View Full Version : What ISN'T Spam?

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-05-27, 04:14 PM
Like a lot of posters here, I diligently report spam when ever I run across it, but sometimes I'll see non-porn stuff stick around for a week or two or more. Two (Actually three, but one is a duplicate) are down in Webcomics right now: BAPE+Pepsi and a Russian(?) Kaspersky advertisement. I've reported them both at least once and maybe twice, and I'm sure others have as well.

Are these allowed?

(I'm actually being serious, and not snarky. If it's allowed, it's allowed. If not, those two ads have been missed by the mods for a while.)

2009-05-27, 04:20 PM
If it's advertisement for profit, it's spam.

2009-05-27, 09:14 PM
Unless, occasionally, it's actually a creator (who seeks some return on his or her work) who has some intention of kind of respecting the role of a forum to spread ideas and interests.

2009-05-27, 11:09 PM
Unless, occasionally, it's actually a creator (who seeks some return on his or her work) who has some intention of kind of respecting the role of a forum to spread ideas and interests.

It's not considered Advertisement for profit if it's, say... a webcomic that makes money off its shop, or something like that. According to the rules last time I checked, anyway.

2009-05-28, 12:18 AM
It's not considered Advertisement for profit if it's, say... a webcomic that makes money off its shop, or something like that. According to the rules last time I checked, anyway.

Right, exactly what I'm saying.

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-05-28, 05:33 AM
But they are not Webcomic Sites looking to increase their sales...

The BAPE+Pepsi appears to be an urban clothing store.

The Kaspersky one looks like it is selling keys to unlock Kaspersky anti-virus.

Both look more than a little shady, and the Kaspersky one has been around since the 15th of May.

2009-05-28, 08:11 AM
selling keys to unlock Kaspersky anti-virus

So, they're offering a way to violate copyrighted material? That is also specified in the rules, if I recall correctly.

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-05-28, 10:09 AM
So, they're offering a way to violate copyrighted material? That is also specified in the rules, if I recall correctly.

Maybe, but a lot of it is in Cryllic (maybe?), and I can't read it. I know the website ends in .ru, so I'm pretty sure it's Russian, although there might be a bit of spoofing going on.

But anyway you slice it, it looks shady. To me. Maybe to the mods it's they are perfectly acceptable websites, and I should just return to the Peanut Gallery and keep quiet...


Looks like they're gone now. Good job Mods!

Lord Loss
2009-06-06, 07:04 AM
What I don't get is, let's say i'm writing a webcomic (which I am) and i want people to come check it out (not for profit, but to see if people like my comic) can i put that in a post in the webcomic section, or in my sig? or what?

2009-06-06, 07:18 AM
I believe posting it in your sig is a safe bet. I'd also put something like 'See my new webcomic' because I don't always click links in people's sigs. Mostly to avoid joining their zombie army or somesuch.

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-06-06, 07:34 AM
What I don't get is, let's say i'm writing a webcomic (which I am) and i want people to come check it out (not for profit, but to see if people like my comic) can i put that in a post in the webcomic section, or in my sig? or what?

I think you can do both. Most self-promoting webcomic artists put their link down in webcomics, then wait around for reader comments.

Lord Loss
2009-06-07, 07:49 AM
Cool! i'll post it in webcomics then (as soon as i finish the first 10-15 installments!). THANKS!

2009-06-07, 08:36 PM
I think the main difference is that your webcomic is a webcomic, which would make it okay to put in the webcomics forum, and those two things weren't, so they're not.

Also, you are probably a real person (or at least close to Turing-capable than those things were), and those were probably bots (or humans who were not very interested in appearing Turing-capable). So there's that.