View Full Version : Test Your Might Soundstage G

2009-05-31, 11:14 PM
Test Your Might: Trial VIII
Bracket: ECL 9-10
Chain vs. TheCountAlucard

Choose your buff time or lack thereof.

2009-05-31, 11:16 PM
Well Vanna, I'd like to go with all-day buffs.

2009-05-31, 11:26 PM
Chain has declared long buffs only. Prepare as appropriate.

2009-05-31, 11:40 PM
All righty...

Here's the map. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa100/TheCountAlucard666/WildyMapPCView.jpg
It's outdoors, hours after sundown. No moon or stars are visible, but everything is in shadowy illumination because of the fireflies that flit about. Lots and lots of fireflies. As noted in the key, any square with "PC" in it is valid for you to place your characters in. The limit at which a Spot check is available to see something is [roll0] feet. Position yourselves, and roll initiative. :smallcool:

Several children in town have gone missing, stolen away shortly after a mysterious stranger came to town. The stranger disappeared, however, before he could be confronted, and thus the PCs were hired to find him and bring the children back.

Observers OnlyThe Caillteanas is in square E5.

2009-05-31, 11:50 PM
The Beatstick (here on known as "BS") [roll0] is positioned at I13.
The Blaster Caster (here on known as "BC") [roll1] is positioned at J15.
The Healbot (here on known as "HB") [roll2] is on his horse positioned at J13-J14.
The Skillmonkey (here on known as "SM") [roll3] is positioned at K15.

Who acts first?

2009-06-01, 12:00 AM
Who acts first?Observers Only:smallsigh: Man, forgot to roll initiative. I suck at this. :smalltongue:
The Petals[roll1]
EDIT: Okay, it'll be me, then BC, then me again, then BS, then me, then SM, then me again, then HB, followed by me. :smalltongue:

2009-06-01, 12:18 AM
Observers OnlyPetals 9, 1, 8, 13, 4, 15, 7, and 14 all make Hide checks.
Go ahead, your go.

2009-06-01, 12:21 AM
Is that my cue? Nervous about her surroundings and how difficult it is to see anything, BC uses Detect Hostile Intent.

2009-06-01, 12:27 AM
Yes, to the northeast, and to the west, there are creatures with hostile intent. Eight of them. Also would like some Spot checks.

2009-06-01, 12:33 AM
BC says "Stop. It's an ambush."

Spot Checks

2009-06-01, 12:38 AM
Observers OnlyAd-hoc +4 to spot check because they know they're looking for something? Also, -1 penalty for every 10 feet of distance...

Petal 5 delays action until Initiative count 20.

Beatstick sees a pair of little petal-winged humanoid creatures in the underbrush in L12, wearing clothing made of leaves. Said creatures are under two feet tall, and hold daggers in their right hands.

Beatstick's move.

2009-06-01, 12:43 AM
BS uses his Ring of Invisibility and tumbles [roll0] to K11.

2009-06-01, 01:02 AM
Observers OnlyNew Spot check since Beatstick moved - [roll0]

Petals 3, 11, and 5 (all in G10) hide while flying to E9.

Redcap 2 (N7) attempts to hide and snipe Beatstick with an eldritch stone.

Petal 10 (G10) hides while flying to E9. [roll8]

Petal 12 (H5) flies over to F3, waving urgently to the Caillteanas.
Banshrae calls its flute into existance, and then readies an action to play his dread dirge if he sees anybody.

Beatstick's AC probably isn't 8, is it? :smalltongue:

A rock pings off Beatstick's armor, hurled from a sling by a toothy little old man in a red hat, standing in a treetop in N7.

Still my turn, hold on...

2009-06-01, 01:23 AM
Observers OnlyRedcap 4 (O3) will double-move, travelling along the trail until it reaches L9.

Petal 2 will join Petal 12.

Caillteanas will use his invisibility SLA, retrieve his deck of illusions from his bag of holding, and then take a 5-foot step out the door.

Redcap 6 (K6) will hide and then ready an action to hurl a stone at anyone who attacks Redcap 4 in melee. [roll0]

Beatstick also spots one of the petal-winged creatures flitting over to E9, and then a second red-capped man appears, travelling along the trail until it reaches L10, at which point he bumps into Beatstick. He glares, a massive scythe at the ready.

Okay, your move.

2009-06-01, 01:30 AM
SM casts Haste defensively - on herself, BS, BC, HB and HB's mount. [roll0]

(10 rounds remaining)

2009-06-01, 01:44 AM
Observers OnlyRedcap 1 (K7, typo) readies an action to attack anyone who approaches.
Petal 6 (H5) flies to G4, and readies an action to sing if any enemies approach.
Redcap 5 (J6) moves to J8.

Another red-capped gent emerges from the foliage in J8. He, too, wields a scythe.

Go ahead, Healbot.

2009-06-01, 01:48 AM
Now, wait, only BS can see the gent, or can everyone?

2009-06-01, 01:49 AM
Everyone can see all three gents. :smallcool:

Talic has pointed out to me in a PM that I've made some rule mistakes. In order to fix some of these, is it all right with you if I retroactively say that the fireflies are only on the trail, providing shadowy illumination out to 25 feet from the squares they occupy (i.e., the trail?)

2009-06-01, 01:59 AM
The Healbot readies her lance, charges forward, makes a slight turn at J11 (with the help of her Mount's Fleet of Foot feat) and charges into the Gent at L10. She continues on into the Light Terrain, unhindered by it as her horse floats about a foot off of the ground.


2009-06-01, 02:09 AM
As HB charges the geezer in L10, two rocks fly at him from the trees.


Nonetheless, the attack is effective, reducing the old man to a smear of blood and a single tooth.

2009-06-01, 02:12 AM
Sorry, should probably tell you their AC's.
BS's is 21. BC's is 22. HB's is 26 (would be 28, but she charged), and SM's is 21.

Also, I'm assuming it's still your turn.

2009-06-01, 02:26 AM
Yes, thanks.

Observers OnlyPetals 16 moves to G4.
Redcap 3 (J4) climbs his tree. [roll0]
Petals 1, 4, 8, 9, 13, and 15 delay until Initiative count 23.
Petals 4, 9, 8, and 13 then fly to H13 and sing.
Petals 1, 7, 14, and 15 all sing.

ChainI'll need eight will saves from Healbot and her mount, four for Beatstick, eight for Blastercaster, and eight for Skillmonkey. If any of them have bonuses against enchantment, include them.

Four more of the little leaf-wearing humanoids smile softly as they float into H13. Their mouths open, and lilting, gentle music wafts through the trees as a half-dozen or more voices break out in song.

BC's turn.

2009-06-01, 02:32 AM
Using Detect Hostile intent she knows the direction of every creature within 30 ft who actively wishes her harm. I don't suppose I could persuade you to update the map?

2009-06-01, 02:44 AM
Here you go.
P represents the singing winged faerie thingies.
RC represents the hat-wearing old dudes.
I know, I suck at this. :smalltongue:

2009-06-01, 02:54 AM
It makes me nervous when you put things in spoilers. I'm not always sure I'm supposed to be looking at them.

BC drops an Empowered Ball of Cold (20-ft radius spread) centered on L5. Deals [roll0] cold damage, Fort save DC 22 for half. Then she spends her move action to regain her Psionic Focus.

2009-06-01, 03:10 AM
Will saves
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

[roll4] [roll5] [roll6][roll7] [roll8][roll9] [roll10] [roll11]

[roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17] [roll18] [roll19]

[roll20] [roll21] [roll22] [roll23] [roll24] [roll25] [roll26] [roll27]

[roll28] [roll29] [roll30] [roll31] [roll32] [roll33] [roll34] [roll35]

2009-06-01, 03:12 AM
Observers Only[roll0]

Beatstick, Healbot, the mount, and Skillmonkey all yawn, beginning to grow bleary-eyed from the gentle music. Blastercaster, on the other hand, remains sharp and asplodes the senior citizens with cold, psionic death, save for the one in K6, who nonetheless isn't looking too happy about it. Of each of the old men who died, only a single bloody tooth remains.

ChainBS, HB, HB's mount, and SM all take a -5 penalty on Spot and Listen checks, as well as a -2 penalty on all Will saves against sleep effects.

2009-06-01, 03:19 AM
[roll0] Because of the Song?

Unfortunately, it is 4:30 in the morning and I need to sleep. Now that we have it going can we treat this like a play-by-post game? Post whenever we get the chance>

2009-06-01, 03:35 AM
(Not a spell, sorry. Don't blame ya, though. :smallbiggrin:)

Unfortunately, it is 4:30 in the morning and I need to sleep. Now that we have it going can we treat this like a play-by-post game? Post whenever we get the chance?No problem. :smallsmile:

Observers OnlyPetals 3, 11, 5, and 10 fly over the house and to 5C.

Petal 12 will delay until Initiative count 16.

The Banshrae will begin playing its gibbering sing-along.

Petals 2 and 12 will ready actions to throw their daggers if any strangers approach.

The Caillteanas will move to square G4 and throw a card from his deck of illusions into square G5, on the roof of the cabin.

[roll0] - Ogre Mage

He wills it to behave realistically.
A massive brute appears a few feet above the roof, hovering in place. It is hard to see, but it resembles a big, demonic human with green skin, claws, and horns. The figure wields a greatsword and wears a chain shirt sized for an ogre. At the same time, a strange, catchy tune begins to play.

Roll me a Will save for each PC, as well as Healbot's mount. Skillmonkey's turn. :smallcool:

2009-06-11, 12:13 PM
Will Saves

The Skill Monkey breaks her Feather Token: Whip, and a long whip appears next to the demon.
