View Full Version : Epic Thread Solar Contest #1

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 07:40 AM
You stand on an endless plain of shortly-cropped grass. How did you get here? Who knows why there is a bald, angry-looking winged dude off in the distance?

The Shadow knows...

You are 200 ft away from an extremely pissed off Solar. You are in direct sunlight and there is nothing for you to hide behind.

Fleeing is not allowed. You must engage the Solar. Any attempt to disengage from combat will result in the disqualification of your current score.

The first player from Djinn's Epic Thread to post here will be the first to face...the SOLAR CHALLENGE!

Whoever you are, roll for initiative. You may not have any non-permanent spells cast upon yourself, nor can your character have prepared for this challenge in any way. You are wearing all of your equipment that you wish to, and your weapon is in your hands.

2009-06-02, 07:44 AM
Pwing! First!

Now, I gotta read the post above :P :smalltongue:

Right. Bright Sunlight. I'm dead, next challenger. Or does that grass cast tiny shadows?:smallamused:

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 07:45 AM
Pwing! First!

Now, I gotta read the post above :P :smalltongue:


~Gabriel :smallamused:

2009-06-02, 07:47 AM
A few questions:
Did the Solar have any time to buff himself?
Is there really no shadow? If no, I'm pretty much gone if I can't kill him first round.

2009-06-02, 07:48 AM

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 07:49 AM
A few questions:
Did the Solar have any time to buff himself?
Is there really no shadow? If no, I'm pretty much gone if I can't kill him first round.

The Solar has had just as little (none) time to prepare itself as you have. And yes, you are in direct sunlight on a savanna of unlimited extent. You could try to hide in the Solar's shadow, but that'd be tricky...


2009-06-02, 07:51 AM
I can try. For now, I'm trying the one turn kill. Looking at the Solar's saves, if I can force him to make a few saves vs. death, he might just die.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 07:57 AM
The Solar goes first.

The bald winged dude takes to the air, rising to a height of around fifty feet and wings swiftly towards you, ending up around 100 ft away at a constant height.

The Solar invokes a spell of some kind. There is no observable effect.

2009-06-02, 08:04 AM
Right. A flying enemy is already pretty bad, but I guessed as much.
Remind me to buy an item that allows me flight, I really should have done so.


Swift Action, enter "Balance on the Sky"-stance, gives me Air walk as a supernatural ability, but I have to keep one hand free, meaning I don't get two-weapon fighting.
Move Action: Moving 60 feet ahead and 30 feet up.
Standard Action: Activating 50% concealment from the Shadow Assassin feat.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 08:08 AM
Hovering in place, the bald winged dude raises his hand to the heavens and shouts something in an inappropriately loud voice.

Every part of your body hurts, and you think you might die suddenly.

Fort vs DC 24 or die.

If you succeed, take [roll0] damage.

2009-06-02, 08:09 AM
I call next!! And as long as I don't run I can still use teleport, right?

Actually, I just call I get to cut in since I was here. I"ve got exams right now, but I'll be back later.

2009-06-02, 08:12 AM
Fort save:

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 08:13 AM
Fort save:

Oh ho! Lucky roll!

~Gabriel :smalltongue:

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 08:16 AM
Guys, spam the other thread. This is for Eldan to get pwnt in, nothing else.


P.S. Eldan, it's your turn.

2009-06-02, 08:23 AM
Close one.
Anyway, he's now 40 feet ahead and 40 feet above me.

Move Action: Walk directly below him
Swift Action: Shadow Blink, 50 ft. Teleport, right above his head.
Standard Action: Using Five Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike (Yes, I know the name is stupid.)

Attack Roll with Shadowscream (Touch Attack):

Base weapon Damage:

Cold Damage:

Sonic Damage:

Vampiric damage:

Strike Bonus Damage:

Strike Effect:
The solar must make a fortitude save DC 27. If it loses the save, it's speed is reduced to 0 and it takes
[roll6] Dexterity Damage

If it makes the save, no speed reduction, half the ability damage.

2009-06-02, 08:24 AM
That would have been faster, but I still needed to decide what to do, look up all the abilities and type it all down.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 08:34 AM
The bald, winged dude looks incredibly pissed off. He reaches as though for your throat and...a blaze of bright blue light leaps from his outstretched hand.

I swear to god this was random. :smalleek:

Fort save vs DC 24 or turn to stone.

2009-06-02, 08:40 AM

2009-06-02, 08:42 AM
Aaand the fight is over.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 08:43 AM
Bah. That was bad luck. :smallannoyed: The moment the 5 turns up on my d8 I knew that you'd gotten a raw deal. I don't know most of the prismatic colors by heart, but I know 4 and 5 are the Fort save or die ones.


Well, good show. At least you know to get yourself a 54,000 gp magic item that lets you fly. :smallwink:


P.S. For the moment, you are the record holder at...3 rounds!

2009-06-02, 08:44 AM
Yup. Gonna check what to kick out instead.

Too bad petrification is not a death effect, or my death ward armor might have helped.

2009-06-02, 08:48 AM
Let me just check how he would have done next round, though, if I managed to hit him:

Note: all of these after the first that hits are against a flat-footed solar.


2009-06-02, 08:50 AM
Four hits, 3 with sneak.
[roll0] Sneak attack

Base damage:

COld damage:

Sonic Damage:

Vampiric Damage: