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2009-05-27, 05:06 PM
Test Your Might: Trial III
Bracket: ECL 7-9
Jkoshe vs. afroakuma

Choose your buff time or lack thereof.

2009-05-27, 05:08 PM
No buff time

2009-05-27, 05:11 PM
Very well.

Your map, sir.

Please take up positions within three squares of D26 and U26. You may split the party if you wish.

Roll initiative, please.


Villain at C8, ghasts at T17, S11, F8.

2009-05-27, 05:19 PM
Rani(The thief ) Will go at B24
Tempus (Fighter) Will go at C24
Emma (Healer) will go at E 24
Zaphini (Mage) will go at B25

Sorry about taking so long, had to pick where they should go :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-27, 05:21 PM
Your rolls failed. Please remove the spaces in formatting and try again.

2009-05-27, 05:21 PM
Ooops... I messed up the roll code

[roll0] Rani
[roll1] Emma
[roll2] Tempus
[roll3] Zaphini

2009-05-27, 05:26 PM

• My action
• Zaphini
• My action
• Rani
• Emma
• My action
• Tempus

The illumination in this old, broken-down inn is very poor. What little light filters in allows you to see dimly 20 ft. around the door. Beyond that, only scattered reflections off broken glass can be seen.

Low-light extends to 40 ft., darkvision as normal. Who among you possesses alternate vision modes?

2009-05-27, 05:28 PM
Am I allowed to progress? If so...

Zaphini will light a torch, the look around the room to see if anything is amiss

2009-05-27, 05:31 PM
You note a fetid stench hangs in the air. Some of the tables and chairs look to have been raked and torn by savage claws. You note nothing out of place within the sphere of the torchlight.

Observers Only
Ghast in U17 took no action.

Boss in C8 readies killing gaze of terror against first creature bearing light to move to B9.

Ghast at S11 takes a double move to K12 and nudges the broken door at K11. It creaks loudly enough to be audible throughout the inn, and is now open.

You hear the creaking of a door somewhere nearby.

Your go.

2009-05-27, 05:36 PM
(Is this strait roll playing or is there some roleplaying as well :smalltongue:)

"It appears some foul presence awaits us in here. Onwards my brave companions"

Marching order. Rani, Tempus, Zaphini, Emma

The party advances towards D19.
Rani searching for traps as he does so.

2009-05-27, 05:41 PM
*duplicate, can't delete*

2009-05-27, 05:45 PM
Point-to-point movement, please. Rani and then Emma, and then I need to declare my action.

Also, once again, who has extraordinary vision modes? I need to know who has low-light and darkvision, as well as any other sight information.

2009-05-27, 05:45 PM
(Okay, sorry)

Rani moves forward to D19 searching for traps.

Emma listens for anything.. going on. If she hears anything suspicious she wild shapes into a polar bear.

2009-05-27, 05:50 PM
Observers Only
Ghast in F8 sees a faint glimmer of torchlight, hisses loudly as a free action and then moves to F3, opening and shutting the broken door as it does. The door continues swinging slightly due to momentum, a force imaginary in the D&D world. :smalltongue:

Rani detects no traps.

As Emma listens, you all hear a loud, terrifying hiss from the north, followed by skittering noises, a door screeching open and then slamming shut. The hiss is answered by two more elsewhere in the building, and in the deadly quiet a squeaky hinge can be heard rocking back and forth. Emma immediately wildshapes into a polar bear.

Tempus' go.

2009-05-27, 05:54 PM
Tempus seeing Emma Wildshape assumes danger is near. He draws his weapon and proceeds to walk to d19

2009-05-27, 05:59 PM
*sigh* Fine, but as soon as combat starts we go to tactical motion; no double occupancy of squares. It's hard enough monitoring this map as is. :smalltongue:

Next Round

Observers Only
Ghast in U17 heard the others' hissing, and takes a double move to P24, letting the door bang open loudly.

You hear another door bang open from somewhere to the east.

2009-05-27, 06:03 PM
I'm keeping a running map in inkscape... I can post it up every so often if you'd like.

Zaphini Walks forward to A19

EDIT: I'm going to have to run shortly. I should be back in 30-45 minutes though. Then be on the rest of the night.

2009-05-27, 06:07 PM
I have it mapped out as a spreadsheet on Excel.

A19 is a wall space. You cannot move there.

2009-05-27, 06:09 PM
(I need to look before I leap.. I meant B19.I didn't count the edge of the board or something.:smalleek: Hopefully when I come back I'll have got the hang of this playing on a message board thing :smalltongue:)

Like I said I have to run... turns out it's later then I thought and I have to eat... But I'll be back shortly. 30-45 min

2009-05-27, 06:29 PM
And I'm back.. Your go. Zaphini moved to B19

2009-05-27, 06:36 PM
Observers Only
Ghast at K12 double moves to F8 and crouches behind the cover.

Boss moves into B9 and readies killing Gaze of Terror against the first character to enter C10

Rani and Emma are up.

2009-05-27, 06:40 PM
The now large Emma moves to intersection B/C 22/23 Claws are out...and she's prepared for an assault.

Rani moves to H19 Still searching for traps

2009-05-27, 06:51 PM
No traps are found.

Another terrible hiss sounds from the north, and once again two more echoes erupt, this time sounding much closer.

Observers Only
Ghast at F2 hisses as a free action; the other two ghasts do likewise in response.

Tempus' go.

2009-05-27, 06:54 PM
Tempus moves to F18 and lets out a shout.. Letting them know we're here.

2009-05-27, 06:59 PM
Observers Only
Ghast at P24 moves to L23, just behind the door. It does not hiss.

The other two ghasts hiss in response to Tempus' yell.

Once again the horrific hissing sounds, very loud and all to the north. There seems to be one less than last time, though.

Zaphini's up.

2009-05-27, 07:02 PM
Zaphini Moves to G19 he then readies an action if anything comes down the corridor that tempus is watching he will fire a magic missile at it.

G19 did I sink your battleship? :smallamused:

2009-05-27, 07:12 PM
Something begins charging from the dark corridor ahead. Zaphini looses magic missiles and fires at the creature. The five bolts of energy strike it dead-on.

Damage rolls, please?

2009-05-27, 07:14 PM
Here you go.

Damage [roll0]

2009-05-27, 07:25 PM
The creature winces but continues its mad rush forward, lashing out at Tempus with its foul bite.


Roll a Fortitude save, please.

Observers Only
Ghast at F8 charges Tempus and makes a bite attack.

2009-05-27, 07:28 PM
Attack is way off :smalltongue: AC is 31....
Fort Save


2009-05-27, 07:40 PM
Observers Only
Boss maintains same ready action. Ready to add a fourth Ghast or something worse to the mix if he doesn't man up and explore. :smalltongue:

Rani and Emma can go.

2009-05-27, 07:50 PM
Emma Moves to the intersections of 19/20 E/D and watches the door... in case anything comes out that way.

Rani takes a 5 foot step forward to H18. Then fires at this critter.

1st attack
Damage: d8+2 + [roll0] frost + [roll1] Sneak attack (He can sneak attack things that are immune to sneak attack...if that applies.)

2nd attack
Damage: d8+2 + [roll3] frost

2009-05-27, 07:54 PM
Rolls that didn't go through redone :smallsigh:

1st attack

1st attack Damage normal [roll1]

2nd attack Damage Normal [roll2]

(Add the frost damage to these rolls.)

2009-05-27, 07:57 PM
Ehh.... it's dead anyway.

Please roll a Fortitude save, Rani.

The monstrosity in front of you falls over, twitching slightly but otherwise motionless. From the north you hear another low hiss, and then some skittering sounds.

Observers Only
Ghast at F3 hisses softly and then deliberately makes noise.

Tempus' go.

2009-05-27, 08:06 PM
Rani: Fort Save [roll0]

Tempus: Moves to F14.. or until he reaches a monster to shwack. If he meets a monster he hits it... if not he readies a action to hit the first monster to come into range. :smallbiggrin:

Attack if he meets a monster


Damage: [roll2]

2009-05-27, 08:12 PM
Next Round

Observers Only
Ghast at L23 moves to L22 and nudges the door open unseen, then moves to M20, moving that door open and letting it swing a few times.

You hear a door to the east creak open, and then another door open and shut, its old hinges squealing in protest.

Zaphini's turn.

2009-05-27, 08:14 PM
Zaphini moves to H22 and readies another magic missile against the first thing to come through that door.

2009-05-27, 08:17 PM
A horrifying sound, one worse than anything you have ever heard, cascades through the inn from the north, answered by a hiss almost as loud. The sound lashes your ears and fills you with discomfort.

Observers Only
Boss makes that noise. Ghast answers. I'm sending in the bodak if this keeps up. :smallannoyed:

Rani and Emma's turn.

2009-05-27, 08:25 PM
Emma moves to the intersection of 24/25 E/F Readies an action to attack any enemy that comes through the cloak room.

Rani moves to 18 F and stands on a chair to gain a better line of sight in the hallway. Ready standard to shoot if he sees a baddie

2009-05-27, 08:31 PM
You hear something that sounds like speech issuing from the north. Listen checks, please.

2009-05-27, 08:35 PM
Emma [roll0]
Tempus [roll1]
Rani [roll2]
Zaphini [roll3]

Your checks my good sir :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-27, 08:41 PM
Rani hears a raspy voice saying, "They're in the west barroom. Go and release it from the closet." This is in Common.

Following this, he hears a muted hiss, the sound of a door banging open and some scrabbling noise.

Observers Only
Ghast speaks Common in a ploy to manipulate the party, then makes some movement sounds, steps forward, pushes the door open, steps back and takes no further action.

Tempus, you're up.

2009-05-27, 08:47 PM
Tempus pulls back to the light, Moves to F17 then readies an action to attack anything that gets in range of his sword.

2009-05-27, 08:54 PM
From the kitchen comes a new voice, deeper and panicked: "No! Don't let it into the kitchen! Keep it in the bar!" followed by a crash of metallic sounds and the heavy crunching of solid wood breaking.

Observers Only
Ghast at M20 says that in Common as a deception, then pulls the ceiling pin holding the pot rack above the tables, causing it to swing down, release all the rusted cookware and smash the wooden tables below.

Zaphini's turn.

2009-05-27, 09:00 PM
Zaphini casts web on.. square i24 covering h23-25, i22-i25, j22-25

2009-05-27, 09:09 PM
Something seems to move just outside of Tempus' vision to the north. From that same direction echoes a low humming sound, and a flash of red light briefly illuminates the area ahead, revealing the door at the far end of the corridor swinging back and forth.

Boss activates his gem of bodak summoning, bringing in a Super Elite advanced bodak (+3 HD, base abilities 18, 18, 16, 15, 13, 10) straight from the Abyss. It may act next round.

Boss then moves, just out of the torchlight, to K13 and hides.


[roll1] (-5 penalty for moving at more than half speed)

Rani and Emma are up.

2009-05-27, 09:15 PM
Rani cast's Blur on Tempus.
Then takes a 5 foot step to, G18

Emma examines the floor... what's it made of? Dirt, stone, wood? Other then that she waits for action. She's still ready if anything comes through the door.

2009-05-27, 09:21 PM
Emma examines the floor... what's it made of? Dirt, stone, wood? Other then that she waits for action. She's still ready if anything comes through the door.

Do I detect sarcasm? :smallamused:

You hear the door to the north bang open. Tempus sees something approaching at the edges of the torchlight: a vaguely humanoid figure, which now stands at F11.

Observers Only
Ghast at F3 takes a double move to advance to F11.

Tempus is up.

EDIT: F11, sorry, my bad.

2009-05-27, 09:26 PM
(No I actually need to know... it's for her spells... )

Moving to F13
Tempus charges said figure and attempts to initiate a grapple
(He has improved grapple so NO aoo)

2009-05-27, 09:31 PM
He successfully grapples the smelly, corpselike figure. Fortitude save, please.

The floor is mostly rotted wood; some dirt in places, and a bit of stone where the stove sits.

Observers Only
Bodak delays.

Ghast at M20 moves to J23, running into the web deliberately.

Suddenly, you hear a door slam open and something collides with the web. In the shadow and through the tangled fibers, you cannot make it out.

2009-05-27, 09:37 PM
Fort Save: [roll0]

Assuming it's Zaphini next.. He fires a magic missile at the web caught critter.


2009-05-27, 09:45 PM
Fort save passes.

The creature in the web hisses violently and continues thrashing.

The living corpse in Tempus' grasp stops resisting in any way, shape or form, and suddenly he, too, feels weak, as he feels something cold and disturbing leeching away at his soul, to his right.

Tempus - 2 negative levels. -2 on all skill checks and ability checks, -2 on attack rolls and saving throws, -10 hit points, -2 effective level.

Observers Only
Boss (Tsartajius) moves up to K12 and uses Soul Drain on Tempus.


Tempus cannot see the source because of the lack of light.

Ghast grappled by Tempus ceases struggling as a free action to give Tsartajius a good shot.

Tsartajius then hides in the darkness, taking the -20 sniping penalty. Roll in subsequent post.

Rani and Emma are up.

2009-05-27, 09:53 PM
Rani.. Seeing Tempus weaken moves to F14 and casts restoration from a wand.
UMD [roll0]

Emma Calls her animal companion... as a free action.. Trusting that Zaph and Streak can handle whatever this is heads north. Streak is at G 25 Emma heads to intersection of 17/18 f/g,

2009-05-27, 09:54 PM
Observers Only

-20 sniping penalty.

Rani does not have such a wand listed on his character sheet. :smallconfused:

2009-05-27, 10:00 PM
..okay.. I thought I'd put it there... guess I didn't. I meant to buy one :smalleek: As druids don't get restoration..

Well then.. he shoots at mr. nasty who level drained Tempus.. If he can see him that is.


2009-05-27, 10:03 PM
Grrr [roll0] [roll1]

2009-05-27, 10:03 PM
..okay.. I thought I'd put it there... guess I didn't. I meant to buy one :smalleek: As druids don't get restoration..

Uh, yeah... it also costs 26000 GP; 72% of your budget. That would be a big no.

Well then.. he shoots at mr. nasty who level drained Tempus.. If he can see him that is.

There is insufficient light.

2009-05-27, 10:05 PM

Your arrow flies into the darkness. You hear it strike something solid, but you do not know what.

May I have an initiative roll for the animal companion, please?

2009-05-27, 10:06 PM
(Yeah... that may be why I didn't... I knew I had planned too. Remember... read then act... )

.....Bulls strength on Tempus then.

(for the level drain.. I'm assuming the blur did nothing to help against that then?)

2009-05-27, 10:07 PM
So, you are not firing an arrow into the blind darkness? Very well.

And since Tempus was grappling, the entity in the dark knew how to aim. (That is a totally ad hoc ruling; if you want to contest it, feel free, but then I think we'll have a rather nasty chain of events to take back).

2009-05-27, 10:10 PM
Well you just told me I couldn't there wasn't enough light... I'm doing based off what you tell me... Yeah I'd like to fire the arrow.. If I can.

The companion [roll0]

(Nah it makes it interesting... I'm just noting that he has blur.)

2009-05-27, 10:13 PM
Alright, time out, let's sort this:

[roll0] for that. Let's hope it comes up a hit, or we'll have to debate further.

Rani advances, looks to the right around the corner and sees only darkness, since the only source of light is the torch in Zaphini's hand. He may now choose how to act. If he fires an arrow, then we've already established that he won't hit. May as well go with the bull's strength.

I'll need a Fortitude save from Rani.

2009-05-27, 10:15 PM
Fair enough... bulls strength it is. +4 strength to mr tempus.. Your go again.


2009-05-27, 10:18 PM
His save... as I can't add a roll to a post :smallsigh:


2009-05-27, 10:18 PM
The ghast in Tempus' arms suddenly grabs hold hard again, and bites at his midsection.

Grapple negates Dex to AC, common sense negates shield bonus to AC. Ghast takes a -4 penalty to attack for grappling.


Tempus and the animal companion may now go.

Fort save passes.

2009-05-27, 10:21 PM
I have a feat that gives me my shield bonus in a grapple.. So it's in.. The attack would have missed anyways though.

Tempus tries to stab the ghast.


dmg [roll1] +1 strength damage

Companion waits to see what the trapped critter will do.

2009-05-27, 10:23 PM
I have a feat that gives me my shield bonus in a grapple.. So it's in.. The attack would have missed anyways though.

Which one?

He stabs it, it goes dead again, still holding on. Tempus is encumbered (ad hoc -2 penalty to AC and attacks, move action to shake off).

Observers Only
Bodak starts new round off by readying to move to F10 if a source of light draws closer.

Ghast in the web is voluntarily failing saves to distract the wizard and animal companion.

The creature in the web thrashes around some more, but appears to be making no progress.

Zaphini's turn.

2009-05-27, 10:26 PM
Shield ward, Phb II... it makes it part of my touch AC, then goes on to talk about how I can apply it too opposed grapple and the like. (it would have missed anyways as his AC is 21 without shield or dex)

2009-05-27, 10:29 PM
...does not say that at all. It gives you shield bonus to touch AC. I was attacking your regular Dex-less AC and denied the shield because it has no bearing on attacks made in a grapple. Only on rolls to resist being grappled.

In any event, irrelevant, as you have said. Zaphini?

2009-05-27, 10:30 PM
Zaph leaves Streak to deal with the creature and moves to H17 bringing the light with him.

(Fair enough.)

2009-05-27, 10:36 PM
Before you do, I just want to point out that H17 is in a corner. You'll be cutting off Tempus and Rani from the only viable light source.

Is that correct?

2009-05-27, 10:37 PM
...I guess that wouldn't work so well... How about H19

2009-05-27, 10:40 PM
...would reduce the light they have available, but not eliminate it completely.

2009-05-27, 10:41 PM
What? H19? Tempus and Rani are at H12 and H13

2009-05-27, 10:42 PM
No, they're in F. F is the corridor.

Rani.. Seeing Tempus weaken moves to F14

2009-05-27, 10:44 PM
...err yes... F...19.. I think my brain is starting to work poorly.

2009-05-27, 10:44 PM
Not out of the woods yet; he's been at F19 for a while. :smallwink:

2009-05-27, 10:46 PM
he was at I 22

2009-05-27, 10:48 PM
He was at H22, actually. :smallredface: I don't know where I got F19 from, but all the action up till now has assumed your light source was radiating up the corridor.

So I'll put it to you bluntly: you want more light up by Tempus, you'll have to move to F18 or higher.

Man, this is confusing. I wish there were some software that could handle this stuff properly. :smalltongue:

2009-05-27, 10:49 PM
Yeah, I'm using inkscape it's working quite nicely. But yeah there needs to be programs to deal with this.. (What do you think of my map?)

Yeah.. but the druid is taking up f18...

2009-05-27, 10:50 PM
You can walk past her to F16, you know.

2009-05-27, 10:51 PM
Yeah.. that'll work nicely.. thanks. :smallsmile:

2009-05-27, 10:55 PM
As Zaphini advances, torch in hand, a new figure steps forward from the corridor at E10 and stares directly at Tempus, Rani and Zaphini. With a sleek gray body, an elongated face and a gaze from nightmares, it looks like death itself.

So much so that Fortitude saves, please. Tempus, Rani and Zaphini. Don't forget Tempus' negative levels.

Observers Only
That was the bodak's readied action. I recant the Super Elite. He'll be a regular, baked potato instead of fries, Coke to drink, thanks.

2009-05-27, 10:58 PM
Fort save Rani [roll0] (One question quickly... is this a spell like effect? It changes things.)

Fort save Tempus [roll1]

Fort save Zaph [roll2]

2009-05-27, 11:02 PM
It was not.

Tempus and Zaphini feel the pallor of undeath chill them to the bone, but steel themselves against the gaze of the bodak.

Rani is dead.

2009-05-27, 11:07 PM
Emma moves to 10/11 f/g then cast flamestrike. at the bodak.

[roll0] half the damage is holy other half is fire. Reflex dc 22 for half

2009-05-27, 11:10 PM
She does not fit in the hallway. It's only 5 ft. wide.

EDIT: Nevermind me; she's long.

2009-05-27, 11:12 PM
She can squeeze through... It works..

2009-05-27, 11:14 PM
I should point out that the bodak is in F10 and Tempus is in F12.

She could step on Rani if she wanted to... :smalltongue:

2009-05-27, 11:15 PM
Yeah.. that'll be fine... Now the flame strike.

2009-05-27, 11:19 PM

Ouch @ flames.

Another ray of darkness lashes out from the shadows towards Tempus. It passes through the blurred image of the knight, but had it not been for the illusion he would certainly have been hit.

Observers Only

Tsartajius, already at +10 temp hp, uses Soul Drain again and then moves to N16 silently, hiding behind the counter. He takes a -10 penalty to Move Silently due to the tumbled pots. He does not take a sniping penalty, as he has changed position and gone out of line of sight.


I'm going to withdraw for the night; I have a doctor's appointment early tomorrow. Good battle so far. :smallcool:

2009-05-27, 11:22 PM
Okay good night.

2009-05-28, 09:20 AM
Back... so who's turn was it?

2009-05-28, 09:30 AM
It's now Tempus' turn. He'll need a move action to dislodge himself from the remains of the ghast.

2009-05-28, 09:35 AM
Move action to dislodge himself..Swift action to declare a knights challenge on the Bodak. Then swing at the now lit Bodak.




2009-05-28, 09:51 AM
I assume that was a fighting challenge, since you did not specify otherwise?

With dark ichor spilling across its scorched, tainted flesh, the bodak yet manages to stand. It fixes its cold stare on Tempus, who once again feels the power of undeath sweep him.

Fortitude save, please, and remember the -2 penalty from the negative levels.

The creature in the web continues to thrash.

Zaphini's turn.

2009-05-28, 09:55 AM
Yeah I've been playing with the penalty.
Save [roll0]

Uses a maximized magic missile on the bodak
25 damage.

2009-05-28, 09:58 AM
The undead, still glaring (I need a Fort save from Zaphini at the start of his turn), hisses softly and falls over as the force missiles strike him.

The win was not without cost, however, for the powers of undeath have stricken the life from Tempus.

Tempus is dead.

(We'll proceed after your Fort save. Were you going to be averting your eyes, or...?)

2009-05-28, 10:00 AM
I'll do a fort save.


The dice hate me I think :smallsigh:

2009-05-28, 10:07 AM
Though the bodak's dread gaze pierces Zaphini, he is able to ignore it and cast his killing evocation.

Observers Only
Tsartajius double moves silently to M12, where he hides. -5 ad hoc for leaving the pots & pans.


Emma's up.

2009-05-28, 10:12 AM
Emma goes to the door to the kitchen... and attempts to open it. Square i12
If she gets it open she looks at what's inside.

2009-05-28, 10:22 AM
The door was already open. Make a Spot check, please.

2009-05-28, 10:23 AM
Spot check [roll0]

2009-05-28, 10:26 AM
Emma sees broken tables covered with rusted cookware in the darkness (around N16), and a pair of solid wooden counters in front of her.

Is the animal companion going to do anything?

2009-05-28, 10:30 AM
Has the critter in the web stopped struggling?

If not it's waiting to finish it off.

2009-05-28, 10:31 AM
It has not. It's in J23, continuing its pointless struggles.

2009-05-28, 10:32 AM
So her faithful companion continues to watch ... Shortly it may wander back to her though.

2009-05-28, 10:35 AM
Alright; so it continues struggling.

Zaphini's go.

2009-05-28, 10:38 AM
Zaphini moves to K12 if he sees any enemies he magic missiles them.

2009-05-28, 10:40 AM
Damage for Magic missile
if it hits that is. [roll0]

2009-05-28, 10:50 AM
In front of Emma, from just behind the wooden bar rises a cloaked figure. Under the hood you can perceive pale chalky skin, two narrow slits instead of a nose, and a mouth filled with three rows of razor-sharp teeth that protrude an inch outside of the lips.Worst of all are the almond-shaped eyes, each a dead, liquid white and elongated almost to the sides of the thing's skull.

Will saves from both, please.

Zaphini looses his magic missiles, which strike true, but the creature in the shadows does not even flinch. The thing raises a hand whose fingers are tipped with sharp, finned claws and releases a beam of slithering, oily darkness at Emma. That done, it recedes silently into the darkness of the kitchen; you can see it exit through the door at the far side.

Emma - Two levels drained. -2 on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks and saving throws. -10 hp. -2 to level checks. Two of your highest-level spell slots erased.

Observers Only
Tsartajius rises from hiding and uses Soul Drain on Emma, then moves to S13 and hides. -5 for moving silently at full speed.


Now at +20 temporary hp through Soul Drain.

Emma's go. Note that she can no longer hold her current forum.

2009-05-28, 10:53 AM
Aww, two highest spell slots..... :smallannoyed: There goes death ward.... :smallfurious:

Emma's will[roll0]
Zaph's will [roll1]

Why can't she hold her current form?

2009-05-28, 10:54 AM
Zaph becomes panicked. Emma's polar bear form begins to fail her.

EDIT: She was level drained. She requires at least 8 levels of druid to hold a polar bear form; she now has effectively 7.

2009-05-28, 11:01 AM
Ah, fair enough... Well time for plan B. Emma charges blindly after the critter... through the far door.. When she encounters it she casts cure serious on it.

[roll0] I have no idea what you mean by far door so I can't give you an actually square

2009-05-28, 11:03 AM
Oh and touch attack [roll0]

2009-05-28, 11:06 AM
I'm assuming, then, that she's back in humanoid form?

Emma charges straight through the kitchen, barreling over both wooden counters and rushing through the doorway at R12. When she reaches S12, she sees the cloaked creature trying to conceal itself and touches it.

That's 4d8+7, by the way, since... level drain.

The cloaked creature seems surprised by the influx of positive energy, but even more surprised when it sees Emma's true form. What it does not seem to be is in pain; in fact, the cure seems to make it relax.

"A woman?" it says, startled, in a thin, whispery voice.

Zaphini's running-away time turn. He is panicked.

2009-05-28, 11:06 AM
Although I have another question...How did it fire a ray through Zaphs square to hit emma. As Zaph is in front of Emma.

2009-05-28, 11:07 AM
Zaph makes a dash for B12

2009-05-28, 11:10 AM
Oops; I thought he went behind her for some reason.

No matter, since he got spooked and it can zap her anyway. Retroactive penalty on the touch check will still hit.

2009-05-28, 11:12 AM
Okay, I just wanted to clear that up. Thanks....

also oh crap... Healing spells don't hurt it do they :smallsigh: There goes plan B...next plan...

2009-05-28, 11:14 AM
Alright, freeze frame again:

Apparently, I am wrong; level drain only affects any further use of wild shape. She can retain her polar bearity if she so chooses, which she probably will.

In a similar vein, I thought Zaph went behind her because I couldn't figure out why on Earth you'd send your caster ahead to get eaten.

I'll give it to you, then; we can reset the battle to that stage, or pick and choose. The magic missile and ray will still happen in the same way, of course.

2009-05-28, 11:14 AM
That means Zaph might be semi-useful..Since most of his spells are necromancy... :smallamused:

2009-05-28, 11:16 AM
Really Zaph is still panicked, Emma is still level drained... I would still have done the same thing....Changing it now so I don't use a healing spell would be using meta game knowledge so everything will play out the same...big difference is she is still a bear.

2009-05-28, 11:16 AM
Zaph's still running away scared; none of my errors change that. :smallamused:

2009-05-28, 11:20 AM
As I had said.. Nothing really changes except she is still a polar bear..

2009-05-28, 11:20 AM
Alright, the monstrosity doesn't know that she's a woman. That's important.

Instead, it savages her with its claws and then goes for her throat with its vicious bite, also catching her with its gaze.


One Fortitude save for each claw that strikes, please.
Will save, please.

2009-05-28, 11:21 AM
Will: [roll0]

Fort1: [roll1]

Fort2: [roll2]

2009-05-28, 11:22 AM
Did both claws strike?

2009-05-28, 11:23 AM
Yep...she has Ac27

2009-05-28, 11:28 AM
In which case only one claw struck, since the dice were being remarkably cruel to me. Using only the first Fort save, she passes and takes 21 damage from the first claw and the bite. She is then panicked.

2009-05-28, 11:29 AM
Observers Only
Oops; almost forgot. :smallredface:


For the cure.

2009-05-28, 11:31 AM
Zaph runs to... D15..

Will save to try and shake off panic or do I not get that yet?

2009-05-28, 11:32 AM
Zaph runs to... D15..

Will save to try and shake off panic or do I not get that yet?

That wouldn't have worked anyway... but I'm not aware of this rule. Could someone point me to it?

Also, Emma has a turn before Zaph, and she's panicked too.

You now have two party members running around like chickens with their heads cut off facing off against an adversary you can't hear coming, and the only light source in your possession is in a bedroom to the west, meaning one of them is now running around in the dark.

This adversary has demonstrated the power to level drain you and can most definitely see in the dark.

I offer you the chance to surrender now.

2009-05-28, 11:40 AM
I can't find it.... It must just be something I've done is past games... Maybe it was a house rule of some sort Well this is effectively over... as they are just going to run out of the building...

Emma double moves to U25 and then out of this building.....

2009-05-28, 11:41 AM
Well since there is no way to recover from being panicked the battle is effectively over...

(On a side note I hate level drain... the whole no save thing really bothers me.)

2009-05-28, 11:43 AM
Well this is effectively over... as they are just going to run out of the building...

Battle Ended

Good game, Jkoshe; more than a bit of screwy DMing on my part, sorry. :smallredface:

2009-05-28, 11:45 AM
It's alright... I didn't play it very well tactically. Like forgetting to cast death ward.. .as I didn't see it one my sheet.. I forgot my druid even had 5th level spells till you took them away. I'll try to work out a better set up for myself next time.. This whole online character sheet business messes me up. I like having the paper in my hand. :smalltongue:

2009-05-28, 11:48 AM
That and my characters where designed as anti spellcasters.. even my sorc... So not having any spells I could stop... Made things rather deadly for me.

2009-05-28, 11:49 AM
And I like having the miniatures on a board. :smalltongue:

Oh well; it was still an interesting match. Forcing me to burn two ghasts to drag you out of your little fortress there...

2009-05-28, 11:53 AM
Yes and that went well didn't it :smallwink:. Do you know if anybody else is Dming a game. I still don't have a player on... and wouln't mind getting to play something else.. Either Dming or Playing... I have plenty of characters around here.. Unoptimized mind you.

2009-05-28, 11:58 AM
Unoptimized mind you.

I wouldn't risk it. You have no idea what some of the others are capable of. The one at ECL 14 is a scaled-up version of the one at ECL 5... and when I say scaled-up, I mean to CR 19 Gargantuan.

2009-05-28, 12:01 PM
Fair enough I suppose.. I just want someone to walk into my death trap of an ECL 5 encounter... IF you had seen the Dm map rather then the player map you'd know what I mean :smallamused: Although... Playing would be enjoyable.. I'm starting to have second thoughts about my lvl 20's I don't think the plan I was going to employ will be effective.

2009-05-28, 12:04 PM
Although I have a death crawl I did up for level ones I while back I'd like to try.. If you'd be willing to try a run through it :smallbiggrin: It would be unrelated to this obviously.

2009-05-28, 01:06 PM
Fair enough I suppose.. I just want someone to walk into my death trap of an ECL 5 encounter... IF you had seen the Dm map rather then the player map you'd know what I mean :smallamused: Although... Playing would be enjoyable.. I'm starting to have second thoughts about my lvl 20's I don't think the plan I was going to employ will be effective.

I can certify that your level 20s will die. Nothing against you; I just know both the DM and the opposition itself.

2009-05-28, 01:14 PM
My plan.... might work... Just might.. If I post it here do you think keld will see it though?

2009-05-28, 02:32 PM
Probably. PM it to me if you like.

2009-05-28, 03:01 PM
Test Your Might: Trial V
Bracket: ECL 5
Talic vs. Siosilvar

Choose your buff time or lack thereof.

2009-05-28, 03:57 PM
ALERT: Incoming Map (Warning: Screen Stretch)
I see no reason why you couldn't start your party in the area shaded purple.

Wooden Texture: Walls (wooden)
Stone Texture: Doors (5ft wide all wooden and locked; DC20 to open;; 10ft wide all metal and locked; DC24 to open)
Coffee Beans: Cobblestones/Road
Green: Grass
Grey: Roof of Building

2009-05-28, 04:29 PM
I'm gonna go with full buffing. I figure I got enough heads up on the way in, and standing outside casting junk kinda clued it in.

Characters:Sneaky McStabberton (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6407), Dashing Ninja/Fighter (Goblin Ninja 4/Fighter 1)
Thwacky McGrabberton (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6404), The Brute Squad (Orc Barb 3/Fighter 1/Warblade 1)
Wizzy McWizzerton (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6405), Conjurer Extraordinaire (Dwarf Wizard 5)
Healer McFixerton (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6406), Cleric of Healing and Travel (Dwarf Cleric 5)

Buffs:Healy will begin with Continual Flame - Cast, on his mace. (permanent)
He'll read A Scroll of Shield of Faith on himself and the Wizard. (+2 Deflection bonus to AC) (50 round duration)
He'll read a scroll of Magic weapon on his weapon, and the barbarian. (50 round duration)
He'll end with a Bless spell, that hits the entire party (+1 to hit, +1 save vs Fear - Morale Bonus) (50 round duration)

Wizzy will cast a Bull's Strength on the Barbarian. (+4 Enhancement to Str) (3000 round duration)
Wizzy will cast Mage Armor on himself (+4 Armor Bonus) (3000 round duration)
Wizzy will then cast Reduce Person on the Goblin (50 round duration).

Sneaky will apply Large Scorpion Venom to one dagger.

Thwacky will down a potion of Shield of faith. (10 round duration)

Buffs currently in effect: Thwacky: Shield of faith 1/10, Bull's Strength 3/3000, Bless 1/50, Magic Weapon (guisarme) 2/50

Sneaky: Poisoned weapon, Reduce Person 1/50, Bless 1/50

Wizzy: Mage Armor 2/3000, Bless 1/50, Shield of Faith 4/50

Healy: Bless 1/50, Magic Weapon (Mace) 3/50, Shield of Faith 5/50

May I gain an image of the map?

2009-05-28, 04:31 PM
Sneaky: [roll0]
Thwacky: [roll1]
Healy: [roll2]
Wizzy: [roll3]

EDIT: Please provide a key, so that I know what the different colors on the map are.

2009-05-28, 04:36 PM
Key provided.

Init: [roll0]

Initiative Order
Sneaky -- 26
Wizzy -- 20
Thwacky -- 17
The BBEG -- 16
Healy -- 13

Oh, nice names, BTW.

2009-05-28, 04:42 PM
Hm. Only 1 Announced initiative. Either you're all clumped together, or I should expect extra challenges. Traps? Environmental Hazards? Kraken in the water? Hm.

Sneaky will start in front.
Thwacky will be behind him.
Wizzy will be Behind him.
Healy will be in the back.

All will be on the road, Sneaky is the farthest East, Healy is the farthest west.

2009-05-28, 04:52 PM
Sneaky will move 4 squares east, 2 squares down, to just north and west of the door on the south building. He will then Search the door for anything unusual.

Following that, Wizzy will delay to act immediately after thwacky.
Following that, Thwacky will move 4 squares east, and throw out a fuzzball from his bag of tricks. [roll1] It will be commanded to stay, and will be 1 square south and west of the door to the North Building.

Wizzy will then move 4 squares east (behind the barbarian), and Cast Invisibility on himself.

That makes it the turn of BBEG and friends.

Buffs currently in effect: Thwacky: Shield of faith 2/10, Bull's Strength 4/3000, Bless 2/50, Magic Weapon (guisarme) 3/50

Sneaky: Poisoned weapon, Reduce Person 2/50, Bless 2/50

Wizzy: Mage Armor 3/3000, Bless 2/50, Shield of Faith 5/50, Invisibility 1/500

Healy: Bless 2/50, Magic Weapon (Mace) 4/50, Shield of Faith 6/50

2009-05-28, 05:50 PM
S: Sneaky (37/37); Init 26
T: Thwacky (62/62); Init 17
C: Wolverine (Uninjured); from bag of tricks (100 rds left); Init 17
W: Wizzy (26/26); Init 16.9
H: Healy (45/45); Init 13
Unlabeled (not on map): BBEG (Uninjured); Init 16
Red: Pit Trap
White: Webs

You don't notice anything unusual about the door, but you DO notice an unconcealed hole, roughly 10ft across and circular (yes, I know it's square on the map), a thick cluster of webs to your northeast, and a horrendous, nauseating stench.

Fortitude saves, please. DC21.
Wolverine's save: [roll0]

OBSERVERSBug thing double-burrow-moves to a space on the other side of the L-shaped building. Please note that it was almost literally in the SE corner of the map.

For reference,
Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

Nauseated Sickened characters are marked with a green square.

2009-05-28, 06:41 PM
Fort saves, for any required:Healy: [roll0]
Wizzy: [roll1]
Sneaky: [roll2]
Thacky: [roll3]

EDIT: Two Natty 1's, nice. (odds of all forts failing? 4.86%)
And for reference, does the fort save come from any visible source? Or an odor that permeates the area.

EDIT2: For future rolls, I would prefer rolling saves and checks for the creatures that I summon, control, or otherwise bring to the battlefield.

2009-05-28, 06:53 PM
Fort saves, for any required:Healy: [roll0]
Wizzy: [roll1]
Sneaky: [roll2]
Thacky: [roll3]

EDIT: Two Natty 1's, nice. (odds of all forts failing? 4.86%)
And for reference, does the fort save come from any visible source? Or an odor that permeates the area.

EDIT2: For future rolls, I would prefer rolling saves and checks for the creatures that I summon, control, or otherwise bring to the battlefield.

No visible source, though it'll probably be visible next round.

Also, everybody gets to take a turn now, then they're downgraded to sickened status on the BBEG's turn.

The character takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

EDIT: I just noticed I put the wolverine in the southeast of the door, not the west. Oh well, doesn't really change that much.

2009-05-28, 07:13 PM
Observers Only
Don't forget to make them vomit while nauseated, Siosilvar. This is important, as it lets the BBEG know exactly where they are.

2009-05-28, 07:17 PM
Observers Only
Don't forget to make them vomit while nauseated, Siosilvar. This is important, as it lets the BBEG know exactly where they are.

OBSERVERSThe thing's got blindsight anyway, it still knows where they are. Especially if it's almost literally underneath them.

At least they're safe on the cobblestones. Sort of.

2009-05-28, 07:37 PM
Actually, the positioning of all my units is fairly important. The wolverine is indeed to the west of that doorway. He currently is acting as a stopgap to prevent possible creatures in the building from having easy access to the rest of the party. Putting him on the East side makes him a distraction at best to that goal. He was intended to be 1 square north, and 2 squares west of where he was placed.

Since there's an active threat, I'm going on full alert for a round or two.

Starting with the Sickened Healy: Casts Fly on himself for a bit of extra mobility. (Dwarf Speed 20 ain't cuttin it.)
Then, Moves 35 feet east, 5 feet up.

Sneaky: Moves
Ready an action:
Observers only:Move if any threat becomes visible.

Free: Enrage.
Readies an action:
Observers only:Attack any hostile target that enters my reach.
Wolverine Ordered to Guard Wizzy. Wolverine Readies an action:
Observers only:Move if any visible threat approaches within 15 feet of the wizard.

Wizzy: Cast Extended Enlarge Person, on Thwack (who grows to occupy the square north of him, and the 2 squares east of him).
Moves 1 square north, and 2 Squares east.

That puts you up again.

2009-05-28, 07:39 PM
I'd like to remind you that being Nauseated doesn't allow standard actions, which is what readying and casting are.

Sorry, I probably should've been more clear.

I'd also like to know why you have so many feats, when only one character has flaws. Continue as you are (you'll need it), though.

2009-05-28, 08:08 PM
Forgot to add a couple. One sec. I'll put them in.

Also, yes, you should have been a bit more clear. I read "downgraded to sickened", when it hasn't actually happened yet.

There are enough effects going on in each round that I don't need to hear about next round's effects, please and thank you. All it does is muddle the situation. Let me know what is happening. Not what will be happening sometime in the future.

After I add my flaws, I will redo my Sickened status turn. Hold please.

2009-05-28, 08:10 PM
Currently, everyone is Nauseated. After this turn [technically, at the beginning of the monster's], everyone'll be Sickened.

Oh, and don't bother with the flaws. Consider the feats to be bonus. You'll need them.

2009-05-28, 08:20 PM
That's not how it works. I hold people to the rules, I follow the rules. If an oversight is brought to my attention, I correct it. Flaws are easy enough to add.

Currently, everyone is Nauseated. After this turn [technically, at the beginning of the monster's], everyone'll be Sickened.

This is what I'm talking about. Do any of my characters have a method of determining what will happen in a round's time? No. That's info I don't need. With 4+ things under my control, each with several buffs, actions and abilities, what I don't need is excess information cluttering the mix. It creates confusion, and makes for turn redo's, play errors, and a lot of unpleasantness.

If there's something that will happen next turn?

Tell me next turn.

2009-05-28, 08:23 PM
Dammit, we have the same personality.

I'd say the exact same thing, in your position, but in this case, I know what this monstrosity looks like. And I also know it's most likely under-CRed. Oh, and it pretty much doesn't follow the rules.

2009-05-28, 08:34 PM
Everything follows the rules. Some things just make a few extras.

2009-05-28, 08:39 PM
...it's supposed to eat cities as bait.

2009-05-28, 08:40 PM
Healer: Moves 4 squares East.
Sneaky: Moves 1 Square North.
Thwacky: Moves 2 Squares East.
Please Reposition Wolverine, who remains in place.
Wizzy: Moves 2 Squares East.

2009-05-28, 08:54 PM
Everything follows the rules. Some things just make a few extras.

Those things are called afroakuma. :belkar:

2009-05-28, 08:58 PM
S: Sneaky (37/37); Init 26; sickened
T: Thwacky (62/62); Init 17; sickened
C: Wolverine (Uninjured); from bag of tricks (99 rds left); Init 17; sickened
W: Wizzy (26/26); Init 16.9; sickened
H: Healy (45/45); Init 13; sickened, entangled
Tan Thing: Augmoha (Uninjured); Init 16
Red: Pit Trap
White: Webs

You hear a gigantic rumbling noise, then...

You see this rise up out of the pit you saw earlier. The... thing is some kind of worm monstrosity, emitting a horrid stench and dripping poisonous drops from its gigantic mouth. It has no eyes whatsoever on its smooth, pallid wormlike head.

It shoots a glob of some stickyish substance at Healer McFixerton, potentially covering him in goo.

[roll0] If I don't roll a 1, make a Reflex save, DC21.

Healer McFixerton is entangled.
Save success: Moves at half speed.
Save failure: Can't move.

These effects last for [roll1] rounds, and can be alleviated with a DC20 strength check by Healer or 15 points of slashing damage from Thwacky or Sneaky.

Predicted reaction by anything that sees it: :smalleek:

2009-05-28, 09:03 PM
Healer: Reflex: [roll0]

EDIT: Provide me with the following information, please:

Size Category of the creature.

2009-05-28, 09:05 PM
Large, as evidenced by the 10x10 square it takes up.

Oh, and nice 20. Guess the roller's making up for the 1s it gave you earlier.

An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + the spell’s level) or lose the spell.

Olo Demonsbane
2009-05-28, 09:42 PM
Those things are called afroakuma. :belkar:

That is what I was mentally calling them the entire time. No joke.

Also, DM, do you want any strategy advice for that thing?

2009-05-28, 09:52 PM
Healy's domain ability kicks in, when his movement is impaired.

Travel domain: Freedom of movement when movement is impaired. Lasts up to 5 rounds per day.

Provided this all checks out:
Healy tosses a fuzzball from HIS bag of tricks, landing near the monster... With orders to attack.
Sneaky: Ki power (invisible).
moves 2 squares north, 4 squares west, and throws his toxinated dagger.
Attack: (+6 dex, +4 BAB, +1 Point Blank, +2 Size, +1 Bless, -2 range increment, -2 sickened)
Damage: [roll1] (min 1) + poison DC 18 (vs [roll]1d6 Str)
If threat:[roll2]
If Crit: [roll3] (min 1)
Sudden Strike: [roll4], if applicable

Thwacky Delays.

Wizard: Cast Extended Enlarge Person on Thwacky, and 5 foot steps Northwest. (Twacky expands to occupy the spaces west and south of him)

Thwacky ceases delay, and moves to engage. Move: 10 feet west, dropping guisarme.
Touch attack at 10 feet range. [roll5] (+11 Str*, +5 BAB -1 Size, +1 Bless, -2 Sickened)
If Hit, Opposed Grapple Check: [roll6] (+11 Str, +5 BAB, +4 Size, +4 Imp Grapple, + 1 Bless, -2 Sickened)
If Success, Grappling. Deal: [roll7] Damage and [roll8] Acid Damage.

*Str Breakdown: 22 Base + 4 Rage +4 (enhancement) + 2 (size) = 32 Str

EDIT: And rolls of 2, 4, and 1, lol.

2009-05-28, 09:54 PM

That is what I was mentally calling them the entire time. No joke.

Also, DM, do you want any strategy advice for that thing?

I should be fine; one thing I was considering doing was squishing it into a 5ft square, then readied bite when someone enters the pit. Once I deal with mister 10ft reach, though.

That should be easy - hello, spontaneously taking 4d6 damage (plus the full attack from this thing), and being poisoned twice.

Tunneling X feet straight down is fun for hit and run, but this thing can quite easily just pound them into the dust. Seriously, +14 to hit is KILLER.

Especially with Power Attack, since it doesn't qualify for Cleave.

2009-05-28, 09:55 PM
Healer's Fuzzball:[roll0]

Edit: Black Bear.

2009-05-28, 09:58 PM
I need to go sleep. I'll get this round's actions done with tomorrow.

2009-05-28, 09:59 PM
Black Bear's attack (pre grapple checks):

Claw: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1]
If Threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

Claw: [roll4]
If Hit: [roll5]
If Threat: [roll6]
If Crit: [roll7]

Bite: [roll8]
If Hit: [roll9]
If Threat: [roll10]
If Crit: [roll11]

2009-05-28, 10:01 PM
But before I leave:

Opposed Grapple: [roll0]

Nope, nothing you do touches it.

2009-05-28, 10:08 PM
The roller must hate Talic; those attack rolls bit hard. :smalltongue:

Travel domain... did not see that coming. Renders the sticky spittle useless.

You know, Talic might be the first one to successfully kill a villain!

2009-05-29, 08:03 AM
The roller must hate Talic; those attack rolls bit hard. :smalltongue:

Travel domain... did not see that coming. Renders the sticky spittle useless.

You know, Talic might be the first one to successfully kill a villain!

Not with what I'm going to pull this round. I was going to 5ft step up the wall and full attack him, but I realized that the wall's actually 10ft high. :smallyuk:

Looking at his characters, I don't see anything that can touch the swarms. Looks like it's game after this.

Fort save for the bear, please. And what about the wolverine?

2009-05-29, 08:31 AM
No matter what the wolverine does, my actions'll be the same.
S: Sneaky (37/37); Init 26; sickened
T: Thwacky (62/62); Init 17; sickened
C: Wolverine (Uninjured); from bag of tricks (98 rds left); Init 17; sickened
W: Wizzy (26/26); Init 16.9; sickened
H: Healy (45/45); Init 13; sickened
B: Black Bear (Near Death); from bag of tricks (100 rds left); Init 13; sickened
Unlabeled (not on map): BBEG (Uninjured); Init 16
Red: Pit Trap
White: Webs
Yellow squares: Centipede Swarm
Orange squares: Locust Swarm

[roll0][roll1] Fort save for the bear, please. DC21. And if it fails that, it takes 1d6 strength damage from poison.

The augmoha tears into the bear, nearly killing it, then releases a swarm of locusts and a swarm of centipedes, along with another wave of the horrendous scent. It disappears as you are distracted by the horde of insects.

Fort saves from everyone, DC21 or nauseated.

Standard: Bite the bear, Power Attack for 3
Move: Nauseate everything in 240 foot radius
Free: Drop a house pair of swarms on 'em
Free: 5ft step down, squishing underneath the ground

At the beginning of Sneaky and Healer's turns, take 2d6 damage and make two Fort saves. Both DC13; the first avoids nausea and the second a Dex damage poison.

At the beginning of Wizzy and Thwacky's turns, take 2d6 damage and make one Fort save, DC12 against nausea.

2009-05-29, 10:03 AM
No matter what the wolverine does, my actions'll be the same.Wolverine has not been handled to act.

---map'll be posted after the wolverine's action---
S: Sneaky (37/37); Init 26; sickened
T: Thwacky (62/62); Init 17; sickened
C: Wolverine (Uninjured); from bag of tricks (98 rds left); Init 17; sickened
W: Wizzy (26/26); Init 16.9; sickened
H: Healy (45/45); Init 13; sickened
B: Black Bear (Near Death); from bag of tricks (100 rds left); Init 13; sickened
Unlabeled (not on map): BBEG (Uninjured); Init 16
Red: Pit Trap
White: Webs
Yellow squares: Centipede Swarm
Orange squares: Locust Swarm

[roll0][roll1] Fort save for the bear, please. DC21. And if it fails that, it takes 1d6 strength damage from poison.
Fort save for bear (1) vs Dex (DC21)

The augmoha tears into the bear, nearly killing it, then releases a swarm of locusts and a swarm of centipedes, along with another wave of the horrendous scent. It disappears as you are distracted by the horde of insects.

Fort saves from everyone, DC21 or nauseated.
2 Fort saves for bear, 1 Fort for everyone.

At the beginning of Sneaky and Healer's turns, take 2d6 damage and make two Fort saves. Both DC13; the first avoids nausea and the second a Dex damage poison.Who makes these saves? Not noted.

At the beginning of Wizzy and Thwacky's turns, take 2d6 damage and make one Fort save, DC12 against nausea.
Who makes these saves? Not noted.

Clarity, please. Any time a save is required, I need to know What the DC is, and Who is required to make a save.

Is it the characters starting the turn making the saves vs 2d6 dex?
Is it everyone?
Is it certain other specific people?
Is the effect coming from the air itself? Are the swarms machine gun spraying poison on other initiative counts?

There's a heck of a lot of information here that I should have... and don't.

2009-05-29, 10:06 AM
The roller must hate Talic; those attack rolls bit hard. :smalltongue:

You know, Talic might be the first one to successfully kill a villain!

And no, I won't. My average roll has been around a 5, both on saves, and attacks. Wait till I find out what saves I need to make, fail them all, and die.

2009-05-29, 11:01 AM
Is it the characters starting the turn making the saves vs 2d6 dex?
Is it everyone?
Is it certain other specific people?
Is the effect coming from the air itself? Are the swarms machine gun spraying poison on other initiative counts?

There's a heck of a lot of information here that I should have... and don't.
Just the people that start that turn, because they started it in a square with the swarm.

The effect is coming from the swarm crawling over your skin, biting and stinging.

I gave you all of the DCs.

EDIT: Current Map:

All: FortDC21 vs. nausea
Bear: FortDC21 vs. 1d6 Strength damage (poison)
Wizzy and Thwacky: Take 2d6 damage, need to save FortDC12 vs. nausea.
Healer and Sneaky: Take 2d6 damage, need to save FortDC13 vs. nausea and FortDC13 vs. 1d4 Dex damage (poison).

2009-05-29, 11:39 AM
Bear, Fort Vs. Poison: [roll0]
Bear, Fort Vs. Nausea: [roll1]
Wolverine, Fort Vs. Nausea: [roll2]

Thwacky, Fort Vs. Nausea: [roll3]
Healy, Fort vs Nausea: [roll4]
Wizzy, Fort vs. Nausea: [roll5]
Sneaky, Fort vs. Nausea: [roll6]

Wizzy, Fort vs. Nausea DC12 (Again?): [roll7]
Thwacky, Fort Vs. Nausea DC12: [roll8]
Healy, Fort vs Nausea DC13: [roll9]
Sneaky, Fort vs. Nausea DC13: [roll10]

Healy, Fort vs Poison DC13: [roll11]
Sneaky, Fort vs Poison DC13: [roll12]

NOTE TO AFRO:When a single challenge, comprised of a total of 3 enemies (2 swarms and an main enemy) can force 13 saves in 1 round? Evaluate balance. Chances are, this is not. Especially when 10 of those saves are for Loss of control of character. That's an average of 2.5 chances per round to lose control.

Compare vs the ECL 16 challenge, wherein the effect can target no more than 2 pcs at a time, and has a multi-round cooldown.

Further, observations: Many of your enemies use blanket effects which remove large numbers of players from fights. Players play D&D to play. Not to go grab a coke and watch American Idol while they're waiting to regain control of their character.

For this fight specifically: When a creature can Attack, Summon, and do a Save-or-Lose effect that hits every enemy? In one round? Imbalance.

When those summoned creatures are one of the hardest types in the game to deal with? Further imbalance.

This is a fight that is either way too easy (for high CR parties), or way too hard (for low CR parties). There's not a conceivable ECL level where this is a fun, balanced combat, other than perhaps as a CharOp challenge.

When the enemies aren't fun to play against, it fails the litmus test for D&D.

NOTE: There is a difference between an imbalancing effect and a powerful one. For example, if the worm-thing could force the AOE nausea as a full round action? Or as a standard, instead of attacking? That's powerful, but balanced.

If it could summon as a standard action, in lieu of attacking? Powerful, but balanced.

When a creature can attack, save-or-lose an entire group, and summon in one turn? Not balanced.

If you are CR'ing this creature at CR 9, I want you to compare the ability of your Nausea versus any action in the game with a similar action type, and see if it balances on CR 9. (I suspect Free, which puts it, at CR 9, as a level 1 quickened spell)

Do the same for the summon (I suspect Free, which puts it, at CR 9, as a level 1 quickened spell).

The attack? Oddly enough, I feel is balanced.

2009-05-29, 11:51 AM
Poison For Bear: [roll0] Str
Poison For Healer: [roll1] Dex

2009-05-29, 11:57 AM
Characters that can still act:


Sneaky will be moving 3 squares West.
Healy will be moving 2 squares north.
Wizzy will 5 foot step 1 square East, and Cast an extended Summon monster 3.
Wolverine will 5 foot step SW, at the swarm.
Bear will attack again.

Claw: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1]
If threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

Thwacky will grapple enemy again: [roll4]
If hit, opposed grapple: [roll5]
If success: [roll6]

EDIT: With a grapple mod of 18, a natural 20 is three less than it needs to win the opposed roll. Creature is grappled.

2009-05-29, 12:04 PM
Acid damage to grappled creature: [roll0]

2009-05-29, 12:09 PM
Characters that can still act:


Sneaky will be moving 3 squares West.
Healy will be moving 2 squares north.
Wizzy will 5 foot step 1 square East, and Cast an extended Summon monster 3.
Wolverine will 5 foot step SW, at the swarm.
Bear will attack again.

Claw: [roll0]
If Hit: [roll1]
If threat: [roll2]
If Crit: [roll3]

Thwacky will grapple enemy again: [roll4]
If hit, opposed grapple: [roll5]
If success: [roll6]

EDIT: With a grapple mod of 18, a natural 20 is three less than it needs to win the opposed roll. Creature is grappled.

It isn't grappled, mostly because I took a 5ft step straight down. Like you said, this thing is completely imba.

You could, however, grapple it if you jumped into the 10ft pit first. Don't reroll, just roll Jump and Tumble. Either (DC15) negates the d6 of falling damage.

2009-05-29, 12:10 PM
Yes. The barb has movement available, and the intent was to grapple.

2009-05-29, 12:15 PM
Also, bear and Thwacky can't attack at the same time.

Where are you dropping the summoned monster, and what is it?

Oh, and how are you getting +23?
+6 (str)
+5 (BAB)
+4 (size)
+4 (Imp. Grp.)
-2 (Sickened)

2009-05-29, 12:21 PM
+11 Str.

22 Base + 4 Rage + 2 Size + 4 Bull's Strength = 32 Str = +11 Mod.

+11 Str Mod, +4 Imp Grapple, +4 Size, +5 BAB = 24
+1 Bless = +25
-2 Enfeeble = +23

Thwacky Moves into enemy square to grapple. That does not impact bear's location.

EDIT: Per spells cast as a full round action, creature enters at the beginning of next round. The creature will be a hell hound.

2009-05-29, 12:27 PM
+11 Str.

22 Base + 4 Rage + 2 Size + 4 Bull's Strength = 32 Str = +11 Mod.

+11 Str Mod, +4 Imp Grapple, +4 Size, +5 BAB = 24
+1 Bless = +25
-2 Enfeeble = +23

Thwacky Moves into enemy square to grapple. That does not impact bear's location.

EDIT: Per spells cast as a full round action, creature enters at the beginning of next round. The creature will be a hell hound.

The bear needs to have 10 foot reach to attack from where it is. Should it move to be on top of the grapplers?

2009-05-29, 12:36 PM
If the enemy creature only took a 5 foot step, there is no way that it can be more than a 5 foot step away from the bear. At the very least, it's 10 feet tall, and can be bit from the side of the freakin pit.

If it was forced to move more than 5 feet due to elevation, then that was not a free 5 foot step, but a move action, and should have provoked an AOO.

2009-05-29, 12:37 PM
If the enemy creature only took a 5 foot step, there is no way that it can be more than a 5 foot step away from the bear. At the very least, it's 10 feet tall, and can be bit from the side of the freakin pit.

If it was forced to move more than 5 feet due to elevation, then that was not a free 5 foot step, but a move action, and should have provoked an AOO.


Each black bar on the side is 5 feet.

It took a 5 foot step straight down, using its burrow speed.

2009-05-29, 12:40 PM
MS Paint is irrelevant here.

The creature was close enough for the bear to attack.

The only movement it took was a 5 foot step.

Therefore, if the bear takes a 5 foot step in the same direction, the bear's distance remains unchanged.

IF the creature moved more than 5 feet, it was not a 5 foot step.

This applies to all movement, for any reason, including vertical elevation changes.

2009-05-29, 12:42 PM
The bear can't take a 5 foot step straight down. It can, however, jump off the edge with a 5 foot step.

EDIT: If you prefer, I'll 5 foot step SE, into the wall.

2009-05-29, 12:44 PM
Large creatures occupy a 10x10x10 area. provided it didn't go more than 20 feet down, it's still in range. If it did, once again, it moved more than 5 feet, and provoked.

You cannot have it both ways. A five foot step does not make something immune to attack.

2009-05-29, 12:46 PM
10x10x10 area, yes.

It moved 5 feet directly down. Thus, it's out of range, because the bear can't reach 10 feet.

2009-05-29, 12:50 PM
Ok, so this is what you're saying.


When the monster came up initially, it came up like this, rather than coming up out of the hole like you said?

Or did it come up like:

____ BB ____
......| |

If it did this (out of the hole, like you said), then the 5 foot step down would be like thus:


Which would allow a creature at the edge of the pit to make attacks versus the creature, albeit granting the creature a +4 cover bonus.

Note: The picture you provided, and the description you gave, as well as the fact that you made ranged attacks, indicates that the creature came up above the plane of the ground. If this is the case, then a 5 foot step down cannot take the creature out of range of creatures on the edge of the pit.

2009-05-29, 01:20 PM
Okay, I think I see what you're saying.

Damn D&D, defying all laws of physics. Can't make a 20ft tall creature stand up above a 10ft pit.

2009-05-29, 01:22 PM
Now that we resolved that, bear missed, bug is grappled, and all my guys have gone. Have at it.

2009-05-29, 01:23 PM
Healer's damage from the swarm: [roll0]
Sneaky's damage " " ": [roll1]
Thwacky's damage " " ": [roll2]
Wizzy's damage " " ": [roll3]

2009-05-29, 01:24 PM
http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj165/siosilvar/Private%20Album/map_rd4.pngS: Sneaky (28/37); Init 26; sickened
T: Thwacky (55/62); Init 17; sickened
C: Wolverine (Uninjured); from bag of tricks (97 rds left); Init 17; sickened
W: Wizzy (17/26); Init 16.9; sickened
H: Healy (38/45); Init 13; sickened
B: Black Bear (Near Death); from bag of tricks (99 rds left); Init 13; sickened
O: Summoned Hell Hound (coming soon)
Not Shown: BBEG (Effectively Uninjured); Init 16
Yellow squares: Centipede Swarm
Orange squares: Locust Swarm

2009-05-29, 01:37 PM
It's going to try to escape Thwacky.

Opposed Grapple: [roll0] Fail

If that succeeds, then move straight down 120 feet, provoking an AoO.

If that fails,
Attack: [roll1] Miss, even without me forgetting the -4 from attack in grapple
Damage: [roll2]
Threat Range 19-20: [roll3]
Critical Multiplier x2: [roll4]

Everyone is Sickened (-2 all d20 rolls and damage rolls)

Thwacky: Take [roll5] damage, save FortDC13 vs. Nausea, FortDC13 vs. [roll6] Dexterity damage (poison).

Wolverine: Take [roll7] damage, save FortDC12 vs. Nausea

Wizzy: Take [roll8] damage, save FortDC12 vs. Nausea

Black Bear: Take [roll9] damage, fall unconscious at -4, save FortDC13 vs. Nausea

2009-05-29, 01:48 PM
Thwacky fort vs Nausea [roll0]
Thwacky fort vs Dex [roll1]

Wolverine fort vs nausea: [roll2]

Wizzy Fort vs Nausea: [roll3]

Bear vomits on the ground.

Remainder of turn pending results.

2009-05-29, 01:57 PM
Healy: Cast Fly on self, Fly 5 feet up, 5 feet south
Wizzy: Move 20 feet west.
Hellhound: Appears just to west of wolverine and swarm.
Hellhound Breath weapon: Cone to wolverine and swarm.
Cooldown: [roll1] rounds
Reflex DC 13 for half.

Wolverine Reflex: [roll2]

Sneaky: Move: Apply Dragon bile to dagger.
Move: To edge of pit.

Thwacky: Pin attempt.
Acid Damage: [roll4] to all creatures in contact with Thwacky.

EDIT: That renders you pinned.

For reference:
If You’re Pinned by an Opponent

When an opponent has pinned you, you are held immobile (but not helpless) for 1 round. While you’re pinned, you take a -4 penalty to your AC against opponents other than the one pinning you. At your opponent’s option, you may also be unable to speak. On your turn, you can try to escape the pin by making an opposed grapple check in place of an attack. You can make an Escape Artist check in place of your grapple check if you want, but this requires a standard action. If you win, you escape the pin, but you’re still grappling.
I am choosing to render you unable to speak.

2009-05-29, 02:27 PM
This thing doesn't speak anyway, no problems there.
S: Sneaky (28/37); Init 26; sickened
T: Thwacky (45/62); Init 17; sickened
C: Wolverine (21/28); from bag of tricks (96 rds left); Init 17; sickened
W: Wizzy (14/26); Init 16.9; sickened
H: Healy (38/45); Init 13; sickened *5 feet above ground
B (removed from map): Black Bear (-4/19); from bag of tricks (98 rds left); Init 13; sickened
O: Summoned Hell Hound (22/22); Init 16.9; sickened
Not Shown: BBEG (105/112); Init 16
Yellow squares: Centipede Swarm [Occupies Sneaky's square, 2 squares of the wall, and one of Thwacky's squares]
Orange squares: Locust Swarm (Barely Injured)

Another wave of the scent rolls off of the worm-thing.

Readied Action: Escape Grapple, as soon as unpinned b/c Thwacky's turn started.

DC21 Fort saves all round, vs. nausea.

Sneaky: Take [roll0] damage, then FortDC13 vs. nausea and FortDC13 vs. [roll1] Dex damage.

Thwacky: Take [roll2] damage, then FortDC13 vs. nausea and FortDC13 vs. [roll3] Dex damage. Then, beat [roll4] in an opposed grapple check, or this thing escapes the grapple.

Hellhound: Take [roll5] damage, then FortDC12 vs. nausea.

Healer: Don't take any damage or roll any saves, as your feet are almost but not quite touching the swarm, and I don't think diagonal counts as contiguous.

Bear: Try to stablilize, or go to -5.

2009-05-29, 03:06 PM
By RAW, that is not an action allowed in a grapple.

Activate a Magic Item

You can activate a magic item, as long as the item doesn’t require spell completion activation. You don’t need to make a grapple check to activate the item.
Attack Your Opponent

You can make an attack with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or light weapon against another character you are grappling. You take a -4 penalty on such attacks.

You can’t attack with two weapons while grappling, even if both are light weapons.
Cast a Spell

You can attempt to cast a spell while grappling or even while pinned (see below), provided its casting time is no more than 1 standard action, it has no somatic component, and you have in hand any material components or focuses you might need. Any spell that requires precise and careful action is impossible to cast while grappling or being pinned. If the spell is one that you can cast while grappling, you must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose the spell. You don’t have to make a successful grapple check to cast the spell.
Damage Your Opponent

While grappling, you can deal damage to your opponent equivalent to an unarmed strike. Make an opposed grapple check in place of an attack. If you win, you deal nonlethal damage as normal for your unarmed strike (1d3 points for Medium attackers or 1d2 points for Small attackers, plus Strength modifiers). If you want to deal lethal damage, you take a -4 penalty on your grapple check.

Exception: Monks deal more damage on an unarmed strike than other characters, and the damage is lethal. However, they can choose to deal their damage as nonlethal damage when grappling without taking the usual -4 penalty for changing lethal damage to nonlethal damage.
Draw a Light Weapon

You can draw a light weapon as a move action with a successful grapple check.
Escape from Grapple

You can escape a grapple by winning an opposed grapple check in place of making an attack. You can make an Escape Artist check in place of your grapple check if you so desire, but this requires a standard action. If more than one opponent is grappling you, your grapple check result has to beat all their individual check results to escape. (Opponents don’t have to try to hold you if they don’t want to.) If you escape, you finish the action by moving into any space adjacent to your opponent(s).

Actions are further limited while pinned. Special action (EX), (SP), and (SU) actions are not available to grappling and pinned characters, by RAW (nor are natural actions). As that wave of nausea is not coming in at even intervals, I assume it qualifies as one of the above.

Further, every stench aura released by WotC has a clause for "creatures that successfully save are immune for 24 hours". This is mirrored to effects up to and including CR 26 and CR 27 creatures. Does this Stench aura follow the same established pattern?

2009-05-29, 03:12 PM
I was under the impression that you could take purely mental actions while grappling.

And no, it doesn't follow that pattern.
The augmoha may exude additional pheromones as a move action, forcing a new save even for those who have made their original save.

There are no verbal or somatic components involved, so it's not hindered by the grapple. EDIT: Or the pin.

2009-05-29, 03:18 PM
Is it activating a magic item?
Is it making an attack with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or light weapon?
Is it making an opposed grapple check in place of an attack to deal damage equivalent to an unarmed strike?
Is it attempting to cast a spell?
Is it drawing a light weapon?
Is it attempting to escape a grapple?

If it is not one of the above listed actions, it is not allowed in a grapple. Those are the only RAW-legal actions that may be taken in a grapple, unless the ability has explicit text allowing it to be used as such (example: A lion's Rake attack).

2009-05-29, 03:22 PM
Where does it say that? I'm looking at my PHB, and the SRD, and see nothing disallowing other actions (other than the lack of use of hands).

Oh, and Rake?

A creature with this special attack gains extra natural attacks when it grapples its foe. Normally, a monster can attack with only one of its natural weapons while grappling, but a monster with the rake ability usually gains two additional claw attacks that it can use only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the usual -4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple.

A monster with the rake ability must begin its turn grappling to use its rake—it can’t begin a grapple and rake in the same turn.

No explicit text that allows it to be used in a grapple. Just the extra attacks in a grapple.

More support, from the WotC website (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20050315a) (albeit not RAW):

A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, material, focus, or XP components, so you can use one while pinned.

2009-05-29, 03:28 PM
When you are grappling (regardless of who started the grapple), you can perform any of the following actions. Some of these actions take the place of an attack (rather than being a standard action or a move action). If your base attack bonus allows you multiple attacks, you can attempt one of these actions in place of each of your attacks, but at successively lower base attack bonuses.

This text is permissive. If you are arguing that it does not exclude other actions, then I'll be happy to have my cleric join the grapple, and proceed to double move up 120 feet a round, with the grapple, until we're so high that the resulting fall damage will be 20d6 to it. Then rinse and repeat. Because if it's not exclusive, there's nothing stopping movement.

There's nothing stopping standard attacking. (without that pesky -4 penalty from the grapple attack)
There's nothing stopping Charging.
There's nothing stopping Tripping.

As for Rake, it was the explicit example of an ability that functions in a grapple, because it explicitly states that it functions in a grapple.

No, grapple lists a short list of actions that you can do. Other actions are ones, conversely, that you cannot do.

2009-05-29, 03:31 PM
I don't know if comments are allowed from the peanut gallery, to me the fact that it takes a move action implies that you have to be free to move to use it. You may want to check with its creator on the intent.

2009-05-29, 03:32 PM
From the Web link you provided:
You can speak while pinned only if your opponent has not chosen to keep you from speaking. If your foe allows you to speak, you can cast a spell with a verbal component, provided that the spell does not have a somatic component, provided that the spell has a casting time no longer than one standard action, and provided that you have any required material or focus components in hand. You must make a Concentration check to cast the spell, as noted in Part Two. You cannot use a full-round action to retrieve a spell component you need as you can when merely grappling. The Still Spell and Silent Spell metamagic feats can prove useful for casting spells while grappling, provided that using the feat doesn't increase the spell's casting time to more than 1 standard action (as it would for a bard or sorcerer).

A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, material, focus, or XP components, so you can use one while pinned. To do so, you must make a Concentration check; the DC for the check is exactly the same as it would be if you were casting a spell. See Rules of the Game for more information on spell-like abilities.

As you might expect, you can't move out of the space you share with a foe that has pinned you. You cannot take any other actions except to make an opposed grapple check to escape the pin in place of an attack. You can make an Escape Artist check in place of your grapple check if you want, but this requires a standard action. If you win the opposed check, you escape the pin, but you're still grappling. If your base attack bonus allows you to make multiple attacks, you can attempt to escape the pin multiple times (at successively lower attack bonuses). If you escape the pin, you're still grappling with your foe, but if you have still have attacks available, you can keep right on grappling, as noted in Part Two.

2009-05-29, 03:39 PM
At the barest minimum, if it were ruled enough like a SLA, it would require a concentration check to do while it got the stuffing choked out of it.

Find the appropriate level of the ability (1/2 HD if no such ability presents itself), and the Concentration check can be made. But it's not an automatic thing, for any special ability.

2009-05-29, 03:39 PM
From the Web link you provided:

Don't need to speak or use a spell component.

Oh, and from the SRD:

Grappling Consequences

While you’re grappling, your ability to attack others and defend yourself is limited.

No Threatened Squares

You don’t threaten any squares while grappling.

No Dexterity Bonus

You lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if you have one) against opponents you aren’t grappling. (You can still use it against opponents you are grappling.)

No Movement

You can’t move normally while grappling. You may, however, make an opposed grapple check to move while grappling.

Charging requires moving (not to mention being at least 10 feet away from your opponent).
Tripping replaces an attack.
Regular attacks are replaced by the attack option in the grapple rules.

And how does one
use [a spell-like ability] while pinned. if you can only take the action to escape the pin?

That being said, I sent a PM to afroakuma.

2009-05-29, 03:44 PM
And how does one if you can only take the action to escape the pin?

Because of:
A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, material, focus, or XP components, so you can use one while pinned. To do so, you must make a Concentration check; the DC for the check is exactly the same as it would be if you were casting a spell.

The other line I bolded.

2009-05-29, 03:48 PM
This ability has no verbal, somatic, material, focus, or XP components, either. And it also has no effective spell level.

In general, if an action wouldn’t normally provoke an attack of opportunity, you need not make a Concentration check to avoid being distracted.

2009-05-29, 03:57 PM
"In general" loses to "explicit contradiction".

To do so, you must make a Concentration check; the DC for the check is exactly the same as it would be if you were casting a spell. See Rules of the Game for more information on spell-like abilities.

Either it is like a SLA, and it can be done following the rules for a SLA...

Or it's not, and it falls back on:

You cannot take any other actions except to make an opposed grapple check to escape the pin in place of an attack.

Which way is it? Can't take the best half of every ruling, and mishmash them together to provide the optimal rule for your monster, ignoring every penalty that might or could apply. That exacerbates the monster imbalance here.

2009-05-29, 04:02 PM
"In general" loses to "explicit contradiction".

Either it is like a SLA, and it can be done following the rules for a SLA...

Or it's not, and it falls back on:

Which way is it? Can't take the best half of every ruling, and mishmash them together to provide the optimal rule for your monster, ignoring every penalty that might or could apply. That exacerbates the monster imbalance here.

SLAs provoke attacks of opportunity. No contradiction here.

2009-05-29, 04:08 PM
Ah, so it's not an SLA.

Great. It goes back to:
You cannot take any other actions except to make an opposed grapple check to escape the pin in place of an attack.
I believe that's pretty cut-and-dry.

Now that the contradiction's dealt with, we can move on then.

EDIT: Alternately, PHb and DMG Glossary source, excerpted from WotC website:Engaged in wrestling or some other form of hand-to-hand struggle with one or more attackers. A grappling character can undertake only a limited number of actions. He does not threaten any squares, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) against opponents he isn't grappling. For creatures, grappling can also mean trapping opponents in any number of ways (in a toothy maw, under a huge paw, and so on).

Only a limited number of actions may be taken.

A limited number of actions is given in the SRD description for grappling.
Your action does not match any of those actions.
Therefore, it is not one of the limited number of actions which may be taken in a grapple.

I mean, I would love to be able to leap attack frenzy charge the creatures that Pin me in grapples. However, that's not one of the listed allowed. So it is, sadly, not allowed.

2009-05-29, 04:43 PM
Aside from the fact that charging still needs you to be 10ft+ away from your opponent,

afroakuma said no.

Therefore, instead of that, we're going to go with full-attack escaping the pin. First attack already failed, so...


2009-05-29, 04:44 PM
Official Arbiter's Ruling
Though the ability is intended to be effectively mental in nature, and thereby should operate within a grapple, the fact that it takes a move action indicates deliberation and exertion. It is therefore not permissible in a grapple.

2009-05-29, 04:47 PM
Opposed: [roll0]

Tied results go to the higher modifier, per RAW.

2009-05-29, 04:53 PM
I'd like to ask where you got that. Sure,

Step 3

Hold. Make an opposed grapple check as a free action.

If you succeed, you and your target are now grappling, and you deal damage to the target as if with an unarmed strike.

If you lose, you fail to start the grapple. You automatically lose an attempt to hold if the target is two or more size categories larger than you are.

In case of a tie, the combatant with the higher grapple check modifier wins. If this is a tie, roll again to break the tie. , but that's only listed for starting a grapple.

2009-05-29, 04:56 PM

An opposed check is a check whose success or failure is determined by comparing the check result to another character’s check result. In an opposed check, the higher result succeeds, while the lower result fails. In case of a tie, the higher skill modifier wins. If these scores are the same, roll again to break the tie.

2009-05-29, 05:06 PM
Resolving Remaining issues:
Sneaky: Take (2d6)[10] damage, then FortDC13 vs. nausea and FortDC13 vs. (1d4)[3] Dex damage.

Thwacky: Take (2d6)[4] damage, then FortDC13 vs. nausea and FortDC13 vs. (1d4)[3] Dex damage. Then, beat (1d20+18)[21] in an opposed grapple check, or this thing escapes the grapple.
Nausea: [roll2]
Dex: [roll3]

Hellhound: Take (2d6)[12] damage, then FortDC12 vs. nausea.
Nausea: [roll4]

Healer: Don't take any damage or roll any saves, as your feet are almost but not quite touching the swarm, and I don't think diagonal counts as contiguous.

Bear: Try to stablilize, or go to -5.Stabilize:[roll5]
1-10 succeeds.

2009-05-29, 05:13 PM
Healy: Move to Thwacky, Cast Cure Serious Wounds (domain Spell).

Wizzy: Move 20 feet west.
Cast Ray of Enfeeblement targeting the worm.
Ranged touch attack. -4 For firing into a melee, creature AC -4 for being pinned.

Ranged Touch: [roll1] vs Flat footed touch AC of creature, -4.
If Hit: [roll2] penalty to Str.
If threat: [roll3]
If Crit: [roll4] additional.

Remainder of character actions based on this.

2009-05-29, 05:24 PM
Yeesh. Its current FFAC is 5, so that's a hit.

Thwacky +18 = 59/62

2009-05-29, 05:25 PM
Sneaky: Moves 30 feet south.

Thwacky: [roll0] Acid damage this round.
Opposed grapple to Damage foe: [roll1]

You can have spikes added to your armor, which allow you to deal extra piercing damage (see Table: Weapons) on a successful grapple attack. The spikes count as a martial weapon. If you are not proficient with them, you take a -4 penalty on grapple checks when you try to use them.

If Successful: [roll2] (Unarmed for large) + [roll3] (extra Armor Spike piercing damage, per above) + 11 (Str Mod)

2009-05-29, 05:28 PM
In response to your concerns:

The nausea is going to be nerfed to sickened. Even in higher trials it was simply too powerful to show up at any time.

I should also note that it's not intended to surface right away, as it did. It's a valid enough tactic, though, that I shall be decreasing its burrow speed.

2009-05-29, 05:29 PM
In response to your concerns:

The "summon" ability is a 3/day power that can only be used on a successful claw attack and can only summon into the square it hit.

The nausea is going to be nerfed to sickened. Even in higher trials it was simply too powerful to show up at any time.

I should also note that it's not intended to surface right away, as it did. It's a valid enough tactic, though, that I shall be decreasing its burrow speed.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's 1/day, and doesn't require the claw.

Infestation (Ex) The augmoha stores many thousands of insect larvae, maggots and imagos in its mucus. Once per day it may deliver a changed pheromone through its skin that awakens these insects as a free action. This immediately summons a centipede swarm and a locust swarm, which assault all living creatures in the area other than the augmoha and one another. If it uses this action during a successful claw attack, the swarms are formed in the victim's square and immediately get one attack each against the victim.

2009-05-29, 05:32 PM
Withdrawn. My apologies; I'm thinking of the bigger one.

2009-05-29, 05:33 PM
In response to your concerns:

The nausea is going to be nerfed to sickened. Even in higher trials it was simply too powerful to show up at any time.

I should also note that it's not intended to surface right away, as it did. It's a valid enough tactic, though, that I shall be decreasing its burrow speed.

Actually, I thought the swarms are effective and a good twist. It's everything at once that overpowers it. Mess around with the action types, perhaps.

EDIT: Swarms don't get attacks. All their abilities are based on creatures starting their turn in an occupied square.

2009-05-29, 05:33 PM
Grapple Check: [roll0]

Characters to make sure that this isn't "a duplicate of a post I've made in the past 5 minutes".

Why couldn't I get a natural 20 earlier? :smallyuk:

2009-05-29, 05:36 PM
Anyway, I'm going to make two more grapple checks, and that'll be this thing's turn. If the first succeeds, move 120 feet straight down. Else, fail miserably.


Swarms to come soon.

2009-05-29, 05:38 PM

If this fails, when you move, you provoke an AoO.
Touch attack: [roll1]
Opposed grapple to initiate grapple: [roll2]
If Successful, Damage: [roll3]

Edit: It does fail, but I snag you while you're running.

EDIT: Note the creature's reduced Str from Enfeeble in the grapple checks, please.

2009-05-29, 05:41 PM

Opposed grapple check, coming right up.

If it's not a 20, then this question doesn't matter.

Do grapple checks auto-succeed on a 20? The SRD says they're "like a melee attack roll."

Oh, and I *know* you're not dealing damage twice with that acidic property on the chainmail.

2009-05-29, 05:42 PM
They are like an attack roll, however, they ARE an opposed checks.

As such, nat 20 is not an auto success.

EDIT: I didn't include acid damage on the regrab. :)

2009-05-29, 05:43 PM
Oh, and I just realized I'm doing swarms wrong. Not that it changes anything, but they deal damage at the end of their movement. It's only the nausea save that's at the beginning of your turn.

Also, Hellhound and Wolverine?

2009-05-29, 05:52 PM
No Actions. Hellhound awaits his breath CD, Wolverine isn't being commanded.

Either way, they're bodies for the swarm's attention.

Again, please note the worm's STR penalty in grapple checks. It should reduce it's grapple mod to 15.

2009-05-29, 05:58 PM
1) You don't deal damage if you grab me again. Choose one or the other, not both. Grapple replaces your attack.

2) Come to think of it, an AoO doesn't stop the movement if it succeeds.

If this is true, you managed to grab on to the worm as it dug itself 120 feet down into the ground. Rule of Cool, anyone?

2009-05-29, 06:03 PM
Starting a Grapple

To start a grapple, you need to grab and hold your target. Starting a grapple requires a successful melee attack roll. If you get multiple attacks, you can attempt to start a grapple multiple times (at successively lower base attack bonuses).
Step 1

Attack of Opportunity. You provoke an attack of opportunity from the target you are trying to grapple. If the attack of opportunity deals damage, the grapple attempt fails. (Certain monsters do not provoke attacks of opportunity when they attempt to grapple, nor do characters with the Improved Grapple feat.) If the attack of opportunity misses or fails to deal damage, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2

Grab. You make a melee touch attack to grab the target. If you fail to hit the target, the grapple attempt fails. If you succeed, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3

Hold. Make an opposed grapple check as a free action.

If you succeed, you and your target are now grappling, and you deal damage to the target as if with an unarmed strike.

If you lose, you fail to start the grapple. You automatically lose an attempt to hold if the target is two or more size categories larger than you are.

In case of a tie, the combatant with the higher grapple check modifier wins. If this is a tie, roll again to break the tie.
Successfully entering a grapple deals unarmed strike damage, per SRD. Improved Unarmed strike makes this damage lethal.

No, the AOO doesn't prevent movement. Being engaged in a grapple does, however.

EDIT: Continue with your swarms.

2009-05-29, 06:17 PM
Thwacky: take [roll0] damage, save vs. [roll1] Dex damage
Healer: take [roll2] damage, save DC13 vs. [roll3] Dex damage Dang non-flying centipedes *shakes fist*
Wolverine: take [roll4] damage
Hellhound: take [roll5] damage
Wizzy: take [roll6] damage

S: Sneaky, 28/37 HP; sickened
T: Thwacky, 50/62 HP; sickened
W: Wizzy, 4/26 HP; sickened
H: Healer, 34/45 HP; sickened; 5ft above ground
C: Wolverine, 16/28 HP; sickened
O: Hellhound, 17/22 HP; sickened; breath recharge 5 rounds left

Not labeled: Augmoha, Injured
Orange: Locust Swarm, Injured
Yellow: Centipede Swarm, Uninjured

Thwacky needs to not roll a 1 to avoid nausea.
Healer needs to save, FortDC13 to avoid nausea.
Wolverine, Hellhound, Wizzy need to save, FortDC12 to avoid nausea.
Bear needs to stabilize, 10% chance or drop to -6.

2009-05-29, 06:19 PM
Healer is 5 feet off the ground. Care to inform me how tiny/diminutive creatures on the ground are reaching him?

2009-05-29, 06:24 PM
They're not. :smallfrown:

And I'm done for the day. See you tomorrow.

2009-05-29, 06:26 PM
They're not. :smallfrown:

And I'm done for the day. See you tomorrow.

The swarm? Composed of a bunch of itty bitty things on the ground, crawling on one another?

They have no reach. They only deal damage to things that are in their square at the end of their move. Not adjacent.

2009-05-29, 06:48 PM
The swarm? Composed of a bunch of itty bitty things on the ground, crawling on one another?

They have no reach. They only deal damage to things that are in their square at the end of their move. Not adjacent.

I know this...

2009-05-29, 06:57 PM
This means that if a Creature, such as the cleric, is 5 feet above that, he is not in their square. Healy is 5 feet off the ground. The swarm occupies a 5x5 square. Thus, only creatures in 1 square can be affected by it, and that square must be on the ground.

Ah, didn't see that.