View Full Version : [TOWN] The Construction Site

2009-06-02, 08:34 PM
Ahead of you lies a large open lot. It is featureless except for the large signs posted on all sides stating:

Construction in Progress, please remain
safe by staying off of the private property.
-J. Banks

There is currently nothing here except a small trailer, but once Deb starts construction this place will be updated.

The trailer, which looks quite nice has a sign.

Temporary office of
J. Banks

2009-06-05, 05:28 PM
(Bleh, sorry for the double post, but I needed to update this, and I didn't want it to fall onto the second page, because I might need it soon.)

There are scattered building materials all over as a lady in some sort of mech-suit is constructing the building.

Every once in a while, an NPC enters the trailer, which looks more like an office, and exits later with a sorrowful look in their eyes.