View Full Version : Return of the Iron Star: Road to Arton!

2009-06-01, 05:13 PM
With the brace of bandits successfully manacled and the three black-robed individuals walking along, we find our party on the road to the small town of Arton!

2009-06-01, 10:55 PM
Gloria hummed joyfully as she walked beside her knight friend's steed. She occasionally looked up to see if her feathered friend was continuing his ever watchful glade above.

She preferred to stay away from the city. Too many people and too few animals made for a dull time. However, this time was different. This time she was going to a festival. Gloria had never been to a festival of any sort but had always heard stories of all the wondrous things she might find there.

Gloria stopped humming and spoke, "What kinds of things might this festival have?" She asked, as she had before. She always loved a good story, no matter how many times it was told.

2009-06-02, 12:31 PM

Joseph kept riding at a slow pace, slow enough for the manacled bandits to keep up. He may not hold them in high regards, but he is not going to be needlessly cruel to them either.

"Oh, the usual: Lots of food and games. And of course a great tournament."

Joseph smiles and goes on "You know, I really should try jousting. I know how to ride and... he, you know that I can hit a moving target with a lance... how hard could it be?"

"Even if it is just to see how I fare against all my nobleborn fellow knights."


2009-06-03, 12:58 AM
Corrin has been characteristically quiet during the journey, taking it upon herself to make sure the prisoners are looked after and well behaved.

"More fighting?" She gives Joseph something of a sideways look. She understands the man's enthusiasm, and doesn't really want to put a damper on it, but all the same...

2009-06-03, 01:53 AM
Gloria gasped at the mention that she might get to see one of her friends in a real competition, "Really? I've never seen a joust. Whatever goes on there, I think you would do well if riding and fighting is involved."

Gloria looked at Corrin somberly, "Well, do what you enjoy, I say. If he wants to fight in this joust thing then I say let him have his fun. I think it would be enjoyable to cheer him on."

She returned her attention to Joseph, "There wouldn't be any games a lady and her feathered companion might be able to join in, would there?"

2009-06-03, 02:40 AM
The half-elf woman's ears perk up as the adventurers discuss the upcoming festival. She briefly looks to Willer, who nods calmly, and then turns to Gloria.

"You're headed to the Festival, too? I heard there's to be an archery contest as well. Personally, I'd like to hear the bards. I was told that the best performers in all of Winnalton will be there to play."

She looks as though she is about to say more, but then Willer raises his hand. "Would you know if we could obtain some horses in the next town?" he asks.

2009-06-04, 05:57 AM

"Think of it as play-fighting." Joseph smiles at Corrin "You know, like cubs do. If you can unhorse someone in a joust, you should be able to do well in a real battle too."

Hearing Willer's question, Joseph turns to him "Indeed. There are two places in Arton where you can buy horses. Both good places to go, but maybe you should still ask someone who knows about horses for help. If you want, I could help you find a fine steed tomorrow or so."


2009-06-04, 10:18 AM
Corrin shrugs, then offers her friend a smile. She will, of course, be right there in the stands when he's jousting, cheering him on, though perhaps not shouting.

Something their companion mentioned caught her attention, though- the shifter gives the half-elf woman a curious look, granting her her full attention as they walk. "Bards?"

2009-06-04, 11:13 AM
"Thanks for the offer," the black-robed man replies, "I'd be honored." He reaches into his robes and retreives a small pouch and offers it to Joseph. "This is for all your trouble."

The half-elf woman turns to Corrin. "Yes, bards," she says in reply. "Winnalton is famous for its talented minstrels. I'm rather eager to hear them." She smiles at Corrin. "My parents bought me a lute when I was growing up, but I was never really any good at it... I'd like to hear some musicians with actual talent."

2009-06-05, 05:51 PM

Joseph looks at the black-robed man with a smile, shaking his head lightly.

"Thank you for your generousity but I cannot possibly accept that. What I did, I did for King and Country. You were just the fortunate soul to benefit from our presence."

"But if you feel like you have funds you can safely part with, give them to the poor. The gods know there are enough of them. Consider it passing on the good luck."


2009-06-05, 07:43 PM
Willer Noss chuckles and nods his head, tucking the bag back into his robes. "Very well," he says. The red-haired elven woman smiles briefly before withdrawing a waterskin from the satchel at her side. She takes a long drink, and then passes it to the half-elf woman, who quietly thanks her and drinks from it.

"So, noble knight," says the redhead, "are you from around here?"

2009-06-06, 11:17 PM
He's always so noble Gloria thought when Joseph told the man to give the money to charity.

I'm so fortunate to travel in good company. They have always kept me safe and I have done my best to return the favor. Perhaps I am a little noble myself. Gloria mused the idea around a bit and accidentally laughed aloud at the exact moment the woman asked Joseph if he was from around there. Of course Gloria was paying them all no mind, she was too easily amused with her own little thoughts.

2009-06-08, 04:54 PM

Turning to face the read haired woman, Joseph answers "Just from some small farming village in the south. You probably never heard from it."


2009-06-09, 06:54 PM
The red-haired elf looks quizzically at Gloria for a moment or two, puzzled by her sudden outburst. Nonetheless, when Joseph gives his answer, she smiles and nods. "Very well, then." She takes the waterskin back from her companion, and then offers it to Willer, who shakes his head in reply.

Later That Evening...

The sun hanging low in the sky, the party is finally in sight of Arton. The paralyzed bandit's condition does not seem to have improved, still rigidly trapped in the same position he was in when he fell. The other brigand occasionally looks at him, a concerned look on his face.

Willer Noss smiles at Gloria and Joseph. "Looks like we're almost there. With any luck, a few beds at the inn won't be particularly expensive."

2009-06-09, 09:41 PM
Gloria smiled at the man and then at Joseph, "Well, we might end of camping out tonight. The inn will likely be full of others wanting to attend the festival. Personally, I'd prefer to camp. Less chance of running into drunken idiots."

She sighed and looked up. If they stayed in an inn it would be dangerous for her feathered friend. Last time the bird was almost shot with an arrow when a marksman got too drunk to tell a bird from a goblin.

2009-06-10, 10:13 AM
Corrin makes a face, recalling the incident Gloria has in mind. All the same, "Safer inside," she insists. "Can't protect her out here. Archery contest soon," she adds. No one wants the bird to end up as target practice.

2009-06-10, 08:33 PM

"I swear, if we meet someone who thinks that it is fun to use your friend for target practise, his face will have a little chat with my gauntlets!"

"Or maybe I just tell him to get a running start until I get up on my horse and my lance ready. Lets see how he likes that for a change of perspective, eh?"

While his voice is grim, his smirk (and wink) indicate that he isn't that serious about inflicting bodily harm on others.

Although, if previous encounters are any indication, he sure enjoys the way people suddenly seem to remember their manners, when a sword with a guy in heavy armour attached to it tells them to get their act straight, or 'else'.


2009-06-11, 10:49 AM
Gloria giggled and blushed. A knight coming to the rescue was always a welcome thought for her. Some say she had a bit of 'princess syndrome' in that respect.

"Thanks for the kind words noble knight," Gloria smiled and winked back.

2009-06-11, 12:43 PM
"I'd help," sulks Corrin.

2009-06-12, 04:13 PM

Smirking at Corrin`, Joseph asks "You mean, you hold them down while I beat them up?"


2009-06-12, 04:20 PM
The man chuckles at Joseph's comment. "While I appreciate your concern for your feathered friend," Willer says to Gloria, "I think your companions are right; we'd probably be altogether safer staying at an inn, and no one has to stay up to keep watch."

2009-06-18, 12:45 AM
Gloria giggled, "You're good friends."

She thought a moment, "I suppose you're right, safety in numbers behind closed doors and what not."

Closed doors brought all kinds of strange images to her mind. But like most of the thoughts she stashed them away for a time when she would be bored and alone.