View Full Version : Hell Roach IS NOT DEAD!!!

2009-05-28, 10:57 AM
No X X in his eye-places!! HE WILL BE BACK!! Roachier and Hellier than everier!

2009-05-28, 12:07 PM
The roaches have no eyes :smalltongue:

In any case, demons don't die unless killed in the Abyss. I assume that applies to roaches as well as it would to Sabine.

2009-05-28, 12:27 PM
That's why he poofed. If he died, there would be remains.

2009-05-28, 12:36 PM
That's why he poofed. If he died, there would be remains.

Only on a roll of 20. FC1 gives a variety of (highly dramatic) ways that demon bodies disappear when killed.

2009-05-28, 12:58 PM
Only on a roll of 20. FC1 gives a variety of (highly dramatic) ways that demon bodies disappear when killed.

Sounds interesting. If you have time, can you post the dramatic ways?

2009-05-28, 02:04 PM
In any case, demons don't die unless killed in the Abyss. I assume that applies to roaches as well as it would to Sabine.

They've flip-flopped on that one, though, haven't they?

Personally, I'd suggest demons shouldn't die unless they're killed outside the Abyss. But that's neither here nor there.

2009-05-28, 04:07 PM
I believe that's devils and the Nine Hells. There are just infinite demons.

Anyways, if they're Fiendish Roaches, they're not Demons at all, either way.

2009-05-28, 05:27 PM
They've flip-flopped on that one, though, haven't they?

Personally, I'd suggest demons shouldn't die unless they're killed outside the Abyss. But that's neither here nor there.

If you mean in OotS, they've never killed a demon before in the comic, so we don't know. And Haley couldn't remember what happens when you kill a demon when they had the Linear Guild tied up.

:haley:- Kill her, and she just returns to the lower planes and rematerializes down there. I think. Honestly, I don't really know how that works. I think they keep changing it.

2009-05-28, 07:18 PM
Sounds interesting. If you have time, can you post the dramatic ways?

The DM rolls d20:

1) Corpse melts into black tar.
2) The head (or remnants thereof) begins cursing loudly in a dozen different languages simultaneously. Soon after, the corpse winks out of existence.
3) Two snakes force their way out of the killing wound and devour the body from both ends.
4) The corpse crumbles to dust instantly, leaving enough powder to fill a small bag.
5) The demon's flesh rots away as though a thousand years pass in an instant, leaving only a skeleton.
6) Half the body is engulfed in flames while the other half flash freezes and falls to the ground, shattering.
7) A hole opens up in the fabric of the universe, sucking the demon in with a loud "pop"
8) The demon's skin peels away, leaving the muscles and organs exposed. (I guess that one leaves the body behind too.)
9) All the bones and organs liquefy and leak out of the demon's wounds in purple rivulets. Its skin is left bubbling quietly on the ground.
10) The body dissipates into foul-smelling mist.
11) Sparks and lightning shoot out of the killing wound, blackening the demon's skin. A final bolt consumes it entirely, leaving a smoldering grease spot.
12) The demon's body turns to stone and shrinks to the size of a small statuette. (I wonder what it would be worth?)
13) Vermin explode from the corpse, consuming it rapidly and then fleeing in all directions.
14) The demon turns translucent before exploding in a brilliant flash of light. A shadowy afterimage is left behind on all the surrounding walls.
15) The demon's skeleton tears itself free of the wounded flesh, takes 3 steps, then crumbles into dust.
16) Shadowy hands reach up from the floor and pull the corpse in. Nothing is left.
17) As the demon falls, the body bursts into 1-inch high duplicates of itself. The tiny demons immediately begin slaughtering each other, and the last one left vanishes in a puff of smoke.
18) Blinding yellow light beams from the demon's eyes, mouth, and cracks in its skin. Shortly afterward, the demon is consumed in a burst of brilliant (but harmless) light.
19) The demon falls to the ground and its flesh rots into a puddle. The skeleton remains, but will turn to dust at the slightest pressure.
20) The demon dies like any other creature.

Of those, I'd say the closest to what the roach did was #10, but given its size it could be one of a couple of the others - assuming the Giant even read FC1 of course. :smallsmile:

Anyways, if they're Fiendish Roaches, they're not Demons at all, either way.

In SoD, both Redcloak and Right-Eye call them demons. Redcloak also specifically says they are from the Abyss, not the Nine Hells. Finally, the waitress in the Evil Diner is a succubus.

2009-05-28, 07:42 PM
12) The demon's body turns to stone and shrinks to the size of a small statuette. (I wonder what it would be worth?)

How small would the statue be if it was a small demon to begin with (like a roach?)
Is this what happened to the summoned demon on the island?

2009-05-28, 07:49 PM
How small would the statue be if it was a small demon to begin with (like a roach?)
Is this what happened to the summoned demon on the island?

Demon? That was a pit fiend. Apparently the roaches are extended summons.

2009-05-28, 07:52 PM
The devil Qarr summoned was petrified by Vaarsuvius' Prismatic Spray, not killed.

2009-05-28, 10:27 PM
How small would the statue be if it was a small demon to begin with (like a roach?)
Is this what happened to the summoned demon on the island?

Qarr, being a Devil, summoned another Devil. A Pit Fiend, to be precise. One of the ways of proving this is that Argent's silvery bite was able to harm it.

As for your first question, not all of the "death throes" make sense for all demons; for example, a Dybbuk is basically a giant jellyfish, so the "skeleton" deaths wouldn't apply to it. Similarly, I wouldn't expect any really tiny demons to leave a statuette behind.

Demon? That was a pit fiend. Apparently the roaches are extended summons.

The roaches aren't summons at all; they walked through an open Gate between the Abyss and the Material Plane. Demons disappear when killed (usually) regardless of how they got here.

Berserk Monk
2009-05-28, 10:30 PM
Hell roach? Any relationship to the demon roaches?