View Full Version : Niezck V.s. Night Surgeon (HLE)

2009-06-02, 02:14 PM
Today, we come to witness two of Eberron's Mightiest warrior clash on this flat field of battle, each standing 200ft apart. In the North Eastern Corner we have Nizeck, the powerful Arch Lich of DOOM, and Master of Necromancy!, in the opposite corner, we have Alan Ashford, the mourning blade, the black conjurer, and master of both blade, and spell!


Intiative (nerve skitter): [roll0] (doh, no rolling in the first post. >.<)

2009-06-02, 02:19 PM
E before Z.

Anyway ...


Am I alright to have cast my daily spells (energy immunity for example)?

If so ..

Status (For observer eyes & reference only)

Undead Traits
Immune to Fire, Cold, Electricty, Magical Sleep, Mind-Affecting, Polymorph, Negative Levels, Ability Damage & Ability Drain.
SR 19 (25 vs Good)
AC 37
Touch 19
FF 32
151 HP
DR 15/Bludgeoning and magic.
Spells in Effect
Protection from Arrows
Energy Immunity (Fire)

2009-06-02, 02:33 PM
Now for my rolls, and one must buff during combat unless those spells have a 24 hour duration or more.

Intiative (nerve skitter): [roll0]

Will do the same as you for the status block
For observer eyes only

Elf traits
Immune to fire, cold, death effects, negative levels, negative energy, mind effecting (via ring), critical hits, and sneak attacks.
AC: 33/17/27
Dr: 0
Buffs online!:
Presistant Thunder Lance
Presistant Greater Magic weapon (CL21st)
Presistant Energy Immunites (cold) (fire)
Presistant Shield
Presistant Choose Destiny

2009-06-02, 02:35 PM
One lasts 24 hours, the other 23. Allow me the second?

Also, damn my crap initiative!

EDIT: Link to character sheet perhaps? Mine is on the front page of the recruitment thread.

EDIT2: Nevermind, is this the character you're applying with? If so, how'd you get +10, your sheet says +6?

2009-06-02, 02:45 PM
Double post for action seperation:

Start up combat by casting a spell that wreathes my body in lightning, crackling sparks jumping off of my new form, Alan raises off the ground, the wind currents beneath him whipping small debris to and fro, as he utters a lightning incantation, himself rocketing, in the blink of any eye, 80 feet towards you, and 40 ft up in the air.

Spell cast:

Elemental Body- Gained the Elemental subtype (Air), and assumed the visage of a storm elemental. Gained a fly speed of 30 (perfect
Greater Dimension door'd 120 feet

New status (observer/ refference only)

Elf traits
Elemental type sub type (air)
Immune to fire, cold, death effects, negative levels, negative energy, mind effecting (via ring), critical hits, sneak attacks, stun paralysis, poison, sleep, blind, and deafness.
AC: 33/17/27
Dr: 0
Buffs online!:
Presistant Thunder Lance
Presistant Greater Magic weapon (CL21st)
Presistant Energy Immunites (cold) (fire)
Presistant Shield
Presistant Choose Destiny

2009-06-02, 02:50 PM
Spellcraft to identify the spell.



2009-06-02, 02:54 PM
Spellcraft to identify the spell.



Spells cast were Elemental Body, and a Greater Dimension door, also the +10 was the nerve skitter that was cast on the intiative round (its the entire point of the spell.)

Also, yes I'm done.

2009-06-02, 03:02 PM
Uhm, but we said no prep other than daily spells?

Also, was one of those 2 quickened or some such (I'm not familiar with each, so that's possibly why I'm getting confused.)

Either way, doesn't really matter.


So, you think such simply spells will be able to stop ME? Hah!

A pair of blackened wings unfurl from the Lich's back, beating heavily as he flies both upwards and towards you, meeting you in the air.

Now, let's see what you can handle ...

With a wave of his ancient, bone, staff, three jet-black rays of crackling energy shoot towards you.

SR Test 1 - [roll0]
SR Test 2 - [roll1]
SR Test 3 - [roll2]

Ranged Touch Attack 1 - [roll3]
Ranged Touch Attack 2 - [roll4]
Ranged Touch Attack 3 - [roll5]

Negative Levels 1 - [roll6]
Negative Levels 2 - [roll7]
Negative Levels 3 - [roll8]

Details / Spells Cast (If you can identify later, not hard to figure out though, with the negative levels :smalltongue:)

20ft up, 40ft forwards.
Twin Enervation
Quickened Enervation

Incidently, by my calculation, we're 80ft apart. Just for reference.


Undead Traits
Immune to Fire, Cold, Electricty, Magical Sleep, Mind-Affecting, Polymorph, Negative Levels, Ability Damage & Ability Drain.
SR 19 (25 vs Good)
AC 37
Touch 19
FF 32
151 HP
DR 15/Bludgeoning and magic.
Spells in Effect
Protection from Arrows
Energy Immunity (Fire)

2009-06-02, 03:11 PM
Being Immune to Negative Energy effects, AND Negative levels Alan merely shrugs off the energies, the darkness rebounding off of his powerful form, as he leaps 15ft forward and another dimension door puts him right in front of you blade continually striking out as he bellows in rage, the blades slightest impact sending huge amounts of shock through the lich's form as the thunderous manifestation of force strikes deep.

(Leap attack, Power attack 5 two handed to make it +20 on damage, Arcane striking (burning 2 6th level slots for 12d4 additional damage), wraith striking, and my ring of pounce (Ex ability, and going off what the cost for a ring of lions charge would be.) to full attack with all of this.


All are touch attacks, so no NA, force armor's, sheild bonuses, or alot of things.


Arcane strike

2009-06-02, 03:16 PM
Right, let's see here then ...

All of those hit. After DR that leave 140 damage.

Now ... is any of that of a certain element? Also, how come touch? (o_O Damn my low touch AC! D:)

Finally ... Done? (Even if the 140 goes through, I'm not down yet.)

2009-06-02, 03:18 PM
Right, let's see here then ...

All of those hit. After DR that leave 140 damage.

Now ... is any of that of a certain element? Also, how come touch? (o_O Damn my low touch AC! D:)

Finally ... Done? (Even if the 140 goes through, I'm not down yet.)

It's all Force, and Raw Arcane damage. Both RARE types for things to have resistance to. Also, blarg, Presistant Wraith Strike makes my attacks touch attacks.
Also, I believe one of those was a crtical hit. So lemme roll another 3d6 Damage+my mods.

2009-06-02, 03:20 PM
Yeah ... I'm dead.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 03:21 PM
Wraith Strike is not allowed for the campaign. It shouldn't have been allowed here, either.,:smallconfused:


2009-06-02, 03:22 PM
Yeah ... I'm dead.

Actually. That was my last dimension door, so not quite yet.:smalltongue:
It's not? I put it on the list of effects I was going to use my I asked Djinn... Ah well then off it goes....

2009-06-02, 03:23 PM
Oh, right, as Wraith Strike is disallowed ... Only attacks 1 & 2 hit me. Also, does Wraith Strike make them force etc etc? If so ... I get my DR again! Yay!

2009-06-02, 03:27 PM
Oh, right, as Wraith Strike is disallowed ... Only attacks 1 & 2 hit me. Also, does Wraith Strike make them force etc etc? If so ... I get my DR again! Yay!

No, that would be the Thunder Lance making them force.
Also, since I didn't get wraith strike I would like to request a different effect for sake of fairness.

Also, for the crtical hit.


2009-06-02, 03:31 PM
I'm really confused ...

Are your attacks electrical? (Thunder Lance?)

So I take the damage from attacks 1 & 3 + crit, all of which ignores DR as it's force?

Lemme calculate that ...

2009-06-02, 03:33 PM
I'm really confused ...

Are your attacks electrical? (Thunder Lance?)

So I take the damage from attacks 1 & 3 + crit, all of which ignores DR as it's force?

Lemme calculate that ...

Misnomer, Thunder Lance deals 3d6 force damage, and uses my Int mod in place of my STR mod for Attack, and Damage.

2009-06-02, 03:34 PM
161 damage as it ignored DR. That's me destroyed, my staff suddenly vanishes, and you win.

2009-06-02, 03:43 PM
Yeah, I'm toning this build down quite abit. I'm used to a higher power gaming groups in epic scenario's, and well... If I'm going to over shadow THIS much, that I can kill someone in 2 hits... I'm toning it down on the sheer amount of kill I can do.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-02, 04:25 PM
Undead are immune to crits.


2009-06-02, 04:26 PM
This man is wise. And I need to learn my traits more. (Damn you never playing undead before!)

I'm still alive then ...

2009-06-02, 04:28 PM
Ah, my mistake as well. Go onwards towards Victory my friend, I may not be able to one shot someone after all..

2009-06-02, 04:37 PM
I'm buggered to be honest, I can't stand up to another hit like that.

OK ...

Hmm, new strategy.

There is a flash of black energy about Valgoth's person, before he begins casting once more.

Casting Defensively - [roll0] (DC 19)

If that works, read the spoiler. If not, you get your AoO >_>

The lich suddenly vanishes from your sight, seemingly fading into darkness, before re-appearing a considerable distance away, floating gently.

For spectators.
Quickened Harm.

Gaining 150 HP, back to full.

Followed by a dimension door, to move back 200ft

Undead Traits
Immune to Fire, Cold, Electricty, Magical Sleep, Mind-Affecting, Polymorph, Negative Levels, Ability Damage & Ability Drain.
SR 19 (25 vs Good)
AC 37
Touch 19
FF 32
151 HP
DR 15/Bludgeoning and magic.
Spells in Effect
Protection from Arrows
Energy Immunity (Fire)

2009-06-02, 05:30 PM
Heh, well your not going to like this then.

Quickened Greater Dispel magic (Since you auto make the spell craft.)
Targetted on you, I have a CL of 21, and get +20 on the check due to limiters.

No spell resistance, so yay.

Dispel checks against all of your ongoning buffs (I believe this includes magic items.)

Then I aim a single ray of death at the Lich, green energy building up in my hand, as a single ray streaks out towards him (your JUST in range).
Spell Resistance check (if applicable):

Ranged touch attack!

Fort save DC 28.

2009-06-02, 05:47 PM
OK, DC for dispel magic is 34, so ... You're gonna have to make a lot more rolls than that, I'm full of magic items.

Fort save - [roll0]
Spellcraft to see what the spell is - [roll1]

Also, bear in mind I'm immune to quite a lot, so this may not work :smalltongue:

2009-06-02, 05:54 PM
And you got those saves WITHOUT a con score. O_o

Anyways, disentergrate effects objects, so its good.

and more dispel checks, and how is it DC 34? I believe that the items CL is what its targetting not your CL.


2009-06-02, 06:00 PM
Ugh, you're right. This is gonna take a while <_<

Can we finish tomorrow? I have to sleep very soon, and I really don't fancy going through my item list working out CLs, and whatnot.

2009-06-02, 06:03 PM
and the DC is 11+The items CL, so with most items being CL 20.. That makes it DC 31.

2009-06-03, 04:11 PM
Hello? You there?:smallconfused: