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2009-05-29, 12:51 PM
Well, after a short scheduling delay here is the final game/ roles...

The Hero's:

Cloud (AKA: Day baner): As the PLOT dicates he is always there right on time just when things look worst to help save the day.. Is able to use his over sized sword as a wall of impenetrable steel, and reduce points against a single person to 0. Scries as Cloud.

Tifa (Seer) : With her indomitable charm, and access to the knowledge of the local tavern (the hub of all adventuring as we all know.:smalltongue:) she can scry a single person per night. Scries as Tifa/Barret (Seer/Fool)

Cid: (AKA: Baner): every night he can bring in the highwind to bane a potential single person.

Red XIII (bomb): Whenever he gets killed he gets to take down a single target of his choosing. Scries as Red XIII

Barret / Avalanche: (Fool) they hang around Tifa's bar alot, and they THINK they hear the right stuff, but they drink there.... ALOT... and most of the time they just hear what they want to hear... thus giving them a lowly 25% success rate. Scries as Barret/ Avalanche/ Tifa

Yuffie: (Unloved): Nobody likes her due to her stealing ALL YOUR EFFING GIL at the begining of the game... with the astounding amounts of hatred towards her she has learned to stay hidden... Can reduce one point against herself by one every day phase. Scries as Yuffie (Unloved)

Midgar Denizens (villagers): Villagers, they scry as Villagers

Jenova's Witnesses.

Sephiroth (Alpha): Sephiroth is mother's choosen. He is her only true son, and she has hidden him well from the forces of the planet. Scries as Midgar denizen.

Jenova (Corrupter): Absolutely perfect. The Mother can purify the non believers whilsit allowing them to keep their appearnce, and not know of the control. (Jenova can choose one person every 2 days that persons actions are controlled without their knowledge...)

Hojo (Devil): Some call him a genius, others call him mad, most think he's abit of both. Never the less, he had excellent computer skills, and by hacking their various profiles, and computers from the internet he can scry 1 person per night.

Jenova's Witnesses: "Hello sir, Have you heard about the life stream? Are you ready for the Reunion?" Standard wolves.

Player list:

Happy Turtle
Eagle Wiz
Dirk Kris
Lex Kat
The Bookworm
Moon Called

Final Role PM's, and beggining narration coming soon.

2009-06-03, 01:12 PM
Rydia looks around, confused. "I was just in Baron at Cecil and Rosa's coronation. How did I get here?"

2009-06-03, 01:47 PM
I think your player list got cut a little short there...

2009-06-03, 01:47 PM
I think your player list got cut a little short there...

It did, I'm fixing the list quote as I type this.:smalltongue:

2009-06-03, 01:49 PM
It did, I'm fixing the list quote as I type this.:smalltongue:

LIES! It's physically impossible to be typing two things in two tabs/windows/etc simultaneously!

Note to self: Make that physically possible.

2009-06-03, 01:55 PM
LIES! It's physically impossible to be typing two things in two tabs/windows/etc simultaneously!

Note to self: Make that physically possible.

Not when you have 2 computers, and 4 arms! :waves at the pathetic human:

The Bookworm
2009-06-03, 01:56 PM
Hmmmm... hopefully narrative time soon!

2009-06-03, 01:57 PM
Not when you have 2 computers, and 4 arms! :waves at the pathetic human:

I'd argue that not being able to focus on both screens would still make that not work, but I've typed entire essays without looking at the screen. You win this round Surgeon. :smallannoyed:

2009-06-03, 02:34 PM
You know who I've only lynched once recently? Kyouhen!

2009-06-03, 02:46 PM
Night Zero.

Night Surgeon walked the dark, lonely streets of midgar, hoping sure footedly over a rock out cropping. He whistled a jaunty tune as he walked through a gate that lead into the old Train Graveyard.. People said it was haunted but Night Surgeon was a man of science, not of superstition. He grunted as he began to heave the second "security" gate that blocked entrance into the old train graveyard, when he heard a ear piercing female SCREAM issue from a ways back behind him... That wasn't any ghost..", and he grunted again as he hefted the large iron bar that blocked entrance, and hefted up the gate to see... Sephiroth. Night Surgeon almost screamed, but instead slammed the door back down, and began to place to HUGE iron bar back in place when a 12 foot long sword tore through the gate, and impaled him.. Crimson blossoming on his chest as the sword retracted he fell to the ground, blood already pooling underneath him, gasping his last as a single black feather fell down upon his body, wing beats being the last thing he heard as the world faded to black.


Night Surgeon was killed by Sephiroth, he was Vincent Valentine.

Day one begins, if you have not recieved a role PM please contact me.

2009-06-03, 02:48 PM
I'm going to point at Recaiden. I'm also making it my personal mission to be part of the bandwagon that kills Sephiroth. Way too many fangirls compared to Kefka. :smallannoyed:

2009-06-03, 02:50 PM
I'm going to point at Recaiden. I'm also making it my personal mission to be part of the bandwagon that kills Sephiroth. Way too many fangirls compared to Kefka. :smallannoyed:

Kefka doesn't have ANY fan girls on a scale of devotivity that Seph has them. Sorry, but you have to be both sexy, AND evil to get that many fangirls bub.:smalltongue:

Dirk Kris
2009-06-03, 02:51 PM
A pretty little catgirl, her hair dark, the tips of her ears and madly swishing tail white, darts through the darkened streets of Midgar. Her flamboyant, gaudy clothing is made up of a unitard, bright clashing colors jarring the eye. It is torn, gashed, dirty, and covered with tiny sequins that reflect the light of each streetlight she passes under. She steps on a loose rock and mews pathetically. Got to run, got to hide, else soon he'll be by my side. She peeks behind her for any sign of the brutes guarding the circus she just escaped from. She thinks the big mean one was called Talic.

2009-06-03, 02:52 PM
You know who voted early? Not Kyouhen!

2009-06-03, 03:02 PM
Kefka doesn't have ANY fan girls on a scale of devotivity that Seph has them. Sorry, but you have to be both sexy, AND evil to get that many fangirls bub.:smalltongue:


Are you saying that isn't sexy?

Also Recaiden totally pointed at me twice. SEPHIROTH!!!

2009-06-03, 03:04 PM

Are you saying that isn't sexy?

Also Recaiden totally pointed at me twice. SEPHIROTH!!!

Yes I'm saying that


This isn't sexy.

2009-06-03, 03:11 PM

Rydia turned to EagleWiz to try and get some answers. "Seriously, how did I get here? I was just at the coronation, and that ninja guy Edge was flirting with me, and then there was some sort of bright flash of light and I'm here."

2009-06-03, 03:15 PM
Yes I'm saying that


This isn't sexy.

In my defence this:


Is the real Kefka. The rainbow-suit remake was stupid. :smalltongue:

2009-06-03, 03:18 PM
Kefka needs no fangirls.


2009-06-03, 03:34 PM
Murska get villagers killed even when he's good.

2009-06-03, 03:46 PM
Terra shifts out of her Vesper form and falls to the ground like a meteorite. M..ur..sk.aaa.... She says before passing out.

2009-06-03, 04:35 PM
Lamech for the lulz

The Bookworm
2009-06-03, 05:12 PM
Kyouhen could be a Witness...

2009-06-03, 11:56 PM
Kyouhen could be a Witness...

I can assure you, if there was any reason for me to keep Sephiroth alive I'd be pointing at myself right now. :smalltongue:

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-04, 02:41 AM
Looks like I didn't receive a pm and ain't on the players list even though I did sign up :smallfrown:

2009-06-04, 05:36 AM
((Talic's on the list twice. And Lamech: Perfect games for villagers are rare, they usually lynch a villager or two at least.))

Murska finds Terra lying unconscious on the ground. "Oi! Wake up! This ain't a safe place to sleep 'round."


2009-06-04, 06:21 AM
Zidane walks through the streets of Midgar, a look of complete perplexity on his face.

"I...I don't recognise any of this."

Last thing he knew he'd been learning his lines for "I Want to be your Canary", the play they were going to use as a front to kidnap Princess Garnet. He must have fallen asleep somehow, and now he found himself here.

"This place is Billtodamax...anyone know how I get back to Gaia? Jeez..."

2009-06-04, 08:12 PM
*checks player list* There's two Talic's! One is clearly a Hojo clone! kill it!

2009-06-04, 08:16 PM
One of the two Talics is Trixie.

Fleeing Coward, did you PM Night Surgeon about it?

2009-06-04, 08:47 PM
Looks like I didn't receive a pm and ain't on the players list even though I did sign up :smallfrown:

*cough* I asked for PM's knowing I made a mistake. *cough*

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-04, 08:56 PM
I figured it was too late to send a pm considering the game's already started and I'm not even on the players list. Just continue the game without me.

2009-06-04, 09:03 PM
Well, I'll feel bad, AND I needed 20 players which I got last second with you... I'll send your role PM, and edits.

The Bushranger
2009-06-04, 09:29 PM
*is poked to the thread*
*points at SephirothTalic*

2009-06-05, 03:53 AM
"You want HOW much for a Phoenix Down!? Preposterous! There's absolutely no way I'm shelling out that many Gil! For not much more, I could get an Iron Sword!"

With that, our 8-bit vagabond storms out of the item shop, and nearly falls down as he bumps into Kyouhen, who appeared to be talking to a couple friends, and looking over his shoulder. With a scowl at the man for his inattentiveness, he heads out to battle more minions for the Gil for his items.

2009-06-05, 01:15 PM
Random day one point at Kyouhen.

Mr. Moon
2009-06-05, 06:40 PM
Zidane may or may notice someone walking behind him, her eyes open wide in awe and amazement. She doesn't say anything, but she looks like she's trying to suppress a giggle.

((Happyturtle is Sephiroth. I mean, just look at her.))

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-05, 07:22 PM
Talic I guess.

2009-06-07, 11:45 AM
Lamech for already being Sephiroth in one game.

2009-06-07, 12:27 PM
:smallsigh: Night Surgeon, you seem to need a Co-narrator.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-07, 01:42 PM
The little catgirl mews sadly and ducks into an alley behind a bar. The music inside is lively and the people seem happy enough, but she is afraid to enter. Instead, she crawls behind a trashcan and curls into as small a ball as possible.

2009-06-07, 02:41 PM
:smallsigh: Night Surgeon, you seem to need a Co-narrator.

I was just waiting for the last of the people to vote. >.>
Narration coming soon.

2009-06-08, 04:18 AM
Zidane may or may notice someone walking behind him, her eyes open wide in awe and amazement. She doesn't say anything, but she looks like she's trying to suppress a giggle.

Zidane feels the presence of someone behind him and stops, his tail swishing slightly from left to right.

"Okay, who's got the giggles? If that's you Cinna I'll tear you a new one."

He turns around, not really sure what he'll see, hand automatically going towards the Mage Masher strapped across his back.

2009-06-08, 06:05 PM
Yet another week-without-net :smallsigh:

Murska, until I catch up :smallmad:

The Bookworm
2009-06-10, 11:13 AM

2009-06-11, 07:14 PM
End of Day 1:

A older man with a set of pre used spectacles walked through town, his former friends, and allies called for his blood, children threw stones at him in the streets, but little did they know who they were messing with. Near the end of the day, when a middle aged denizen held him back for his friends to finish off the old creep, he grew massive, corded muscle covered his form, and he slithered out of the mans grasp to reveal his true form, HOJO! However, the citizens had been ready for this, and a single man stepped forward... Cloud, he raised his massive buster sword to the sky, a blue corona of energy forming around it. He then rushed the monstrous Hojo, kicking him high up into the air, before bringing the blue energied blade upon his Jenova cell mutated flesh, the energy flooding his form, he began to bulge in places, and began to scream.
"No! No! With the Jenova cells I was supposed to be perfect!"
With that Cloud struck out again, and put Hojo down, bits of mutated flesh flying out over the crowd.

Talic was Lynched, He was Hojo.

Night 1 begins now, everyone please send their actions to me.

Also, I apologize for not telling everyone, but I've been shut down by the unpleasantness of exams, and haven't had time to write a proper narration.

2009-06-11, 11:32 PM
Well that's a nice Day 1 kill.

So... Anyone know who Sephiroth might be? :smallannoyed:

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-12, 12:00 AM
You're obviously Sephiroth Kyouhen.

2009-06-12, 12:12 AM
You're obviously Sephiroth Kyouhen.

LIES! Why must you fill people's heads with so many lies!?:smalltongue:

2009-06-12, 07:13 PM
How long do night and day phases go for?

2009-06-12, 07:13 PM
How long do night and day phases go for?

48 hours, as I'm still waiting on the actions of both the teams.

2009-06-12, 07:16 PM
I'd like to scry Murska, bane myself, and night kill Loony.


Mr. Moon
2009-06-12, 08:06 PM
Zidane feels the presence of someone behind him and stops, his tail swishing slightly from left to right.

"Okay, who's got the giggles? If that's you Cinna I'll tear you a new one."

He turns around, not really sure what he'll see, hand automatically going towards the Mage Masher strapped across his back.

"Eeeee, he talked to meeeee!" Zidane suddenly finds that he has a teenage girl flying toward him, her arms open wide, her expression one of pure joy and excitement.
Oh dear god.
It's a fangirl.
Everyone run.

2009-06-12, 11:59 PM
I'd like to scry Murska, bane myself, and night kill Loony.


That sounds like Sephiroth to me! :smallannoyed:

2009-06-13, 12:06 AM
A little old man hold a stick in front of the fangirl and about a foot above. There's a doll attached. It appears to be mostly hair and sword.
"Quickly run! While I have it distracted" He yells at Zidane.

2009-06-13, 12:15 AM
"Who's Sephiroth? I never heard of him. I've been fighting Golbez and Zemus," Rydia says.


2009-06-13, 12:36 AM
I think he's that wannabe villain. But no one can top Kefka. Terra smiles as she walks up to Rydia.

2009-06-13, 12:40 AM
The narrators frowns on you all, making fun of FF 7 in a FF 7 thread. Tis bad sport.

2009-06-13, 12:42 AM
But I never played FF 7. All I can do is roleplay FF 4. :smallfrown:

2009-06-13, 12:43 AM
Fun fact: I've never played any of them.

2009-06-13, 12:48 AM
We're not making fun. We're just stating facts. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-13, 12:49 AM
I can't help I like 6 the best. :smalltongue:

But honestly, I hate Kefka. I thought Sephiroth was cooler.

2009-06-13, 12:54 AM
Silence Kyouhen, you've stated your opinion many times over.

And it's fine, it's just I figured people who sign up for FF 7 WW, like FF 7.:smalltongue:

2009-06-13, 12:56 AM
Nah. We just wanted to play. Seven is only second best.

2009-06-13, 12:57 AM
I think I'm signed up to every WW game running...
Not obsessed.

2009-06-13, 01:07 AM
Nah. We just wanted to play. Seven is only second best.
Agreed, and I'm waiting on 1 night action, I figured its fair I give the person time due to the narration delay.

2009-06-13, 01:10 AM
Nah. We just wanted to play. Seven is only second best.

Agreed. :smalltongue:

I liked the junction system in 8 but the story was more than a little lacking for me. 10 had some great boss fights but not being able to die against the final boss utterly ruined that game. And we dare not speak of 10-2.

That said....

Heeeeeerreee Sephiroth.... C'mout c'mout wherever you aaaaarrreee...
*Starts waving around a picture of Jenova*

2009-06-13, 10:49 AM
Zidane staggers a couple of steps backwards, his tail swishing to keep his balance. He raises both gloved hands up to the fangirl placatingly.

"Hey hey take it easy."

He turns to the man trying to help him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Where I come from this happens to me all the time; I think I can handle one teenage girl. I'd have a go at two or three as well. What can I say...can you really blame them?"

He winks at the man and flashes a toothy grin that must have broken a hundred hearts.

Mr. Moon
2009-06-13, 05:34 PM
The doll is most likely pushed aside, and if it stays there it is likely to be broken as the fangirl struggles to get at the object of her fangirling. Get out of the waaaay!" She wails, before ducking under the doll and flinging herself at Zidane.

2009-06-13, 07:08 PM
"Damn it, it's not working, just run!" He yells.

2009-06-17, 12:56 AM
If I'm still alive, I need to file away until the 25th. I just don't have time.

2009-06-17, 03:32 AM
NS? Just update. They can use their action next night.

2009-06-17, 03:56 AM
Okay, enough time is enough, even with the extended night.

Night 1

Murska trudged through the dark, and lonely night unsure of how this had all happened. Had the supposed "heroes" not put down this sephiroth character a good 1 or 2 times? It was seriously starting to get silly. Then again, what did it really matter to him, he was just heading back to his pub after a long night to relax. Murska whistled a jaunty tune, from a old play called Love Less, as he pulled out his keyes in the dim street light, when a glint of steel reflected off of his keyes, and a flash of silver cued himself to duck.
Sephiroth, and his cronies had found him! They stood assembled around in their terrible mass, chanting out the name of Mother, of Jenova.
"Give her the blood! Return this one to the lifestream!"
"Praise Mother!"
" Prepare him for the great Reunion!"
However, Murska was no wuss in his own right, and he straightened his old boxing gloves, and kicked off into the crowd of cultist grabbing one by it's tattered cloak, and tossing him/her into the air before bringing a powerful full on spin drop kick to send him plummeting like a comet to the Earth. When Murska landed he smiled, the dust obscuring how much trouble he was still in, and when it cleared that smile quickly vanished as a cultist grabbed his leg, the same one who he had just dropped kicked made clear by the imprint in his back where his spine had snapped. Murska let out a terrible scream as the cultist prepared him for reunion, a stream of green blue marking his passing.


Murska was killed, he was Tifa/Avalanche.

Beginning of day 2.

2009-06-17, 06:59 AM
*edits in a confused manner :smallconfused:*

2009-06-17, 07:02 AM
Sorry, could you please re send them? I seem to have accidentally forgotten which one was just a simple question, and which one was serious.
Also, would you mind editing that Banjo, we seem to have a bug in the above post.

2009-06-17, 11:51 AM
Mm. Oh well.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-17, 11:57 AM
The little catgirls mews pathetically as she hears that someone was killed the night before. Got more to worry me than circus creeps. I need to find somewhere else to sleep. She makes her way towards a bar, not terribly crowded this time of day, and drums her long fingers on the counter, claws clicking in perfect rhythm. "Excuse me - here! My name is Silke, could you please spare a glass of milk?" She speaks in rhythm and rhyme, something she can't seem to help. Her torn bodysuit glitters as she gently sways, looking around.

2009-06-18, 03:25 PM
I blame Fleeing Coward

2009-06-18, 04:19 PM
Lamech for the crime of being above me.

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-18, 07:10 PM
Lamech because there's only one role I can possibly be due to the timing of me joining this game.

2009-06-18, 07:15 PM
Hmmm. Night Surgeon might have done something ticky, but I doubt it.

Lamech is a good enough choice for now.

2009-06-18, 07:19 PM
Lex-kat for being third on a wagon

2009-06-18, 07:24 PM
lamech because french humaniod armor is profane*. :smalltongue:

It doesn't have to make sense. This is WEREWOLF!

2009-06-18, 07:25 PM
Lamech because there's only one role I can possibly be due to the timing of me joining this game.
Erm... I'm going to point out you could be either a basic wolf or a villager. If NS wanted one more player to add a wolf and you happened to be that player... or he could have decided randomly.

Mr. Moon
2009-06-18, 07:30 PM
*edits in a confused manner :smallconfused:*

*pokes Zidane hopefully* >>
*points at Lamach for the heck of it*

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-18, 07:42 PM
Erm... I'm going to point out you could be either a basic wolf or a villager. If NS wanted one more player to add a wolf and you happened to be that player... or he could have decided randomly.

Except that it's very unlikely Night Surgeon would have started the game if there was a case for an extra wolf with one more player in it.
In these small games, that extra wolf is all the difference it takes to win or lose a game and very few narrators would go the path of having one too few wolves due to the numer of players been one short.

The Bookworm
2009-06-18, 07:57 PM
Sensible, Fleeing Coward. Lamech gets my vote.

2009-06-18, 08:02 PM

Night Surgeon is relatively new, and has already shown that he isn't 100% in the balance area.

Giving you a wolf role isn't completely out of the question.

He also may have given you a special role that places you at odds with both the good and the bad.

Also, you may have purposely claimed to have been missed just so that others would immediately trust you. Because as you said, most likely you are a villager. That makes you likely a safe place to start a network around, or does it. :smallamused:

2009-06-18, 08:04 PM
*counts votes*
*rechecks role PM in case of brain fart*
I'm 2/3 of the way to a lynch.
Now I think it would be a good time for a counter argument. I'm Cid the baner. Lynching me would be a BAD IDEA. Coincidentally, the remaining seer/fool should scry me tonight, and then contact me. (Or just contact me but thats a REALLY REALLY bad policy to have. Like REALLY bad.)

As a side note: Lex-kat She's smart, still Fleeing Coward

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-18, 08:17 PM
That's reason enough to switch for me but not going to point at myself.
Withholding my point for now.

Edit: Lex, I've never once asked for anyone to contact me to form a network. I'm just pointing out that the chances of me been a wolf is significantly lower than it usually is due to my join time.

2009-06-18, 08:35 PM
Okay now I looked at the voting records from yesterday. And guess who was fourth on the talic's (the devil) counter-wagon? Mechafox.

Fleeing Coward
2009-06-18, 08:38 PM
Well, Mechafox ain't me so I'm willing to give it a try.

2009-06-18, 08:38 PM
Sounds like as good a plan as any.


2009-06-18, 08:40 PM
:smallsmile: You don't have to ask. Also, I believe you, I was just giving a counter-arguement. :smalltongue:

2009-06-18, 11:26 PM
Going with Mechafox then. Honestly, any wolf with balls enough to try to claim baner deserves a day reprieve. And if you are baner, then no sense killing you.

2009-06-19, 12:01 AM
I'll get in on this Mechafox action. DIE SEPHIROTH DIE!!!

2009-06-19, 12:47 AM
Mechafox it is.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-21, 08:10 AM
The little catgirl joins in pointing at Mechafox. Because kitties don't like foxes.

The Bookworm
2009-06-24, 11:26 AM
Update? Or is this dead?

2009-06-24, 11:31 AM
Btw, I'll be leaving for Floridan on Friday and won't be back until after july 4th. Before you all envy-lynch me, my girlfriend and I will be staying with her dad and step-mom, so although they do like me, judgement will be constant. Thank you and please don't kill me.

And yea, can someone poke this thread with a stick?

2009-06-24, 01:09 PM
I think it's dead.

Night Surgeon, you have to have regular updatges, or you lose your player's interest.

2009-06-24, 02:16 PM
Don't die! I was a baner, I've always wanted that role.

2009-06-25, 01:07 AM
Wow, you guys are mean. Lynching a guy while he's in Greece? Bad form.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-28, 09:15 AM
The catgirl pokes the narrator cautiously.

The Bookworm
2009-06-28, 10:01 AM
I PMed NS and he didn't respond. I conclude that the game is dead.