View Full Version : Where Were you?

2009-06-01, 07:58 PM
When 658 New comic went up?
What we're you doing when you saw the delicious treat of a brand new unread comic?

I was skimming the archive trying to find an anser to the OOTS quiz question, 3 forms of percipitation.

And then I saw it at the very top of the screen, in brown gold colored letters "658"
My heart pulsed. And I saw it's wonder!


2009-06-01, 08:01 PM
I was skimming the forums, then a took a bath. When I got back, I click a link, the page reloaded, and I noticed the soft golden glow of what could only be the answer to all my problems: A new comic.

2009-06-01, 08:07 PM
No joke, I was trying to post in the "What will O'Chul do?" thread, but couldn't figure out how to use Spoilers.

Not exactly what I was thinking, but #658 does offer some more support for my theory.

I already want #659!

Also, can someone help me with spoilers? :smallredface:

2009-06-01, 08:42 PM
I was right here on the forum, reading some posts. I clicked on the main forum link above. Suddenly I saw the sweet, sweet bold letters of a new discussion thread in bold font with no additional pages. :) My heart rate actually went totally up as soon as I clicked on the comic link. ^^ I need to lay off this stuff...

2009-06-01, 08:44 PM
I was trying to do something on another site when my RS reader froze my browser while it updated the OOTS list....then I jumped over here and forgot what other site I was on...hope it wasn't paying my bills or something. :smalleek:

2009-06-01, 08:45 PM
Also, can someone help me with spoilers? :smallredface:

You put the text you want to spoiler like so:
{spoiler} Text {/spoiler}

Only you use square brackets instead of these weird bird ones. So it ends up looking like this:

[TS] Shadow
2009-06-01, 08:48 PM
I was on Sparknotes trying to get my English work done (blech) when I decided I'd procrastinate (like I'm doing now) and check the forum. I have the site favorited on the archive page, so I saw the new comic and went YAY!

2009-06-01, 08:52 PM
I was on the forum and I saw a post saying there was a new one so I checked it out.

2009-06-01, 09:01 PM
I was in the forum, and spotted it in the sidebar.

2009-06-01, 09:13 PM
I was in the lounge watching TV when my OOTS senses tingled.

2009-06-01, 09:14 PM
I was on inkscape, working on a banner for "In The Playground". I just finished a character and thought, "I need a break" and went onto the forum and saw it. My first thought was, "Yes! Here we go!":smallbiggrin:

2009-06-01, 09:15 PM
North America (Long story).

2009-06-01, 09:21 PM
I had been over at a friend's house all day and was systematically checking my webcomics, and I clicked here since we don't know the update schedule and saw the magic number. It was glorious.

2009-06-01, 09:31 PM
I was actually checking the site for an update. Crazy. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-01, 09:41 PM
We've been getting pretty steady updates for most of this year. Most times we've waited more than two days has been when new artwork was being done. (The dragons, invisible V)

We've almost gone through an entire bok since September. There really shouldn't be any surprise about updates anymore.

2009-06-01, 09:48 PM
I was cleaning cat vomit off my dress pants. She got them ALL.

2009-06-01, 09:48 PM
Working. * looks innocent *

2009-06-01, 10:13 PM
I was wrestling with an alien monstrosity bent on destroying the human race in low orbit when we both knocked into the upper atmosphere and separated. While waiting for us to get close enough to grapple again, I checked the site for an update on my wrist computer and saw the update.

2009-06-01, 10:17 PM
I was wrestling with an alien monstrosity bent on destroying the human race in low orbit when we both knocked into the upper atmosphere and separated. While waiting for us to get close enough to grapple again, I checked the site for an update on my wrist computer and saw the update.

Fantastic. Mind if I put that in my sig?

2009-06-01, 10:24 PM
I was wrestling with an alien monstrosity bent on destroying the human race in low orbit when we both knocked into the upper atmosphere and separated. While waiting for us to get close enough to grapple again, I checked the site for an update on my wrist computer and saw the update.

*Clap Clap*:smallamused:

Berserk Monk
2009-06-01, 10:30 PM
When 658 New comic went up?
What we're you doing when you saw the delicious treat of a brand new unread comic?

I was skimming the archive trying to find an anser to the OOTS quiz question, 3 forms of percipitation.

And then I saw it at the very top of the screen, in brown gold colored letters "658"
My heart pulsed. And I saw it's wonder!


Um, I was surfing the internet...same as everyone else on these forums. Duh. Don't turn this into a "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?" because as much as I love OotS, it doesn't compare to something of that magnitude (maybe the final strip will).

2009-06-01, 10:33 PM
I had gone through grappling class, rode home and got hit by a car, got a ride home only to find that the special brand of meat that I was saving had gone bad, at which point I signed on and was pleasantly surprised at the new comic awaiting me... Almost as though to ease my suffering.

2009-06-01, 10:38 PM
I was checking to see if 658 was up; I check around 8 PM every other day, and when I wake up (around 10 AM) every day. Sporadic update schedules force me to give Rich way more clicks than normal, :biggrin:

2009-06-02, 01:04 AM
I just decided to check the website for a new update before going to bed. And lo, there was indeed a new update, and my bedtime was set back another half-hour.

2009-06-02, 01:07 AM
At school, reading with friends in the library. While we were meant to be working, no less.

RMS Oceanic
2009-06-02, 01:21 AM
I was asleep at the time.

To be fair, it was 1:30 AM.

2009-06-02, 01:32 AM
I was subjugating a puny simian defender of a primitive race which barely has space travel when my Alien Humor Interceptor beeped twice.

At least, I *hope* this is humor. If this "O-Chul" character is real, then I had better retreat into interstellar space, no matter how hungry I am.

2009-06-02, 08:40 AM
I was watching the entire first season of Futurama.

2009-06-02, 08:55 AM
I was sitting at my desk at work waiting for the server logs to load. Part of my morning ritual this is. :smallwink:

2009-06-02, 09:34 AM
We've averaged a new strip every 1.4 days, in fact. This is probably because there were a few times when strips were going up daily.

2009-06-02, 11:34 AM
I was checking my webcomics, as I do every morning. I always leave OotS for last, because the other webcomics I read are all pretty regular, and OotS is the most fulfilling for me, and also the most disappointing when it doesn't update.:smallfrown:

2009-06-02, 01:59 PM
I was outside doing something. I forget what. Then I checked all my sites and read it. It was kinda awesome.

2009-06-02, 02:13 PM
I was going out on my balcony and thought I'd check the site from my cell for an update. Lo and behold, there was.

2009-06-02, 02:29 PM
i was checking my email, when suddenly, a blue glow caught my eye, the wonderful light of the OOTS RSS feed! so, i checked, and lo and behold, a new comic.

2009-06-02, 02:40 PM
Blasting battle droid after battle droid apart.
I'm serious. Well if you count playing a video game as being serious.....
I had just finished up a very fun mission on star wars republic commando and i decided to check out the forums, lo and behold, the forces of goodness had arrived to destroy the vile forces of old-already read comics!