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2009-05-31, 08:22 AM
Test Your Might: Trial VI
Bracket: ECL 9-10
Ernir vs. Adumbration

Choose your buff time or lack thereof.

2009-05-31, 08:24 AM
Testing, testing... Please choose your buff time.

The base Map:

Since the map is so wide, I figured that it would be best to post it as a link. Open it on a tab or something, preferably.

The Faerie ring is a ring of stones, worn by the time to mere stubs. Only their shape suggests that there was once pillars. No real mechanical effect.

Trees: A creature standing in the same square as a tree gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves (these bonuses don’t stack with cover bonuses from other sources). The presence of a tree doesn’t otherwise affect a creature’s fighting space, because it’s assumed that the creature is using the tree to its advantage when it can. The trunk of a typical tree has AC 4, hardness 5, and 150 hp. A DC 15 Climb check is sufficient to climb a tree.

Medium and dense forests have massive trees as well. These trees take up an entire square and provide cover to anyone behind them. They have AC 3, hardness 5, and 600 hp. Like their smaller counterparts, it takes a DC 15 Climb check to climb them.

The oak trees belong to the latter, massive tree category, while all the other trees belong to the first.

The pool is one of murky water, and you can not estimate it's depth. The swim DC is 10.

After you've provided your buff time, initiative, and buffs (if any), I'll post the updated map that contains what you see.

Then you may place yourself on the map via a combination of Paint and ImageShack. (http://www.imageshack.us/) After that, you won't have to worry about that; you can merely report your movements. For an example, say Sorcerer X moves 30 feet to east.

Remind me if I've forgotten something; I'm new to DMing.

2009-05-31, 04:55 PM
Starting positions - inside the ring. (http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1875/forestgladel.jpg)
(Key: G = Glitnir, Favoured Soul (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=128728). M = Motila, Conjurer Wizard (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=128367). S = Svifill, Dervish (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=128437). F = Fingralangur, Spellthief (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=129189).)

I take a round (one, singular round :smalltongue: ) of buffing.
"Something is not right in these woods. Everybody, grab your weapons!"

Motila casts Mass Fly. Also Quickened Shield, through a charge of the Circlet of Rapid Casting.
Glitnir casts Extended Divine Power, and, through the Circlet of Rapid casting, Extended Divine Favour. These were 4th and 1st level spells, respectively, due to the Evocation Metamagic School Focus.
Fingralangur attempts to UMD a Scroll of Greater Invisibility. [roll0]
Svifill smears oil of blessed weapon on his Heavenly Burst Scimitar.

Svifill: [roll1]
Fingralangur: [roll2]
Glitnir: [roll3]
Motila: [roll4]

2009-05-31, 04:58 PM
First mistake. That was Mage Armor, not Shield Motila just cast. And I forgot my Nerveskitter.


2009-06-01, 01:43 AM
Actually, that starting place might not be a good idea - as soon as you enter the clearing from the path to the right, past the two trees, you'll definitely want to stop and have a look. Shall you place your characters on the map yourself, or shall I? If you tell me the marching order, it'd be no trouble at all.

Now, I also forgot to mention the hook in the first post. This hook is brought to you by the courtesy of CountAlucard, many thanks.

The village that you passed yesterday is in uproar. A young mother's 3-year-old son has gone missing under suspicious cirmustances, and the ranger of the village has discovered faint footprints in the woods outside the village. It is these tracks that you have followed to this ancient faerie ring.

Although it is hardly noon, this clearing is filled with shadows. You see two dark lanterns, with no flame inside, but rather a some sort of dark cloud, scratching gently at the glass. From the limbs of a nearby tree comes a raucous calling sound. Hundreds of ravens - maybe as many as a thousand - roost among the leaves and branches. Upon noticing you, they all become silent.

Mechanical effect: The shadows give concealment, except against those that have low-light vision or darkvision - they can see perfectly well.

Make 3 spot checks each.

OO = Observers Only
BBEG: [roll0]
Thorn #1: [roll1]
Thorn #2: [roll2]
Murder of Crows: [roll3]
Nereid in the lake: [roll4]
Vasuthant #1: [roll5]
Vasuthant #2: [roll6]

The last two won't come to play, unless they manage to break the lanterns, but I rolled initiative for them, just in case.

The round provided for buffing is used as following: the thorns, next to the lanterns, open the shutters as a move action, and then hide, using the concealment. BBEG uses Invisibility on himself, and hides in the same tree as the ravens are. The nereid uses the cover provided by the lake to hide.

Hide checks:
Thorn #1: [roll7]
Thorn #2: [roll8]
Nereid in the lake: [roll9]

After you've provided your locations on the right side of the map, I'll provide the updated map with all the positions you see. The ravens are on the western side of the map. Let me know if any of your character has darkvision or low-light vision. I hope I have not forgotten anything.

2009-06-01, 02:05 AM
For future referance, initiative order:
1st: Fingralangur
2nd: Motila
3rd: My turn
4th: Glitnir
5th: Svifill
6th: My turn.

2009-06-01, 09:42 AM
Actually, that starting place might not be a good idea - as soon as you enter the clearing from the path to the right, past the two trees, you'll definitely want to stop and have a look. Shall you place your characters on the map yourself, or shall I? If you tell me the marching order, it'd be no trouble at all.

Glitnir is first, walking a step or two ahead of Svifill. Fingralangur provides rear guard. Motila in the middle.

Spot checks:
Svifill: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Fingralangur: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Glitnir: [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
Motila: [roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

The lanterns: Where are they on the map?

And now, assuming we do not spot any hideous beasty lurking in the woods:

Fingralangur flies upward, maintaining position ~15 feet above the rest of the party. He readies a poisoned arrow to shoot anything hostile-looking that comes within 30' of him.
Motila casts Mirror Image, and starts hovering 5' above the ground, letting herself drift forward, yet not leaving the center of the group.

If we do spot something, uh, I deal with that when it comes along.

2009-06-01, 10:22 AM
Humm. You didn't answer the question about low-light vision, so I took the liberty to check your character sheets for races: you have 1 grey elf, with low-light vision. The grey elf, and the grey elf alone - Svifill - sees two humanoids next to the lanterns.


Updated map:

The large red spot on the lake with C = a cage, floating on the pool, with a child inside.

Black spots with L next to them = dark lanterns.

Blue spots with T next to them = unknown humanoids, visible only to the elf.

R marks the spot for the tree with ravens.

Would you like to change actions? Is the position of the party on the map good?

2009-06-01, 12:44 PM
Oops. Sorry, did not notice the question. :smallredface:

The positions are fine. My actions remain the same.

And as soon as Svifill gets a chance to act, he'll say "We're not alone."

2009-06-01, 01:01 PM
Three arrows fly from the darkness. You get 3 spot checks per character, to detect their shooters. The elf sees that the two humanoids fired the two latter arrows, but can not see where the first came - unless he succeeds on a spot check.

1st arrow, targeting Fingralangur, attack:
Instead of damage, this arrows applies a penalty to the target's next save equal to [roll1].

2nd arrow, targeted at Glitnir:
If hits, also make a fort save DC 16.

3rd arrow, also targeted at Glitnir:
If hits, also make a fort save DC 16.

Observers Only: All three take move actions to hide again, taking -20 penalty for sniping. The thorns hide in shadows, BBEG in the cover provided by the foliage.

Thorn #1:
Thorn #2:

Next up: Glitnir and Svifill.

2009-06-01, 01:33 PM
Three arrows fly from the darkness. You get 3 spot checks per character, to detect their shooters. The elf sees that the two humanoids fired the two latter arrows, but can not see where the first came - unless he succeeds on a spot check.

1st arrow, targeting Fingralangur, attack:
Instead of damage, this arrows applies a penalty to the target's next save equal to (1d8+3)[8].

2nd arrow, targeted at Glitnir:
If hits, also make a fort save DC 16.

3rd arrow, also targeted at Glitnir:
If hits, also make a fort save DC 16.
"CRAVENS!" Glitnir shouts after taking the arrows, before running straight ahead.
If he makes the spot check to see the green guy closest to him, he will charge him. If not, he will take a double move to move as close to the center of the ring as he can.
Glitnir's spot checks: [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Glitnir's Fort saves: [roll3][roll4]

Svifill moves closer to the green guy, stopping five feet away.
Instead of attacking the creature, she picks up her Daylight Pellet, smirks, and throws it into the center of the fairy ring. (Looks like the best gold this party spent...)

Other party members' spot checks:
Svifill: [roll5][roll6][roll7]
Fingralangur: [roll8][roll9][roll10]
Motila: [roll11][roll12][roll13]

2009-06-01, 01:41 PM
This might be a good idea:
Attack Roll for Glitnir, if he sees squat. Power attacking for 7: [roll=damage]2d6 + 25

2009-06-01, 01:46 PM
Ahem. :smallannoyed:

2009-06-01, 02:10 PM
Glitnir makes the spot check, but first, roll 1d100 for miss chance: if 1-20, misses, if above, hits.

For a moment, the clearing is lit in bright light, but then, somehow, the light is sucked out into the two lanterns. If looked closely, the creatures within look just a little bit fatter.

Also, everyone but Fingralangur see a redhaired fey, hiding in the tree among the ravens.

You may look:
I swear, I'm not making this up. :smallbiggrin:

Afroakuma and CountAlucard can vouch for me, they've seen what I've got.

Regardless of whether Glitnir's blow strikes true...

One of the ravens suddenly leaps from it's perch, and suddenly they all fly up en masse. The flock gathers into a tight knot as it spirals into the sky, then it suddenly whirls back down, like a black cloud of feathers with thousands of sharp claws and beaks stretched toward its prey.

In other words, the ravens swarm, flying into Fingralangur's space, dealing [roll0] damage, as the ravens try to peck out his eyes. Also make a reflex save DC 14, The penalty does not apply to this save. Unfortunately. :smallannoyed:

If the save fails, Fingralangur's eyes are pecked out, and he is blinded.


Also, I believe that triggers his readied action.

EDIT: I'll be out for the night soon, so next is up Fingralangur and Motila.

EDIT 2 (or 3): Also, at the start of Fingralangur's turn, make a fortitude save for him, DC 12, or be nauseated for 1 round.

2009-06-01, 02:24 PM
Umm. Apparently I had forgotten Greater Invisibility. Both the 1st arrow and the swarm fly at Motila, okay? The rolls remain the same, as well as the effects. Sorry about that. :smallredface:

2009-06-01, 02:39 PM
Glitnir is murky-eyed. TWO miss chances.[roll0] [roll1]

Fingralangur attempts to cover his eyes. [roll2]

Also, I believe that triggers his readied action.

So... he shoots an arrow at the mass of birds. Awesome.

[roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

He loses 1d6 points of SA damage to steal See Invisibility, if the ravens have it.
Another 1d6 points go into stealing a spell-like ability.
(This is how it works, right? Never played one of these before.)

Note that his bow is both Seeking and Magebane, if it matters. If it hits something relevant, there is a DC 13 Fort save or fall unconscious (poison).

Motila Shouts "I SEE YOU!" and unleashes Glitterdust on the redhead.
If she sees the green ones too, she does not use Glitterdust, but Sculpted Glitterdust to hit all of them, and the ravens. Will DC 21 negates the Blindness.

2009-06-01, 02:41 PM
See my last post. I got it a tiiiny bit wrong. Sorryeh. :smallredface:

2009-06-01, 03:05 PM
See my last post. I got it a tiiiny bit wrong. Sorryeh. :smallredface:

Oops. :smallbiggrin:

Okay, this still triggers the readied action, right? So Fingralangur's rolls are unaffected?

The mirror image created [roll0] images for Motila. If the ravens pick the right one, she does a [roll1].

And she doesn't Glitterdust the place. If the birdies are not in her space (that is, they attacked one of the images), she uses a Sculpted Cloudkill to get as many of them as she can without catching any of her allies in it.
If they are in her space, or if she is blinded, she casts Greater Invisibility.

If Motila is now supposed to make the Fort Save: [roll2] (add the penalty, if appropriate)
If it is still Fingralangur: [roll3]

2009-06-02, 03:01 AM
A thought that just occurred to me: the ravens acted last, triggering the readied action before the end of the turn, making what happens here his actual actions in turn 2.

If he got a spell or SLA from the Ravens and he does not see the green ones, he will shoot them again, under the same parameters.


If he sees the green ones, he will move within 30' and shoot one of them instead.

If the readied action in round 1 was not triggered at all... uh, use the rolls in the last post as his actions in round 2, and ignore this one alltogether. :smallredface:

2009-06-02, 08:39 AM
Since there are 4 mirror images, and the swarm occupies 10 ft, they catch two of them anyway, so there's a 50% of not hitting the right one.

1-50 misses, 51-100 hits.

Actions and stuff come immedietly after I've settled in my mind what's happened.

Just to clarify: everyone sees everyone at the moment - the humanoids next to the lanterns rolled very low on their sniping hide checks. You also see a red-headed humanoid in the tree where the ravens came from. Could you reiterate your actions, now that you know for sure?

EDIT: That's 2 mirror images less. The ravens miss Motilar - no damage is dealt, and saves were unnecessary.

2009-06-02, 12:33 PM
OK. Since it occupies a 10' square, I know what to do.

Motila steps 5' away from the swarm, and fires a sculpted Cloudkill. One 10' square straight on the birdies, one on the redhead, and one for each of the green ones. I will make sure no allies are immediately caught in the cloud.
After that, the same squares will get a Sculpted Glitterdust, regardless of whether they seem occupied.

Fort save DC for Cloudkill: 24. Will save DC for Glitterdust: 21.

As before, this should trigger Fingralangur's readied action. He fires on the birds, and attempts to steal a spell, and a SLA. Random ones, I guess.

attack - (1d20+14)[22], damage - (1d6+1)[7], SA - (1d6)[2]

New: Since he sees the redhead, he flies within 30' of that one, and gives it an arrow. He attempts to steal a spell, and a spell effect.

attack - (1d20+14)[17]damage - (1d6+1)[2]SA - (1d6)[4]

Fort save DC vs. unconsciousness for both of them is 13.

2009-06-02, 12:35 PM
Oh, and may I get a map to see what I blasted, please? :smallredface:

2009-06-02, 12:38 PM
All right. Could you, however, first explain what the Sculpted metamagic exactly does, and what allows you to fire two spells a round?

In a minute I'll edit in this post a progression of the match in a round-to-round basis, for clarity.


Pre-combat: Buffs: Mass Fly (all), Shield on Motila. Extended Divine Favor and Extended Divine power on Glitnir. Greater Invisibility on Fingralangur. Svifill's weapon is now Blessed.

From now on I'll refer F=Fingralangur, S=Svifill, M=Motila, G=Glitnir, for sake of simplicity and space.

Round 1:
- F moves 15 ft up, readies action to shoot a poisoned arrow, invisible.
- M casts Mirror Image, conjuring 4 images, floats 5 ft off the ground.
- An arrow flies at M. It appears that I forgot to roll against the mirror image here as well, coming up in next post.
- 2 arrows aimed at G.
- G charges one of the humanoids near a lantern, missing due to concealment.
- S moves moves near a humanoid (presumably the same as G), throws a Daylight pellet.
- A swarm of ravens attack 2 of the Ms mirror images, destroying them. Triggers Fs readied action, who fires an arrow at the swarm, dealing damage.

Round 2:
- F moves to 30 ft from the tree, firing an arrow at the redheaded creature, missing.
- M casts sculpted Cloudkill and Glitterdust.

2009-06-02, 12:49 PM
Rolling 1d5 to see if the arrow with the save penalty hits. If it's 1, it hits, if it's 4-5, it doesn't.


EDIT: And the arrow misses.

2009-06-02, 12:56 PM
All right. Could you, however, first explain what the Sculpted metamagic exactly does, and what allows you to fire two spells a round?

A Sculpted Spell has an area different from the one normally advertised for the spell, otherwise it is identical. Changing the area to "four 10-foot cubes" is one of the options. So now I have four tiny little Cloudkills and four 10' Glitterdusted areas. My favourite Metamagic. :smallbiggrin:
It is in Complete Arcane, page 83.

I have a Circlet of Rapid Casting. It contains three charges. By expending one, I can quicken a spell of level 2 or less. She has quickened Mage Armor and now Glitterdust this way (so one charge remaining).
It is in the Magic Item Compendium, page 86.

In a minute I'll edit in this post a progression of the match in a round-to-round basis, for clarity.


2009-06-02, 01:16 PM
A Sculpted Spell has an area different from the one normally advertised for the spell, otherwise it is identical. Changing the area to "four 10-foot cubes" is one of the options. So now I have four tiny little Cloudkills and four 10' Glitterdusted areas. My favourite Metamagic. :smallbiggrin:
It is in Complete Arcane, page 83.

I have a Circlet of Rapid Casting. It contains three charges. By expending one, I can quicken a spell of level 2 or less. She has quickened Mage Armor and now Glitterdust this way (so one charge remaining).
It is in the Magic Item Compendium, page 86.

Everything seems to be in order, then. Give me a moment to tally the saves and possible effects, and then I'll post the map.

2009-06-02, 01:30 PM
Observers only:Saves against Cloudkill:
Swarm (4 HD, if fails, dies, if succeeds, takes [roll0] Con damage): [roll1]
Thorn #1 (6 HD, if fails, takes [roll2] Con damage, if succeeds, no effect: [roll3]
Thorn #2 (6 HD, if fails, takes [roll4] Con damage, if succeeds, no effect: [roll5]
BBEG (14 HD, if fails, takes [roll6] Con damage, if succeeds, no effect: [roll7]

Saves against Glitterdust:
Swarm: [roll8]
Thorn #1: [roll9]
Thorn #2: [roll10]
BBEG: [roll11]

With pathetic caws, the ravens fall to earth, dead. The two humanoids are covered with the glittering stuff - but not the one in the tree, who seems to have shrugged the effect completely.

My turn is up next: I'll post the map updated with my actions and yours.

2009-06-02, 01:58 PM
Updated map:

Make a listen check each. Also make a will save for Svifill, Glitnir and Motila, DC 28. On failure, take -4 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and weapon damage rolls for one hour thereafter.

You see, in the distance, the other humanoid stumble out of the cloud, and fire an arrow at Glitnir.

DC 16 Fort save if hits, or fall asleep.

Observers Only:
Caillteanas uses Invisibility on himself, and drops out of the tree, taking [roll2] fall damage. Move silently check: [roll3].

He then uses Hexblade's curse on Svifill, Glitnir and Motila.

It is now Glitnirs and Svifills turns.

2009-06-02, 03:16 PM
With pathetic caws, the ravens fall to earth, dead.

*Puts on party hat*

Make a listen check each.

Also make a will save for Svifill, Glitnir and Motila, DC 28.

DC 16 Fort save if hits, or fall asleep.
It hits.

Actions come once I see whether Glitnir is awake.

2009-06-02, 03:47 PM
Glitnir casts a Flame Strike on the tree the damn thing was hiding in. That is, the tree is in the center of the area.
[roll0], reflex DC 19.
"THAT ought to light things up!"

If the green one is holding a melee weapon (that is, if it threatens the square G is in), he 5-foots out of it.

Svifill initiates a Dervish dance, and starts slashing the thing with the swords. Heavenly Burst Scimitar +1 is primary.
Five-foot west. (Into the Cloudkill, but the damage is done on M's turn, so meh.) [roll4]
[roll5][roll6][roll7] If it is a hit, do a targeted Dispel Magic on it, CL 5.
Five-foot southwest.[roll8]
Five-foot southeast.[roll12]

Should end up south of the baddy.

2009-06-02, 06:08 PM

Another realization. I was circling the lantern, not the baddy.

Same rolls, with one addition, and a new sequence:

5' NE 1d20+16
5' NW
Attack 1
5' W
Attack 2
5' SW
Attack 3
5' S
Attack 4

ending the sequence in the square SW of the baddy, W of the lantern. Sorry for the confusion.

2009-06-02, 06:09 PM
And I must have messed up the code. :smallfrown:


2009-06-03, 05:39 AM
I think you forgot to apply the penalty from the curse to Glitnir's save. Am I correct?

2009-06-03, 12:42 PM
I think you forgot to apply the penalty from the curse to Glitnir's save. Am I correct?

Curse? Good to know. :smallwink:

And yes, I forgot that. So Glitnir takes a nap, and there will be no Flame Striking. :smallfrown:

2009-06-03, 12:58 PM
Observers only:Nereid takes no actions, still observing. Thorn takes 5 + 8 + 4 = 17 damage, but is still up and blinded.

Only the first blow strikes true at the creature, but the wound is still grave.

Now it is Fingralangurs and Motilas turns. In the future, at least for now, you may take all your actions after my turn. (The one at the end was for the swarm.)

2009-06-03, 02:51 PM
Fingralangur: I never got to know if he ever seemed to hit anything, did I? At least I never got any spells. :smalltongue:

Anyways, if he can see the redhead and it is within 30', here's a for it. Stealing a random spell on the first, a spell effect on the second.
As before, Fort DC 13 or fall unconscious.
If he can't see the redhead (outlined and with -40 on hide checks, regardless of saves and SR, I do not know how it would be possible, but hey...) he moves within 30' of the nearest green guy and fires the first arrow.

If Motila can see the redhead, it gets (after moving in range if necessary)
A quickened Ray of Clumsiness (depleting the last charge). [roll8][roll9]
And a Sudden Empowered Enervation to follow up (no idea how to multiply by 1.5, this is an unmodified roll). [roll10][roll11]

If Motila can't see the redhead, it is a Cloudkill for the forest. The tree where it stood should be the center of the emanation, and (barring wind and such) be told to drift north.

2009-06-03, 03:18 PM
You can't see the redhead, and there's a very good reason for it. You may open the following spoiler after the match and see it.

Observers only (and after the match):
Caillteanas has Mettle, and succeeded on the save against Glitterdust, thus negating all effects.

Give me a moment to see if the green guy is still standing; you'll probably have to wait for my turn till tomorrow, though.

EDIT: The arrow hits, but the greenie is still alive and standing, although only barely. The cloudkill fill the foliage of the tree, but there is no visible effect.

EDIT 2: Oh, sorry for not mentioning. The arrow at the swarm hit and dropped a few ravens, but the arrow against the redhead missed.

2009-06-03, 03:34 PM
I might as well. Shouldn't take long, and after that, you can take your turns again.

Observers only:
Caillteanas draws a card from his Deck of Illusions, dropping it at his feet, before moving silently away 20 ft.


Move silently:

Thorn #1: Readies an action to attack the next one who attacks him.

The green humanoid you've been attacking so far drops his bow, and draws his sword, appearing to brace himself for something.

The one farther away fires an arrow at Svifill:
DC 16 fortitude save or fall asleep, if hits.

2009-06-03, 03:37 PM
Suddenly, below the tree that has been so effectively cloudkilled, 3 male human clerics appear, brandishing their unholy symbols. "Halt, in the name of Asmodeus!" Make also a listen check, each.

You may now take your turns.

2009-06-03, 05:13 PM
The arrow at the swarm hit and dropped a few ravens
Some arrow. :smallbiggrin:

The one farther away fires an arrow at Svifill:

It hits. (Barely. Gah.)


Actions happen after the result of the save is clear.

2009-06-03, 06:01 PM
Nat 1. Awesome. So unless that arrow was just carrying a Sleep spell (elf immunity, whoo) and not poisoned, Svifill drops to the ground.

If it is a Sleep spell thingy, she... activates Blur from her armor, charges the one far away, and attacks, I guess.

The arrow hits, but the greenie is still alive and standing, although only barely.
STILL alive? Eat Fingralangur's Full Attack. No sneak attack tradeoff, looks like I am not getting any spells...

Suddenly, below the tree that has been so effectively cloudkilled, 3 male human clerics appear, brandishing their unholy symbols. "Halt, in the name of Asmodeus!"

Motila flies closer to Glitnir's snoring body, and casts Evard's Black Tentacles on the newcomers. Flight height c.a. 15' in the air.
"IN THE NAME OF ERNIR, take a dirt nap!"
Standard area shape, but she will try to catch them on the edge of the area, the rest extending into the woods (hoping I will catch Redhead by chance, if it is silly enough to be on the ground).
If she hears something, she will sculpt the spell to four 10' squares, which include the squares of the three clerics, and the square in which I guessed I heard stuff.

(FYI, in a "real" campaign, the appearance of those guys is where I would decide things are too risky, stuff the unconscious ones in a bag and fly the hell away. :smalltongue:)

Listen checks:
[roll11] (-10 if she is asleep)

2009-06-04, 11:27 AM
Svifill stays awake; elf immunity, indeed. She lands a solid hit at the other humanoid.

The clerics appear to be grappled, shouting in disconcertation.

Both arrows strike true, finally dropping him.

None of them hear anything special.

I'll take my turn later tonight.

2009-06-04, 01:19 PM
Observers Only:Caillteanas casts Expeditious retreat on himself, moves 30 feets westwards. Move silently: [roll0]

The remaining humanoid takes a step back out of Svifill's reach, firing an arrow at Motila - or at least one of his mirror images.

For images - if 1, hits Motila, if other, hits an image.
Fort save DC 16 or fall asleep.

The clerics writhe uselessly at the grips of the tentacles. Your turn now.

2009-06-04, 07:33 PM
Fingralangur flies within 30' of the remaining greeny, and shoots.

Svifill dances around the greeny, slashing all the way.
5' to move up to it, then circling clockwise, ending up facing the same way, but right up to it again. (Just realised that she can't fail the tumble checks without any special hindrances I do not know about.)

Motila holds position, prepares to cast Greater Invisibility should any one of the Asmodeusclerics escape and decide to attack.
(Down to one image, right? And since I forgot to roll grapplethingies for the tentacles in the last post, but the clerics are grappled anyway, shall I assume you did?)

2009-06-04, 07:40 PM
The first two attack rolls threaten crits (15-20 range).

If the greeny is evil, the treat is auto-confirmed (blessed) and adds [roll2] damage and greeny has to make a DC 14 Fort save vs. blindness. If it is not evil, no extra Heavenly Burst damage and no blindness.


2009-06-05, 06:33 AM
Going out of town for the weekend, with no internet connection. Will be back Monday, latest.

2009-06-08, 01:21 PM
*Post made to show that I am again watching the thread*

2009-06-08, 02:28 PM
Right, posting tomorrow morning. :smallsmile:

2009-06-09, 03:12 AM
... And the greeny goes down. They're called Thorns, by the way. And just a reminder: don't forget the concealment for non-elves, and the curse that gives -4 to most checks.

Observers Only:
Caillteanas moves just below Motila, who is flying 5 ft in the air, and then readies an action to Glitterdust the area where the next arrow comes from.

Hide check:
Move Silently:

Your turn now. The clerics are still trapped by the tentacles. Don't worry, though. Things are about to get busy.

Oh, and Motila gets a spot check and a listen check. You may take your turn. Also, if you want to save me the trouble, could you state the positions of your party members?

2009-06-09, 01:39 PM
Motila starts coordinating.

"Stay alert! The redhead may still be out here.

Svifill! Get over here, stay between me and those Clerics.

Fingralangur! Get over here, try shooting the Clerics, to see how they react. Maybe we can pluck them off one by one.
He shoots:

Motila herself flies to occupy the square in which Glitnir is unconscious. She readies her standard action to Glitterdust the general area of the redhead, should she catch a glimpse of it.

(She has a penalty. I just realized that she did fail her Will save vs. the curse due to the arrow that hit her in the first round. I hope this has not affected anything. :smalleek:
Unless the arrow did not affect the save vs. the curse, in which case everything is in order.)

Locations (http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/1951/currentpositions.jpg)

Observers only, if I may: Motila occupies Glitnir's square because I would rather not someone get the idea to CdG him. Should be more difficult to pull off sneakily if there's a Wizard practically sitting on his face.

Also, I suspect something is not right about the Clerics. A Cleric worth mentioning should have figured out a way out of a simple grapple by now. And they appeared out of a Cloudkilled bush. My guess is golems or undead in disguise, or some kind of illusion.

2009-06-09, 02:04 PM
All right, Fingralangur's action triggers readied action by the BBEG, the Caillteanas. A cloud of yellow, sparkly dust fills the area where the arrow sprang from.

Make DC 22 Will save for Fingralangur, against the effects of Glitterdust, as per the spell.

Want to know where the Caillteanas appears, don't you? :smallamused:

Well, now you know. He is right in the square below Motila, crouching. He is still wielding his bow. (Silly of me, really. Forgot to change weapons while moving, but meh. It would be unfair to change it now.)

You may now modify Motila's actions, since the situation has changed so much.

2009-06-09, 02:24 PM
Fingralangur gets Glitterdust? :smalleek:

Well, Caillteanas gets Baleful Polymorph from Motila, who moves 5' up and casts. DC 22 Fort Save, or be a toad!

2009-06-09, 02:38 PM
Observers only:
Fort save: [roll0]

Forgot Arcane Resistance from his last save, by the way.

Fingralangur resists the effects of the cloud of dust partially, but he is none the less outlined by it.

Going to edit in the result of Caillteanas' save afterwards.

EDIT: Now I truly understand the meaning of Save or Suck. Fortunately, he saved.

2009-06-09, 03:08 PM
Caillteanas drops his bow and draws his sword. Then he pauses, for a moment, before smiling understandingly. Something passes between him and Svifill, something that others can not perceive. Svifill's eyes bulge, and...
A) if he fails his save, he will fall prone, laughing maniacally at the joke, or
B) shakes off the effects of Tasha's Hideous laughter.

Make a Will save DC 21. Svifill gets +4 bonus on its saving throw, because humor doesn’t “translate” well.

Then Caillteanas takes a short step next to Svifill, brandishing his sword. Oh, and in the future, roll a caster level check for spells against the Caillteanas.

You may now take your turn. I'll be back tomorrow to do mine again.

2009-06-09, 03:14 PM
First, a Will save. Includes a -4 penalty for the curse, a +4 bonus for being of a different type, and a +2 bonus for being an Elf.


(Then a lot of thinking.)

2009-06-09, 04:03 PM
Svifill tumbles over and starts giggling like an elven girl, which, in fact, she is.

Fingralangur flies up to Motila (stops in the square above her), whips up his final Scroll of Greater Invisibility, and tries to cast.
"Here, you can use this better than I can now." [roll0]

Motila, (hopefully) under the effect of Greater Invisibility, flies as high as she can, and starts blasting.
Quickened Ray of Clumsiness. [roll1][roll2][roll3]
Sudden Empowered Enervation[roll4][roll5], multiply by 1.5 [roll6]

2009-06-10, 01:29 PM
Results of this magical blasting: both rays miss.

Calculating the approximate source of the rays, the Caillteanas grins, launching another globe of sparkly motes of dust. Make a Will save DC 21 for Motila or be blinded. He is outlined nonetheless.

Your turn again.

Observers Only:
I wonder why he hasn't taken the standard action to wake up Glitnir?

EDIT: Oh, and before I completely forget - and since I've already lost count of rounds, and it's possible that you haven't - the durations of the Glitterdusts are 6 rounds.

2009-06-10, 01:38 PM
Will save: [roll0]

2009-06-10, 02:35 PM
I am never playing without Assay Spell Resistance again. What the hell was I thinking?

Motila says "By Boccob, please don't have Balance as a class skill!" and casts Grease (Reflex DC 20). She then flies directly above Caillteanas, and hovers 20' above the ground.
Fingralangur casts Wraithstrike (all attacks made as touch attacks), and full attacks Caillteanas with poisoned arrows. He trades off all the SA damage to
1. Steal his ability to cast Glitterdust on the first arrow, and any random spell on the second.
2. Steal ongoing spell effects with both arrows.
3. Steal Spell-Like abilities with both arrows.
Ignore the spellstealing part if he is not flat-footed. :smallfrown:
Fort DC 13 negates the unconsciousness, as before.

The turns are getting fuzzy here too. Both of them are still Glitterdusted for a while, though. :smalleek:

2009-06-10, 02:40 PM
Just a moment, I need to check how the Spell steal effects worked again. (Yes, this means that he is flat-footed, and that both arrows hit.)

2009-06-10, 02:47 PM
Observers only:
Random spell:

Random spell-Like ability:

Random spell-Like ability:

Fingralangur gains (spells):
- 1 use of Glitterdust
- 1 use of Slow

Fingralangur gains (spell-like abilities):
- 1 use of Inflict serious wounds
- 1 use of Summon Swarm

The spells have CL 6 and DC 20+spell level, and the spell-like abilities have CL 8 and DC 16+spell level.

Fingralangur gains no ongoing spell effects.

2009-06-10, 02:52 PM
Observers only:
Reflex save: [roll0]

I'll take his turn shortly.

2009-06-10, 02:53 PM
One more thing to roll - Observers only:
Fortitude saves:[roll0] [roll1]

EDIT: You're going to love this. He is now unconscious. :smalleek:

2009-06-10, 03:14 PM
*Insert my most ebil laugh ever here*

Yes, I do love it.

Motila readies to cast Bands of Steel should Caillteanas start moving.

Fingralangur flies right next to the unconscious Caillteanas, and aims for his eye at point-blank range.

Fort save DC = 10 + damage dealt, or be dead.

2009-06-10, 03:19 PM
By the way... are those Clerics still grappled? Are they perhaps right behind my poor PCs? You have not mentioned them at all. :smalleek:

2009-06-10, 05:39 PM
I realized something hooooooorrible. :smalleek:

The miss chances. I forgot them.

(Pleasepleaseplease be still unconscious!)

2009-06-11, 01:09 AM
He is still unconscious - the poison from the first arrow did the trick. Oh, and the clerics are still writhing in the clasps of the spell, but now that you are not under great duress, you notice that their actions are getting repetitious.

2009-06-11, 02:43 AM
Fort save:

2009-06-11, 02:10 PM
Almost forgot to announce it: if nothing new crops up, he's dead. Nice work, I thought I had you already. :smallamused:

2009-06-11, 02:22 PM
*Puts on the Fivefold Party Hat of Tiamat* BOOYA!

So, he looks dead? I take a few rounds to wait for Svifill to catch her breath. She will decapitate him ASAP, and separate the pieces.

In case the match is not officially won until I have the kid, they will loot the redhead.

They drop the lanterns into the lake. They will not touch them directly in case of poisons, gloves will be used. Fingralangur is the one who does the dropping.

Glitnir (if he ever wakes up :smalleek:) will fly over to the cage and release the child, the others flying near and being ready to intervene if the cage turns out to be trapped, or something else goes wrong.

They then fly as quickly as they can back to the village, Glitnir holding the kid. When the spell runs out, they will hustle along the ground instead.

Any problems I encounter, or dice I need to roll? :smallsmile:

2009-06-12, 07:05 PM
Soo... did I win? :smalltongue:

2009-06-13, 01:16 AM
Yes, sorry, forgot to post yesterday. :smallamused:

You did win.