View Full Version : THUNDER DOME (Babale, V.S. Night Surgeon)

2009-06-03, 11:34 PM
100 ft arena, 100ft high, each of us on opposite sides.

2009-06-03, 11:40 PM
Use this thread.



2009-06-03, 11:45 PM
Intiative then!
Go ahead.

2009-06-04, 12:02 AM

The robed man lifts his arms and is suddenly transformed into a Hive Mother Beholder. He opens his one center eye, robbing you of all magic. (Use Antimagic Focus to only effect you.) He then uses Finger of Death with one eye (Free action) causing a DC 30 Save or Die. In the event of a save, take [roll0] damage. Remember that magic bonuses to your saves are not working.

Finally, I attack with a Ranged Touch Attack, To Hit [roll1] damage [roll2]. Remember magical AC bonuses don't apply.

2009-06-04, 12:09 AM
Undead, so no worries about the finger of death (flip me off will you!), and then move to the side out of your cone range, I then utter a single word, a prismatic wall imposing itself in between us.
He then does nothing, waiting.

Hold action for a anti magic ray once LOS is established, and before you look at me

2009-06-04, 12:12 AM
I'm using FOCUSED antimagic. You don't have to be IN the cone, just in range and LoS, which is everywhere in this small arena.

2009-06-04, 12:14 AM
I'm using FOCUSED antimagic. You don't have to be IN the cone, just in range and LoS, which is everywhere in this small arena.

Wow, thats brokenly gay, and you intentionally made the arena smaller for that too. That's just being unfair.

2009-06-04, 12:16 AM
OK, well, the arena that was 200X200X200 was also too small (240 range) and I didn't do it intentionally just for that. If you want, we can start over in a bigger arena, no harm done.

In any case, it isn't broken; focus can only effect 1 person at a time, so it's cone or just 1 person while the rest of the party owns me. Good at 1v1? yeah. Good at party fights? not really.

2009-06-04, 12:17 AM
Originally, the point of a small arena was so I could Powerful Charge you, and if you flew away and locked me to the ground, it wouldn't kill me.

2009-06-04, 12:20 AM
OK, well, the arena that was 200X200X200 was also too small (240 range) and I didn't do it intentionally just for that. If you want, we can start over in a bigger arena, no harm done.

In any case, it isn't broken; focus can only effect 1 person at a time, so it's cone or just 1 person while the rest of the party owns me. Good at 1v1? yeah. Good at party fights? not really.

Well, considering that I'm a caster that equivalent to saying Eff you... Death Knight only goes so far with a gish, and I require alot of magic buffs to make myself CR equivalent. That's broken as hell and you know it. Now I'm a Intiate of Mystra on top of my build I have a presistant extrodinary spell aim'd anti magic field with a star mantle cloak, I function COMPLETELY within it and no one else does. This isn't about winning Babale it's about figuring out kinks so you AREN'T uber mega broke. Hell I dropped Power attack/Leap attack simply because I one shotted a guy with it.

2009-06-04, 12:22 AM
Yes, you're right; and I'm sorry. I guess I just got scared at having you overcome EVERYTHING I threw your way the first round with minimal effort, and overdid it this time.

Please excuse me, and we can start again if you'd like.

2009-06-04, 08:18 AM
Yes, you're right; and I'm sorry. I guess I just got scared at having you overcome EVERYTHING I threw your way the first round with minimal effort, and overdid it this time.

Please excuse me, and we can start again if you'd like.

And I removed alot of that for the sake of not over shadowing people, I'm still triying to get a grasp of how people make their power levels for this, so I can be appropriately CR'd. I'm fine with losing, but losing to CHEESE isn't fun for anyone sans the user of the cheese, so yes I would like to restart.

2009-06-04, 06:10 PM
Since the ONLY way I can beat you is AMF, I won't give it up. However, I'll edit it so that even when focused, you can run out of it and be out of the area. Deal?

2009-06-04, 06:20 PM
Since the ONLY way I can beat you is AMF, I won't give it up. However, I'll edit it so that even when focused, you can run out of it and be out of the area. Deal?

Thats fine, but a arena wide AMF that prevents me from permanently casting, and being useful ever. No just no.

2009-06-04, 06:34 PM
I agree. While that may be the INTENTION of the spell, there is NO WAY it was meant to be used like so. I guess the only reason was that last game, it seemed whatever I did, I ended up with 7 saves, 3 of which were SoD.

In any case, continue this game, but edit AMF?