View Full Version : Conflict in Farathia (Group two)

2009-06-02, 11:18 AM
The ruckus in the marketplace is none of your concern. Or atleast, some of those who have gathered here seem to think so.
Minutes ago, an attackforce nearing the town of Westriver was discovered, and those who were at the tavern all went here, behind the city hall, to discuss how to best skip town.

A large imposing man, clad in iron armor, instantly assumed the speaking postion, leaving no room for others: "Listen up you maggots, my and ma' pal Eerie here' are getting out tis' joint, and you sure as hell ain't gettin' in our way. You can come if you'd like, but ye gotta do as'I tell ya to, got it?"
He glared angrily around the gathering, making his bid for leadership.

"You sure we should not go help the.. c-ci-citizens..?" A rather muscular man stepped out from behind you, though despite his apparent power, he seemed small, weak, insignificant.

He made a spin on his heels, looking everyone in the eyes: "What do you.. t-thi-think?"

2009-06-03, 11:17 AM
Drogan mutters under his breath, "Bah, tha' be a coward iff'n I ever seen one. Perhaps Ah should be teachin' him a lessin? Meh, he ain't even worth the time." He turns to the armored man, "Lissen here, ye fool, iff'n ye try to be leavin', ye best be expectin' me axe ta be followin' ya!" He turns to the rest of the group, "Na I might not be tha mos' loyal fella, but we is all gonna help this town, or Ah'll be makin' some heads roll!"

2009-06-03, 11:26 AM
"Agreed." Griz throws his hood back by flicking his head as he draws his sword, a monster of a blade forged in the local style, and drives the tip into the ground. "At least, agreed in that I'd rather face my foes than turn my back to them. Only the weak die with arrows in their backs."

2009-06-03, 03:58 PM
"The ones who wanna help should better hurry, I think; as much as the ones who wanna skip town. Conflicting here about who comes and goes, is just plain stupid. Everyone should go to their own paths, but I advise that to be happenin' soon." Arith looks at the dwarf with the heavy accent, "So; lead on fella!"...

2009-06-04, 02:45 AM
The large armored mans eyes turn furious, as he with a barely constrained shout exclaims that he does not care, and that this little hairy fella can go where the sun don't shine, and he quickly walks away with all but four of the men and women.

"That could've gone better, don't you t-thi-think?"
The seemingly frail man said with a smile. "Name's Witman, and people usually add the Frail to tha-that. If you're intent on getting killed helping me, I suppose now is as good a time as any to get the introductions ri-ri-right!"

2009-06-04, 04:15 AM
Arith goes and shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you Witman, name is Arith. And no one is gonna get killed, I'm too young to die. And you're right that could have gone better, but it's better than nothing right?" with a small grin on his face.

OOC:Who is left in the tavern, Arith, Griz, Drogan and Witman? Who is the woman? And Witman is a muscular, small and a hairy human? A little more description maybe?

2009-06-04, 07:08 AM
Drogan nods at the man with an impatient look on his face, "Well, I be Drogan. But mayhaps we should be seein' what bes wrong with this tawn, 'stead of standin' 'round chattin? Iff'n there be orcs or goblins cummin' I don't want ta be missin' the fun." With that he turns and heads towards the center of town, looking for whoever is in charge.

2009-06-04, 08:18 AM
Oh, yeah, sorry. It's very time-consuming to run two campaigns at the same time, while also keeping up the rest of my interests.

Witman is normal sized, not overly muscular, but he looks like a trained warrior. He's not hairy though. :smalltongue: He wears a chainmail, with a longsword and a shield to boot. And yes, he's human.

The only ones left is the three of you and Witman. The part about women was merely to state that there had been women in the group.

As you reach the town center, you notice that the courtyard itself is empty, however, you can hear the sound of screams and thunderous fire all around you.
The streets of Westriver seems to be littered with the remnants of combat, with the occational broken, blooded spear lying in every other corner.

To the south you see a mass of people, moving at a fast pace towards the town borders, while the apparently last of the city guard fights off what looks like tiny, blue men, dressed in pitch-black full platemail, throwing, stabbing and killing the civillians like were they vermin.

2009-06-04, 01:52 PM
"...Huh. Never seen that before." Griz glances over the rest of the group, eyebrow raised. "Any of you guys?"

2009-06-04, 02:18 PM
I guess Knowledge(Local) would be appropriate... If history helps I get +2.

And I answer accordingly.

Arith draws(1) his wand and looks around(2).

(1)Wand of Mage Armor, will cast immediately if the group agrees on charging or the blue guys come towards us.

(2)If needed spot check:
If we are not too far away, a little bit more about the situation. Like how many of those guys, how is the surroundings and stuff...

OOC:You are doing great Edwin, thanks a lot!

2009-06-04, 03:13 PM
"Ha, here comes the fun part, lads," Drogan says with a feral smile on his face. He looks around for a nearby place to hide, to ambush the small blue creatures as they run by. "Hide yerselves, unless ya want them li'l ones ta be seein' ya from a mile off!"

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently if needed [roll1]

2009-06-04, 03:54 PM
Griz nods at Drogan, opening the door to one of the buildings near the dwarf's hiding place and leaving it open, standing just within the opening with his sword at the ready. He draws his hood up, and waits for the oncoming storm. If he was seen heading inside, hopefully they'll think he went deep within rather than just around the corner.

Readied Action: Attack with maximum Combat Expertise.
Trigger: A creature Small or smaller entering a square I threaten.

2009-06-05, 09:16 AM
Your knowledge check reveals nothing. (Big surprise, ya li'l 9'er!)

Down by the end of the southernmost street, you see a large number of unarmed civillians, pulling carts of supplies out of the city, under a never ending barrage of spears. Surrounded by a ten or so armored, blue reptillian-men, the city guard, appears to be all but depleted, with only a few soldiers still defending the carts. The road continues east out of the city, and west towards the marketsquare.

None of the combatants seem to have taken notice of any of you, and the slaughter continues as you watch on, giving you plenty of time to act.

2009-06-05, 02:10 PM
Drogan moves silently closer to the small blue men. As he gets closer he hides behind a crate of refuse behind one of the dwellings. He settles down to wait, an expectant smile on his lips.

The combat is heading towards us, no? If not, then disregard the last few posts, and Drogan will attempt to sneak down the street towards the creatures until he is close enough to get in a sneak attack. A surprise round if he can manage it.

2009-06-05, 02:25 PM
The civillians are heading east, out of the city, and the combatants are sort of moving around, but mostly staying put a good 100 ft. down the southstreet.

2009-06-05, 02:35 PM
As Drogan moves past him (assuming he does) Griz speaks some quick words. "I'll bait, get the mage to blast, then ambush survivors."

With that, the half-orc steps out into the middle of the street, well enough away from Drogan to avoid interfering with his hiding. His approach toward the draconic soldiers is slow, yet steady, clanging his sword against his shield with each step and shouting fighting words in Orcish. <Who among you knows to fear He-Who-Never-Sleeps?>

The reason his approach is slow is because he's readying an attack action against chargers each round he gets to move until he's noticed or gets within charge range himself.

2009-06-05, 03:09 PM
Drogan looks to Arith, "Mageling, wait till they attack the orc, and blast 'em wi' e'rything ya got."

2009-06-06, 04:16 PM
Arith nods to Drogan.

Ready an attack;
Trigger: Griz being charged.

I couldn't visualize the situation; so I'm writing two options:
1)If there is a possibility of using a AoE spell without hurting Griz and any civilians; also possible hurting more than single enemy:
Reaction: Cast Fireball (range:640 feet, AoE:20 feet radius spread) (Reflex save halves the damage DC19) Damage:
2)If there isn't a possibility of using AoE spell without hurting anyone, or possibility of hurting just a single enemy:
Reaction: Cast Magic Missile (range:160 feet) (3 missiles to the same target, each one with 1d4+1 damage) Damage:

2009-06-07, 01:04 AM
While the creatures are distracted by the guards and by the large half-orc approaching, Drogan attempts to sneak closer to the conflict.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]