View Full Version : Conflict in Farathia (Group one)

2009-06-02, 11:17 AM
The marketplace is littered with people. Children, men, women, old and young, all in an uproar. Chaos has overwhelmed the circle formed crowd, with only the men and women in the middle still maintaining a cool mind.
Only minutes ago, the scouts of Westriver had rapported a torchlit formation nearing the city, one not sporting a banner. That could only mean two things; Bandits, or worse.

You have responded to this call of need, and as those few capable, you must defend this city from certain death and enslavement!


You've got a few minutes in game to get your act together, and position yourself to defend against whatever is coming.

2009-06-02, 05:32 PM
Niko was negotiating with a silk merchant as the scout entered the market--not for silk, but for one of the oranges the man was eating. Their conversation halted, however, as the scout gave warning. As the crowd began to panic, Niko grabs the merchant's hand. "What was he talking about? Who might attack us here? (1)"

He shakes out out his cloak, waking Chiro, the small bat sleeping in their folds.

(1) I'm not sure what check is appropriate. I figure either Gather Information, but since that usually takes at least an hour, possibly either Charisma or Diplomacy. Use whichever is appropriate.

Base roll: [roll0]

Edit: Since that didn't work, it is found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6206296&postcount=7).

Gather Information: +5
Charisma: +1
Diplomacy: +1

2009-06-02, 05:42 PM
Teleth draws his crossbow, nocking a bolt from the quiver at his hip as he surveys the people in the square. "How much time do we have before they arrive? Which direction are they approaching from?" he asks the scouts, standing on the lip of the fountain and looking around to get a better view.

[ooc if the fountain doesn't have a wide enough ledge to stand on, he balances there for a second as he glances about, before dropping down again and moving slightly to the east of the fountain.]

balance check in case you want it [roll0] no modifier

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-02, 05:43 PM
Lethia looked around and saw the panic on the faces of the common folk. Now, even Loki, her badger, was getting restless. The elven maiden took out her bow and stopped to think.

2009-06-03, 12:25 AM

"I don't know, sir! E're all poor here in Westriver, and there's nothing worth it to be robbing out here!" The horror painted clearly in the mans face, already shaking, barely being able to grasp the hilt of his sword.

"E're a pretty 'portant chokepoint if you wanna cross the river, though!"

No reason to make a check in this instance, considering that this guy will be more than willing to share information with someone who could protect him


The compulsion to run for his life was slowly winning the scout over, and he was obviously very anxious to leave this place, the faster the better.
"E're talkin' minutes here sir, and they could come from any direction. I saw torches approaching from all sides!"

2009-06-03, 01:29 AM
"Then we have little time to waste! You there!" He addresses the scout, "Help me tip this table." Loudly to the crowd "If we can create a barricade with these market stalls it may just give us the edge we need to survive! Tip all these tables on their sides and pull them in to make a circle. Any children and noncombatants, try and stay as close around the fountain as possible so we have a chance to protect them!

a few Diplomacy rolls to get through to these people...

2009-06-03, 03:29 AM
Nice rolls, dude.

As you shout at the already shivering man, his skin turns pale and his eyes go dull, dead, and frightened;"Ye..yeye - yes sir".

Your cries to the crowd seems to have little effect, however, as only a handful or two starts to move the stalls into a circle formation, the others still panicking, fleeing for the streets.

And then you notice the lights. Slowly but surely closing in on the marketplace.
They were close now, and time was certainly singing it's last chorus.

(I hope this was somewhat close to what you wanted)
The green ones are citizens, assorted women and men - commoners, so **** in a fight, but decent canon-fodder, just in case.
The dark green ones are children - yeah..
Lightgreen - Teleth, Blue - Lethia, Orange - Niko, Red - Scout

2009-06-03, 04:51 AM
yeah, great thanks

Noticing the fear in the scouts eyes, Teleth calls across to him, "What´s your name friend?" "Well then Jones, chin up, we´ll live through this yet..." Turning, he shouts across the fountain, "Niko, you ok over there? And you ma'am, i don't believe i've had the pleasure..."

2009-06-03, 05:03 AM
"Name's Jones, s..sir." The scout shuttered, as he covered behind the nearest over-turned stall, hoping to shield himself from any incoming arrows.

"Hey you, adventurer guy!" A man broke out of the crowd of scared citizens, and pointed towars the western courtyard entrance: "I think they're closing in on us!".

Towards the west, the lights could now be seen moving inside city bounds, making their way through the streets. And in the otherwise now silent night, a scream could be every now and then.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-03, 08:55 AM

The elf nodded.

"My name's Lethia Nightbreeze. May the gods help us."

Lethia drew a wand with her free hand.

Draw Wand of Shield. Will cast when the enemies are in sight or we can hear them really close. It has a one-minute duration so I will wait at the last moment to cast it. She is holding her bow in her other hand.

2009-06-03, 11:39 AM
"Well met Lethia, i am known as Teleth. May the gods help us indeed." He turns back outward, facing the approaching torches. As they start to come into view, he reaches out and touches the scout, and his eyes light up briefly with a soft blue glow.

When the enemies get a bit closer i cast aid on the scout

2009-06-03, 04:41 PM
"Teleth, friend, not knowing what force we face, I feel it is best to evacuate the civilians. Support them. If we can make a fighting retreat out of the market, we may slow their attack enough to make it no longer worth their while. Jones, did you bring with you a mount? Can you shoot from a saddle? Can you harry them, and draw their attention for just a minute or less?"

Niko casts his familiar into the air. "It is a pity Chiro is not prepared to fight directly, but he may still be of aid. Perhaps he will give us a sense of what strength we face. He will know to stay out of danger."

Fearing that the mob will soon be upon them, (1) he draws his cloak about his head, frees his hands, and takes cover behind the westernmost stalls (2). He awaits reply from Teleth and Jones both as he scans the streets for torchlights(3).

(1) Initiative: [roll0]
(2) Hide: [roll1]. Modifier is increased by Niko's Cloak of Elvenkind.
(3) Spot: [roll2]

2009-06-04, 02:38 AM
"I a-am sorry sir, but I do-don't own a horse, I travel by feet." Still stuttering heavly, but obviously better off, he contiuned: "And all I've got is this crossbow and me knife, s-sir?"

By now the occasional scream was so loud, and evidently so close, that you could grasp the words in between the cries of agony.
The streets in front of you were slowly lit by the creeping torches, and you felt the stench of burned flesh rise up against you, almost like a wall of force, pushing you back.

Through the darkness, they appeared.
Small, no more than 2-3 feet tall, with spears in hands. Reptillian creatures, with a rough scaly skin and fangs, their shining blue scales casting a reflection of the fires around them. They wore what appeared to be tiny, black full-metal armor, with ornaments depicting what appeared to be a familiy history or tale.

And then, before you even had the chance to react, the creatures vanished invertly, appearing almost as if they imploded in on themselves. Then, in another blink of an eye, they jumped out of nothing, and had suddenly changed their tactical advantage!


2009-06-04, 07:25 AM
"Too late to evacuate now, we'll just have to see them off!" Raising his crossbow, Teleth fires at the closest unengaged enemy.

(If Teleth gets charged first, he drops his crossbow, draws his morning star and attacks with that)


crossbow attack [roll1]
damage [roll2]


Morningstar attack [roll3]
damage [roll4]

2009-06-04, 07:26 AM
(Forgot to mention, if he fires his crossbow, he reloads right after.)

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-04, 09:21 AM
Lethia casts Shield from her wand, puts it back and gets ready to fire her bow (next turn though).

2009-06-04, 10:55 AM
As one of the creatures draws close, Niko fires off a ray from behind the stall. (1) That done, he stands and draws his spear.

(1) Targeting the creature to the southwest of his current position with Ray of Frost. I believe I have both initiative and hide advantages, so...

Attack roll:
Damage: [roll1] (+1 if Point Blank Shot applies here; I don't know if it does.)
Sneak Attack: [roll2d6

2009-06-05, 09:55 AM
I suppose it's a moot point to wait for the last one any longer, so we'll head out without him.

Teleth's arrow cuts straight through the air, hitting the creature in the chest, however, it bounces of the side and hits the ground a few yards back.

A flash of blue ice shoots out from Niko's fingers and hits the snarring man in the shoulder, forcing him back with a growl.

This part will occur once everyone with an init above 15 has taken their turn:

Creature 1: target Jones

Creature 2: target Teleth

Creature 3: target Teleth

Creature 4: target Niko

Creature 5: target Niko

Creature 6: target Lethia

Creature 7: target Lethia

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-05, 10:18 AM
Lethia fires two arrows at the creature 10 feet in front of her. She then easily dodges the spears.

OOC: Was that a surprise round? Anyway, here's my init and my rolls for next turn. BTW, my AC with Shield is 24. Oh yeah!
[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]

2009-06-05, 10:37 AM
Teleth doubles over and cries out as the spears find their marks. Gritting his teeth, he regains his feet and whispering a prayer to Fharlanghn, fires again at the closest creature, quickly notching another bolt expertly and readying himself for another shot.

attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2009-06-05, 10:38 AM
Nope, they used that to dimension door to their current position.

The two arrows fly past the barricades, stirring up the dust, one hitting the creature straight to the stomach, piercing it's black armor. The other falling harmlessly to the ground besides it.

Injured, it falls to the ground, barely being able to throw its spear.

You do the bits on how exactly the spears effect you.

2009-06-05, 11:03 PM
Niko dodges one spear, but sidesteps right into the path of another. Gritting his teeth in pain, he takes a step back towards the circle of civilians and checks his flanks. With nobody immediately around him, he mutters arcane words(1), and a dense mist billows out around him. He wraps his cloak tightly around himself and fades into the mist. (2)

(1) Casting Obscuring Mist. 20ft radius centered on Niko, lasting for 3 minutes.

(2) Hide: [roll0]

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-08, 12:51 PM

Lethia was now more confident. She took two more arrows and fired again.

Same as last turn, only this time I attack the creature to the left of my last victim.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

OOC: I just want to progress the story. This is what I do on the next turn. BTW, Loki, my badger, is guarding the villagers behind me.

2009-06-10, 07:42 PM
Insulated from the combat, Niko considers what next. Hiding was a gut reaction, but he couldn't fight well from in here. And the civilians might panic.

"Give a shout when they break through to you! We'll try to hold them off at the borders of the fog, and they can't shoot what they can't see! Don't be afraid, stand strong back there!"

It was not ideal for hiding, but he would soon be moving.