View Full Version : Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Shas aia Toriia
2009-05-28, 02:43 PM
So what do you guys think about it? IGN did a little coverage with a video right here (http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/987/987127p1.html), and there's a much older version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbjbbzOrCIg) of some gameplay on youtube.

Looks awesome! :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-28, 02:47 PM
Seems interesting. I can't watch the video at work, but is there any word of it being multiplayer?

Shas aia Toriia
2009-05-28, 03:00 PM
. . . it was mentioned that multiplayer was going to be a major focus of the game.

Multiplayer - its a major focus of the game.

EDIT: Suffice to say, the video is awesome.

Emperor Ing
2009-05-28, 03:02 PM
even though it looks amazing, several ways this can go wrong
1: Linear gameplay. I think we're WAAAY past the stage where you play the game once and there's no alternatives. Players now demand open-endedness. (I wouldn't mind the choice to veer off the path of the Space Marine and to join the Hordes of Chaos.)
2: Non-existent multiplayer. Please, for the love of GOD, give us multiplayer!
It looks like my prayers to the God Emperor did not go unanswered :smallcool:
3: Repetitive Gameplay. Hacking and slashing your way through hundreds of orks and chaos may be ridiculously satisfying, but that'll wear off after a few hours, even with hundreds of different Execution maneuvers.
4: Weapon variety. Although it may or may not be heresy, I want to use some xenos weaponry. Does the Pulse Rifle's scope really make it an effective sniper weapon?
5: Vehicles. Okay, maybe this isn't needed, but it sure as hell wouldn't hurt. :smalltongue:

2009-05-28, 03:12 PM
Yeah, hopefully the RPG aspect will allow for multiple pathways in the story, and not just character design choices. I would really (really) like the opportunity to join up with chaos.

Edit: @ randomizer: If you want tau weaponry, they made a Tau based FPS awhile back for the PS2 called Firewarrior. Nothing overly special, but I enjoyed what I played of it.

2009-05-28, 03:26 PM
Yeah, hopefully the RPG aspect will allow for multiple pathways in the story, and not just character design choices. I would really (really) like the opportunity to join up with chaos.

You are aware this statement has been relayed to the =][=, I trust?

2009-05-28, 03:29 PM
I can read, yes I can. :smallbiggrin:

Well then, as an official Relic Fanboy, I'm quite looking forward to this.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-05-28, 03:33 PM
even though it looks amazing, several ways this can go wrong
1: Linear gameplay. I think we're WAAAY past the stage where you play the game once and there's no alternatives. Players now demand open-endedness. (I wouldn't mind the choice to veer off the path of the Space Marine and to join the Hordes of Chaos.)
2: Non-existent multiplayer. Please, for the love of GOD, give us multiplayer!
It looks like my prayers to the God Emperor did not go unanswered :smallcool:
3: Repetitive Gameplay. Hacking and slashing your way through hundreds of orks and chaos may be ridiculously satisfying, but that'll wear off after a few hours, even with hundreds of different Execution maneuvers.
4: Weapon variety. Although it may or may not be heresy, I want to use some xenos weaponry. Does the Pulse Rifle's scope really make it an effective sniper weapon?
5: Vehicles. Okay, maybe this isn't needed, but it sure as hell wouldn't hurt. :smalltongue:

1. For sure. Although there are 4 space marines. Hopefully they play differently enough to justify another play through.

2. Answered yourself.

3. Yeah, that was my main concern about it too. In the video in IGN, there look to be far too many orks around.

4. I'd be quite surprised if you couldn't use some other weaponry aside from standard issue imperial weapons.

5. Well, in the IGN video there was a predator, so. . . here's hoping.

2009-05-28, 05:50 PM
even though it looks amazing, several ways this can go wrong
3: Repetitive Gameplay. Hacking and slashing your way through hundreds of orks and chaos may be ridiculously satisfying, but that'll wear off after a few hours, even with hundreds of different Execution maneuvers.
4: Weapon variety. Although it may or may not be heresy, I want to use some xenos weaponry. Does the Pulse Rifle's scope really make it an effective sniper weapon?

3: I dont know, if there are actually hundreds of different maneuvers I would play and play and play.

4: you're aware the Astartes use all kinds of weaponry themselves right? and also that it's probably physically impossible to fit those massive fingers into a human-size triggerguard?
personally, I'm hoping to get a lascannon.

2009-05-28, 05:55 PM
It looks fine, but I'm still waiting for my WH 40K FPS (Fire Warrior doesn't really count).:smallfrown:

2009-05-28, 06:43 PM
Oh good more ultramarines, I didn't instinctively know they were gonna be in this game the moment I heard of its existence.


Shas aia Toriia
2009-05-28, 07:11 PM
Oh good more ultramarines, I didn't instinctively know they were gonna be in this game the moment I heard of its existence.

Yeah, I was worried it was going to be the blood ravens again.Yes, I know that was sarcasm.

2009-05-28, 08:31 PM
While a gears of war style WH 40k game seems neat, those kill screen shots might get annoying. in the demo shown on youtube, the camera shifted in a weird way every time he wanted to kill someone. Maybe they'll take a page from Batman: Arkham Asylum and only have the slow mo shots as a neat end of combat thing, or make sure that it doesn't switch angles on you, maybe just close.

As far as how it looks...absolutely beautiful. Orks and chaos and traitor guard...wonder if we'll see any other baddies in the first game, or maybe they are saving it for part 2...play as chaos and orks perhaps? =)

2009-05-29, 01:52 AM
To be honest, I am afraid that the boltgun will end up as merely "stunning people"...

a Boltgun? Stunning People? :smallfurious:

Even a lasgun can kill a space marine if aimed correctly (a.k.a. the Random Number God favors you). A boltgun is a whole different animal.. IT'S LETHAL.

2009-05-29, 02:02 AM
I think we shouldn't be too worried about the crazy shifting angle. I'm guessing that it was just so prevalent in the trailer because it looks awesome, and in game it will be significantly less common, as it really would screw with gameplay. I only saw a couple of quick shots in that trailer that looked like the standard gameplay viewpoint.

Looks fun.

2009-05-29, 02:20 AM
Playing as the Assault Marine is probably going to be fun, depending on how they work the Jumppack. Or dizzying, if they let you have yaw control. :smallbiggrin:

Either way, this looks awesome.

2009-05-29, 03:52 AM
To be honest, I am afraid that the boltgun will end up as merely "stunning people"...

a Boltgun? Stunning People? :smallfurious:

Even a lasgun can kill a space marine if aimed correctly (a.k.a. the Random Number God favors you). A boltgun is a whole different animal.. IT'S LETHAL.

"Lethal" is an understatement: A bolter is a fully-automatic, armor-piercing rocket propelled grenade launcher. Stunning people, I thought that was stupid when I watched the video on YouTube a few months ago; YEAH, the game is about getting to the guy and tearing the guy apart with a chainsword, but you don't have to ignore canon like that! Hell, just give the thing limited ammo, that would make people want to use the chainsword more than the fact that the chainsword is a CHAINSAW-SWORD.

2009-05-29, 04:14 AM
Oh good more ultramarines, I didn't instinctively know they were gonna be in this game the moment I heard of its existence.

Hey, the Ultramarines have this neat Roman Legion aesthetic thing going these days.

Emperor Ing
2009-05-29, 04:17 AM
"Lethal" is an understatement: A bolter is a fully-automatic, armor-piercing rocket propelled grenade launcher. Stunning people, I thought that was stupid when I watched the video on YouTube a few months ago; YEAH, the game is about getting to the guy and tearing the guy apart with a chainsword, but you don't have to ignore canon like that! Hell, just give the thing limited ammo, that would make people want to use the chainsword more than the fact that the chainsword is a CHAINSAW-SWORD.

I hope to the god-emperor they give the Bolter the damage it deserves. While a chainsaw-sword is ridiculously awesome, I want more variety in my gameplay tactics.
In other words, running around dual-wielding Bolters or going completey insane and dual-wielding chainswords :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-29, 04:20 AM
I hope to the god-emperor they give the Bolter the damage it deserves. While a chainsaw-sword is ridiculously awesome, I want more variety in my gameplay tactics.
In other words, running around dual-wielding Bolters or going completey insane and dual-wielding chainswords :smallbiggrin:

You lack imagination, my good friend. I want to dual-weild Chain Axes!!!

Dual-weilding flamers pistols? (In my game of Dark Heresy, the cleric added a flamethrower component to his advanced hammer, his autopistol, and his HOLY SYMBOL. He used both his pistol's and hammer's at the same time against an Ogryn.)

Emperor Ing
2009-05-29, 04:25 AM
You lack imagination, my good friend. I want to dual-weild Chain Axes!!!

Khorne Berzerker much? :smalltongue:

1. For sure. Although there are 4 space marines. Hopefully they play differently enough to justify another play through.
If so, at least one of them should be given the option to turn their backs on the God Emperor.
Or it brings the possibility of co-op campaign up. (with is extremely likely)
Or both. :smalltongue:

2009-05-29, 06:21 AM
It looks from the video it's gone be like L4D, marines vs horde of zombies orkz ,:smallbiggrin:

Shas aia Toriia
2009-05-29, 06:24 AM
It looks from the video it's gone be like L4D, marines vs horde of zombies orkz ,:smallbiggrin:

Yeah, I was thinking that while I watched it. :smalltongue:

2009-05-29, 08:58 AM
I read about this game somewhere else first. Apparently the YouTube video is one from a completely different game that was canceled that happened to have the exact same name. So anything you see in the YouTube video means nothing at all for what the game will actually be like. I believe they changed the original idea of the game and moved it from one development group to another within the same company. If I find the article that said that I'll go ahead and post the link.

A post on Relic’s boards says that this title is not the same game that was leaked in that video from last year. That clip was “for an action title Studio Aus was working on. This is a totally different project, though it does share the same name as the leaked video used.”

2009-05-29, 11:33 AM
I read about this game somewhere else first. Apparently the YouTube video is one from a completely different game that was canceled that happened to have the exact same name. So anything you see in the YouTube video means nothing at all for what the game will actually be like. I believe they changed the original idea of the game and moved it from one development group to another within the same company.

The terrible truth is that a group of ravid fanboys assaulted the relic quarters and killed the whole development team of the original game with a variety of fire weapons to show them that shooting people doesn't just stun them.

Relic learned the lesson, and so it seems ranged weaponry now can actully kill stuff.

I see this as what DoW 2 always was: a 3rd person view action game. Look, they're even using the same skins for orks!

Personally, I would want the campaign to allow you to play as one of the other factions. Be an ork and conquer the planet and stuff. Not everybody likes playing the fanatic brainwashed zealots.

Favorite part of the video:NO MORE PRETTY MARINES HELL YEAH! No, seriously, what annoyed me more on DoW 2 was the impression that marines spent more time taking care of their air than of their equipment.

2009-05-29, 12:15 PM
Personally, I would want the campaign to allow you to play as one of the other factions. Be an ork and conquer the planet and stuff. Not everybody likes playing the fanatic brainwashed zealots.
Then again, playing as an ork in a game called "Space Marine" wouldn't feel right, now would it?

I'm excited for this game. Even moreso if the firearms are going to be actual firearms.

Also, yay Ultramarines! They're just too classic to not have their own game.

2009-05-29, 12:43 PM
Personally, I would want the campaign to allow you to play as one of the other factions. Be an ork and conquer the planet and stuff. Not everybody likes playing the fanatic brainwashed zealots.

Favorite part of the video:NO MORE PRETTY MARINES HELL YEAH! No, seriously, what annoyed me more on DoW 2 was the impression that marines spent more time taking care of their air than of their equipment.

Some of that might very well be GW's doing though. GW seems to have something against big stories being done from the side of the xenos. Mostly to keep them seeming alien and to avoid them being turned into different looking humans.

I think this is supposed to be an action-rpg, and I'm not really sure how you can put much RPG into a story without humanizing the characters a fair amount.

Of course I would also like to see a lot more from the xenos perspective but I don't think GW does.

2009-05-29, 01:28 PM
You lack imagination, my good friend. I want to dual-weild Chain Axes!!!

Dual-weilding flamers pistols? (In my game of Dark Heresy, the cleric added a flamethrower component to his advanced hammer, his autopistol, and his HOLY SYMBOL. He used both his pistol's and hammer's at the same time against an Ogryn.)

Dual Powerbats and Powerwrenches.

I want an Angry Marine!

And maybe a Reasonable Marine. The game would become a Planescape Torment like game of elaborate dialogs and discussion of motivation, alternating with calling in airstrikes.

2009-05-29, 01:30 PM
Also, yay Ultramarines! They're just too classic to not have their own game.

I'm kind of curious why a Relic game is starring them, rather than their pet Blood Ravens.

2009-05-29, 02:03 PM
Dual Powerbats and Powerwrenches.

I want an Angry Marine!

And maybe a Reasonable Marine. The game would become a Planescape Torment like game of elaborate dialogs and discussion of motivation, alternating with calling in airstrikes Lance strikes, Magma Cannons and Extermanautis.


You have to admit, that last one would be the perfect close on the game, depending on which type they used. Preferably the ones that drill to the core, for pure epicness, and the last mission being ; run the hell to your Valkyrie.

2009-05-29, 02:14 PM
I died and went to heaven when I saw this trailer.

I don't even like Space Marines very much (being a Sisters of Battle player, obviously I have a deep-seated envy :smallwink:), but this made the Marines simply bloody awesome.

2009-05-29, 07:49 PM
I would rather see other chapter than Ultramarines, they've already got their own games, one that I can think of is Chaos Gate, and if I remember correctly they were also the only Space Marine chapter available in Final Liberation. Dark and Blood Angels were in Space Hulks, so chapters like Raven Guard or Iron Hands would make for a nice change. Nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to the game.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-05-29, 08:59 PM
You have to admit, that last one would be the perfect close on the game, depending on which type they used. Preferably the ones that drill to the core, for pure epicness, and the last mission being ; run the hell to your Valkyrie.

Space Marines use Thunderhawks. I imagine a Valkyrie is far too small. [/nitpick]

2009-05-31, 11:56 AM
Youtube video is down:smallfrown:

Lord of the Helms
2009-05-31, 12:59 PM
"Exclusive for PS3 and XBox360"

Epic Fail. And the Story Ends. :smallannoyed: :smallfrown:

2009-05-31, 02:27 PM
"Exclusive for PS3 and XBox360"

Oh no.
Oh no.

Why can't they make games for the PC anymore, damnit?
Or the Wii. Rofl :smallsigh:

2009-05-31, 02:39 PM
Why can't they make games for the PC anymore, damnit?

They do, sort of; they just call them 'console exclusives' before releasing them on the PC about 6 months later.

2009-05-31, 03:03 PM
They do, sort of; they just call them 'console exclusives' before releasing them on the PC about 6 months later.

Please let it be so. Please. Relic, you've always been good. I bought your games. I loved Company of Heroes. Don't betray me now. Please?

Emperor Ing
2009-05-31, 03:03 PM
(Temporary) console exclusivity?!

YAAY!! Finally, something to hold over my 40k fanboy friend. :smallbiggrin:

Dark Faun
2009-05-31, 03:26 PM
Console exclusive? Aw come on. For once the game involved a way to play it without fearing to damage the DVD (Steam)...

Someone mentioned character development; it is possible there is some, there was some in Dawn of War II after all. Granted, that game was about a team while this game might be a lonely beat-them-all.

Anyway, I'm so happy. I love Space Marines. Wished it were the Crimson Fists we played though; they're the ones who have a beef with the orks, and they're underrated and underrepresented.

I'd kill for a Games Workshop game ala Dynasty Warriors. :smalltongue:

Emperor Ing
2009-05-31, 03:28 PM
we all have our personal wish lists
*crosses fingers* angry marines angry marines angrymarines.
But as long as they don't make it a repetitive hack-and-slash where your ranged weapon is next to useless, they'll do alright.

2009-05-31, 03:31 PM
we all have our personal wish lists
*crosses fingers* angry marines angry marines angrymarines.

You and me both, pal.

You and me both.

Emperor Ing
2009-05-31, 03:38 PM
Another thing I wanna see (which is in fact likely to happen) is something similar to what Bungie does in Halo. Let us customize our armor. Granted, there's less permutations possible, but I want there to be in-game clans called Chapters, and each Chapter has their own armor color scheme and Emblem.

2009-05-31, 04:02 PM
I would rather see other chapter than Ultramarines, they've already got their own games, one that I can think of is Chaos Gate, and if I remember correctly they were also the only Space Marine chapter available in Final Liberation. Dark and Blood Angels were in Space Hulks, so chapters like Raven Guard or Iron Hands would make for a nice change. Nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to the game.

I second this. One of the Second foundings would be nice, perhaps the Mortifactors or Silver Skulls? Maybe even the Angels of Vengance?

All they have to do is click the "random article" button on the Lexicanum and they'll come up with 5 or 6 random chapters pretty quickly.

2009-05-31, 04:44 PM
we all have our personal wish lists
*crosses fingers* angry marines angry marines angrymarines.
But as long as they don't make it a repetitive hack-and-slash where your ranged weapon is next to useless, they'll do alright.

You know what I think? I think we need to go petition GW to make the Angry Marines canon. Or, at very least, to put them in as an easter egg in licensed games.

Lord of Rapture
2009-05-31, 05:18 PM
Oh no.
Oh no.

Why can't they make games for the PC anymore, damnit?
Or the Wii. Rofl :smallsigh:

Obviously, Yahtzee's rant about "The Wii is made of poo! Stop making games for it!" has reached the minds and ears of developers worldwide, and have decided that the Wii is not worthy of basking in the awesomeness that is 40K.

Except for Japan, of course.

Emperor Ing
2009-05-31, 05:23 PM
You know what I think? I think we need to go petition GW to make the Angry Marines canon. Or, at very least, to put them in as an easter egg in licensed games.

Getting GW to listen to their fans is like teaching a tree to roll over.
Ain't gonna happen anytime soon, but wait 1000 years, and it just might happen.

Also, for the Angry Marines, keep in mind there are 2 missing Space Marine chapters. :smallwink:

2009-05-31, 05:44 PM
Legions, my good Sir, Legions! Two Legions. are specifically unaccounted for.

2009-05-31, 06:38 PM
To be fair, he is technically correct. There are a bunch of unaccounted for Chapters. They just tend to be unaccounted for because they were wiped out, went traitor, etc. Not because their Primarchs were wiped from Imperial record.

2009-05-31, 06:46 PM
Legions, my good Sir, Legions! Two Legions. are specifically unaccounted for.

There's a funny story about that.

Originally the space marine fluff was designed by several people, each one designing their own legion.

But before the worck was ended two of those people gave up on the project.

For the lulz, it then was decided that there would be two mystery legions wich magically disapeared out in thin air for no aparent reason(my personal guess it's that they commited the biggest heresy of all, aka refusing to fight at all, and that's why all their records were wiped out)

It also provides the players some open space to fit their own fluff.

But thing is, GW will never oficially fill in those two blanck legions.

2009-06-01, 01:32 AM
Well, unless I'm very much mistaken, there's a scene in one of the HH books where

Horus timetravels and punches one The Second Legion's Primach's baby cradle, destroyings its life support and killing the Baby Primach within.

But that may just be my memory playing with me.

2009-06-01, 06:53 AM
Horus goes back in time (or at least, thinks he does. Chaos IS involved) and witnesses the warp storm that whisked away the Primarchs. I don't think he did anything to the baby-cooker, I think the glass just cracked before the warp storm arrived.

I know that Abnett wrote a short story that vaguely referenced the missing Primarchs. Was about Dorn preparing Terra for the siege, and he comments on the statues of the two missing Primarchs. Haven't read that story yet, and I am not sure if it is in Tales of Heresy or not.

2009-06-01, 08:02 AM
Granted it doesn't say anything final - and we'll probably never get a clear answer.

But I do think it's an option - he smashes his fist forward in frustration, hits the tank and cracks its glass. It might've been enough to kill the Primach during the warp travel.

Also, Horus knew at that point, that the Primach would suffer some terrible fate and die / disappear / not live up to its potential - so it couldn't have had anything to do with the assault on Terra.

Elder Wraith
2009-06-01, 12:52 PM
a Boltgun? Stunning People? :smallfurious:

Can I just point out that the stunning bolter was from a different (now cancelled) game. The new (and better) space marine game is unrelated to the leaked footage of that one. Check out belloflostsouls.blogspot.com and scroll down a bit to get to the right topic. When there, read it. They confirm that the two games are unrelated.

2009-06-01, 03:08 PM
Obviously, Yahtzee's rant about "The Wii is made of poo! Stop making games for it!" has reached the minds and ears of developers worldwide, and have decided that the Wii is not worthy of basking in the awesomeness that is 40K.

Except for Japan, of course.

More likely, they just realized it was the same horsepower as the Gamecube with a Bluetooth attachment. Did you see the Wii version of Dead Rising?

2009-06-01, 03:36 PM
More likely, they just realized it was the same horsepower as the Gamecube with a Bluetooth attachment. Did you see the Wii version of Dead Rising?
There was no such game :smallmad:

2009-06-01, 05:56 PM
Getting GW to listen to their fans is like teaching a tree to roll over.
Ain't gonna happen anytime soon, but wait 1000 years, and it just might happen.

Also, for the Angry Marines, keep in mind there are 2 missing Space Marine chapters. :smallwink:

True. /tg/ has semi-official lore saying that that's how they originated:
"Lo, in the histories of the many chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, every Primarch listed that has ever come across my sage and learned eye has found root and home upon a planet, which hath shaped and set in stone the character of that warrior of the Emperor that he would become.

Therefore, one must give pause to the Primarch of our brothers, the Angry Marines, that great warrior of rage for he hath never fell upon a planet. Nay! But he was borne upon the ethers and drifts of space, alone in his capsule save for a discarded copy of Battletoads III that the Emperor had thrown out, a legendary artifact that had fueled research into vast weapons of war that it might be unmade and erased from history.

When the capsule had finally been rammed into a drifting hulk of an old imperial battleship, it is said that the Primarch was so enraged and frustrated with the vile game that he headbutted out the Adam's apple of the first survivor that he encountered, and thereafter killed every inhabitant with the remnants of the dying initial combatant."

-Historian Nwabudike
Histories of the Ill Favored Chapters

But I personally prefer to think of them as loyalist World Eaters, because that's kind of exactly what they are.

2009-06-01, 06:39 PM
I personally think that you turn Blood Angels into Angry Marines by saying something to the effect of "Sanguinius cried like a little bitch! (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Horus#The_Betrayal)". Maybe that's what they do with all the BA that are lost to the black rage.

Probably how they execute traitors.

2009-06-01, 06:51 PM
I personally think that you turn Blood Angels into Angry Marines by saying something to the effect of "Sanguinius cried like a little bitch! (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Horus#The_Betrayal)". Maybe that's what they do with all the BA that are lost to the black rage.

Probably how they execute traitors.

Thing is, "Sanguinius cried like a little bitch!" is one of the official Angry Marine bumper stickers. Right alongside "Chaos is for (So very many expletives) who can't (Forum rules prevent this bit) with a (Basic human decency doesn't let me write this one)" and "Guardsmen are sissies!" (The last one has hastily scrawled on, on every single copy, "Except the 597th Valhallan Mr. Cain SIR!")

2009-06-01, 08:59 PM
Thing is, "Sanguinius cried like a little bitch!" is one of the official Angry Marine bumper stickers. Right alongside "Chaos is for (So very many expletives) who can't (Forum rules prevent this bit) with a (Basic human decency doesn't let me write this one)" and "Guardsmen are sissies!" (The last one has hastily scrawled on, on every single copy, "Except the 597th Valhallan Mr. Cain SIR!")


I've always been of the opinion that Imperial Guardsmen are a thousand times more hardcore than even angry marines. After all, THEY don't have powered armor and bolters. They have flak jackets and mag-lights.

I approve of the addendum to the final one.

2009-06-01, 09:08 PM

I've always been of the opinion that Imperial Guardsmen are a thousand times more hardcore than even angry marines. After all, THEY don't have powered armor and bolters. They have flak jackets and mag-lights.

I approve of the addendum to the final one.

I never said they were my opinions. Just popular ones among the Angry Marines.

Except the bit about Cain. There I agree wholeheartedly.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-01, 09:09 PM
Guardsmen wear that because they're too stupid to get real armour and weapons. :smallamused:

2009-06-01, 09:14 PM
Guardsmen wear that because they're too stupid to get real armour and weapons. :smallamused:

Or they're just giving their foes a sporting chance, as in the case of the aforementioned Commissar Cain.

2009-06-01, 10:20 PM
You forgot that part. It's part of his title. More like his name, though. Chaos quakes at the mention of Ciaphas Cain HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!

2009-06-02, 01:39 AM
You can say all you want about space marine bravery and loyalty, but the Guardsmen are armed with a flashlight and a t-shirt and CHARGE against stuff that could make a spazz marine dead.

Also, are there any traitor regiments?
Didn't think so. (Individuals, surely.)

Some would say it's due to the fact that they are quite a bit more scared of the commissar in the back than anything the enemy could ever do to them, and that's quite possibly true.

But they are still willing to beat the enemy by clogging up their tanks engines, threads, and canons with their own corspses.

That's hardcore.

Who is the angry marines? (Is stupid)

2009-06-02, 01:48 AM
The Angry Marines are a 4chan meme. They're angry. All the time. They beat the $&$!*!! out of xenos to help work the anger out of their system. And then they get angry because there aren't any more xenos to to #%&!* @*#*% boop, so they go have a good two-minute practice anger. Which just makes them angry, naturally.

Compare and contrast with the Reasonable Marines, who advocate such dangerously heretical ideas as talking with people and maybe not shooting Imperial Citizens. See also the Pretty Marines, who are all anime-esque bishounens.

2009-06-02, 02:07 AM
The only one i remember from the chans were the bro-marines, (Marines who like to party and shun such things as Techmarines and Librarians because they are "****ing nerds") excuse my ignorance :smallredfac

2009-06-02, 02:38 AM
The Angry Marines are a 4chan meme. They're angry. All the time. They beat the $&$!*!! out of xenos to help work the anger out of their system. And then they get angry because there aren't any more xenos to to #%&!* @*#*% boop, so they go have a good two-minute practice anger. Which just makes them angry, naturally.

Compare and contrast with the Reasonable Marines, who advocate such dangerously heretical ideas as talking with people and maybe not shooting Imperial Citizens. See also the Pretty Marines, who are all anime-esque bishounens.

Fun fact: Only about half of all reasonable marines are traitors, but between the exchange program and the general filthy "Live and let live" attitude, only the Emperor is sure which is which.

2009-06-02, 06:03 AM
Guardsmen wear that because they're too stupid to get real armour and weapons. :smallamused:

Actually, it's the inquisition's fault. They hoard all the best equipment for themselves, leaving little more than scraps for the guardsmen.

And then they decry that it's heresy to loot the uber alien weapons. Should a guardsmen pick up a tau pulse rifle he will be declared a traitor/xeno lover and executed on the spot by any means necessary.

Guardsmen could try to requisition new more effecient mass produced weapons, but since the average time for the bureaucracy of Terra to give an answer is 200 years(and that's when it's mary sues speech merines doing the request), no one bothers.

Speech merines of course get the power of plot and thus get handed lots of uber equipment because they're the WH40K pretty boys. And then they still get their asses kicked a lot of times, showing how weack they truly are.

Of course, if guardsmen ever got their hands on good equipment, they would curb stomp the rest of the galaxy before you could say emperor, so GW keeps throwing silly excuses to why they've been fighting greater demons with flashlights for the last 10.000 years.:smalltongue:

2009-06-02, 07:02 AM
Also, are there any traitor regiments?
The Lost and the Damned. Rules for how to field a chaos IG regiment

And fluff-wise:
The Cain books have a very powerful psyker who manages to convert (among other things) multiple planets worth of Imperial Guard and a few Sisters of Battle.
The Gaunt books have recently shifted to The Blood Pact, which are a bunch of Chaos-flavored IG.

2009-06-02, 11:16 AM
Speech merines

I believe you mean Spehs Mahreens.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-02, 02:13 PM
Also, are there any traitor regiments?

Yes. Millions.

2009-06-02, 06:11 PM
Fun fact: Only about half of all reasonable marines are traitors, but between the exchange program and the general filthy "Live and let live" attitude, only the Emperor is sure which is which.

Yes. Millions.

Yes, there are. Well, maybe not millions, but there are plenty.

Of course, they've never caused a galaxy spanning civil war because they went traitor.

And they are separated into different forces to prevent traitors from being an effective opposition. If a tank company goes rogue, they'll have no infantry, and no artillery, and, of course, no resupply.

Lord of Rapture
2009-06-02, 06:16 PM
Yes, there are. Well, maybe not millions, but there are plenty.

Of course, they've never caused a galaxy spanning civil war because they went traitor.

Only because they're so weak that a million regiments of them equals only a hundred companies of *insert faction here*.

2009-06-02, 06:29 PM
Only because they're so weak that a million regiments of them equals only a hundred companies of *insert faction here*.

And every other faction put together fails to equal ONE Commissar CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!

The rest of the guard has to be weak, just to give him full room to act.

(Only a handful of units missed the memo throughout the whole of Imperial history. One such unit was the Tanith 1st and only. Look their records up and consider the guard's contributions in a new light.)

2009-06-02, 06:42 PM
Only because they're so weak that a million regiments of them equals only a hundred companies of *insert faction here*.

Of course, there are like, a hundred million regiments.

One other person was Lord Solar Macharius. So awesome that a time-rift caused a song to be written about him. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqfhfnOAIgQ)

Just as planned! [cackles and rubs hands gleefully]

2009-06-03, 01:54 AM
...And then they decry that it's heresy to loot the uber alien weapons. Should a guardsmen pick up a tau pulse rifle he will be declared a traitor/xeno lover and executed on the spot by any means necessary...

The Playground Misfits had a certain infamy for use of non-standard issue equipment. I realise they've quietly slunk away though, which is just their style - get in, give Xeno a good kicking, loot acquire Xenotech to be reused passed to the 'Authorities' and get out. Fast.

Anyhow, the THQ Trailer for Space Marine is here (http://www.thq-games.com/uk/thqtv/index?movieId=3145), and as always, it looks like a nice intro movie. I understand the Ultramarines are placeholders at this time.

2009-06-03, 02:52 AM

Again, it's all about "the Space Marines are the only hope of humanity", forgetting the blood the IG sheds by giga-liter every day in the Empire.

It doesn't look bad. I have yet to see gameplay examples to decide how it's gonna be for real. But I know it's going to glorify the actions of the Space Marines, leaving the real heroes on the sideline, again.

P.S.: Winter Assault was just awesome.

2009-06-03, 03:36 AM
It doesn't look bad. I have yet to see gameplay examples to decide how it's gonna be for real. But I know it's going to glorify the actions of the Space Marines, leaving the real heroes on the sideline, again.

The game is called SpaceMarine. Not Guardsman or Heretic or XenoScum.

And seriously, can any of the Guard do the things we see being done in this trailer? Cutting through hordes of orks and laughing at their ineffective weapons as the Ultramarines crush them beneath their sanctified boots.

Space Marines are awesome. This game wants to be awesome. So we get Space Marines. I'm happy. :smallsmile:

Altough...a gritty FPS kind of deal where you play a single guardsman and die horribly at the end of every mission could be fun too. If they could make the battles massive enough and make the player feel really tiny.

And curse you, console exclusive games!

2009-06-03, 03:54 AM
Altough...a gritty FPS kind of deal where you play a single guardsman and die horribly at the end of every mission could be fun too. If they could make the battles massive enough and make the player feel really tiny.

I have to say, I was wondering how a "Warhammer 40k: Stormtrooper Hunt" would look. Nice FPS, you scale up in the world, you encounter some space marines along the way.

The thing is, the space marines are supposed to be very scarce. But every single game is just about them, them, them, while depicting the rest of the Imperium as cheerleaders. In the universe, Imperial guard does 99.9% of the fighting around, and they are the only one with the proper numbers to effectively occupy a world.

2009-06-03, 05:26 AM
Space Marines are awesome. This game wants to be awesome. So we get Space Marines. I'm happy. :smallsmile:[/COLOR]

Let me present you to comissar Yarrick, a simple imperial guard comissar, wich lost an arm in battle, yet used it's other arm to kill a warboss, ripped off it's mechanical arm and used it to beat the crap of the remaining nearby orks.

So what we clearly need is "Warhammer 40K:comissar"!

Emperor Ing
2009-06-03, 05:32 AM
A game where you camp behind Guard lines and pick off fleeting guardsmen would get really repetitive really fast. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-03, 05:33 AM
Let me present you to comissar Yarrick, a simple imperial guard comissar, wich lost an arm in battle, yet used it's other arm to kill a warboss, ripped off it's mechanical arm and used it to beat the crap of the remaining nearby orks.

So what we clearly need is "Warhammer 40K:comissar"!

Hey, that'd be great! A mission could be where you do the normal commisar thing instead of being like the other 90% of fluff commisars that refuse to shoot thier own troops.

...That'd be an interesting mission, running up and down the lines shooting your own men to stop the rest from retreating. "We're all going to die! Everybo-"*BAM* "MAINTAIN YOUR POSITIONS. Fix bayonets!" "By the Throne, there's too many of them! Run for yo-" *BAM* "Hold the line!"

Lord of the Helms
2009-06-03, 06:18 AM
The thing is, the space marines are supposed to be very scarce. But every single game is just about them, them, them, while depicting the rest of the Imperium as cheerleaders. In the universe, Imperial guard does 99.9% of the fighting around, and they are the only one with the proper numbers to effectively occupy a world.

They did get it right in the Winter Assault campaign, mostly at least. The Guard should've had more men, but they still fielded most of the troops, while there was like one squad of spacemarines led by a very badass Chapel Master or whatsitcalled in all of the campaign.

2009-06-03, 07:02 AM
They did get it right in the Winter Assault campaign, mostly at least. The Guard should've had more men, but they still fielded most of the troops, while there was like one squad of spacemarines led by a very badass Chapel Master or whatsitcalled in all of the campaign.

Chaplain. He was a Chaplain.

It was something like 2 or 3 squads and a Land Raider, IIRC. More than enough to take down the Orks.

Let me present you to comissar Yarrick, a simple imperial guard comissar, wich lost an arm in battle, yet used it's other arm to kill a warboss, ripped off it's mechanical arm and used it to beat the crap of the remaining nearby orks.

So what we clearly need is "Warhammer 40K:comissar"!

You forgot his laser eye. That and fact that the Orks want to keep him alive so they'll have a worthy opponent to fight.

2009-06-03, 07:59 AM
They did get it right in the Winter Assault campaign, mostly at least. The Guard should've had more men, but they still fielded most of the troops, while there was like one squad of spacemarines led by a very badass Chapel Master or whatsitcalled in all of the campaign.

Indeed. Space Marines are awesome, but there is so few of them. The Imperium treat them as Delta Forces (as far as I remember).

But you don't win a war with only a handful of Delta Forces. Space Marines might be the strongest for priority objectives, scalpel-like strikes, etc... But they would be lousy at conquering a WHOLE WORLD. What is it with SM? Each Marine chapter is composed of "a hundred company of one hundred marines each"?

Or something like that? As awesome as your soldiers are, you aren't going far with 10 000 soldiers (and that's meaning committing a COMPLETE chapter to the fight). Except if the fighting is reduced to a fightzone the size of Iraq, you just won't have ennough man to fight a planetary war.

In short, it's another example of Space Marine Fans have no Sense of Scale (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SciFiWritersHaveNoSenseOfScale).

2009-06-03, 08:17 AM
Each Marine chapter is composed of "a hundred company of one hundred marines each"?

Less. A 'standard' Marine Chapter has ten Companies of 100 troops each (1000 Marines). Plus auxillary staff (Techs, Librarians, etc.). So, not a whole lot.

Some Chapters have more than that. But most Chapters have 'less than full' - whatever that means. The Crimson Fists chapter has 128 Marines. That's it.

2009-06-03, 08:28 AM
Less. A 'standard' Marine Chapter has ten Companies of 100 troops each (1000 Marines). Plus auxillary staff (Techs, Librarians, etc.). So, not a whole lot.

Some Chapters have more than that. But most Chapters have 'less than full' - whatever that means. The Crimson Fists chapter has 128 Marines. That's it.

There ya go. You can't fight a war with Space Marines. Even if, with their multipliers, their speed of deployment, their technologies, they might only multiply their "Ground Control" factor by, I'd say, roughly 10.

Space Marines are deployed in the hottest and most important spots. They do not fight wars. And even then, there isn't ennough of them. The IG has their own special elite troops (less awesome than Marines, but still very effective) to fling around.

But nobody cares about those heroes... :smallfrown:

2009-06-03, 09:00 AM
OMGWANT! :biggrin:

2009-06-03, 09:37 AM
Depending on what they specialize in, though, it looks like that SPESS MEHRENS are surprisingly good at being occupational forces. According to the Lexicanum, the most famous instance was when 10 Iron Warriors (pre heresy) were enough to keep 130 million disgruntled civilians in line.

So, assuming that this is all linear, it seems that, theoretically, 1000 SPESS MEHRENS are capable of keeping 13 billion civilians in line. (In reality, it's probably not that simple, but you get the idea.)

2009-06-03, 09:45 AM
Depending on what they specialize in, though, it looks like that SPESS MEHRENS are surprisingly good at being occupational forces. According to the Lexicanum, the most famous instance was when 10 Iron Warriors (pre heresy) were enough to keep 130 million disgruntled civilians in line.

So, assuming that this is all linear, it seems that, theoretically, 1000 SPESS MEHRENS are capable of keeping 13 billion civilians in line. (In reality, it's probably not that simple, but you get the idea.)

10 Iron Warriors were *in charge* of keeping them in line. Remember that in pre-Heresy 40k, Space Marines could order the Imperial forces around at will (more or less, anyway). It wasn't until after the Heresy they made them seperate forces.

Also, the Chapters have been dumped down in size in order to make it suitable for tabletop. Don't try to mathmatize your way into "Space Marines are teh sux for winning wars".

Also bear in mind that ground troops isn't everything. A Battle Barge, Thunderhawks and what not are impressive firepower - and while there aren't *a lot* of Space Marines, they can keep going for days before having to sleep, and even then they sleep little. They'll take ground a whole lot better than standard Guards.
This counts for vehicles, too. Drivers don't need to sleep, and the vehicles engines are bigger, stronger and faster (plasma reactor versus standard fuel).

Dark Faun
2009-06-03, 10:04 AM
Don't forget the fear the Angels of Death of the God Emperor spread among the citizens and soldiers of the Imperium. In the new Space Marines codex, it is said Salamanders stopped rebellions only by removing their helmets; their coal black skin and red eyes scared anyone willing to protest. So imagine when they actually threaten the rebels.

I wonder if there will be a Chaos Lord and if he will be as, ah, memorable as the ones in Dawn of War... ("SIIIIINDRIIIIII!!!" "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" "METAL BOXES!!!")

2009-06-03, 10:28 AM
I wonder if there will be a Chaos Lord and if he will be as, ah, memorable as the ones in Dawn of War... ("SIIIIINDRIIIIII!!!" "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" "METAL BOXES!!!")


2009-06-03, 01:52 PM
Depending on what they specialize in, though, it looks like that SPESS MEHRENS are surprisingly good at being occupational forces. According to the Lexicanum, the most famous instance was when 10 Iron Warriors (pre heresy) were enough to keep 130 million disgruntled civilians in line.

Or perhaps it was the fact that if the 130 million didn't behave then the spess mehrens would just ask for them to be nuked out from orbit with their battlebarge. It's a really persuassive argument with wich only an ork(or somebody with a fleet) would argue.

2009-06-03, 04:26 PM
Also, the Chapters have been dumped down in size in order to make it suitable for tabletop. Don't try to mathmatize your way into "Space Marines are teh sux for winning wars".

No they haven't. A Space Marine Chapter is 1000 (on the best day ever) Marines. Barely any Chapter 'today' has even that many. Except probably Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and the Space Wolves (who have more, due to their non-Codexness). 1000 guys is easily doable on the table. And in the 3rd Ed. Codex I even saw it done.

A regular Company is ten squads of ten. And many players have that. Disposable Income WIN! A normal, 1500 point IG army easily has over 100 Troops (I know mine has), and due to the MASSIVE number of Troops (and tanks) Space Marines get slaughtered.
...Also, see the IG Codex that has a (photoshopped-in) full Company. HUGE!

Space Marines are rare. And they do suck at winning wars. Especially where numbers are a factor. In the Eisenhorn series, for his planetary-scale invasion, Gregor is allowed three (or four?) marines. And he's an Inquisitor! Storm Troopers did the rest of the work. Because Storm Troopers are awesome (except when they have to face Necron Pariahs, apparently).

Marines are a Surgical Strike Force, who only appear where they're needed (and usually only when they're needed {i.e; When the Guard are up to their shoulders in excrement}).

2009-06-03, 04:26 PM

That's... pretty accurate. 1d4Chan gets something right, Woo.

2009-06-03, 04:50 PM
Erm... how about we take this conversation to the Fluff thread, guys? Leave this one to the game.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-03, 05:00 PM
Erm... how about we take this conversation to the Fluff thread, guys? Leave this one to the game.

Yeah, we are drifting quite far off topic.

2009-06-03, 06:10 PM
I have to say, I was wondering how a "Warhammer 40k: Stormtrooper Hunt" would look. Nice FPS, you scale up in the world, you encounter some space marines along the way.

The thing is, the space marines are supposed to be very scarce. But every single game is just about them, them, them, while depicting the rest of the Imperium as cheerleaders. In the universe, Imperial guard does 99.9% of the fighting around, and they are the only one with the proper numbers to effectively occupy a world.

Do you really want to play a game about occupying a world? :p

And remember, we only see 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 001% of the fighting in the games :p

Frankly, this looks fun. But I would need a PC port, or to eventually buy a console.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-03, 07:10 PM
Yeah. Also, playing as the guard would kinda' suck. Its not like they do a whole lot other than die. Playing as a space marine gives an epic feeling.
They wanted this game to feel epic.
Ergo, you play as space marines. Also, it gives an excuse as to why you can slaughter orks by the hundreds.

2009-06-03, 07:21 PM
Aye. The IG is more like an ArmA (not OFP) style of game. For the most part, you are just a single cog in the machine.
Space Marines let the player feel like they are the tip of the spear and are making a difference.

Or you can be Cain or Gaunt, but then you might as well be a Space Marine.

2009-06-03, 08:33 PM
The Guard would be great for a battlefront battlefield kinda deally.

And having to use VERY smart tactics and teamwork to down opponents whose sneezes can kill you would make for some entertainingly tense teamwork.

And CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM wouldn't play like a Space Marine.

He'd play like godmode. In fact, any game starring the guard should have CIAPHAS CAIN mode as the godmode.

2009-06-03, 10:53 PM
Personally, I'd like an Imperial Guard game. The controls would be a shooting button, a "take cover" button, a "resist terror so the Comissar doesn't shoot you" button. It would be very simple but have a lot of depth. And death.

2009-06-03, 11:57 PM

Warfield 40,012: Imperial Guard

the "Imperium" faction has the "Space Marine" unit as a hero-unit. He's cool, he's awesome, but he won't win the battle single-handely. Now, that'd be a game I'm okay with. Space Marines are cool, they just aren't the only thing around. :smalltongue:

2009-06-05, 09:01 PM
No they haven't. A Space Marine Chapter is 1000 (on the best day ever) Marines. Barely any Chapter 'today' has even that many. Except probably Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and the Space Wolves (who have more, due to their non-Codexness). 1000 guys is easily doable on the table. And in the 3rd Ed. Codex I even saw it done.

I always figured that rule was probably one of the most creatively-interpreted rules in the 40K universe. I can see just about any given chapter interpreting that as "Battle Brothers Only", and not counting their Officers, Scouts, Apothecaries, Techmarines, Vehicle Crews, and the like.

Then there's the Black Templars, who have gotten away with having about 6000 or so Marines due to the fact that they keep their forces split up, and let their crusades recruit as needed, claiming they can't keep an accurate count with the chapter divided as it is.

2009-06-06, 02:20 AM
No they haven't. A Space Marine Chapter is 1000 (on the best day ever) Marines. Barely any Chapter 'today' has even that many. Except probably Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and the Space Wolves (who have more, due to their non-Codexness). 1000 guys is easily doable on the table. And in the 3rd Ed. Codex I even saw it done.
I'm sorry, are you implying the Ultramarines are anything but slavebound Codex-followers? =p

2009-06-06, 12:54 PM
I'm sorry, are you implying the Ultramarines are anything but slavebound Codex-followers? =p

Yes. They wrote the book. And it's the only great achievement they ever did compared to the other chapters. So they do their best to follow it.

The rest of the time they're either as far as away from the fight as possible(Horus Heresy), geting slaugthered(when the nids reached their territorry) or they need the guard to point them the way(Winter Assault). That's ultramarines for you.

2009-06-06, 11:37 PM
Yes. They wrote the book. And it's the only great achievement they ever did compared to the other chapters. So they do their best to follow it.

*cough* Behemot *cough*

(But on the other hand, they only got saved because of the courage of the Imperial Navy... Hey, I'm beginning to feel I'm right. The Space Marines DO reap all the glory)

2009-06-07, 09:33 AM
*cough* Behemot *cough*

(But on the other hand, they only got saved because of the courage of the Imperial Navy... Hey, I'm beginning to feel I'm right. The Space Marines DO reap all the glory)

If you and a spacemarine killed a big bad monster together, and the space marine said he did it alone, then he did it alone.

Are you going to stand up to him?

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-07, 10:11 AM
No they haven't. A Space Marine Chapter is 1000 (on the best day ever) Marines. Barely any Chapter 'today' has even that many. Except probably Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and the Space Wolves (who have more, due to their non-Codexness).

Also, the Imperial Fists are one of the most Codexy chapters around.

2009-06-07, 11:09 AM
If you and a spacemarine killed a big bad monster together, and the space marine said he did it alone, then he did it alone.

Are you going to stand up to him?

If my friends went ahead and blew himself up to destroy the invading army by himself to save the Space Marines' sorry ass, and succeeded...

Yhea. I will stand up to him.

2009-06-07, 01:22 PM
If my friends went ahead and blew himself up to destroy the invading army by himself to save the Space Marines' sorry ass, and succeeded...

Yhea. I will stand up to him.

And if he's a reasonable marine or Grey Knight (and maybe even some of the Space Wolves) you'll get a fair share of the credit as long as you aren't a jerk about it.

On the other hand, if you're dealing with an Angry Marine...

Profanity based Exterminatus.

2009-06-07, 01:32 PM
Let's see...
Ultramarines=codex chapter, got pwn'd by Hive Fleet Behemoth.
Iron Fists= Codex chapter, didn't they get seriously pwnd by a Waaagh?
Damn. Can't think of a third. I guess it's just coincidence.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-07, 05:14 PM
Let's see...
Ultramarines=codex chapter, got pwn'd by Hive Fleet Behemoth.
Iron Fists= Codex chapter, didn't they get seriously pwnd by a Waaagh?
Damn. Can't think of a third. I guess it's just coincidence.

That was the Crimson Fists. And they accidentally blew up their chapter keep, so that's why most of the chapter is dead.

2009-06-07, 05:20 PM
Yes. They wrote the book. And it's the only great achievement they ever did compared to the other chapters. So they do their best to follow it.

Didn't Marneus Calgar break the Codex rules a bit?

2009-06-07, 05:51 PM
Didn't Marneus Calgar break the Codex rules a bit?

Yep. Tyrannic Veterans/Nid Hunters.

2009-06-07, 06:11 PM
If my friends went ahead and blew himself up to destroy the invading army by himself to save the Space Marines' sorry ass, and succeeded...

Yhea. I will stand up to him.

I'm fairly certain that the common grunt has little chance to call bull**** on a space marine, and if you do that the consequence is most likely death.

So would you commit suicide just for the two second satisfaction it would be to call bull**** on a marine?

I'll gladly admit that i wouldn't, i haven't got the guts for that, the guy can rip you to shreds using only his teeth, and why yes, this does include your armor and weaponry.

Alternatively: A single guardsman will not be able to take an invading army down, at least not one that is a threat to a space marine force (By fluff)
He won't be in a position to do so. But even saying that he somehow managed to stand right next to the ethereal face (Only thing i can think of where a single death could make the army retreat) with a big enough bomb to take down him and his entourage, and that he somehow managed to not hesitate long enough to be gunned down by the very elite of the Tau forces, even if we blatantly ignore the fact that you wouldn't be able to know that it was him who had just done it.

You're still going to be telling a 9 feet tall mutant armed with the very best the imperium has to offer clad in battle armor you could never hope to penetrate (And even without it your flashlight would be no match for his tough skin) that he's being a huge ********.

2009-06-07, 06:54 PM
You're still going to be telling a 9 feet tall mutant armed with the very best the imperium has to offer clad in battle armor you could never hope to penetrate (And even without it your flashlight would be no match for his tough skin) that he's being a huge ********.

Why not? We have reports of Grey knights (wich are suposed to be even stronger than spech merines) being taken down by medieval arrows from local militias that didn't aknowledge the imperium's rule.

Of course, those are then called "traitor guard", "lost and the damned", or even tau auxiliaries, but it doesn't change the fact that they're now using spech merines heads as trophies.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-06-07, 08:38 PM
Was that C.S. Goto? Its best to take what he says with a grain of salt.
I mean, he had Falcons being taken down by people throwing rocks at it.