View Full Version : Fri's (somewhat) Witty and (not) Alliteratively Titled Doodle Thread

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2009-05-30, 09:51 AM
First thing first, a lesser known fact. Writers and artisty fellows absorb people's attention like tomatoes absorb micro and macro nutrients. It's true, and scientifically proven. Of course I can't give you the scientist's name since I promised to protect him from the scary men with white coats. Still, a fact.

I've been here for... three years. But only few people knew that I actually like to doodle. Mainly because for some reason I don't like showing my work. I'm a failing art student. People around me draw really, really good. I'm always ashamed to show my works. And because I rarely comment in art threads since, frankly, I never know what to say, even if I enjoy the comics or art. My comment on Giant's comic thread can be counted with fingers. Because of that I'm not entirely comfortable on showing my works here.

But lately, I've been doodling a lot. And I know that I'll be doodling a lot more in the future. And I felt that It's really a waste if nobody see them. So here it is, my art thread in the playground.

So as the immortal word of zen master Nhat Hanh said.

"When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce."


disclaimer: the quote has absolutely nothing to do with the opening art. A silly random doodle for a moon themed drawing contest with some friends.

You can see my older drawings at my deviant art (http://fri-freeman.deviantart.com).

Oh by the way, I rarely color my drawing. So if any of you want, or can be bribed or coerced to color my drawing, tell me.

2009-05-30, 10:03 AM
First thing first, the thing that made me make this thread. I'm currently playing a steampunk campaign with some people from this forum, DM'd by the one and only Tengu. For some reason, the campaign really pulled my long atrophied drawing muscles. It just made me want to draw. So here are some illustration for the campaign.


My character, Elizabeth Shelley the perky and optimistic reporter.

Terra Oblivion's Character, Lt Alexandra Strauss. An Imperial Prussian Officer.


Jokes' Character, Malcolm Prentice. The awesomely moustached Great White Hunter.


Thorn's character, Mitch Dunstan. Every ragtag bunch of misfits need a hot blooded youngster with punch first ask later attitude.


And Markus Waltz, the dour and religious Blue Collar worker. He's Eldmor's character.

There's another character, Luis Cruz de la Vega that is Grey Wolf's, but I'm still working on it.

2009-05-30, 10:40 AM
Those are rather good, you've got an interesting style. I might use some of them for colouring practice.

And as a pedant, I must inform you that the thread title is not alliterative. The literary technique you have employed is consonance, the repetition of consonant sounds. Alliteration is the repetition of consonants when at the beginning of words.

2009-05-30, 01:15 PM
I know :D

That's supposed to be the joke... that I guess isn't that witty. It isn't alliteratively titled at all. But I titled it in the style of those witty alliteratively titled random banter thread.

Oops. I just killed the joke, haven't I? Damn.

Thanks for the comment anyway! And especially if you color them.

2009-05-30, 01:18 PM
I approve! Very nice indeed!

2009-05-31, 08:30 AM
Thanks, nameless! I hope I can sustain your approval :smallbiggrin:!

More old drawing.... for now. You can see most of it in my deviant art. There'll be new ones soon though.


Alexia Freeman, Adventurer Archeologist. She's a bard. With whip in one hand, ukulele in another, and leather fedora on top, she's ready to tackle any mysterious ruins anywhere. Another dnd character of mine. I really like her, but sadly the campaign folded prematurely. I'd like to use her again. It's a goggles of minute seeing on her head, by the way.


This is a rather older drawing, and using my other style. It's The man with no name and the man in black from Sergio Leonne's For A Few Dollar More! My favourite part of the man with no name trilogy.

http://th04.deviantart.com/fs42/300W/i/2009/094/1/2/Skyline_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg (http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs42/i/2009/094/1/2/Skyline_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg)
(click for full view, it's rather big)

It's my characters from a steampunk webcomic that I was planning to do. No time to actually do it, sadly.

It's about the exploits of the Skyline Express, an air-based delivery company in a chaotic and wild world after the collapse of the major imperium in the setting. Just imagine a cross between the end of World War 1, the collapse of the holy roman empire, and the age of exploration.

Their motto is Vindico Quisquam Usquam: Deliver anything anywhere, though people know that their unofficial motto is Vindico Primoris Salus Laxus: Deliver first, safety later.

From left to right:

Captain James Clemens, the proud captain of the refurbished flying frigate Unremarkable Aubergine. Actually want to be a fighter pilot.

First Mate Veronica Shelley, the beautiful master of all kind of deadly weapon. Love jazz music, painting, and can kill you with 25 kind of bladed and projectile weapon in under one minute.

Count Alexei Verne, Skyline's main stock owner (First name actually spelled Aleshenka). Dashing Adventurer, Noble Gentleman, Remarkable Alchemist, Questionable Businessman, and 100% Female.

And last but not least,

Quartermaster/Staff Captain Herbert Wells. Deal with ship's monetary and logistical problems, and the one that must deal with the aftermath of whatever mess that the crew led the ship into.

There's a theme in their naming. I said in deviant art that, the first one that said it will get a free art request, but well, I never really got around in deviant art.

http://th05.deviantart.com/fs45/300W/f/2009/090/f/9/Break_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg (http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/090/f/9/Break_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg)
(click for full view)

A robot. Sigh, anyone want to help me to color it? I'll uh... give you a cookie or something. Or maybe even an art trade, who know? I really like this picture.

And... another... one.


It's my character Elizabeth Shelley with Fate Testarossa's costume. Uhm... may I ask for help, if there any avatarist who coincidentally stumbled into this thread to make a stickyfied version of it for my avatar? I tried to do it myself, but I just can't get the hang of it. I'll give you two cookies! Maybe even I'll doodle something for you!

Thank you for your attentions though! I'll try to hang around the site more. Currently, I'm just rather busy.

2009-06-01, 01:31 PM

Just a quick sketch. Is the hat colour okay or should I go with white?

2009-06-01, 04:19 PM
woah thanks! The hat is fine, either in that color or black. Now, since I promised, anything you want to be drawn :D?

2009-06-02, 12:25 PM
The last member of the party.


Luis Cruz de la Vega. A genius spanish engineer. He's actually a druid, but since this is a steampunk campaign, instead of turning into bear, he got a steam exoskeleton.

And finally, the party is complete...

"Luck is not chance, it is toil. Fortune is expensive, smile is earned."

But there is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed."

Kloster, 14 May 1881
Elizabeth Shelley


It's epic. It made me draw a lot after all these times. And it made a good wallpaper :smallbiggrin:.

It made me want to try to color it, even I almost never color things... I think I'll try to color it in my free time.

Anyone want to try :D? It'll take an epic amount of time though.

2009-06-02, 07:46 PM
I am really impressed. Is this all line art, like say, in Inkscape or a similar type of program?

I ask because I want to be able to draw like this, but I can't do it by hand--I'm just too clumsy with my fingers.

But I could do it in a graphics program, maybe, with time and a lot of practice.

2009-06-02, 09:07 PM
Yes, it's using vector program. By comparison, the opening drawing is handmade. These are my handmade lineart, but mind you it's drawn a couple of years ago, so my line art now might be better (or worse).

(by order of drawing date)




The first and the last one is illustration of my humorous fantasy adventure story, once upon an adventure. It's currently being on indefinite hiatus tho.

from left to right, in the last picture:
The mysterious half-goblin leader of a vegetable worshipping cult that's going to be involved in the party. I haven't give him a name...
Ed, the wandering cowboy (because he travel with his trusty cow sidekick, Jean)
Fin, the main character. He's a bard that got the kingdom's most famous sword and charged to protect the princess by the dying knight commander.
Clarice, the princess that turned into a guy because of a curse.

and Meryl, the clumsy castle wizard's apprentice.

The pumpkin might be, or might be not, the castle wizard. It's a long story.

Practice is the way to go. If your hand is clumsy, practice by two things: got a lot of used notebook, and follow the lines on every page using pen or pencil. Then, try to draw lines between the lines.

I really like meryl. This is a picture of her drawn using paint.


Originally, I only used vector program for line art. Here's an example of the sketch of my skyline illustration, sketched using drawing pen.



But then I got lazy on sketching, and just directly drawn them in my pc.

2009-06-02, 09:47 PM
Very impressive indeed, then. I really like your work.

2009-06-03, 03:26 AM
Thanks. I guess using computer is really the way to go for us with shaky hand.

2009-06-05, 06:18 AM
My first attempt on coloring for a very long time.


Met when they're holed together and hiding from alien bombardment in Pyrenes once, Elizabeth was fascinated by Luis' exoskeleton on her first sight. They ran away together as the defense line in France collapsed. Elizabeth has been tagging him , writing reports and generally pestering Luis ever since.

Elder Tsofu
2009-06-05, 06:37 AM
Very nice, is it watercolours? (*sigh* I think the French/swedish "akvarell" sounds more professional)

2009-06-11, 10:58 AM
Thank you! Sorry for not responding for this long. As much as I love watercolor though (it's my favourite coloring tool) that previous picture was colored in my pc. I do try to make it watercolory and papery though.

Latest pic!


The main characters for another of my story idea: My Girlfriend is An Evil Overlord.

At day, she's just another cute girl in the school, somewhat popular, and maybe rather eccentric. But after school hours...

She is an evil overlord with just one goal. WORLD DOMINATION.

The girl is the evil overlord. And the boy is his dragon/black knight/right hand man/boyfriend. He's actually a sensible and down to earth guy, but for some reason is totally devoted for the evil overlord. They have a somewhat strange relationship, but in the end, they really do love each other.

Together with their ragtag crew of evil minion, each day they try to perfect their plan for world domination. Sure they got limited resources. And there are other, bigger,evil organization out there. Not counting those annoying busybodies of justice. But it's the passion that count.

They won't stoop to murder or unleashing mutant beast to the civilians though. That's so unhonorable. Our evil overlord maybe evil, but she got this code of honor.

Who is this girl? Why does she want to rule the world? How come she become the leader of an evil organization (however small it is) in such a young age. And why does, with all his facepalming and frustation, he got so much devotion for the girl?

I got the proto plot and background, but I don't think I can really do this story. That's why I realized the best way to deal with this story is to set it up as a role playing game campaign.

In fact, I posted it here because I have the plan for the campaign in the near future!

2009-06-11, 07:01 PM
What's that weird language some people use in the deviantart comments?

2009-06-11, 07:45 PM
huuh? What weird language?

2009-06-11, 08:06 PM
The main characters for another of my story idea: My Girlfriend is An Evil Overlord.

At day, she's just another cute girl in the school, somewhat popular, and maybe rather eccentric. But after school hours...

She is an evil overlord with just one goal. WORLD DOMINATION.

The girl is the evil overlord. And the boy is his dragon/black knight/right hand man/boyfriend. He's actually a sensible and down to earth guy, but for some reason is totally devoted for the evil overlord. They have a somewhat strange relationship, but in the end, they really do love each other.

Together with their ragtag crew of evil minion, each day they try to perfect their plan for world domination. Sure they got limited resources. And there are other, bigger,evil organization out there. Not counting those annoying busybodies of justice. But it's the passion that count.

They won't stoop to murder or unleashing mutant beast to the civilians though. That's so unhonorable. Our evil overlord maybe evil, but she got this code of honor.

Who is this girl? Why does she want to rule the world? How come she become the leader of an evil organization (however small it is) in such a young age. And why does, with all his facepalming and frustation, he got so much devotion for the girl?

I got the proto plot and background, but I don't think I can really do this story. That's why I realized the best way to deal with this story is to set it up as a role playing game campaign.

In fact, I posted it here because I have the plan for the campaign in the near future!
Best story idea I've ever heard.

2009-06-11, 09:41 PM
Thank you :smallbiggrin:

Sadly, I don't think I'd be able to do it as a webcomic or online story. But I still really want to write the story, that's why I'm thinking about an rpg campaign. That way, I don't have to think of all the details, I can let my players to do that :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-12, 08:02 PM
huuh? What weird language?

"kesannya damaii gitu...

btw kalo mau ngasi efek yg kertas begitu kepriben carane om?"

"huh? cuma dikasih noise yg monochrome doang kok. Harusnya pake texture, cuma males nyarinya di internet."

2009-06-12, 10:32 PM

My mother elven language? Don't tell me you forgot that I'm actually a wandering half-elven from a hidden elf village?

It's my first language, of course. I won't tell you where did I came from, because I'm annoying like that, but it should be easy enough to figure.

Actually, our country got a strange and really trivial relationship together, Tengu. search poland flag on cracked.com

2009-06-15, 09:27 PM
More campaign related stuff


The last picture that's been hanging around in my head since I started to draw. This one took way longer than it should be, and actually different than my initial idea, but still kinda like it.

Anyway, I tried to recolor the overlord girl picture.


Much better, but still not in the standard of you guys. I'll try another recolor later.

here's the lineart version by the way. feel free to stretch your coloring muscle.


2009-06-30, 09:53 AM
Some new pictures!


Amor Fati, Elizabeth Shelley's hammy mechanical bard alter ego. In case you didn't notice, it's inspired by Zero from code geass fame.



Roscharch with Harisen. It's a long stoy. I'm not really sure about how it happened too.

2009-07-21, 09:26 AM
And more pictures!http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs48/f/2009/188/b/e/Overlord_Girl_3_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg

a recolor of my overlord girl pic


Susan Simpsons, the resident drunk mad scientist. Played by Xuincherguixe

2009-07-22, 12:45 AM
Your colouring's certainly improving, and I appreciate the effort made to soften the shadow and such, as oppose to complete blockiness of earlier colourings. Some parts do seem a little too soft. I like the complete elimination of odd linings from your first colouring of the picture. There can be improvements on shadow consistencies, since there seems to be conflicting light source. Some objects, such as the chair, has little shading, and greater application of brushing on multiple layers as oppose to burn/dodge may turn out better.

As for the second picture, some difference in shading on the bottle may suggest better that it's a transparent bottle as oppose to a bottle with lines on them. At the moment it doesn't seem the brown table has any difference with the white sleeve.

I'll let my critical superiors point out some fundamental stuff I missed, since I tend to miss those. In any case, I like the style differences and the different things you try to do, rather than doing one single thing you are good at consistently.

2009-07-22, 03:13 AM
Thanks, that's exactly what I needed. I'm currently trying to find a coloring style that suits me/make me comfortable.

edit: and hey! For some reason I didn't see you around the forum for quite a while. Maybe it's just me and my limited circle though.

2009-07-22, 06:07 AM
I haven't seen you around for some time either. >.>


Pwease give us some of your amazing art. >.>

2009-07-24, 06:45 AM
Really DD? Hmm, I guess I'll pop some pic for the fanservice thread :smallbiggrin:

In the mean time


It's grey fowl! My character in cubey's angsty and dark RPG campaign! Where angsty teenagers are forced to fight with creepy cosmic horrors in an evangelion-esque setting!

Yes, it's a chicken, crossed with grey fox from metal gear solid, plus kamen rider.

I don't really like the color scheme though. Any idea on better color and uh... how to make it more chickeny yet kamen rider-y at the same time?

2009-07-25, 02:18 AM
I tried to reline my older knight picture above


any comment?

edit: a much better one


2009-07-27, 04:02 PM

"And so it was that the army marching against Washington today carried no bullets, nor were they even human. The British were fielding velociraptors. A full legion of them, clad in red coats and powdered wigs, advanced on the colonial army, reptilian eyes aglint with the cold malice of primeval hunger."

A fanart for Demented One's short story (http://mythpunk.blogspot.com/2009/07/washington-invictus.html).

2010-02-16, 06:41 AM
It's been a few months. Is it necromancy to ressurect your own thread?

Anyway, the reason of why I post again is, new campaign! that means, new pictures!

...Actually, there's another campaign before this, but it folded before I got any chance to draw the characters.... Poor Fu.

Anyway it's Alexia Freeman! My character.


Yasmin Ali! Terraoblivion's character

And.... Kamome-chan! Kasanip's character.


2010-02-24, 11:27 AM
I drew something interesting for you guys that play pbp here.


It's Diceroll-tan! It's her fault that you roll a natural one....

2010-02-24, 11:34 AM
I really like your art style and coloring! :smallsmile:

2010-02-24, 11:43 AM
I drew something interesting for you guys that play pbp here.


It's Diceroll-tan! It's her fault that you roll a natural one....

One day there will be a -tan for everything. It will be glorious (I wonder what the moe-anthropomorphization of moe anthropomorphization would look like? :smallbiggrin:).

2010-02-24, 01:03 PM
One day there will be a -tan for everything. It will be glorious (I wonder what the moe-anthropomorphization of moe anthropomorphization would look like? :smallbiggrin:).Mikuru Asahina?

Said it before, but I find it hilarious that there is an official Windows-7-tan voiced by Nana Mizuki.

2010-02-25, 09:51 AM
Alternate costume for Diceroll-tan....


2010-02-28, 05:24 PM
I found my first fanart ever. Drawn this in 98 or 99 I think...


Ragnarok Online! South East Asian's Bane...

Teutonic Knight
2010-02-28, 06:35 PM
Your story for My Girlfriend is An Evil Overlord (apologies in advance for bringing up an old topic) kinda resembles the sub-plot in The Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer:

The "princess" is supposed to save the world from the evil "mage's" Biscuit Hammer, which will crack the Earth in two, and her "knights" are supposed to defend the "princess" against the "mage's" "golems."

But the "princess" actually wants to destroy the world herself, and one of the "knights", who is her neighbor, doesn't care what happens to the world, and so the two secretly plot to destroy the world their way.

Kinda... The whole dragon/black knight/right hand man/boyfriend bit. Your guy character even looks like the guy in the manga.


compared to


2010-03-20, 09:28 AM

Let's poke Cirno the ice fairy! *poke poke*

2010-03-31, 01:21 PM
my character in the cthulhumech campagin. Elena Ivanov, a yandere engel pilot.

2010-03-31, 04:08 PM
Not that I know anything whatsoever about art, but these are very nice! It's a fun thread to browse. My favorite was the drawing that looked like watercolor.

2010-04-01, 12:09 AM
Thanks. That's my favourite as well. Should try to draw something like that again.... I drew it specifically because it'll fit the tone of the game.

2010-04-01, 12:49 PM
Finally colored the team picture! It's been ages...


And here's me playing with brushes and filters :smallbiggrin:. The pic was supposed to be a photo that's taken at the end of the first season.


2010-04-04, 04:33 AM
I like these pictures a lot. Each of the characters has a very different feeling to them, and the colors are very nice. :smallsmile:

2010-04-04, 07:23 PM
I commented on this personally already so you know how awesome I consider those pictures to be.

2010-04-04, 07:25 PM
I must have seen it before on your DA page but I was struck just now by how good your Fate!Elizabeth (http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs42/f/2009/130/1/8/Elizabeth___Fate___Shelley_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg) looked. Must be the balance of solid black and lineart or something. It just works really well.

2010-04-05, 02:49 PM
Well.... I drew another thing.



2010-04-05, 04:37 PM

And then you notice the knife.
Don't mess with yandere.

2010-04-05, 04:51 PM
I think I'd give her a hug anyway. It's worth the risk. :smallbiggrin:

2010-04-05, 05:54 PM
Nice shading technique.

2010-04-06, 02:03 AM
Thanks. It's not my usual style, I was experimenting. It turned out kinda good, but I don't like the lineart. I think I'll stick with strong, crisp lineart like usual.

2010-04-06, 11:01 PM
Fri certainly did a good job capturing the differing personalities of the characters, Kasanip. Each is unique and distinct here, while at the same time coming together to look like a team, though probably more superhero'y than they really are. And i am glad that he took the time to research how an actual Prussian uniform looks, it is a pretty neat coat Alexandra wears.

And Elena scares me. I keep fearing that she wants to wake me up like Osaka.

2010-04-07, 12:09 AM
haha, thanks, terra. And glad that elena scares you. That's actually what I had in my mind when I drew that pic. It should be scary/disturbing. I guess I should've shaded his face more.

And for ages, Alexandra got brown outfit in my head...

It turned out that in the 1800s, camouflage in military uniform hadn't exactly caught on...

2010-04-10, 12:46 PM
Ever wondered why Lapin Angelique outfits in The World End With You put you in mortal peril? this is why.


2010-04-10, 01:09 PM
What a coincidence. I was just making a Sho Minamimoto reference and then there's TWEWY fanart on this thread. Stop being in my brain and converting my secret thoughts into pictures.

2010-04-14, 07:33 AM
Heh. We all know what's in our brain when we enter Lapin Angelique.



It's Bearded Owl of The Ocean, my newest character!

by the way, just a couple more pic until third page, yay.

2010-04-14, 07:42 AM
Ever wondered why Lapin Angelique outfits in The World End With You put you in mortal peril? this is why.


Now I want to play TWEWY again...I'll even put up with Beat and Joshua for the awesomeness that is Shiki!

2010-04-14, 07:44 AM
Hey, Beat and Joshua are cool! Though you're right, they're not Shiki.... I'm sad that the first week is the shortest...

2010-04-14, 08:46 AM
Hey, Beat and Joshua are cool! Though you're right, they're not Shiki.... I'm sad that the first week is the shortest...

Yeah, but Beat annoys me with his stupidity and Joshua annoys me with his...everything. Even if he does have Jesus beams.

2010-04-14, 09:10 AM
Joshua is so annoying, abrasive and all-around unpleasant that he warps around to being awesome. The guy has made an art of being as horrible as possible to be around for Neku.

2010-04-14, 09:44 AM
Spoiler-free commentary:

Joshua's an a-hole, but he's an incredibly amusing a-hole. Terrible person, but great character.

The best part about Beat is his SHOCK! pose. BWAAAAAH!

2010-04-14, 10:10 AM
Joshua is so annoying, abrasive and all-around unpleasant that he warps around to being awesome. The guy has made an art of being as horrible as possible to be around for Neku.

Yeah, but I already had Neku himself for that. :smalltongue:

2010-05-02, 09:56 PM
I have a very anime-ish dream last night. In that dream, I'm a transfer student to a class of girls in highschool, and I'm the only boy. For some reason, I'm the vice class president there. All the girls are either ignore me or hostile to me. But the most hostile is the class president. And I must try to soften their heart....

...clearly a premise for a harem anime :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-03, 01:03 AM
I had a weird dream myself last night; I couldn't get to sleep due to the pain of having scolded my hand while making myself a hot chocolate before bed and spent the entire night staring at my clock or the back of my eyelids.

...except it wasn't a dream. *redresses burn*

2010-05-03, 01:20 AM
I have a very anime-ish dream last night. In that dream, I'm a transfer student to a class of girls in highschool, and I'm the only boy. For some reason, I'm the vice class president there. All the girls are either ignore me or hostile to me. But the most hostile is the class president. And I must try to soften their heart....

...clearly a premise for a harem anime :smallbiggrin:

You should draw such a picture. :smallsmile:

I hope soon I have another interesting dream.

2010-05-03, 09:54 AM
You should draw such a picture. :smallsmile:

I hope soon I have another interesting dream.

Nah, it won't be a very interesting picture, kasanip :smallredface:. The one that might make an interesting picture is this dream.

Anyway, I just got this awesome, steampunk-ish dream. That somewhat related to this thread.

It was set where naval power was still the main power of countries. About just before world war one.

And there's this superweapon, some sort of ship mountable cannon. This cannon supposedly make ships with it undefeatable

There're only three ships with this cannon. One UK's, one dutch's and the other one is german/prussian's I think.

I know this because in my dream, it's changing between I'm the main character and I'm reading a manga about it. Yeah

So, in my dream UK was building the second cannon. But it was stolen! And somehow it's my fault. So, me and a female british researcher, had to go across europe to track for it.

On our journey, we met a chinese ninja, that hated me for some reason. But it seems that the chinese is also interested in that cannon, so he (or is it she?) helped us. We have some adventure together, then we parted way with the ninja.

In the mean time, the dutch's supership met with the ship with the stolen cannon in the sea! They fought, but the dutch's ship was easily defeated (they're like Union in gundam 00, the third party that nobody cared about).

After some while, finally, me and the british researcher were able to track the villain's base.

But my partner was captured!

I contacted the chinese ninja to help me, and he come with a bunch of other ninjas. We then assaulted the villain's base. As we managed to reach the villain's ship... he held my partner as hostage! He asked me to give him british's last cannon, or he'll kill my partner.

It'll make his ship to be the most powerful ship in the world! nothing can stand against him

...And I gave the cannon to him.

Then, suddenly. It's 'end of episode one.'

I woke up right after that, saying What the hell?

Sadly, I haven't got the second episode yet. But I speculate that it'll involve the German, since the dutch's ship was destroyed and the British's ship is rendered useless.

Sadly, I don't get the sequel :smallfrown:

2010-05-09, 01:45 PM
I had a dream where I was vacationing in a beach somewhere. And some mysterious guys offered me a job to collect pearl oyster or something. but the catch is, they're in some remote part of the beach or something.

as I got there with some other people, I realized that this is really suspicious. So me and a friend checked the only building around, that is an abandoned train station.

but before we can do anything, a bunch of police popped out from the toilet and arrested those mysterious guys, and we found out that the polices had got their hidden cache of weapons. And it turned out that one of their accomplice is morgana the witch from arthurian legend, and she's making a magic circle inside the station, most likely intending to use us as part of it. but the magic circle didn't work, because for some reason, there's a strong white magic cancelling it. I remembered that a lot of places with strong magical energies had also been sealed with a similar energy, for some reason. A node located on top of a giant dragon head's statue for example.

And.. I can't remember anything else. But I'm not here just to ramble about my dream. I'm here to post this!


It's Alexandra and Elizabeth! To celebrate the return of our game after a hiatus.

2010-05-09, 02:03 PM
Sure Alexandra, you blush, but we can all see where you've got your hand.

2010-05-09, 02:18 PM
She's apparently lesbian to go with being kuudere. Odd since i never put that in there while i've been playing her.

2010-05-09, 11:14 PM
Preface: I was an aspiring art major in college but good sense took some time off and I ended up majoring in something else because I was an arrogant teen. (Gee, Captain O., what next? Are ya gonna tell me the sky is blue?) That said, I did do all my basic studio classes, art history requirements, and still have a very active interest in the process of making art. I'm trying to be helpful, and if I seem harsh, I apologize in advance. I take arts very seriously.

Okay, first off, I really like your first offering and the one in post #23, I think it's a great stylistic thing you have going on and would like to see more in that kind of vein. The image in post #40 was pretty cool, too. #31 might have benefited from inverting the colors and making the lines less clean, give it a bit of woodblock print feeling.

Secondly, are you really a failing art student? As in, taking art classes and getting <60%? Art school, university, college, community college? Is art actually something you're getting a degree in/thinking about getting a degree in, or are you using elective classes? (It actually makes a difference.)

NOW, if you're an actual art major student, chances are pretty good you've heard or at least been told all of the following things, but it's still good to get third party verification. Sometimes profs actually do give sound advice! (It's LONG!)

Third, people are going to say some things that are going to hurt your pride. Artists need skins like rhinoceros hide. Show your work to anyone who will give it a look, try to embrace honest critique of your work. If you get, "It sucks!"--and this is the hard part--ask specifically why the person feels that way. If you get an, "I don't know why," try again for a specific reason. Remember, this is going to be painful, but ultimately it WILL help you if you can get honest answers about "what's wrong" with it.

I notice that pretty much all of your images are anime/manga type. Some people don't go for that, and if that's why "it sucks", then you're not really going to get helpful critique from those people; move on to others who will give you a proper appraisal.

Range. It really does help to go outside your comfort zone or experiment with styles other than the one you're primarily interested in. Bust out with some realism, or emulate Picasso's cubist works, go all symbolic, dance with impressionism. I dislike several of the masters' works on a personal level, but from the technical aspect, and knowing what the artists were trying to do (expanding art knowledge, "pushing the envelope"), I can appreciate it in that way. I even try to give some credit to Jackson Pollack, gods I try.

Media. Experiment with things other than your PC graphics prog. Pencil, pen, scratchboard, charcoal. Watercolor is easy to clean up, but it's actually one of the most unforgiving paint mediums. Acrylic is a good choice, almost as easy to clean and better for layering colors. Oils can be very rewarding, but they're also a huge pain in the ass. We'll assume that your doodling is mostly going to stay within the confines of pencils or pen & ink. Get a smudge stick, which is basically rolled up newsprint, you can even use tissue wrapped on your finger.

2010-05-10, 01:23 AM
Wow! Thanks for your comment. Don't worry, unlike some people, I'm not allergic to criticism. In fact, I prefer them.

But first, yes, I'm a failing art student. Or to be precise, I'm a failing design student. My major is product design, that is the bard of college majors, and the stuffs I draw here, is what I draw in my free time.

I used to use watercolor and soft pastel beside cg, but yes, I haven't used them in quite a while.... your comment make me miss them.

Anyway, really, thanks for your comments, and I'll brood on them like a good art student :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-10, 07:01 AM
I realized I never put my 3d works here. I don't have much of them though...


Steamknight! Something I made in my free time based on a bad drawing of mine (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2007/359/b/5/Steam_Knight_FUBAR_by_Fri_Freeman.jpg)

the dolled up version:


I sadly lost the files at a hard disk crash, with a lot of other things :smallfrown: so I can't work on it anymore.

And this is something that I work when I'm apprenticing at my college's manufacture research and design buerau.

A Ram Pump. It's just an example of what I'm doing in my major.


2010-05-25, 03:58 AM

In the end, mostly a waste of time. A lot different than my original plan, and a lot worse.

2010-05-27, 06:40 PM
some people might know that lucifer and the biscuit hammer (aka hoshi no samidare) is one of my favourite manga.

I just got a very L&BH-ish dream, and I write this here mainly so I won't forget it.

anyway, for some reason the dream got a main character that isn't me. I'm there, but the main character isn't me. it's like watching a movie or something.

the main character is a very shy and introverted, and slightly misanthropic black haired girl. just say it's a cross between amamiya and whoever that mantis knight's name.

for some reason, she got a power to summon a translucent animal to fight beside her, but nobody beside her can see it. She used it to fight monsters at night, which only she can see too. She never told it to anyone because she can't be sure whether it's real or it's just her imagination.

that goes on for a while, until suddenly, a few people in her highschool got that power too. She didn't noticed until she heard some people talking about it in lunchbreak or something. Just then she realized that it's not her imagination, and she overcame her shyness to notify them that she also got that power.

they fight the monsters together in secret, until finally they got 10 people that they know got this power, including me.

there's also the most popular and extroverted guy in school, the main character's yuritastic only friend, and a pair of elementary school student with broken home.

(but for some reason, some people including me stll can't summon the animals, but somehow we know that we got that power)

the ending is a bit.... strange.

the elementary schoolers' father turns out to plan a bank robbery. they used the two elementary schoolers to help them/as hostage.

we found out, and decided to help, but realized that suddenly, none of our powers worked.

so in the end, there's a dramatic shootout, somebody were forced to kill one of the bank robber with their own hand, and we all decided to pretend that it was an accident.

And I woke up.

Except for the end, really Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer-ish.

2010-05-31, 01:49 PM

Lily and Mr Bubbles from the Pokemon Blue LP!

2010-06-04, 02:12 PM

Kasanip and a deer :smallredface:

2010-06-04, 02:54 PM
I'm not sure whether to daw or lawl...:smallbiggrin:

2010-06-04, 04:41 PM
I'm not sure whether to daw or lawl...:smallbiggrin:Dawl maybe?

2010-06-05, 11:20 AM
Dawl maybe?

Don't you bring Wilbur into this. :smalltongue: Spot the reference.

2010-06-30, 02:19 PM
Just had another dream that I felt like to draw.


This time it's a war drama. And involves kasanip again... I think I should start to pay you royalty... m(_ _)m

Yeah, it's the space battleship yamato.

2010-06-30, 09:08 PM
Who's Captain Generic at the front?

2010-06-30, 09:34 PM
The other protagonist and my unnamed rival for kasanip. No one we know, just a character from my dream.

2010-07-08, 04:42 PM
The cast of mecha sky pirates, powerwalking with style.


2010-07-08, 05:12 PM
Heh, badass.

2010-07-13, 04:49 PM
Ha, thanks. And now for some touhou fanart.


Mystia and Wriggle knew that this is just going to end up with them getting eaten... Again.

2010-07-13, 05:37 PM
This picture radiates sheer Team (9)-ness.

2010-07-14, 06:12 AM
As it should, given who's depicted. And yeah, you wonder why Mystia and Wriggle hangs out with people as likely to get them into trouble as Cirno and Rumia, though of course according to ZUN they are not quite the brightest themselves.

2010-07-14, 10:30 PM
Fri, I really like your style. I do.

Look forward to seeing more from ya!

2010-07-15, 02:28 AM
Thank you! And terra, it's most likely that rumia keeps them close as emergency food source.


and here's gonzaemon, my character for the touhou dungeon crawl, drawn in walfas style.


2010-07-16, 10:57 AM
Help! I'm turning into a touhou fanartist!


yuuka is my third favourite touhou character <3

2010-07-16, 11:27 AM
Help! I'm turning into a touhou fanartist!


Don't feel bad I'm turning into a BlazBlue fanartist myself (although the rate at which I draw means there is little distinction between one offs and habits as far as art goes). :smalltongue:

Plus unlike me you can actually draw.

2010-07-16, 11:57 AM
Help! I'm turning into a touhou fanartist!
*does nothing* :smallamused:

Don't feel bad I'm turning into a BlazBlue fanartist myselfEh?

2010-07-16, 12:23 PM
Don't feel bad I'm turning into a BlazBlue fanartist myself (although the rate at which I draw means there is little distinction between one offs and habits as far as art goes). :smalltongue:

Plus unlike me you can actually draw.

Don't say that. Absolutely everyone can draw, believe me. Start with copying other's pic, that actually works wonder.

2010-07-16, 01:52 PM
*does nothing* :smallamused:

BlazBlue is another game (a beat 'em up made by the same people as Guilty Gear to be exact) which uses anime style graphics.

Don't say that. Absolutely everyone can draw, believe me. Start with copying other's pic, that actually works wonder.

Perhaps I should have appended "well" to my statement. I've been trying for about 5 years and I'm not getting very far (if anywhere). :smallfrown:

2010-07-16, 06:16 PM
BlazBlue is another game (a beat 'em up made by the same people as Guilty Gear to be exact) which uses anime style graphics.I knew that, heck I've drawn avs of Noel and Hakumen, I just haven't seen any of this fanart of yours. :smalltongue:

Perhaps I should have appended "well" to my statement. I've been trying for about 5 years and I'm not getting very far (if anywhere). :smallfrown:There's a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain... which I never got to read past the first chapter. Seems interesting though.

2010-07-16, 06:32 PM
I knew that, heck I've drawn avs of Noel and Hakumen, I just haven't seen any of this fanart of yours. :smalltongue:

Oh in that case, it's because the "slowness" colliery is in full effect. I've only got a partially finished sketch that consists of Rachel and a half drawn Tao done so far (I started it last week).

2010-07-31, 11:48 AM
my brother designed some steampunk-ish guard uniform for my latest campaign, and this is my line-art version of it. The original design looks a lot cooler in my opinion actually.


2010-08-01, 09:21 AM
My next character, gensokyo's only private investigator Kurenai no Nagareboshi


I drew some card storm as background for the next one, but it turned out to be bad.


2010-08-11, 06:32 PM
My latest character

The Solemn Gunslinging Orchestra, Mary Colette Bell


2010-08-12, 03:42 AM
She actually looks quite cool. Sort of reminds me of Meryl from Trigun.

2010-08-12, 04:14 AM
Yeah. My other friend also said so. I really didn't noticed the similarity previously.

2010-08-12, 07:20 AM
Mostly because of the guns hidden under a cloak (or coat in this case).

2010-08-13, 12:34 PM
I saw the trailer for Bioshock: Infinite and there can only be one conclusion for that.


it's another fanart of http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153567 :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-18, 05:25 PM
I just had one of my most adventurous and scariest dreams in my recent memory.

And to prevent turning this into my dream journal, I'll post this


Raitan the lightning fairy. She's Poison Fish's character for the Dungeons and Danmakus 4e touhou game.


Anyway, in the dream, for one reason or another I was swept into a strange realm not unlike in Neverwhere, Un Lun Dun, or Alice in Wonderland. But it's closer with London Underground in Neverwhere, I think, where instead of wide open magical space, it's claustrophobic inducing anachronistic tunnels and rooms.

It's rather hard to explain. The visual rather reminds me on The Burrow from the harry potter movie. Anachronistic and random rooms splotched together into a non euclidean labyrinth. Wooden rooms, stone rooms, rooms with different visual styles, big rooms, small rooms, inclined rooms where you'll roll down if you lost your balance.... One room seemed to link to another room randomly. If we enter one room through one door, and use that door again, it might not lead to the previous room. The inhabitants seemed to know how to travel through the rooms though.

The inhabitants, or at least the ones who I interacted with wore random assortments of clothings. Like how wizards dress in muggle clothings in harry potter, only slightly steampunky. It seemed like they wore whatever they could get their hand onto.

I ended up in some kind of school, or at least the equivalent of it, because they only got one classroom, and got acquaintained with the inhabitants. There were quite a lot of people there, but who I can remember are the cute female teacher, an old grandmothery type who seems to always cook something, and I think, an ex boxer or something. From them, I learned about the realm. It seemed that the realm was a combination of six different realms/dimensions, and the school was part of one of them, that was the rather steampunky realm. The realm was not in its best situation though. Each dimension/realm got a leader, and the leader of the steampunky realm was missing. Since then, the realm had turned dangerous, or at least more dangerous than usual, and my acquintance smell foul play.

I decided to help them, and we're going to spy to another realm. A very scary realm.

A realm of midget killer clowns. Yes. Holy ****, it was scary. It looked like a dark, still rather steampunky, scary circus. We spied on two midget killer clowns, one female-y and one male, discussing something. I didn't understand anything, they seemed to talk in gibberish splattered with random catchphrases. But I think my comrades understood. But crap, I did something wrong, moving or making some noise, and they noticed us. One of my comrades told us to stay still, it seemed that they could only see movement and listen to sounds. So we try to stay still, while the two scary little clowns investigated us, walked all over us, and prod us. They finally lost interest and walked away, and then we ran like hell. Somehow we then ended up in the school. It seemed that the grandmothery cook that was left in the school could open a portal into the school from anywhere at a certain point of time. But anyway, it seemed that we now know for certain that the scary circus realm got something to do with the missing leader.

Then I got through the door to my home (it seems that I can do that regularly at that point) and decided to watch some movies with my friends, and I woke up.

Quite an interesting dream.

2010-09-18, 05:30 PM
What makes you think that was a dream, youngling?

*doffs top hat, disappears through mystery door*

2010-09-18, 06:41 PM
What makes you think that was a dream, youngling?

*doffs top hat, disappears through mystery door*

*reach to pocket*

*picks a trinket that shouldn't be there*

I guess I should wait for the inevitable midget clown attack and the cute female teacher pulling me through a door.

2010-09-18, 08:41 PM
There's a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain... which I never got to read past the first chapter. Seems interesting though.

Ooh, I have that book (not where I'm currently staying, sadly enough)! It's good stuff.

Also, Fri, I'm liking your newer additions. You seem to be a lot more comfortable with using a computer for drawing now, specifically in posts #99 and #100.

2010-09-18, 08:49 PM
Ooh, I have that book (not where I'm currently staying, sadly enough)! It's good stuff.

Also, Fri, I'm liking your newer additions. You seem to be a lot more comfortable with using a computer for drawing now, specifically in posts #99 and #100.

Thank you. Yeah, I think I'm getting faster with the computer. Better is still objectionable though. And I still don't think I could color. I do have bad color sense, beside zero spatial intelligence (had nothing to do with coloring though).

And your post reminds me on something I should link for Prime!

2010-09-27, 03:26 PM
So this is what I've been doing this night instead of my final project


2010-09-29, 06:40 AM


Pew! Pew! Pew!

Another digital painting I made instead of my final project. It's cathartic.

2010-10-08, 09:38 AM
Another digital painting. I just felt like drawing something pulp actiony, and this is the result.

I think this would be my last digital painting for a while. Interesting experiment, but I don't think I can do much with a mouse. I'll be back to my usual drawing style after this.

I myself wonder what's the story behind this picture.

2010-10-10, 02:06 AM
Hey guys. No pic this post, but I want to ask you guys something. I know how to make myself better: practice and practice. But I kinda hit a minor bump and want to ask for third party advice.

What's missing from my drawing? I mean, what do you think I need to do to make my drawing looks professional? Why my drawings don't look pro yet? By professional looking for example in this board say, Kasanip or Elagune. Something you'd pay for comission or would make a high end webcomic. Something that would be posted in the Dungeons and Dreamboats thread or one of the 'booru sites.

Mind you, I don't believe that complexity is the sign of a pro. Herge's drawing are simple and he don't even use shading, but his definitely a pro (herge is one of my main inspiration by the way).

Or... this guy (http://mr-culexus.deviantart.com/), His drawing isn't complicated but I would pay him to draw me something, so I guess he's in my definition of 'pro'.

2010-10-10, 03:44 AM
I think the unifying factor for 'pro', commissionable artists is consistency.
If you find another work of theirs on a random google search, you go 'Hey, is that a new Culexus/Kasanip/Elagune? Why, i believe it is!'. They have some common visual traits in all their works, the basic elements of their style you could say.
This is especially obvious in how people draw faces.
For example, Culexus has a very angular and simplistic style, but all his works adhere to it, so it remains consistent and works. It's just how he draws.
People commission from artists because they can have reliable expectations of how it will turn out when it's finished.

I think you have a solid foundation for a style going from posts #2, #9, #14, #16, #25, #55, #68, #99 & #100. It just needs polish :smallsmile:. Poses need a bit of practice. #99 & #100 are a step in the right direction, though the legs need to be better defined.

...help, i'm turning into an art critic :smalleek:. :smalltongue:

2010-10-12, 09:47 AM
I like your colors very much.

I do not think I am 'professional' because very much 'amateur artist'.

But maybe most important thing I think except practice is 'confidence.' Maybe to look at the lines of a drawing, you can see in 'professional art' very confident lines. Elagune's art has this I think. It has confidence. But I do not think I do very often.

Looking at your art, do you think the lines are confident?
Maybe to become more confident, you can practice very much. :smallredface:

2010-10-26, 06:46 PM
Thanks for your idea Essay, Kasanip. I'll really mull about it. I really want for my picture to get into the next level... It's just, you can't really see what's missing by yourself, right? More idea on what's missing from my art to feel professional is still welcome.

anyway, I actually drew this a long time ago, but never managed to finish it for some reason.

Now let's poke Rumia the youkai of dusk!


Rumia is my second favourite touhou character.

2010-10-26, 07:21 PM

Kasanip's post on lines was pretty close to my own thoughts. If you want to level up your skills, I'd suggest trying out new methods of doing things and seeing if any of them work better for you. Maybe increase your use of layers, or start from some scanned pencilwork.

What equipment do you have, in terms of hardware and software?

2010-10-27, 10:26 AM
And that is why you never poke Rumia without wearing gloves!

2010-10-27, 11:05 AM
And that is why you never poke Rumia without wearing gloves!*walks up to someone who's never heard of Touhou*
Hey, want to poke her? Don't worry, her power is... manipulation of Christmas lights. Yeah.

2010-10-28, 10:45 AM
Seems a little less sensible than poking Cirno.

2010-10-28, 07:56 PM
Okay, I'd consider the work you showed in post #116 to be professional caliber, at least in the sense of "could realistically see people paying for that". I can't say *why* exactly, other than to say it gives me a certain kind of feeling. I hesitate to say that it looks more finished, but that's basically the way I'd put it if I had to put words to it.

On a marginally related note: mimes are creepy. That pic is great for October.

2010-10-30, 06:47 AM
This may be relevant to your interests. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173977)

2010-10-30, 07:01 AM
*bawwing ;_;*

2010-11-10, 10:19 AM
Huh. I had a touhou related dream.

In that dream, I'm aquintained with at least some of gensokyo's inhabitant, though I don't live there. I can at least go there sometimes, though I don't remember whether I can do that at will or not.

I'm friendly with Reimu, and she works in a burger joint near my place at night shift for extra money, and I sometimes visit her to chat. And I'm also friendly with Yukari, and she often gap herself in the burger joint to chat or tease reimu.

There's also a touhou forum in gensokyo's intranet that work as my main connection with touhou since I can't visit gensokyo all the time.

Anyway, on that particular night, Yukari is feeling a bit melancholic. It seems that she actually want a kid, but she can't have it the normal way because.... dunno, she's a youkai or something.

We talked on how to have a kid. I suggest either adoption, or using wacky gap magic to... split a part of herself or something. Or use Eirin's drugs, though we both just look at each other and say naaah at that.

While we're talking about adoption, we somehow know that there's someone that's perfect for adoption.

It's Niles Harsgreaves, an amnesiac character of mine for a Mutant and Mastermind game. Though in this dream, he's just a kid (he's originally a grown up amnesiac detective). It turned out that Niles is actually Harry Potter's second second second cousin or something, and he's a kind of chosen one himself. He's destined to end the hostility/war between mankind and vampires. Though, he got amnesiac and missing as a kid for some reason and now the ones involved in his story put his sister on his place.

The dream changes into Niles Hargreaves' adventure after that point though.

2010-11-10, 11:45 AM
In the next Touhou game, Yukari's son will be introduced. At which point Fri will install an alarm system in his bedroom. :smalltongue:

2010-11-11, 12:43 AM
Oh, something like that happened to me once. I was sincerely questioning my sanity and/or my privacy.

Anyway, I like yukari. You know my top 5 favourite characters already, but after them, Yukari is definitely in my top 10 (reimu too).

2010-11-11, 07:59 PM
Oh, something like that happened to me once. I was sincerely questioning my sanity and/or my privacy.Hmmm... (http://yukari-yakumo.deviantart.com/journal/35987622/) :smallconfused:

2010-11-17, 11:04 AM
Gale Riders painting for the Mecha Sky Pirates game.


Kinda disappointing actually. I know I said I had enough painting and was going to go back to my usual style, but painting is fun. I wish I could paint better. I guess that's what practices are for.

At least now I know how to draw lens flare. I'm trying my best to not use filters anymore.

2010-11-18, 11:50 AM
The Pointy Edge of Fate, Amor Fati.

If I have time I'll try to color it I guess, but I'm not confident in my coloring, that's why I posted this lineart version forst.

2010-11-19, 02:45 AM
Nifty. Is the breastplate asymmetrical or am i just misreading it? Colouring, even a basic one without shading, would make the suit's design clearer.

What's the setting? Seems futuristic besides the choice of weapons. Must have pretty strict gun control laws :smallwink::
"Hold it! Drop your weapons!"
"But sir, it's not a weapon. Merely a farming tool, i assure you."
"Uh huh, a powered scythe. Farming tool. Really now? I suppose the armour is also part of this farming job of yours?"
"Clearly you haven't seen the weeds i must deal with."

2010-11-19, 03:23 AM
The uh.... whaddya call it, perspective? The three d-ism of it is actually a mess. I actually have very weak spatial intelligence. If I have some time to color it I'll try to fix it a bit I guess.

2010-11-19, 09:39 AM
What's the setting?

Steampunk Europe invaded by mecha-using aliens. Humans stole some.

2010-11-19, 09:42 AM
And those mecha tend to look kinda crazy when used by humans. Especially the one used by the engineer.

2010-11-20, 02:54 PM

Elizabeth Shelley, the intrepid reporter. from the War of the World game. She's one of my favourite character ever. I guess this is her in a more modern setting.

I have a very noticeable weakness against reporters for some reason. I used to be the chief editor in my college's magazine, and I hope I can work in a magazine later after I finish my study.

Oh, and in case you don't know, she's the one underneath Amor Fati :smallwink:



the colored version

2010-11-23, 09:08 AM
More Elizabeth


2010-11-24, 04:42 AM
Oh dear. I've created a monster.

2010-11-25, 07:06 AM
Oh dear. I've created a monster.

I wonder what do you mean by that <_<. Because there's no chance that my next picture had anything to do with that, right.

A challenger appears


Elizabeth and Aya. Of course.

As usual, I don't really like the colored version. I prefer the lineart version

With this, I've managed to draw my top five favourite touhou characters.

2010-11-25, 07:57 AM
That's pretty awesome. The coloured version looks better to me, actually. I think it's that it brings the eyes out more.

2010-11-25, 02:53 PM
Yeah, colored is better here. Also i'd be pretty puzzled too if i saw a Tengu lurking in the same bushes i was, trying to get paparazzi shots.

2010-11-25, 06:46 PM
*jumps out of nearby bushes*
Something about Aya's stare just speaks "I'm gonna murder you now" to me. Might be the red eyes.

2010-12-07, 06:28 AM
Time for dream stories!

I just had a dream where I watched the winners of an indie steampunk/wild-west film festval. There were five winner of it, and at least in my dream I remember that three of them were particularly interesting, but I only remember the third position because for some reason I found it particularly interesting and shown it to my brothers in my dream.

The main character was supposedly this genius/talented but mute orphan boy who lived in the wilderness with a strange hermit for all of his life. One day it's decided that he must went to the city to interact with real people/have real education or something in that line and he must board a very big and influential steam train to the big city. Though honestly, for someone who's supposed to be the main character he didn't appear much.

Another character was a sherrif for a small town that's in the train's path. He's in the middle of organizing his town's defense against the yearly raid of bandits, stacking crates as barricades, dividing weapons and ammos, and such. He had a wife who's worried about him and kept asking him to quit his job as sherrif. The sherrif was played by... Will Smith. Yeah, but this is an indie movie.

The last character was a bumbling gunslinging knight (hey, it's steampunk) with face-concealing knight helmet and bright green armor who named his horse with a lady name... you know the type. He's in a some kind of generic righting wrong quest. He's somewhat inept but genuinely want to do good. But there's a twist. Way later in the movie we found out a TWIST that his knight order is actually.... the Ku Klux Klan. Really, I'm shocked myself and it's my own dream!

So basically as you can guess, the train was hijacked near the sherrif's town by a clan of bandit that looked and acted like a cross between a wild-west bandit group and a pirate group. They swung into the train from nearby cliffs, have strange code-of-honor, duel with cutlass and revolver, and such. Noticing the hijacking, the sherrif abandoned his town's defense and went to help the train. The inept was in the area as well and he galloped his horse to help the train as well.

The movie used a lot of soundtrack, and all are famous and awesome songs. Each character got leitmotif (though I forgot what are them), and the pirate/bandit's themesong was queen's We Will Rock You.

So, accompanied by awesome soundtracks, the sherrif gunfights his way to the train, and the knight somehow managed to bumble his way to the train as well. They two then met, in an obvious lead that the two of them were supposed to act as buddies in buddy-movie style for the rest of the movie.

The movie ended in the middle of this climax (with awesome soundtrack), where the sherrif and the knight found out that the train was actually carrying a big, anachronistic missile (steampunk!) and the mute boy was standing with two revolvers surrounded by enemies.

Yeah, a pretty cool actiony dream with one strange twist. I love western and steampunk..

2010-12-10, 07:37 AM
I sketched something for my 'Mobile Guard Section One' game.


I tried to design the main mech for the steampunk/magipunk game, the AG-98 paladin. It's a police steampunk/magipunk mech based on Ingram from patlabor and escaflowne. The only description I gave in game was that it looks like a giant white knight.

Mech design is actually my weakspot.

What do you think? Is it steam/magipunk enough? I want to make it steam/magipunk-ish, but I don't know how to actually do so. Any idea on how to make it looks more steam/magipunk-ish?

I hoped that by making it rather stubby it'll look more steampunkish (it needs some space inside the armor for the pipes and tubes and gears and such). The pilot sits in the torso that extends to the 'hunch,' kinda like knightmare frame from code geass. It stands about 15-16 feet tall, that is about as tall as a house.

2010-12-10, 08:31 AM
Mech design is actually my weakspot.Eh, I can come up with about a dozen transformation mechanisms but when I try to draw a mech it usually ends up looking like it's made of cardboard boxes. :smalltongue:

Maybe some piston-vents sticking out from the shoulders? You know the kind (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph-byf8Edgk).

2010-12-10, 02:53 PM
Hm, kinda reminds me of Arasaka Standard B power armour from Cyberpunk.
It has a futuristic vibe to it, mostly from being sleek and seamless. Needs moar rivets and seams and exposed piping, for that home-made feel steampunk gear tends to have

Also seconding the need for vents, if it's steam-powered it needs a way to release excess pressure, and the heatsource probably needs air. And without external signs of a steam engine, how are we be supposed to know it doesn't run on Yukkuri-fusion :smalltongue:?

Warjacks (http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&expIds=17259,23756,24692,24878,24879,26442,27213,2 7400,27642,27868,27927,28066&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=warjack&cp=4&wrapid=tljp129199697340304&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1260&bih=608) are a bit too top-heavy to take seriously, but they do pull off the steam/magi-punk combo pretty well otherwise so borrowing some design elements from them might work.

Slight asymmetry in the plating might also help with the 'punk' part of the feel.
Depends on how they are produced in-world though, as mass-produced assembly line mechs would likely have standardised spare parts available whilst individually crafted/looted mechs would have to make do with what's available, leading to more variation.
Just some random thoughts.

2010-12-11, 07:09 AM
Here, I hope this look magipunk/steampunk enough

2010-12-11, 10:33 AM
Here's a thought. If it had two vents sticking diagonally out from the back, it could sit on them when not in use.

| \

-% \

2010-12-11, 11:11 AM
I...don't really get it, sorry :p

don't it would be faster and/or easier if you actually sketch it using mspaint or something?

2010-12-13, 10:21 AM
Hey. Recent events made me remember something. I tried to draw another costume for Elizabeth back then. But, well, I don't actually have the tiniest amount of fashion sense. So, maybe you guys could help me or suggest things?

The criteria that I had in mind are these:

1.Bare shoulder and collarbones should be in the open. This is important :smalltongue:.
1.Have a dash of steampunk/victoriana.
2.Have a dash of gothic lolita.
3.Have a dash of 'coat' or 'suit' element.
4.Should be relatively usable for daily use/adventuring :smallredface:.

Well... that's it actually.

here's what I sketched.

and here's a further work on it. But I'm still not entirely satisfied with this design.

So, in the slightest chance that you entered this thread and have actual fashion sense, do you have any idea/suggestion?

2010-12-13, 11:46 AM
I think she has nice eyes. You should use some color to help this :smallredface:

Maybe it is many ideas for fashion together. But I think boots can change too. More 'adventure' boots maybe useful.


Sorry for quick sketch (><)

2010-12-13, 11:53 AM
It's really cool and fits my criterias perfectly. Yes, the color and accessories really adds up. And the sleeves are really cool. But you draw really fast I'm beyond envious ;_;

2010-12-13, 11:56 AM
It's really cool and fits my criterias perfectly. But you draw really fast I'm beyond envious ;_;Pfft, you? That would take me about a week. :smalltongue:

2010-12-13, 12:11 PM

Sorry for quick sketch (><)

This reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. And it's a really nice sketch.

2010-12-13, 12:29 PM
Elizabeth always looks really really cute in kasanip's drawings.

2010-12-13, 01:06 PM
Speed sketch go!* :smalltongue:

*Speed = approximately 1 hour

2010-12-13, 01:06 PM
Well, they're Kasanip's drawings. Everything is cute.

2010-12-15, 09:49 AM
Here, I hope this look magipunk/steampunk enough

This is Cool. :smallcool: I think it to be bigger though. The soldier seems like he won't fit inside the torso.

And while we are that how its weponry looks like :smalltongue:

BTW, Fri. what game is Elizabeth in? If it's somewhere online I want to take a peek. :smalltongue:

2010-12-15, 10:13 AM
This is Cool. :smallcool: I think it to be bigger though. The soldier seems like he won't fit inside the torso.

And while we are that how its weponry looks like :smalltongue:

BTW, Fri. what game is Elizabeth in? If it's somewhere online I want to take a peek. :smalltongue:

It's from this steampunk campaign that's actually the longest running game I've ever been involved in so far :smallsmile:


2010-12-15, 12:35 PM
It could use some bulk on the kneejoints, some sort of support structure. A pair of gears is a bit flimsy-looking given the overall size. Adding back the V-shaped plates on to the greaves might be a good idea as well.
But otherwise it's solid :smallsmile:.

How come you haven't posted the mkII cyclops here* ? It's quite neat, i like the line patterns.

(*Though i do have a knack for missing the obvious, so it might be just another case of that.)

2010-12-15, 01:22 PM
It's from this steampunk campaign that's actually the longest running game I've ever been involved in so far :smallsmile:


Wow, that's indeed quite a long lived game. You take quite a bit from there for our current game, aren't you? :smallsmile:


Didn't realized it before but this and that Elizabeth is the same person aren't they?

2010-12-15, 01:34 PM
Wow, that's indeed quite a long lived game. You take quite a bit from there for our current game, aren't you? :smallsmile:


Didn't realized it before but this and that Elizabeth is the same person aren't they?


2010-12-24, 06:38 AM

A Flumph Paladin

2010-12-24, 07:13 AM

A Flumph Paladin

Ingenious. Although not as awesome as a halfling paladin with a flumph mount....:smallbiggrin:

2010-12-24, 09:30 AM
Damn, I honestly didn't think of that.

edit: by the way do you prefer that version or this one?


2010-12-24, 07:22 PM
The new version.

2011-01-07, 04:57 AM
So... Kasanip's recent progress on her comic and my recent success on my last college class made me want to try to draw my own series of comic. You know, one of those 'update whenever I want' style of comic?

Then. I was chatting with my friends yesterday, about something. Can we make a mecha serieswithout fighting? Well, Basquatch had done that, but still.

Anyway, I had an idea about a setting back then. It's about a peaceful post apocalypse world. Basically, there was a big chaotic war, and most of the worlds are destroyed, but it was years ago. Nowadays, life had been peaceful again. The raiders, cannibals, and sort, are things of the past. I'm suddenly thinking about it again. Not helping that I've been playing fallout NV more often than healthy these days. So I do some quick preliminary sketches.


The gist of the setting is that it's a peaceful post apocalyptic world with mecha. There's an ancient system of satellite that shoot down anything that goes past the stratosphere, so people can't leave the world, or send new sattelite. And one of the side effect of the war is that there's a lot of uhm phlebotinum particle in the air now, so radio communication is jammed. People are left to communicate with letters, visual signals, or cables. This obviously limit wars and battles as well.

I have two ideas on the main character. One of them would work as a 'prospector.' That is people who dives into ruins with mecha/powered armor to salvage ancient artifacts. Another is a postman that travel from town to town. Basically it would be about the daily post apocalyptic life, and not about battles or wars.



Will this go anywhere beside idea? Dunno. But I know there's one big problem before I can do anything about this.

I draw slow. Really slowly. For example, to turn that sketch on the lower right corner to the line arted version above, took me one hour! Not counting coloring or formatting. If I ever want to make a series, whether this one or not, I really need to work on my speed.

Anyway, I tried to learn speed sketching, as Kasanip suggested. It's surprisingly fun and satisfying :smallbiggrin:


I played too much Fallout New Vegas. Suika and Cass would make good friend with each others. :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-07, 05:20 AM
The comic idea sounds like a good solution to the problem - maybe the mechs are relics of a past war, and useful enough that people keep them around even though they wouldn't need to build such things themselves. You might want to give them some sort of unlimited power source unless you want fueling and maintaining them to be a big drain on the characters' time and resources (and such a thing would make them even more attractive to keep around).

2011-01-07, 05:29 AM
... too much Fallout New Vegas....

Heresy :smalltongue:! No such thing as too much NV.

The comic sounds like a good idea.
I think you should make a few one-shot (short, self-contained) comics of it first. It's easier and faster to draw something you've drawn before, right? Pin down character's personalities and design before a longer plotline gets rolling?

2011-01-07, 12:04 PM
Hm, thanks for the idea. I'll mull over it for a bit.

Anyway, I color the suika pic.


Even if I manages to draw quicker, coloring it is still such a chore... hmm...

Elder Tsofu
2011-01-07, 12:21 PM
Maybe time to try speed-colouring? :smallwink:

2011-01-10, 03:29 AM
I think you have good color for all your pictures.
What tools do you use for drawing? What is strong and not strong situations for drawing? :smallsmile:

2011-01-15, 06:31 AM
I'd really like to answer that kasa, but I sadly don't understand what you meant by your last sentence... m(_ _)m.

Anyway, despite all things I've been doing lately (starting an lp, recruiting for another game, joining kasanip's game) I'm actually still thinking about the comic premise.

After some thought, I think that the protagonist might be a little bit too plain. Can he/she hold the whole series?

I'm thinking... maybe to make the protagonist a bit more unusual. Maybe a deadpan cloudcuckoolander...

Someone that can make day to day stuffs like delivering mail a bit more interesting...

2011-01-15, 05:55 PM
Remember any quirks you give your protagonist are going to affect the setting of your series; if you want believable you need realistic characters in unrealistic settings, not the other way around. Rather than make the main character weird while delivering post, make weird things happen while your protagonist delivers post.

Well that's just my £0.02 anyway...

2011-01-15, 06:27 PM
Maybe make them a postman and a prospector? (there's jobs and there's hobbies) Or make the mail somehow unusual, like crystals containing peoples' memories. Or make the method of travel unusual.

EDIT: Have you considered To Be A Master (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ToBeAMaster)?

2011-01-16, 12:52 AM
I had a strange dream.

It's actually about Kasanip's comic. In my dream, it's translated into english already.

It turned out to be gorgeously painted series of humourous 4 koma.

That gave me an idea to turn my comic into 4 koma. Make some of them 4 koma at least, and maybe have some full comic adventures, like azumanga daioh.

My idea is something like this.

The protagonist, or at least the viewpoint character is a female. She left her hometown for 10 years following her parents as a kid.

10 years later, for some reason or another, she came back to her hometown. Maybe she's a doctor, or a mechanic, and want to work in her hometown.

She found out that her hometown is different than what she remember. She found that it's full of strange and quirky characters.

She will mostly be the innocent/naive straight man in the comedy.

The other main character might be her childhood friend, the prospector/mailman, and he'll be the eccentric one.

I can even put a romantic-comedy feel to this series. Make that she promised marriage to a childhood friend but she forgot who he was. Now there's a bunch of quirky young male in that town, and she must find out who he was :smallbiggrin:. It will just be the background story and not the main one.

What do you think? I was actually just joking around with the romantic-comedy, but after a while it just seems natural. The only problem is that I can't write romance stories :smalltongue:

2011-01-19, 08:06 AM

PMMM is so friggin cool that I have to draw something about it.

I believe most of it is because Kajiura Yuki's soundtrack though. I'd happily watch dragon ball again if it's soundtracked by kaijura yuki.

On the comic, I already got some ideas about the character, but now I figured that I need to learn to draw backgrounds more.

I want it to have beautiful post apocalyptic environments like sunken cities and villages as backgrounds, but I realized that I rarely practiced drawing backgrounds.

2011-01-19, 08:21 AM
I had a strange dream.

It's actually about Kasanip's comic. In my dream, it's translated into english already.

It turned out to be gorgeously painted series of humourous 4 koma.

That gave me an idea to turn my comic into 4 koma. Make some of them 4 koma at least, and maybe have some full comic adventures, like azumanga daioh.

My favorite comic is 4koma comic. :smallsmile: But I am not humorous person, so I cannot make such a thing except bonus picture maybe.

On the comic, I already got some ideas about the character, but now I figured that I need to learn to draw backgrounds more.

I want it to have beautiful post apocalyptic environments like sunken cities and villages as backgrounds, but I realized that I rarely practiced drawing backgrounds.

Yes I also like background very much but am very unskilled at such a thing. Recently to work very much on this. :smallredface:
Of course in 4koma comic a background is not necessary I think.

2011-01-19, 08:28 AM
You're right, usually 4koma don't really have that many backgrounds. But I feel like to draw something like from my dream. That is, 4koma, but with beautiful backgrounds. It'll be hard though.

edit: maybe not in all of the panels though. Maybe in establishing shots in between the 4koma. But I still want the series to have good backgrounds

2011-01-19, 08:42 AM
I think it is a good dream. :smallsmile:

2011-01-19, 09:51 AM
Artists with good backgrounds tend to use photo references and models (CG or physical). Just a tip.

2011-01-19, 09:57 AM

Colored the Mami pic. Tried to do quick colouring, to complement my quick drawing attempt, but still took too long. Much too long.

2011-01-19, 10:53 AM
You're right. Time to destroy some city and sink some villages then.

2011-01-22, 07:24 AM
The big guns of touhou and my sixth and seventh favourite touhou characters.


When you need a whole load of youkais exterminated, accept no substitute.

2011-01-22, 08:00 AM
My, Raymoo, what big lips you have. :smalltongue:

Looks pretty good.

2011-01-22, 10:23 AM
And now, in colours


2011-01-22, 10:34 AM
Good God, it's awesome, nothing else can be said.

2011-01-26, 08:14 AM

Oh no, Wriggle is nommed by Yuuka!

Gah, Another Touhou Fanart. I'm turning into Touhou Fanartist.

Yuuka/Wriggle OTP

2011-01-28, 06:03 PM

Another pic of Tomoe Mami from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, sigh...

Anyway, there's a rather major accident, that was I accidentally resized the lineart to a relatively very small resolution before coloring it, so I think this could've been better...

2011-01-29, 09:49 AM
To make a small sketch of your comic character. :smallredface:


2011-01-29, 02:32 PM
I believe this is relevant to your interests.

2011-01-29, 04:08 PM
I believe this is relevant to your interests.

Hey, I remember that. It was posted on 8BT in a blog years ago. :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-29, 04:10 PM
Ha :smallbiggrin:

I've watched that a long time ago, but kinda forgot about that.

2011-02-05, 11:42 AM
For the past few days I've been listening to the song 'Eternity' from... well... it's actually from Blue Dragon but I caught the song from the amazing indie RPG, Barkley: Shut Up and Jam.

Kasanip had been telling me to do her trademarked songsketching, so this is the picture I drew while listening for this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRpw-8vxZag) song.


And this is the colored version.


I don't think I managed to capture the 'oomph' of the song enough though.

edit: added some flying sceneries


2011-02-13, 04:13 PM
I had a very strange dream. Again.

So I was sick and cared in a hospital. For some reason, when I woke up, I'm in a parallel universe. It's almost exactly like this one, only with subtle differences. Some different world event, the world inflation rate is lower so things have different cost there. But beside some minor details, everything were practically similar. And I think because I'm a dimensional traveller, either my metabolism works differently or I have 'powers' there. Nothing super, what I noticed were I can sleep for years or wake up for years, I don't need eating.

And GITP was also there. With some difference. I mean, the inhabitants are practically the same, but they have personality differences. I checked the parallel version of myself's journal (obviously he's not there when I ended up there. I wonder where he is. Was he ended up in our universe?)

From his deviantart account I can say that his art is objectively worse than mine, he's cheerier than me (I don't think he's depressed?), he used more leetspeak, and he kept contact with some people that I lost contact years ago. Those kind of minor diference

I checked gitp. I don't recognize the anime that's playing in that universe, but oots got an animated adaptation.

Anyway, the tone of my dream was subtle supernatural-ish mystery. At first I was apathetic and just want to sleep for years. But some people I know seemed to believe that I'm a dimensional traveller and want to help me. It turned out that there are other dimensional traveller before me, and I met some of them. It seemed that I was following someone. I forgot who, but someone important for me. But I was six years behind from this person, so I was investigating things with six year olds trails

And for some reason, the movie indiana jones is exactly the same with our indiana jones movie so we figured that this might be important

2011-02-13, 04:27 PM
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya? :smalltongue:

2011-02-13, 04:42 PM
My friend suggested that, but I never actually watched it. Maybe I read the premise of it somwhere? I don't remember it tho.

2011-02-14, 08:25 AM
I didn't planned to draw anything for valentine, but I just felt like to reciprocate for the genderswap pic that kasanip made.

So happy valentine!


2011-02-14, 10:42 AM
I didn't planned to draw anything for valentine, but I just felt like to reciprocate for the genderswap pic that kasanip made.

So happy valentine!


How rich and vibrant. Well that's how I hear cardiac tissue tastes anyway. :smalltongue:

2011-02-20, 10:25 AM
You know I'm a softie inside. My lungs and kidneys are really soft, for instance.

Anyway, some quick random doodle of my Mobile Guard Section One game.


2011-02-28, 08:17 PM
I'm really stressed out someone please just summon some meteor or something.

In the mean time, some painting/airbrushing.


2011-02-28, 08:18 PM
Heh. Dramatic.

2011-02-28, 09:13 PM
Thank you, though I'd actually count it as half-failure. Because I was hoping to draw something in this style http://fri-freeman.deviantart.com/favourites/?offset=168#/d1mawgd


2011-03-02, 11:58 AM

Just some random drawings of someone or another. You can try to guess who are they if you don't have anything better to do

2011-03-02, 12:38 PM
I don't need to guess.

2011-03-03, 07:56 AM
I like the colors. :smallsmile: Who are the characters?

2011-03-03, 08:26 AM
I'll just assume that he's making sure the knife hasn't got any nicks along the edge....

2011-03-03, 12:43 PM
I like the colors. :smallsmile: Who are the characters?

That's me and a female, yandere* version of Fri. In real life.

* - ha, like he's not yandere by default!

2011-03-06, 12:30 PM
I know tengu would innately understand that previous picture instantly.


My latest character for tengu's newest rockman/megaman based pbp campaign. A canadian mountiebot.

Ethan Aksarnerk the Red Aurora


it looks like a cyborg 009 fanart. I haven't drawn seriously for quite a while, only quick drawing and painting, so this is my only serious drawing after some while.... and something I draw rather than finishing my college works... again.

2011-03-06, 04:09 PM
That's really good, but I said that already.

2011-03-09, 06:59 PM
Whoa, I just had a dream about my mouse guard game

In that game, I was my character Barwick and was trying to write some report in the common room or something. There were a couple of other mice there, and Blanche. Rather than writing the report, I actually just wanted to eat some cheesecakes that were provided as the snack there and taught Blanche how to play the mice equivalent of rock-paper-scissor.

But meanwhile, something happened outside. This is kinda weird, I AM barwick, but I also can see another thing happening, like a scene cut in movies. There was two mice running away from a giant, deadly chicken. One of them tried to fight back but he's easily defeated and killed by the chicken. It seems that they're the subordinate of our rival or something in that line. It's clear that this scene cut is supposed to be important later in our story.

I then woke up before I could know what's the actual plot of my dream sadly. But dreaming about being a jolly old fat mouse was kinda fun.

2011-03-23, 12:22 PM

it's hypnotic @_@

(from rolaran's touhou game)

2011-04-06, 07:15 AM
Guess what my newest favourite novel is!


Yeah, I like The Truth very much. Seriously, it got everything that I said I like in this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172063) thread back then.. The journalism theme, the detective story, urban fantasy theme, the ragtag bunch of misfit underdogs, the humor, the unusual setting, everything.

I drew this straight after finishing reading the novel. I didn't reread it or use references, this is a spontaneous drawing of how I imagined the crew looks like.

2011-04-07, 08:08 PM
I'm going to be graduated at Saturday! Wow!

Elder Tsofu
2011-04-08, 12:20 AM
Congratulations! :smallsmile:

2011-04-16, 01:19 PM

Alexia Freeman doing a sommersault and shooting with her revolver, a scene from the Mecha Sky Pirates game.

Originally, I was going to draw this simple pose


but I thought it'd be boring, and thought on how I could make it more dynamic. I hope it works.

2011-04-16, 01:54 PM
Talk about dynamic! Pity the attack missed, though.

2011-04-16, 02:08 PM
Nice. :smallsmile:

2011-04-16, 10:54 PM
Ms. Alexia is very cool. :smallredface:

2011-04-28, 09:44 PM
Thanks everyone.

Anyway, I just had one of the most epic dream I've ever had. It's about mecha sky pirates, my mnm game gmed by tengu. But rather than a mecha setting, in my dream, Mecha Sky Pirates was a setting more in the line of One Piece, except that it's in modern/future setting and it's in the sky, and it's sci-fi instead of fantasy.

Anyway, my dream was set somewhat in medias res. The background was rather similar withour current story. We're saving a princess from a big bad pirate boss named Steeleye. Except that we haven't met Steeleye in person,we just saved her from one of his flying fortress. For some reason it's clearly felt that we're in the end of an arc (if you've ever read one piece you'll know what I meant.)

But there's one specific difference. In my dream, Steeleye was also a legitimate businessman, and most people never knew that he's also a ruthless pirate. In my dream we didn't simply want to defeat him. His piracy empire is too big and powerful, basically he's in the level of Yonko in one piece. (in one piece, there are three Yonko in the world, and the alliance of two of them could overthrow the world government). We might be able to defeat him personally, but even if we kill him, his armade would hunt us and the princess forever.

So we had a plan that refuged in audacity, just in the level of One Piece. We flew to his big mansion with our flying ship, and had our strongest character, Yasmin, press the mansion bell and intercom in front of his mansion's gate. Instead of having a mech, in my dream Yasmin is a badass normal super strong melee fighter in the line of Shizuo from Durarara. Then, she started to trashtalk Steeleye and his guard there, saying that they're all cowards and saying that she's there to challenge them all in melee fight.

As guards starts to come and Yasmin started to beat the tar out of them (imagine that scene where shizuo and celty fights hundreds of suika zombies in the park), my character Alexia, and, for some strange reason, Rose, a character from my Spriggan game, sneaked into Steeleye's mansion and tried to find his personal computer. We got some hint that he kept proof of his pirate activities in his mansion.

As fights raging and getting bigger outside (it's really hard to explain in words. Basically, an epic end-of-arc battle in the style of One Piece) Alexia and Rose managed to find Steeleye's pc. Then with the help of Steeleye's accountant, we started to copy all of the proof of his piracy. As we're doing that, somehow Steeleye that's currently fighting with our captain outside realized what we're doing, like how Sauron suddeny realized that the ring was near mount doom at that one point in LotR movie. So he quickly moved toward Alexia and Rose. It was really intense, since Alexia and Rose knew that they didn't have any chance at all to win against Steeleye, and the only chance for them to survive is if they managed to copy the data fast enough.

Luckily, we managed to finish copying and then printing the data just as Steeleye barged into the room. We shown him the print, and said that we will spread it to everyone, except if he leave us and our princess friend alone.

Here's another main difference with the actual game. In this dream, Steeleye looks exactly like the head of the Zoldyck assasin family from hunter x hunter, Silva Zoldcyk (http://www.google.com/search?q=silva+zoldyck&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1366&bih=556&uss=1). And he enjoy his position in the society as legitimate and powerful businessman and doesn't want anyone to know about his pirate activities in all cost, like captain kuro from one piece.

So grudgingly, he smiled, advit defeat, and complemented us for our audacity and plan. He then agreed to let us free.

Then we flew toward the sunset, having epic party singing, playing music, congratulating each others, as all of us (especially yasmin) was bleeding and black and blue and tired and had just an epic fight to death. We congratulate the princess and she said that her country would be our ally forever.

Then, my character alexia stopped her sipping of liquor and said the 'twist' of the arc. Apparently, Steeleye whispered something at her when she left the room. That we won him personally with our brazenness, a ship with so small of a number of crews dared to fight him directly. So he said something in the line of, if we're in any trouble, we could expect his support. And then we realizes that we don't only got an ally in the form of our princess friend and her kingdom, but also one of the biggest pirate armada in the world!

That was an epic dream.

2011-05-11, 09:26 PM
Whew, it took me a while, but


Art for the Mecha Sky Pirates game. It's my first big drawing since who knows how long.

Really not as good as what I hoped it'd be, but I can't do anything much about it now. I was aiming to color it in 'pastel chalky' style, you know, like freeze frames at the end of anime episodes, but I don't think I managed to get it.

And I was having a very bad flu when coloring it. In fact, I still do now.

2011-05-12, 03:54 AM
Whoa, that's pretty excellent Fri. The colours really make it come alive compared to the line art I saw. Then again, one of the main criticisms I'd make of your work is that it's a bit line-heavy, so it's unsurprising that I'd like something where the lines are almost eliminated.

You're right that it doesn't quite have the feel you say you were aiming for, but it seems to me it hits a different mark of its own instead of just falling short of the one you wanted. It kind of feels like a background layer from a cel-shaded game, or something similar.

2011-05-12, 04:39 AM
Thanks kami. I got my drawing style from my upbringing, that is I was grown with Fujiko F Fujio and Herge's works. Their art styles are about thick, bold lines, so I turned out to prefer those styles. And it's easier to draw!

I forgot to say that for some reason, I always thought that the setting have mediterannian feels/look at it.

2011-05-12, 04:45 AM
I think it is very nice. I am happy to see your drawings :smallsmile: Your colors and background make me envious!

2011-05-12, 05:02 AM
It's the other way around, kasanip... (_ _)

2011-05-12, 07:29 AM
Dangit, where's a Seal of Approval when you need it?

2011-05-12, 07:36 AM
That's a pretty cool picture. I have an issue with one thing, though:
No matter what some of my players might keep telling me, I refuse to believe that Gale Riders fly in the "Superman!" pose. They might use it in some high-speed maneuvers, but most of the time they fly like Gundams or Dragonars. I don't care if that's less aerodynamic, neither Phlogiston engines nor general mecha rules care about that. It just looks so much better.

That's all for the rant. I like the rest. You people should help Mari catch the food instead of being surprised and/or not giving a crap, though!

2011-05-13, 03:32 AM
That's a pretty cool picture. I have an issue with one thing, though:
No matter what some of my players might keep telling me, I refuse to believe that Gale Riders fly in the "Superman!" pose. They might use it in some high-speed maneuvers, but most of the time they fly like Gundams or Dragonars. I don't care if that's less aerodynamic, neither Phlogiston engines nor general mecha rules care about that. It just looks so much better.

That's all for the rant. I like the rest. You people should help Mari catch the food instead of being surprised and/or not giving a crap, though!

What a shame that most likely I'll have the image of gale riders flying in prone position forever, eh?

2011-05-13, 08:01 AM
Well, that just means you'll be wrong forever. I am the DM, I am the law! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJiYrRcfQo)

Seriously now. Judging by the recent events, you might consider adding Jacobin being a boss to this picture. Or just draw a new pic with him.

2011-05-13, 08:42 AM
Well yeah, that's what in my mind as well. If only I waited for three days before drawing it or he get into the game three days faster...

I guess Jacobin thought he's simply too good for a mere group picture, eh?

2011-06-19, 05:06 PM
Alright, before posting in this thread go into necromancy category...


Finally finished, or at least I decided, screw this, I don't want to work on it anymore. Took me almost two weeks, which is way too long, because at some point it starts to feel like a chore and I have to force myself to work on it and do it like fifteen minutes a day.

I almost completely scrapped it and redraw everything when I was coloring it, but I managed to save it into something less embarassing. Not as good as what I planned, especially with the time it took, but well, good or bad, there it is.

It is, an art for the War of the World PbP game that I often draw arts already, where I play the intrepid reporter Elizabeth Shelley.

In the foreground, you know them alread, the ragtag bunch of misfits. From left to right: Elizabeth Shelley, Mitch Dunstan, Malcolm Prentice, Luis Cruz de la Vega, and Colonel Alexandra Strauss.

In the back are their Colossi, mysterious giant alien mechanical beings that they stole and somehow shape it according to their deepest personality, thought, and hidden secrets. The last hope for Earth's Freedom.

From left to right:

Beast of Exmoor, piloted by Mitch Dunstan
Amor Fati, piloted by Elizabeth Shelley
Union Jack, Malcolm Prentice's mech
Penumbra, Luis Crus de La Vega's
And finally Siegfried, Alexandra Strauss' mech.

From, all those, I didn't design Beast of Exmoor, I only draw it according to someone else's design, which regretfully doesn't have any deviantart account

2011-06-19, 05:54 PM
...wow. :smalleek: That's pretty epic.

2011-06-19, 06:12 PM
...wow. :smalleek: That's pretty epic.

Thanks a lot Prime. I wasn't sure whether to post this or not actually, because it hadn't passed my 'sleep-over rule.'

That is my rule about, when I consider a drawing finished, I must sleep over it first, and see the drawings again later post-sleep, to see whether it's actually embarassing or not. I haven't slept over it yet.

Trivia: Union Jack is actually based on a marvel superhero with the same name :smallbiggrin:

And this drawing makes me think about WotW in Super Robot Wars for some reason.

2011-06-19, 06:15 PM
...wow. :smalleek: That's pretty epic.

I second this. The 'Grand Scale' effect is well executed.

2011-06-19, 06:30 PM
It has many nice things. I think it is inspiration because you always improve and try large things. :smallredface:

However, maybe it is a little confusing of 'focus' of sketch.

Thanks a lot Prime. I wasn't sure whether to post this or not actually, because it hadn't passed my 'sleep-over rule.'

That is my rule about, when I consider a drawing finished, I must sleep over it first, and see the drawings again later post-sleep, to see whether it's actually embarassing or not. I haven't slept over it yet.

I think it is good rule. I should try to do this!:smallsmile:

2011-06-20, 10:27 AM
And this drawing makes me think about WotW in Super Robot Wars for some reason.

I do that a lot. Of course, since they're small-sized semi-supers, it means they're completely overpowered. See: Tekkaman Blade.

2011-06-24, 02:40 PM
More Mami


"Let's kill all witches together you say?

Say... do you know where witches came from...?"

Something like that.

2011-06-24, 03:07 PM
This is my gun.
There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My gun is my best friend.
My gun is the only one who understands me.
Without my gun I would be nothing.
My gun will never leave me.
My gun gives me everything I need.
I have a disturbing and inappropriate fixation on my gun, I guess is where I'm going with this.
Go away. My gun and I need some privacy.

2011-07-17, 02:22 AM
It's been a while since I painted something. This is a song drawing, like what I did with Eternity back then (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10310461&postcount=192)

This time it's based on Yuki Kajiura's "Where My Story Begins" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdt41hwFEFA)


It's Haru and Lia from Kasanip's "Travel and Tsukumogami" game from back then.

Not very good, but eh...

2011-07-18, 08:47 PM
Suddenly, Robot.


This is the must fun I've ever had drawing this year.

Another spontaneous quick painting. I really didn't plan this, I can't sleep and felt pretty depressed when suddenly I got struck by inspiration and just have to paint it. Not really based on any music, but the series theme song is Discombobulate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJwLGXfajuc) by Hans Zimmer.

This is an art of the game I'm GMing right now, Mobile Guard Arm Unit Section One. Basically that game is a police procedural with fantasy mecha.

Yes, in that game, we have a ninja in hobo coat and one eyed cowboy cop fighting crime with steam-powered giant robot.

You can read our adventure in link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161029)

2011-07-19, 07:56 AM
It's been a while since I painted something. This is a song drawing, like what I did with Eternity back then (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10310461&postcount=192)

This time it's based on Yuki Kajiura's "Where My Story Begins" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdt41hwFEFA)


It's Haru and Lia from Kasanip's "Travel and Tsukumogami" game from back then.

Not very good, but eh...

It is nice picture and song. Sometime I want to show sketch of such a character. :smallredface:
I wish the story could be continued somehow.

2011-07-19, 08:20 AM
It is nice picture and song. Sometime I want to show sketch of such a character. :smallredface:
I wish the story could be continued somehow.

Yeah, it's a shame, but I understand the circumstances back then.

And hey, the story is continued. Maybe it's not about them, but your comic is still there, right :smallsmile:

2011-07-29, 11:45 PM
And now for something completely different.

Captain Jacobin (http://fri-freeman.deviantart.com/gallery/26695160) is really a slavedriver. Can't we even have breakfast first before having mecha battles?


Alex Freeman, ready for take off!


Brrm... Pew Pew Pew!


Thankfully, all ends well.

And the artifact I was paid with was worth it!



Too bad that I don't have a fedora.

2011-09-04, 09:56 AM
I drew small sketch today: :smallsmile::smallredface:


2011-09-05, 07:54 PM
That's really good, Kasanip.

On my end, haven't drawn anything for this last month, since I'm in my parent's house, except for some quick sketches that I draw spontaneously in a few minutes. I really should draw more of them, I find them helpful.


My characters for the SRWUG@ game, Herb Montgomery the travelling hobo artist and Epimetheus.


My character for Kamikasei's classic dnd game, Renard Walker the Ordinary Ranger.


And a spontaneous sketch of kamikasei-senpai.


I spent the vacation baking sweets and training my lucid dreaming techniques. Haven't got a success on baking a castella yet, even after I tried a couple of batches. I'm going to try another batch today!

2011-09-07, 11:34 PM

Sadly both don't fare well. The third cake is another failure, and I still haven't managed to get regular lucid dreams.

2011-09-14, 07:09 AM

Do you even need to ask? It's Sunset Riders (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-JWx6IeYcA&feature=related)!

The very first video game that I've ever bought...

2011-09-15, 10:20 PM
So, as I promised, I bought a blues harp recently.


I was torn between either this or an ukulele, but at the end I decided on a cheap harmonica since I always prefer a more melodic instrument. Sounds easier.

I always want to be able to play an instrument, but I never picked any since I thought I never had the knack for music. When people says they wish they had drawing talent, I always said that they should try to draw and practice instead. Thanqol's drawing thread made me realizes that it also covers me. So here I am. Let's see if I can't set aside an hour a day to practice this.

2011-09-17, 11:50 AM

Just something that spontaneously appears on my canvas without I'm ever thinking about it.

2011-09-17, 02:18 PM
Oh boy, genocide!
Something like that? :smalltongue:

Flower eyes just make me think of this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr9gfSnzDs8) though.

2011-09-18, 08:57 PM
I am curious why Yuuka is liked by you?

The harmonica character seems to be a good friend of Kamome maybe. They share many interest, like hair and headphones and music.:smallredface:

2011-09-21, 07:11 AM
Uhm... I like yuuka because... She's cute and eccentric?

My number one and two favourite touhou characters are cirno and rumia though.

That character with harmonica is James Redford, my character from cubey's long running tokusatsu/evangelion game. He play harmonica, yeah, he always wear headphones, and he can turn into a flaming chicken...

He might be a good friend with kamome, but he's awkward and not too confident when talking to girls though.


Most of my characters have skills that I wish I have...