35 AM
There is a devoted fan fase on these threads to Guy with a Halberd. I think O-Chul having a minor following while being a named NPC and having a background is trivial in this case.

2009-05-27, 04:39 AM
Actually, it took me long time to start looking at him like that. But now I do think he is really cool. I really like the comparison between him and Chuck Norris. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-27, 04:41 AM
I have a better question, why is it whenever a NPC gets the spotlight for a little while people complain?

O-Chul's done what none of the PCs could do, beat the crap out of Redcloak, I think that ensures brownie points for O-Chul.

Juron Pilo
2009-05-27, 04:43 AM
I have yet still better question: Why ask either of the previious questions when the answers are self evident?

2009-05-27, 04:45 AM
I'm guessing it's precisely because O-Chul did something that the PCs couldn't do that people tend to complain. Why make the PC/NPC distinction if you're going to have both be equally capable and high leveled after all?

2009-05-27, 04:51 AM
O-Chul is an awesome character, sure, but I, at least, tend not to get obsessed about characters. Except for Xykon. Go Xykon!

Also, every franchise needs its own Chuck Norris equivalent. You know, so people can make up facts (what an oxymoron) about them.

2009-05-27, 07:40 AM
He's not a Chuck Norris equivalent. He's Chuck Norris' D&D character.

Zael Zuran
2009-05-27, 08:22 AM
Just my take on it, but I like O-Chul because he's probably the only idealized paladin in the strip. His flaws are more human, instead of being fatal character flaws.

He is not min maxed to be the uber paladin. He's pretty level headed, a genuinely good man (from what we've seen). He clearly values the GOOD of lawful good as being as important as the LAWFUL.

I like that his stats are clearly optimized for combat, and his charisma is not so hot. I really like that it is diplomacy that he strives to achieve, despite being more geared for battle.

He is not naive, self righteous, judgemental, or the like. He's not bitter, despite being tortured for some extended period of time. He is pragmatic enough to realize that little evils are that much easier to redeem, and that irredeemable evil must be stopped without wasting time on theatrical posing and wasted diatribes on philosophy.

In short, by not surrendering to the anger of Miko, being devoured by bureaucracy like Hinjo, or joining the many nameless victims of Xykon (who may be great characters...we just weren't shown) he is almost certain to be martyred.

He possesses a very subtle gallows humor that I find very endearing.

But his archetype is always destined to inspire through their death. The MITD is the real audience for O-Chul. Not us.

2009-05-27, 08:31 AM
He's not a Chuck Norris equivalent. He's Chuck Norris' D&D character.

No, Chunk Norris is O-Chul's real life character.

Zael Zuran
2009-05-27, 08:34 AM
Also, V may be an unintended audience. Especially once V has to start wrestling with hir choice, its consequences, and the overall futility of squandering the pact with arrogant, reckless tactics.

Will V use it as an inspiration for redemption or as practice for the "next round with Xykon?" That remains to be seen.

Hydro Globus
2009-05-27, 04:41 PM
O-chul is basically the High Overlord Saurfang of the OOTS (without going into which one controls Chuck Norris in real life).

2009-05-27, 04:47 PM
O-chul is basically the High Overlord Saurfang of the OOTS (without going into which one controls Chuck Norris in real life).

You FOOL, you'll KILL US ALL!

2009-05-27, 05:02 PM
I was never particularly interested in him to begin with. He's just an atypical Paladin, really.

Okay, he's an atypical Paladin with a lot of hp. Still not a big deal.

I don't mind him, but I do find it odd how people talk about him. But then again, I don't get the idiotic way people talk about Chuck Norris, either. So, meh, whatever. I'll just continue to ignore it all, personally.


2009-05-27, 05:10 PM
The Chuck Norris meme is as dead as Horace Greenhilt, but you're never going to find a shortage of people that enjoy using and adapting it. Live and let live, I say. :smalltongue:

Another point is that we crave badassery in our fiction. Having the protagonists be constant chew-toys gets old fast. I remember the cheering on the forums when Belkar saved Haley in Greysky for instance, or when Durkon took down Leeky; hell, even Miko got a bit of applause for taking down the ogres. So O-Chul's passing, if indeed he does pass, will leave a bit of a vacuum in that respect as well.

2009-05-27, 05:25 PM
As the title.

Yes, he's a decent character with some depth.
Yes, he's a paragon of being good and stubborn and all that other boring nonsense.
Yes, he's got his own small miny arc thingy.

But seriously, how do people get so....obsessed with the character?

I'm aware that this thread adds to the already proliferous amount of threads devoted to the particular character at hand, but hey, I had to vent SOMEWHERE.

Pfft, you're just jealous because he killed your namesake.

2009-05-27, 05:51 PM
O-chul is basically the High Overlord Saurfang of the OOTS (without going into which one controls Chuck Norris in real life).

You rock for the comparasion!

2009-05-27, 05:55 PM
I was never under him, and have no intentions of being under or over him. :smalleek:

I think people just like him cause he is a survivor. Azure City, the jumping the shark strip, character development with MitD.

He just has a bit more character development than say the guy with the halberd, for people to feel some connection to.

Just a good ole boy, never meaning no harm.....

Blue Ghost
2009-05-27, 06:22 PM
O-Chul's a pretty cool character, but I don't see any reason to idolize him over any of the other NPCs. I think that it was pure chance that O-Chul became so venerated, like how the Guy with a Halberd was arbitrarily chosen.

2009-05-27, 06:45 PM
He's not a Chuck Norris equivalent. He's Chuck Norris' D&D character.

No, Chunk Norris is O-Chul's real life character.

I think that maybe Mr. T is playing him. The DM wouldn't let him be a Night Elf Mohawk, so instead he made the toughest paladin ever.

2009-05-27, 07:49 PM
O-Chul's a pretty cool character, but I don't see any reason to idolize him over any of the other NPCs. I think that it was pure chance that O-Chul became so venerated, like how the Guy with a Halberd was arbitrarily chosen.

There was nothing about O-Chul's recent adolation that is arbitrary. He has had some touching moments, good character development, and serious awesomeness in the past few strips. He's a likeable character, and he does cool stuff.

[TS] Shadow
2009-05-27, 09:27 PM
There is a devoted fan fase on these threads to Guy with a Halberd. I think O-Chul having a minor following while being a named NPC and having a background is trivial in this case.

Being honest, The Guy with the Halberd annoys me too. People just choose to love the stupidest things and won't listen to anybody else's opinion.

O-Chul is one of the better NPC's, I'll admit. Outside of the Order/villians (and Miko, who is more of an antagonist than a real "villian) I think that O-Chul is one of the best developed characters in the strip. Which is surprising seeing as he's in relatively few strips. However, his character at this point has failed to make a large impact on the story. He'll probably serve as an inspiration for the MitD and whatever he does with the soul-hidey thing will probably be important, but I just don't see the big commotion over him. To me, he's a "good" character. Probably a 7.7/10 if I had to rate him.

2009-05-28, 04:28 AM
You're not over O-Chul, O-Chul is over you!

2009-05-28, 04:42 AM
He's just cool, and people like to waste time on online forums about comic books based on table games :smallsmile:

2009-05-28, 07:50 AM
I tell you, it is the beard!

But still what I really like about O'Chul is how wise he acts. Seriously we have an elf wizard namely V who has no idea about a phylactery but still blabbers about ultimate arcane power and how important arcane magic is, a fighter Roy who jumps onto an undead dragon trying to kill a lich who destroyed his sword with a single move.

On the other hand we have O'Chul, rips the amulet from Redcloak with a single move rendering Redcloak weak and useless and stabs out his eye (although I love Redcloak it was wise to do), then does the next clever thing and attempts to destroy the phylactery. Imagine when Oots battled Xykon in his dungeon (was it tower, throne room whatever) with the gate.

1. Belkar grabs the amulet from RC
2. Roy throws Xykon into the gate (which he already did there)
3. Oots think about destroying the phylactery (throw everything in the dungeon which looks like a phylactery into the gate, or detect magic on the amulet to find out that it is the phylactery) Although I am not well with the rules there should be something divine or arcane which would tell something is a living phylactery.
4. It is over

O'Chul is damn wise and clever. I also like like Xykon just because of that he looks dumb but indeed he is cunning, although he is dangerously overconfident sometimes.

2009-05-28, 07:51 AM
There was nothing about O-Chul's recent adolation that is arbitrary. He has had some touching moments, good character development, and serious awesomeness in the past few strips. He's a likeable character, and he does cool stuff.
Seconded. :smallsmile: O-Chul's awesomeness is clear and discernable. :smallwink:

2009-05-28, 08:19 AM
He's Fonzie awesome-- which means that to keep on being ubercool he has to do his part in the story and then fade away until Richie I mean Elan and his friends need him again. Once he starts hanging out with Elan all the time, next thing you know he'll be wearing goofy scarves and crying over a plate of liver and onions.

Of course O-Chul has already jumped the shark--and kicked it's tailfin.

2009-05-28, 08:38 AM
From what we have seen so far, O-Chul is perhaps the most "heroic" character in the traditional sense of the word. He's Good without being holier-than-thou (Miko) or snarky (Roy) or dumb (Elan).

He's humble. He sees the good in MiTD and tries to redeem it when most paladins would prolly just go all SMITE EVIL.

And C'mon! He kicks more @$$ than any other NPC, and quite possibly most of the PCs.

What's there not to like?

B. Dandelion
2009-05-28, 08:43 AM
Seconded. :smallsmile: O-Chul's awesomeness is clear and discernable. :smallwink:

Although not terribly descriptive...

Estelindis, you actually did a really great write-up on O-Chul in the other thread, the post you're quoting is kind of, you know, generic. It's like when the conversation is an in-depth discussion of the nature of evil when someone goes and pulls out the Player's Handbook. It's bad, it's mean, it's not misunderstood, it's... did we mention bad? Yeah, great, that really clears it up for me, thanks a lot. I get how you and Gorgondantess are cracking on the "arbitrary" label, but... you know, usually I don't READ those monster threads dedicated to the strip (too much fluff) and the fact that I did is the only reason I saw it.

Scarlet Knight
2009-05-28, 09:01 AM
We have to have something to discuss between comics.

Debates on O-Chul are as interesting as the ones on how hot Tsukiko looks in a see-through nightie or whether Xykon's phylactory will remain visible if V picks it up and when he tucks it in his/her robe.

Besides , I've enjoyed O-Chul; he acts the way a paladin should be played.:smallcool:

2009-05-28, 10:02 AM
Shadow;6168234']People just choose to love the stupidest things and won't listen to anybody else's opinion.

It's more that people tend to have the stupidest reasons for hating the fact that other people like something of no interest to them.

It's one thing to dislike a character or a character's actions, but quite another to dislike the attention that character gets, especially when most of it has been isolated to threads devoted to the character or to people's signatures. Adulation of the guy with a halberd was easily ignored; I don't even know who this character is, for example. (Linking strips featuring him won't help, folks. I'll just ignore them, see? :smallwink: )