View Full Version : A Planet is in Danger!

2009-06-04, 06:56 PM
I have noticed a disturbing trend amongst our great fashion experts here in America and even other parts of the world. :smalleek: It appears that they have decided the great formal piece, known as the three button suit, is worthless. They have abandoned it in lieu of the two button!! Every magazine I look in, all I see is two button this, two button that, and I am sick of it! The three button was good enough for our fathers, and it is good enough for us! This atrocity has been allowed to go on for far too long already. Like a wound that has been allowed to fester with bacteria, I am now its antibiotic ointment. But alas, ointment is not effective by itself. Especially in this case where the wound is so obviously in need of attention. YOU, my fellow playgrounders, must be the band-aid in this here dire of situations! It is YOU who must spread the good word of the good suit. It is YOU who must rise to save a country, nay, a world, from a rising regime of suit tyranny. Included is a very small list of why the three button suit is much better than its two button counterpart.
1. I did not just spend upwards of $1000 (American) on a suit to show off a shirt that literally costs 10x less!
2. James Bond wore a three button
3. Three buttons are scientifically proven to make Chuck Norris quake in his boots
4. Men in three button suits ALWAYS get the girls (see reason number 2)
Now I could easily keep this list going for another several days worth of material, but I can’t save us all by myself. You must be allowed the opportunity to rise to the occasion, add to the list yourselves, and SAVE THE PLANET!!!!!

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-04, 07:21 PM
Calm down, friend. It's still very possible to wear and look suave in a three-button. Have no fear.
I actually have a Hong Kong-custom-tailored four button suit hanging in my closet. You are not alone.

2009-06-04, 07:23 PM
In Hollywood, they have have only use two buttons. I've tried, and tried, but the costumers always hand me the 2 button suit.
Just get a good 2 button suit. Save the 3 buttons when they come back in style.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-04, 07:29 PM
In Hollywood, they have have only use two buttons. I've tried, and tried, but the costumers always hand me the 2 button suit.
Just get a good 2 button suit. Save the 3 buttons when they come back in style.

I am a four-button rebel! None can stop the awesomeness that's a tailored, smooth black four-button suit!
Personally, I think 2-buttoners look horrible in most circumstances. Hardly suitlike at all, but simply a thin coat to be worn over a hoody and jeans.
Which, overall, is still inferior to an open jacket over jeans, nice shoes, and a bright shirt, all capped off with a fedora (or a trilby for the discening).

2009-06-04, 07:37 PM
Everything now is more dressed down here in Hollywood nowadays.

2009-06-04, 07:39 PM
I prefer 3 buttons. So many more combinations for leaving buttons open. Bottom undone for sitting, top undone to show a shirt, none open to look really not-casual, the list goes on and one.

2009-06-04, 07:43 PM
In Hollywood, they have have only use two buttons. I've tried, and tried, but the costumers always hand me the 2 button suit.
Just get a good 2 button suit. Save the 3 buttons when they come back in style.

Gaaaaaaaa conformist!!! *pulls out hair*

I am a four-button rebel! None can stop the awesomeness that's a tailored, smooth black four-button suit!
Personally, I think 2-buttoners look horrible in most circumstances. Hardly suitlike at all, but simply a thin coat to be worn over a hoody and jeans.
Which, overall, is still inferior to an open jacket over jeans, nice shoes, and a bright shirt, all capped off with a fedora (or a trilby for the discening).
Ahhhh a fellow rebel! Good man if I ever did see one, and I fully agree. Except on the fedora, for I myself happen to be a man of porkpies when hats are called for. Whenever I wear a fedora, of which I have several, I get the feeling that I should be wearing a zoot suit and smoking a pipe. Props to you if you can pull it off though :smallbiggrin: Here's a link to some amazing jackets to go with jeans (http://www.oliverspencer.co.uk/product/rockall-grey-portland-jacket)

2009-06-04, 07:53 PM
three-buttoner here.:smallcool:

2009-06-04, 07:57 PM
three-buttoner here.:smallcool:

You my friend deserve a prize, as do all those who three button....CHEESE for everyone!!! Wait scratch that, no cheese, which can be just as much of a prize if you don't like cheese
(cookies for all who get that reference)
But please people do work your creativity and come up with more reasons why three buttons SHOULD rule the world. It'll help when you go crusading in the streets....trust me

2009-06-04, 08:28 PM
A Planet is in Danger!
Collin's Immediate Thought Process:
"Our world is in peril! Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet!"

Mr. Mud
2009-06-04, 08:30 PM
Can anyone tell me, why men only button the top button on a suit? I never understood that... Even if I was a bit larger in the stomach area (I'm not at all...) I'd still button both. Only one makes me feel... Bleh, I don't know. I don't like it. :smalltongue:.

2009-06-04, 08:31 PM
Collin's Immediate Thought Process:
"Our world is in peril! Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet because too many people are wearing two button suits"

Fixed it for you:smallwink:

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2009-06-04, 08:32 PM
JC Penneys still has a considerable selection of 3 button suits. If you really want to find one, it's not very hard. I'm sure the Men's Warehouse has quite a collection yet as well. Just because something has become the trend or the in thing, doesn't mean it's the only style available/made.

2009-06-04, 08:43 PM
Can anyone tell me, why men only button the top button on a suit? I never understood that... Even if I was a bit larger in the stomach area (I'm not at all...) I'd still button both. Only one makes me feel... Bleh, I don't know. I don't like it. :smalltongue:.

While I am not sure if this is true the habit of doing so may have originated from the folowing, King Edward VII, “Bertie”, son of Victoria (1841 – 1910, King 1901 - 1910) was so heavy that he could not get the bottom button fastened on his vest or to be more historically kind, maybe he just forgot. His subjects taking it as a fashion statement followed his lead and today most men’s suits, sports jackets or vests are not designed to button the bottom button.

The tradition of not buttoning the bottom button may have also come from the early waistcoats, which were very long. It may have been out of necessity of being able to walk that the bottom buttons were left undone.

Really no one knows, why it started, but today we do so because the suits are designed to be worn without the last button buttoned. The reason is that suits are designed that, when buttoned, to form an X. If you button the lowest button you get a misshapen suit. That is also why, when the top button is buttoned on a three button of a cheaper make, the suit can look horrible.......button

2009-06-04, 08:47 PM
Mine has ONE button!:smalltongue:

2009-06-04, 08:49 PM
Mine has ONE button!:smalltongue:

You, good sir, must be a gnome.

2009-06-04, 08:50 PM
The suit I wore for Prom had some buttons, but they weren't meant to be fastened at all, for some strange reason. I guess, to show off the vest?

2009-06-04, 08:58 PM
The suit I wore for Prom had some buttons, but they weren't meant to be fastened at all, for some strange reason. I guess, to show off the vest?

If it is prom and you rented I am going to assume it was a tux and not a suit. In which case the only tux with decorative buttons that I can think of off the top of my head are the most formal of the formal.....the kind with tails!!! Which also happens to be fairly unpopular culturally right now:smallcool:

2009-06-04, 09:08 PM
I prefer double-breasted suites myself. I like the way they fit on me, I feel more like I’m snazzed up for fancy dress when I’m in one.

2009-06-04, 09:12 PM
I prefer double-breasted suites myself. I like the way they fit on me, I feel more like I’m snazzed up for fancy dress when I’m in one.

Oooooooooooo how many buttons?

Em Blackleaf
2009-06-04, 09:29 PM
Calm down, friend. It's still very possible to wear and look suave in a three-button. Have no fear.
I actually have a Hong Kong-custom-tailored four button suit hanging in my closet. You are not alone.
Now that's just mad. :smalleek: :smalltongue:

I don't wear suits, so I wouldn't know about this crisis. But I have a cardigan with like, six buttons. :O
Okay, I'll leave now. :smalltongue:

2009-06-04, 10:24 PM
Oooooooooooo how many buttons?

Six buttons, call me krazy

2009-06-04, 10:44 PM
Oh yeah? Well, my suit is made entirely of buttons!

That's nine hundred buttons, man!

Now I just have to wait for it to come back into style...

2009-06-04, 10:53 PM
I got a coat with a lot of buttons. How many is that?
Over nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaand!

Jack Squat
2009-06-04, 10:56 PM
My only real (not my pin-striped 3 piece I found for a gangster costume) suit is a 3 button. I've worn it 3 times in the past 2 years, so it's not like I'm worried about if it's fashionable.

Also, from what I understand, because Men's formal wear really doesn't change much, they swap out two and three buttons every few years just to make people buy more suits.

2009-06-04, 11:11 PM
Also, from what I understand, because Men's formal wear really doesn't change much, they swap out two and three buttons every few years just to make people buy more suits.
Gaaaaaaaa!!!!! I'm sorry but mind shattering revelations are better left to the mindless....so take your nifty little quips and go play with the zombies.

Jack Squat
2009-06-04, 11:13 PM
Gaaaaaaaa!!!!! I'm sorry but mind shattering revelations are better left to the mindless....so take your nifty little quips and go play with the zombies.

But then the zombies won't look snazzy in new, fashionable suits.

And lets face it, they need all the snazzying up they can get.

2009-06-04, 11:32 PM
I prefer a lack of buttons. And a lack of suits. And occasionally a lack of pants.

Jack Squat
2009-06-04, 11:39 PM
Just actually read through the thread and saw this

Can anyone tell me, why men only button the top button on a suit? I never understood that... Even if I was a bit larger in the stomach area (I'm not at all...) I'd still button both. Only one makes me feel... Bleh, I don't know. I don't like it. :smalltongue:.

It's because it's more comfortable to sit when the bottom one is unbuttoned. I've also had the threads holding buttons on stretched out because of sitting/standing, so I'd imagine it helps from that as well.

2009-06-05, 12:04 AM
I kinda like two button suits...of course that could be because I'm 16 and haven't had much opportunity for a variety of suits. But the two button that I have is really comfortable and nice looking, while the three button is kinda scratchy.

2009-06-05, 01:04 AM
I would just like to say.... No offense dudez, but they're clothes.
I'll say it again. No offense dudez, but they're clothes.

I don't think I'll ever understand why people care about what they wear. I mean, sure it's cool to wear a suit, but does the difference between one button really matter?

I might just be weird though.

2009-06-05, 05:53 AM
Oh yeah? Well, my suit is made entirely of buttons!

That's nine hundred buttons, man!

Now I just have to wait for it to come back into style...

I'm totally going to go and buy an old jacket and sew buttons all over it now. And it will be awesome.

I have to say though, 3 buttons is good, but I prefer double-breasted suits as well, though I don't own any. I think I have a double-breasted waistcoat hanging around somewhere, actually...

2009-06-05, 06:22 AM
3 buttoned all the way.Aye,we must spread the world,and terminate the reign of the 2 buttoned shirt!!!!

2009-06-05, 06:25 AM
Pfft. We all know the only person in existence who looks good in a suit is Neil Patrick Harris. Outside of that, you're all just foolish.

Don't kill me.


2009-06-05, 09:47 AM
I would just like to say.... No offense dudez, but they're clothes.
I'll say it again. No offense dudez, but they're clothes.

I don't think I'll ever understand why people care about what they wear. I mean, sure it's cool to wear a suit, but does the difference between one button really matter?

I might just be weird though.
HEATHEN!!! You shall be destroyed along with the rest of the two button conformists!

Pfft. We all know the only person in existence who looks good in a suit is Neil Patrick Harris. Outside of that, you're all just foolish.

Don't kill me.


*ahem* (http://men.style.com/gq/features/landing?id=content_5907)

2009-06-05, 09:57 AM
...And here I thought there was only the one rule regardless of the number of buttons on the suit-coat. (that is, the only button ever used is the top button...

or maybe it's that the bottom button is never buttoned... great....x.x)

....I think I have a mix of two and three button sport coats, and two suits (neither of which I could be arsed to look through the closet enough to identify them out of the other sport coats I have...yeah... shows how often I wear one :smallsigh:), which I believe are three-buttoned due to being a bit... old-fashioned/older/having been obtained from an estate sale. <_< >_>

My most formal of coats goes with my kilt and only has one button... :smallcool: And it's square. And vanadium. and can pierce skin if care is not taken. :smalleek:

Though I must admit it does feel fun to wear a suit from time to time to look snazzy, even if it's only reasonably as opposed to well tailored/fitted. I imagine the minimum requirement for tailoring/fit goes up as one grows older since I haven't worn a suit since I was a teenager... *sniff* how I miss those days of relative innocence. Or at least people didn't assume I was automatically evil quite so much... :smallconfused:

2009-06-05, 09:58 AM
One rule to rule them all?

2009-06-05, 10:01 AM
I wear my jackets open. I prefer the two button style for that purpose as it tends to weigh the look down less.

2009-06-05, 10:03 AM
I wear my jackets open. I prefer the two button style for that purpose as it tends to weigh the look down less.

How tailored?

2009-06-05, 10:06 AM
I have a couple of ones tailored for my dad when he was around my age. He had the same build, height/weight as me. They fit really well.

2009-06-05, 10:10 AM
I would have to agree that for coats that are going to be worn open a two-button approach is usually/probably superior due to not looking quite so strange... For the same reason that a double-breasted coat would just look bizarre to not have closed.

My only real (not my pin-striped 3 piece I found for a gangster costume) suit is a 3 button. I've worn it 3 times in the past 2 years, so it's not like I'm worried about if it's fashionable.

Also, from what I understand, because Men's formal wear really doesn't change much, they swap out two and three buttons every few years just to make people buy more suits.

Additionally, from what I understand... it's only going to be a very, very limited number of places/situations/people that care about the style of the suit to that extent. Like, MAYBE male celebrities might have their choice of suit commented upon despite it not being horribly outlandish. In some bizarro universe where they can take their eyes off of either fapping to or crucifying the women.

Hardly suitlike at all, but simply a thin coat to be worn over a hoody and jeans.
The idea of anything even remotely based off of a formal to semi-formal coat being worn over a hoody boggles my mind and offends my sensibilities.

2009-06-05, 10:10 AM
I love old suits!! The body taper is good? Usually when the Body taper isn't perfect it is really accented with an unbuttoned jacket. What cloth is it made out of?

2009-06-05, 11:03 AM
I feel that fewer buttons work better for people with wider girths. That said, 4 buttons is also ridiculous. Choose between 2 and 3 depending on your size.